ACTA PHYTOGEOGRAPHICSAU ECICA7 1 EDITD I SVENSKVAA XTGEOGRFASIKA ASLLSAKPET CatarJionhaa nsson Attacheadl gavle getation in runniwnagt ers ofJ a mtlanSdw,e den UPPASLA1 892 ACTA PHYTOGEOGRAPHICSAU ECICA7 1 EDIDIT SVENSKVAA X TGEOGRFASIKA ASLLSKAPET CatarJionhaa nsson Attachalegdal v egetation in runninwga ters ofJ fun tlnad,S weden Almqv&i Wsitk sIenltle rnaSttioocnkahlo,l m UPPSAL1A89 2 SuggecsitteadtJ ioohna:n sCs.1o 98n2,A. t tachaeldg vaeltg aetiinor nu nnwiantgeo fr s JiimtlaSnwde,d Aecnt.Pa h ytogSeuoeg7cr1..U. p psala. IBSN9 1-702-7101-(0p aperback) IBSN9 1-702-7141 -(6c loth) ISS0N08 4-5914 Doctotrhaelas tiU sp psaUlnai ve1r9s8i2t.y CatarJionhaa ns1s9o8n2 © SvensVkaax tgeogSraalfilsskkaa pet Box5 59S,- 75212 U ppsala EditEorriS:kj ogren TechneidciatGlou rn:nS ejlo rs Phototypbeys etting TextgriuU ppppesnaA lBa PrinitnSe wde d1e9n8 b2y BorgstTrroymcskA eBr,Mi o tala Contents Introduction 1. 1.1 Aims 1.E2a rlSiweerd irsehs eaornac tht acahlegidan re u nnwiantge rs 1.T3h ien vestairgeaat ion Bedrogceko l1o,gSy o dielp o5s,iW tast erco5u,rC sleism8 a,t e Ve getatrieogni1ao0ln s 1.O4n t ercmosn cerantitnagca hlegcdao lm munities 10 2.M ethods 12 2.S1 amplsitnagt ions 12 2.2A nalyosfai tst acahlegda e 12 2.3E nvironamneanltyasli s 12 3.T heo ccurorfea ntctea calhgeiadnJe ii mtlsatnrde ams 14 3.1G enesruarlv ey 14 3.S2p ecdiiesst ribution 16 Districbuurtviaeocsnc ortdoit nhgKe o lmogoarpopvr o1a6ch, Thee colocghiacraalc toefrt ihsietn idtcioscar al g1a,e9 (Oedo gonisupmp 1.,9 Clapdhoorgal omer2a0t,aZ y gnemba 2 1, Mougeoet2 i2a,S pirogay2 r2a, S pirogcy2 r3a, S piryorga d 23V,au chesrpip2a.4 ,C yclotceolmlt2aa4 ,C yclotkeililta zingiakniiat zin2g5i,aC nycal otkeililtaz liaanneat o- v. pho2r5a ,A mphpielurpaellu2c6i,Ad naom oeonberiasc hysira 26, Anomoeobnreaicsh ysliarnac e2ol7a,At noam oeobnreaiycs-h v. sirva.t herlmi2as7, ine2a8r,iCs o cco- neipsl ulygpalt a2 8,C ymbeldleala itacu 2l9,C ym- bellluan a2t9a,C ymbelmliac roce3p0,hD ailaat ohmiae male v. mesod3o0n, Diatohmiae mavl.g ee nuifn.ut mu rgi3d1ul,a Epitheamriga3u s1 ,E unotilau rnia3s2 ,E unoitap ectliivns.a pectlii3ns,2aE unotpieac tliinsma in3o3r, Fr agicloanrsiat ruens v. constr3u3e,n Fsr ulsitrau homboidrehso mibdoe3s4 , v. v. Frustruhloimaib doevs.c paita3t4a, F rustruhloimaibd oevs. saxon3i5c,aG opmhoneimnat rivc.ait nutmr i3ca5t,Gu omm phonema invpt.ur iimcl3aa6 Mt,eu rmi ndc iiarcu3l6a,Nr aev icula crpytopchealva.c rpytocheapl3a7 ,N aviccurylpat pohcaelva. vene37t ,(l Pinnulianrtieaar r7u3,p Stt auropnheoicesen nite- ro3n 8,S ynedurlan3 a8 T,a blelafrenieas tr3a8t,Ta ab ellaria jolccul3o9s,aB atracpheorusmmm oinloifrm3e,9 Stigonema mamill4o0s,uR miv ulabriiaas ole40t,t Riiavnlaaur ihaa ema- tit4e)1,s D iscriamnianlafynost5re 3 as l gal4 1t axa 3.3M ultivaaprpiraotaec hes 45 Speciaesss ociation 46 4. 4.1C luster oafsn paelcyiseiss 46 4.F2a ctor aonnsa pleycsiiess 4 7 4.F3a ctaonra loyfss ipse cainedes n vironfmaecnttoarls 50 Actpah tyogesouger7c1.. 