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ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Vascular bundles of the stem usually arranged in a single ring ... PDF

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Preview ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Vascular bundles of the stem usually arranged in a single ring ...

ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Vascular bundles of the stem usually arranged in a single ring. Cambium usually present. Leaves with reticulate venation. Embryo with two cotyledons (rarely one by reduction). Flowers 4-5 merous. Class I Dicotyledonae. Vascular bundles of the stem usually scattered. Cambium usually absent. Leaves with parallal venation. Embryo with one cotyledon. Flowers typically 3 merous. Class II monocotyledonae. CLASS I DICOTYLEDONAE. Petals free; Flowers dichlamydeous : Subclass I polypetalae. Calyx of distinct sepals, ovary superior or immsersed in the disk Torus small or elongated not expanded ... Group I Thalamiflorac Torus thickened or expanded into a fleshy disk ... Group II Disciflnrae Calyx of united sepals, ovary usually included in calyx tube or inferior ...... . Group III Calyciflorae Petals united ..... . Subclass II Gamopetalae Perianth generally calycine, single or absent ... Subclass III Monochlamydeae f I 31 Subclass Polypetalae Group I Thalamiflorae 1. Stamens many (15 or more) 2. Carpels free, usually many but sometimes reduced to one. 3. Habit terrestrial 4. Trees or shrubs leaves simpl.e not lobed 5. Leaves exstipulate, sepals & petal s valv3te thalamus not el.ongate fruit fl.eshy ........ Annonaceae I 1...- 3 . Habit aquatic .... Nymphaeaceae 2 . Carpels two or more, syncarpous ovary uni or multilocular 6. Placentation sometimes spuriously 2 or marc parie~c; celled by prolongation of the placentas 7. Flowers actinomorphic 8. Ovary raised on a gynophore; if sessile leaves compound....... Capparaceae 9. Ovary sessile leaves simple entire or lobed 10. Plants usually with yellow or milky sap: Flowers bright yellow or red petals present 11. Herbs: Leaves not palmately or digitately divided; r sepals 2-3 fruit a capsule dehiscing by apical pores or valves ..... Papaveraceae 6. Placentation free central or basal central . ..... Portulacaceae 6. Placentation usually axile sometimes basal 11. Stamens monodelphous 12. Anther one celled 13. Mostly herbs or shrubs rarely trees, fruit a dehicent capsule or of indehiscent cocci carpels 5 many pollen rougn leaves mostly simple ..... Malvaceae 13. Trees; fruit a capsule or woody berry carpels 2-5 pollen smooth leaves compound ..... Bombacaceae 12. Anther 2 celled ..... Sterculiaceae 32 :')( 1 Stamens distinct, arising from a raised or contracted torus Anther 2 celled ...... Tiliaceae 1. Stamens few (not more than 10) 14. Carpels free 3 or 1 twining or sarmentose rarely ..... trailing shrubs Menispermaceae 14. Carpels united; herbs, shrubs or trees 15. Flower s Zygomorphic 16. Sepals 5 two inner enlarged petaloid stamens 8 filaments united placentation axile .... Polygalaceae 16. Sepals 2 or 5 not enlar~ed stamens 5 or 6 free or in two bundles placentation parietal 17. Sepals 2 scale like stamens 4 or 6 opposite the two petals in tow bundles connective of anthers not produced beyond another cells .... Fumariaceae 17. Sepals 5, well developed, stamens 5, free; connective of anthers produced beyond anther cells ... Violaceae 15. Flowers actinomorphic; 17. Placentation Parietal: 18. Leaves Scale like; seeds plumose or winged ..... Tamaricaceae 18. Leaves well developed seed wingless 19. Petals cruciform; stamens 6, tetradynamous disc in the form 4 glands opposite sepals .... Brassicaceae (Cruiferae) 19. Petals not cruciform if 6 not tetradynamous disc never in form of glands . ... Cappa raceae teeth not glandular ..... Sapindaceae 3. Flowers spurred; anthers syngenesious; leaves simple. alternate or opposite, at times basal marginal teeth glandular .... Balsaminaceae 2. Flowers actinomorphic 4. Ovary syncarpous but styles 5, free of if 1 with 5 linear, stigmatose branches; 5. Usually woody, twini ng or sa rmentose; f rui t wi nged . .... Malpighiaceae 33 "It 5. Plants not twining or sarmentose; fruit not winged; 6. Leaves simple. 7 . Perfect stamens IS; gland al.ternate with Petals, ..... Geraniaceae 6 . Leaves compound 8. Herbs; fruit a capsule ..... Oxalidaceae 9. Plants usually climbing or twining; 10. Petals present; flowers not urceolate 11. Inf1. leaf - opposed, often tend ri lla r leaves simple or compound ..... Vitaceae 17. Placentation free central. 20. Sepals 2; Petals 4 5, Leaves fleshy; ovary superior or !:; inferior ..... Portu! acaceae 20. Sepals and petals 5 each: Leaves not fleshy, ovary superior ..... Caryophyllaceae 17. Placentation axile or sometimes basal. 21. Leaves opposite; sepals imbricate; plants not stellately hairy ..... Elatinaceae 21. Leaves alternate; sepals valvate plants stellately hairy 22. Stamens monodelphous antheriferous throughout it's length; if stamens united at base only, fruit not prickly ..... Sterculiaceae 22. Stamens distinct riliaceae Group II Disciflorae 1. Placentation parictal; fruit a 3-valved, elongated pod like capsul e ..... Moringaceac 1. Placentation axile or axile - pendulous; fruit not as above :- 2. Flowers Zygomorphic 3. Flowers not spurred; anthers free; leaves ternatel y compound, 11. Inf]. not leat opposed; tendrillar; l.eaves simple: 12. Fruit indehiscent, winged or not; seeds exarillatc .... Rhmnaceae 34 12. Fruit a dehiscent capsule, not winged; seeds arillate ..... Celastraceae 9. Herbs, Shrubs or trees; if twining, plants armed; 13. Leaves aromatic, gland - dotted .... Rutaceac 13. Leaves not gland dotted 14. Stamens monodelphous ..... Meliaceae 14. Stamens free 15. Plants usually with acrid resinous juice; stem bearing resinous passages •••• Anacardiaceae 16. Inflorescence not leaf opposed: 17. Leaves simple. 18. Plants usually armed with prickles. . ... Rhmnaceae 19. Stamens 4-5 calyx not accrescent •.•• Celastraceae 17. Leaves compound 20. Leaves more than 2-foliolate; plants unarmed; 21. Plants not resinous: Leaves not gland dotteds 22. Tress: ovule one in each loculus; 23. Flowers regular; styles 2-5, connate; ovary lobed; fruit winged, 1.Seeded •••• Simaroubaceae 23. Flowers irregular; style 1, simple sometimes divided above: ovary not lobed; fruit 2-3 lobed drupe .... Sapindaccac 22. Herbs or undershrubs; ovules 2 in each loculus; overy angled or Ivinged .••• Zygophyllaceae Group III Calyciflorae 1. Leaves mostly compound, rarely simple; 2. Stipules when present, not adnate to the petiol e; carpel 1: fruit legume 3. Flowers Papilionaccous ..... Papilionaccae 3. Flowers Zygomorphic but not papilionaceous ..... Caesalpiniaceae 3. Flowers regular, in heads or dense spikes . .... Mimosaceae 2. Stipules adnate to the Petiole; Ca rpels many, free; fruit an achene ..... Rosaceae 35 Leaves Simple; fruit a capsule, achene, drupe, berry, nut or schizocarpic; 4. Plants always tendril - bearing: 5 . Flowers unisexual; ovary inferior .... (ucurbitaceae 5. Flowers bisexual; ovary superior .... Passifloraceae 6 . Habit terrestrial: 7. Stamens usually indefinate 8. Leaves usually much reduced or 0; Succulent plants with jointed, prickly phylloclades ...