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Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Basics PDF

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JIU-JITSU.NET E-BOOK Samples from Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, The Master Text and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Basics By Gene "Aranha" Simco WARNING The techniques presented in this book are dangerous. Before you begin your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training, you should consult a physician. You and your partner should always communicate with each other and stop when the other signals. All techniques should be practiced under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The author of this book shall not be held liable for the misuse of any information contained within. INTRODUCTION This book is not a replacement for a qualified instructor. This book does not contain all of the moves that make up the art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Only the core moves from each position are shown. This E-book is intended to give readers a sample of certain areas within BrazilianJiu-jitsu,TheMaster TextandBrazilianJiu-jitsu,Basics. As you read, you will notice that pages have been taken from different sections and are put together (re-arranged) in this E-book in an order according to the title of the E-book, not the order of the book the pages originally came from. After reading this text, you may purchase another E-book from us or purchase the book itself. There is so much material in The Master Text that even if you purchase all of our online E-books, you will still not have all the material in the original text itself. Some text and content has been left out in this file due to the fact that it is on one subject area and is acting as an overview. Enjoy this material and thank you for your patronage and support. "From a technical perspective, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, The Master Text, by Gene "Aranha" Simco, is the best book about the popular grappling art I've seen to date."- -- LitoAngeles,BlackBeltMagazine(6/2002) What really sets this book apart from any other grappling book on the market is the fact that it really repre- sents where mixed martial arts is today. It explains Jiu-jitsu grappling and its different styles better then any other book on the market." - 5 Stars -- BillLewis(12/2001) "One of my students got your book (The Master Text) and I personally think that is a great book. Very good technique and also good pictures. You are just making easy for people to learn." -- GustavoMachado(BJJBlackBelt)(12/2001) SSttaannddiinngg TTeecchhnniiqquueess CChhaapptteerr OOuuttlliinnee Closing Distance Punch Defense Kick Defense Grab Defenses Rear Choke Defense 29 BearHug Defense Head Lock Defense 31 Techniques from the Standing areas. This complete development of Position: Jiu-jitsu's basic techniques is impor- tant before moving on to more As a beginner, much of your advanced techniques. Some stu- practice will be isolated to one spe- dents who may not be very proficient cific area of concentration for a par- on the ground may choose to stay ticular class period. Since the focus standing if given the opportunity of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for beginners is while "sparring" starts standing. This on groundwork and the body posi- may occur due to a natural fear of tioning that occurs there, much of "losing" or elevated ego. Therefore, your "sparring" or free practice with instructors of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu will resistance will occur with both partic- usually start free sparring sessions ipants starting on the knees. There on the knees and standing at sepa- are many reasons for this that you will rate times. come to understand over time, but to In this next section, I have iso- provide you with a simple understand- lated the basic standing techniques ing: the more comfortable you are on of Jiu-jitsu that most beginners will the ground, the more relaxed you will encounter during their first year of be about engaging in the practice of training. Practical application and Jiu-jitsu with full resistance. Many basic understanding of these tech- participants are also initially hesitant niques is required by most instructors due to a natural feeling of cluster before promotion to blue belt can phobia that occurs while someone is occur. pinning you on the floor. This hesita- tion is relieved by the separation of Quedas specific positions during training and Called "quedas' in Brazilian practice. Another reason for this Portuguese, takedowns or throws are separation is to "force" students to standing methods of attack and move away from areas of natural skill defense whose purpose is to bring an in order to develop their weaker attacker to the ground through the use of balance, timing and leverage. greatly reduced. After a level of In most cases, Jiu-jitsu practitioners safety is achieved by the use of utilize basic principles of physics this position, a skilled Jiu-jitsu such as momentum, gravity and accel- fighter will take his opponent to eration to achieve the throw with min- the floor where any of the "ground imum effort and maximum efficiency. positions" previously soon to be detailed will be used. Getting to the Clinch Many great champions of Jiu-jitsu through its recent history have said, "If you have the clinch, you have good Jiu-jitsu." This is a theme that resounds strongly through the art's value as a tool for self -defense. The principle theo- ry is this: In any style of fighting, whether the intention of the com- batants is to achieve victory through the implementation of strikes or submission holds, one thing is inevitable: most of the time, the participants will clinch. Clinching is simply when both part- ners "hold" each other while stand- ing. Once a Jiu-jitsu practitioner achieves the clinch, the ability of his opponent to strike with a great deal of force (damaging force) is 33 Getting to the Clinch 1 In this example to the left, I am using a method of progressive indirect attack to create an open- ing so that I may safely achieve the clinch position. In figure 1, I throw a high strike to my opponent’s head. It is not my intention to strike my opponent. My intention is to give my opponent time to raise his hand to defend my strike. By raising his hand, he will create an opening at his waist where his arm would normally be blocking me from “entering”. You will notice 2 that I control his right hand with my left hand as I throw the strike so that my opponent does not strike me with that hand as I close the distance. In figure 2, I control his arm as I finish closing the dis- tance, placing my head on his chest. My left hand will wrap around my opponent’s waits so he cannot move back and away from me, creating distance that will enable him to strike. Getting to the Clinch 2 (Baiting) 1 This method of getting to the clinch is a “baiting method”. In this situation, I place my legs at a close distance to my oppo- nent, but lean back slightly so that my head is just out of my opponent’s reach. In order to encourage my opponent to attempt a strike to my head, I 2 lower my hands away from my face. Two things make it safe for me to do so: -My head is out of his reach. -I am anticipating the strike to my head. Once my opponent throws the strike (figure 2), I lean forward. As I lean forward, I keep my hands up to protect 3 my face from both kicks and punches. As I “enter” in figure 3, I hold him with my left hand to prevent him from moving back and control his arm with my right arm. I place my head to his chest in order to protect my face from punches. 35 Takedowns from the Clinch 1 Once I have reached the clinch position, I must use it to my advantage. illustrated in figure 1, I drop to one knee. I do so with my chest very close to my opponent’s leg, leaving him with very little space to strike. Next (figure 2), I hug my 2 opponent’s legs at the knees, clasping both hands. Once I have control of his legs, I squeeze my arms together, narrowing my oppo- nent’s base. Once my oppo- nent’s base is weak, I will drive my head forward, pushing off my right leg for power and simultaneously pull his legs toward me. 3 This movement will cause my opponent to fall backward (figure 3). As my opponent falls, I will hug his legs tightly, squeezing them together as I move around to one side of his body in order to control him.

What really sets this book apart from any other grappling book on the market is the fact that it really repre- sents where mixed . my left hand as I throw the strike.
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