® Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology ©2011 Global Science Books Application of Biotechnology Tools to Apricot Breeding David Ruiz1*+ • Pedro Martínez-Gómez1**+ • Manuel Rubio1 • Cesar Petri1 • Antonio Larios2 • José Antonio Campoy1,3 • José Egea1 1 Department of Plant Breeding, CEBAS-CSIC. Po Box 164. E-30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Spain 2 Departamento de Fruticultura, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP), Uruapan, (Michoacan) Mexico 3 UREF, INRA, Centre de Bordeaux BP81, Villenave d’ Ornon Cedex, France Corresponding author: * [email protected]; **[email protected] + T he se a u th o rs h av e c on tr ib u te d eq u al ly to th is re v ie w ABSTRACT Apricot is a worldwide grown Prunus species originated in China with very appreciate fruit. In this study strategies and methodologies for the breeding of this species are described including germplasm description, classical breeding, main objective breeding, molecular marker application, and improved micro-propagation and genetic transformation protocols. Despite the plasticity expressed by the apricot species and its great diversity, there is a great specificity in the cultivation of the cultivars in each region. In addition, the typical long generation time, along with the extensive space requirements and other limitations to generating the required large segregating apricot progeny population, have restricted the development and testing of new cultivars. The main objectives of apricot breeding are to decrease production costs (pest and disease resistance with special emphasis in Plum pox virus, sharka, resistance), to increase yield (introducing self-compatibility and studying the chilling requirements for adequate adaptation) and to improve fruit quality. Additional advantages encouraging the utilization of new genomic technologies to apricot tree crop improvement include a small genome size, high levels of synteny between genomes, and a well-established international network of cooperation among researchers. To date, different genes and QTLs controlling traits such as self-compatibility, sharka resistance or male sterility have been mapped in genetic linkage maps. More recent efforts are being oriented to the elaboration of physical maps which can be the beginning for the complete genome sequencing of the species. Finally, the increasing availability of other biotechnological techniques such as genetic transformation further complements in vitro culture opportunities. In this sense, at this time several apricot genotypes genetically modified are being assayed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: apricot, breeding programs, genetic transformation, in vitro culture, marker assisted selection, molecular markers, new cultivars, Prunus, quality Abbreviations: AFLP, amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism; BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; CGA, cloned gene analog; cM, centimorgan; CU, chill unit; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; EST, expressed sequence tag; FAO, Food and Agriculture Orga- nization; GDR, Genome Database for Rosaceae; GDH, growing degree hour; GFP, green fluorescent protein; LG, linkage group; MAS, marker-assisted selection; NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PPV, Plum pox virus; QTL, quantitative trait locus; RAPD, random amplified polymorphic DNA; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism; SFB, S- haplotype-specific F-box; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; SSR, simple sequence repeat CONTENTS ORIGIN, HISTORY AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE CROP................................................................................................101 BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION, KARYOTYPING AND GENETIC RESOURCES.................................................................................102 CLASSICAL BREEDING PROGRAMS..................................................................................................................................................103 MAIN BREEDING OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................................................104 MOLECULAR BREEDING STRATEGIES AND GENOME SEQUENCING........................................................................................108 IN VITRO CULTURE AND GENETIC ENGINEERING..........................................................................................................................112 FUTURE WORK, PERSPECTIVES.........................................................................................................................................................114 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................................................................................................................114 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................................................................114 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ORIGIN, HISTORY AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE century BC. The expansion of the species into Europe (a OF THE CROP third center of diversification) seems that occurred at two different times. The Romans knew it through their wars Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is a species originated in with the Persians in the first century AC. From Rome it China and Central Asia, from Tien Shan