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BSTJ 30: 2. April 1951: An Improved Telephone Set. (Inglis, A.H.; Tuffnell, W.L.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 2. April 1951: An Improved Telephone Set. (Inglis, A.H.; Tuffnell, W.L.)

‘An Improved Telephone Set Ay aman alec ne tase dee and fp (fev tear Ts paper neh Mad Adee a tah a HE Bell Spates wow iteoducng 9 sow sad iproved connor bate tory teephone set, Intended to susplement the present wellknown comin set rt itreduce in 19ST" vew a she estabshed merits of theoreti sneting 2H oe el renin repmesin in thee sel which jily Heel al xe 6 Shag, to dius seme of te facsors nduencing fs itandulien at he reser tine, oer et Gel and ie cae, icone preening with thi, its parent ty eine wha sme yam ingrovene, what sar of changes come ander shit herding, and hat tears re weilble for epprasing thers, In vhe Dell System tae anewees Ves theae print aed or cin fara se Gl fxpeiore using the eect on sevice ae 8 major exitsrcs estas zon Sexveer TImproventats may be dase! wader two gearal Leadugs Fit, there sve changes foto abs Sn techie characterises which Aapeove he ‘tly ofthe servos an increase che stisfcton of the aubseier; the new Alsen may le more soca i appears, anor al sre coveniont to tonite nad ile ad prove easier aid ee wstural Gaver than wth em fl So actor, lever, waka they ae Chee sel, esol be conidoed apuet fos the sed inpottnt Kad of i orovenent, which ie cost reetion, An inirevement, Melty, should oer possblity both of beter serie anf lawes tot Velnermore anew set nay have imspved features bt in alin, mst oral he exsnt fervie facilis tbat are caren slene nl wort ih he exiting oer ‘ing conitions ofthe plant noth them This wet of objective poses insportantpreblens of design entinated ‘ith emmy which equte far a racoeal thon the Keel, of fd fesmeork sich sti provided iy che hee comeation even over 2» 2g om waar vena sremoncae soe, Ava 1981 the yous arg the operating, development snd marofialarng enaniza- “an Smportant ae ofthe development of the new eho set as hoe he contution sade by the Western Bleire Compsay. Many of the rs ar the developmest modes were made Uy he Western =) that te Sis ose a he mavfatarng Plant eoulé be Brought fo bene ‘atthe projects atthe ears rasble date Ava est of this ectvity on Westants prt, aay changss in design important iu lege sale a0 Seture mere intocacod ths selene sage 0 that ater tooling for muction aul soceed with direrinee el wsonrane. During the couse tlhe development ofthe verass components aa ase of these into a et joint ses the Wester espera and the Laboratories were mle to bing about sit wnld nol wnlysntet the basis objectives bat that would els be ali or ge nee mnaferture a the aver pile ho he ik the laboratory, an! the factory comes koowtege af service nel sysssuatis asin fs toboiel ocd of secures ated ma {ells version, and prodetion sel. Th were w! kuowlege is rd vail 'ajoes doeply to prackee a ne epee wir ea ally atin the severe seats ioe "vo error st be read c parm slr sigaieacs and worth imgeowermt, awl can be prodssbly taped nly a tis hae cera. thew proces wore delved come pees Hho eae “Towant ths ex of Lat sine cosipsson of cebnieal posiie ll serie ren one primi af waithwiie aecorpbstrent with ome im Sprteat provi: the casge OU Bae To "e cxnp wel ncepaced and fonecevsl ta anil sbucluse Each component won “hes Be svsidered fn yen is merits nrg to the vera rel The development as vevasen on this base end ie fusion is vbond in Cie values Droste wal suntan she SO wt, This ve ein eovet revert, an in peaks Irenly the new aet provides improved minis) performance in all fusetins:tsnemneson, ning al rpg, TU cmaetile with existing nt petetig comitons, reds Laver codes to prove the sie spe of Psat snd commercial, asf aa eperence go fe ete Ine, in lebortony fest stl as Fel eoquites lee mintensnce efor. "These perinnsance aévantagt ate socopanied by better appearance sa hy adda genera! corseninaoe sal ease of use tothe subecrber, ‘These ar arg rams, ati sly reasonable to sk how they can be substantiated and evutuslnd at auch aa ently sage of etal experience {ith th at The arawer cn be van with eonsilerable confidence became eames, couse spp, as evolved continual improved stack ‘on such probles at all stages. A thorongh knowledge ofthe ld necs, @ ‘rrumiingteshnial Kew of piel peers, male a fread thee aici indesign al pret, a an Femeegy Compschensve gnsp of mexsurement techy, ged systematically by ‘areaton with ets on peeformatce inthe Tad o he i, pri {sift fe is tens By no means theless import factor ia the reali hat of meaeure= iver init bral aert, rus al eigen oetoe aa ior of design in terns of rain cero, Meraoos or Evans ‘The lavention