Updated species list for St Kilda Bream (Abramis brama), a new fish Chilopoda (centipedes) species confirmed in Loch Lomond Lithobius forficatus (Linn.). Hirta (Evans, 1906; Waterston, 1981); Boreray (Duncan, et ah, 1981); Village Bay, Hirta, on sea wall and in quarry, EGH & E. C. Etheridge & C. E. Adams JR, l-8.viii.2006. Lithobius borealis Meinert. One male, An Lag, Hirta, Scottish Centre forEcology and the Natural in leaf-litter under heather; one male in thrift tussock, Environment, Division ofEnvironmental and Glen Bay, EGH & JR, l-8.viii.2006. Evolutionary Biology, University ofGlasgow, Lithobius melanops Newport. One male, An Lag, in Rowardennan, Glasgow, G63 OAW EGH & leaf-litter underheather, JR, l-8.viii.2006. E-mail: e.etheridge.l©research.gla.ac.uk Lamyctesfulvicomis Meinert. Three females, quarry, EGH & JR, l-8.viii.2006. EGGeHoph&iluJsR,easlo-8n.iviAirit.h2u00r6;et'aGl.eoOpnheilufsemaclaerpionphquaagrursy,, Loch Lomond is of national importance. Its range of habitats, diversity of species and rare populations of recorded on Hirta by Evans (1906), record repeated in powan (Coregonus lavaretus) and freshwater feeding Waterston (1981), was probably the species now river lampreys (Lampetra fluviatilLs) warrant high known as G. easoni, but the true G. carpophagus has & conservation status (Lyle Maitland, 1994; Maitland been recorded on sea cliffs elsewhere in Scotland. Brachygeophilus truncorum (Bergsoe & Meinert). et al, 2000). It is also of value for tourism, including One male. An Lag, in leaf-litter under heather, EGH & sport fisheries for migratory trout (Salmo trutta), salmon {Salmo salar) and pike (Esox lucius), bringing JR, l-8.viii.2006. money to the area. Diplopoda (millipedes) Historical records demonstrate that the species Cylindroiulus latestriatus (Curtis). Glen Bay, in thrift composition ofthe fish community has remained stable tussocks and on Oiseval, EGH & JR, l-8.viii.2006. over a very long period, until recently, when a series of lulus britannicus Verb., recorded by Evans (1906) and introductions of fish species new to the catchment has record repeated in Waterston (1981), is probably a mis- resulted in successful colonisation by a number of identification for C. latestriatus. species (Maitland, 1972; Adams, 1994; Maitland et al, EGH & JR would like to acknowledge the assistance of 2L0o0m0)o.ndInivnacsliuvdee sdpaecceies{Lceuurcriesnctulsy lfeouucinsdcusi)n, Lcohcuhb National Trust for Scotland staff both on and off the {Leuciscus cephalus) (Adams et al, 1990), crucian carp islands and the members of the St Kilda QinetiQ base {Carassius carassius) (Adams & Mitchell, 1992), crew on duty during our stay. gudgeon (Gobio gobio) (Maitland et al, 2000) and REFERENCES ruffe {Gymnocephalus cemuus) (Winfield et al, 1996; Adams & Maitland, 1998). Invasive species can result Duncan, N., Bullock, D. & Taylor, K. (1981). The in fundamental changes in the ecosystem; in Loch Boreray 1980 Expedition - a report on the ecology Lomond changes have occurred in prey taken by and natural history ofBoreray, St Kilda. University predatory species such as pike (Adams, 1991), heron ofDurham [unpublished report]. {Ardea cinerea) (Adams & Mitchell, 1995) and otters Evans, W. (1906). Some invertebrata including Ixodes {Lutra lutra) (McCafferty, 2005). Once an invasive borealis from St Kilda. Annals of Scottish Natural fish species has colonised a large lake like Loch History 1906 (No 58): 83-88. Lomond, it is essentially impossible to remove. Waterston, A.R. (1981). Present knowledge ofthe non- marine invertebrate fauna of the Outer Hebrides. On the 17th January 2006 during a gill netting survey, 'Proceedings ofthe Royal Society ofEdinburgh 79B: a single bream {Abramis brama) was caught in the 215-321. south-west of Loch Lomond near the entrance to the River Fruin (NS 364 855). The bream was 472 mm fork length and weighed 1693.4g. Scale reading indicated that the fish was 9 years old. Bream has never been confirmed within Loch Lomond although its presence has been strongly suspected. There has been a report of a specimen caught in the River Endrick (Maitland et al, 2000), and a report ofa roach {Rutilus rutilus) X bream hybrid (Adams & Maitland, 1991). It is unknown whether this fish had been a lifelong resident in Loch Lomond, or whether it was introduced as an adult to either the loch or a tributary. The capture of this new invasive species in Loch Lomond highlights the problems with unchecked 93 unregulated species movements in Scotland. However, it is hoped that recent legislation by the Scottish parliament, the Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Large shark species in northern Bill 2007 (Scottish Parliament, 2007), will prevent, or at least reduce, the number of such movements. In Scottish waters future, it