to Kashmir (Vavi- spreads throughout the rest of the continent, reaching Spain lov 1951). These regions are also two primary centers of between the second and the fourth century AC. Apricot was domestication of apricot cultivars together with the Near also introduced into Spain by the Arabs to the seventh cen- Eastern (from Iran to Turkey) also described as the sec- tury from North Africa, from it spread to America, South ondary centers of origin and diversification (Bailey and Africa and Australia to the seventeenth century (Fig. 1) Hough 1975; Faust et al. 1998). (Kostina 1969; Bailey and Hough 1975; Mehlenbacher et al. The apricot crop was already known in China in the 1991; Lichou and Audubert 1992). It has been suggested year 2000 BC. This crop came from Central Asia to Iran, as that some present day cultivars originated directly from the part of military economic and cultural handle of Alexander primary centers, while others may have arisen from the the Great in its insights into Turkistan during the fourth hybridization of genotypes generated in the secondary Received: 1 June, 2009. Accepted: 20 May, 2010. Invited Review Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 1), 101-117 ©2011 Global Science Books BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION, KARYOTYPING AND GENETIC RESOURCES Apricot (Prunus armeniaca Linnaeus syn. Armeniaca vul- garis Lammarck) is a species of genus Prunus (Rosaceae family, subfamily Prunoideae), subgenus Prunus and Sec- tion Armeniaca that is commercially grown world-wide (Mehlenbacher et al. 1991; Faust et al. 1998). This section Armeniaca includes eight different species including P. ansu and P. holosterica (from North areas of China and resistance to frost), P. mume (from humid areas of China and resistance to fungus disease), and P. sibirica and P. manshurica (from North of China and characterized by its resistance to low temperatures) as the most related species to apricot (Bailey and Hough 1975; Mehlenbacher et al. Fig. 1 Map of world showing the origin for apricot and primary 1991; Lichou and Audubert 1992). center of domestication in China (A-1) and Kashmir (A-2), the sec- Chromosome studies are an important prerequisite for ondary center for diversification in Iran, the Caucasus and Turkey (B) fruit genetic and breeding studies. These techniques have and the third center of diversification in Europe (C). A schematic been used in apricot and other Prunus in the study of inter- representation of the dispersion of the species around the world from specific crosses, the characterization of germplasm and the China to Turkey and to Europe, and from Spain and Portugal to North and establishment of taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships South America, South Africa and Australia is also indicated by arrows. (Singh et al. 1984; Schuster 1996). Prunus fruit species, in- cluding apricot, are characterized by small chromosomes that are difficult to karyotype (Oginuma 1987; Schuster centers (Bailey and Hough 1975; Mehlenbacher et al. 1991; 1996). In apricot species, chromosome studies by slide pre- Lichou and Audubert 1992; Layne et al. 1996; Faust et al. paration and staining have been reported (Kliphuis and Bar- 1998). koudah 1977; Medeira and Warden 1986). All these apricot From a horticultural point of view, apricots are clas- and related species are diploids with eight pairs of small, sified as a drupe in which the edible mesocarp is the com- but distinguishable, chromosomes (2n = 16, x = 8) although mercial product. Apricot species is grown worldwide, but some tetraploid mutants have been found (Bailey and most production is concentrated in the Mediterranean area, Hough 1975; Layne et al. 1996). being Turkey the main producing country. Table 1 shows The apricot is a deciduous fruit tree to bloom in spring, the evolution of the apricot production in the main pro- with intermediate chilling requirements within the Prunus ducing countries during the period 2002 and 2007. World- species. Apricot fruit, as well as Prunus species, is a drupe wide annual apricot production exceeds 3,000 thousand where the mature, stony endocarp together with the seed metric tons, including 508 thousand metric tons in Turkey forms a propagation unit comparable to a botanical seed on average in the period 2002-2007. The second major with a seed coat (testa). Apricot trees present a globose apricot-producing area includes the European countries bor- bearing from 3 to 7 m with a pivoting root (Fig. 2). This dering the Mediterranean Sea, mainly Italy (the third species has hermaphrodite white and pink flowers. The fruit leading country with 198 thousand metric tons), France weights range from 20 to 90 g and is characterized by its (166 thousand metric tons), Spain (126 thousand metric sweetness, which is around 13-15 °Brix, combined with a tons), Algeria (116 thousand metric tons), Morocco (100 good level of acidity around 2 g of malic acid per 100 mL thousand metric tons) and in less degree Greece (82 thou- (Mehlenbacher et al. 1991; Lichou and Audubert 1992). sand metric tons). On the other hand, emergent areas exist Apricot is a predominantly self-compatible species although in central and southwestern Asia including Iran (the second some cultivars present a self-incompatibility of the gameto- leading country after Turkey with 262 thousand metric tons), phytic type controlled by a single locus with multiple co- Pakistan (189 thousand metric tons), Uzbequistan (150 dominant