Winter 2003 ; Performing plus intellectual rigor; Barnard’s unique dance department Laura Paisley '05 Mapping the Future: Barnard's Master Plan Food for Thought; Culinary Pros in the Kitchen, on TV and in Print Faculty Focus: H2O, Arsenic and Sea tee Mind Bear Barnard in n v^oing to Barnard during the Depression was no picnic, so the current economic downturn is an old story to Grace lijima, Class of ’33. Rather than being deterred from making a gift to cele- brate her upcoming 70th reunion, she did w'hat — she learned to do back then she improvdsed, and changed her intended becjuest to a generous char- itable gift annuity. “This gift was based on the hard reality that my income and principle were shrinking at an alarm- ing rate because of the poor economy of the last Grace lijima ’33 two or three years. It seemed that if I sat still I wouldn’t have enough to live on at my present lev^el and there wouldn’t be enough to leave to the I’m receiving now, so the College can College or to anybody.” have the full amount I had intended to leave it.” Grace had intended to leave a bequest to Barnard, and when she learned about charitable Formore information aboutplannedgifts and gift annuities, she decided to make her gift now. otherways to rememberBarnard through your estate,please contact: “The miraculous thing is that I’m receiving a nice income from the annuity that supplements my Barnard College modest pension as a retired librarian and my Office of Planned Giving Social Security. So you see, I’m not so noble, and 3009 Broadway I don’t want [Barnard] thanking me too much. New York, NY 10027-6598 Phone: 212-854-2001 It’s sort of embarrassing! Toll-free: 1-866-257-1889 “I can breathe more easily having something for E-mail: [email protected] myself and leaving something to Barnard. If Online: there’s more left in the rest of my estate. I’ll set aside somethingfor Barnard, to make up forwhat Donors of Planned Gifts are invited tojoin the Athena Society BARNARD Winter 2003 FEATURES Dance Steps Out 18 Performing plus Intellectual Rigor: Barnard’s Unique Dance Department by Merri Rosenberg ’78 Mapping the Future 24 Barnard’s Master Plan by Anne Schutzberger Food for Thought 30 TV Culinary Pros in the Kitchen, on and in Print by Lori Segal DEPARTMENTS 2 Letters 3 President's Page Hands Across Broadway: A Century of Partnership 4 Through the Gates 11 Syllabus From Great “Wen” to World City 12 Sources: Shaping the Future at Barnard 15 Books, etc. Singin’ a Different Tune 34 AABC News 36 Class Notes Profiles: Michelle Friedman ’74, Abigail S. Carroll ’91 68 Last Word FRONTCOVER:LAURAPAISLEY'05PERFORMS"SIMPLICITY," WHICHSHECHOREOGRAPHED.ATANOVEMBER22 Inspired by Anna STUDENTSHOWCASEATMILLERTHEATRE PHOTOBY Isolde Raftery ’04 DIANEBONDAREFF'90 LETTERS Reactions to the Redesign tions for cosmetic surgery and how' it BARNARD riic Tall 2002 issue was far more impacts their li\’es. Please \isit my Web aUracli\e and inleresting than usual. site, http://ma,; if — Editor AmyDebraFeldman 'I'he newlayout isgreat andeachof the you’re willing to anonymously- com- ArtDirector AmyWilson-Webb stories in this issue had a special reso- pleteac|uestionnaircorshareyourstory, AssociateEditor LoriSegal nance forme, so Iread it co\’er-to-co\'er call me at 631-271-1566 or send e-mail StaffWriters AmyE.Hughes, /KrineSchutzberger with great pleasure. to [email protected] (you AlumnaeAssociationofBarnardCollege Dana Cohen Engel ’65 can get a free e-mail account under a Margarita(Ari)BroseOrr’84,presidentand Neve Cork,Nil pseudonym at alumnaetrustee Rosa.Alonso'82,alumnaetrustee L)is 11eissman Stern '58 AmyLai’89,alumnaetrustee Congratulations on the redesign of Huntington,Nil NinaShaw’76,alumnaetrustee Barnard magazine. Readability (font, LisaPhillipsDa\as’76,\acepresident point size and leading) is 100% Corrections EnidLotsteinRinger'83,director-at-large JulieButtenwieser’88,director-at-large imjrroved. In addition, sjracing, group- In the articleon female rabbis in the Fall ^^yrnaFishmanFawcett’70,director-at-large ing, white space and color photos con- 2002 issue, we incorrectly identihed the LaurieWolfBryk’78,treasurer tribute to an appealing look that’s also former husband of Rabbi Rebecca Chairpersons,StandingCommittees calmer and easier to access. Thanks! Trachtenberg.Alpert’71 asherhusband. DaphneFodorPhilipson’69,alumnaecouncil RuthMargaretten Bilenker ’46 .Alpert, a lesbian who co-edited Lesbian JaneNewhamMcGroarty'65,annualgixing Elizabeth,NJ. Rabbis: The Eirst Generation (Rutgers PamelaBradford'84,bylaws University Press, 2001), found in her .