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Brain Research 1992: Vol 594 Index PDF

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Preview Brain Research 1992: Vol 594 Index

356 Brain Research, 594 (1992) 356-358 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Author Index Abe, K., see Yamashita, N. (594) 215 Conn, P.J., see Boss, V. (594) 181 Grisel, J.E., see Watkins, L.R. (594) 99 Adams, M.E., see McIntosh, J.M. (594) 109 Crews, D., see Wade, J. (594) 311 Groves, P.M., see Martone, M.E. (594) 253 Akin, T., see Bradley, R.M. (594) 84 Albin, R.L., see Tallaksen-Greene, S.J. (594) Harris, N.C. and Davies, J. Davies, J., see Harris, N.C. (594) 176 165 Cortically evoked excitatory synaptic Dawkins, M.A., Foreman, R.D. and Farber, Aradachi, H., see Honda, K. (594) 335 transmission in the cat red nucleus is J.P. Armstrong, D.M., see Greeson, D.M. (594) antagonised by D-AP5 but not by D-AP7 Short latency excitation of upper cervical 351 respiratory neurons by vagal stimulation (594) 176 Armstrong, D.M., see Martone, M.E. (594) in the rat (594) 319 He, X.-P., Lee, P.H.K., Pennypacker, K.R., 253 Day, T.A., Sibbald, J.R. and Smith, D.W. Tuominen, R.K., Mar, E.-C., Thai, L. Arons, C.D. and Shoemaker, W.J. Al neurons and excitatory amino acid and Hong, J.-S. The distribution of catecholamines and Characterization of dynorphin-containing receptors in rat caudal medulla mediate B-endorphin in the brains of three behav- neurons on dissociated dentate gyrus cell vagal excitation of supraoptic vasopressin iorally distinct breeds of dogs and their cells (594) 244 cultures (594) 91 F, hybrids (594) 31 Delacourte, A., see Vickers, J.C. (594) 273 Henderson, M.G. and Fuller, R.W. Dextromethorphan antagonizes the acute Delahunty, T.M. depletion of brain serotonin by p-chloro- Badoer, E., see McKinley, M.J. (594) 295 Mild traumatic brain injury enhances amphetamine and H75/12 in rats (594) muscarinic receptor-linked inositol phos- Banay-Schwartz, M., Lajtha, A. and Pal- 323 phate production in rat hippocampus kovits, M. Higashiura, K., see Uemura, S. (594) 347 (594) 307 Regional distribution of glutamate and Higuchi, T., see Honda, K. (594) 335 Desai, M.A., see Boss, V. (594) 181 aspartate in adult and old human brain Honda, K., Aradachi, H., Higuchi, T., DiBennardo, R.A., see Somenarain, L. (594) (594) 343 Bear, M.F., see Bohner, A.P. (594) 146 1 Takano, S. and Negoro, H. Dudek, S.M., see Bohner, A.P. (594) 146 «Activation of paraventricular neurosecre- Beitz, A.J., see Renno, W.M. (594) 221 tory cells by local osmotic stimulation of Biggs, C.S., Pearce, B.R., Fowler, L.J. and the median preoptic nucleus (594) 335 Whitton, P.S. Ellinwood Jr., E.H., see Zhang, H. (594) 315 Hong, J.-S., see He, X.-P. (594) 91 The effect of sodium valproate on extra- Huang, C.-C., see Gean, P.-W. (594) 331 cellular GABA and other amino acids in Fallert, C.J., see Lo, T.-M. (594) 189 the rat ventral hippocampus: an in vivo Farber, J.P., see Dawkins, M.A. (594) 319 lenaga, K., see Uemura, S. (594) 347 microdialysis study (594) 138 Ferré, S. and Fuxe, K. Bohner, A.P., Dudek, S.M. and Bear, M.F. Dopamine denervation leads to an in- Jakinovich Jr., W., see Somenarain, L. (594) Effects of N-methyl-p-aspartate on crease in the intramembrane interaction 1 quisqualate-stimulated phosphoinositide between adenosine A, and dopamine D, Jendelova, P., see Sykova, E. (594) 19 hydrolysis in slices of kitten striate cortex receptors in the neostriatum (594) 124 (594) 146 Filloux, F., see