5.S tatrieosne mblance 52 5.F1a ctaonra laypspilsti ote hd5e 0 1 stations 52 5.O2r dinaantcdil oans siofifcs autbisoeofttn hs we h odlaest eat 54 TheTA BORDm eth5o4d, O vercahlalr acteorfti hzweah toiloen TA BORDr es5u4l,tC haracteroiftz haietn idoinvT iA dBuORaDl clus5t4e,rC so mparibseotnwste ehne sfiuvbep aorftt hswe h ole dataasnedtt h see lepcatre5td,5 Uniqauleg caolm muni(t=i es stat5io6n s) 5.A3 descriopftt hiweoh no ldea tawsietrthe spteoac ltg iane- clud-eadv erhye terogseenotefd o autsa 56 5.O4r dinaotfai s ounb soefst t atwiiotnahs P rincCiopmaplo nents Analysis 57 55. Ordionfat thwieho ondl aet awsietrthe ciparvoecraal(g Ri)An 6g4 6.C alssificaantdoi rodni noafta ligocanoe m miutnies 66 6.T1 owaradc sl assifiocfsa ttrieoanm s 66 6.T2 hec ommunciotnyc ept 67 6.U3 seo fn umermiectahlo ds 67 6.T4h em aianl gcaolm mun-itcioemsp arbiestowndesie ffne rent multivaanrailaytsee s 67 65. Indicsapteocri es 73 Conclurdeimnagr ks 73 Lisofts pecies 74 7. Rfeerences 77 Abstract JohansCs.1o 98n2,,A ttachaeldgv aelga ettiionrn u nnwiantgeo frJ sii mntdlS,aw eden. Actpah ytogseuoeg7cr1,..U ppsa8l4p ap.. Thes tudy wdiettahhlq esu antiatnaatlioyvfsae it sta cahlegvdae lg etiantt ihroeun n ning wateorfJs ii r e coalnld1e4 ec ntveidr onpmaernatmaemlte earssuo rreesd timaitn1e 9d7 51-976T. hteo tdaalt aosf5e0 1ts treaanm3ds14 algsaple cwiaetssr eated witnhu mermiectahlo ds inclcuodmipnogn aencnddlti u ssctreiram,ni anlaaynnstwdi i st h statitsetsiitcnsac ll utdhieKn ogl mogosrtoavt iTshtiisc s.r eisntu hleetc eodl ogical characteorfei azcaahlt gisaoplne cfiouens(d s feuer tJhoehra ns19s8o2in,np re)ap n.tdh e establiosf1h 6mm aeintnty poefas l gcaolm muniitnicelsut,dh ieenicgro locgoincdailt ions antdh dei stincitnidoincs aptoeofcfr iro ea slt istiuozdfee ,s ttreemapme,r paHtc,uo rne, ducticvailtcyci,ou nmt ceonlto,iu nrs,o lsautriroonu,vn edgientgaa ntcdiu ornr veenlto city. Catarina JohanofsE scoonl,o BgoiItcnaasUlntpp yis,ta uUltnaei veBrosxi5 t5y9,, S-72521U pspalSaw,e edn. Actpah ytogseuoe7gc1r .. 1. Introduction 1.1 Aims northpearrontfS wedweansc arroiuebtdy S ku(j91a6 4). Them ajorri voefrn so rthSewrend heanv bee ebnr iefly descrbiybQ eude nner(s16t95ewd)it t rhe spteobc ott h Them aiani omf t hsitsu wdayts o fi nd etxhtete ont macropahnyadtl igcva elg etaEtxipoenr.i msetnutdoainle s whilcohc aatlt acahlegvdae lg etoarts iionangl lgea l migrapteiroino odifc uintiyc ellular algae were carried out taxcaa nb eu seads i ndicafort ocresr teaninb yM iiller-(H91a7e6Sc)hk.see t lu ddireidft , vironmceonntdailti inro unnsn wiantge brost,ah s sialleg daeet acfohrmet dh esiurb stirnaas t terse,a m flow regards abioitnti hcse t croenaadnmibdst i iootniisnci g n ttoh e RiveLru laSelt tvoh,Kre aa l jtoiksuks,i enxg condiatliootnnhgse biorr deArlgsva.el g etwaitliploo ns meidc rosscloibpdoeet insh a quawriitflaho w-through anidn t hset ream.T hietassleeg ldafreid fotwt nh set ream bet reahteerbdeo tihnt eromfsa lgcaolm munities aftetrh ecierfil sls iaonnfd o ramn ewc oloonny another ando fi ndiviindduiaclsa pteocri es. substBraactkel.