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Preview BS in Aerospace Sciences - Florida Department of Education

Baccalaureate Degree Program Proposal Recommendations from the Division of Florida Colleges Baccalaureate Review Team for Consideration by the Commissioner of Education A collaborative review was conducted by the Baccalaureate Review Team members, including staff from the Division of Florida Colleges and the Florida Colleges Budget Office. Written recommendations were submitted to the college by the Review Team, college staff revised the proposal, and submitted the final proposal, which is now complete and ready for consideration by the Commissioner of Education. Direct questions or concerns to Abbey Ivey at (850) 245-9492 or [email protected]. College Degree Degree Program Date Submitted Type to SBOE Polk State College BS Aerospace Sciences 9/17/13 No alternative proposals were received for this program. “Within 45 days following receipt of a completed proposal by the Division of Florida Colleges, the Commissioner of Education shall recommend approval or disapproval of the proposal to the State Board of Education.” Section 1007.33 (5)(e), F.S. Comments Summary A Planning Process Polk State College’s (Polk) proposed Bachelor of Science (BS) in Aerospace Sciences will prepare graduates for careers in the aerospace field, such as flight instruction, commercial aviation, corporate aviation and airport management. The degree will include Professional Pilot and Aerospace Administration concentrations. Currently, no other public college or university in the state offers a professional pilot science or aerospace administration baccalaureate program. Planning for the program included the creation of the Florida College System (FCS) Aerospace Consortium, which consists of FCS institutions interested in creating a BS in Aerospace Sciences. The consortium collaborated to create the guidelines for this degree program to which all participating colleges have agreed, creating a baccalaureate curriculum that will be consistent across the state. Meeting minutes, a program curriculum flowchart and numerous statewide letters of support gathered by the consortium are included in the Supplemental Materials. In addition, student and employer survey results demonstrate support for this program, and Polk also received letters of support from local aviation businesses (survey results and letters included in the Supplemental Materials). Polk shared the college’s plans to develop this degree with Florida Southern College, Southeastern University, Keiser University-Lakeland, Warner University, Webber International University, Webster University, and Florida Polytechnic University. None of these intuitions objected to Polk offering this program. B Program The projected implementation date of upper division enrollment is January 2014. The Implementation complete timeline of implementation activities is located in Section B of the proposal. Timeline C Workforce As this program is intended to serve a larger regional audience and because there are Demand/Unmet only three other similar baccalaureate programs in the state – Jacksonville University Need Specific to (JU), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), and the Florida Institute of Program Area Technology (FIT) – Polk expanded the scope of the needs analysis to cover Florida as a whole. Citing the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), Polk reports there were 8,093 total related jobs statewide in 2012, with 375 annual job openings projected statewide through 2020. Polk states the three other programs in Florida, none of which are located in Polk’s service district, produced an estimated 250 graduates in 2009-10, leaving a significant gap compared to the number of projected annual openings. The college notes that as this analysis involves only the output of private institutions with a significant proportion of out-of-state students, the actual need is much stronger. In addition, Polk reports information that is not covered by DEO projections (summary of industry data included in the Supplemental Materials), such as the impending pilot shortage, the need for the Aerospace Management track and the planned future program expansion to include Unmanned Aerial Systems. Considering this additional aerospace industry demand, Polk estimates an annual unmet need of about 200 job openings statewide. As Miami Dade College and Broward College have indicated plans to implement a similar degree in the future, Polk also provided adjusted workforce demand data to reflect that hypothetical long-term scenario (included on pages 12-13 of the proposal). D Facilities and No additional capital equipment needs or facilities upgrades are anticipated to support Equipment Specific this program. The proposed program will use standard classrooms and online interaction to Program Area with substantial use of the current web-based course platform. E Library/Media A total of $8,000 has been allocated for initial acquisitions of software resources, print Specific to Program and electronic books, databases, journals, and other resources. In subsequent years, Area $4,000 has been allocated for continuing support of the program. F Academic Polk currently has five part-time faculty members for this program. During the first year Resources Specific of operation, Polk plans to hire a full-time, terminally-degreed faculty member, and will to Program Area hire a second full-time faculty member based upon program growth. Additional adjunct faculty members are also being recruited. G Cost to Students The cost for this