of Le vacuums tebe yave qveet ips te aisle pliysteal meseurenot in all phasis of the telephone si, a puted ut i ‘WIL Martin etic fn hi fen ofthe Touran Ang wit hi. devel vest and explication of stetitie! sad sans ing chery ead analysis an oninuig ue of the soc es pychophy sel feats big ew at Go ae edtoal Bel Sper: habit of reversing the hareanéactcr—lave po ‘ile iccesicgly power toolset abortony tet of ae dei. Fs te relied thas the wie of seh tee omy er prope Uy Uke Abent efor! mee tr soreatet ei esto ae ell 6 eee a etre tion aaratory if es wh elects in aealsevice, I pera tes geting nf newer renee tela ante steed depend sie sok ofthe “wa, faelleton® that resides “he pate amu Thesigicance of the atsmer, A fatter snautsncs thal the alee aioe go hot he ante ihe irvesingoracce of asin his dnetly, by mee of ately constictee opinion surveys AIT of che teluiqce of evel, pas the inevitably ister self cigs, mien en meter of ecue in et Bel System paves, ba bn ‘opted inthe eveltion ofthe mew se from the fst mo to sevice ti re pret Grnrane Festina eosin (Hg 42) sie themes a rely see focmy, nse and out, low and seeping in ie Hs ad plang tothe eye ofthe g4eat jon of ser, On te appearance dese, Isbomnary ea heer worked ith Me, Henry Dyfi, one the ening eninge Proents of fnetional design, Pe bane isles sel sre ey ive fer cent Thor iat the exiting type The al character ae ener > Ine oupeny ofthe Sngersiel mire thease mone ceily seen over wider. angles of vision, and fe not subject to the ievisble wear of she suface "hich cctis nd the mgermber. The conde ae fared ith rere, Forimeted 3 he handet end for longer robe i eles ect 24) nm ara wisnun nucunioN, JOMRRAL, APRIL to twisting. The ringer i provided with mur slstable volume com Aut whic peri he sutetier to eaage the Insles over edrable Tse evideat ats glance, bul of greater importance both to user and “Tekphone Corpaay are om of te rir cial sec oF the eectecl sed mocionial cesign soto ‘A schaiacie carat ofthe eet stows in Fig. 8, This eet sa varia. sion of ote of the comment wet) Camptell aalsileume cecal long stander! the Wel! System, wit iaspoovemerte ale tu meet legher fequree's in =I uestnal legis Ti mestanveal arangar et of components inthe sembly ix elie tg el gst seve concepts ensing erly Fm service sul Iuneluturog especie, Te gonor rates end adjuetmanss are reduced, (relinietedy and partsrecre ceo protec! aleseves posible egal ‘Mls fe, sucere op meena dma. ‘Where ld we spa sp seplacement of cnmyrnents i to he anicpeted, asia she ial ger, Nanset, and cons reroval and wplacement ae de Ay iurnieet riven er an signe tn be ey. hee components ate peanently amounted, and ener pera eh anciily al cannon circuit con snd protected. The dish re Figer only ov, iss mpleiny with theaer removed, No parlor wir are altarhel othe caver. Theis oth production aster aa i ering ‘he sce Alege aed momuaare sets dk nil oe om sveting hein with the rin of attenti or expenee Chae Fuxeriona, Drston sv Retariiy na Qayeeries fine sage eable conductors and fod hewitt sete fice Itc, ‘sean of eure that ll the funetonal charters of the set Inet celine ths lsjstve for aap, extended range of tension Sere not accompany eovespondig increase in dialing and ringing ange the entire patent wale nel ot Le eli, "A second objective wus ur face the tanaission variations now expeti- enced between invita wer, aa hetsoon the sation most distant and thar neoret the ents] ole. A sled objective of minimising the variety Dots noel suguested the desisblity of combining in ones, in at ts was ermnoniy the guid amber of cnet arrangement to sally Invi, pet tne, abc measur servi, nee Eee SE ive wos, uf cowie, plenty of inrntve bn bouqmeate fy the design whatever experience ned inicotsd might be done wo ean or ester the lla rsinenance perforin: af ve curent staid cai St ‘With chee ganezl objectives in mind somewhat mone fetal deserip= tio he ea design in oder il pape be sommewta leneer to tke up ssck of the is foci a turn abd to show for exch ow tae specie objective was amuched.T ight be sted et hi pine that the ‘fescrition fe Dont of acealy ou dhe design aa it wns fn the ely ro- duction, he wt ell Syste poess is uecway to find more economical ‘sd elle ways to secomplih he ebjeties. Te characteristic desea Isis wl in general app equally ta ary wach dications, Transmission "The general objective called forthe wisn sl increase in taste ting aud receiving volame on long op. This neat gain in ech ection sotto enced about 5 db due primstly to nog and crosstalk. problems i Teac wth ager values, Along with this volume gas, impeovenents ia quality were desi ‘Any ich vn pine over present levels would af coum he inter ouster srt kp si iit inthe vary sles Hatten