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Preview Brain Research 1994: Vol 655 Index

BRAIN RESEARCH Brain Research 655 (1994) 276-278 Author Index Agostinho, P., Duarte, C.B., Carvalho, A.P. Calaresu, F.R., Zhang, J., Chitravanshi, V.C. muscarinic receptor is elevated in and Oliveira, C.R. and McKitrick, D.J. Alzheimer’s brain (655) 153 Effect of oxidative stress on the release Cardiovascular and single unit responses Fujimoto, K., see Ikeda, C. (655) 147 of [7H]GABA in cultured chick retina elicited by stimulation of the islands of Fuxe, K., see Janson, A.M. (655) 25 cells (655) 213 Calleja and by changes in arterial pres- Gendrot, G., see Servière, J. (655) 168 Akaike, A., see Amano, T. (655) 61 sure (655) 45 Gennarelli, T.A., see Hicks, R.R. (655) 91 Aksentsev, S.L., see Mongin, A.A. (655) 110 Cardelli, D., see Frey II, W.H. (655) 153 Gold, P.E., see Ragozzino, M.E. (655) 77 Ala, T.A., see Frey II, W.H. (655) 153 Carlson, E., see Cadet, J.L. (655) 259 Grundke-Iqbal, I., see Pei, J.-J. (655) 70 Amano, S., see Ohashi, M. (655) 255 Carvalho, A.P., see Agostinho, P. (655) 213 Amano, T., Ujihara, H., Matsubayashi, H., Chan, J., see Quik, M. (655) 161 Hack, N., see Resink, A. (655) 222 Sasa, M., Yokota, T., Tamura, Y. and Chinnery, R.M., see Shaw, P.J. (655) 186 Hagiwara, T., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 Akaike, A. Chinnery, R.M., see Shaw, P.J. (655) 195 Handa, J., see Ohashi, M. (655) 255 Dopamine-induced protection of striatal Chitravanshi, V.C., see Calaresu, F.R. (655) Hano, T., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 neurons against kainate receptor-media- 45 Hazama, F., see Ohashi, M. (655) 255 ted glutamate cytotoxicity in vitro (655) Chrapusta, S.J., Egan, M.F., Masserano, J.M. Hedlund, P.B., see Janson, A.M. (655) 25 61 and Wyatt, R.J. Hicks, R.R., Smith, D.H., Gennarelli, T.A. Anderson, M.E., see Bell, K.R. (655) 202 Dopamine release in the rat cerebellum and McIntosh, T. Araneda, S., Silva-Barrat, C., Menini, C. and and hippocampus: a tissue 3-methoxy- Kynurenate is neuroprotective following Naquet, R. tyramine study (655) 271 experimental brain injury in the rat (655) High expression of noradrenaline, choline Cueva-Rol6én, R., Munoz-Martinez, E.J., 91 acetyltransferase and glial fibrillary acidic Delgado-Lezama, R. and Raya, J.G. Himi, T., Okazaki, T., Sugiura, Y. and Mori, protein in the epileptic focus consecutive The cat pudendal nerve: afferent fibers N. to GABA withdrawal. An immunocyto- responding to mechanical stimulation of SCG10 mRNA localization in thẹ hippo- chemical study (655) 135 the perineal skin, the vagina or the uter- campus: comparison with other mRNAs Araujo, D.M., see Lapchak, P.A. (655) 12 ine cervix (655) 1 encoding neuronal growth-associated Arbogast, L.A. and Voogt, J.L. proteins (nGAPs) (655) 177 Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating Danysz, W., see Wenk, G.L. (655) 7 Hingtgen, C.M. and Vasko, M.R. polypeptide (PACAP) increases prolactin Deguchi, T., see Ichikawa, H. (655) 241 Prostacyclin enhances the evoked-release release and tuberoinfundibular dopamin- Delgado-Lezama, R., see Cueva-Roloén, R. of substance P and calcitonin gene-re- ergic neuronal activity (655) 17 (655) 1 lated peptide from rat sensory neurons