Index Armed Forces & Society Volume 31 Articles Articles, by Title Analyzing Questions That Cannot Be Asked of Respondents Who Cannot Respond, by Kirby L. Bowling, Juanita M. Firestone, and Richard J. Harris, 3: 411. Army Transformation and the Junior Officer Exodus, by Mark R. Lewis, 1: 63. Beyond the Soldier and the State: Contemporary Operations and Variance in Principal-Agent Relationships, by Thomas S. Sow- ers, 3: 385. Casualties and Civil-Military Relations: The German Polity between Learning and Indifference, by Gerhard Kiimmel and Nina Leonhard, 4: 513. China’s Evolving Civil-Military Relations: Creeping Guojiahua, by Andrew Scobell, 2: 227. Combat Casualties and Race: What Can We Learn From the 2003- 2004 Iraq Conflict? by Brian Gifford, 2: 201. Considering Casualties: Risk and Loss during Peacekeeping and Warmaking, by Jan van der Meulen and Joseph Soeters, 4: 483. Dutch Courage: The Politics of Acceptable Risks, by Jan van der Meulen and Joseph Soeters, 4: 537. Epilogue: A “Good” Military Death, by Eyal Ben-Ari, 4: 651. Family-Military Relations in Israel as a Genderizing Social Mecha- nism, by Hanna Herzog, 1: 5. Interstate Rivalry and the Recurrence of Crises: A Comparison of Rival and Nonrival Crisis Behavior, 1918-1994, by Brandon C. Prins, 3 Leave No Man Behind: Recovering America’s Fallen Warriors, by Leonard Wong, 4: 599. Leaving No Warriors Behind: The Ancient Roots of a Modern Sen- sibility, by Elizabeth D. Samet, 4: 623. Lessons of Military Regimes and Democracy: The Turkish Case in a Comparative Perspective, by Tanel Demirel, 2: 245. ae & 668 Armed Forces & Society/Suminer 2005 Military as a Bridging Environment in Criminal Careers: Differen- tial Outcomes of the Military Experience, The, by Leana Allen Bouffard, 2: 273. NATO’s Secretary General and the Use of Force: Willy Claes and the Air Strikes in Bosnia, by Ryan C. Hendrickson, 1: 95. Postmodernism and the Source of Military Strength in the Anglo West, by Harry Bondy, 1: 31. Risks and Recruitment in Postmodern Armed Forces: The Case of Belgium, by Philippe Manigart, 4: 559. Security Ethics and the Modern Military: The Case of the Israel Defense Forces, by Mira Sucharov, 2: 169. Space-Time Orientations and Contemporary Political-Military Thought, by Kevin Cunningham and Robert R. Tomes, 1: 119. Turkey’s EU Candidacy and Civil-Military Relations: Challenges and Prospects, by Aylin Giiney and Petek Karatekelioglu, 3: 439. Volunteering for Risk: The Culture of the Turkish Armed Forces, by A. Kadir Varoglu and Adnan Bicaksiz, 4: 583. What Costs Will Democracies Bear? A Review of Popular Theories of Casualty Aversion, by Hugh Smith, 4: 487. Will Citizens Be Soldiers? Examining Retention of Reserve Compo- nent Soldiers, by James Griffith, 3: 353. Articles, by Author Ben-Ari, Eyal, Epilogue: A “Good” Military Death, 4: 651. Bicaksiz, Adnan. See Varoglu. Bondy, Harry, Postmodernism and the Source of Military Strength in the Anglo West, 1: 31. Bouffard, Leana Allen, Military as a Bridging Environment in Crimi- nal Careers, The: Differential Outcomes of the Military Experi- ence, 2: 273. Bowling, Kirby L., Juanita M. Firestone, and Richard J. Harris, Ana- lyzing Questions That Cannot Be Asked of Respondents Who Cannot Respond, 3: 411. Cunningham, Kevin and Robert R. Tomes, Space-Time Orienta- tions and Contemporary Political-Military Thought, 1: 119. Demirel, Tanel, Lessons of Military Regimes and Democracy: The Turkish Case in a Comparative Perspective, 2: 245. Firestone, Juanita M. See Bowling. Gifford, Brian, Combat Casualties and Race: What Can We Learn From the 2003-2004 Irag Conflict? 