• Cact aceae 8. Leaves well developed: Plants not as above 9. Calyx free from the ovary (i.e. ovary superior) 10. Petals absent. It present not as below fleshy ovulesbasal herbs or under shrub. . ... Aizoaceae lOa. Petals present, episepalous and crumpled in bud; margins crisped, erose or fimbriate; leaves not fleshy; ovules on axile placentation; shrubs or trees ..... Lythraceae 9. Calyx more or less adnate to the ovary (i.e. ovary inferior) 11. Herbs; leaves oblique at base; flowers unisexual; capsule winged Begoniaceae 12. Leaves alternate, without intramarginal nerves and not glandular punctate: 13. Ovary more than one-celled: 14. Locules of the ovary super posed; Flowers red or orange coloured; fruit a berry with hard, woody rind .... Punicaceae 12. Leaves opposite, gladular punctate, with intra-marginal nerves Myrtaceae 7. Stamens usually definate, not more than 10; 15. Ovary inferior or ~ inferior 16. Leaves alternate, if opposite than ex stipulate; 17. Flowers in simpl e or compound umbel; Foliage aromatic; Petiole sheathing; fruit of 2 indehiscent dorsally or laterally compressed mericarps ... Apiaceae 36 17. Flowers axil I ary sol itary or in racemes, spikes or cymes; 18. Trees, Shrubs or woody climbers .... Combretaceae 15. Ovary Superior 19. Soft-wooded trees with latex; leaves palmately fid to partite, with long, hollow petiole; petals united ..... Caricaceae SUBCLASS II GAMOPETALAE 1. Ovary completely inferior or ~ inferior 2. Inflorescence an involucrate head; calyx absent or of variously modified pappus; anthers united in a ring around the style; ovary l-cel.led ....... Asteraceae (Compositae) 2. Inflorescence various, but not as above; Calyx usually present; anthers free or connivent in a ring around the style; ovary 2 - or more celled: 3. Leaves opposite; Stipules inter or intra petiolar ..... Rubiaceae 1. ovary superior: 4. Leafless, non-green root or stem parasites: 5 . Steam parasites ..... Cuscutaceae 5 . Root Parasites 6 . Placentation axile ., .. Scrophulariaceae 6 . Placentation parietal . .... Orobanchaceae 4. Plants carnivorous, aquatics or terrestrial s in wet lands but always with leaf bladders .. Lentibulariaceae 7. Seeds not boat shaped 8. Carpels more than 2 : 9. Flowers usually unisexual; stamens inserted on the receptacle .. ,. Ebenaceae 9. Flowers bisexual; Stamens inserted on the corolla: -Jj 37 10. Trees, shrubs or woody twiners, style one. Plant with milky juice, corolla 4-8 lobed, stamens as many as corolla lobes and opposite to them or 2-3 times as many often with staminodes; Ovary 2-8 celled. Calyx without stipitate glands. ..... Sapotaceae 10. Herbs or shrubs; style 5; or if one, then with 5, terminal stigmatose branches; ovary one celled; calyx often with stipitate glands. . .... Plumbaginaceae 8. Carpels 2 (rarely 3-4 and then plants aquatic) 11. Plants with milky latex or greenish yellow sap: 12. Pollen masses not agglutinated into pollinia; style one; anthers sagittate; stigma hour-glass-shaped or dumbell-shaped ..... Apocynaceae 12. Pollen masses agglutinated into waxlike masses or pollinia; style usually 2; anthers and stigma not as above. 