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Bembecia lingenhoelei, a new clearwing moth from Tajikistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) PDF

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Preview Bembecia lingenhoelei, a new clearwing moth from Tajikistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)

Bembecia lingenhoelei, a new Clearwing moth from Tajikistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Theo Garrevoet & Walter Garrevoet Summary.AnewspeciesofBembecia Hübner, [1819] wascollected in Tajikistan (Central Asia)intheHissarMountainsnorthoftheCapital Dushanbe. Bothgendersandtheirgenitaliaas wellastheeggaredescribedandillustrated. Samenvatting. Bembecia lingenhoelei, een nieuwe wespvlinder uit Tadjikistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Een nieuwe soort Bembecia Hübner, [1819] werd in Tadjikistan (Centraal-Azië) in het Hissargebergtetennoorden van dehoofdstad Dushanbeverzameld. Beide sexen, hun genitaliën enheteiwordenbeschrevenenafgebeeld. Zusammenfassung. Bembecia lingenhoelei, eine neue Glasflüglerart aus Tadzjikistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Eine neue Art von Bembecia Hübner, [1819] wurde in Tadzjikistan (Zentral Asien) im Hissar Gebirge nördlich der Hauptstadt Dushanbe gesammelt. Beide Geschlechter samt ihrer GenitalstrukturensowiedasEiwerdenbeschriebenundillustriert. Résumé.Bembesialingenhoelei, uneespècenouvellede sésie du Tadjikistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Une espèce nouvelle du genre Bembecia Hübner [1819] a été capturée au Tadjikistan (Asie Centrale) dans les monts Hissar au nord de la capitale, Dushanbe. Les deux sexes, ainsi que leursgenitaliaetl'oeufsontdécritsetillustrés. Key words. Lepidoptera - Sesiidae - Bembecia - taxonomy - new species - Palaearctic Region-CentralAsia-Tajikistan. Garrevoet,T.:Kampioenstraat 14,B-2020Antwerpen, [email protected]. Garrevoet, W.: Reetsesteenweg 1,B-2630Aartselaar, [email protected]. Introduction The Sesiidae fauna of most Central-Asian countries was subject of investigation by several authors (Spatenka 1987; Spatenka 1997; Spatenka, Petersen & Kallies 1997; Gorbunov 2001; Spatenka & Kallies 2001; Spatenka & & & Kallies 2006; Spatenka Bartsch 2010; Stalling, Altermatt, Lingenhöle Garrevoet 2010). Nevertheless it is obvious the clearwing fauna is still insufficiently known and there is need for more detailed investigation. Especially Tajikistan, victim of a civil war in the recent past, was virtually inaccessible since the use of pheromones became commonpractice in the study ofSesiidae. With this in mind, two expeditions -in 2009 and 2010- to this beautiful and interesting country were organised, mainlyto studythis fascinatingmoth family. As a result, some hitherto unrecorded species belonging to the genus Bembecia Hübner, [1819] were collected. One ofthese is described here. Phegea2>9{2){0\y\20\\): 73 5. 6. Figs 1-6.Bemhecialingenhoeleisp. n. 1.-Holotype c5', dorsal view, Tajikistan, Region Sughd, 3 km SE ofAnzob, 65 kmN ofDushanbe, 2150m, 16.VII.2009;2.-Flolotypec5',ventralview; 3.-Paratype dorsalview,Tajikistan, RegionofRepublicanSubordination,2km SofAnzob Pass, 2450m,25.V11.2009, leg.T.&J. Garrevoet;4.