*\lexisGelber'74,communications A Caveat on Adoption research that there are more than 500 HadassahTeitzBrooksMorgan’57,fellowships LindaRappaportFerber'66,nominating I enjoyed the article about international female rabbis in the United States, tiot JudyAcsSeidman'84,regionalnetworks adoptioninthe Fall 2002issue.Asafam- 350,asthearticlestated. The articlealso CyndiStivers'78,reunion ily law attorney; r\’e been fatniliar with misstatedtheaffiliationofRabbiSharon ShilpaBahri'99,youngalumnae international adoptions for years. One Kleinbaum ’81, who is a Reconstruc- OfficeofDevelopmentandAlumnaeAffairs thing of which people considering such tionist rabbi and ga\'e an outdated affili- RobertaWaterstoneAlbert’92,directorof adoptions should be aware is that they ation forRabbi IcUenWblintz-Fields ’94, alumnaeaffairs Mev\’Chiu’95,associatedirectorofalumnae need to fullycomplywith U.S. immigra- whoisrabbiofUongregationOrTik\’ah affairs tion rec|uirements before the child is in Gurnee, 111. \Ve regret the errors. \anessaCorba’96,associatedirectorofalumnae affairs allowed to enter the United States. AidanSmith’97,managerofregionalalumnae NancyJacobr-Akhari ’68 programs Eall 2002 Trivia Answer: This LeahKopperman'89,managerofelectronic Jenkintown, Pa. mark, which appears at the end of communications Cosmetic Surgery, Anyone? othuer fberaatsusredaerstiicglnes,wiosrakreanbdoivteionthoef CameranMasoann,dvaicleumpnreaseidaefnfatirfsorde\elopment PennyVan.\mburg,directorofdevelopment .\fter ha\ingcosmetic surgery, I decided entrance to Milbank Hall. communications to write a book about women’s motix'a- BARNARD,USPS#875-280 Barnard Trivia Winter2003,Vol.XCII,No.1 ISSN1071-6513 How many tennis courts did Publishedquarterly. Letters should be typed and no more than 300 Copyright2003byAABC,BarnardCollege, Barnard's campus boast in 3009Broadway,NewYork,NY10027-6598 wordslong,andmaybeeditedforlengthandclar- 1950? Telephone:212-854-6157,e-mail;[email protected] [email protected] toAmy Debra Feldman, editor,Barnardmagazine, -(spiiDfs>nou.o}uog) ijjnup.u)iq OofpfiicniiaolnpsoseixtpiroensssoefdBaarrenatrhdosCeololfecgoenotrritbhuetoArlsuomrntaheeAesdsiotcoriaatniodn.donotrepresent Barnard College, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY mijcn 5j2uD.ipmiQ opmm}[ no mofpm PeriodicalspostagepaidatNewYork,NY,andadditionalmailingoffices. 10027-6598. IPH ^8^o(l(fomoj) )i/Si^ :.oMsuy PBoasrtnmaarsdtCeorl:leSgeen,d30c0h9anBgreoaofdwaadyd,reNseswfoYromrkt.oNOYffi1c0e0o2f7-A6l5u9m8n.aeRecords, 2 Barnard W’ixtf.r 201)3 Digitized by the Internet Archive 2017 with funding from in Barnard College ' < \ '5 * : PRESIDENT'S PAGE BY PRESIDENTJUDITH SHAPIRO Hands Across Broadway: A Century of Partnership uestions about Barnard’s relationship with Q Columbia University come up fairly regularly my in exchanges with students, faculty, alumnae and many others. In fact, I have found that misconceptions about this relationship are \sidespread,probablybecauseoureducationalpartnership is uptown. Barnard formally affiliated unique and complex, and has changed significantlysince the with the Uni\-ersir\' in 1900. signing of the original affiliation agreement 103 years ago. (The latest affiliation agreement was signed in 1998 and will Q. Is Barnard an independ- be in effect until 2013.) ent college? ^Vith the aim of piwiding A. Yes. We are legalK' separate The Barnard- Barnard readers ^\ith a clearer and hnancially independent from understanding of our partner- Columbia Unh'ersity. Specifically, we Columbia ship with Columbia, I recently ha\e our own campus, administration, fac- partnership is discussed the subject with staff ulty, students, trustees, endowment, operating budget, and writer Anne Schutzberger. Fol- degree