2: 201. Index 669 Griffith, James, Will Citizens Be Soldiers? Examining Retention of Reserve Component Soldiers, 3: 353. Guney, Aylin and Petek Karatekelioglu, Turkey’s EU Candidacy and Civil-Military Relations: Challenges and Prospects, 3: 439. Harris, Richard J. See Bowling. Hendrickson, Ryan C., NATO’s Secretary General and the Use of Force: Willy Claes and the Air Strikes in Bosnia, 1: 95. Herzog, Hanna, Family-Military Relations in Israel as a Genderizing Social Mechanism, 1: 5. Karatekelioglu, Petek. See Gtiney. Kiimmel, Gerhard and Nina Leonhard, Casualties and Civil-Mili- tary Relations: The German Polity between Learning and Indif- ference, 4: 513. Leonard, Nina. See Kiimmel. Lewis, Mark R., Army Transformation and the Junior Officer Exo- dus, 1: 63. Manigart, Philippe, Risks and Recruitment in Postmodern Armed Forces: The Case of Belgium, 4: 559. Prins, Brandon C., Interstate Rivalry and the Recurrence of Crises: A Comparison of Rival and Nonrival Crisis Behavior, 1918-1994, x Sa. Samet, Elizabeth D., Leaving No Warriors Behind: The Ancient Roots of a Modern Sensibility, 4: 623. Scobell, Andrew, China’s Evolving Civil-Military Relations: Creep- ing Guojiahua, 2: 227. Smith, Hugh, What Costs Will Democracies Bear? A Review of Popular Theories of Casualty Aversion, 4: 487. Soeters, Joseph. See van der Meulen. Sowers, Thomas S., Beyond the Soldier and the State: Contempo- rary Operations and Variance in Principal-Agent Relationships, 3: 385. Sucharov, Mira, Security Ethics and the Modern Military: The Case of the Israel Defense Forces, 2: 169. Tomes, Robert R. See Cunningham. van der Meulen, Jan and Joseph Soeters, Considering Casualties: Risk and Loss during Peacekeeping and Warmaking, 4: 483. van der Meulen, Jan and Joseph Soeters, Dutch Courage: The Poli- tics of Acceptable Risks, 4: 537. Varoglu, A. Kadir and Adnan Bicaksiz ,Volunteering for Risk: The Culture of the Turkish Armed Forces, 4: 583. 670 Armed Forces & Society/Summer 2005 Wong, Leonard, Leave No Man Behind: Recovering America’s Fallen Warriors, 4: 599. BOOK REVIEWS Books, by Author Adler, Amy B. See Britt. Al-Khattar, Aref M., Religion and Terrorism: An Interfaith Perspective, reviewed by Davis,2 : 305. Barnett, Jon, The Meaning of Environmental Security: Ecological Polli- tics and Policy in the New Security Era, reviewed by F ranke, 1 : IoO. Barnett, Roger W., Asymmetrical Warfare: Today’s Challenge to U.S. Military Power, iene by DiPaolo, 3: 477. Biddle, Stephen, Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle, reviewed by Valeriano,3 : 463. Britt, Thomas W. and Amy B. Adler (eds.), The Psychology of the Peacekeeper: Lessons from the Field, reviewed by Basham, 1: 152 Brown, Michael E., Grave New World: Security Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, reviewed by Abbruzzese, 3: 468. Burke, Carol, Camp All-American, Hanoi Jane, and the High and Tight: Gender, Folklore, and Changing Military Culture, reviewed by Samet, Zo. Caforio, Guiseppe, Handbook of the Sociology oft he Military, reviewed by Rohall, 2: 302 Ender, Morton G. (ed.), Military Brats and Other Global Nomads, reviewed by Walker, 3: 478. Frese, Pamela R. and Margaret C. Harrell (eds.), Anthropology and the United States Military: Coming of Age in the Twenty-First Cen- tury, reviewed by Winslow, 1: 148. Goemans, Hein