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Preview British Journal of Developmental Psychology 2006: Vol 24 Index & Table of Contents

Imagining your child’s mind: Psychosocial adjustment and mothers’ ability to predict their children’s attributional response styles Carla Sharp, Peter Fonagy and lan M. Goodyer Conversational apprentices: Helping children become competent informants about their own experiences Michael E. Lamb and Deirdre A. Brown Parent—child reminiscing locates the self in the past Robyn Fivush and Katherine Nelson Commentary: Use your words Paul L. Harris Editorial acknowledgement ' Paa rt 2 june 20 06 C } ) i C {i e t ) Ss Cc { € >V e Cc ) f > ir s € I Y )l a n IC iC e D re »S e n C a ° e v NV h }b a SC > Part 3 September 5 006 a A developmental i nvestig ation of otner-race contact and the C M. Walker and Miles Hewstone e port rence with visual Darrie rs and its eff | 3-month-olds ntremont and Ros yn Morgan hts about their children nadGg Catherine Anne McMahon Adolescents’ self-attribuitt ed emotions following g{ esnliinngquu en2nccy, confidence udgment and ags e obdias Krettena ~ oduq ct“i on nr Of t Dhoa sic - oErMy OtIOr 1s Dy children with tvidence for the embodime nt of theory of ~f mind Catt nhee rn € RR OCN-ry. L evecg composing and connectir i1eg OIDD JEeCctt >presentation S drawing behaviou r y and others: H OW difficulties P> eter perspective-taking at 74 months c + Part 4 November 2006 655 The Valley task: Understanding intention from goal-directed motion in typical development and autism Fulvia Castelli Ethnic identity, ego identity, and psychological well-being among mixed-ethnic Arab-European adolescents in Israel Hisham Motkal Abu-Rayya Children’s understanding of drivers’ intentions Hugh C. Foot, James A. Thomson, Andrew K. Tolmie, Kirstie M. Whelan, Sheila Morrison and Penelope Sarvary Brief report Children’s evaluations of ambiguous provocation by relationally aggressive, physically aggressive and prosocial peers Sara E. Goldstein, Marie S. Tisak, Anna V. Persson and Paul Boxer Development of the perception of object containment in 9- to 16-month-olds PeterJ . N. Dejonckheere, Ad W. Smitsman and Leni Verhofstadt Denéve Brief report Head and shoulders, knees and toes: Which parts of the body are necessary to be seen? Nicola McGuigan and Martin J. Doherty Mental playmates: Siblings, executive functioning and theory of mind Anna McAlister and Candida C. Peterson Brief report Seven- to 9-month-old infants use facial expressions to interpret others’ actions Tricia Striano and Amrisha Vaish Brief report ‘Anxious cognitions’ in children: An exploration of associations and mediators Cathy Creswell and Thomas G. O’Connor Brief report The development of the picture-superiority effect Andrew J. O. Whitehouse, Murray T. Maybery and Kevin Durkin The role of social-cognitive abilities in preschoolers’ aggressive behaviour Rebecca Stetson Werner, Kimberly Wright Cassidy and Mariel Juliano Definitions of bullying: Age differences in understanding of the term, and the role of experience Claire P. Monks and Peter K. Smith Children’s awareness of their own certainty and understanding of deduction and guessing Bradford H. Pillow and Katherine L Anderson index of authors Abu-Rayya, H. M. 669 Fonagy, P. 197 O'Connor, T. G. 761 Anderson, K. L. 823 Foot, H. C. 681 Panagiotaki, G. 353 Franklin, A. 373 Banerjee, R. 353 Fujisawa, K. K. 53 Persson, A. V. 701 Benigno, J. P. 615 Peterson, C. C. 151, 733 Best, R. M. 265 Goldstein, S. E. 701 Phelps, E G. 577 Boxer, P. 701 Goodyer,I . M. 197 Picard, D. 529 Braisby, N. R. 265 Harris, P. L. 253 Pillow, B. H. 823 Brown, D. A. 215 Harwood, M. D. 401 Pring,L . 337 Bryant, P. 567 Hay, D. E 39 Raikes, H. A. 89 Burke, K. 283 Hewstone, M. 451 Rakoczy, H. 305 Cassidy, K. W. 775 Hipwell, A. 125 Riddett, A. 373 Castelli, E 655 Hobson, R. P. 547 Roch-Levecq, A.-C. 507 Christaki, A. 125 Hughes,C . 1, 7, 153 Ruffman, T. 105 Clifford, A. 373 Johnson, E 181 Sarvary, P. 681 Collis, G. M. 429 Juliano, M 5 Sharp,C . 197 Cooper, P. 125 Creswell, C. 761 Krettenauer, T. 489 Slade,L . 105 Slaughter, V. P. 151 Crowe, E. 105 Lamb, M. E. 215 Slee,J . 293 Cutting, A. L. 73 Lange-Kiittner, C. 419 Smith, P. K. 801 Lecce, S. 53 D’Entremont, B. 465, 589 Lee, A. 547 Smitsman, A. W. 709 Daoutis, C. A. 373 Lewis, V. 429 Striano, T. 405, 615, 753 Davies,I . R. L. 373 Lidstone,J . 181 Thompson, R. A. 89 de Rosnay, M. 1, 7 Lok, S. M. 477 Thomson,J . A. 681 Deacon, S. H. 567 Tisak, M. S. 701 Dejonckheere, P. J. N. 709 Marfleet, R. 53 Tolmie, A. K. 681 Deveéve, L. V. 709 Martins, C. 125 Tomasello, M. 305, 604 Devitt, K. 105 Maybery, M. T. 767 Dockrell,J . E. 265 McAlister, A. 733 Vaish, A. 615, 753 Doherty, M. J. 727 McGuigan, N. 727 Vinter, A. 529 Doherty-Sneddon, G. 5 McKone, E. 293 Dunn,J . 73 McMahon,C . A. 477 Durkin, K. 767 Meins, E. 181 Walker, P. M. 451 Moll, H. 603 Warnock, H. 577 Edmonds, C. J. 337 Monks, C. P. 801 Werner, R. S. 775 Eichler, D. 489 Morgan, R. 465 Whelan, K. M. 681 Ensor. R 53 Morrison, S. 681 Whitehouse, A. J. O. 767 FFaerrranr,y hoM.u gJh. ,C4 0.1 1381 MMuurrrpahyy,, L.K . 12259 3 WWiolodlignagr,, J.M . 28312 5 Wright,I . 429 Fivush, R. 235 Nelson, K. 235 Flynn, E. 631 Nobes, G. 353 Yazbek, A. 589

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