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British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology AUTHOR INDEX AARONS, L. see SIMPSON, J.A. BEGG, E.J. see ARONSON, J.K. Interpatient variability in the ABBOTT, R. see SIDHU, J. BEGG, E.J. see GARDINER, S.J. pharmacokinetics of the HIV ACUNA, M., EATON, L., CIFUENTES, L. BEGGS, S. see TITCHEN, T. non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase & MASSARDO, D. Genetic variants in BENKO, R. see MATUZ, M. inhibitor efavirenz: the effect of the enhancer region of the thymidylate BERGSTRAND, L.C. see MAGNUSSON, M. gender, race, and CYP2B6 synthase gene in the Chilean population: BERNSDORF, A., GIESSMANN, T., polymorphism: 148 778 MODESS, C., WEGNER, D., BURKEY, J.L. see YEO, K.P. TIO, M.-L. N-acetylcysteine — passe- IGELBRINK, S., HECKER, U., BYRNE, C. see STAATZ, C.E. partout or much ado about nothing?: 5 HAENISCH, S., CASCORBI, L., AM, C.A.S. see CHIK, Z. TERHAAG, B. & SIEGMUND, W. “AIXAS, U. see PEREIRA, S.A. .AM, C.A.S. Pharmacokinetics of a new Simvastatin does not influence the “ALCINO, L.J. see BOYD, I.W. testosterone transdermal delivery system, intestinal P-glycoprotein and MPR2, and *>ALLAHAN, M.M. see SIMOES, J.A. TDS*-testosterone in healthy males: the disposition of talinolol after chronic “AMARGO, R.P.S. see SIMOES, J.A 275ALFARO, R.M. see ROBERTSON, medication in healthy subjects genotyped “APRON, L. see WYPLOSZ, B. S.M. for the ABCB1, ABCC2 and SLCO1B1 *ARDAROPOLI, S. see TODROS, T. LAIN, T.J. see DHESI, J.K. polymorphisms: 440 “ARDOT, J.M. see CHASSAING, C. -LEGAERT, K., ANDERSON, B.J., BERTELE, V. see JOPPI, R. RRAR “AAA ARDVAADJAALD- GONZALEZ, S. see COSSEY, V. & HOLFORD, N.H.G. BERTRAND, X. see MULLER, A. QUELLET, D. Limited predictability of amikacin BEYER, J. & SCHELLONG, S. Bilateral “ASCORBI, I. see BERNSDORF, A. clearance in extreme premature neonates plantar tendinitis during levofloxacin CASTEL, J.-M., FIGUERAS, A. & VIGO, at birth: 39 therapy: 609 J.-M. The internet as a tool in clinical ALVES, V.M.N. see SIMOES, J.A. BIAGINI, G.A. see EDWARDS, G. pharmacology: 787 ANDERSON, B.J. see ALLEGAERT, K. BIDSTRUP, T.B., DAMKIER, P., OLSEN, CELASCO, G. see BRUNNER, M. ANTIKAINEN, M. see HEDMAN, M. A.K., EKBLOM, M., KARLSSON, A. & CHASSAING, C., SCHMIDT, J., ARONSON, J.K. A prescription for better BROSEN, K. The impact of CYP2C8 ESCHALIER, A., CARDOT, J.M. & prescribing: 487 polymorphism and grapefruit juice on the DUBRAY, C. Hyperalgesia induced by ARONSON, J.K. Clinical Pharmacology: pharmacokinetics of repaglinide: 49 cutaneous freeze injury for testing Past, Present, and Future: 647 BIERMASZ, N.R. see PEREIRA, A.M. analgesics in healthy volunteers: 389 ARONSON, J.K. Medicines and the media: BIES, R.R. see FENG, Y. CHEW, S.L. see CHIK, Z. 121 BINH. V.Q. see CUONG, B.T. CHIK, Z., JOHNSTON, A., TUCKER, A.T., ARONSON, J.K. Monitoring for harms of BJORKMAN, S. see MAGNUSSON, M. CHEW, S.L., MICHAELS, L. & therapy: 365 BLAKEY, J. see CLAYTON, J.A. ‘CHRIS’ DELANEY, J.A., OPATRNY, L. ARONSON, J.K. Rare diseases and orphan BLOM, A.T.G. see HUGTENBURG, J.G. & SUISSA, S. Warfarin use and the risk drugs: 243 BOJANG, K. see SIMPSON, J.A. of motor vehicle crash in older drivers: ARONSON, J.K., LENNARD, MLS., BOYD, I.W., MCEWEN, J. & CALCINO, 229 RITTER, J.M., BABER, N.S., BEGG, L.J. A study of codispensing with sodium CHINITZ, D.P. see KAHAN, N.R. E.J. & LEWIS, L.D. Today’s science, alendronate in Australia: 470 CHOW, M.S.S. see TOMLINSON, B. tomorrow's medicines: | BOZZELLA, R. see BRUNNER, M. CIFUENTES, L. see ACUNA, M. ARONSON, J.K., LENNARD, M.S., BROSEN, K. see BIDSTRUP, T.B. CLARK, D.W.J. see HARRISON- RITTER, J.M., BABER, N.S., BEGG, BRADSHAW, C.M. see HOU, R.H. WOOLRYCH, M. E.J. & LEWIS, L.D. Editors’ Report BRAMSON, C. see OUELLET, D. CLAYTON, J.A., RODGERS, S., BLAKEY, 2005: 492 BRANCO, T. see PEREIRA, S.A. J., AVERY, A. & HALL, I.P. Thiazide ASCHER, J. see SIDHU, J BRUNNER, M., ZIEGLER, S., DI diuretic prescription and electrolyte AUDIKOVSZKY, M. see PARAGH, G. STEFANO, A.F.D., DEHGHANYAR, P., abnormalities in primary care: 87 AVERY, A. see CLAYTON, J.A. KLETTER, K., TSCHURLOVITS, M.., CORTE-REAL, R.M. see PEREIRA, S.A. VILLA, R., BOZZELLA, R.., COLEMAN, J.J., FERNER, R.E. & EVANS, BABER, N.S. see ARONSON, J.K. CELASCO, G., MORO, L., RUSCA, A., S.J.W. Monitoring for adverse drug BACKMAN, J.T. see JAAKKOLA, T. DUDCZAK, R. & MULLER, M. reactions: 371 BAHAMONDES, L.G. see SIMOES, Gastrointestinal transit, release and COLLER, J.K. see DAVIES, B.J. J.A. plasma pharmacokinetics of a new oral COMINACINI, L. see MINUZ, P. BAILEY, D.G. see TIRONA, R.G. budesonide formulation: 31 COMPAGNON, P. see JOANNIDES, R. BARROW, P., WALLER, P. & WISE, L. DINSKY, A. see RESCH, U. COSSEY, V. see ALLEGAERT, K. Comparison of hospital episodes with LLMAN, J. see SIDHU, J. CRANSWICK, N. see TITCHEN, T. ‘drug-induced’ disorders and JRGER, D., VAN DER HEIDEN, I., LA CUONG, B.T., BINH, V.Q., DUY, spontaneously reported adverse drug PORTE, C., VAN DER ENDE, M., B.D.D.N., LOVELL, C.M., reactions: 233 GROENEVELD, P., RICHTER, C., RIECKMANN, K.H. & EDSTEIN, M.D. BEARD, K. see WALLER, P.C. KOOPMANS, P., KROON, F., Does gender, food or grapefruit juice BECK, C.R. see REHILL, N. SPRENGER, H., LINDEMANS, J., alter the pharmacokinetics of primaquine BEDDING, A.W. see FORGUE, S.T. SCHENK, P. & VAN SCHAIK, R. in healthy subjects?: 682 © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Br J Clin Pharmacol | 61:6 | 791-796 791 Author Index DAIMON, T. see YAMADA, H FAIFERMAN, I. see SINGH, D. HAJDU, E. see MATUZ, M. DALLOW, N. see SINGH, D FALLOON, J. see ROBERTSON, S.M. HALL, I.P. see CLAYTON, J.A. DAMKIER, P. see BIDSTRUP, T.B. FAVA, C. see MINUZ, P. HARANGI, M. see PARAGH, G. DAVIES, B.J., COLLER, J.K., JAMES, FENG, Y., POLLOCK, B.G., FERRELL, HARRISON-WOOLRYCH, M., CLARK, H.M., SOMOGYI, A.A., HOROWITZ, R.E., KIMAK, M.A., REYNOLDS III, D.W.J., HILL, G.R., REES, M.I. & J.D. & SALLUSTIO, B.C. The influence C.F. & BIES, R.R. Paroxetine: SKINNER, J.R. QT interval prolongation of CYP2D6 genotype on trough plasma population pharmacokinetic analysis in associated with sibutramine treatment: perhexiline and cis-OH-perhexiline late-life depression using sparse 464 concentrations following a standard concentration sampling: 558 HAUBEN, M. & REICH, L. Response to loading regimen in patients with FERNER, R.E. see COLEMAN, J.J. letter by Levine et al: 115 myocardial ischaemia: 321 FERRELL, R.E. see FENG, Y. HAWKEY, C.J., HAWKEY, G.M.., DE BOER, A. see MANTEL-TEEUWISSE, FERRO, A. see SAHA, M. EVERITT, S., SKELLY, M.M., STACK, A.K FIGUERAS, A. see CASTEL, J.-M. W.A. & GRAY, D. Increased risk of DE BRUIJN, M. see HESSE, C FITZGERALD, C. see KIM, J. myocardial infarction as first DE HAAN, M. see VOLLEBREGT, J.A FITZGERALD, D. see QUINN, M. manifestation of ischaemic heart disease DE VRIES, M. see HESSE, C. FORGUE, S.T., PATTERSON, B.E., and nonselective nonsteroidal anti- DE VRIES, T.P.G.M. see VOLLEBREGT, BEDDING, A.W., PAYNE, C.D., inflammatory drugs: 730 JLA PHILLIPS, D.L., WRISHKO, R.E. & HAWKEY, G.M. see HAWKEY, C.J. DEBRECZENI, L. see PARAGH, G MITCHELL, M.I. Tadalafil HENON, T. see MULLER, A. DEHGHANYAR, P. see BRUNNER, M. pharmacokinetics in healthy subjects: 280 HECKER, U. see BERNSDORF, A. DHESI, J.K., ALLAIN, T.J., MANGONI, FORMENTINI, E. see ROBERTSON, S.M. HEDMAN, M., ANTIKAINEN, M., A.A. & JACKSON, S.H.D. The FOSTER, D.J.R. see MORRISH, G.A HOLMBERG, C., NEUVONEN, M.., implications of a growing evidence base FRANCIS, E. see SIDHU, J EICHELBAUM, M., KIVISTO, K.T., for drug use in elderly patients. Part 4 FREEMAN, C. see HOU, R.H. NEUVONEN, PJ. & NIEMI, M. Vitamin D and bisphosphonates fot FRIBERG, L.E., ISBISTER, G.K. & Pharmacokinetics and response to fractures and osteoporosis: 521 DUFFULL, S.B pravastatin in paediatric patients with DI STEFANO, A.F.D. see BRUNNER, M Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic familial hypercholesterolaemia and in DIELEMAN, J.P. see ZIERE, G. modelling of QT interval prolongation paediatric cardiac transplant DINGEMANSE, J., GUNAWARDENA, following citalopram overdoses: 177 recipients in relation to polymorphisms K.A. & VAN GIERSBERGEN, P.L.M. 'RUTA. T., SHIRAI, N., SUGIMOTO, of the SLCO/B/ and ABCB/ genes: 706 Comparison of the pharmacokinetics, M., NAKAMURA, A. & HISHIDA, A. HEIL, A. see MAGNUSSON, M. pharmacodynamics and tolerability of Hydroxylation of lansoprazole in poor HENDERSON, A. see SINGH, D. tezosentan between Caucasian and metabolizers of CYP2C19: 361 HESSE, C., LUNTZ, S.P., SIEDLER, H., Japanese subjects: 405 UNNEBRINK, K., MIKUS, G., DE DOLLERY, C.T. Clinical pharmacology GARATTINI, S. see JOPPI, R. BRUIJN, M., ZONDAG, E., DE VRIES, the first 75 years and a view of the GARDINER, S.J., DOOGUE, M.P., M., SEIBERT-GRAFE, M. & HAEFELI, future: 650 ZHANG, M. & BEGG, E.J. W.E. Kinetics and dynamics of the DONNELLY, R., WANG, B. & QU, X Quantification of infant exposure to peripheral neurokinin-1 receptor Type 2 diabetes in China: partnerships in celecoxib through breast milk: 101 antagonist SLV317 in healthy education and research to evaluate new GARDNER, M.J. see OUELLET, D. individuals: 414 antidiabetic treatments: 702 GARNER, R.C. & LAPPIN, G. The phase 0 HILL, G.R. see HARRISON-WOOLRYCH, DOOGUE, M.P. see GARDINER, S.J microdosing concept: 367 M DORO, P. see MATUZ, M GERMANO, I. see PEREIRA, S.A HIRAOKA, H. see TAKIZAWA, E. DUBRAY, C. see CHASSAING, C GIESSMANN, T. see BERNSDORF, A HISHIDA, A. see FURUTA, T. DUDCZAK, R. see BRUNNER, M GILLAM, E.M.J. see POLASEK, T.M. HOGLUND, P. see MAGNUSSON, M. DUFFULL, S.B. see FRIBERG, L.E. GOLDMAN, M. see SINGH, D. HO, W.F. see KOO, S.H. DUY, B.D.D.N. see CUONG, B.T. GOOSEN, A. see SINGH, D. HOFMAN, A. see