will be illegal in Scotland to move any species of fish from one water body to another without George Carter a licence. The use of fish as live bait is prohibited, which is believed to be one ofthe main ways in which E-mail: [email protected] alien fish species, such as ruffe, became established in Scottish waters. REFERENCES On 15 July 2003 I was fishing for codling off the east Adams, C.E. (1991). Shift in pike, Esox lucius (L.), Caithness coast near my home-port of Lybster. With predation pressure following the introduction of nets already deployed in a calm sea, as I approached ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.) to Loch Lomond. them I could see two fins above the surface, well apart JournalofFish Biology 38, 663-667. and some disturbance in the water. Thinking two Adams, C.E. (1994). The Fish Community of Loch- dolphins had maybe become entangled, I quickly tried Lomond, Scotland - Its History and Rapidly to approach the net and release the animals. To my Changing Status. Hydrohiologia 290, 91-102. surprise the net contained a large species of shark and Adams, C.E., Brown, D.W., Tippett R. (1990). Dace the fins represented the dorsal fin and the tail tip, (Leuciscus leiiciscus (L.)) and chub {Leucisciis which had a notch to it. The upheaval went on for cephalus (L.)): New introductions to the Loch perhaps three or four minutes, before the shark set off Lomond catchment. Glasgow Naturalist 21, 509- in a south-westerly direction for about 200 meters, 513. dragging the net and boat backwards, but it rapidly Adams, C.E., Maitland, P.S. (1991). Evidence of appeared to tire. It was still struggling, but soon Further Invasions of Loch Lomond by Non-native became much more subdued. The shark was well Fish Species with the Discovery of a Roach X entangled and had presumably gone for a fish that was Bream, Rutilus rutilus (L.) X Abramis brama (L.), also in the net at the same time. At first I thought it Hybrid. JournalofFish Biology 38, 961-963. was probably a Basking Shark Cetorhinus maximus, Adams, C.E., Maitland, P.S. (1998). The ruffe with which I am very familiar, having fished these population of Loch Lomond, Scotland; Its waters most of my life. I estimated the fish to be at introduction, population expansion, and interaction minimum the length of my small boat, which is around with native species. JournalofGreatFakesResearch 5. 5 meters (18 feet). I was able to haul up about 2/3 of 24, 249-262. the net, cutting it when I got too close. Then the shark Adams, C.E., Mitchell, J. (1992). Introduction of started to slowly go down, (I had a rope attached to the another non-native fish species to Loch Lomond: net). Water depth would be about approximately 30 crucian carp (Carassius carassius (L.)). Glasgow metres (90 feet) at that point. Naturalist 22, 165-168. Adams, C.E., Mitchell, J. (1995). The Response of a When it reached the bottom, it appeared to lie there so I Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Breeding Colony to decided to try towing the net to see if it would free Rapid Change in Prey Species. BirdStudy42, 44-49. itself. I did make headway although was sometimes Lyle, A.A., Maitland, P.S. (1994). The Importance of stopped and pulled astern. It was a tow ofperhaps 300 Loch-Lomond National Nature-Reserve for Fish. meters to the nearby cliff face and there I dropped an Hydrohiologia 290, 103-104. anchor and buoy in about 15 metres (45feet) of water. Maitland, P.S. (1972). Loch Lomond - Mans Effects on The shark was still totally submerged as it was all Salmonid Community. Journal of the Fisheries during the tow. Research BoardofCanada 29, 849-860. Maitland, P.S., Adams, C.E., Mitchell J. (2000). The I returned to Lybster to consider what had to be done aNatuNraatlioHnearlitaagnedofILnotcerhnaLtoiomnoanldC;oInttseIxmtp.ortSacnotcteisihn arenaddiolny tvhoeluwnateyerbeadcktomehtelDpomdeBrfreemenetrh,e acrferaiteunrdewahnod GeographicalJournal 116, 181-196. recover my net. McCafferty, D.J. (2005). The dietary response ofotters (Futra lutra) to introduced ruffe (Gymnocephalus On return to the spot off the cliffs the shark was now cernuus) in Loch Lomond, Scotland. Journal of back on the surface - gills and dorsal plainly visible Zoology 266, 255-260. and quite placid - in fact showing little sign of life. I Scottish Parliament (2007).www.scottish.parliament.uk took my new digital camera to photograph the shark /business/bills/67aquaFish/index.htm and managedjust one shot as Dod was at the net. (Fig. WinRfeiceelndt, iIn.Jt.r,odAudctaimosns ,ofC.Et.h,e Frlueftfcehe(rG,ymJn.Mo.cep(1h9a9l6u)s. t1h).e sShuadrdkenvleryytrhaepriedwlyasshaonteaxwpalyosfiornomofthmeobvoeamt,enftreeanodf cernuus) to three United Kingdom lakes containing the net. Coregomis species. Annales Zoologici Fennici 33, 459-466. 94