-Paratype $,ventralview; Sa-fedPoarraakt,yp2e350c5',m,da1r7.kVilm.o2r0p0h9,, ldeogr.saT.l&viJe.wG,arrTeavjiokeits.taAnU, sRcealgeiobnarsof10Rmemp.ublican Subordination, -Egg. Scalebar0.2 mm. (PhotosT.Garrevoet). Phegea39(2)(01.Vl.201 I): 74 Fig. 7. MalegenitaliaofBemhecialingenhoeleisp. n.,paratype,Tajikistan, Region Sughd, 3 km SE ofAnzob, 2150 m, 16.VII.2009, leg. T. & J. Garrevoet, prep. TG2010-005. Scale bar 1 mm. (Photo T. Garrevoet) Fig. 8. Female genitaliaofBemhecia lingenhoelei sp. n., paratype (Tajikistan, Region Sughd, 3 km SEofAnzob, 2200 m, 17.V11.2010, leg. T., W. & J. Garrevoet, prep. TG2011-008. Scalebar 1 mm. (PhotoT. Garrevoet) Fig. 9. Habitat oïBemhecia lingenhoelei sp. n., Tajikistan, Region Sughd, 3 km SE ofAnzob, 65 kmNofDushanbe,2150m. (PhotoJ. Garrevoet). Phegea^9{2){<d\y\.20\\): 75 Materials and Methods The majority of the specimens was collected using a synthetic pheromone originating from PRI, Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands, which contains (Z,Z)-3,13-Octadecadienyl acetate and (E,Z)-3,13- Octadecadienyl acetate in a 1:9 ratio. A few specimens were attracted to the old pheromone for Synanthedon myopaeformis "Schwarzes Band" BASF, Germany, having an unknown composition. Some animals, including two females, were netted withoutthe use ofpheromones. Abbreviations. CTG - collection ofT. & W. Garrevoet; CAL - collection of A. Lingenhöle; CDB -collection ofD. Bartsch. Bembecia lingenhoeleisp. n. (figs 1-8) Holotype S, Tajikistan, Region Sughd, 3 km SE ofAnzob, 65 km N ofDushanbe, 2150 m, N39°09'05.1" E068°50'55.2", 16.VII.2009, leg. T. & J. Garrevoet (CTG; the holotype will be depositedintheStateMuseumofNaturalHistory, Stuttgart,Germany). 194 Paratypes: CTG: 16(5', same data as holotype, 9.VI1.2009; 50(5', id., 16.VII.2009, 18(5', Region of Republiean Subordination, Safedorak, 37 km NE Dushanbe, 2350 m, 17.VII.2009, N38°5T24.r, E69°00'03.2"'; 51(5' + 1?, Region of Republican Subordination, 2 km S ofAnzob Pass, 55 km N of Dushanbe, 2450 m, 25.V1I.2009, N39°03’59.7"’, E68°5TOO.O'"; leg. T. & J. Garrevoet; 4(5' + 1$, Region Sughd, 3 km SE of Anzob, 65 km N of Dushanbe, 2200 m, 17.Vil.2010, N39°09'06.6" E068°50'46.5"; 1(5', Region of Republican Subordination, 3 km N of Anzob Pass, 60kmN ofDushanbe, 2750 m, 08.VIII.2010,N39°06'35.4" E068°51T7.2", leg. T., W. &J. Garrevoet. CAL; 24(5', Hissar Mountains, Anzob Pass Nordseite, 2150 m, 8.VII.2009, N 39°09’05 E68°50’50;7(5', samedata, 16.VII.2009;2(5',AnzobPassSüdseite,2450m,24.VII.2009,N39°03'47, E68°51T8; U3, 50 km nördlich Dushanbe, Safedorak, 2350 m, 17.VII.2009, N38°51'24, E69°00'03,legA. Lingenhöle. CDB: 1(5, Tajikistan, Distr. Dushanbe, Hissar mountain range, northem ascent to Anzob Pass, 2150 m, 23.VII.2010, pheromone, N39°09'05" E68°55'50", leg. D. Bartsch; 1(5, same data, 16.VII.2009, leg A. Lingenhöle; 1(5, Safedorak, 2350 m, N38°51'24" E69°00'03", 17.VII.2009, leg A. Lingenhöle; 5(5, Region of Republican Subordination, 2 km S of Anzob Pass, 55 km N of Dushanbe,2450m,25.VII.2009,N39°03'59.7" E68°51'00.0",leg.T. &J. Garrevoet. Etymology. This new species is named after Arthur Lingenhöle, a fme companion during many entomological trips and a renowned specialist on Sesiidae. Description Male. Holotype (figs 1-2) Wingspan 23 mm, forewing length 10 mm, body length 14 mm, antenna 6 mm. Caput. Antenna black with some yellow scales especially dorso-medially; labial palp yellow, laterally with long black hair like scales; frons black; vertex with long gray-yellow scales. Thorax. Black with a yellow scapular spot at forewing base; patagia black; tegulablack, pale yellowdistally. Phegea39(2)(01.VI.2011): 76 Fore legs. Coxa black. Femur yellow, black dorsally. Tibia yellow, dorsally with yellow and black hair-like scales. Tarsus yellow. Hind legs. Coxa blaek. Femur black with long yellow hair like scales. A very distinct black area at the mainly yellow spurs. Tibia