MANTEL-TEEUWISSE, GOTO, F. see TAKIZAWA, E. A.K EATON, L. see ACUNA, M. GRAY, D. see HAWKEY, C.J. HOFMAN, A. see ZIERE, G. EDSTEIN, M.D. see CUONG, B.T. GRIMM, S.W., RICHTAND, N.M., HOLFORD, N.H.G. see ALLEGAERT, K. EDWARDS, G. & BIAGINI, G.A. Resisting WINTER, H.R., STAMS, K.R. & HOLMBERG, C. see HEDMAN, M. resistance: dealing with the irrepressible REELE, S.B. Effects of cytochrome HOROWITZ, J.D. see DAVIES, B.J. problem of malaria: 690 P450 3A modulators ketoconazole and HOSSEINI, S.Y. see SAFARINEJAD, M.R. EDWARDS, G. see SIMPSON, J.A. carbamazepine on quetiapine HOU, R.H., SCAIFE, J., FREEMAN, C., EICHELBAUM, M. see HEDMAN, M. pharmacokinetics: 58 LANGLEY, R.W., SZABADI, E. & EKBLOM, M. see BIDSTRUP, T.B. GROENEVELD, P. see BURGER, D. BRADSHAW, C.M. Relationship ELLIOT, D.J. see POLASEK, T.M GROVER, A. see SIDHU, S. between sedation and pupillary function: ELLIOT, D.J. see UCHAIPICHAT, V GRUNAU, R.E. see KIM, J. comparison of diazepam and ENCK, P. see OTTO, B. GUNAWARDENA, K.A. see diphenhydramine: 752 ERDEI, A. see PARAGH, G DINGEMANSE, J. HSU, E. Reflections on the ‘discovery’ of ESCHALIER, A. see CHASSAING, C. GUNNELL, D. see MARTIN, R.M the antimalarial ginghao: 666 EVANS, S.J.W. see COLEMAN, J.J. HUGHES, D. see SIMPSON, J.A. EVANS, S.J.W. see WALLER, P.C. HAEFELI, W.E. see HESSE, C. HUGTENBURG, J.G. see VOLLEBREGT, EVERITT, S. see HAWKEY, C.J. HAENISCH, S. see BERNSDORF, A. J.A. 792 | 61:6 | BrJ Clin Pharmacol Author Index | HUGTENBURG, J.G., BLOM, A.T.G. & KLOSTERHALFEN, S. see OTTO, B. MANGONI, A.A. & JACKSON, S.H.D. The KISOENSINGH, S.U. Initial phase of KLUNGEL, O.H. see MANTEL- implications of a growing evidence base chronic medication use; patients’ reasons TEEUWISSE, A.K. for drug use in elderly patients. Part 2. for discontinuation: 352 KNIGHTS, K.M., MANGONI, A.A. & ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor MINERS, J.O. Non-selective blockers in heart failure and high IACOB, M. see JOANNIDES, R. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cardiovascular risk patients: 502 IGELBRINK, S. see BERNSDORF, A. cardiovascular events: is aldosterone the MANGONTI, A.A. & JACKSON, S.H.D. The ILLYES, L. see PARAGH, G. silent partner in crime?: 738 implications of a growing evidence base ISBISTER, G.K. see FRIBERG, L.E. KOO, S.H., HO, W.F. & LEE, E.J.D. for drug use in elderly patients. Part 3. ISHII, K. see TASHIRO, M. Genetic polymorphisms in KCNQI, f-adrenoceptor blockers in heart failure ISHIWATA, K. see TASHIRO, M. HERG, KCNE1 and KCNE2 genes in and thrombolytics in acute myocardial the Chinese, Malay and Indian infarction: 513 JAAKKOLA, T., BACKMAN, J.T., populations of Singapore: 301 MANGONI, A.A. see DHESI, J.K. NEUVONEN, M., LAITILA, J. & KOOPMANS, P. see BURGER, D. MANGONI, A.A. see KNIGHTS, K.M. NEUVONEN, P.J. Effect of rifampicin KOPPESCHAAR, H.P.F. see PEREIRA, MANTEL-TEEUWISSE, A.K., KLUNGEL, on the pharmacokinetics of pioglitazone: A.M. O.H., HOFMAN, A., VERSCHUREN, 70 KOVACSAY, A. see PARAGH, G. W.M.M., TRIENEKENS, P.H., JACKSON, S.H.D. see DHESI, J.K KROON, F. see BURGER, D. PORSIUS, A.J., STRICKER, B.H.CH. & JACKSON, S.H.D. see MANGONI, A.A. DE BOER, A. Prescribing behaviour JAMES, H.M. see DAVIES, B.J. LA PORTE, C. see BURGER, D. according to Dutch and European JOANNIDES, R., MOORE, N., [ACOB, M., LAITILA, J. see JAAKKOLA, T. guidelines on the management of COMPAGNON, P., LEREBOURS, G., LAMPREIA, F. see PEREIRA, S.A. hypercholesterolaemia (1992-1999): 592 MENARD, J.-F. & THUILLEZ, C. LANGLEY, R.W. see HOU, R.H. MANYANDO, C. see SIMPSON, J.A. Comparative effects of ivabradine, a LAPPIN, G. see GARNER, R.C. MARSHALL, K. see LEWINGTON, G. selective heart rate-lowering agent, and LASENBY, S. see SINGH, D. MARTIN, R.M., MAY, M. & GUNNELL,D. propranolol on systemic and cardiac LEE, E.J.D. see KOO, S.H. Did intense adverse media publicity haemodynamics at rest and during LENNARD, M.S. see ARONSON, J.K. impact on prescribing of paroxetine and exercise: 127 LEREBOURS, G. see JOANNIDES, R. the notification of suspected adverse drug JOB, S. see SIDHU, J. LEVINE, J.G., TONNING, J.M. & reactions? Analysis of routine databases, JOHNSTON, A. see CHIK, Z. SZARFMAN, A. Reply: The evaluation 2001-2004: 224 JOPPI, R., BERTELE, V. & GARATTINI, of data mining methods for the MASSARDO, D. see ACUNA, M. S. Orphan drug development is simultaneous and systematic detection of MATUZ, M., BENKO, R., DORO, P., progressing too slowly: 355 safety signals in large databases: lessons HAJDU, E., NAGY, G., NAGY, E., to be learned: 105 MONNET, D.L. & SOOS, G. Regional KAGAYA, H. see MIURA, M. LEWINGTON, G. & MARSHALL, K. variations in community consumption of KAHAN, E. see KAHAN, N.R. Access to emergency hormonal antibiotics in Hungary, 1996-2003: 96 KAHAN, N.R., CHINITZ, D.P., contraception from community MAUCK, C.K. see SIMOES, J.A. WAITMAN, D.