T&H MORRIS Bridgend & Porthcawl WILLIAMS EESSTT 11997744 &EVANS “Your ORIGINAL priceless FFAAMMIILLYY weekly newspaper” Menswear BBUUTTCCHHEERRSS TThhee aarreeaa’’ss SALE 38 Dunraven Place Bridgend lloonnggeesstt sseerrvviinngg Also at CCoommmmuunniittyy NOW ON Megasave North Cornelly NNeewwssppaappeerr 2-4 Queen Street, 01656 768620 BRIDGEND FREE Established 1983 ☎ 01656 652072 HOME DELIVERY SERVICE www.williamsandevans.co.uk Weekly audited distribution (51 weeks) to 31/12/14 - 45,271 www.bridgend-today.co.uk (cid:129) www.porthcawl-today.co.uk THURSDAY, JANUARY 7TH 2016 (GEM Series). Audited by David Pinder & Co Ltd. Chartered Accountants. ROW OVER HOSPITAL Read The GEM totally FREE every week online! NEW YEAR HEALTH, BED NUMBERS www.barry-today.co.uk (cid:129) www.cowbridge-today.co.uk BEAUTY & FITNESS www.llantwit-major-today.co.uk Page 20 www.bridgend-today.co.uk (cid:129) www.porthcawl-today.co.uk Pages 18-20 ‘Sign petition ‘TAFFY ANGLERS’ VISIT for Conner’ PORTHCAWL TO HAUL THE parents of Conner Marshall of Barry, who was murdered by a Caerphilly man, David Braddon, in an unprovoked attack at Trecco Bay Caravan Park, Porthcawl, IN CASH FOR THE RNLI have asked members of the public to sign an on-line petition asking that a Probation Service report into Braddon’s supervision should be published in full. Conner’s family say that a Serious Further Offence Report has identified failings in the way that Braddon was supervised. His parents, Nadine and Richard, said: “To date, we have been disallowed and unable to have access to this full report. “Despite numerous attempts and requests to managers, directors, MPs and Government Ministers we remain without answers and explanations as to many aspects of the case management. “Sadly, Conner no longer has a voice, so we as his parents are committed to seeking honest, truthful answers and explanations from those who deny us this very basic need.” Speaking on television news, Nadine Marshall said that David Braddon was “a bomb waiting to go off”. The petition can be found by typing ‘Conner Marshall petition’ into a search The anglers meet volunteers at Porthcawl RNLI. (Photo by Gareth Davies). engine. A GROUP of large wave. one another and “The club arranged a anglers based in With this in mind, the catching specimen fish. day out last year, where Beddau have ‘Taffy Anglers’ –a club “After we got we managed to collect a which is 22-strong and ourselves established, good sum of money and pulled together to can boast two juniors in we thought we could passed it on to the guys raise funds for the fold, recently raised make a difference to the and gals at Porthcawl’s Porthcawl RNLI more than £700. sea angling community RNLI. Anglers frequently The club is headed by by raising funds for the “We have been made use the breakwater, Mark Jones and Clive RNLI. to feel very welcome by which is close to the Dowsett, both from “In Porthcawl, they chairman John Abraham RNLI station, as a Beddau. have two inshore and his lifeboat vantage point. Indeed, Mark said: “The club vessels and a super spec operations manager, just before Christmas is about having fun, tractor for launching Phil Missen, who steer We tick all the boxes the lifeboat was nothing is taken too and retrieving the crews the 50-strong group of launched to rescue an seriously when we are safely, so a constant volunteers and ensure in vehicle rental angler who had been out, other than having a cash flow is necessary.” professional standards washed into the sea by a great time, learning off Clive Dowsett said: and continual training for the crews –365 days a year’. “We were greeted by (cid:129) Daily rental warm handshakes and given a guide around (cid:129) Long term rental the lifeboat station, with epic huge sea photos (cid:129) Cars & vans FREE KINDLING peppering the walls of SSSeeeellff SSttoorrraaaggee the training room, which is a stark (cid:129) No mileage charge WITH EVERY BUILDERS BAG OF reminder of the perils LOGS ONLY WITH THIS ADVERT and dangers these brave (cid:129) Various size fleet * people face daily when ‘we’ the public make mistakes. The actual money- raising process was carried out by dressing as Santa and fishing for several hours on the promenade at Porthcawl, where a mixture of dogfish, whiting and pout were caught. Several of the anglers CCCaaallll0011665566775500229933,,eemmmaaiillbbrriiddggeenndd@@ddaaiinnttoonn..cccooommm had sponsor forms so CALL US NOW FOR A QUOTE ON oorrvviissiittuussaattCCooiitttyyyRRoooaadd,,BBrriiddggeenndd,,CCFF331111NNSS friends and family 01656 334335 helped to increase the 1A Technology Centre, Pencoed **5500%%ooffffffffiirrrssssttt88wwweeeeekkksssiinnssstttoorrraaagggee..OOfffffffeeerreeexxxppiirrreeess3311///0000333///1166..AAAppppplliieessttooddoommeessstttiiccssstttoorrraaaggeeoonnlllyyy,,ssuubbbjjjjeeccctttttooaavvvaaaiilllaaabbiilliitttyyyy,,, days count up to eeexxxxccclluuddeess''GGrrraaaddeeBBB''uunniittssaannddmmaayybbbeeeewwwiiitthhddrrraaawwwnnnaattaannyyttiimmee..AAAssskkiinnsssttttooorrreeefffooorrffuullllTTT&&CC.. £761.24! NNEEWWOOFFFFIICCEESSNNOOWWWAAAVVVVAAAIILLAABBLLEETTOOLLEETTT (CONTINUED www.lowcostcarandvanrental.co.uk ON PAGE 3) 2 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 7th, 2016 Br YOUR CHANCE TO SHARE Local First Responders THE COMMUNITY NEWS... send out an Laleston town hall. She studied Parc Slip will also be SOS for funds Gardening at the Royal Northern NORTH BRIDGEND NEWS hosting a woodcarving College of Music and craft weekend on Club is an associate artist A message for all readers in the north of Bridgend who would January 23 and 24, with COITYand volunteer group who are MLCCaloEultetbMas tmgBoeneE, e HRGt Siaag trho dCfelnififng wOpianneip rdtcefh oora naWrbm.cr eeSoelrahsdtdshe e. ihNxnat aestthnieos inUvaeKlly liIkf eIy otaoum h wvaievsrehy i ttaoep mspusrr obieamngcciiholtu nardobe, efplp edoTl eraihatnnses d etoGh nwceEo i lMnacl ntoea:ymnc dtsm oemucaeivna.oi ltu yar cn tetiovw iitsny c c oilnulu dtmehinss dcDwaeneaelmdeylc .blo oerEnmaasvrtteener ,r a Stycthtioo oeDnm naewser it tys aoonlofwnegn’s BRlaapreupisndpecgaoheln netddode areFsnni ra husbatrlvgeeent tebSrmyear ietvnhriegecde eW n