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BSTJ 40: 5. September 1961: A Nonlinear Integral Equation from the Theory of Servomechanisms. (Benes, V.E.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 5. September 1961: A Nonlinear Integral Equation from the Theory of Servomechanisms. (Benes, V.E.)

A Nonlinear Integral Equation from the Theory of Servomechanisms By VE. BENES (Atom ebro Meo 3, May ‘he equation 2) — 0) — BAFLAAM, whereof) Ho given signet, Cj sem nusiione uortion, KL) the tocpane af @ Fear myst, ant ‘detox cnralis, seis a enerat elas ef teseomeehenons. op ice of a abtion } be ont by fig fod pot iperiie taf jue apn vig Sats hear A grea lt of soln erwncaane ea by te wn wo [ema e, ce ere, Pov a eon eatin 11 pet Pea haere extn un dR) he ter tion eoresponding to k=) Wessenrse et FC} attisies the ifort Lipschite ss that #10} = 0, \ else meth for stoning aonlneaeaervomenbanims ike that of Fig iso specify extetiy he nonlieae element #1), to secu tht Ine mespunse Mis te Cea neion of a dierent opera of lot de, tl to use somes phase-pane analy Tae mth hes two onieal isudvuagss i lake gererlity, so, whe pple, nde inv not formatin, hon is need; seni provides elaed Kone alsst a tetrieted ele of ere 1s ths pr all ar stand that ae the opposite carats. ics it polos tll som! ef ighly evar fseemacien bout & 100. mn ene prem meeHEst TOMKAL, REMEADEHE EL lang eso ease, We sll esenpi’y the nso af Scher fsed point “han fot spn olatiea= =} of [thaws ying oithes or PU} ir tail Ne staltivh dednize openies of ai by Hiding & “aod pint (oom hn elation of the veto} th x. epee tet ofp fmcien ogee Sie the fei quetiea the et ean be ches th many tors, eppcling fa pare oh what prapertion of 2(+ are of terest sul aetTl ass bard Zor «wie els f probs, ‘The theory nthe sql fs therefore resrieted tw sample results for the funtion spew ff suaieentexrble Fein, gad i to be regarded ful as eure eannple ofthe rethod described above In mang sitios iis desirale that the convolution term [ec = FEW) d foto she spat sgrl st). °NHecer in shit approximation see «+1 itis Tis shew reexotie ln srk the space dy of se, ear incest tunetioin iy facta of Hite enon Accor, We tobe tel {ned oo) ane Ley at fe suk to ed ch egy soi co wT Now the hictivns of fz camiot gesme wales apprevialy diferent Iron aera ens srt of enbitsasy lage ene Hewre the may bo ceed Piysiealy ae lwo. Hy tetreane ao} sae the elaine a=) 20 Ly treme therfone dying ths renee of they of Bg. ta oan pls of finite enon We sul fr sural neve fo Badge Fwy mac of the enney of) Tse nulaide a given tine terse "he norm sera | nett denote the sire rok ef te energy ff ftotion Ma feof) ind el - (fC ow ta), su sequence of fein -} Of salto covery ta wfc tion tte} i Fecin fr — x [pends wero with remarg M6. 2(.) fa fsnetion of Fe le Toto) forsee Sunuunuane isvmanin Beto Bu aos ele = CL Speen dings of eevomeshaaon, ‘teote its Fourier ceusfornsfor8(-) © fa, we eve Ee pec os Thiet = Keel “The operon 1m Le dined by the condition moc) = [0 aRCaGe tu hermes KC tion of Le it Sol em Fou 21) C Ly the Lisweisr option on #-) yi [Fe 2 alls yso that Pst) = Ly Te iow iow sul a se onvolutint ef two by luelines lange a gs Men fff Als, ty the Paes isons s bout , ste elt = [ria #9) — TP wp Kiet PPh — Fa IF Rerthe op hic eos that Hf ination ‘Now lot wt) vem unscmgalive futon of ky, ad Ite the sera =) ind ote th (2) Swit, slot everywhere, fey evwnot 25 slowed and conver. 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