alleles. thousand metric tons) and China (82 thousand metric tons). In general, apricot species is characterized by a large Finally we can include some of the traditional countries phenotypic diversity due to its genetic and phylogeographic producing apricots with a lower production in comparison origin. However, despite the plasticity expressed by the with the emergent countries such as USA, South Africa, apricot species (grown in places as diverse as South Africa Japan or Syria (FAO 2007). or Canada) and the mentioned great diversity, more than Table 1 Evolution of the apricot production in tons (t) in the world (FAO 2007). Country Year Average 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2002-2007 Turkey 352,000 499,000 350,000 860,000 460,182 528,295 508,246 Iran 284,000 285,000 166,373 275,578 280,000 280,000 261,825 Italy 200,110 108,320 213,425 232,882 221,994 211,808 198,090 Pakistan 129,700 210,882 214,800 197,239 189,533 190,000 188,692 France 169,418 123,814 166,136 176,950 179,568 180,000 165,981 Uzbekistán 97,000 82,000 162,000 170,000 235,637 155,300 150,323 Spain 127,549 143,840 121,486 137,167 141,400 87,100 126,424 Algerie 73,733 106,469 87,991 145,097 167,017 116,000 116,051 Japan 112,600 88,300 113,600 123,000 119,800 125,000 113,717 Morocco 86,200 97,950 85,000 103,600 129,440 100,000 100,365 Syria 100,902 104,900 75,700 65,513 85,000 87,000 86,503 China 72,218 81,874 86,509 77,937 83,001 93,000 82,423 Greece 70,272 59,854 89,,538 84,135 93,709 95,000 82,085 Egypt 103,070 70,424 72,523 73,000 74,000 78,500 78,586 USA 81,647 88,541 91,716 74,070 40,530 80,070 76,096 Ukraine 68,500 110,500 99,300 94,200 28,000 36,900 72,900 South Africa 56,509 50069 97,774 43,741 83,639 85,000 69,455 World (Total) 2,670,234 2,887,956 2,861,184 3,498,820 3,221,416 3,067,952 3,034,594 102 Biotechnology for apricot breeding. Ruiz et al. Fig. 2 Apricot trees, flowers, and fruits showing a detail of mesocarp and encocarp with the seed inside. Table 2 Main apricot germplasm banks in the World according to FAO 2009. Country Research center City Number of accessions EUROPE Czech Republic Mendel University Lednice 320 France INRA-Avignon Avignon 450 Hungary Enterprise Extension and Research Budapest 442 Italy ISF-Roma Roma 350 Italy Instituto de Cultivazione Arborea Florence 258 Italy University of Bologna Bologna 650 Romania Fruit Research Institute Pitesti 685 Slovak Republic Research Breeding Station Pietsany 145 Spain CEBAS-CSIC Murcia 60 Spain IMIDA Murcia 111 Spain IRTA-Mas Bove Reus 96 Ukraine Institute for Fruticulture Kiev 300 ASIA China Jilin Academy of Agricultural Science Jilin 140 Japan National Institute of Agrobiological Science Tokio 91 Iran National Plant Gene Bank Karaj 173 Turkey Plant Genetic Resources Institute Izmir 327 AMERICA Argentina INTA-Mendoza Mendoza 52 Canada Summerland Research Station Summerland 150 Mexico INIFAP Mexico 165 USA National Germplasm Repository Fresno 165 AFRICA Morocco Station de Recherche sur Arbres Rabat 68 South Africa Fruit Technology Research Institute Stellenbosch 44 OCEANIA Australia Loxton Research Center Loxton 615 New Zealand Plant & Food Research Auckland 150 1,300 different cultivars growth in Europe and around 1975; Mehlenbacher et al. 1991; Badenes et al. 1998). We 10,000 accessions described in the 225 Germplasm Banks have to note the great diversity present in China. In this of the world according to the Plant Genetic Resources for country there are nine native species of apricot (Armeniaca Food and Agriculture Commission of FAO (Table 2) (FAO Mill.) and above 2,000 local apricot cultivars (Liu et al. 2009), there is a great specificity of the cultivars in each 2010). area. However, around 80% of global production is based on fewer than 30 cultivars (Bailey and Hough 1975; Meh- CLASSICAL BREEDING PROGRAMS lenbacher et al. 1991; Lichou and Audubert 1992). In addition, cultivated apricot is characterized by a Apricot production has been traditionally based on local diverse genetic origin and it is among the most polymorphic cultivars although the last two decades the number of new of all cultivated fruit and nut species (Byrne and Littleton varieties has increased significantly. The introduction of 1989 Martínez-Gómez et al. 2003a). Apricot cultivars in the new apricot cultivars on the market is of great interest to get world are classified into four major eco-geographical better products and to attract consumers. Breeding and mar- groups: Central Asian (the most ancient and with higher keting should find closer relationships to allow new rel- diversity), Iran-Caucasian (less vigorous trees than the other eased apricot cultivars to maintain long term premium pri- group), European (the most recent group with less diversity ces. Apricot breeding programs started in the sixties in and including cultivars from North and South America, France, Italy and USA. During this period have been deve- South Africa, Australia or New Zealand), and Dzhungar- loped hundreds of new cultivars enlarging the seasonality in Trasylian (from the border of Kazakhstan and China and the harvest calendar (Bailey and Hough 1975; Mehlen- characterized by its high chilling requirements). In general, bacher et al. 1991; Lichou and Audubert 1992). However, the Central Asian, the Iran-Caucasian and the Dzhungar- the introduction of new cultivars has encouraged greatly in Trasylian groups show the richest variability, while the the recent years; almost 60% of all new cultivars have been youngest European (including cultivars from North and released from the year 2000. The public sector is still more South America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) important than the private one (concentrated mainly in four is the group with the least diversity (Bailey and Hough countries: USA, France, Italy and Spain) with the 75% of 103 Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 1), 101-117 ©2011 Global Science Books the new releases (Fideghelli and Della Strada 2010). MAIN BREEDING OBJECTIVES Apricot cultivars have been mainly generated through controlled crosses, open pollination, and in very few cases The main objectives of apricot breeding in this moment are bud mutation and genetic transformation. The most com- to decrease production costs (pest and disease resistance mon method for producing new cultivars is still the cross of with special emphasis in Plum pox virus (PPV), sharka, re- chosen parents and the selection within the progeny of those sistance), to increase yield (introducing flower self-com- genotypes that share the most appropriate combination of patibility and studying the chilling requirements of the cul- traits, which are evaluated superior to the original parents tivar in relation to the adaptation) and to improve quality and to the reference cultivar harvested on the same period. (increasing fruit quality) (Fideghelli and Della Strada 2010). Selection of individuals to be considered as candidates for introduction as new cultivars is largely subjective, based in Sharka (Plum pox virus) resistance the experience of the breeder and the characteristics of es- tablished cultivars (Bailey and Hough 1975; Lichou and Among all the new cultivars, one of the most interesting Audubert 1992). In this sense, developing new apricot culti- traits is the resistance/tolerance to sharka (Fideghelli and vars is a long and tedious process involving the generation Della Strada 2010). Sharka disease, caused by PPV (Fig. 3), of large population of seedlings from which are selected the is one of the most serious viral diseases affecting apricot best genotypes. Whereas the capacity of breeders to gene- production in those areas that are affected. Described for the rate large populations from crosses is almost unlimited, the first time in Bulgaria in 1917, it spread throughout all management, study and selection of these seedlings are the Europe, North Africa, India and Chile (Kölber 2001). More main limiting factors in the generation of new releases. In recently, PPV was detected in the USA in 1999, Canada in this sense, marker-assisted selection (MAS) is a very inter- 2000, and China in 2005. No control means have been esting strategy for increasing selection gains (Arús and developed yet except for the complete destruction of in- Moreno-González 1993; Luby and Shaw 2001) (see Mar- fected trees and the application of quarantine measures ker-assisted selection section). (Martínez-Gómez et al. 2003a). The broad crossing of standard or reference cultivars The development and cultivation of new, resistant cul- with new genotypes carrying novel genes is the basic stra- tivars could be the definitive solution to this problem (Mar- tegy for producing genetic variability over a known base- tínez-Gómez et al. 2000). To date all the apricot cultivars ment that could give in short time enriched genotypes, or traditionally cultivated in Europe which have been evalu- even potentially new cultivars. Genetic heterozygosity is ated have been susceptible to the virus. However resistant sustained in two methods: crossing unrelated genotypes, cultivars have been described in North America (including and selection for heterozygous polygenic systems that yield ‘Stella’, ‘Stark Early Orange’, ‘Goldrich’, ‘NJA2’, ‘Har- desirable forms. Most of apricot breeding programs adjust layne’ or ‘Veecot’) although they have a number of negative permanently their strategy for reaching their genetic goals characteristics such as self-incompatibility, low fruit quality (Bailey and Hough 1975; Mehlenbacher et al. 1991). Re- and high chilling requirements which preclude their culti- cent studies using molecular markers (see Molecular cha- vation in traditional European cultivation areas. In the racterization section) demonstrated the low heterozygosity 1980s such a situation gave rise to a series of breeding observed in some of the European apricot cultivars studied programmes in different European countries leading to the producing a consequent loss of variability in these geno- development of new resistant cultivars such as ‘Lito’ and types. Mechanisms to promote out crossing with other high- ‘Pandora’ in Greece, ‘Avilara’ in France and ‘Leronda’ in genetic-heterozygosity genotypes could improve the genetic the Czech Republic (Martínez-Gómez et al. 2000). More heterozygosity level, as we have observed in the case of recently, other new resistant cultivars have been released in complementary crosses. As in the case of apricot cultivars, Spain such as ‘Rojo Pasión’ (Egea et al. 2004a) and ‘Murci- the genetic heterozygosity level in some transgressive or ana’ (Egea et al. 2005b). complementary offspring is the result of the geographic and In the breeding programs for PPV resistance, the availa- genetic origin of the parents (Sánchez-Pérez et al. 2006). bility of a reliable method for the evaluation of resistance is Apricot, among crop species, could be considered as of great importance. In this sense, different authors des- one of the hardest for reaching