taocen ylads tc htpae Arlnlodsmv rcibedeucerlet acainvaincereed SthtreTe hpeeat c,r lauisbdh jh aaccsh eaun srtec rthioe.s wOiwlTle hbnee. cBoBncCe’rst Gcoamrrypère 1 TyCno-nYt-aCcot ededev etCaryillo sns:eewC, SsLwaorIrnVt,h ByE rs iuMdbgjeeIcnTtd. C CHF3E2 L9NLQ mmLoaorkrneian i gno fnloo 0rvm1e6 as5tpi6oo no7,n2 cs4a.1 lF0lo0r. tlihfeemsa vtion pgurchase uarnrt“iivOl eausn.r avmolbuunltaenecrse can of monthly meetings The choir rehearses TEL: 01656 725399 Bury pupils equipment, in arrive at an emergency throughout the autumn at the local rugby club email: [email protected] PUPILS at Tondu particular new scene in a matter of and winter months, on on Thursday evenings Primary School had a defibrillators, for minutes, as they are only RhM7tptwamwahnr.hel3rooaodkeTili0npnvc c hrtpbthaodihhhnemygdma i gem raayc,Ide t,t lvalei t suaoJ7hToe bdarnn.ertu3 nsi er aseeMo 0euwolssif psad nwa onsrmrmac yeo ityehl.hcg sel 1 ateeI mooi1bts sonff e.b anai t rettah,hsretse. OBctrWo9Sbaaohanln,eiRw ncdteoa newSeIlg ailnsnDrogayie htn enottseehG wug engrGraw rrEt Csa7wmarsde Np aiblhaiacencmntDeyomtoh kde ,Ci m t rnbam J‘h hNnTe eaoeiaerd.annfh splC teuv e9siaiooaptrtornremeawyda,ll aosprrpwi‘pmeagcceanohpthocrr sepEitoftrooidlhnroetsreodoi eetdtr vtl’y.vmi rh i ehtsnarteesa ehaenm i tacnepnisdipseeclcors ss ointhepnw vehs tooe sai epcocfonass o ertroslg tik’cme‘chor sgti ashe nsaneo c o lhvgsufoso aoe ordhhlvrrr’’oyaese,tsnt pchJoaopcthehnarefvaeen rarideBTtil stkhdr sndiehcr ciectgrmynnoeiu hes,nstasm lnao sc,icate n .noehmhrifvygscl ooeee. ul ’ror“nuyms n,vl 1tse’iM pei2astivyhnr r7rcyes a sh . Dls eupoaitsprarchoeivpaotsuilaos ddbtr ht”oleef MMLSE(C(PL(RYCLouorabhaosloopcuebaagrrbywh iwnrgioOs eeildbaVele or sV ornW itBthWMnai tvnd(eereele owoaeg asCnrAo)t reg y M ,r(ddi()() )HeiP,JS,a,c o oLtomReWkMr drhorCgesehiatowab hyfiiBwonetrsrceekriiinaere dsawlw(d)l)h),,gl,)),, bCsitMStKrGnhicuuwthanhvelagTserra iiorbydtgdheinroes yhtie tistdlgh‘ io tmeLlmcnc - etatEh htuiogat et oohadhn esa sibit,neworcr ir wenaihdt Waaebfeng liroswlSste e, drhboeiiiliennrsv sett’hgh efh.to n heartee trrmtCt(tohoeAahoci ee eumEsTTie metcsinDhhyo raeb£tee rs ) lae d3egy eggnrw e,s sr9rr0dif hhoonoo90i ibBiuucf9u0pc rrpp r h ciepctit la oadonial.asras g e lr derlteteeesoenirdd na sarauiscspdinbsn o telaetoendhrd de eiitans. saapFaArfsueetrsnaiamecnn rrd“arsaetdt tbT nt .itici t vhuneRnhooeerlgge meas c ,nWshnts amhpsoicclpoielo heussG l n e bswnSaidmohenipeetevt yrep wrteva h- erogrbeieanceprea lmeoln esot.uer oecoa pdnWatuetlres CORMeibion Maesteg Chepstow’, ‘Only Men been judged as Local removals firm Joseph Cavalli-Price performed in a carol arrest, oxygen therapy gain much needed ar Cylch (Maesteg and Aloud’ and the ‘excellent’. JH Apsee & Sons has (Neath), Matthew Welch service at Tondu Wesley and other lifesaving equipment.” District Male Choir) is wonderful Rebecca Pupil’s poster supported the annual (Cheltenham). Methodist Church. equipment. For further pMCiMMatftharrslevroaaau Ro aoreepcbughnusstug aiittrnitaseeihnntutinigg e nntaa p hJgCtgnWlreoe decehntiwe hrpolkaRl tnensapiiry nhc racdcha s acehR hn,aeart oy HilusttWoilm r.giuwtnnhobnw iofesytohdr EwppaiTSntuaevittcrlnleoTIaealfnt hnhvd ebCdaeiersen,oshs. iBr ytasoihoiinonnrnneinn lg dygtfee’h,g ios l cneei era 4s gn ns‘ nc tudftaeo an titrvncu tartehadnhbrsioseelna.eit gir n’etog. AbCwtodcUhafyr oar iPmic YtsmsnahhO epC kse’pCaesSa hrrd aeyi-Tpergn7nrnohiEni nsfsvpae.ftRutinucimengar psrdgola iib vlessa eess Jnaai ogWpttssi n uho-paepufaldfiaerlst iattCCdtchnhhnheooeiiepditsSuuy lia gdaonnwy rwirtmctetfeiaymtivaenssle rer’B e. seot atnos o ondsdit r o,n dBio hhsccfiueratrtieiirolagnd opiilmhdbgnt s d uea baewetnlgeerldvghaidviiae cntenroere,s bHHAHtCohenluooneT:u T mddt MhbMRhhgge,poooe ee iChn csynssarys,.hoad di BolemaBBj siyuBrremw,i d vraarSiiyeenenctureihr dacszPl eteahiaoaaayn nryrlLdsn snSe eeAwegts,r ilieaouleltnnt cECMOPWWZoavzo’aiinyCiTanllrwsllnnsnhoiiieaashasoen,,mm,ta r n ifOCl pnoossJll,g,ohowroa , KnrInty oaiebJ eseifiaosaesnt dtnosJl,ry l hodaHp Fnitnun hnerBoanaea potyzrmhkbeei,rbnys, osardiBMdiAn: ia“ktWeoo rJerf a oamfrrr meteh saoee, cgoreue-ou pdgs hwiccnForfomo wr/icmdooofaumittnyifrod-Rnifn,ec gcsse.pojueonsrnttadgsceistvrisn. g. and there will also be CEFN Glas Infants competition from money raised by the Thursday evenings from Bridgend County additional surprises. School is the first schools all over Wales to appeal has also been 7.00 to 8.30pm, and it Football Cup against The concert will be at infant school in Wales be selected as the donated by the school to welcomes visitors and Brynmenyn primary PAST and present Defence Privilege Card, the Maesteg town hall, to achieve the winning entry in the Bridgend Women’s Aid. new members. school, which Tondu members of the and the scheme will not otinc kSeatstu arrdea y£,8 J, aanvuaairlayb 1le6; ‘GInovlde’s taocrcsr eind iPtaetoiopnle for rsoeacdo nsda fteimtye c ao nptuepsti l– frtohme YTHoEu Wnegls hs iYnougnegrs CBRoIDoGkEinNDg class woAn bnyu m4-b3e.r of pupils Armed Forces are aopr pfalym tioly s pmoeumsebse/rpsa.rtners from the town hall or supporting, developing Cynffig Comprehensive Singer of the Year Communities First is competed in the to be offered free Council Leader Mel any member of the choir. and motivating its has won this annual competition organised offering free healthy Newcastle Higher swimming at leisure Nott said: “Local Sharing the stage with staff. competition. by the Maesteg cooking sessions with Community Council centres across residents who are aged the choir will be tenor Assessors found that Joshua’s eye-catching Gleemen male choir Richard Shaw from Christmas cards Bridgend County over 60 can already Rsoipchraanrdo AChllaernl oatnted Ellett. tlheaer sncinhgo oaln’sd cnuultrutureri nogf egnatmrye fdeeastiugrne da nadn tahrecade aDnudn rspavoennso Wreidn dboyws CCoaoerkainug S Toocigaelt hCeern atrte csuocmcpesestiftuiol:n i na nthde w inerfeants Borough. bswenimefmit ing, from wfhrielee Richard is well known stretched way beyond its slogan ‘Game Over, Ltd, is open to singers on January 22 and Oscar Humphreys, Bridgend County children aged under 16 on the eisteddfod stage pupils, with staff being Should Have Played between the ages of 11- January 29 from 10am Hayden Painter and Sam Borough Council and its can swim for free at and has also shared the given every opportunity Sober.’ 