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Case 3013. Helix draparnaudi Beck, 1837 (currently Oxychilus draparnaudi; Mollusca, Gastropoda): proposed conservation of the specific name PDF

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Preview Case 3013. Helix draparnaudi Beck, 1837 (currently Oxychilus draparnaudi; Mollusca, Gastropoda): proposed conservation of the specific name

148 BulletinofZoological Nomenclature 54(3)September 1997 Case 3013 Helix draparnaudi Beck, 1837 (currently Oxychilus draparnaudi; Mollusca, Gastropoda): proposed conservation of the specific name G. Manganelli & F. Giusti Dipcirtimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Universita di Siena, Via Mattioli 4, [-53W0 Siena. Italy Abstract.The purpose of this appUcation is to conserve the specific name of Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837), a common and widely distributed European land snail (family zonitidae). The name (with spelling 'corrected' from the original draparmddi)was placed on theOfficial List ofSpecificNames in Opinion 336 (1955), but the original combination is there given wrongly as Helicella draparnaudi. In the actual combination with Helix. Beck's name is a junior primary homonym of H. draparnaudiSheppard, 1823 and(in itsoriginal spelling)of//, draparnaldiCuvier, 1816. Sheppard's name is a doubtful and disused synonym in the water snail family PLANORBIDAE while Cuvier's is a junior objective synonym of Phenacolimax major (Ferussac, 1807); the suppression ofboth these names is proposed. Keywords. Nomenclature; taxonomy; Gastropoda; zonitidae; Oxychilus draparnaudi. 1. Beck (1837, p. 6) introduced the nominal species Helix (Helicella) Draparnaldi. Thespecificnamewasbasedonthatofthe French naturalistJ.P.R. Draparnaudand its long established emendation to draparnaudi was accepted in Opinion 336 (1955; seepoint 9 ofpara. 10) as thecorrect [under the then current rules] original spelling; although the change would not be valid under the present Code (Article 57f) the rulingintheOpinionstillstands.Thespeciesisnowknownas Oxychilusdraparnaudi. 2. Beck's species was divided into two parts: — 'a. gallica.—Drp. VIII, 23-5. Gall. //. nilida. Drp. sec. Michaud! H. cellaria Fer!' 'b. italica H. cellariavar. Rossm. Rossm.22*. Ital. bor.'.Theterms'gallica'and Ulalica' refer to regional variants of Beck's //. draparnaudi concept and neither has been made available as a subspecific name. Although no description of H. draparnaudi was published in 1837 the two indications make the name available; pi. 8, figs. 23-25 ofDraparnaud (1805) showed so-called "Helix nilida' (see para. 3 below), and pi. 1, fig. 22* of Rossmiissler (1835) depicted a variety of H. cellaria Miiller, 1774 (now Oxychilus cellarius). Beck published a description of H. draparnaldi [sic] in 1838 on p. 7 ofhis appendix entitled Specierum novarum. 3. The identity of//, nilida sensu Draparnaud (1805) caused inuch confusion (see Taylor, 1907) until Moquin-Tandon ([1856]) realised the correct situation. This is because themeanings ofthisnameandof//, hicidawereexchanged in Draparnaud's books of 1801 and 1805; thus H. nitida sensu 1805 (p. 117, no. 54) [= Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837)] is the //. haida of 1801 (p. 96, no. 46), and vice versa. In Bulletin ofZoological Nomenclature 54(3) September 1997 149 1801 (p. 96, no. 47) Draparnaud had used H. nitida in the correct sense, that of Miiller (1774); this Holarctic species is now known as Zonitoides nitidus (Muller, 1774) and is the type species oiZonitoides Lehmann, 1862. 4. Following the clarification by Moquin-Tandon {[1856]) of the synonymy between Helix liicida Draparnaud, 1801, '//. nitida Draparnaud, 1805 and H. draparnciudi Beck, 1837 the name H. hicida became that most commonly used for thetaxon. Kennard&Woodward(1926a.p. 173: 1926b, p. 39)realized that H. lucida Draparnaud. 