and Tarsus completely yellow. Abdomen. Brown-black. Tergite IV and VI clearly contrasting yellow distally. Sternite IV faintlyyellow distally. Anal tuftyellow, black laterally. Forewing. Well developed transparent areas. Costa broad, black. Anal area orange. Discoidal spot black, faintly orange distally. Posterior transparent area narrow and short, anterior transparent area long and broad. External transparent area broad, containing 4 cells. Apieal area narrow, orange. All veins black except Ml and M2 which are orange with sparse black scales. Under side all veins orange with sparse black scales. Outer margin rather broad, greyish-brown. Fringes also greyish brown. Hindwing. Veins and diseoidal spot black, the latter reaching M3; fringes brown-black, anal area very contrasting grey yellow. Underside discoidal spot orange; veins orange with dispersed black scales; outer margin broad with greyish-brown fringes. Male genitalia (Fig. 7). Valva elongate, rounded; crista sacculi rather short, reaching middle of valva, with discontinuous row of pointed setae. Just after this gap, the crista sacculi ends distally with a slightly upwards bended group of densely implanted blunt scale-like setae. Tegumen-uncus complex simple, gnathos without crista medialis. Aedeagus straight, slender, as long as valva. Female. Paratypus (figs 3-4) $ Wingspan 20 mm, forewing length 9 mm, body length 14 mm, antenna 6 mm; Tajikistan, Region of Republican Subordination, 2 km S of Anzob Pass, 55 km N of Dushanbe, 2450 m, & N39°03'59.7" E068°51'00.0", 25.VI1.2009, leg. T. J. Garrevoet. Caput. Almost completely black; antenna with ample yellow scales especially ventrally at the segment intersections, labial palps ventrally with long brown-black scales intermixed with yellow ones; scales ofvertex very long. Thorax, abdomen and legs. Completely black; scales ofposterior border ofsegments II-VI with dark blue metallic shine, especially dorsally. Foreleg with a few yellow scales on femur and dorsal side oftibia. A clear yellow ventral side on the latter; tarsus with sparse yellow hair-like scales. Tibia and tarsus of hindleg sparselymottled with yellow, hair-like seales. Wings. Black throughout, forewing without transparent areas, only external transparent area a little less densely scaled; diseoidal spot barely visible. Hindwing with medial part hyaline with dispersed black scales; broad margins and anal area more or less densely covered with scales; discoidal spot reaching M3. Female genitalia (Fig. 8). Due to the fact that the abdomen ofthe female was filled with dried eggs some fme structures (e.g. anterior and posterior Phegea39(2)(Ol.VI.2011); 77 apophyses) were apparently irreversibly glued to these eggs causing artefacts at the preparation. Nevertheless, suffieient characteristies remained to rectify the description and illustration. Lamella postvaginalis weakly sclerotised. Antrum long, ofequal length as the ductus bursae. Corpus bursae damaged but obviously elongate. Variability. Typical specimens vary only slightly in colour and colour intensity but, exceptionally, very dark specimens occur (Fig. 5). In some specimens tergite II ofthe abdomen shows a small, faint additional yellow ring distally. The size ofthe type series varies from 14-24 mm; the majority ofthe specimens ranges from21-23 mm. Differential diagnosis. Bembecia Ungenhoelei sp. nov. is easily distinguished from the resembling species by using only external morphological characteristies. It resembles mostly Bembecia guesnoni (Spatenka & Tosevski, 1994) from Northern