30 years at September to 12pm. Kinsey-Clough took partners Halo Leisure specified times during concert platform with to develop their careers. He won the top prize 1, 2015, studying There are free belly first, second and third have agreed to offer the school holidays too. artistes such as Rebecca Headteacher Mrs Sue of £50, a framed classical singing on a dancing classes in the prizes respectively. free swims to veterans “So I am delighted Evans, Della Jones, and Henderson said: certificate, a 125 piece full/part time basis who Maesteg or Caerau area In the juniors Justin and serving personnel that, together with Halo, Katherine Jenkins. “Investors in People has art set and a bag of other meet certain criteria. available to all residents Ruck, Teigan Parsons, during public sessions at we are now able to offer He has toured widely, grown to become the goodies. Successful applicants living in the Bridgend Lara Morris took first, local centres. free swimming to current performing at major UK’s leading The poster played a will be invited to attend Communities First second and third prizes Anyone who wants to Armed Forces personnel cities in Hungary, accreditation to show significant role in the a live, closed audition on postcode area. respectively. take advantage of the while they are in the BFAramarncecereilco, anC aaa,n nBda edLlago,i suNmor,th wostrahgfiafc nhfii srbasutt,is oisnnoes sfposuer sta tahnedir mwofho tinhctehh -drleaomnnggien crdsae modf pp daeirogivpnilneg SMfianatauelsr wdteaigyll ,T bJoaewn hunea lHrdy a al2tl3. Tahte pohno F0no1er6 Jm5e6or er6me4 3iyn5 fD1o8irmm, ooarntidon ChTrihstem pauspsiyl sj uamlsop ewrso troe spcohsesemsesi onm oufs t anb eM oiDn caonudn atlys ob otoro vuegthe roann sl.e”ave, AnLgyerleics .soprano rBerliadtigveenldy tsom aaclhl isecvheo othl iisn winhfliulee nucned oerf tahlceohol and MSaatuesrdteagy ,T Aopwrnil H2.all on 0W78i1l5d 5l2i7f1e2 4T.rust rcahiasrei tayw ‘aSraevnee stsh eof the HIGH TIDE TIMES Cpauohdpaiurellnoactrt eew aEitt lhMl etthatee isst evgery ahwonNaoreduw ri.ss” oa ft rtehmeendous dSBrruaygnnst.etga Appeal jCuenCfinoo rGm clpaaestte iIgtnoofrrasin eitsns athree: TPloaHorkEci nSnglai pftou, rrT evo orneldusuen rtivesee rast Cmhoinldeyre fno’ ra tnhdi scollected tThhoese h iing hP otird(tUehsNc alTiwsItLle. d JI Ati nsN htUhoAuisRl dwY be 1ee4k r)’es mGeEmMbe arreed Comprehensive School SchoolCarys to improve the habitat worthwhile charity. that along the coast, high tide times will vary. Go to the Bridgend & Porthcawl GEM pupils have become Mainwaring for the Lapwing, a bird Football club For instance, in Barry, the high point for the latest stories and breaking news mthiins iy-Seaarn, tbays ornaicsei naggain (SPtaobrltehsc a(Pwol)r,t hMcialwliel), wdehcilcinhe i si nin t hseer UioKu.s BCRoaIcDhGinEgN CDluFbo iostball DATE w i lTl bime 2e0 – 2 5H mt in utes Tlaitmere. Ht There’s lots more online.... mfoor noetyh etro cbhuiyld prernesents TLolamn gHyenrwbyedrt) ,( YEslygsol praIct tiisc ainl theanbdietadt to hold ocorguarnsei scinomg am nenewcing AM M PM M across the county Davies (Porthcawl), management at the tomorrow (Friday, 07 Thur 04.22 8.4 16.39 8.6 borough. Carys Davies reserve, to encourage January 8) at 08 Fri 05.03 8.9 17.27 9.0 BinrvyNonlotvewegs ’i sna l‘ilSt soa fn2 tt1ahs eAt ypepaera,l’ (MKHeoannbdmerriocdukat-hsDh),oe rVyslie,c t(oYria tshheoNsueel dwb im rvdeosel utto ni ntne etehsrtes. BCfororym tnhpteirr eEihoanesntesirv tee Srmch.ool, 0190 SSautn 0056..4289 99..47 1188..0487 99..67 school’s pupils getting Pant), Megan Billet (Y coffee shop at the visitor The course is open to 11 Mon 07.11 10.0 19.31 10.0 involved in a range of Pant), Lili-May Smith centre on Friday, boys and girls aged 4- 12 Tues 07.52 10.1 20.12 9.9 GThEeM fwsephsotinicvsheo trfheuidns dCyrehaarirsis eitrnmsc,alusded (JMPeanotkrtithnhescw a( wPDola)r,l tyNhcaaowmli), JmaenWmuabhreyyr sn8 o oatn tj o1ai0 nba imtrhd.e espy 1Ftr1oa;oi antblelad cl loa Aancdshs aoersc eiaa CrtieoRnB 1134 WTheudr 0089..2197 1 90..92 2210..3583 99..99 ... ctaabrolel--taothpo snasle, sr.affles, and (DBarvyinetsi r(iPoonr) t,h Mcaiwtclh),ell wwiatlhk eoxnp Jeartnsu?a ry 12, pol*ic He achppecyk Nedew. Year to Wachcuilrea Tcyh eo fG tEidMe t ambalekse,s w eev erreyc oemffomret ntod cthheact ka nthyeone www.bridgend-today.co.uk The pupils raised a Layla Millar Be on the lookout for all readers of this putting out to sea, or walking in an area where they www.porthcawl-today.co.uk total of £4,000 which (Porthcawl), Llinos Haf winter birds, such as column! could be cut off, should check with a tide table has been used to buy Jones (Ysgol Bro snipe and bittern! specific to their location. (cid:129)(cid:129)(cid:129)(cid:129)TThhee GGllaammoorrggaann GGEEMM (cid:129) Contact us... We abide by the code of practice upheld by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). This contains provisions for issues such as accuracy. Tel: 01446 774484 (cid:129) Fax: 01446 774108 If you have a complaint, write to us at the address www.facebook.com/GlamorganGEM (cid:129) www.twitter.com/gem_news below, left, or call editorial manager Don John on 01446 774484. All complaints will be fully News Enquiries/Submissions: [email protected] investigated. If you are not satisfied with the Advertising/Distribution: [email protected] (cid:129) Sales Manager: [email protected] outcome, you may wish to contact IPSO, Gate Sales Executives:[email protected] (cid:129) [email protected] House, 1 Farringdon Street, London EC4M 7LG Website: www.ipso.co.uk. Tel: 0300 123 2220. Published by: Glamorgan GEM Ltd., Graig House, 53 Eastgate, Cowbridge. CF71 7EL. Printed by TMP. E-Mail: [email protected]. www.cowbridge-today.co.uk (cid:129) www.barry-today.co.uk (cid:129) www.llantwit-major-today.co.uk (cid:129) www.bridgend-today.co.uk Enquiries: [email protected]. Thursday January 7th, 2016 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 3 Br Funds will go to Lullaby Trust LOCAL REFUSE