PL 24^2 CONFUCIUS. Photogravurefrom an old Chineseprint. This picture of Confucius, surrounded byallegorical symbols, is taken from a Chineselithographofgreatantiquity. The personal appearance ofConfuciusisa matterofdispute, but theaccompanying picture is the one commonly acceptedin Chinatobebisbestlikeness. M mxM^^i><^'y)('('^ii('y^('yy('yi^'^'^^'(''>^'<^^i^^^^^^^ gOOOOOOOtxxxxxxxx,TTTmrnyyinnrrmriTtri-gjflrrx-rirT-rrrT»«ri-rT^«'cir»»Tit»ir»««-«irir»iii CHINESE LITERATURE THE ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS THE SHI-KING THE SAYINGS OF MENCIUS THE SORROWS OF HAN AND THE TRAVELS OF FA-HIEN WITH CRITICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BY EPIPHANIUS WILSON, A.M. REVISED EDITION THE l/aONDON.M^^^JVr fieN^EWY^ORmK-^] ^H^ Copyright, 1900, By the colonial PRESS.