Deshpande, S.B. and Warnick, J.E. (655) 51 Balazs, R., see Resink, A. (655) 222 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone reverses Hirosawa, K., see Watanabe, T. (655) 128 Baum, I., see Cadet, J.L. (655) 259 the supersensitively depressed monosy- Hokfelt, T., see Szallasi, A. (655) 237 Bell, K.R., Traylor, G.H., Anderson, M.E., naptic transmission by serotonin in 5,7- Hoshino, F.B., see Watanabe, T. (655) 128 Berger, M.S. and Ojemann, G.A. dihydroxytryptamine-treated neonatal Hyde, J.F., VanderWende, C., Wood, P.L., Features of targeted arm movement after rats in vitro (655) 263 Kim, H.F. and Jerussi, T.P. unilateral excisions that included the Doyle, P., Rohner-Jeanrenaud, F. and Jean- Bilateral changes in striatal dopamine supplementary motor area in humans renaud, B. metabolism after unilateral intracarotid (655) 202 Alterations of local cerebral glucose uti- and intrastriatal administration of apo- Berger, M.S., see Bell, K.R. (655) 202 lization in lean and obese fa/fa rats morphine (655) 83 Boer, G.J., see Resink, A. (655) 222 after acute adrenalectomy (655) 115 Bolinao, M.L., see Moghaddam, B. (655) 251 Duarte, C.B., see Agostinho, P. (655) 213 Ichikawa, H., Deguchi, T., Nakago, T., Jaco- bowitz, D.M. and Sugimoto, T. Cadet, J.L., Ladenheim, B., Baum, I., Carl- Egan, M.F., see Chrapusta, S.J. (655) 271 Parvalbumin, calretinin and carbonic an- son, E. and Epstein, C. Emory, C.R., see Frey I], W.H. (655) 153 hydrase in the trigeminal and spinal pri- CuZn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) Epstein, C., see Cadet, J.L. (655) 259 mary neurons of the rat (655) 241 transgenic mice show resistance to the Ikeda, C., Morita, I., Mori, A., Fujimoto, K., lethal effects of methylenedioxyam- Frey II, W.H., Emory, C.R., Wiebenga, M.E., Suzuki, T., Kawashima, K. and Murota, phetamine (MDA) and of methylene- Saxena, S., Cardelli, D., Ala, T.A. and S.-i. dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) (655) Tollefson, G.D. Phorbol ester stimulates acetylcholine 259 Inhibitor of antagonist binding to the synthesis in cultured endothelial cells iso- Author Index / Brain Research 655 (1994) 276-278 277 lated from porcine cerebral microvessels Nakahara, K., see Watanabe, T. (655) 128 6-OHDA- induced lesion of the nigrostri- (655) 147 Naoi, M., see Matsubara, K. (655) 121 atal dopaminergic neurons potentiates Ince, P.G., see Shaw, P.J. (655) 186 Naquet, R., see Araneda, S. (655) 135 the inhibitory effect of 7-OHDPAT, a Ince, P.G., see Shaw, P.J. (655) 195 Nemoto, K., Kageyama, H., Hagiwara, T., selective D, agonist, on acetylcholine re- Iqbal, K., see Pei, J.-J. (655) 70 Tashiro, F., Tomita, T., Tomita, I., Hano, lease during striatal microdialysis in con- T., Nishio, I. and Ueyama, T. scious rats (655) 233 Jacobowitz, D.M., see Ichikawa, H. (655) 241 Mutation of low affinity nerve growth Saxena, S., see Frey II, W.H. (655) 153 Janson, A.M., Hedlund, P.B., Fuxe, K. and factor receptor gene in spontaneously hy- Seharaseyon, J., see Sahenk, Z. (655) 246 Von Euler, G. pertensive and stroke-prone sponta- Sersen, E., see Pei, J.