December weather Local vicars take COLLECTION: has definitely been Changes could part in London different this year! turn borough Marathon – in into a ‘rubbish memory of Erin dump’ – CLAIM STREETS across Williams, BCBCl’s TWO vicars – one by GEM REPORTER Bridgend county cabinet member for from St Athan, the borough could communities, said: “We other from Swansea resemble rubbish must meet the Welsh – are taking part in dumps if changes to Gtarogveetrsn fmore nint’csr enaeswing the London the refuse collection how much we recycle, Marathon to raise service are and cut back on the funds in memory of introduced by the amount of waste that is a little girl who died council, says a sent to landfill. from Sudden Infant Welsh Conservative “Failure to achieve Death Syndrome regional AM, Suzy the new recycling targets (SIDS). Davies. wpeonualldti elesa, ds ot ow fein haanvceia tlo Rachel Simpson and Bridgend County change the current Steven Bunting, who are Borough Council system and recycle engaged, are not (BCBC) is consulting on more. ‘sporting addicts’, but options to change the “Changing the want to complete the 26 service: one option frequency of black bag mile 385 yard course to would see a monthly collections would help sT“tLAwfrauMroaphmupRinriysnpiicdatll ioh. iocnterf ohngsti ea hswlnue cMphlttéphopo sae o rh areatanxr btvtudhphLeen olre uae n IlliToa lnravsteautbhe idrsnydaeet: Steven Bunting and Rachel Simpson cubhowjwkuonlopeoeaslelutetulciip esmokkol ecdn.t nhi tbh stOieboeaeo, eldng bnedc esal run.ab ec ppruUcushrerkmtte norr h niwdbbpcoteaeotiuetrgrshs sda oe p lotht ehoiforsel rdto ertpoiahsesnpu ce nctb“wyrioolIeocietutfnc l oriea assacr n r megofet o reon.cour psap reuttree hirlt,ootyeh aanp iatfnn ltiute odgoat n u tnwoso ryotueeant. y aIrte child to ‘Sudden Infant are running the London Marathon, fortnightly collection future system must also Death Syndrome’. in memory of a little girl called Erin. with just two bags be cost effective and “We decided to help permitted or another affordable, based on them after a friend lost the clergy in Llantwit, appreciate it! option is for a three- future budget predictions her eight month old and my fiance lives in “Neither of us can weekly collection which for the council. daughter Erin very Swansea and is the vicar particularly run – unless would permit three bags “However, we have suddenly. of St Thomas Church, we are being chased by a per household. not expressed a “Since that tragic we’ve been trying to hold bear! – therefore this is a Mrs Davies said: “The preference for any of the death we've become fundraising events in fairly big deal for the council seems to favour options available in the aware of a lot more both areas so that we can both of us.” the once a month option consultation – we are families who have lost reach more people.” The London Marathon with unlimited bags. But keen to hear residents’ HALF CENTURY ABOVE: children this way, many Steven said: “The takes place on April 24. that would pose major views before any The unseasonably otdsfmc£tMShhooo5foteaer a m,n“RSi A dw0 jtuseNoh ea0mut hcsire chas0e pl ob ih –naeci stapmftienhrtyah goobeglb u i g errudrdayiair turegst tn:c r h tr n ehdiha“ caetn .o ta A'eot snomiasfc ymn os m ah eg LtwnlmaI m u se lrrbgeooalsiiaebie ettn nvidmybehftsetteo..reahwii” e rnnevaooineinnggesfftt, Lcpbfpsifacgnuoyfohareyuf enrnrnmi ““ell evmddeldWPcnmaeirrt.elnabtnoo eSeesim gldtumyt Ia lit Ds woosearebleendrry.Shyey st oo h e tto –faorohT au r stfearcrhsne we unhuin El ssd peoia irtn ptsnpfi egnfsotrere o errogacot aitaipibttlhflnnvehs llliioyddgaeeeess Sr£nmthnwdnoha?3itrnogeaigteau91s pIbkh .ifes53:/fes ctdfe/a ..e u/yora ruranoU tfP£mk o dut.2arrhdlvr /lo ,laeio=6cofwfr ini2uugwRsloca9reienaiurnotP,rnyi cdlmu/ogad shiprnanohg elna,cnoeell Sdli.ew iugkai yslhmeFdocqigea nti uupiinvrkvttoinsogoezi-: phrrlpogbtcbeheulropareufeseobovcuett““eas bbuonesBTtemrehlinmmee v eshrsbehddbhiempeeendao. lr y an uegd gyslPdtc tdp saewhwaeseefs mn,eonsosos. hopd ko r pnpweuae e emlmcr cnnlerrhwedeoadob eao wtui– wrsabneltwmli ehoey ddhmota uoo eenbsslou,r adtopenesgou.t shnt, dmtciaitoaowhomnofnepnwfea vncdelgp““einiiwisn rITceotnscy uen. ttireshabu lo tap aientfearnannayalev i nttlvtc d.bcoei iitlorotgeso pr ,eiy n lFe nlsmscvweosnse ioea uudndabeamdsleede. rst g uu n at epittophrnatt.holgisvoie rao s te.ytshshut ne s ioaaek8w dsivi sb/ swcaiellonele PScaycbtmMheeneeoOeleliagCcneene RuribibtieS vniTsrrtnEeeta yaHwegnr–t trs ieCiin LatodwhgArnda i yWsat,EnCi h tdvasaL irnBs Fh5widtAait0thr yhvttRrsiihnaoeesstt 2aweaJmpwoAonxt;nlo i oahtdhn TIhrdwnrnfT itk ehebiensywhs? eir ioopty narSiluleI eotgdaet cx nrn a yvhpOehos.rewe oi tebnta tls i,hiititc ltctsn Nleaiowte to ghme insaeebrtti reh .eaent igS sit s satima eotllfnsTldonaoet o nn hhuriiawygnnyeert DpSewwaeafiimectnfctahl e tefaPt rtuech-TmhnmoHrtroeeseyaeb n e (dSc–edGul ah,rapKa nnnw len fheouCdofrydnaoos tnevwi fusdksnliei eiiealghttlnlathrls,ea)gesdt Angling Santas reel business would begin nsultation. Paper copies Jones, AM for joining, come along on that agaCino.u”n Hywel alorec aall sliob raavraieilsa.”ble at Bridgend. W1.3ed0npmes-d3a.3y0 pm abnedt wheaevne have already in funds for RNLI Throughout the year, a chat. We also meet on raised their heads. New year plea there will be various Wednesday evenings events: including a day’s from 7pm-9pm, April- Photograph by for foster parents sketching and painting at December. Keith E Morgan. Dyffryn Gardens on May ROBERT TAYLOR in the borough BCBC has made a foster families are further appeal for needed. local families to The Bridgend Foster come forward as Care Team organises regular meet and greet foster parents. sessions that provide According to the information on fostering. YOUR LOCAL MEDICAL Fostering Network, 8,370 more foster carers The next session will NEGLIGENCE EXPERTS take place on are currently needed in the UK. In Bridgend Wednesday, January 20 Call Now 01446 791811 since 2010, the number at 7pm in the Grand of children in care has Pavilion, Porthcawl. increased by 21 per cent Further information is The anglers’ and there are currently available at Misdiagnosis, birth injuries, cerebral