McIntosh, J.M. (594) 109 Kagami-ishi, Y., see Shibata, S. (594) 290 Boss, V., Desai, M.A., Smith, T.S. and Conn, Fligny, I., see Willer, J.C. (594) 301 Kasser, R.J., see Wilkerson, J.W. (594) 47 Ps. Foreman, R.D., see Dawkins, M.A. (594) Kawaguchi, H. and Fukuda, J. Trans-ACPD-induced phosphoinositide 319 A new co-culture method utilizing a dual hydrolysis and modulation of hippocam- Fowler, L.J., see Biggs, C.S. (594) 138 compartment cell-allocation apparatus pal pyramidal cell excitability do not un- Freund, T.F., see Miettinen, R. (594) 263 for observation and identification of dergo parallel developmental regulation Fukuda, J., see Kawaguchi, H. (594) 284 synapse formation in vitro (594) 284 (594) 181 Fukuda, J., see Yamashita, N. (594) 215 Kenan-Vaknin, G., Ouaknine, G.E., Razon, Bradley, R.M., Smoke, R.H., Akin, T. and Fuller, R.W., see Henderson, M.G. (594) 323 N. and Malach, R. Najafi, K. Fuxe, K., see Ferré, S. (594) 124 Organization of layers II-III connections Functional regeneration of glossopharyn- in human visual cortex revealed by in geal nerve through micromachined sieve Gean, P.-W., Huang, C.-C., Lin, J.-H. and vitro injections of biocytin (594) 339 electrode arrays (594) 84 Tsai, J.-J. Kimura, H., see Uemura, S. (594) 347 Brosnan, C.F., see Claudio, L. (594) 233 Sustained enhancement of NMDA re- Konishi, T. ceptor-mediated synaptic potential by cAMP-mediated expression of inwardly Cattarelli, M., see Litaudon, P. (594) 171 isoproterenol in rat amygdalar slices (594) rectifying potassium channels in cultured Chodobski, A., Szmydynger-Chodobska, J., 331 mouse Schwann cells (594) 197 Segal, M.B. and McPherson, I.A. Goodman, S.R., see Zimmer, W.E. (594) 75 Koob, G.F., see Pulvirenti, L. (594) 327 The role of angiotensin II in regulation Grassi, F. of cerebrospinal fluid formation in rab- Cl--mediated interaction between Lajtha, A., see Banay-Schwartz, M. (594) 343 bits (594) 40 GABA and glycine currents in cultured Lamas, G., see Willer, J.C. (594) 301 Chvátal, A., see Syková, E. (594) 19 rat hippocampal neurons (594) 115 Lee, P.H.K., see He, X.-P. (594) 91 Claudio, L. and Brosnan, C.F. Greeson, D.M., Moix, L., Meier, M., Arm- Lee, T.H., see Zhang, H. (594) 315 Effects of prazosin on the blood-brain strong, D.M. and Wiley, R.G. Leyton, M. and Stewart, J. barrier during experimental autoimmune A continuing signal maintains NGF re- The stimulation of central k opioid re- encephalomyelitis (594) 233 ceptor expression in hypoglossal motor ceptors decreases male sexual behavior Clow, K., see Rasmusson, D.D. (594) 150 neurons after crush injury (594) 351 and locomotor activity (594) 56 357 Li, Y.-Q., Takada, M., Ohishi, H., Shi- Ouaknine, G.E., see Kenan-Vaknin, G. (594) Syková, E., Jendelová, P., Šimonová, Z. and nonaga, Y. and Mizuno, N. 339 Chvátal, A. Trigeminal ganglion neurons which pro- K* and pH homeostasis in the develop- ject by way of axon collaterals to both the Palkovits, M., see Banay-Schwartz, M. (594) ing rat spinal cord is impaired by early caudal spinal trigeminal and the princi- postnatal X-irradiation (594) 19 343 pal sensory trigeminal nuclei (594) 155 Szerb, J.C., see Rasmusson, D.D. (594) 150 Paul, S.M., see Weller, M. (594) 160 Lin, J.-H., see Gean, P.-W. (594) 331 Pearce, B.R., see Biggs, C.S. (594) 138 Szmydynger-Chodobska, J., see Chodobski, Litaudon, P. and Cattarelli, M. A. (594) 40 Pennypacker, K.R., see He, X.-P. (594) 91 Origin of the in vivo rat piriform cortex Piser, T.M., see Lo, T.