-A. & KAHAN, E. pharmacies and family planning clinics: MAY, M. see MARTIN, R.M. When gatekeepers meet the sentinel: the 605 MCEWEN, J. see BOYD, I.W. impact of a prior authorization LEWIS, B.C. see POLASEK, T.M. MECHOULAM, R. Cannabinoids as requirement for cefuroxime on the LEWIS, L.D. see ARONSON, J.K. Therapeutics: 242 prescribing behaviour of community- LILLO-LE LOUET, A. see WYPLOSZ, B. MENARD, J.-F. see JOANNIDES, R. based physicians: 341 LIM, M.T. see YEO, K.P. METZ, J.C.M. see VOLLEBREGT, J.A. KAMALI, F. & PIRMOHAMED, M. The LINDEMANS, J. see BURGER, D. MICHAELS, L. see CHIK, Z. future prospects of pharmacogenetics in LOVELL, C.M. see CUONG, B.T. MIKUS, G. see HESSE, C. oral anticoagulation therapy: 746 LOWE, S.L. see YEO, K.P. MINERS, J.O. see KNIGHTS, K.M. KANABAR, D. Adverse drug reactions to LUNTZ, S.P. see HESSE, C. MINERS, J.O. see POLASEK, T.M. NSAIDs: 240 MINERS, J.O. see UCHAIPICHAT, V. KANEKO, S. see YASUI-FURUKORI, N. MACKENZIE, P.I. see UCHAIPICHAT, V. MINUZ, P., FAVA, C. & COMINACINI, L. KARLSSON, A. see BIDSTRUP, T.B. MAGNUSSON, M., BERGSTRAND, LC., Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and KENT, N. see KIM, J. BJORKMAN, S., HEIJL, A., ROTH, B. vascular damage: 774 KIM, J., RIGGS, K.W., MISRI, S., KENT, & HOGLUND, P. A placebo-controlled MISRI, S. see KIM, J. N., OBERLANDER, T.F.. GRUNAU, study of retinal blood flow changes by MITCHELL, M.I. see FORGUE, S.T. R.E., FITZGERALD, C. & RURAK, pentoxifylline and metabolites in MIURA, M., KAGAYA, H., TADA, H., D.W. Stereoselective disposition of humans: 138 UNO, T., YASUI-FURUKORI, N.., fluoxetine and norfluoxetine during MAHMOOD, I. Prediction of drug clearance TATEISHI, T. & SUZUKI, T. pregnancy and breast-feeding: 155 in children from adults: a comparison of Enantioselective disposition of KIMAK, M.A. see FENG, Y. several allometric methods: 545 rabeprazole in relation to CYP2C19 KIMURA, Y. see TASHIRO, M. MALHOTRA, S. see SIDHU, S. genotypes: 315 KISOENSINGH, S.U. see HUGTENBURG, MANGONI, A.A. & JACKSON, S.H.D. The MOCHIZUKI, H. see TASHIRO, M. J.G. implications of a growing evidence base MODESS, C. see BERNSDORF, A. KIVISTO, K.T. see HEDMAN, M. for drug use in elderly patients. Part 1. MONNET, D.L. see MATUZ, M. KLETTER, K. see BRUNNER, M. Statins for primary and secondary MONNET, D.L. see MULLER, A. KLOSE, J. see OTTO, B. cardiovascular prevention: 494 MONTEIRO, E.C. see PEREIRA, S.A. Br J Clin Pharmacol | 61:6 | 793 MOORE, N. see JOANNIDES, R ERDEI, A., AUDIKOVSZKY, M.., oxidative stress and modulation of MORO, L. see BRUNNER, M DEBRECZENI, L., KOVACSAY, A. autoantibodies against modified low- MORRISH, G.A., FOSTER, D.J.R. & ILLYES, L. & PADOS, G. Ciprofibrate density lipoprotein after rosuvastatin SOMOGYI, A.A. Differential in vitro increases paraoxonase activity in patients therapy: 262 inhibition of M3G and M6G formation with metabolic syndrome: 694 REYNOLDS II, C.F. see FENG, Y from morphine by (R)- and (S) PATTERSON, B.E. see FORGUE, S.T. RICHIR, M.C. see VOLLEBREGT, J.A. methadone and structurally related PAYNE, C.D. see FORGUE, S.T. RICHTAND, N.M. see GRIMM, S.W. opioids: 326 PENZAK, S.R. see ROBERTSON, S.M. RICHTER, C. see BURGER, D. MOTOMURA, S. see UNO, T PEREIRA, A.M., VAN DER KLAAUW, RIECKMANN, K.H. see CUONG, B.T. MULLER, M. see BRUNNER, M \.A., KOPPESCHAAR, H.P.F., SMIT, RIEPL, R.L. see OTTO, B. MULLER, A., MONNET, DI , TALON, D., J.W.A., VAN THIEL, S.W., VAN RIGGS, K.W. see KIM, J. HENON, T. & BERTRAND, X DOORN, J., BIERMASZ, N.R., RITTER, J. & WARREN, J. ASCOT -— old Discrepancies between prescribed daily ROELFSEMA, F. & ROMIJN, J.A. or new drugs for blood pressure?: 363 doses and WHO defined daily doses of Efficacy of needle-free administration of RITTER, J.M. see ARONSON, J.K. antibacterials at a university hospital recombinant human growth hormone in ROBERTSON, S.M., FORMENTINI, E., SR5 adults with growth hormone deficiency: ALFARO, R.M., NATARAJAN, V., MURAKAMI, H. see MURAKAMI, ¥ 45| FALLOON, J. & PENZAK, S.R. Lack of MURAKAMI, Y., TANAKA, T., PEREIRA, S.A., BRANCO, T., CORTE sex-related differences in saquinavir MURAKAMI, H., TSUJIMOTO, M.., REAL, R.M., GERMANO, L., pharmacokinetics in an HIV-seronegative OHTANI, H. & SAWADA, ¥ LAMPREIA, F., CAIXAS, U. & cohort: 379 Pharmacokinetic modelling of the MONTEIRO, E.C. Long-term and RODGERS, S. see CLAYTON, J.A. interaction between St John’s wort and concentration-dependent beneficial effect RODVALD, K.A. see PISCITELLI, S.C. ciclosporin A: 671 of efavirenz on HDL-cholesterol in HIV- ROELFSEMA, F. see PEREIRA, A.M. infected patients: 601 ROMAN, D. see OUELLET, D. NAGY,E . see MATUZ, M PERUCCA, E. Clinically relevant drug ROMIJN, J.A. see PEREIRA, A.M. NAGY, G. see MATUZ, M interactions with antiepileptic drugs: ROTH, B. see MAGNUSSON, M. NAKAMURA, A. see FURUTA,1 PHILIPSON, R. see SIDHU, J RURAK, D.W. see KIM, J. NAKASHIMA, M. see YAMADA, H