palsy, ‘Santa day’ in 372 children and young www.bridgendfostercare. missed fractures, wrong treatment. Porthcawl. people who are looked wales or contact the after in the county fostering team 01656 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 highlighted the need for continual borough. In Wales, 600 642674. No win - no fee, fully qualified solicitors. Mr Missen continued: “Having support, just to be able to offer in Free Claim Evaluation. been privileged to talk freely with house and external training for the some of the guys at the community crews. Go to the The GEM Tel: 01446 791811 room above the RNLI shop, which is “He also mentioned that the local incidentally open 7 days a week; it Christmas Day swim, that has run for the latest stories and was obvious the passion the men and over 51 years, decided that the 2016 E-Mail: [email protected] breaking news... ladies have for their community and funds raised will be given directly to the efforts people go to, to raise the station which proves that www.NHSlawyer.co.uk www.bridgend-today.co.uk money. community spirit is high. “RNLI press officer Mr Ian Stroud Report and photographs by www.porthcawl-today.co.uk NHSlawyer is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority spoke with passion about the good Gareth Davies for Total Sea (SRA number 569027) work the local community do and Fishing Magazine 4 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 7th, 2016 Br THE CHRISTMAS DAY SWIM IS GOOD FUN – AND ALL IN A GOOD CAUSE! PHOTOGRAPHS by ANDY WICKS Telephone 07855 374478 THE Christmas Day swim in Porthcawl attracted almost 1,000 swimmers who braved the steady drizzle and strong winds to head out into the Bristol Channel. The main charity to benefit was the RNLI although many other charities are likely to benefit when the final total is calculated. Thursday January 7th, 2016 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 5 Br SWEET SUCCESS! EXTRA FESTIVE CHEER FOR Morgan (aged 12) LOCAL CHILDREN IN CARE swims three miles on way to raising £1,000 for charity ABOVE: Morgan Sweet after completing his swim. A LOCAL 12-year- by PHILIP IRWIN old schoolboy is on course to raise sponsored swim. He swam 200 lengths Santa is pictured with Ceri Hill, HM MANYyoungsters received an and assessment. £1,000 for cancer Morgan Sweet, who in total, just over three Prison &Young Offenders’ Institution; extra Christmas present in the “Currently, there are 372 children research, after lives in Pencoed, tackled miles, and also gained Laura Kinsey, Coun Hailey Townsend, county borough –thanks to the and young people in our care and while giving up part of the three-mile swim on his 5,000m badge. Bridge FM’s Lee Dukes; and Marlies kind-heartedness of residents the number of children becoming hhiosl iCdahyrsis ttom daos a DHinAe hcLiesmO h bosewmr ie2m 7tmo awitn ntgh. epool 1w2e Meykeosar rgbsae onfof o raeng lteyh ettwu srowneimd, Postmus, HM PIrnisstoitnu t&ioYno.u ng Offenders’ aBnriTddhg eleo gcFiafMtls ’ bsw ueasrnienn uedasols neaCsteh.dri satms apsa rtT ooyf ltcohaoerekreres d,” is aC fotseutrin ll i Tso aw cusnrhsroeenrntdtal ygs aei ddeo.c f r efaosisntegr, and it continues his own Appeal for children living in care. “We need to continue in our efforts Young Kyle’s tradition –that of raising Help break down As part of the appeal, which is to attract more people to become foster funds for cancer research supported by the Co-Operative and carers so I urge anyone who is half marathon every December. bowel cancer stigma HM Prison & Young Offenders’ interested in fostering to contact the milestone! clmohseaMtmr ciotblyoreg srhasei n mtf oacs mhteholifels y ead sit shheeea shea.s WthaEn wk oaulll dth leik leo ctaol 0M0a11rk. Flannagan, ICBnhCsTrtBiihstCtuem’ tsiao glsnoi f,o tpksr eedswe-aanepftrtspee r ro wchxheairimnledd aretdeednol .nya ttoe d t6ht0oe ttdeheaecm isi.ni of Tonr homenya w twiohinell t hybeoeru at obn lbeeee tcdoo mptore o mvai afdokese ta elarl The previous year, men who took part CEO Beating Bowel council’s cabinet member for carer.” Rachel with Morgan swam two miles in Beating Bowel Cancer, children’s social services and For more information telephone Kyle and and raised £150 for Cancer’s www.beatingbowelcance equalities, Coun Hailey Townsend and 01656 642674, or visit James (in cancer research. Decembeard r.org. Laura Kinsey, head of safeguarding www.bridgendfostercare.wales the pram). The year before that, fundraising he swam his first mile for fun! campaign by going This year, Morgan grizzly last month. began his swim at 9am Decembeard, which and completed it by men to ditch their razors 11.30am. and grow a beard Morgan has been throughout the month of supported by family, December, is a fun way friends and staff at for individuals or teams Cardiff Bay Police to raise funds and help Station and was made to increase awareness of ‘hero of the day’ by the disease. Chief Superintendent It’s simple to take Belinda Davies on part in and thousands December 17, when he signed up for it again visited the station and last month. met staff, including the We’d like to thank Chief Super. every one of them for Morgan’s parents, their support. “My son, Kyle Craig and Adele Sweet, The many thousands Paulett, has just told The GEM: “We are of pounds they have completed his 11th on target to raise £1,000 raised in sponsorship this year when we will help the charity to junior park run, collect pledges that are support bowel cancer which means he has still outstanding. patients and their achieved the “When Morgan heard families and to raise milestone of a half how generous people awareness of the marathon. were being, he said: disease, its symptoms gwwraiet“nahItt yttwhooia unsyrhk ac tiorhte ’ies lod xsureuerrcnchi sa aend I ‘msoIwvmoe“anarTm,eg hya ifinl sowIe uic ashroy ooumswu ltdirhl meirssnaou!kin’sci. eh na glilf oIf adfcunaianmdAgd ptnssha o wefisog ienrnsl e. ltec hadaesn fcr ohhariea sleripiant rygtlo,y the experience of the warm how he can help others break down the stigma welcome we received and not asking for of talking about bowel acnhdil dhroewn tiot eenxceorcuirsaeg.es Kyle Paulett with any“tAhilnsog, ian