-M. (594) 189 activity recorded with voltage-sensitive Poignonec, S., see Willer, J.C. (594) 301 Takada, M., see Li, Y.-Q. (594) 155 dyes: comparison of the optical signals Pratt, R.G., see Norman, A.B. (594) 279 Takano, S., see Honda, K. (594) 335 and the field potentials (594) 171 Pulvirenti, L., Maldonado-Lopez, R. and Tallaksen-Greene, S.J., Wiley, R.G. and Al- Lo, T.-M., Fallert, C.J., Piser, T.M. and Koob, G.F. bin, R.L. Thayer, S.A. NMDA receptors in the nucleus accum- Localization of striatal excitatory amino HIV-1 envelope protein evokes intracel- bens modulate intravenous cocaine but acid binding site subtypes to striatonigral lular calcium oscillations in rat hip- not heroin self-administration in the rat projection neurons (594) 165 pocampal neurons (594) 189 (594) 327 Tengelsen, L.A., Robertson, R.T. and Yu, J. Lu, S.Y., see Norman, A.B. (594) 279 Basal forebrain and anterior thalamic contributions to acetylcholinesterase ac- Rasmusson, D.D., Clow, K. and Szerb, J.C. Ma, Y., see Zimmer, W.E. (594) 75 tivity in granular retrosplenial cortex of Frequency-dependent increase in cortical Maier, S.F., see Watkins, L.R. (594) 99 rats (594) 10 acetylcholine release evoked by stimula- Malach, R., see Kenan-Vaknin, G. (594) 339 tion of the nucleus basalis magnocellu- Terenzi, M.G., Rees, H. and Roberts, Maldonado-Lopez, R., see Pulvirenti, L. laris in the rat (594) 150 M.H.T. (594) 327 The pontine parabrachial region medi- Razon, N., see Kenan-Vaknin, G. (594) 339 Mar, E.-C., see He, X.-P. (594) 91 ates some of the descending inhibitory Rees, H., see Terenzi, M.G. (594) 205 Marini, A.M., see Weller, M. (594) 160 Renner, K.J., see Wilkerson, J.W. (594) 47 effects of stimulating the anterior pretec- Martone, M.E., Armstrong, D.M., Young, tal nucleus (594) 205 Renno, W.M., Mullett, M.A. and Beitz, A.J. S.J. and Groves, P.M. Thai, L., see He, X.-P. (594) 91 Systemic morphine reduces GABA re- Ultrastructural examination of enkepha- Thayer, S.A., see Lo, T.-M. (594) 189 lease in the lateral but not the medial lin and substance P input to cholinergic Thomas, S.R., see Norman, A.B. (594) 279 portion of the midbrain periaqueductal neurons within the rat neostriatum (594) gray of the rat (594) 221 Tominaga, K., see Shibata, S. (594) 290 253 Tsai, J.-J., see Gean, P.-W. (594) 331 Richard, D., Rivest, S. and Rivier, C. McIntosh, J.M., Adams, M.E., Olivera, B.M. The 5-hydroxytryptamine agonist fenflu- Tuominen, R.K., see He, X.-P. (594) 91 and Filloux, F. ramine increases Fos-like immunoreactiv- Autoradiographic localization of the ity in the brain (594) 131 Uemura, S., Ienaga, K., Higashiura, K. and binding of calcium channel antagonist, Rivest, S., see Richard, D. (594) 131 Kimura, H. ['*°T]w-agatoxin IIIA, in rat brain (594) Rivier, C., see Richard, D. (594) 131 y-Glutamyltaurine has potent and long- 109 Roberts, M.H.T., see Terenzi, M.G. (594) lasting antiepileptic action as demon- McKinley, M.J., Badoer, E. and Oldfield, 205 strated by intra-amygdaloid injection in B.J. amygdala-kindled rats (594) 347 Robertson, R.T., see Tengelsen, L.A. (594) Intravenous angiotensin II induces Fos- 10 immunoreactivity in circumventricular Vickers, J.C., Delacourte, A. and Morrison, organs of the lamina terminalis (594) 295 Saito, H., see Yamashita, N. (594) 215 J.H. McPherson, I.A., see Chodobski, A. (594) 40 Segal, M.B., see Chodobski, A. (594) 40 Progressive transformation of the cy- Meier, M., see Greeson, D.M. (594) 351 Shibata, S., Tominaga, K., Kagami-ishi, Y. toskeleton associated with normal aging Miettinen, R. and Freund, T.F. and Alzheimer’s disease (594) 273 and Watanabe, S. Convergence and segregation of septal Neuroprotective effect of protein kinase and median raphe inputs onto different C inhibitors on oxygen/ glucose free-in- Wade, J. and Crews, D. subsets of hippocampal inhibitory in- duced decreases in 2-deoxyglucose up- Sexual dimorphisms in the soma size of terneurons (594) 263 take and CA1 field potential in rat hip- neurons in the brain of whiptail lizards Mizuno, N., see Li, Y.