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1 2,1 H 1,01 3 1,0 Li 6,94 11 0,9 Na 23,0 19 0,8 K 39,1 37 0,8 Rb 85,5 55 0,7 Cs 132,9 87 0,7 Fr (223) 4 1,5 Be 9,01 12 1,2 Mg 24,3 20 1,0 Ca 40,1 38 1,0 Sr 87,6 56 0,9 Ba 137,3 88 0,9 Ra 226,0 21 1,3 Sc 45,0 39 1,2 Y 88,9 57-71 La-Lu Lanthanides 89-103 Ac-Lr Actinides 22 1,5 Ti 47,9 40 1,4 Zr 91,2 72 1,6 Hf 178,5 104 Rf (261) 23 1,6 V 50,9 41 1,6 Nb 92,9 73 1,5 Ta 180,9 105 Db (262) 24 1,6 Cr 52,0 42 1,8 Mo 95,9 74 2,4 W 183,8 106 Sg (263) 25 1,5 Mn 54,9 43 1,9 Tc (98) 75 1,9 Re 186,2 107 Bh (262) 26 1,8 Fe 55,8 44 2,2 Ru 101,1 76 2,2 Os 190,2 108 Hs (265) 27 1,8 Co 58,9 45 2,2 Rh 102,9 77 2,2 Ir 192,2 109 Mt (266) 28 1,8 Ni 58,7 46 2,2 Pd 106,4 78 2,2 Pt 195,1 110 Ds (269) 29 1,9 Cu 63,5 47 1,9 Ag 107,9 79 2,5 Au 197,0 111 Rg (272) 30 1,6 Zn 65,4 48 1,7 Cd 112,4 80 2,0 Hg 200,6 112 Cn (277) 31 1,6 Ga 69,7 13 1,5 Al 27,0 5 2,0 B 10,8 49 1,7 In 114,8 81 1,6 Tl 204,4 113 Uut (284) 6 2,5 C 12,0 14 1,8 Si 28,1 32 1,8 Ge 72,6 50 1,8 Sn 118,7 82 1,8 Pb 207,2 114 Uuq (289) 7 3,0 N 14,0 15 2,1 P 31,0 33 2,0 As 74,9 51 1,9 Sb 121,8 83 1,9 Bi 209,0 115 Uup (288) 8 3,5 O 16,0 16 2,5 S 32,1 34 2,4 Se 79,0 52 2,1 Te 127,6 84 2,0 Po (209) 116 Uuh (293) 9 4,0 F 19,0 17 3,0 Cl 35,45 35 2,8 Br 79,9 53 2,5 I 126,9 85 2,5 At (210) 117 Uus (282) 10 Ne 20,2 2 He 4,00 18 Ar 39,9 36 Kr 83,8 54 Xe 131,3 86 Rn (222) 118 Uuo (282) 1 IA 2 IIA 3 IIIB 4 IVB 5 VB 6 VIB 7 VIIB 8 VII 9 VII 10 VII 11 IB 12 IIB 13 IIIA 14 IVA 15 VA 16 VIA 17 VIIA 18 0 57 1,1 La 138,9 58 1,1 Ce 140,1 59 1,1 Pr 140,9 60 1,1 Nd 144,2 61 Pm (145) 62 1,1 Sm 150,4 63 Eu 152,0 64 1,2 Gd 157,3 65 Tb 158,9 66 1,2 Dy 162,5 67 1,2 Ho 164,9 68 1,2 Er 167,3 69 1,3 Tm 168,9 70 Yb 173,0 71 1,3 Lu 175,0 89 1,1 Ac 227,0 90 1,3 Th 232,0 91 1,5 Pa 231,0 92 1,4 U 238,0 93 1,3 Np 237,0 94 1,3 Pu (244) 95 1,3 Am (243) 96 1,3 Cm (247) 97 1,3 Bk (247) 98 1,3 Cf (251) 99 1,3 Es (252) 100 1,3 Fm (257) 101 1,3 Md (258) 102 1,3 No (258) 103 Lr (260) Transition Metal Metal Metalloid Non-metal Noble Gas Lanthanide Actinide Periodic Table of the Elements No EN Element AMU EVERYTHING SCIENCE GRADE 11 PHYSICAL SCIENCES VERSION 1 CAPS WRITTEN BY VOLUNTEERS COPYRIGHT NOTICE You are allowed and encouraged to copy any of the Everything Maths and Everything Science textbooks. You can legally photocopy any page or even the entire book. You can download it from www.everythingmaths.co.za and www.everythingscience.co.za, read it on your phone, tablet, iPad, or computer. You can burn it to CD, put on your flash drive, e-mail it around or upload it to your website. The only restriction is that you have to keep this book, its cover, title, contents and short-codes unchanged. This book was derived from the original Free High School Science Texts written by volunteer academics, educators and industry professionals. Everything Maths and Everything Science are trademarks of Siyavula Education. For more information about the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0) license see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/ Your freedom to legally copy this book AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Siyavula Education is a social enterprise launched in 2012 with capital and support from the PSG Group Limited and the Shuttleworth Foundation. The Everything Maths and Science series is one of the titles developed and openly released by Siyavula. For more information about the writing and distribution of these or other openly licensed titles: www.siyavula.com

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