CAUSES AND MANAGEMENT OF EPISTAXIS 1 VASCULAR ANATOMY 2 LITTLE’S AREA Anteroinferior part of nasal septum. Four arteries – anterior ethmoidal, septal branch of superior labial, septal branch of sphenopalatine & greater palatine – Kiesselbach’s plexus 3 4 Retrocolumellar vein- vertically downwards just behind columella, crosses the floor of nose, joins venous plexus on the lateral nasal wall 5 WOODRUFF’S PLEXUS UNDER POSTERIOR END OF INFERIOR TURBINATE. SPHENOPALATINE ARTERY ANASTAMOSES WITH POSTERIOR PHARYNGEAL ARTERY. 6 CAUSES LOCAL Infective–rhinitis, sinusitis, diphtheria, rhinosporidiosis, tuberculosis, syphillis. Inflammatory –atrophic rhinitis Trauma –finger nail, injuries, surgeries. Foreign bodies –non living & living. 7 Neoplastic– haemangioma, papilloma, carcinoma or sarcoma. DNS & septal spur. High altitude Nasopharynx–adenoids, juvenile angiofibroma, tumors 8 SYSTEMIC BLEEDING DISORDERS COAGULOPATHIES – haemophilia, christmas desease, , Vit K deficiency, Liver desease PLATELET DISORDERS Thrombocytopenia Platelet dysfunction – BLOOD VESSEL DISORDER scurvy, heriditory haemorrhagic telangectasia 9 CONTD. . - Cardiovascular Hypertension, mitral stenosis, arteriosclerosis - DRUGS salicylates, anticoagulant therapy . Mediastinal compression IDIOPATHIC 10