Description:This book is for the career developer who wants to take his or her skill set and/or project to the next level. If you are a professional software developer with 3–4 years of experience looking to bring a higher level of discipline to your project, or to learn the skills that will help you transition from software engineer to technical lead, then this book is for you.The topics covered in this book will help you focus on delivering software at a higher quality and lower cost. The book is about practical techniques and practices that will help you and your team realize those goals.This book is for the developer understands that the business of software is, first and foremost, business. Writing code is fun, but writing high-quality code on time and at the lowest possible cost is what makes a software project successful. A team lead or architect who wants to succeed must keep that in mind.Эта книга-для карьеры разработчика, который хочет улучшить свои навыки создания или проектирования и свои знания перевести на новый уровень. Если вы профессиональный разработчик программного обеспечения с 3-4 летним опытом ищет, чтобы принести более высокий уровень дисциплины в ваш проект, или, чтобы изучить навыки, которые помогут вам переход от инженера до технического руководителя, тогда эта книга для вас.