-J. (655) 70 Chronic nicotine treatment counteracts neously hypertensive rats: one of the Serviére, J., Gendrot, G., LeSauter, J. and dopamine D, receptor upregulation in- promising candidate genes for hyperten- Silver, R. duced by a partial meso-diencephalic sion (655) 267 Host resets phase of grafted suprachias- hemitransection in the rat (655) 25 Nilsson, S., see Szallasi, A. (655) 237 matic nucleus: a 2-DG study of time Jeanrenaud, B., see Doyle, P. (655) 115 Nishio, I., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 course of entrainment (655) 168 Jerussi, T.P., see Hyde, J.F. (655) 83 Shaw, P.J., Chinnery, R.M. and Ince, P.G. Ohashi, M., Amano, S., Hazama, F. and Non-NMDA receptors in motor neuron Kageyama, H., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 Handa, J. disease (MND): a quantitative autoradio- Kamphorst, W., see Van de Nes, J.A.P. (655) Proliferative effects of humoral factors graphic study in spinal cord and motor 97 derived from neuroblastoma cells on cul- cortex using [’H]CNQX and [*H]kainate Kawashima, K., see Ikeda, C. (655) 147 tured astrocytes (655) 255 (655) 186 Kim, H.F., see Hyde, J.F. (655) 83 Ojemann, G.A., see Bell, K.R. (655) 202 Shaw, P.J., Chinnery, R.M. and Ince, P.G. Konev, S.V., see Mongin, A.A. (655) 110 Okazaki, T., see Himi, T. (655) 177 [*H]p-Aspartate binding sites in the nor- Kozlova, M.V., see Mongin, A.A. (655) 110 Okumura, F., see Sato, K. (655) 233 mal human spinal cord and changes in Oliveira, C.R., see Agostinho, P. (655) 213 motor neuron disease: a quantitative Ladenheim, B., see Cadet, J.L. (655) 259 Orlov, S.N., see Mongin, A.A. (655) 110 autoradiographic study (655) 195 Lapchak, P.A. and Araujo, D.M. Ota, M., see Matsubara, K. (655) 121 Shirasaka, Y. and Wasterlain, C.G. NGF suppression of weight gain in adult Chronic epileptogenicity following focal female rats correlates with decreased hy- Patrick, J., see Quik, M. (655) 161 status epilepticus (655) 33 pothalamic cholecystokinin levels (655) 12 Pei, J.-J., Sersen, E., Iqbal, K. and Silva-Barrat, C., see Araneda, S. (655) 135 LeSauter, J., see Serviére, J. (655) 168 Grundke-Iqbal, I. Silver, R., see Serviére, J. (655) 168 Lundberg, J.M., see Szallasi, A. (655) 237 Expression of protein phosphatases Slepko, N.G., see Mongin, A.A. (655) 110 (PP-1, PP-2A, PP-2B and PTP-1B) and Sluiter, A.A., see Van de Nes, J.A.P. (655) Maruyama, W., see Matsubara, K. (655) 121 protein kinases (MAP kinase and P34°%?) 97 Masserano, J.M., see Chrapusta, S.J. (655) in the hippocampus of patients with Alz- Smith, D.H., see Hicks, R.R. (655) 91 271 heimer disease and normal aged individ- Stein-Behrens, B., see Moghaddam, B. (655) Matsubara, K., Ota, M., Takahashi, T., uals (655) 70 251 Maruyama, W. and Naoi, M. Pool, C.W., see Van de Nes, J.A.P. (655) 97 Sugimoto, T., see Ichikawa, H. (655) 241 Structural studies of condensation prod- Sugiura, Y., see Himi, T. (655) 177 ucts of biogenic amines as inhibitors of Quik, M., Chan, J. and Patrick, J. Suzuki, T., see Ikeda, C. (655) 147 tryptophan hydroxylase (655) 121 a-Bungarotoxin blocks the nicotinic re- Swaab, D.F., see Van de Nes, J.A.P. (655) Matsubayashi, H., see Amano, T. (655) 61 ceptor mediated increase in cell number 97 Maximov, G.V., see Mongin, A.A. (655) 110 in a neuroendocrine cell line (655) 161 Szallasi, A., Nilsson, S., Hökfelt, T. and McIntosh, T., see Hicks, R.R. (655) 91 Lundberg, J.M. McKitrick, D.J., see Calaresu, F.R. (655) 45 Ragozzino, M.E., Wenk, G.L. and