PHILLIPS, D.L. see FORGUE, S.T. RUSCA, A. see BRUNNER, M. NATARAJAN,V . see ROBERTSONS,.M PIRMOHAMED, M. see KAMALI, F NEUVONEN, M. see HEDMAN,M PISCITELLI, S.C. & RODVALD, K.A SAFARINEJAD, M.R. & HOSSEINI, S-Y. NEUVONEN, M. see JAAKKOLA, T Drug Interactions in Infectious Diseases, Safety and efficacy of tramadol in the NEUVONEN, P.J. see HEDMAN, M. 2nd edn: 611 treatment of idiopathic detrusci NEUVONEN, P.J. see JAAKKOLA, 7 POLASEK, T.M., ELLIOT, D.J., overactivity: a double-blind, placebo NIEMI, M. see HEDMAN, M SOMOGYI, A.A., GILLAM, E.M.J., controlled, randomized study: 456 LEWIS, B.C. & MINERS, J.O. An SAHA, M. & FERRO, A. Cardiac stem cell O*’SHAUGHNESSY, K.M. HapMap evaluation of potential mechanism-based therapy: present and future: 797 pharmacogenomics, and the goal of inactivation of human drug metabolizing SAITO, S. see TAKIZAWA, E personalized prescribing: 783 cytochromes P450 by monoamine SAKURADA, Y. see TASHIRO, M. OBERLANDER, T-F. see KIM, J oxidase inhibitors, including isoniazid SALLUSTIO, B.C. see DAVIES, B.J. ODA, K. see TASHIRO, M 570 SASAKI, T. see TASHIRO, M OGGE, G. see TODROS, T POLLOCK, B.G. see FENG, Y SAWADA, Y. see MURAKAMI, Y. OHKUBO, T. see UNO, 1 POLS, H.A.P. see ZIERE, G. SCAIFE, J. see HOU, R.H OHTANI, H. see MURAKAMI, Y PORSIUS, A.J. see MANTEL-TEEUWISSE, SCHELLONG, S. see BEYER, J. OLSEN, A.K. see BIDSTRUP, T.B A.K SCHENK, P. see BURGER, D OPATRNY, L. see “*CHRIS’ DELANEY, J.A SCHMIDT, J. see CHASSAING, C OTTO, B., RIEPL, R.L., OTTO, C., QU, X. see DONNELLY, R. SCHWARTZ, J. see SIMOES, J.A KLOSE, J., ENCK, P. & QUINN, M. & FITZGERALD, D. Platelet SEIBERT-GRAFE, M. see HESSE, C. KLOSTERHALFEN, S. u-Opiate function: assessment, diagnosis and SERES, I. see PARAGH, G receptor agonists — a new treatment: 610 SESOKO, S. see YAMADA, H pharmacological approach to prevent SHAFIQ, N. see SIDHU, S. motion sickness?: 27 RAMAEKERS, J.G. see THEUNISSEN, SHIMIZU, M. see UNO, T. OTTO, C. see OTTO, B E.l SHIMIZU, M., UNO, T., SUGAWARA, K. OQUELLET, D., BRAMSONC,.. , RANDINITIS, E. see OUELLET, D & TATEISHI, T. Effects of itraconazole CARVAJAL-GONZALEZ, S., ROMAN, REELE, S.B. see GRIMM, S.W and diltiazem on the pharmacokinetics of D., RANDINITIS, E., REMMERS, A. & REES, M.1. see HARRISON-WOOLRYCH, fexofenadine, a substrate of P- GARDNER, M.J. Effects of lasofoxifene M glycoprotein: 538 on the pharmacokinetics and REHILL, N., BECK, C.R., YEO, K.R. & SHIRAI, N. see FURUTA, T. pharmacodynamics of single-dose YEO, W.W. The effect of chronic SIDHU, J., JOB, S.. BULLMAN, J., warfarin: 741 tobacco smoking on arterial stiffness: FRANCIS, E., ABBOTT, R., ASCHER, 767 J. & THEIS, J.G.W. Pharmacokinetics PADOS,G . see PARAGH,G REICH, L. see HAUBEN, M and tolerability of lamotrigine and PALADINI, D. see TODROS, 1 REMMERS, A. see OUELLET, D olanzapine coadministered to healthy PANDHI, P. see SIDHU, S. RESCH, U., TATZBER, F., BUDINSKY, A. subjects: 420 PARAGH, G., SERES, I., HARANGI, M., & SINZINGER, H. Reduction of SIDHU, J., JOB, S., SINGH, S. & 61:6 Br J Clin Pharmacol Author Index | PHILIPSON, R. The pharmacokinetic SUGAWARA, K. see UNO, T. TRIENEKENS, P.H. see MANTEL- and pharmacodynamic consequences of SUGIMOTO, M. see FURUTA, T. TEEUWISSE, A.K. the co-administration of lamotrigine and SUISSA, S. see ‘CHRIS’ DELANEY, J.A. TSCHURLOVITS, M. see BRUNNER, M. a combined oral contraceptive in healthy SUZUKI, T. see MIURA, M. TSUJIMOTO, M. see MURAKAMI, Y. female subjects: 191 SZABADI, E. Drugs for sleep disorders: TUCKER, A.T. see CHIK, Z. SIDHU, S., SHAFIQ, N., MALHOTRA, S., mechanisms and therapeutic prospects: PANDHI, P. & GROVER, A. A meta- 761 UCHAIPICHAT, V., WINNER, L.K., analysis of trials comparing Cypher and SZABADI, E. see HOU, R.H. MACKENZIE, P.I., ELLIOT, D.J.. Taxus stents in patients with obstructive SZARFMAN, A. see LEVINE, J.G. WILLIAMS, J.A. & MINERS, J.O. coronary artery disease: 720 Quantitative prediction of in vivo SIEDLER, H. see HESSE, C. TADA, H. see MIURA, M. inhibitory interactions involving SIEGMUND, W. see BERNSDORF, A. TAKIZAWA, D. see TAKIZAWA, E. glucuronidated drugs from in vitro data: SIMOES, J.A., BAHAMONDES, L.G., TAKIZAWA, E., TAKIZAWA, D., the effect of fluconazole on zidovudine CAMARGO, R.P.S., ALVES, V.M.N , HIRAOKA, H., SAITO, S. & GOTO, F. glucuronidation: 427 ZANEVELD, L.J.D., WALLER, D.P., Disposition and pharmacodynamics of UNNEBRINK, K. see HESSE, C. SCHWARTZ, J., CALLAHAN, M.M. & propofol during isovolaemic haemorrhage UNO, T. see MIURA, M. MAUCK, C.K. A pilot clinical trial followed by crystalloid resuscitation in UNO, T. see SHIMIZU, M. comparing an acid-buffering formulation humans: 256 UNO, T. see YASUI-FURUKORI, N. (ACIDFORM gel) with metronidazole TALON, D. see MULLER, A. UNO, T., OHKUBO, T., MOTOMURA, S. gel for the treatment of symptomatic TAL-SINGER, R. see SINGH, D. & SUGAWARA, K. Effect of grapefruit bacterial