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Biological notes on Lyonetia yasudai Kuroko and L. bakuchia Kuroko (Lepidoptera, Lyonetiidae) PDF

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Preview Biological notes on Lyonetia yasudai Kuroko and L. bakuchia Kuroko (Lepidoptera, Lyonetiidae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uttmu Trans.Iepid.Soc.1lrifp5a9n(1):18-22,January2008 Biologica lnotes on Liyoneti yaasucla iKuroko and L. bakuchi aKuroko (LepidopterLay,onetiidae) Neung-Ho AHN[) ,Shigek iKoBAyAsHi] 'M,asumi MuRAsE3' and Tt)shiy aHiRowATARi"* L'Invertebrate Researc hDivisio nN,ationa Ilnstit uotfe Biologie aRlesources, EnvironmentalResearchComplex, Kyungseo-Don.tr,Seo-Gu, Incheon404-170.Korea !'Entomological Laboratory. Colleg cof A.urricul tOusraek,a Prefectur eUniversity. Sakai,Osaka,599-8S31 Japan ]'1563-6N,6gawa,Wakayama,Wakayama,640-8481Japan t)Entomologjcal Laboratory ., Graduatc School of Life and Environmental Sciences, OsakaPrefecturUenivcrsitSya,kaiO,saka,599-8531 Japan Abstract L.yoneti ayasudai Kuroko ,1964 i srecorded from some locaiiti eosf the southern part of the Kii Peninsul (aMie and Wakayama Prefectures )J,apan, whi]e it was known oply from the type localit yN,achi. Wakayama Prefeeture ,Pr"nus z-.ippelian aand Photinia glabra are newly recorded ag the host plant sL,.vonet ibaakvtch iKauroko, 1964 is new]y recorded fi/om Shizuoka Prefectur eas an addition to the distribution adlata in the original description ,which was limite tdo the southern part of Kyushu and Yakushima Is. (Kagoshim aPrefecture) .Biologica lnotes on the immature sta.aes c}t 'the two species are given. Key words Lyonetia ),asudai ,L)・,onel iabakuchia, I.yonetiida e.Iea fmine moths, Prunus z・,ippeliana ,Japan Introduction Liy?one tyiaasudai Kuroko, 1964 was describe dbased on specimens from Nachi, Wakayama Prefectur eI.n the original descriptio Knu,roko (1964 )noted that the host plant was 2uercLts acuta Thunb. (Fagace aeHo)w,ever, Kuroko (1982 )commented that larva eof L. ),・asudai mine into [leav eofsl Prttnus spine{losa Siebold et Zucc. (Rosace awieth)out referring to the original descriptio nO.n the other hand, Lo,oneti abakvtchi aKuroko, 1964 was described from the southern part of Kyushu, Japan. Kuroko (1982 o)nly cited informatio gniven in Kuroko (1964 )S.ince 1982, no additional data on L),oneti a.yasttda ior L. bake{chia htts been reported. Our recent fiel dresearch and examination of specimens reveals that thege species occur in seycral localit ieofs Honshu, and L. yasudai utilizes some evergreen Rosaceae plants ether than P. ,£pinulosa. In this paper ,biologica lnotes on L. yasi{da iand L. bak"chia includin gdistributi ohnos,t plants a,nd the immature stages are given. Thc foIlowin gabbreviation indicat edsepositor oyr the specimens, OPU: Entomological Laboratory,OsakaPrefecturUcniversity. HUi Laborator yof Systemati cEntomology ,Hokkaido University. L{yonetiayasutlaKiuroko (FigIA-K) [o,onet iyaasudai Kuroko, 1964: 28. pls 1-3, pls 8-45, pls13-66; Kuroko, 1982 ,1/ 175. 