briegtu trhna.nk cUaKnc’se rs,e wcohnicdh b iisg gtheest “The children get his certificate. He you has to go to HALO cancer killer. certificates when the half achieved a half Pencoed whose staff Over 100 people are marathon distance is marathon by assisted and encouraged diagnosed with bowel reached, and bands to completing 11 park Morgan with his swim cancer every day, yet wfaen“at.arI.st thica sw baeye tno astart rfuifntsh bbeifrothred ahyi.s aythneeda r cs hwuaphlpleeonnr ght eeh. iumn deevretarykes ocsuavsceecrse 9 sc0saf npu elblrye ,c teirfne cta atoeufdght Sunday mornings, which “As parents, we are early. So it’s vital that for us is at Newbridge Go to the The extremely proud of people become more fields in Bridgend at GEMfor the Morgan –as we are of aware of the symptoms 9al.s3o0 ahmas –a jbuunti oCra prdairfkf latest stories and aulsle odu tro c hheiladrirnegn. wWhea ta trhee so Itfh eayn ycoanne a hcat sq uaincykly. run. breaking news... youth of today don’t do, queries or concerns “I’d like to let other www.bridgend- so this is a refreshing about bowel cancer, faanmd iali egsr ekant owwa yit 'tso f sretaer,t today.co.uk cha“nWgeho knows what tihneforrem’s alotitosn o afnd advice the day.” www.porthcawl- swimming challenge he on our website, or they Rachel today.co.uk will think of for can call our Nurse December 2016!” Paulett Helpline on 020 8973 6 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 7th, 2016 Br PORTHCAWL DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR... Year that began with a sea tragedy brought more heartbreak news at home and abroad January 1916: SEVERE storms by CERI JOSEPH were heralded in Porthcawl Museum 1916 – several distress signals had been seen off the coast of Porthcawl during the first week, but, thankfully, no tragedies occurred. The same cannot be said for the Port Eynon lifeboat, The Janet,which launched at 11.45am on January 1 in response to the distress call from the Dunvegan, floundering off Oxwich Bay. Arriving John McLaughlin. at Pwll Du point, The Janet realised that coastguard rocket apparatus, launched from land, had saved the crew of the vessel. Suddenly, the sea, Esplanade Avenue. which was described as a ‘seething cauldron,’ rose up and overturned the lifeboat. Of the 10 men on board, Mackworth only eight managed to get back into the righted Road, 1916. vessel. Tragically, the boat was again hit by a huge wave, throwing the coxswain Billy Gibbs overboard. All three men perished. What has this tragedy to do with Porthcawl? Sadly, it was off the coast of Porthcawl that two of the bodies were washed up: William Eynon’s body came ashore at Newton on January 16 and coxswain Billy Gibbs’ body was spotted off Sker Point on February 5; but due to rough seas, was never recovered. The body of George Harry, the third victim had previously been retrieved off the coast of Jersey Marine, on January 5. While the people of Port Eynon were grieving for three of their sons, before the month was out Porthcawl residents would be doing the same. Private Albert Farrow died in hospital in Cardiff on January 9. Albert Edward Farrow was one of nine children born in Newport in 1885 to William John Ormond Rowe. abnrodt hLerosu biseac amFaer rhoowu.s e pAailnbteerrts . and his two older Billy Rowlands. Coxswain In the 1911 Census, Albert and Walter had a house Billy Gibbs. painting business in Swansea while his eldest brother, William Joseph Farrow had opened a similar business on Station Hill, Porthcawl. In 1912 Albert, his wife of three years Elizabeth, and two stepsons Edward and John, moved to Porthcawl to join William in business. They lived at 9, Westbourne Place, Porthcawl. In February 1915, Albert enlisted into the 19th (Service) Battalion Welsh Regiment (Glamorgan Pioneers) but possibly due to feeling unwell when the regiment was posted to France in December 1915, Albert was sent home and transferred to the newly-formed 21st (Reserve) Battalion. A fortnight prior to his death, he was taken by one of three lorries while trying to attract Porthcawl audience were treated to keenly-fought seriously ill and died in hospital in Cardiff. Private attention. contests and exhibition fighting. Jimmy Wilde, ‘The Farrow’s funeral took place on January 13. It was emphasized that this section of the road Tylorstown Terror’ and British Flyweight champion, Mourners lined the route from the railway station to surface was ‘very indifferent as a result of shelling’ boxed exhibition rounds against a few locals. St John’s churchyard, Newton, where he was buried and that ‘no lights are allowed on this section of the Corporal John Ormonde Rowe, Railway Terrace ( with full military honours . road.’ Hillsboro Place today) and home on leave from the Corporal Harry Maxwell was killed in France, Medical reports state that he died from broken Royal Welsh Fusiliers, was praised for his display also on January 9. According to the 1911 Census, ribs puncturing his lungs. At the time of his death against a much more experienced fighter. Harry was born in 1879 in the USA of British his wife, Elizabeth and his four children had moved The evening was concluded with the bout parentage. He married Elizabeth Ann Matthews on to live with their grandparents at Ty Gwyn, between Porthcawl’s own , Billy Rowlands, 6, December 31, 1904, in Wimbledon. Mackworth Road, Porthcawl. It was here that Vintern Terrace and Dick Sorris, a young black man Elizabeth and her family were from Porthcawl Elizabeth gave birth to Victor on April 22,1916, four from Cardiff. Although Billy had been a very able and prior to them moving to Southampton (where months after Harry’s death. Elizabeth remained in boxer before the war, ranked ninth in Britain, his she probably met Harry arriving from America) her Porthcawl for the rest of her life and died in younger opponent proved too strong. sister Mary had married Thomas George Jones, later December 1954. Billy had, only two weeks before, lost in the to be Sir TG Jones of Beach House, Mackworth Private John McLaughlin, the Black Watch eighth round to Jimmy Wilde during a bruising Road, Porthcawl. TG Jones was a member of the Regiment, was killed in Basra on