breeding goals in rationale cribed the important handicaps of the evaluation of sharka time. This species has a long juvenile phase that could delay resistance in controlled conditions, due to the different the observation of reproductive traits; on the contrary it is source of inoculum used, the inoculation method, the detec- possible to induce a seedling to bear fruit after two years on tion method, etc. (Rubio et al. 2008a). First results about the orchard. The shortening of breeding cycles would be sharka resistance evaluation in stone fruits, concretely in possible mainly through a proper management of the nur- apricot, started in seventies in Greece where the plantations sery/orchard and an efficient application of assisted selec- were very damaged by the disease. These studies were per- tion protocols to the progenies (see Marker-assisted selec- formed in natural infection conditions cultivating the plants tion section). Four bearing seasons would be enough to in orchards severely affected by the disease (Syrgiannidis maintain or discard a seedling from a segregating popula- 1980). In this moment, in countries in which PPV is widely tion. From seed germination to first seedling selection it spread including Greece, and Centre and East Europe, PPV should pass 4-5 years. Further, these selections would be resistance evaluation is still carried out in natural infection propagated onto proper rootstocks and be evaluated for conditions grafting the cultivars onto infected trees. This is other 4-5 years. The nature of these inescapable steps, par- the case of Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic, Turkey, ticularly considering the year to year variability on fruit Romania or Germany. On the other hand, in other countries quality traits, obligates to evaluate crops of selected indivi- with a significant level of infection like Spain or France, duals during consecutive seasons, if robust results are pur- evaluation is carried out in controlled isolated conditions in sued. This consideration imposes a condition that make greenhouses (Martínez-Gómez et al. 2000) or in in vitro difficult to hasten these specific steps of a breeding program. conditions (Martínez-Gómez and Dicenta 2000) (Fig. 3). The efficiency of crossbreeding program depends on the Finally, in those countries where sharka introduction is re- information available on the transmission of those traits we cent, like Canada, USA, China or Argentina, or in countries want to improve. In this sense, there has been a considera- like Australia where sharka has not been detected yet, stu- ble progress in the study of inheritance of agronomic traits dies about PPV resistance are carrying out in collaboration in apricot. In this species most of the important agronomical with European countries. characteristics are quantitative although some monogenic or The evaluation of the resistance and susceptibility oligogenic traits have been described. against sharka through symptoms observation in controlled conditions has been contradictory due to different factors including the irregular distribution and low PPV concentra- tion in Prunus species, and the environment influence in the 104 Biotechnology for apricot breeding. Ruiz et al. Greenhouse Cold chamber n o ati g cul ftin o a n gr p i o hi cr o c mi r c mi Fig. 3 Sharka (Plum pox virus) symptoms in apricot leave, fruit and endocarp, and evaluation program for Plum pox virus resistance at CEBAS- CSIC of Murcia (Spain). Detail of the sealed insect proof greenhouse and the cold chamber used for the artificial period of lethargy in the controlled evaluation process; and detail of the evaluation in in vitro conditions. symptom expression (Dicenta et al. 2000a; Martínez- curate methods of evaluation would be interesting for Gómez and Dicenta 2001). For these reasons, susceptible breeders, reducing the number of cycles and replications genotypes sometimes do not show symptoms of the disease necessary to classify as susceptible or resistant each geno- in some cycles in some replications. This situation make type. These new methods would improve the selection of difficult the evaluation of the level of resistance/suscepti- resistant seedlings, the studies of inheritance and the search bility to PPV of a new cultivar, which makes necessary to of molecular markers linked to resistance, increasing the evaluate a high number of replications for several cycles of efficiency of the breeding program. The study of the ability growth in order to obtain reliable results. New more ac- of a variety to allow the long distance movement of the 105 Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 1), 101-117 ©2011 Global Science Books virus through its vascular vessels could be an alternative quencing of the S-RNase and the SFB alleles are the method to the symptoms observation for the evaluation of method used (Romero et al. 2004; Vilanova et al. 2006a; PPV resistance in Prunus (Rubio et al. 2008b). Halász et al. 2007, 2010). In order to plan an efficient breeding program to obtain On the other hand, in apricot species, erratic yields are cultivars resistant to sharka, it is important to know the frequent (Egea and Burgos 1998). Weather conditions influ- genetic control of this resistance. Although there is con- enced the fruiting process because pollination, stigma re- troversy about the genetic control of the resistance to PPV ceptivity, ovule fertility, ovule longevity and fruit set are in apricot, all authors consider that