't'Correspondingauthor':hirowatant@enx,i,osakafu-u,ac.jp NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Biologic anlotes on L},onetia ),asudai and L. bakuc'hia 19 Materia lexamined, HONSHU. Mie Pref. :1 e 1 9, Hudodani, Miyama-cho, 30. vi. 2001 (T.Mano);5X 1g,Oota,NishikiK,isei-cho4,. 2001 (T.Mano). Wakayama Pref.:3 viii. X8 9 (paratyp Neasc)h,isan ,31. v, 1957 [larva (eT] .YAsuda), 10-11. vi, l954, em,, host: "Akagashi" [euerc uacst{ta], OPU; 8 612 9, sttme labe l(T ,Kodaina) ,OPU; 1 8, samc io- 19. 1966(T.Kumata),HU; 38'3\,Kozagawa,28-30. 1964(T,Kumata),host: cality, x. v. Prunus spinulosa L`'Rinhok uH"U];, 1 51 ,samc localit yI,. x, 1974, em. (T .Kumata), hest: Photinia glabra ["Kanamemochi' H1U,; 6 84 4, Ago, Shirahama ,29. v. 2007 (larva 7e-), le, vi, 2007, em, (S .Kobayashi & T. Hirowatari) ,host :Prunus z -ippetiana . SHIKOKU. Kochi Pref. :2d"' 14, Kochi, 12-13. xii. 1964 (H, Kuroko), host i`iAkamemochi" [="Kanamemoc hPhio"tinia glahra] ,OPU. Distribution ,Japan: Honshu (Wakayama Pref. ,Mie PreE (ne wrecord)), Shikoku (Kochi Pref. )(new record). Host plant . eeterc atcL-tttas Thunb. (Fagace a(eK)u:rok o1,964); Prumts ,spinulosa Siebold et Zucc, (Rosaceae )(:Kurok o1,982) ;P. zr pp'eliana Miq, (ne wrecord); Photinia glahra Thunb. (new record). Remarks. The forewin gpatter nof the adult of L),oneti ayasu.da iis very similar to that of L. bakuchia ,but Kuroko (1964 )noted that i tis distinguishabl eby the male aedeagus, which is long ,with a slender apical half with some spines ventrally (th eaedeagus is rather short and lack sventral spines in L. bakuchia) ,and by the female ductus bursae ,which has two small sc]erotized patches in thc middle (contras twiethd a single small patch near the ostium in L. bakttchi.a). In 2007, we collected lyoneti ildarva emining into leave sof Prunt{ szippeXiana at Ago, Ttinab eCity ,Wakayama Prefectur ea,nd at fir swte considered them to be L. bakt{chia Kuroko, a closefy related species whose larva eare known to mine int oP. zimpeliana, However, dissecti oonf the male and female genitali arevealed that they are Lo,onet i.a}・'astt- dai Kuroko, with the genital ichcaracters mentioned above. We observed that the larva made a linear mine on the upper epidermis of the young leaf of Prunus zippeliana and that the body of the mature larva is pale yellowis hgreen ,The pupa is pale greenish white, with a pair of rather short fronta hlorns ;2nd to 7th abdominal spira- laterallyT.he L, cles are weakly pretruding pupal morphology of yas"dai shares similari- ties with L, anthemopa Meyrick, 1936 (Kurok o1,961) and