type of degree at Polk and other Florida postsecondary institutions: Polk = $14,367 for tuition; $82,367 with flight instruction in the lower division ERAU = $205,840 FIT = $191,160 JU = $166,400 H Academic Content Admission to the program requires an Associate in Science (AS) or an Associate in Arts (AA) degree, and the completion of two required prerequisite courses. An AS in Professional Pilot Science is required to enter the professional pilot track of the baccalaureate degree, or students may enter with any associate degree as long as they have the appropriate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot ratings. The program will be composed of 60 credit hours from the associate degree, 21 credit hours of upper division core courses, 21 credit hours of concentration-specific courses, and 18 credit hours of additional General Education or lower division technical course requirements. I Enrollment, Polk anticipates 10 enrolled students during the first year and 30 students by the third Performance and year of operation. The program will be supported primarily through tuition and fees, as Budget Plan well as Florida College System Program Funds. The full budget is located on page 35. J Plan of Action if In the event of program termination, Polk will implement a phase-out process in line Program Must be with the procedures established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Terminated Commission on Colleges. Recommendation: Approve Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Division of Florida Colleges __________________________________________ Date 8/19/13 Recommendation: Approve Chancellor, Division of Florida Colleges __________________________________________ Date 8/27/13 Bachelor of Sciencee  in AAerosppace SSciences  Degreee Propoosal and Applicattion  May 20013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 1 COVER SHEET ......................................................................................................................................... 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3 EVALUATION CRITERIA A. PLANNING PROCESS ........................................................................................................................ 6 B. PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION TIME LINE .................................................................................... 10 C. WORKFORCE DEMAND/UNMET NEED SPECIFIC TO PROGRAM AREA ................................... 11 D. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC TO PROGRAM AREA .................................................. 14 E. LIBRARY/MEDIA SPECIFIC TO PROGRAM AREA ......................................................................... 15 F. ACADEMIC RESOURCES SPECIFIC TO PROGRAM AREA ......................................................... 18 G. COST TO STUDENTS ...................................................................................................................... 19 H. ACADEMIC CONTENT ..................................................................................................................... 20 I. ENROLLMENT, PERFORMANCE, AND BUDGET PLAN ................................................................ 35 J. PLAN OF ACTION IF PROGRAM MUST BE TERMINATED ........................................................... 37 K. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS ........................................................................................................ 38 Polk State College – 2013 BS in Aerospace Sciences Application  1 THEE FLORIDAA COLLEGE SYSTEMM BACCCALAUREAATE PROPOOSAL APPPROVAL AAPPLICATIOON COVVER SHEETT INSTITUUTION: Pollk State Coollege BACCAALAUREATTE DEGREEE CONTACCTS: PRIMMARY Namme: Dr. Keen Ross Title: Vice PPresident for Academicc and Studeent Servicees Phonne: (863) 2297-1096 E-maail: kross@@polk.edu SECCONDARY Namme: Eric Crump Title: Aerosppace Prograam Directoor Phonne: (863) 2298-6858 E-maail: [email protected] DEGREE TYPE: BBS DEGREE TITLE: AAerospace Sciences TOTAL NUMBER OF CREDIT HOURS: 120 PROPOOSED DEGRREE SIX-DIGIT CIP CCODE: 49.00101 PLANNEED PROGRRAM IMPLEMENTATION DATE: January 2014 PROGRRAM DESCRIPTION/EEMPLOYMEENT OPTIOONS FOR GGRADUATTES: The Bachhelor of Scieence degree in Aerospace Sciences aat Polk Statee College is ddesigned to provide sstudents withh a holistic, ooperational sttudy of U.S. and internattional aerosppace systemms. The advaanced skills aand informattion gained thhrough this pprogram preepares students for professioonal careers in commerciial aviation aand aerospacce administrraation. The deegree integrrates the criticaal concept off Safety Mannagement Syystems (SMSS) into each course, allowwing for the developmment and appplication of innformation reegarding saffety factors aand risks that are naturally present inn the aerosppace environment. All stuudents particcipate in a coommon program core before specializiing in either a Professionnal Pilot or AAerospace Addministrationn concentratiion, both of wwhich culminatee in a capstoone course thhat encouragges studentss to implemeent theoreticaal mastery off the degree content in an operational context. Graaduates of thhe Aerospacee program are prepared for entry-leveel careers in the aerospaace field, succh as flight innstruction, coommercial avviation, corpporate aviation, airport manaagement, annd other aeroospace fieldss. This degreee is also benneficial to cuurrent aerospacce employeees seeking incentive beneefits or careeer advancemment. In addittion, graduattes are prepaared for gradduate study in aerospacee sciences annd