ulnivisirasive, prion, al merlin, hee wee a be relies, ‘Eamann deeming a set with ausmison penfomsacesuble adjusted for slot long aya asatach ason cutovers aa ca PBX. exteasons znd thet, theme et soul bs at tines on log asc at kes om effectively hort lops i abo east that tia ewange im perlormance should ato- vatically ake plac with change ia connection rather shan require manuel eorition las ‘This Ie bao aleve Uke preset esi nhting a aust eanamia equine, Fg. 1, which Eels ns i ho charac levee Uy the isagitud of he te, fe re theo the se, One dencat of the iii! gn ‘other yrelenble me hee may devalop i the Titre) pois «tage bat ave aes ihe nate 25 mena at Une on irseiting ong mye i sab, but ox ste loops it Ligh values ude, che combined baller sappy and ace. ‘rec lense is aot 8 Avcomeconing griced rctving ess is abtinse hy lalading ‘erin beul thermally copled the swgsen iret ju the sie sewinse This lca fn series with hx Uming resistance, bilge fem he recive, The fitment pies agains ahnarmal woe ges by 9 bidged ico, arhide varitor The raitance rien! eharacorsties of the leet of this equalizer ave shown in Fi 5, "Dh rie gin rans elle for completely new easter 286 rm aL Sums TeeIEAT.JoraBAE, arm 1981 sod rcvverdesigu Tu ie es ofthe ev, ta design was new in si rnc ples al rel the so-alnd "rng wraturesractare which was {Eecusced fo he Juicy 195L fas of the lel System Techical Jour "This structure aot oaly fine tere eficeat than the presont Rendsct rove ut abo peste extending the upper fequency renge by some ‘So ele, For eompatibiity with exiling plat characteris the general responte ofthe new rrcver wat kept fst mesa on sandr 6 ee Coupe asin che present rere. i 5 Sper ealeis. Wile the trmomiter design resemble merilly the current design, it ders n wary mori sexpets, get the required $s wore gal ng cep quid "ng evans af every design expen in the Trane wel cm the uct i waiea ews mounted. Mae Teton of trae nae iereacol, ead the cet ve working wena pes ses wore ra by sing wr paris and locating the tree mone fdvantagennly with respect tothe mth. Tha of particular bene to tromen, howe Innis levels have hitherto Bees conse es than Foren, “Advanage was taken of new knowlege of granlar carton processing to yet inital dc, power gain cee petsent type trunumilter, wo by 2 ne sascnemoven rensawone set at ‘cconitioning and heat (realest, Co msiniain the improved modilating Performance beter over loge pris: AL the sume ne the ate of eist- fice incase with age ie markedly rece! "Song with dis avec! factors contributing ta ineceaved volume output of the eenamiter, the eesporac oar i a atlempt to provide mere aly orthoelepoic overall rege. “To cesar shat shes inscurant yan woul Le ree inact service creda one of the ipl cachosea prblems ofthe trans se- sion, the Fetter eoniml ef sdetove. Without & beste: job on sidewne, mich soy a) By ss oe of the ouhue of he higher iasrunentefcenses on ln lop woul fi teslratian beatae of eulting lower scout ling Ives, an aera of {Ge making ee: ov inning sper of wen noe picked up By the Asner The scion wap er th nial cig ay a chong a mote ‘mpi imac to give she Bes over Pate vere eaquey rage Nor the ‘ngp aad unk condone wth which is: fontin. Te lative siete ose two eee a6 functor of Top erg ra spiel rei “Tow: in Fig 6. Te ison bas given a ernie seeally the sume side toe ae the steent set in apie er cl inrese a Ustromenteficenis, Aue aesuing the fleets ain mpnseated by this inrese “Typical lop los characte fr de SOD-ype set ema te 2. 288s mes ian nuensHesL JOURNAL, APR 195K tare sown ot Fig. 7 whish ato states dhe effect of Uae equine, (Overall sie toae frequency expr of the two types af sat 228 show Big. for fg and sles he The vader Seen sage and the Dotablerocuction in spiced Uetween Inga abort op pearance eae Subsidiary but escent tonaizeioa fences of the sew ot inchde & toqyer ila oer aco he cece parte aly dese fore fedoe of st nigh -iency low snseptance to poverinterterence an pty Tins hy the high impedance of e3e ring ane by stapng the receiver = seme below SW eyes? ane fective suppression of calng intertnence a a an ee is ith mato acd eso seep by & sll eapactance and ceitenoe ‘Ceovate wits the lndutance of he ae winding of the nduction ee, The incegacee design employed amc te fmt t minim cost Dialing A contrlingLnitaor. ex dating range ise be found isthe dayne to hie the pe charts vai fiom tae optinam wate fom dal to aan fom tine sn tine wer the pend of sevice. Thee dial Aen by better goveening and stn contel ofthe ivi pose form provider the required improvement ia lop range by assuring uch better ur Sormicy in every rete ‘Service expeskce ft shown hot de beter Wally sad grenter cos

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