resistance could be directly affected (Burgos et al. 1993). However, there are transmitted from resistant progenitors to offspring. However, many genotype-dependent factors related with the floral Dosba et al. (1988) found that descendants from crosses biology that influenced fruit set and, consequently, produc- between susceptible and resistant cultivars segregated in a tivity such as flower bud production, flower bud drop, complex way. Later, Dosba et al. (1991, 1992) suggested flowering time, and ovule development stage at anthesis, that two genes controlled this trait, the resistance being pollen germination, height difference between the stigma dominant. Dicenta and Audergon (1998), studying a family and the superior plane of the anthers, aborted pistils and the from open pollination of the resistant cultivar ‘Stella’, autogamy level (Ruiz and Egea 2008a). For this reason found all seedlings to be resistant. They suggested that re- breeding for productivity mean in a great part breeding for sistance to sharka could be dominant, ‘Stella’ being homo- floral biology traits and self-compatibility. These floral zygous for this trait. Later, Dicenta et al. (2000b), studying traits are in most of cases polygenic with the exception of 291 descendants from 20 combinations between susceptible self-compatibility which is a well known monogenic trait. and resistant progenitors, observed that their data fitted The floral biology of apricot has been studied by dif- quite well to the hypothesis of a one gene, dominant trait. ferent authors. Alburquerque et al. (2004) and Ruiz and On the other hand, Moustafa et al. (2001) and Krska et Egea (2008a) found important differences among cultivars al. (2002), studying different crosses of their breeding prog- concerning flower bud density, flower bud drop and fruit set. rammes, established the hypothesis of two dominant genes. Flower quality is defined as the capacity of the flower to Guillet-Bellanger and Audergon (2001) confirmed the become a fruit. This parameter is related with the starch dominance of the resistant allele, postulating that at least reserves in the ovule (Rodrigo and Herrero 1998). Flower three genes could be involved. Hurtado et al. (2002a) and bud abscission is the main factor responsible for low yields Vilanova et al. (2003), studying apricot progenies, sug- in some cultivars. A strong influence of the cultivar on gested that resistance to PPV could be controlled by two flower bud drop in apricot has been found (Legave et al. genes. They also identified several molecular markers asso- 1982). The competition between vegetative and floral buds, ciated with this trait. More recently, Dondini et al. (2004), appear to be of great importance in relation with this topic after a study of RGA (Resistance Gene Analogues), also (Martínez-Gómez et al. 2002; Ruiz et al. 2005). Egea et al. indicated the oligogenic nature of the PPV resistance in (2004b), studying the apricot cultivar ‘Orange Red’, found apricot. Lambert et al. (2007) indicated that PPV resistance a significant flower bud drop when chilling requirements is controlled by a major dominant factor located on linkage were not adequately satisfied. group 1 (see Marker-assisted selection section). Although In addition, abnormally small pistils have also been des- the hypothesis of recessive factors with lowers effect af- cribed in different apricot cultivars (Layne et al. 1996). fecting this resistance is also exposed. Finally, Rubio et al. Abnormally underdeveloped pistils are caused generally by (2007) described the resistance as dominant and monogenic abortion of floral primordia due to cellular necrosis, which with an error of 25% in the evaluation test which some time is related to cultivar adaptation to different cropping areas. interfere in the final analysis of the results. Warm pre-blossom temperatures also have been described as the cause of the underdevelopment of the pistil at the Self-compatibility and floral biology time of flower opening in apricot (Rodrigo and Herrero 2002). An important influence of weather conditions has Apricot is a predominantly self-compatible species although been observed, as well as a significant variability among some cultivars present a self-incompatibility of the gameto- cultivars (Guerriero and Monteleone 1988; Legave et al. phytic type, a genetically controlled mechanism enabling 2006; Ruiz and Egea 2008a). In apricot cultivars with very styles to reject self pollen (Schultz 1948; Egea et al. 1991; high flower density, pistil abortion could produce an early Halász et al. 2010). This trait is controlled by a single locus beneficial flower thinning. On the contrary, a high per- with pistil S-ribonuclease (S-RNase) activity and multiple centage of aborted pistils could limit the fruiting exces- codominant alleles (S-alleles) (Burgos et al. 1997a; Halász sively and reduce the yield (Legave et al. 2006). et al. 2010). More recently, new genes apart of the S-RNase Height difference between the stigma and the superior allelic series have been described involved in the expression plane of the anthers is a genotype-dependent characteristic of self-compatibility in apricot. Romero et al. (2004), Vila- in apricot cultivars (Ruiz and Egea 2008a), although wea- nova et al. (2006a) and Halász et al. (2007) indicated that ther conditions, especially temperatures just before or after the loss of pollen-S function in apricot self-compatible flower opening, have a great influence on this parameter. mutants