rec|uirements, andweare accreditedseparatelybythe unique lowingaremyanswerstose\'er- Middle States Commission on Higher Education. We pay al of the questions she posed: annual fees to Columbiato coverthe costsof libraryuse, fac- and complex. ulty exchange, instruction, telecommunications and other Misconceptions Q. What are the origins of sen'ices. And we are on our own when it comes to fundrais- Barnard’s affiliation with ing; in otherwords, we must raise our own money for e\ery- about the Columbia? thing from faculty research to campus renovation. A. Barnard was founded after relationship are FrederickA.P. Barnard, Colum- Q. How do Barnard and Columbia students benefit widespread. bia’s president from 1864 to from the affiliation? 1889, argued unsuccessfullyfor A. Ob\'iously, Barnard students deri\’e tremendous social and theadmission ofwomentothe Unh’ersity. Akeyplayerin the academic benehts from theircollege'spartnershipwith agreat founding of Barnard was Annie Nathan Meyer, who had coeducational research unhersity. It is widely known that enrolled in Columbia’s “Collegiate Course for Women” and Barnard students can take classes at Columbia, and that they found it decidedly inferior to the education men recehed at ha\e full access to Butler Library and other Cnix’ersity the Unhersity. resources. When theygraduate, theyreceh’e a Columbia Uni- Barnard College opened its doors in 1889, and mo\'ed versity degree, as do students of Columbia College, because from a rented midtown brownstone to its own Morningside degrees are granted only b\' the Unh'ersits; not by the under- Heights campus in 1897, the same year Columbia mo\’ed contiuuedonpage 67 WintER 2003 Barnard 3 THROUGH THE GATES Alumnae Mentors Lend For the mentors, who include Anna Ouindlen ’74(see “Last^\’ord,” page68), Students a Helping Hand ha\ing this kind of relationship with a Barnard undergraduate is a wa)' to gi\'e somethingback to the Clollege. Sophomores benefitfrom alumnaeguidance and advice "I could'\e used a mentor when I was a student, especially as I chose my major,” says Caroline Fleisher Biren- or .Alison Wayne '04, an .American director of the Otlice of Gareer l)e\el- F baum ’63, director of communications history major, figuringout whether opment. to find a job in journalism after The program was established to for the Swann Auction Galleries in New \brk and mentor to Lynn Suhrie '05. graduation, attendagraduatejournalism gi\’e alumnae the opportunity to share programorexploreothercareerheldsisa insights about the world of work and “4'his is a \’erygood idea.” dauntingtask. how a field of stuck' maybe applied to a “One of the things that makes When she spent a day shado\sing specific careerpath. “Wewere hopingto Barnardsospecial istherelationshipthat can be forged between students and her mentor, t)ana Points '88. executi\e expand students' understanding of how editor of Self “I was able to pick her the major they choose relates to their altimnae,”.\lbertsa)s. “^\’ediscussedthe brain, and that helped me clarify what career paths,” Gelw)'n says. concept of the program with student this career entails," .Alison says. "Fhe In addition, students can see how leaders, and made it a sophomore year experience ga\'e me a lot more informa- alumnae balance work and a personal experience because this iswhen students tion to make a career choice." life—something.AdeenaToll '04observed choose their major.” first-hand when Alumnae interested in participating in this program can contact .AJumnae hermentor,cor- .Alfairs at 212-854-2005 or alumnaeaf- porate lawxer Marlene [email protected]. .Applicationsaredis- Markard '92, tributed to sophomores during the fall semester. recei\edawork- -MerriRosenberg ’78 Alison Wayne ’04 andher mentor, Dana Points ’88, executive editorofSelf. .Alison is one of the students who related call on participate in the Sophomore-.Alumnae her cell phone Mentoring Program, created in 2000 by during their Roberta W’aterstone .Albert '92, director dinner togeth- ol alumnae alTairs, and Jane Gelwvn. er. MarleneMarkard ’92, a corporate lawyer, andhermentee, Adeena Toll ’04. B.\rn.\rd 2003 PHOTOSBYDIANEBONDAREFF'90 I