13. Filaments united; anthers with horny wings ..... Asclepiadaceae 13. Filaments free; anthers without horny wings . ...... Periplocaceac 11. Plants without milky-latex or greenish-yellow sap; 14. Flowers actinomorphic: 15. Inflorescence usually secund or one sided cymes: 16. Fruit a drupe, or of four nutlets; ovules definate in each loculus: 17. Herbs or undershrubs; style entire or shortly 2 lobed ...... Boraginaceae 17. Trees or shrubs; style once forked or styles 2 ..... Ehrctiaceae 15. Inflorescence not as above: 18. Leaves usually alternate: 19. Plants erect or diffuse, but not twining; ovary 2 - celled; ovules many in each loculus on swollen placentas .... Solanaceae 38 19. Chiefly twining, at times trailing diffuse or erect: ovary 2-celled; ovules 2 in each loculus or 4-celled with one ovule in each loculus .... Convolvulaceae 18. Leaves opposite or at least lower ones opposite; 20. Stamens 2 ...... Oleaceae 20. Stamens 4-5; 21. Trees or shrubs; very rarely herbs and then stipules small or reduced to a transverse line: 22. Ovary 1 - celled (if 2 celled, Plants armed) 1 - 2 ovulate ..... Salvadoraceae r 21. Herbs, seldom undershrubs: 23. Ovary 1 - celled 24. Placentation free central; stamens opposite the petals ...... Primulaceae 24. Placentation parietal; stamens alternate with petals ...... Gentianaceae 23. Ovary 2-celled; Placentation axile .. Scrophulariaceae 14. Flowers zygomorphic: 25. Leaves usually compound; if simple, seeds winged; fruit elongated .... Bignoniaceae 25. Leaves usually simple; fruit not elongated; seeds not wigned: \ 26. Flowers with conspicuous bracts and bracteoles; bract seldom absent; stem often with swollen joints ..... Acanthaceae 26. Flowers without bract and bracteoles or bracts and bracteoles in conspicuous: Stem not nbdose: 27. Flowers with extra-floral glands at base of pedicels: 28. Placentation axile; fruit a capsule or indehiscent and spinous .... Pedaliaceae 28. Placentation parietal; fruit with hooked prongs ..... Martyniaceae 27. Flowers without extra-floral galnds at base of ( pedicels; 29.0vuleslor2ineachcell; I~ 39 30. Inflorescence a verticellaster; style gynobasic; plants aromatic ..... Lamiaceae (Labiatae) 30. Inflorescence not as above; style terminal. Plants not aromatic: 31. Plants maritime with Pneumatophores; branches prominently nodose or articulate; placentation free central; Placentas 4 winged; seed germination viviparous ..... Avicenniaceae 31. Plants not as above; branches not nodose; placentation axile; seed germination after separation from parent plant .... Verbenaceae 29. Ovulues many in each loculus: 32. Placentation a::ile .... Scrophulariaceae SUBCLASS III MONOCHLAMYDEAE 1. Ovary superior: 2. Flowers bisexual: 3. Perianth present: 4. Plants parasitic, leafless; anthers with valvular dehiscence ..... Lauraceae 4. Plants not parasitic; anthers not as above: 5. Leaves with ochreate stipules .... Polygonaceae 5. Leaves exstipulate: 6. Herbs, undershrubs, woody stragglers or twining; leaves entire or slightly lobed: 7. Perianth petaloid 8. Herbs or shrubs or straggling but not twining; flowers in heads, cymes or umbels; stamens circinately involute in bud; perianth constricted at base frorming a peri gone, enclosing ovary .... Nyctaginaceae 8. Herbaceous twiners; flowers in spikes, racemes or panicles; perianth and stamens not as above ..... Basellaceae

3. Flowers spurred; anthers syngenesious; leaves simple. alternate or opposite, at times basal marginal teeth glandular . Balsaminaceae. 2. Flowers actinomorphic. 4. FLS & FRS: for the best part of year. MALVACEAE . Hibiscus schizopetalus H.K.F. G.L.l:l07;FOBI: Sut:97. V.N. Latakan Jasud.
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