is associated with deletions or insertions in S- Egea and Burgos (1993), working with apricot cultivars, haplotype-specific F-box (SFB) genes. In this sense, in observed that when the stigma position is some millimeters China, the centre of origin, apricot is self-incompatible. above the plane of the anthers, in the absence of bees, a lot However, most European varieties are self-compatible. This of stigmas have few or no pollen grains some days after self-compatibility is due to a loss-of function mutation flower opening. Self-compatible cultivars with long styles within the pollen gene of the Sc-haplotype (Vilanova et al. may behave like self-incompatible cultivars in these condi- 2006a; Halász et al. 2007, 2010). tions. In addition, low percentage of pollen germination Apricot self-incompatibility alleles (S-alleles) were ini- also could affect fruit set in apricot cultivars. In general, the tially identified in the field through controlled crosses with percentage pollen germination is lower in apricot than in a series of known S-genotypes studying the fruit set and the other Prunus species, such as almond, and differences pollen tube growth through optical microscopy (Egea and among cultivars have been observed (Egea and Burgos Burgos 1996; Burgos et al. 1997b). Molecular methods 1993). The autogamy level is defined as the capacity of have been developed in two areas: identification of stylar S- flowers of self-compatible cultivars to set fruits in the ab- RNases by electrophoresis in vertical polyacrilamide gels, sence of bees. It seems to be related among others, with the and the amplification of specific S-alleles using appropri- height difference between the stigma and the superior plane ately designed primers for PCR and electrophoresis in hori- of the anthers (Egea and Burgos 1993). zontal agarose gels (Burgos et al. 1998; Alburquerque et al. 2002; Halász et al. 2005; Vilanova et al. 2005) (see Mar- ker-assisted selection section). More recently DNA se- 106 Biotechnology for apricot breeding. Ruiz et al. Chilling requirements which corroborated the quantitative control of this trait. Apricot is a temperate fruit species which is grown in cli- Fruit quality mates with well differentiated seasons (Bailey and Hough 1975; Mehlenbacher et al. 1991). Mechanisms against the A major varietal renewal process is currently underway in impact of low winter temperatures and frost damage have apricot in order to satisfy consumers and industry demands. been developed by this species growing under these condi- Consumers appreciate the beauty and aromatic flavor of tions. For this reason breeding for low or high chilling high quality apricots, those with orange ground color, in- requirements is an important objective for the adaptation of tense red blush, orange and juicy flesh and high organo- this species in different areas guarantying the stability of the leptic qualities. Fruit quality is fundamental for the ac- production. Dormancy and freezing tolerance are the main ceptance of apricot cultivars by consumers, especially due mechanisms developed against these difficulties and, al- to the current situation of high competition in the markets though they could be independent, freezing tolerance can- with the presence of numerous new cultivars and other not be developed adequately without growth cessation, fruits and foods. Consumers cherish the beauty and aroma- which marks the onset of dormancy. Dormancy in tempe- tic flavor of high-quality apricots, while other parameters, rate-zone deciduous fruit trees is a phase of development such as size, resistance to manipulation and good conserva- that allows trees to survive unfavorable conditions during tion aptitude, are especially taken into account by the apri- winter. Although in temperate-zone deciduous fruit trees cot industry. such as apricot enter dormancy at the end of the growth New apricot cultivars must be characterized by fruit stage without need of cold conditions, during the correlative quality attributes which satisfy the consumers. However, an inhibition stage strained in autumn, cold accelerates dor- evolution of the apricot fruit quality parameters has been mancy induction (Samish 1954; Irving and Lamphear 1967). observed in the last decades such as the increase of the fruit The knowledge of the chilling requirement of a cultivar size, the increase of the firmness, the attractiveness of the has significant practical and economic impacts on the con- blush color and the soluble solids and titratable acidity (Tri- trol, maintenance and production of woody plants (Fennell con et al. 2009). Numerous pomological traits influence the 1999), and is necessary for cultivating each apricot cultivar fruit quality in apricot (Bailey and Hough 1975; Bassi and in its most suitable area. In this way, if a cultivar is estab- Selli 1990; Audergon et al. 1991). Souty et al. (1990) pro- lished in an area where its chilling requirements are not posed the size, color, firmness, resistance to manipulation, satisfied adequately, the vegetative and productive behavior taste, aroma and texture as the fundamental quality attrib- of the cultivar will be affected negatively. On the contrary, utes in apricot fruit. According to Parolari et al. (1992), sen- in the case of cultivars with low chilling requirements (i.e. sorial properties in apricot fruits are influenced mainly by early-flowering cultivars) growing in cold-winter areas, the sugars and organic acids content, volatile compounds blooming