L. prunijblieUa (HUbne r17,96) (Schmi tett al., 1996) rather than with L. eL{r.vella Kuroko, 1964 (Ahn et aL, 2004) in having short fronta hlorns and weakly protruding spiracles. We found that L. .yasudai utilizes several species of evergreen Rosaceae plants .Hewever, thc record of a plan tbelongin gto the Fagaceae (euercu asc'uta Thunb.) in the original de- scription was not reconfirmed. l{yonetibaaku.chiaKuroko L.v・onet ihaakuchia Kuroko. 1964: 28, pls 1-2, pls 9-47. pls 13-65 ,pls 15-75; Kuroke ,1982 ,1: 175 ;2: pl. 2: 4S. Material examined. HONSHU. Shizuoka Pref. :2 oi2 ?, Kannami-genseir i[nKannami- cho], 12. vi. 2002 (larva e2)4-,25. vi. 2002, em. (T .Hirowatar iN.. H. Ahn & B, W. Lee), host :`'Bakuchinoki" [Prunu szippeliana], OPU. KYUSHU. Kag.oshima Pref. :1 g" 1 2 (paratyp Ceasp)e ,Sata ,24. x. 1956, em. (H. Kureko) ,host :"Bakuchinoki" [P ,zippeliana], OPU; t ,I'O' ,same localit yl,4. X. 1955 (T .Yasuda) ,OPU; 8 S4 ?, same localit y1,6. x. 1958 (larva 2e4). ,x. 1958, em. (T .Yasuda) ,host :"Bakuchinoki" [P .zilrpeliana], OPU; 1 g", NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 'roshiya 20 Ncung-Ho AHN, Shigck iKoBAyAsHi ,Masumi MuRAsE and HiRowATARi ./.・.-・ ttt/.,・',・ 't-- -/z ; ,1.,i-,I.'J1"i 1・-?,.--:,.I't"es'lt vg,,-......,/--,".t.a."th/. '1/":'t"g../,v?',,,/ t t,:: ./ .tV-.a' '-.', ...-"/.t-'-LF/,・-X./1t./.'rt'l.v,/L'tt/, V,tw.:.' ,-.,. t.t..b/,,.,.'',1.4pt'.F,tge,..';,":y, a,/' -ig '. .t", t,v,.'ttt./.ttyt ."/. 'v・ t.-.. t.'t'..te'" f'''- .z'tt."'t.tt,.:lt/-1-.V.9k,・tta j22T. t3v1・'tt . 't;t・ .・.・.t・. ,tt...tt,.t t ""t 'i..--Ht,. ,sS"ttetha eexswfai Fig. 1.Mines, larva ep,upae and adults ofIoJonetia .vasud aKturoko. A. Adult. B. Restmg pesturc of the adult. C, D. Mines. E. Mature ]arv amaking cocoon, F. Pupa (ventr vaielw). G. Ditto (dors avilew). H, Ditt e(late rviaelw), I. Pharate adult in cocoon. J. Host plant: Prunus zipt)eliana. K. Trunk of P. zippetiana. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Biological notes on 恥・onetia yas’μd‘ゴand 五. bakL‘c/li[1 21 Kagoshima 5. xi.1973(T. Kumata), HU ;5 ♂2 ♀ Satsunan Is. Yakushima ,3−7. xi.1973 (T.Kumata ), host:Prtmus :.,ippeliana, HU . , , , Distributio.n  Japan: Honshu  (Shizuoka Prcf.)(new  record ),  Kyushu , Yakushima (Kagoshima Pref.). Host planし Prunus zippeliana Miq.(Rosaceae). Remarks.  This species  was  describe dby Kuroko (1964)廿om  the southern  part of Cape Sata, Kyushu and  Yakushima Is.