1801 is ajunior primary homonym of//, lucida Pulteney, 1799 (p. 47), a name which is indeterminate and not in use (see Kennard & Woodward, 1926b, p. 39). Because of this homonymy Kennard & Woodward adopted Beck's specific name draparnaiidi; the usage oflucida Draparnaud, 1801 nevertheless continued for some time. 5. Ellis (1951) submitted an application to the Commission for the placement of 124 mollusc specific names on the Official List. One ofthe names submitted by Ellis was draparnaiidi Beck, 1837, and together with 121 others it was placed on the List in Opinion 336 (1955). However, that Opinion (and consequently the Official Lists published in consolidated form in 1987: see p. 223) contains an error, since draparnciudiis shown as havingbeen published in the binomen Helicelladraparnciudi whereasitwasactuallypublishedincombination with Helix(seepara. 7below). This error has consequences, since Helix draparnciudi Beck. 1837 is a junior primary homonym of H. drciparnaudi Sheppard, 1823 (p. 158), and in its original form draparnaldi [para. 1 above] ofH. draparnaldiCuvier, 1816 (p. 405, footnote 5). The names H. (Cochlodina) draparnuudi Ferussac, 1821 and //. draparnaldi De Serres, 1827 also exist but are nomina nuda. 6. H. draparnaldiCuvier, 1816wasa replacement name for Vitrinapellucida sensu Draparnaud (1805, pi. 8. figs. 34-37) non Muller, 1774 (see Forcart, 1946, p. 652), and as such it is a junior objective synonym of the earlier replacement name HelicolimaxmajorA. Ferussac inJ. Ferussac, 1807(p.43), nowPhenacolimaxmajor. This Ferussac name was among those placed on the Official List in Opinion 336 together with draparnciudi Beck. Sheppard (1823, p. 158) described a species Helix draparnuudi on the basis oftwo specimens collected from a mill-pond at Holbrook, Suffolk, England. Thedescriptiondoesnotenablecertainidentificationandtherehas been doubt as to theidentity ofSheppard's nominal species (Kennard & Woodward, 1926a, b: Germain, 1931). Jeffreys (1830, p. 386) placed it in Planorhis and Gray (1840) treated Sheppard's name asa synonym ofP. marginatus (Draparnaud, 1805), now considered the same as P. planorhis (Linnaeus, 1758). Moquin-Tandon ([1856], p. 428) regarded it as ajunior synonym ofHelix complanata Linnaeus, 1758 but he misidentified the latter name and was using it in the taxonomic sense ofP. planorhis. Sheppard's specific name has not been applied as valid to any taxon since Germain (1922, p. 109)used itinacatalogueas Planorhisdraparnuudi, althoughcitingJeffreys (1830) as the author. 7. In 1837 Beck (p. 6) published his name Draparnuldi in the form '//. Draparnaldi'. Although here the initial //. stood for Helicella, at the top ofthe page Helicella was given as a subgenus of Helix, and other subgenera (e.g. Helix (Mesomphix)) were treated in the same way. Kennard & Woodward (1926a, p. 40) said that 'with Beck, however, subgenera were the equivalent ofthe genera ofother authors', but this is merely a taxonomic view and Beck's name is ajunior primary 150 BulletinofZoological Nomenclature 54(3)September 1997 homonym of Sheppard's (and, as at first spelled, of Cuvier's), since subgeneric placement is irrelevant under Article 57d ofthe Code. 8. The specific name of Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837) is well-known and is extensively and consistently used to denote a common and widespread species. It appears in important faunal reports, handbooks and guides (a list of24 ofthese has been given to the Commission Secretariat), and also in hundreds ofspecialist papers devoted to faunistics. taxonomy and ecology of land snails. It would be entirely wrong to change the name on the grounds that it was ajuniorprimary homonym of the indeterminate and disused planorbid name HelixdraparnaudiSheppard, 1823 or of H. draparnaldi Cuvier, 1816, ajunior objective synonym ofPhenacolimax major (Ferussac, 1807). We propose that Beck's name be unambiguously conserved. 9. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature is accordingly asked: (1) to use its plenary powers to suppress the following specific names for the purposes ofboth the Principle ofPriority and the Principle ofHomonymy: (a) draparnaldi Cuvier. 1816, as published in the binomen Helix draparnaldi; (h) draparnaudi Sheppard, 1823, as published in the binomen Helix draparnaudi, and all other uses ofthe names draparnaldi and draparnaudi published in combination with Helix before the publication of Helix draparnaldi Beck, 1837 (corrected in Opinion 336 to H. draparnaudi); (1) tocorrecttheentries forthe namesdraparnaudianddraparnaldiBeck, 1837 on the Ofiicial List and the Official Index ofSpecific Names in Zoology to record the fact that the original generic combination was with Helix and not with Helicella; (3) to place on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology the following names: (a) draparnaldi Cuvier, 1816, as published in the binomen Helix draparnaldi and as suppressed in (l)(a) above; (h)draparnaudi Sheppard, 1823, as published in the binomen Helix draparnaudi and as suppressed in (l)(b) above. References Beck, H. 1837-1838. Indexmolluscorumpraesenlisaevimuseiprincipisaugustissimi Christiani Frederici. (Pp. 1-100. 1837; pp. 101-124 and appendi.x (8 pp.), 1838). Hafniae. Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1816. Le regne animal di.strihue d'apres son organisation ... Vol. 2. xviii. 532 pp. Paris. Draparnaud,J.P.R. 1801. Tableaudesmollusques lerreslrese!fluvialilesdela France. 116 pp. Montpellier and Paris. Draparnaud,J.P.R. 1805. HistoirenalurelledesrnollusqueslerreslreselfluvialilesdelaFrance. [12], viii, 164 pp., 13 pis. Montpellier& Paris. Ellis,A.E. 1951. ProposedadditiontotheOfficial List ofSpecificTrivialNamesinZoologyof the names ofcertain non-marine species in the Phylum Mollusca. Bulletin ofZoological Nomenclature, 1: 125-128. Ferussac, A.E.J.P.J.F.d'A. de. 1807. Essai dime melhode Conchyliologique applique aux mollusquesfluvialiles el lerreslres ... Nouvelle edition ... xvi, 142 pp. Paris. Forcart, L. 1946. Monographicderschweizerischen Vitrinidae (Moll. Pulm.). Revue Suissede Zoologie. 51: 629-678, Germain, L. 1922. Catalogue ofthe Planortiidac oflite Indian Museum (Natural History) of Calcutta, fasc. 2 (pp. 81-l'28). Bulletin ofZoological Nomenclalure 54(3) September 1997 151 Germain, L. 1931. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles. Deuxieme partie. Faune de France, vol. 22. xiv, 418 pp., 11 pis. Paris. Gray,J.E. 1840. //;Turton,W.,AmanualofthelandandfreshwatershellsoftheBritishIslands ... revisedandmuch enlargedbyJohn EdwardGray, ix, 324 pp., 12 pis. London. Jeffreys,J.G. 1830. AsynopsisofthetestaceouspneumobranchousmolluscaofGreatBritain. Transactions ofthe Linnean Society ofLondon. 16: 323-392. Kennard,A.S.& Woodward,B.B. 1926a. 5i7;om7)n'oftheBritishnon-marinemollusca.447pp. London. Kennard, A.S. & Woodward, B.B. 1926b. Nomenclatural notes relatingto British non-marine mollusca. IV. Proceedings ofthe MalacologicalSocietyofLondon. 19: 39^1. Moquin-Tandon,A.[1856]. Histoirenaturelledesmollusquesnaiurellesterrestresetfluviatilesde la France.... vol. 2. 646 pp. Bailliere. Paris. Pulteney, R. 1799. Catalogues of the birds, shells, and some of the more rare plants of Dorsetshire. From theiww... edition ofHutchins'shistory ofthat county. 92 pp. London. Rossmassler, E.A. 1835. Iconographie der Laud- tmd Siisswasser-Mollusken. mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigmtgdereuropdischennochnichtabgebildelen Arten. vol. 1. vi, 132 pp., 5 pis. Arnold, Dresden and Leipzig. Sheppard,R. 1823. DescriptionofsevennewBritishfresh-watershells,withobservationsupon many other species. Transactions ofthe Linnean SocietyofLondon. 14: 148-170. Taylor, J.W. 1907. Monograph of the land and freshwater mollusca of the British Isles, vol. 3(13-14), pp. 17-64.

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