related fieelds. BOARDD OF TRUSTEES APPPROVAL DAATE: Januuary 28, 2013 PRESIDDENT’S SIGGNATURE AND DATEE: Julyy 29, 2013 ______________________________________________ ______________________ Dr. Eileeen Holdenn, Presidentt Date Polk State College – 20133 BS in Aerospaace Sciences Application 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Institution: Polk State College Degree Type: Bachelor of Science Degree Degree Title: Aerospace Sciences Program Description Polk State College proposes to add a new Bachelor of Science (BS) in Aerospace Sciences program. The program is designed as a 2+2 with our existing Associate in Science (AS) in Professional Pilot Science and Associate in Science (AS) in Aerospace Administration programs and will interface seamlessly with our other degrees as well. Students in our Associate in Arts (AA) program will need to take 18 lower level Aerospace technology credits after admission to the BS in Aerospace Sciences. A. Planning Process In early 2011, Polk State College began considering establishing an aerospace program at both the lower and upper levels. The College reviewed data from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, surveyed prospective employers in our region, surveyed existing students, and reviewed state and national workforce data for career opportunities. Employers stated that graduates from this program would meet a workforce need in our region, as documented in the numerous letters of support included with this proposal. The student survey indicated significant student interest in the degree. Externally, the College had discussions with Keiser University, Webber Int’l University, Webster University, Warner University, Florida Polytechnic University, and Florida Southern College. None had any objection to us offering the degree. Polk State College led an effort to create an aerospace consortium that included all state colleges who are offering or considering offering aerospace programs. The consortium developed a framework for a BS in Aerospace Sciences that not only pools statewide expertise but also creates a consistent baccalaureate experience for students across the state. B. Implementation Time Line The Polk State College District Board of Trustees approved offering the BS in Aerospace Sciences in January of 2013. A letter of intent was then submitted to the Florida College System. The curriculum was approved though the College’s curricular review process in April of 2013. The College will notify SACS-COC in June 2013 and will submit the substantive change prospectus in October 2013. The current pool of adjuncts led by the existing Program Director will provide instruction, and a full-time faculty member will be added during the first year of operation of the program. Student recruitment will begin the October 2013, with upper-division classes beginning January 2014. C. Workforce Demand/Unmet Need Specific to Program Area Current pilot demand forecasts from Boeing, the FAA, and other sources demonstrate the need for approximately 500,000 new pilots nationwide over the next 20 years, a demand that our current training infrastructure does not support. According to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FDEO), state-wide outputs will need to address 375 average annual openings for the associated workforce clusters. The current output of the three existing programs at private institutions is approximately 250, which includes an unknown number of out-of-state students. As the airline market grows, the need for more aerospace managers and other aerospace professions, currently not covered by existing forecasting models, will increase as well. While Florida’s annual unmet need as indicated above is at least 125 openings, considering the out-of- state enrollments at the private institutions and the additional industry demand, we estimate an annual unmet need of about 200 openings in this area. Polk State College – 2013 BS in Aerospace Sciences Application  3 D. Facilities and Equipment Specific to Program Area The primary curricular focus of the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Sciences program is didactic in nature. The program will utilize existing classrooms and the current web-based learning management system: Desire2Learn. No additional facilities or equipment will be needed. E. Library/Media Specific to Program Area The Polk State College library maintains an aerospace database of journals and periodicals to support our associate degrees in this field. Currently, the library participates in Ask-a-Librarian (a virtual 24/7 resource) and a national interlibrary network facilitated by OCLC/World Cat service. Periodicals such as Aviation Week & Space Technology and eBooks from the Elton B. Stephens Company (EBSCO) will be added to the collection. A complete list is in section E2. F. Academic Resources Specific to Program Area The College currently has five adjunct faculty, including two with terminal degrees, who will teach the BS in Aerospace Sciences program curriculum. Upon approval, during the first year of operation, the College plans to hire a full-time terminally-degreed faculty member to teach in the program. The College has also hired advisors on each campus to work specifically with students pursuing a bachelor’s degree. G. Cost to Students The cost for the entire BS in Aerospace Sciences degree program at Polk State College is approximately $82,400 for the 4-year degree, which includes $68,000 for flight training at the lower level. The only other baccalaureate degrees in this field offered in Florida are at Embry- Riddle University, Florida Institute