Gold, P.E. Visualizing vanilloid (capsaicin) receptors Mendell, J.R., see Sahenk, Z. (655) 246 in pig spinal cord by [*H]resiniferatoxin Glucose attenuates a morphine-induced Menini, C., see Araneda, S. (655) 135 decrease in hippocampal acetylcholine autoradiography (655) 237 Mio, Y., see Watanabe, T. (655) 128 output: an in vivo microdialysis study in Misu, Y., see Sato, K. (655) 233 Mobley, S.L., see Wenk, G.L. (655) 7 rats (655) 77 Takahashi, T., see Matsubara, K. (655) 121 Moghaddam, B., Bolinao, M.L., Stein- Ravid, R., see Van de Nes, J.A.P. (655) 97 Tamura, Y., see Amano, T. (655) 61 Behrens, B. and Sapolsky, R. Raya, J.G., see Cueva-Rolon, R. (655) 1 Tashiro, F., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 Glucocorticoids mediate the stress- Resink, A., Hack, N., Boer, G.J. and Balazs, Tollefson, G.D., see Frey I, W.H. (655) 153 induced extracellular accumulation of R. Tomita, I., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 glutamate (655) 251 Growth conditions differentially modu- Tomita, T., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 Mongin, A.A., Aksentsev, S.L., Orlov, S.N., late the vulnerability of developing cere- Traylor, G.H., see Bell, K.R. (655) 202 bellar granule cells to excitatory amino Slepko, N.G., Kozlova, M.V., Maximov, acids (655) 222 G.V. and Konev, S.V. Ueda, H., see Sato, K. (655) 233 Rohner-Jeanrenaud, F., see Doyle, P. (655) Swelling-induced K* influx in cultured Ueyama, T., see Nemoto, K. (655) 267 115 primary astrocytes (655) 110 Ujihara, H., see Amano, T. (655) 61 Mori, A., see Ikeda, C. (655) 147 Sahenk, Z., Seharaseyon, J. and Mendell, Mori, N., see Himi, T. (655) 177 J.R. Van de Nes, J.A.P., Sluiter, A.A., Pool, Morita, I., see Ikeda, C. (655) 147 CNTF potentiates peripheral nerve re- C.W., Kamphorst, W., Ravid, R. and Muñoz-Martínez, E.J., see Cueva-Rolón, R. generation (655) 246 Swaab, D.F. (655) 1 Sapolsky, R., see Moghaddam, B. (655) 251 The monoclonal antibody Alz-50, used to Murota, S.-i., see Ikeda, C. (655) 147 Sasa, M., see Amano, T. (655) 61 reveal cytoskeletal changes in Nagamatsu, S., see Watanabe, T. (655) 128 Sato, K., Ueda, H., Okumura, F. and Misu, Alzheimer’s disease, also reacts with a Nakago, T., see Ichikawa, H. (655) 241 . 2 large subpopulation of somatostatin neu- 278 Author Index / Brain Research 655 (1994) 276-278 roprotection within the nucleus basalis of rons in the normal human hypothalamus Wasterlain, C.G., see Shirasaka, Y. (655) 33 and adjoining areas (655) 97 Watanabe, T., Mio, Y., Hoshino, F.B., Naga- the rat (655) 7 VanderWende, C., see Hyde, J.F. (655) 83 matsu, S., Hirosawa, K. and Nakahara, Wenk, G.L., see Ragozzino, M.E. (655) 77 Vasko, M.R., see Hingtgen, C.M. (655) 51 K. Wiebenga, M.E., see Frey II, W.H. (655) 153 Von Euler, G., see Janson, A.M. (655) 25 GLUT2 expression in the rat retina: lo- Wood, P.L., see Hyde, J.F. (655) 83 Voogt, J.L., see Arbogast, L.A. (655) 17 calization at the apical ends of Miller Wyatt, R.J., see Chrapusta, S.J. (655) 271 cells (655) 128 Yokota, T., see Amano, T. (655) 61 Warnick, J.E., see Deshpande, S.B. (655) Wenk, G.L., Danysz, W. and Mobley, S.L. 263 Investigations of neurotoxicity and neu- Zhang, J., see Calaresu, F.R. (655) 45

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