E., War and Punishment: The Causes of War Termina- tion and the First World War, reviewed by Sprecher, 2: 319. Harrell, Pamela R. See Frese. Hohn, Maria, Gls and Friiuleins: The German-American Encounter in 1950s West Germany, reviewed by Alvah, 1: 166. Hoiden, Robert H., Armies without Nations: Public Violence and State Formation in Central America, 1821-1960, reviewed by Keberlein Gutiérrez, 2: 310. Jenkins, Philip, Images of Terror: oy We Can and Can’t Know about Terrorism, reviewed by Stanley, 1: 146. Kaplan, Jeffrey, Millennial Violence bi Present, and Future, reviewed by Katz, 3: 474. Index 671 Lehring, Gary L., Officially Gay: The Political Construction of Sexual- ity by the U.S. Military, reviewed by Belkin, 3: 480. Lembcke, Jerry, CNN’s Tailwind Tale: Inside Vietnam's Last Great Myth, reviewed by Krohn and Smith, with introduction by Ender, 2: 297 Loy, James M. See Phillips. Machiavelli, Niccolo, Art of War, reviewed by Horowitz, 1: 141. Neiberg, Michael S., Making Citizen Soldiers: ROTC and the Ideology of American Military Service, reviewed by Li, 2: 308. Payne, James L., A History of Force: Exploring the Worldwide Move- ment Against Habits of Coercion, Bloodshed and Mayhem, reviewed by Ben-Ari, 3: 466. Phillips, Donald T. with Admiral James M. Loy, Character in Action: [he U.S. Coast Guard on Leadership, reviewed by Gray-Briggs, 1: 150. Pollack, Kenneth M., Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991, reviewed by Salmoni, 3: 471. Preston, Richard, The Demon in the Freezer, reviewed by Armstrong, 1: 161 Saldana, Rodolfo, Fertile Ground: Che Guevara and Bolivia, reviewed by DeRouen, 2: 313. Weeks, Gregory, The Military and Politics in Postauthoritarian Chile, reviewed by Gutiérrez, 1: 158. Books, by Title Anthropology and the United States Military: Coming of Age in the rwenty-First Century, edited by Pamela R. Frese and Margaret C. Harrell, 1: 148. Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991, by Kenneth M. Pol- lack, 3: 471. Armies without Nations: Public Violence and State Formation in Central America, 1821-1960, by Robert H. Holden, 2: 310. Art of War, by Niccolo Machiavelli, 1: 141. Asymmetrical Warfare: Today's Challenge to U.S. Military Power, by Roger W. Barnett, 3: 477. Camp All-American, Hanoi Jane, and the High and Tight: Gender, Folk- lore, and Changing Military Culture, by Carol Burke, 2: 315. Character in Action: The U.S. Coast Guard on Leadership, by Donald T. Phillips with Admiral James M. Loy, USCG (ret.), 1: 150. CNN’s Tailwind Tale: Inside Vietnam's Last Great Myth, by Jerry Lembcke, 2: 297. 672 Armed Forces & Society/Summer 2005 Demon in the Freezer, The, by Richard Preston, 1: 161. Fertile Ground: Che Guevara and Bolivia, by Rodolfo Saldana, 2: 313. Gls and Frauleins: The German-American Encounter in 1950s West Ger- many, by Maria Hohn, 1: 166. Grave New World: Security Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Michael E. Brown, 3: 468. Handbook of the Sociology of the Military, edited by Guiseppe Caforio, 2: 302. History ofF orce, A: Exploring the Worldwide Movement Against Habits of Coercion, Bloodshed and Mayhem, by James L. Payne, 3: 466. Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know about Terrorism, by Philip Jenkins, 1: 146. Making Citizen Soldiers: ROTC and the Ideology of American Military Service, by Michael S. Neiberg, 2: 308. Meaning of Environmental Security, The: Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, by Jon Barnett, 1: 155. Military and Politics in Postauthoritarian Chile, The, by Gregory Weeks, 1: 158. Military Brats and Other Global Nomads, edited by Morton G. Ender, 3: 478. Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle, by Stephen Biddle, 3: 463. Millennial Violence Past, Present, and Future, edited by Jeffrey Kaplan, 3: 474. Officially Gay: The Political Construction of Sexuality by the U.S. Mili- tary, by Gary L. Lehring, 3: 480. Psychology of the Peacekeeper, The: Lessons from the Field, edited by Thomas W. Britt and Amy B. Adler, 1: 152. Religion and Terrorism: An Interfaith Perspective, by Aref M. Al- Khattar, 2: 305. War and Punishment: The Causes of War Termination and the First World War, by Hein E. Goemans, 2: 319. Books, by Reviewers Abbruzzese, Peter M., Grave New World: Security Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, by Brown, 3: 468. Alvah, Donna, GIs and Frauleins: The German-American Encounter in 1950s West Germany, by Hohn, 1: 165. Armstrong, Robert E., The Demon in the Freezer, by Preston, 1: 161. Basham, Victoria, The Psychology of the Peacekeeper: Lessons from the Field, edited by Britt and Adler, 1: 152 Index 673 Belkin, Aaron, Officially Gay: The Political Construction of Sexuality by the U.S. Military, by Lehring, 3: 480. Ben-Ari, Eyal, A History of Force: Exploring the Worldwide Movement Against Habits of Coercion, Bloodshed and Mayhem, by Payne, 3: 466. Davis, G. Scott, Religion and Terrorism: An Interfaith Perspective, by Al-Khattar, 2: 305. DeRouen Jr, Karl, Fertile Ground: Che Guevara and Bolivia, by Saldana, 2 Sia DiPaolo, Amanda, Asymmetrical Warfare: Today's Challenge to U.S. Military Power, by Barnett, 3: 477. Franke, Volker, The Meaning of Environmental Security: Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, by Barnett, 1: 155. Gray-Briggs, Abigail, Character in Action: The U.S. Coast Guard on Leadership, by Phillips and Loy, 1: 150. Gutiérrez, Omar L., The Military and Politics in Postauthoritarian Chile, by Weeks, 1: 158. Horowitz, Irving Louis, Art of War, by Machiavelli, 1: 141. Katz, Rebecca S., Millennial Violence Past, Present, and Future, by Kaplan, 3: 474. Keberlein Gutiérrez, Douglas R., Armies without Nations: Public Vio- lence and State Formation in Central America, 1821-1960, by Holden, 2: 310. Krohn, Charles A., CNN’s Tailwind Tale: Inside Vietnam's Last Great Myth, by Lembcke, 2: 297 Li, Xiaobing, Making Citizen Soldiers: ROTC and the Ideology of Ameri- can Military Service, by Neiberg, 2: 308. Rohall, David E., Handbook oft he Sociology oft he Military, by Caforio, 2: 302. Salmoni, Barak A., Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991, by Pollack, 3: 471. Samet, Elizabeth D., Camp All-American, Hanoi Jane, and the High and Tight: Gender, Folklore, and Changing Military Culture, by Burke, 22 SUD. Smith, Perry, CNN's Tailwind Tale: Inside Vietnam's Last Great Myth, by Lembcke, 2: 300. Sprecher, Christopher, War and Punishment: The Causes of War Ter- mination and the First World War, by Goemans, 2: 319. Stanley, Jay, Images of Terror: What We Can and Can’t Know about Terrorism, by Jenkins, 1: 146. Armed Forces & Society/Summer 2005 Valeriano, Brandon, Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle, by Biddle, 3: 463. Walker, Susan, Military Brats and Other Global Nomads, edited by Ender, 3: 478. Winslow, D. J., Anthropology and the United States Military: Coming of Age in the Twenty-First Century, by Frese and Harrell, 1: 148.