vaginosis: 211 TANAKA, T. see MURAKAMIL, Y. juice on the disposition of manidipine SIMPSON, J.A., HUGHES, D.., TASHIRO, M., MOCHIZUKI, H., enantiomers in healthy subjects: 533 MANYANDO, C., BOJANG, K., SAKURADA, Y., ISHII, K., ODA, K., UNO, T., SHIMIZU, M., YASUI- AARONS, L., WINSTANLEY, P., KIMURA, Y., SASAKI, T., ISHIWATA, FURUKORI, N., SUGAWARA, K. & EDWARDS, G., WATKINS, W.A. & K. & YANAI, K. Brain histamine H TATEISHI, T. Different effects of WARD, S. Population pharmacokinetic receptor occupancy of orally fluvoxamine on rabeprazole and pharmacodynamic modelling of the administered antihistamines measured by pharmacokinetics in relation to CYP2C19 antimalarial chemotherapy positron emission tomography with ''C- genotype status: 309 chlorproguanil/dapsone: 289 doxepin in a placebo-controlled crossover SINGH, D., TAL-SINGER, R., study design in healthy subjects: a VAN DER CAMMEN, T.J.M. see ZIERE, FAIFERMAN, I., LASENBY, S., comparison of olopatadine and ketotifen: G. HENDERSON, A., WESSELS, D., 16 VAN DER ENDE, M. see BURGER, D. GOOSEN, A., DALLOW, N., VESSEY, TATEISHI, T. see MIURA, M. VAN DER HEIDEN, I. see BURGER, D R. & GOLDMAN, M. Plethysmography TATEISHI, T. see SHIMIZU, M. VAN DER KLAAUW, A.A. see PEREIRA, and impulse oscillometry assessment of TATEISHI, T. see UNO, T. A.M. tiotropium and ipratropium bromide; a TATEISHI, T. see YASUI-FURUKORI, VAN DOORN, J. see PEREIRA, A.M. randomized, double-blind, placebo- N. VAN GIERSBERGEN, P.L.M. see controlled, cross-over study in healthy TATZBER, F. see RESCH, U. DINGEMANSE, J. subjects: 398 TERHAAG, B. see BERNSDORF, A. VAN SCHAIK, R. see BURGER, D. SINGH, S. see SIDHU, J. THEIS, J.G.W. see SIDHU, J. VAN THIEL, S.W. see PEREIRA, A.M. SINZINGER, H. see RESCH, U. THEUNISSEN, E.L., VERMEEREN, A. & VAUTIER, S. see WYPLOSZ, B. SKELLY, M.M. see HAWKEY, C.J. RAMAEKERS, J.G. Repeated-dose VERDIGLIONE, P. see TODROS, T. SKINNER, J.R. see HARRISON- effects of mequitazine, cetirizine and VERGANI, P. see TODROS, T. WOOLRYCH, M. dexchlorpheniramine on driving and VERMEEREN, A. see THEUNISSEN, E.L. SMIT, J.W.A. see PEREIRA, A.M. psychomotor performance: 79 VERSCHUREN, W.M.M. see MANTEL- SOMOGYI, A.A. see DAVIES, B.J. THOMSON, A.H. see STAATZ, C.E. TEEUWISSE, A.K. SOMOGYI, A.A. see MORRISH, G.A. THUILLEZ, C. see JOANNIDES, R. VESSEY, R. see SINGH, D. SOMOGYI, A.A. see POLASEK, T.M. TIRONA, R.G. & BAILEY, D.G. Herbal VIGO, J.-M. see CASTEL, J.-M SOOS, G. see MATUZ, M. product—drug interactions mediated by VILLA, R. see BRUNNER, M. SPRENGER, H. see BURGER, D. induction: 677 VOELKER, J.R. see YEO, K.P. STAATZ, C.E.. BYRNE, C. & THOMSON, TITCHEN, T., CRANSWICK, N. & VOLLEBREGT, J.A., METZ, J.C.M., DE \.H. Population pharmacokinetic BEGGS, S. Authors’ response: Adverse HAAN, M., RICHIR, M.C., modelling of gentamicin and drug reactions to NSAIDs: 240 HUGTENBURG, J.G. & DE VRIES, vancomycin in patients with unstable TODROS, T., VERDIGLIONE, P., OGGE, T.P.G.M. Curriculum development in renal function following cardiothoracic G., PALADINI, D., VERGANI, P. & pharmacotherapy: testing the ability of surgery: 164 CARDAROPOLI, S. Low incidence of preclinical medical students to learn STACK, W.A. see HAWKEY, C.J. hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in therapeutic problem solving in a STAMS, K.R. see GRIMM, S.W. women treated with spiramycin for randomized controlled trial: 345 STEPHENSON, T. The medicines for toxoplasma infection: 336 children agenda in the UK: 716 TOMLINSON, B. & CHOW, M:S:S. WAITMAN, D.-A. see KAHAN, N.R. STRICKER, B.H.CH. see MANTEL- Stereoselective interaction of manidipine WALLER, D.P. see SIMOES, J.A. TEEUWISSE, A.K. and grapefruit juice: a new twist on an WALLER, P. see BARROW, P. STRICKER, B.H.CH. see ZIERE, G. old tale: 529 WALLER, P.C., EVANS, S.J.W. & BEARD, SUGAWARA, K. see SHIMIZU, M. TONNING, J.M. see LEVINE, J.G. K. Drug safety and the media: 123 Br J Clin Pharmacol | 61:6 | 795 | Author Index WALSH, L. Incidental events in spontaneous LOUET, A. & CAPRON, L. Tolerance of VOELKER, J.R., BURKEY, J.L. & reports a proposal for filtering ‘noise’: diclofenac after hypersensitivity to WISE, S.D. Pharmacokinetics of 118 celecoxib and to nabumetone: 474 ruboxistaurin are significantly altered by WANG, B. see DONNELLY, R. rifampicin-mediated CYP3A4 induction: WARD, S. see SIMPSON, J.A. YAMADA, H., SESOKO, S., DAIMON, T. 200 WARREN, J. see RITTER, J & NAKASHIMA, M. Application of a YEO, K.R. see REHILL, N. WATKINS, W.A. see SIMPSON, J.A. newly designed electronic monitoring YEO, W.W. see REHILL, N. WEGNER, D. see BERNSDORF, A. device for press through packaging WESSELS, D. see SINGH, D. sheets in a clinical trial: 238 ZANEVELD, L.J.D. see SIMOES, J.A. WILLIAMS, J.A. see UCHAIPICHAT, V YANAIT, K. see TASHIRO, M. ZHANG, M. see GARDINER, S.J. WINNER, L.K. see UCHAIPICHAT, V. YASUI-FURUKORI, N. see MIURA, M. ZIEGLER, S. see