of Technology, and Jacksonville University, where the total for tuition and fees ranges from $166,000 at JU to over $200,000 at Embry-Riddle. H. Academic Content The academic content includes 42 upper-division credits and 18 general-education credits or technical courses. Two prerequisite courses are also required: ASC 1210 Aviation Meteorology and Automation Management and either ASC 1010 Foundations of Air Transportation or AVM 1010 Aviation Management. However, those courses count in the required 120 credits either as credits from the AS degree or as lower-level technical credits, and therefore do not constitute excess hours beyond the 120. Admission to the BS in Aerospace Sciences program will require an overall 2.0 GPA in all postsecondary work and an associate’s degree from a regionally- accredited institution. I. Enrollment Performance and Budget Plan The College anticipates 10 students at the outset, with that number increasing to 20 the second year and 30 the third year. The College’s commitment to the existing AS program along with tuition and fees will yield a net carryover of approximately $6,000 the first year and stay steady thereafter. J. Plan of Action if Program Must Be Terminated In the unlikely event the BS in Aerospace Sciences program is terminated, the College will follow the procedures established by SACS-COC. The College will notify SACS-COC at least 6 months prior to the closing of the program and develop a time line for affected students and faculty. For those students unable to develop a viable plan within the College, advisors would assist students with transfer options. K. Supplemental Materials Supplemental materials include DBOT, Advisory Board, and Curriculum Committee minutes; support letters from aerospace entities; and results from the employer and student surveys. Polk State College – 2013 BS in Aerospace Sciences Application  4 EVALUATION CRITERIA     Polk State College – 2013 BS in Aerospace Sciences Application  5 A. PLANNING PROCESS 1. Summary of Internal Process and Meetings: The Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Sciences program is the fourth baccalaureate degree proposed for Polk State College. Following appropriate approvals by the Polk State College District Board of Trustees (DBOT) and State Board of Education, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) approved Polk State College’s application to become a Level II baccalaureate degree granting institution on June 25, 2009. In January 2010, Polk State College began offering a Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management degree; in August 2011 the College started offering the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree; and in October 2012 the College started offering the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree. In 2011, the College was approached by Polk County School Board (PCSB) about adding an AS in Professional Pilot Science to provide an educational pathway for students from PCSB’s Central Florida Aerospace Academy, a stand-alone career academy serving grades 9-12. Students in this academy focus their studies around aviation and engineering. Many academy graduates wish to pursue careers in aviation; therefore, the AS in Professional Pilot science is the next step in their education. Upon receiving this request from PCSB, the College’s leadership team began considering adding programs in the aerospace field at Polk State College. The Office of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Planning (IREP) obtained available workforce data from the U.S. Department of Labor, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, and the Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) analyst database to identify potential program enrollment. It was decided to add both an AS in Professional Pilot Science and an AS in Aerospace Administration. When the College explored bachelor degree education for graduates from our AS programs, we discovered that no other public college or university in Florida offers professional pilot science or aerospace administration baccalaureate programs. Therefore, graduates of our two AS programs would have to transfer to a high-cost private institution. The College contacted other state college aviation programs to determine the level of interest in creating a BS in Aerospace Sciences. The interested state colleges came together to form the Florida College System Aerospace Consortium. The purpose of this group was to design a bachelor degree program that would meet the needs of our AS graduates and provide a consistent bachelor-level program for AS graduates at all Florida state colleges offering a BS in Aerospace Sciences. The consortium has met four times (Supplemental Materials: Florida College System Aerospace Consortium meeting minutes). The group has since expanded its mission to include other aerospace issues of common interest and plans to continue meeting after its initial mission is accomplished. The final product of the Consortium outlines the guidelines for a BS in Aerospace Sciences to which all the participating colleges have agreed (Supplemental Materials: Program Curriculum Flowchart for BS in Aerospace Sciences). Polk State College – 2013 BS in Aerospace Sciences Application  6

Sep 17, 2013 A collaborative review was conducted by the Baccalaureate Review the college by the Review Team, college staff revised the proposal, and submitted the final proposal, which is now As Miami Dade College and Broward College have indicated plans to implement a MAC 1105 - College Alg
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