&u Rnedn be(r17g93 w)o rkpeadr tilny Thper ovionfJac met l(aFnid1g )i. nt hmei ddolfe t hsea mperj oecBto.tK ha ltiasnjVdoe krkk etahlnea, t ter locaitneS dc ansioau,t hSewrend ewne,rs et udied by Swedewna sc hosaesnr eseaarrcebhae cauiste Klas(v91i7k4 w)h,of lolowtehddee veloipnVm eernkt ean proviald aersvg aer iaitnbi eodnr aoncvdke getation durianw gh olyee aLra.k Hej almairnce enn tSrwaeld en typeHse.r wei,t hai rna thleirm iatreedaa g,r eat and its wterriiebn uvteasrtwiiiegtsrah et sepdte oc tat the varioeftr yu nnwiantge (rFsi g2s-.5w) i tcho mtachaeldg vaelg etabtyiK orno nbo(r17g95) .S ome munitoifae tst acahlegcdaa ebn e s tudTiheaedr .e as treiancm esn tSrwaeldh eanvb ee ecnl assbiySfi jteedr na Poot(h17 98)a sr egards cboemnmtuhniiBcte irezsi.n s hamso untaanildno sw lavnadrsi,bo eudsr toycpke s, (1799)st udbioetdph e riphayntdpo lna nkitnoY nb incluldiimnegs atnoddni eff,e tryepnoetfss u rround barbssaonu,t hSewrend en. inwgo odland. A survoefy litoenra atttuarcaehl egvdae lg etiant ion runnwiantge rsf raoplmas root fts h weo roludt sSicdaen dinawvaisca a rroiuebtdy J ohansetsa ol(n.91 77). 12. EarliSewre dsihr esrecaho na ttached algaienr unning waters 1.3T hei nvesattiigoanr ea Thefi rst rsetluedvaiaretnesht o osfKe y l(i1n 9)o1 nt2 he reda lgBaaet roascrphemuma ndS irodfortoimmaa ny1 .3.B1e drogcekol ogy parotfsS wedeFno.n t(e1l79l)i 1 nvestfiergsahtweadt er diatfoormmsn orthpearrontfJ s a mtlEaxntde.n wsoirvkesT hefol lowgienogl oignoifrcmaalt iisso unm marized formt hneo rthpearrnot fsS wedceonn taibnoitanhtg formH ogbo(m1 92a0n)dL undq(v1i9s6t9 ). tachaendpd l ankatloganar ete h ofsoremt he Sraergeiko n Then orthaenrdwn e stpearrnot fts h per ovince, byS tmm( 9123a)n d Hu(s9t142e)dBt.o obe(r91g03 ) apafrortm a s maplalri tnb etweceonn,so ifas ltp in� studtiheed ailng aGteih ses emilraJesa , m tlaMnadi.n ly centpraarlot fsS wedewenr ien vestaisgr aetgeadr sdcsh i(sFti6sg) T..h ee astpearrcnto nsmiasitnsol fy fershwaPtheare ophFylcoeraiead,ne dZa yeg nembayl egsr anaintdge nse isse7s)a n(tdFh isego .u thernmost Israe(l91s3o81n,49 21,49 9) lasstihfiSeew de dipsah rmta inolfqy u artaznidst peasr ag(mFiit8ge).s. runnwiantge rsa noi lnitgoo ttryopcpeah liZlcyeg dn ema Thea reianb etweceonn simsatisno lfyC ambro streaamnsda, e utroopnheiV,ac u crhiesat reaTmhse. Silurroica(knFs i 9g)e.,s pecairaolulLnyad kS et or Abisakroei ant hneo rtherpnamrootfSs wte dweans tax onomicaanldle yc ologiicnavlelsyt ibgyHa utsetde sdjto n. (9142H)ea. n alyszaemdpb loetfshr olma kaensd streTamhsei nflueonfbc eed ruopcoktn h fere tiolfti htey andr egisctheermeidac nadpl h ysipcaarla meTtheer sso.ii sil n dicwaittEehkd l un(d15'92ss) c a(lFei1 g0.) . mosuts uelwf orfko cro mpariitssh ovene rtyh oroiungh Graniatnegdsn eifsorsmev se rrye sisbteadnrto cks, vestigoaftt hdieio ant iontm hsle a koefs Ltfhmeg rainv er whipcrho dmuocrea i(nteioslf llsfo)rew t iTlhiietn y. systienmJ amtlbaynQ du enner(s91t55e.)dA t c om prehesntsuiodvfbye o tphl atniakcn adt tacahlegidant e h ef lueonftc hseec hiosnvt esg etiassto imoenw mhoarte Actpa hygteoosgure.7c 1. 2 CatarJiohnaan sson Fig1.M. a po ft h5e0 s3t atsiaomnpsil ne1 d795 -1796 i nJii mtlaNnadm.ea sn dde scriopftt hiseot nasta irogeni svi enn Johan(s1s 89o2,ni np re).p . Actaph ytogseuoe7gc1r. . Attachageladvl e egtatiinro unnn ngwi ate3r s a b Fig2..M ontasnter eaa)Tm hseK rpujte-stnreeaarm A Mnta.rb i)Ts h.eL eipikoanal lvp,i nei nts hlNeaW t ceo,r noefr Jamtland. Actpa hytogseuoe7gc1r. . Fig3.T. h Bea kvattas back, streasmu rrounbdye d denssper ufcroee st. Fig4..T heB jorkbaa ck, stresaumr roubnybd oetdh conifearnoddu esc iduous trees. �� - --