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(cid:9) ATLAS OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF NEW ZEALAND C.R. Pickard D.R.Towns Published by Science and Research Directorate Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 10420, Wellington CONSERVATION SCIENCES PUBLICATION NUMBER 1 ISSN 0113-3691 ISBN 0-478-01041-9 First published 1988 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The invaluable contributions to this scheme made by Tony Whitaker and Bruce Thomas deserve acknowledgement. Thanks are also due to Drs Brian Gill (Auckland Institute and Museum), Graham Hardy (National Museum of New Zealand) and Associate Professor Joan Robb (University of Auckland) for free access to records and material; and to Jo Anastasiadis, for many hours of data processing. The scheme in its final form is modified from programmes developed by Rod Cossee (Department of Conservation). Dr Ben Bell and Don Newman kindly gave permission for their distribution maps on frogs and tuatara to be reproduced here. We also wish to thank Don Newman, Bruce Thomas, Tony Whitaker and Drs Malcolm Crawley and Phil Moors for comments on the manuscript. INTRODUCTION New Zealand has approximately 60 species of amphibians and reptiles, with lizards (39 species) forming the largest single group. The lizard fauna is remarkable for its diversity in view of New Zealand's isolation, relatively small land mass and temperate climate. The distinctiveness of the herpetofauna has long been underestimated, with scientific emphasis being devoted largely to the endemic frogs (Leiopelmatidae) and the tuatara (Sphenodontidae) (Bell et al. 1985). Recent genetic studies of lizards show that they too represent a high level of endemism (Towns et al. 1985). The terrestrial amphibian and reptile fauna as a whole is character- ised by the elusiveness, identification difficulties and restricted distribution of most of the species. Many of them also are highly susceptible to environmental disturbance from various forms of land development, and some even to the subtle effects of uncontrolled browsing of forests (e.g. Newman and Towns 1985, Towns 1985). In most cases the potential impacts of development cannot be assessed confidently because the habitat requirements, status and distribution of the animals are poorly understood (Towns 1985). Distribution data in particular have been scattered through a number of agencies and individuals, and stored in forms from which retrieval is difficult. In the late 1960s A. H. Whitaker (Ecology Division, DS IR) began collecting accurate information on the distribution of lizards in order to answer questions on the effect of land development on herpeto- fauna. In 1970 help was elicited from the New Zealand Herpetological Society, who for several years provided much distributional informa- tion. Eventually the scheme became an Ecology Division project and was handed on to Bruce Thomas (Ecology Division, Nelson) in 1977. Subsequently it became obvious that Ecology Division could not devote the staff and facilities required to develop an updated collation, storage and retrieval system, and in 1983 the unprocessed information was passed to the Wildlife Service (Department of Internal Affairs), which undertook to computerise the data. The extent of the coverage of sources of raw data, and the speed with which the retrieval system was implemented, are largely due to assistance from the Department of Lands and Survey, which provided funds for C.R. Pickard through the Special Employment Scheme (in 1984). The present report describes the amphibian and reptile distribution scheme now in operation for the Department of Conservation, 3 presents a summary of the data collected and collated so far, explains how the scheme works, suggests areas for future surveys, and provides instructions on how to contribute to the scheme. Users of the system do not always require precise information about localities or habitats, but often are more interested in general distribution of a species. To serve these requirements maps based on 10000 yard grid squares are provided here using all data so far made available to us. Distribution recording schemes will function effectively only if there is a large, up-to-date data base from which data can be retrieved rapidly. This report has been produced to announce that the scheme is now operating, to publicise the need for further distribution records and ultimately to increase the quantity and quality of information available. 4 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) THE DISTRIBUTION SCHEME The computer system Data collected for the New Zealand amphibian and reptile distribution scheme was stored originally on a North Star Horizon micro- computor, using dBASE II (a rational data base management package produced by Ashton-Tate), but currently resides on an Apricot XEN microcomputer. To date over 4000 sightings from 435 contributors have been processed. Computerisation of the data base has made it possible to recall species data for any given observer or location (the latter by map sheet number, grid square, or island). The concept of the original herpetological data collection scheme has been modified and now the scheme records the distribution of frogs, tuatara, lizards, freshwater and marine turtles and sea snakes. This involves a named fauna of 55 species, comprising three species of native and three of introduced frogs, 17 species of geckos, 22 species of skinks, two species of introduced turtles, five species of marine turtles and three species of marine snakes (Table 1). In its present form, the scheme does not include every known location for all species. For some locations information is too imprecise to be usable, and until the sites have been checked they will remain unrecorded. Table 