(Kagoshima Prefecture). In亅une  2002 we  collected  larvae , of this species  making  thcir characteristic  windi 皿g linea rmine  on  thc upper  epidermis  of the young lea fof Prunus zipρeliana  in Kannami−gensoiri, nShizuoka Prefecture. Kuroko (1.964, 1982)noted  that the adults  appeared  from the end  of October to the end  of November , but adultg. emerged  in late June in Shi∠uoka  Pref. Thus, the adults  of thi∬ pecie sappear  at least twice a yeaL This is the firs trecord  of 五 bakuchia from Honshu . Acknowledgments We wish  to express  our  cordial  thanks ’to Dr H . Kuroko (Hannan , Osaka)and  Dr T. Kumata (Ebetsu Hokkaido)for providing us wi th valuable  informatio onn Japanes elyonetii dmoths . Mr  T. Ma,no (T()yota Yahagi River Institu, tAeichi)provided us with L, bakuchia from M. ie Prefectu. eThis study  was  partl ysupported  by the New ][bchnology Development  Foundation, References A h n, LNyo.−nHe,t, iHiidraoe)w. aTt’raanr,s Ti. . laenpdi dH.∫, oKcu.r Joakpoa,n2 50504:1. 9I6m−m2a0t2u.rc slages oド乙},θ1・IL・tia e‘1“・elta Kurok  (Lepidoptcra, K u r oekn t, . HLa.,b1. 9C6o1l.l . AAg rsitucd.y Un oinF. 毎Os・‘津a顧kaぬ, Saαk励ai ご6’η:〔1ηp7a−2 2Me, yprlis c2k& fr1o7m( DJ−aFp)a.n〔Lepidoptera, Lyonetiidae).1’ulア」,      ,1964.Revisional studies  on the famUy L}011e【iida eof Japan(Lepldopter), aEsaki a4:1−61」6pls.      ,1982,Lyonetiid.ae加 lnoue et al., M ご〕ths q广ノaρa.n l:172−176;2:pls 2、264−266.  Kodansha,    Tokyo. S c hmノiわtt,ti」e〃.a」.(, LBerpoiwdnop,t Mer.a ;WLy.o&netDi. iRda. eD),a av ilse,a1f9m9i6n, e oTrfa xupopnleom.y An, m月or. pehno.t.∫!oocgy.ん, aηnd,8 9b:i3o3l4o−g3 y4o5『L,),onetia  pruni一 摘 要 ヤ ス ダハ モ グリガ とバ クチ ノ キハ モ グ リガ (ハ モ グリガ科)に関する生物学的知見 (安 能 ・ ・ ・ 浩 小林茂樹 村瀬ますみ 広渡俊哉) ’ 原記載以降ほ とん ど記録がなかっ た日本産ハ モ グリガ科の 2種につ い て,分布,寄主植物,幼.生期など の情報を追加 した. ヤス ダハ モ グリガL},onetia  .vah’udai  Kureko 本種はKuroko (1964)によっ て和..歌11r県那智産の標本をもとに記載 されたが,それ以降は追加記録がな かっ た,著者らは,2007年5月 卜句に利歌山県白浜市安居 (口概1[1流域)でバ クチノキ (バ ラ科)に潜 るハ モ グリガ科の幼虫を採集 した,当初この幼虫は,本種に近縁なバ クチ ノキハ モ グリガL>10nelia bakttch iKaurekoと思綱 t たが.羽化させた成虫の交尾器を確認 したところ.ヤス ダハ モ グリガであるこ とが分かっ た (ヤス ダハ モ グリガで はaedeagus の 先端近 くの 腹側に数個の逆棘があるが,バ クチノキハ モ グリガで はこの 棘がない一Kuroko ,1964.1982),その他に各地で得られた標本によっ て 本種の分 布 ・寄主を追加するとともに,これまで報告がなかっ た幼虫の潜孔,蛹,繭などの写真を示.した.幼虫は 寄主植物の柔 らかい 新葉に線状の潜孔を作 り終齢幼虫は淡黄緑色.蛹は淡緑自色.,頭頂部の 1対の突 , 起は尖らず不明瞭で腹部の気門の突出も弱い 、黒子浩,久万田敏夫両噂士の 飼育記録などか らも,本 種はい くつ かの 常緑のバ ラ科植物を利用することが明らか になっ たが,原記載の アカガシ とい う記録 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 22     Ncung −Ho AHN , SEIige kKioBAYAsit, iMasumi  MuRAsE  and  T【〕shiya HiRowAi.へRエ につ い ては、再確認する必要がある. 寄主植物:ア カガシ (ブナ科),リン ボク,バ クチ ノキ (新記録).カナメモ チ (新記録)(バ ラ科). 分布:本州 (和歌山県,三重県(新記録)),四国(高知県,(新記録). バ クチノキハ モ グ リガLi,・onetia ’bak”chici Kuroko 本種は同じくKuroko (1964)によっ て鹿児島県の佐多岬半島産ならびに屋久島産の標本 をもとに記載 されたが,筆者 らは静岡県函南町 (函南原牛林)でバ クチ ノ キに潜る本種の幼虫を採集した.Kuroko (1964,1982)は本種の 成虫は 10月下旬か ら ll月に出現する としてい るが,静岡県函南町で は,2002 年 6月に幼虫がバ クチノキから採集され,成虫は6月下旬に羽化 した.おそ らく,年に数1口溌 生するもの と 思われ る. 寄主植物:バ クチノキ (バ ラ科). 分布:本州(静岡県)(新記録),九州 (鹿児島県). なお,本研究の一部は (財)新技術開発財団の助成に よっ て行われた. (Accepted Septcmber 10,2〔,07) Published by the Lepidopterologica正Societ yofJapan , 5−20,Molo ンokoyama  2, Hachiqi, iTokyo ,192−0063 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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