Welcome To The New Home Of Horror
'Johnny Mains is the go-to man for horror in the UK. His extensive knowledge of and unbound passion for the genre is amazing. If there was a government Ministry of Horror (which there should be), Johnny would be in charge. He is the Minister for Horror. He has extraordinary energy and is fighting a one-man battle to preserve and revitalise the noble tradition of the horror anthology. Oh, and he is a nice bloke as well.' —Charlie Higson
'Mercy stands before her, wielding a mud-caked pickaxe in both hands ...'
—When Charlie Sleeps, Laura Mauro
'Too much Semtex was an obvious, beginner's mistake, and I noted I needed to remove more brain in future ...' —Exploding Raphaelesque Heads, Ian Hunter
'There isn't much time. Blood is already spattering the paper on which I am writing ...' —The Secondary Host, John Probert
'It appeared to be an insect of some kind, perhaps a...