BRUNNER, M. WINSTANLEY, P. see SIMPSON, J.A YASUI-FURUKORI, N. see UNO, T. ZIERE, G., DIELEMAN, J.P., HOFMAN, WINTER, H.R. see GRIMM, S.W YASUI-FURUKORI, N., UNO, T., A., POLS, H.A.P., VAN DER WISE, L. see BARROW, P. KANEKO, S. & TATEISHI, T. Author’s CAMMEN, T.J.M. & STRICKER, WISE, S.D. see YEO, K.P. reply: Hydroxylation of lansoprazole in B.H.CH. Polypharmacy and falls in the WRISHKO, R.E. see FORGUE, S.T. poor metabolizers of CYP2C19: 361 middle age and elderly population: 218 WYPLOSZ, B., VAUTIER, S., LILLO-LE YEO, K.P., LOWE, S.L., LIM, M.T., ZONDAG, E. see HESSE, C. 796 | 61:6 | Br J Clin Pharmacol British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology SUBJECT INDEX This index was compiled from the keywords §-adrenoceptor blockers, 513 Chilean population, 778 drug therapy, 716, 761 [l-opiate-agonist, 27 China, 666, 702 drug therapy/adverse effects, 371 6B-hydroxycortisol, 200 chlorcycloguanil, 289 drug utilization, 96 ACE inhibitors, 502 chlorproguanil, 289, 690 drug utilization analysis, 341 ACIDFORM, 211 chronic medication, 352 activated charcoal, 177 ciclosporin A, 671 efavirenz, 148, 601 adult growth hormone deficiency, 451 ciprofibrate, 694 elderly, 218, 229 adverse cardiovascular events, 464 ciprofloxacin, 138 elderly patients, 494, 502, 513, 521 adverse drug reaction, 233 citalopram, 177 electrolytes, 87 adverse effects, 738 clearance, 545 emergency hormonal contraception, 605 adverse events, 224 clinical pharmacology, 389, 787 enantiomer, 315, 533 ad‘erse oesophageal effects, 470 clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 345 endothelin, 405 age, 605 codispensing, 470 endothelium, 767 aldosterone, 738 cognitive skills, 345 enzyme induction, 200, 246, 246 alendronate, 470 combined oral contraceptive, 191 epidemiology, 229, 730 allometric scaling, 545 communication, 702, 787 epilepsy, 246 amikacin, 39 community consumption, 96 erectile dysfunction, 280 analgesics, 389 comparison, 720 ethnic origin, 405 angiotensin receptor blockers, 502 compliance, 352 ethnicity, 148 antibacterials, 96 computer decision support, 371 exercise, 127 anticoagulants, 229 congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), 464 exponents, 545 antiepileptic drugs, 246 congestive cardiac failure, 502, 513 extreme preterm infants, 39 antihistamine, 79 coronary artery disease, 720 antimicrobial use, 585 coumarins, 746 falls, 218 antioxidant treatment, 5 crystalloid resuscitation, 256 fexofenadine, 538 antioxidants, 774 cyclosporin, 706 first-generation antihistamine, 16 arousal, 752 CYP2B6 polymorphism, 148 fluconazole, 427 artemisinin, 666 CYP2C19, 309, 315 fluoxetine, 155 arteries, 767 CYP2C8, 70, 746 fluvoxamine, 309 artesunate, 690 CYP2C8 polymorphism, 49 food, 682 aspirin, 730 CYP2D6, 321 food effect, 31 autoantibodies, 262 CYP2D6 polymorphism, 558 CYP3A4, 200, 533 gastrointestinal transit, 31 bacterial vaginosis, 211 Cypher, 720 Ge Hong, 666 bioequivalence, 275 cytochrome P450, 321, 379, 570 gender, 148, 682 bisphosphonates, 521 cytochrome P450 enzymes, 677 genetic polymorphisms bladder, 456 genetic variants, 778 bone fractures, 521 dapsone, 289, 690 gentamicin, 164 breast milk, 155 defined daily dose, 585 geriatric medicine, 218 British National Formulary for Children, 716 depression, 155 geriatrics, 558 budesonide, 31 determinants of antibiotic use, 96 glucoronidation, 326, 427 detrusor overactivity, 456 grapefruit juice, 49, 682 calcitriol, 470 development, 355 gyu ideline adherence, 592 carbamazepine, 58 Diabetes mellitus, 702 cardiac, 727 diazepam, 752 haemodynamic, 127 cardiac failure, 727 diltiazem, 538 HapMap, 783 cardiothoracic surgery, 164 diphenhydramine, 752 HDL-cholesterol, 601 cardiovascular risk, 494, 502, 601 DNA polymorphisms, 778 healthy subject, 398 case-control, 730 dosage, 671 Herbal formulations, 677 case-control studies, 229 driving, 79 HES data, 233 catecholamines, 127 drug discovery, 666 histamine H,-receptor (HR), 16 cefuroxime, 341 drug interaction, 58, 70, 538, 671, 741 histamine H,-receptor occupancy, 16 celecoxib, 101 drug interactions, 246, 427, 677 HIV, 379 cetirizine, 79 drug resistance, 690 HIV-infection, 5 children, 545, 706 drug safety, 123, 233 HIV infection, 148, 601 © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd BJr Cl in Pharmacol | 61:6 | 797-799 | 797 Subject Index hospital, 585 monitoring, 371 postpartum, 155 hospital admission, 23 morphine, 326 pravastatin, 706 human, 101 motion sickness, 27 pregnancy, 155 human pain models, 389 MRP2, 440 pregnancy-induced hypertension, 336 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase myocardial infarction, 513, 730 prevention and control, 371 inhibitors, 592 primaquine, 682 hyperalgesia, 389 N-acetylcysteine, 5 primary care, 87 hypercholesterolaemia, 592 nausea, 27 primary prevention, 494 hyperlipidaemia, 694 needle-free, 451 prior authorization, 341 