India, which is more slender, with larger external transparent area and without scapular spot at the forewing base. The male genitalia ofB. guesnoni differ by the very long crista sacculi, which extends to the apex of the valva. Some superficial resemblances exist also with Bembecia pashtuna Spatenka, 1997 from Pakistan and Bembecia nivalis Spatenka, 2001 from Northern India. B. pashtuna is more uniform brown and lacks the yellow markings on legs, labial palps and anal tuft and the orange colouration of the forewing. B. nivalis can be distinguished by the extraordinary long hair-like scales on the labial palps, the larger external transparent area and the completely black anal tuft. Furthermore, both species lack the yellow fringes atthe hind wing anal margin. Bionomics. Both larva and foodplant are unknown. As potential hosts, a lot ofdifferent Fabaceae grow at the biotopes where Bembecia Ungenhoelei sp. nov. was observed. The egg (Fig. 6), obtained from the dissected female, is dark brown, smooth and ofellipsoid shape which is typical for Sesiidae. Distribution. Known only from the north-eastern Hissar Mountains north of the Tajik capita! Dushanbe (Fig. 9). Acknowledgements The authors want to thank their respective son and brother Jan Garrevoet for his invaluable support in collecting and the care forthe technical aspect ofall our entomological trips. Also most pictures in free nature are his work. Finally we also want to express our gratitude to Daniël Bartsch (Stuttgart) for his constructive comments onthis article. Literature Gorbunov, O. 2001. Two new specie—s ofthe genus Bembecia Hübner (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from TadzhikistanandTurkmenistan. Melittia 1; 125-134. Phegea39(2)(Ol.VI.2011):78 . — Spatenka, K. 1987. Fünfneue palaarktische Glastlügler (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). Zeitschrift der ArbeitsgemeinschaftÖsterreichischerEntomologen39(1/2): 12-26. Spate—nka, K. 1997. Neue Glasflügler(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) aus dem Pamir und dem Hindukusch. BonnerZoologischeBedrage47(1/2): 31-44. — Spatenka, K. 2001. Neue palaarktische Glasflügler-Arten (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). EntomologischeZeitschrift 111(3): 75-80. Spatenka, K. & Bartsch, D.—2010. Drei neue Arten von Bemhecia Hübner, [1819] aus Usbekistan Spate(nLkepai,doKp.ter&a:KSaelsbieisd,ae)A.. 20E0n1t.omZoulrogTiasxcohneomZeiiet,schBriifotn—o1m2i0e(1u)n:d41V-e4r5b.reitung zentralasiatischer Sesiidae und Brachodidae (Lepidoptera, Sesioidea). Entomologische Zeitschrift 111(7/8): 199-205,234-237. Spatenka, K., & Kalbes, A. 2006. Zwei neue Glasbüglerarte—n sowie eine kommentierte Checkliste der Glasflügler Kyrghyzstans (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 116(4): 163-168. Spatenka, K., Petersen, M. & Kalbes, A. 1997. Ergebnisse ei—ner sesiidologischen Expedition 1994 nach Kasachstan und Kirgistan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Nachrichten des entomologischen VereinsApollo, N.E. 17(4):405-422. Spatenka, K., & Tosevski, 1. 1994. Bembeciag—uesnoni spec. nov., a new species ofclearwing moth tromNorth India. (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). Atalanta25(1/2): 313-316. Stalling, T., Altermatt, F., Lingenhöle, A. & Garrevoet, T., 2010. A new sp—ecies of Bemhecia Hübner, [1819] from Tajikistan, Central Asia (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Entomologische ZeitschriftStuttgart 120(5):249-251 Phegea39{2){0\yi.20\\): 79

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