-Q. (594) 155 pocampal slices (594) 290 (Cnemidophorus species) (594) 311 Moix, L., see Greeson, D.M. (594) 351 Shinonaga, Y., see Li, Y.-Q. (594) 155 Watanabe, S., see Shibata, S. (594) 290 Morrison, J.H., see Vickers, J.C. (594) 273 Shoemaker, W.J., see Arons, C.D. (594) 31 Watkins, L.R., Wiertelak, E.P., Grisel, J.E., Mullett, M.A., see Renno, W.M. (594) 221 Sibbald, J.R., see Day, T.A. (594) 244 Silbert, L.H. and Maier, S.F. Silbert, L.H., see Watkins, L.R. (594) 99 Parallel activation of multiple spinal opi- Najafi, K., see Bradley, R.M. (594) 84 Šimonová, Z., see Syková, E. (594) 19 ate systems appears to mediate ‘non- Negoro, H., see Honda, K. (594) 335 Smith, D.W., see Day, T.A. (594) 244 opiate’ stress-induced analgesias (594) 99 Nishiyama, N., see Yamashita, N. (594) 215 Smith, T.S., see Boss, V. (594) 181 Weller, M., Marini, A.M. and Paul, S.M. Norgren, R.B., see Norman, A.B. (594) 279 Smoke, R.H., see Bradley, R.M. (594) 84 Niacinamide blocks 3-acetylpyridine toxi- Norman, A.B., Thomas, S.R., Pratt, R.G., Somenarain, L., DiBennardo, R.A. and Jaki- city of cerebellar granule cells in vitro Lu, S.Y. and Norgren, R.B. novich Jr., W. (594) 160 Magnetic resonance imaging of neural Single neuron gustatory responses of the Whitton, P.S., see Biggs, C.S. (594) 138 transplants in rat brain using a super- gerbil chorda tympani to a variety of Wiertelak, E.P., see Watkins, L.R. (594) 99 paramagnetic contrast agent (594) 279 stimuli (recorded by a new method) (594) Wiley, R.G., see Greeson, D.M. (594) 351 1 Wiley, R.G., see Tallaksen-Greene, S.J. (594) Ohishi, H., see Li, Y.-Q. (594) 155 Soudant, J., see Willer, J.C. (594) 301 165 Oldfield, B.J., see McKinley, M.J. (594) 295 Stewart, J., see Leyton, M. (594) 56 Wilkerson, J.W., Kasser, R.J. and Renner, Olivera, B.M., see McIntosh, J.M. (594) 109 Sullivan, R.M., see Wilson, D.A. (594) 143 K.J. 358 Cholecystokinin antagonists inhibit in Yamashita, N., Nishiyama, N., Abe, K., Saito, The progressive changes of neuronal ac- vivo voltammetric signals generated by H. and Fukuda, J. tivities of the nigral dopaminergic neu- KCl-induced slow wave depolarization in Primary culture of postnatal rat hypotha- rons upon withdrawal from continuous rat caudate (594) 47 lamic neurons in astrocyte-conditioned infusion of cocaine (594) 315 Willer, J.C., Lamas, G., Poignonec, S., Fligny, medium (594) 215 Zimmer, W.E., Ma, Y., Zagon, I.S. and I. and Soudant, J. Young, S.J., see Martone, M.E. (594) 253 Goodman, S.R. Redirection of the hypoglossal nerve to Yu, J., see Tengelsen, L.A. (594) 10 Developmental expression of brain $g- facial muscles alters central connectivity spectrin isoform messenger RNAs (594) in human brainstem (594) 301 Zagon, I.S., see Zimmer, W.E. (594) 75 75 Wilson, D.A. and Sullivan, R.M. Zhang, H., Lee, T.H. and Ellinwood Jr., Blockade of mitral/tufted cell habitua- E.H. tion to odors by association with reward: a preliminary note (594) 143

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