hypokalaemia, 87 neural mechanisms, 761 propofol, 256 hyponatraemia, 87 neurokinin-| receptor antagonist, 414 propranolol, 127 nitric oxide, 767 protein kinase C B, 200 Ix, currents, 464 noncompetitive, 326 psychomotor performance, 79 impulse oscillometry, 398 NONMEM, 558 pulmonary disease, 5 in vitro-in vivo correlation, 427 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase pupil, 752 incidence, 470 inhibitor, 148 indicators, 585 Non-selective non-steroidal anti- qinghaosu, 666 induction, 677 inflammatory drugs, 738 QT interval, 177 ineffectiveness nonselective COX inhibitors, 39 QT prolongation, 464 inhibition, 326 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, quetiapine, 58 interaction, 191 730 Internet, 787 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 389 rabeprazole, 309, 315 ion channels, 301 norfluoxetine, 155 radiocontrast-induced nephropathy, 5 isoniazid, 570 randomized controlled trials, 494, 502, 51% ~a s isoquine, 690 OATPIB1, 440, 706 521 isovolaemic haemorrhage, 256 olanzapine, 420 rare diseases, 35 itraconazole, 538 olopatadine, 16 recombinant human growth hormone, 451 ivabradine, 127 orphan drugs, 355 regional differences, 96 Osteoporosis, 521 repaglinide, 49 Japanese, 405 oxidative stress, 262, 74 repeated-dose, 79 oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein, research, 702, 787 KCNQI, 464 262 retinal blood flow, 138 ketoconazole, 58 review, 246 ketotifen, 16 paediatrics, 716 rifampicin, 138, 200, 70 paraoxonase, 694 risk drugs, 218 lactation, 101 paroxetine, 224, 558 root mean square error, 545 lamotrigine, 191, 420 patients’ perspective, rosuvastatin, 262 Lapdap 690 pentoxifylline, 138 ruboxistaurin, 200 lasotoxifene, 7A}/4 1 perhexiline, 321 light reflex, 752 personalized prescribing, 783 saquinavir, 379 long QT syndrome, 301 P-glycoprotein, 379, 440, 538 secondary prevention, 494 loperamide pharmacodynamics, 177, 191, 256, 289, 405, second-generation antihistamine, 16 lung function, 398 741 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, pharmaco-epidemiology, 218 VIA + Malaria, 666, 682, 690 pharmacoepidemiology, 341 sentinel effect, 341 managed care, 341 pharmacogenetics, 746, 778 serious motor vehicle crash, manidipine, 533 pharmacogenomics, 783 sex, 379 MAO inhibitors, 570 pharmacokinetic model, 671 sibutramine, 464 ‘ mass media, | 4 pharmacokinetics, 39, 58, 70, 101, 138, 148, side-effects, 352 mechanism-based inactivation, 570 191, 275, 280, 379, ¢ 5. 414, 420, 538, simvastatin, 440 media, 224 558. 682. 741 skin conductance, 7 52 Medicines for Children, 716 pharmaco-scintigraphy, 31 SLCOIB1, 706 medicines regulation, 37] pharmacovigilance, 123, Sleep disorders, 761 mequitazine, 79 pharmacy, 605 sleep-promoting system, 761 meta-analysis, 720 phosphodiesterase, 280 SLV317, 414 metabolic ratio, 321 pioglitazone, 70 smoking, 730, 767 metabolic syndrome, 694 placebo-controlled crossover study design, spiramycin, 336 metabolism, 70 16 St John’s wort, 671, 677 metabolite effects, 138 plasma concentrations, 601 Statins, 494 methadone, 326 Plasmodium falciparum, 289 Stem cells, metronidazole, 211 polymorphism, 321 stereoselective drug disposition, 155 microbicide, 211 polypharmacy, 218 stereoselectivity, 326 milk, 101 population pharmacokinetics, 164, 289 stress hormones, 27 modelling, 177 positron emission tomography (PET), 16 substance P, 414 61:6 Br J Clin Pharmacol Subject Index | tadalafil, 280 time trends, 224 vaginal formulation, 211] talinolol, 440 tolerability, 420 vancomycin, 164 target concentration intervention, 39 toxicology, 177 variability, 39 targeted drug delivery, 31 toxoplasmosis, 336 vascular damage, 774 Taxus, 720 traditional Chinese medicine, 702 vein, 414 TDS”, 275 training, 702, 787 vitamin D, 521 testosterone, 275 tramadol, 456 VKORC1, 746 tezosentan, 405 transdermal delivery, 275 wakefulness-promoting systems, 76] therapeutic drug monitoring, - treatment, 456 warfarin, 229, 741, 746 therapeutic problem solving, : TSER, 778 world wide web, 787 thiazide diuretics, 87 thromboembolism, 746 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, 427 Yellow Card, 233 thrombolytic agents, 513 undergraduate medical education, 345 tilt, 127 urinary incontinence, 456 zidovudine, 427 Br J Clin Pharmacol 61:6 799 Contents Volume 61, Number 1, January 2006 Editors’ view Drug interactions Effects of cytochrome P4! Review In vivo receptor imaging Therapeutics ed niorpneniran Pharmacoepidemiology Pharmacodynamics " gional variations in con Ll ainy Short report Pharmacokinetics Letters to the editors Drug metabolism Volume 61, Number 2, February 2006 Editors’ view 121 M J Review ao 123 Dr sft i ae ay sae ene Pharmacokinetics terpatient variability Pharmacodynamics 127 mparative etiect id norfluoxetine during K.U Riggs >. Misr C. Fitzgerald & D.W. Rurak

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