January 21. contest in Swansea in aid of the Swansea Prisoners Porthcawl Council, an estate agent, landowner and Private McLaughlin had moved to Porthcawl in of War fund. owner of the Porthcawl News. 1912 from London with his brother to work as a Billy had enlisted in November 1915 into the 23rd On June 15, 1915 Harry had enlisted into the labourer in the building of the Porthcawl Gasworks. Battalion and before his battalion had left for Royal Engineers 33rd Company, Motor Cyclist Within two years he had married and moved into 9, Salonika in August 1916, he certainly used his Corps, Service No 100517, in Tottenham, London George Street. His brother Lionel had been killed boxing ability to support the war effort in the only and arrived in France on November 11, 1915. earlier in the war, at the Battle of Loos, Belgium, on way he knew how. Harry’s death on January 9, 1916 led to a court September 25, 1915. Private Billy Rowlands survived the war, despite inquiry, held on January 26, in which witnesses On the home front, the 23rd Pioneer Battalion severe bouts of malaria and returned home in 1919. reported that Corporal Maxwell had arrived at the formed and stationed in Porthcawl and boasting Finally, Mr George Blundell, in response to a War signal office – Rue Victor Hugo –with dispatches quite a few local men in its ranks, often entertained Office request, was very keen that Porthcawl too for the 19th Brigade at 11.15pm on January 8 1916 the residents. The Battalion band proved to be very would form its own Motor Volunteer Corps to be and had left at 11.40pm. accomplished and held many concerts at the attached to the Bridgend Company. At 4am, an ambulance carrying the body of Cpl Pavilion, at the top of Gordon Road, in aid of various ‘The platoon will be made up of 20 motorists with Maxwell arrived back at the signal office. It was appeals. one companion, making 40 in all.’ The aim was to claimed that his body had been found on the Beuvry- For many though, it would have been that New assist the military in cases of emergency and convey Cambrin road. Year’s Eve that thrilled; when the band serenaded wounded soldiers. Reports led the inquiry to assume that his residents as it marched around the streets that night. In true tradition, it was announced that ‘Uniform motorcycle had broken down and that, despite the Later in the month, the battalion were to hold a and brassard are allowed to be worn.’(Porthcawl lack of an eye-witness, he had been knocked down boxing tournament to raise regimental funds: the News January 13, 1916.) Thursday January 7th, 2016 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 7 Br RECORD TURN-OUT FOR PORTHCAWL LIONS’ BOXING DAY FUN RUN EVENT The start of the Boxing Day run with the Mayor of Porthcawl, Coun David Newton-Williams, as the official starter. Joseph Readon, first junior male ABOVE: Morgan Davies (the winner) with past the post. Rhys Lewis and Coun David Newton-Williams. Geraint Richards, winner of best fancy dress The Lions’ command and control centre where they keep their finger on the button throughout the event. The water bottle girls and St John Ambulance; always on call. Report and photographs by KEITH E MORGAN Sandville walkers Gary and Jack with SOMEONE was looking after Porthcawl Sister Gwyneth for this year’s Lions’ Boxing Day fun run Poacher. and walk, and the event enjoyed a rain free day. This year there was a record turn out of some 270 registered runners and walkers, with others tagging along just for the fun of it. Starting at the Hi Tide, Porthcawl, where all the facilities had been laid on courtesy of Francesca and Geoff Dower, the Lions were hard pushed to get all the runners and walkers registered. There were so many of them that the queue stretched from the registration room through to the bar. Accompanied by Rhys Lewis, president of the Porthcawl Lions Club, the run was started by the Mayor of Porthcawl, Coun David Newton-Williams, The run marshals preparing to leave the Hi Tide and on the sound of the horn, the 270 runners (many to take up their positions on the course. The first three home with Mayor and Paul Fielding. dressed in fancy dress) were off and away in true London Marathon style. The first to cross the finishing line was Morgan Davies, who completed the run in 23.25 minutes. He was followed by Elinor Kirk with a time of 25.10 minutes. Richard Dando was third with a timing of 25.28 minutes while Joseph Readon from Merthyr Tydfil, was the first junior runner to finish with an excellent time of 27.20 minutes. All the results were flashed up in real time on the command and control large screen display so that all could follow the events as they unfolded. The awards were presented by Coun David Newton-Williams, ably assisted by Rhys Lewis, Lion Gloria Ward and Paul Fielding. The winners of the various categories were: Morgan Davies, first senior male; Elinor Kirk, first senior female; Stephen Bartlett, first veteran male; Charlotte Johns, first veteran female; Joseph Readon, first junior male; Felicity Williamson-Sarll, ABOVE: Father Christmas and Elf first junior female and club winners were the just dropped down the chimney A selection of Members of the Porthcawl Lions Club who organised the Porthcawl Cornelly Striders, and Geraint Richards was best fancy dressed runner. for the Boxing Day run. Boxing Day fun run. 8 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 7th, 2016 Br PANTO-GOERS RAISE £1,105 FOR CHARITY AS was reported in last week’s GEM, The cheque being presented before the performance (below) and also on stage at the pantomime performance (above). families who enjoyed the Beauty and the Beast panto at the Grand Pavilion Theatre, Porthcawl on December 13, raised an impressive £1,106 for local charities. Mayor of Bridgend county borough, Coun Richard Young and Mayor of Porthcawl town, Coun David Newton Williams, attended the performance, along with representatives from the Mayors’ charities. The money was raised through a combination of bucket collections, raffle and a donation made from every ticket sold for the performance. Go to the The GEM for the latest stories and breaking news... www.bridgend-today.co.uk