1. Species names recognised by the distribution scheme and their suggested common names. Species listed and/or proposed for Red Data Book inclusion are marked *, those for which unspecified reports are available are marked FROGS SUGGESTED COMMON SPECIES NAME(S) Map No. Leiopelma archeyi* Archey's frog 5 Leiopelma hamiltoni* Hamilton's frog 5 Leiopelma hochstetteri* Hochstetter's frog 6 Litoria aurea golden bell frog 7,8 Litoria ewingi whistling (brown Australian tree frog) 9, 10 Litoria raniformis green tree frog 7, 8 5 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) LIZARDS Naultinus elegans elegans common (Auckland) green gecko Naultinus elegans punctatus common (Wellington) green gecko Naultinus grayi Northland green gecko Heteropholis gemmeus jewelled gecko Heteropholis manukanus Marlborough green gecko Heteropholis poecilochlorus Lewis Pass green gecko Heteropholis rudis rough(-scaled) gecko Heteropholis stellatus Nelson green gecko Heteropholis tuberculatus Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus* goldstripe gecko Hoplodactylus delcorti Hoplodactylus duvauceli Duvaucel's gecko Hoplodactylus granulatus forest gecko Hoplodactylus kahutarae* black-eyed gecko 23 Hoplodactylus maculatus common gecko 20,21 Hoplodactylus pacificus Pacific gecko 22 Hoplodactylus rakiurae* harlequin (Stewart Island) gecko 23 Hoplodactylus stephensi* Stephens Island gecko 23 Cyclodina aenea copper skink 24 Cyclodina alani* robust skink 26 Cyclodina macgregori* Mcgregor's skink 27 Cyclodina oliveri marbled skink 26 Cyclodina ornata ornate skink 25 Cyclodina whitakeri* Whitaker's skink 27 Lampropholis delicata rainbow skink 27 Leiolopisma acrinasum Fiordland skink 35 Leiolopisma chloronoton green skink 30 Leiolopisma fallai Three Kings skink 28 Leiolopisma gracilicorpus* Leiolopisma grande* grand skink 35 Leiolopisma homalonotum* chevron (Great Barrier) skink 28 Leiolopisma infrapunctatum speckled skink 37, 38 Leiolopisma lineoocellatum spotted skink 29, 30 Leiolopisma moco moko skink 31 Leiolopisma nigriplantare maccanni common skink 32, 33 6 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) Leiolopisma nigriplantare nigriplantare Chathams skink Leiolopisma otagense* f. otagense Otago skink 36 f. waimatense scree skink 36 Leiolopisma smithi shore skink 34 Leiolopisma striaturh* striped skink 28 Leiolopisma suteri egg-laying (Suter's) skink 29 Leiolopisma zelandicum brown skink 37,38 TUATARA Sphenodon punctatus* tuatara 11 TURTLES Chelodina longicollis long (snake)-necked turtle 41 Chrysemys scripta elegans red-eared terrapin Caretta caretta gigas* Pacific loggerhead turtle 42,43 Chelonia mydas* green turtle 40 Dermachelys coriacea* leathery turtle 41 Eretmochelys imbricata* hawksbill turtle 41 Lepidochelys olivacea* Olive Ridley turtle SNAKES Laticauda colubrina banded sea snake 39 Laticauda laticordata Pelamis platurus yellow-bellied sea snake 39 Nomenclature The nomenclature used in this scheme is that currently accepted for frogs (e.g. Bell 1982), skinks (Hardy 1977) and geckos (Robb and Rowlands 1977, Robb 1980, Robb and Hitchmough 1980, Thomas 1981, Whitaker 1984, Bauer and Russell 1986). The nomenclatures of Wells and Wellington (1985) and Gill (1986) are not accepted here. Table 1 lists the species names used, provides suggested common names (based on Newman [1982]), and identifies the rarest species. 7 These latter are species listed in the Red Data Book of New Zealand (Williams and Given 1981), were proposed by the Wildlife Service for inclusion in the IUCN Red Data Book (lizards) or are included already in the IUCN lists (Goombridge 1982) (tuatara and marine turtles). The conservation status of all species of herepetofauna is summarised by Bell (1986). Identification of species The most difficult part of assisting in the scheme (apart from finding animals) will be identifying species correctly. New Zealand frogs are well covered in the keys by Bell (1982) and Gill (1986) and recently published field guides should help with identification of lizards (Towns 1988, Gill 1986). A useful photographic guide to terrestrial species is provided by Barnett (1985). What maps to use The scheme has been compiled using inch to the mile maps (1:63360), which allow the data to be plotted on a 10000 yard grid square system. In recent years sheets of the NZMS 1 and 18 series maps have been taken out of print. In their place are metric equivalents -the NZMS 260 and 262 series maps. To allow for this a computer programme has been developed which converts imperial references to metric equiva- lents, or vice versa. The system will therefore accept imperial or metric grid references, but only for NZMS 1, 18, 260 and 262 series maps. How to fill in a card The present distribution card is a modified version of the card developed for the Ornithological Society of New Zealand to record observations of birds. The size and format of the card are a compromise between adequate space for clear writing, convenient pocket or note book size and ease of entry of the data into the computer. When filling in the card please ensure that either a legible, sharp pencil or a ball point pen is used. Distribution scheme cards can be filled in by anyone who can identify amphibians and reptiles accurately or who can take a good photograph. Cards can be filled in at any time of year, but many amphibians and reptiles are most likely to be visible over the spring-summer-autumn period. A new card should be filled in for each change in location or new day. The following notes refer to the card filled in as an example in Fig. 8 d. r a c n o uti b ri st di f o e pl m a S g. l. Fi

Newman kindly gave permission for their distribution maps on frogs and tuatara to be reproduced here. We also wish to thank Don Newman, Bruce
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