www.porthcawl-today.co.uk Thursday January 7th, 2016 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 9 Br Tomos (18) wins a special FUW memorial award Pictured (left to right) are: FUW Glamorganshire county executive officer Rachel Saunders, FUW president Glyn Roberts, Tomos Churchill, and the FUW Glamorganshire county chairman, Richard Walker. THIS year’s winner Level 1 agricultural week on a local dairy of the Farmers’ studies and intends to farm, in order to learn Union of Wales complete the entire three- more about keeping and Glamorganshire year course on a full time managing cattle, and he SINGING SANTAS (AND FRIENDS) basis. is interested in joining cWoaulntteyr Rborwalnacnhd’ss woIrnk sh iosn sptharee 1t8im0-ea chree hCilsu blo. cal Young Farmers BOOST ROTARY’S FUNDRAISING memorial award, is family farm, consisting In the future, he is 1C8h-uyrecahri-lol ldo f TGomraoigs oofv e3r 04 00T eWxeell shs hmeoepu ntaanidn lftohamoe kliiilnvyge s fattoormc kt a katone dion vcelxeurpd atenh dea TofH BEr iRdgoetanrdy w Cisluhbes gcleunbe’rso Cushlryi sttom thase outSsiindcee t hite iwr asstores. fthoert uBnraidteg,e onrd ianr enae,e dan idn Sfriinegnidnsg i nS athneta Bs rainddgend DLstHeudvdeue iiel s Fs c au2rr rmaetn ,at lgDyr Pisicnteuunadlctsyuo.i rne agd l swghiiven“ee Inpt h a.mem ea wvtehareryd c paolnnedafi sdieted nh catoes safluloocFcnkkUgl.esWri dc eaG ttthllaeem heoesrtrgadab ntloiss hhriuernde tBhharepi dppgeyeo nnpdelew a o yvfeearry, atchnhedTai rhSr saaiuntipnykps sbco auorltrsl ylione’ stc oft oiTorenscso. cRBcehorlaietdrabtgreryear netCiddol nuihn bao s 1fo 9 ufC2she5dr, i tsththmeeas actliolomlcl lateehl c iecst as mu uasosteen dCse yhtao rnti hdsstuem pcpalusobrt Maraatn iaoCslitehnh rgeCir sfh tmumoniearda sswn. sfTeo rohref ecyharity CleoarllneTignoegm, ndoeisas,ar bBiwlriihtdioegs e nahdna.ds tsotu Tdihceoes n,a”tw ihnaeur eds a cidwo.nittrhi bumteys cWthoeau lnakwteyra ,cr dhw atiohr moT oampn roRessi,ec shnaatierddd: ahnadve t hgaivnekns vaelrl ywho athlleoiwr silnegig Rho ttoa rcioanllse catnd ttoh orsaeis we hfuon adrse tloe sasssist chaTrihtiee sR. otary Club’s pbsoelenrnfgodsr moafne dCd hctahriresoitrlms o aiwnsn cerebral palsy with £200 towards his studies “It is very encouraging to Sign up for the ‘Race for Life’ numerous limited use of his right and through college, he is see such enthusiasm establishments across arm, has already hoping to secure a from the younger the Borough. successfully completed placement for two days a generation towards the BRIDGEND women are being urged to to get a little more active. The Santas’ gift of agricultural industry and get the New Year off to a great start by “Race for Life events are non-competitive. their time and the Veterans’ reunion the FUW are keen to signing up now to Cancer Research UK’s Taking part is not about being fit or fast and support they receive continue supporting Race for Life 2016. participants can choose to walk, jog, or run around from the people of OhmtCsruoCreeoneresaacgaVq vaaIn evta onuenadihhnEevinlraaryie e esRi vaa lr n Zdit egElnrsZg h o mgrt vrn ognehiho oaoffageysn aeuw nn,irieyp t oveybp gsyotuisv eusselieatpue it oai da pjsnstbrpInott ior edtpathiossr senacss .dtivIkt ehb edel oe CtadgiawivAMthnbnieriaClisevionocdflYTdii li ueirv toA tddhoio rspeenfialeeuve sda evertvd fn ri hy fssii tEi drrvcr ooets eiomeao aieiy nfuntamnj r,su eo,an idcdttsltnr io ieoloy oJLnro tc r,nuadi C an sooIonatne n asanuasgghtetdcia err serarwte1i od.o v lg am-sue. er1 lpo oel0 uf .aI ps, ptdafpabsooWdmhatcnreffireuaar emo ohssd““TFtodddlmehiutTW tiuheiU ereeldeiovvgie ynrb essW m fieh tw i o anoaGsmn aw otwsertgi cghnh tmhrsea ioRha div sonynosu.r ohi i”tu od cfhnssmwa oluae, e.thhwd ytlf ngami iihai n annsmgrsino a riba s emc1dd fnr gecuae9as.def aerr, ll8umewm mtlvtwu6 tthoaueatehher,hah rrrrranriiiondyyyeesssslt atBoadeegweRhnnvnvrpoareeaddeteipaTATLca egdnn lRoetrhihsf sglhttst ritia aefnoetthazeotmocnut ano eroc’naeSrenk sadswhum .i s iw en L.fmawgtts osayoa wri,eh h rfgik pef mt etsieemoeyLotllh rialrsoir ni e,oasi c s fbtsls g nswtieeaRae tava,y cat r5oaiaeCgca cytdstkncr rlraiia:ae leee no niineS e“a anngnncfv cStut g oJ eei eetocninaw hrwrrgnoan d ng ewLantn nR au ctyit ayi yhhaenhhsfw t,eroeelsf gea yiaoNoJe ’ipp scrs urarumta, eo o nr eapbowswwfcmeres oawh ntt o bh ioseht5 lnnmhresUso ee,i t en ds fcteabwiKp e sngonkcyat reo’h.emo etl m srtelmee lf o AFpmpdnB sse weaie h tccsrepownerlta oialltrtft dpdierm ihwi ningmnheasengmhge gesteihnoa.n rieldttrh tstmfiNpwgnsbhhnouioooeneieoocrpnowutOW wc euthplecdnieni s nv foooft dc Ytainheetarmuiatshntv er-ea t.nriifised”aaewnesnvorca srnce o eenevste ’te.T mo.aosr w wvi fitTo rn fosoearg Plo h gh aeyrrtl eem lo ig sel penstkbsri1o e dfooeepsteaeu9tleesogimre tufpg.7reemfmopicot i nn e0airaitlRrpioo arteg esnngseuecsnal. . tdd lir ohptp caoyn.So et p h eggor cu fdlrteP teoe oehrfe casr ltwvoru deeakiha anirml 5ulneoivrdUi l f kecsnLm taot p0h Ke pilivistaene3 edfnrhuri rvengio0 wncaetrrfe ,, v0rtv g te tnielpeoiea oiel is1stdvtlodv l h mo2roiiisaaebhbannant3f syeao-inlg g g, ,s CyvJ£r 0 rd sebaevtet1eh7iih hn iu da0amor7sdeeuttgei.if0 o s toat undt.uharn msoiynbeseus ealyaeceasldadsne Brmsotftmcw.t0uhooheeor1rwokfee reagni6hRlt mar sdwaetuoc5eeonoagcn.lsnrl6 nitrucpteaei naa osst.tbni6lbh gtratnvAt de5oaye ohetg o 2 uir Ltsfea iosPyfh 1tt.s ceAB n hbta 8RtRTtcra horrinN1oudrvo Eiiesef.d edeet e efStaRdgfgil alneylrIlieerEeocsyDdnnystawEdid sEtvos. eKoNoefhdrnSiTgp, to visit the war Forces Association, student in Glamorganshire after cemeteries in the Cairo PO Box 99, careful consideration by area, especially Spalding, the union’s county Heliopolis and El- Lincolnshire, executive committee. Alamein, as well as PE11 9NS. The fund was set up Moascar, Fayid and Tel Email: and funded by the Walter El-Kebir. [email protected] Rowlands family to There are at least five Telephone 07814 continue his memory. war cemeteries in the 832441. Cardiff Bathroom Centre, Hadfield Road, Cardiff CF11 8PW • Tel 029 2034 0861 www.facebook.com/bathroomcentrecardiff • e-mail info@cardiff bathroomcentre.com 10 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 7th, 2016