happens too early because chilling requirements content, color, size and texture. Firmness, attractiveness and are quickly satisfied and low temperatures can induce an taste are the principal parameters affecting apricot fruit qua- important loss of yield by frost. On the other hand, in mild lity in the opinion of Gurrieri et al. (2001). areas the early ripening of apricot has special economic An important genetic diversity has been observed in the importance and low chilling requirements is a main trait for apricot species regarding some quality parameters, this, fun- it. This could be also enhanced with the use of chemical damentally due to the different genetic origins of the culti- breaking agents which bring forward the date of dormancy vated apricot cultivars (Byrne and Littleton 1989; Audergon breaking (Ruiz et al. 2005; Campoy et al. 2010a). Chilling et al. 1991; Mehlenbacher et al. 1991; Ledbetter et al. 1996; requirements for the breaking of dormancy of apricot cul- Badenes et al. 1998; Hagen et al. 2002; Hormaza 2002; tivars have to be fully satisfied for obtaining the desired Asma and Ozturk 2005). However, there is limited informa- vegetative growth and the best fruit-bearing capacity. Depth tion on the global evaluation of fruit quality attributes in of rest, and consequently the chilling requirement, is ap- apricot and on the relationship among pomological traits parently a specific parameter of each cultivar. Important linked to the fruit quality. Ruiz and Egea (2008b) studied differences between cultivars have been reported (Guerriero fruit quality attributes for two consecutive years in forty- et al. 2002; Ruiz et al. 2007; Viti et al. 2010). three apricot cultivars and selections grown in a Mediter- The first data available for the apricot species, which is ranean climate. Authors described a high variability in phy- one of the least-studied temperate fruit with regard to chil- sical (weight, size, flesh and skin colour, percentage of ling requirements, show that this parameter range from blush, firmness and percentage of dry matter), chemical 800 to 1,200 chill units in most apricot cultivars, with ex- parameters (total soluble solids content and acidity) and treme values of 500 and above 1,400, when are calculated sensory parameters (attractiveness, taste, aroma and texture). in not extreme climatic conditions. (Bailey et al. 1978, Year-by-year variations were observed for some pomologi- 1982; García et al. 1999; Guerriero et al. 2002). More cal traits such as harvest date, flesh colour, fruit weight, recently, Ruiz et al. (2007) described in the apricot species a firmness and soluble solids content. A high correlation was range of chilling requirements (chill units, CU) between found among some apricot quality attributes. In addition, 596 CU (‘Currot’) and 1,266 CU (‘Orange Red’), though principal component analysis (PCA) made it possible to most of the cultivars showed chilling requirements between establish similar groups of genotypes depending on their 800 and 1,200 CU. In addition, the heat requirements for quality characteristics as well as to study relationships flowering, which represent the thermal integral required for among pomological traits in the set of apricot genotypes flowering after breaking of dormancy, ranged between evaluated. 4,078 and 5,879 GDH (growing degree hour). These results Regarding fruit quality assessment, new and rapid ana- were confirmed by a study of chilling requirements in cen- lytical techniques for assessing fruit quality are being cur- tral Italy and southeastern Spain (Viti et al. 2010). The rently evaluated for using on phenotyping, such as near apricot cultivars assayed by these authors showed important infrared spectroscopy (Bureau et al. 2009a) and mid-infra- differences concerning flowering date, and the results indi- red spectroscopy (Bureau et al. 2009b) for sugars and acids cate in apricot a high positive correlation between chilling assessment, or reflectance colorimeter measurements for requirements and flowering date, as well as a negative cor- carotenoid evaluation (Ruiz et al. 2008). This can support relation between chilling requirements for breaking of more efficient selection of breeding lines based on quality dormancy and heat requirements for flowering (Ruiz et al. traits. Sensory techniques can also be of help in understan- 2007). However, flowering date seems to be determined ding fruit quality, since apricot appreciation is based on spe- basically by chill requirements (Couvillon and Erez 1985; cific eating traits that can be studied to develop standard Ruiz et al. 2007). Recently, Olukolu et al. (2009) in a mole- protocols of sensory evaluation. cular study described several QTL linked to chilling re- Finally, different studies are being performed to the quirement trait (see Genetic linkage analysis section) identification of genomic regions involved in fruit quality 107 Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 1), 101-117 ©2011 Global Science Books Fig. 4 Identification of accidentals pollination in the apricot BC1 progeny from the cross between the F1 selection ‘Z506-07’ (‘Orange Red’ × ‘Currot’) and ‘Currot’ using SSR markers. M, 1Kb DNA Ladder (Invitrogen, Madrid, Spain). traits by joining the phenotypic data with the molecular cha- for mapping population (Hurtado et al. 2002a). In contrast racterization of different apricot progenies (Audergon et al. to isoenzymes and RFLPs, RAPDs are dominant markers. 2009). The related QTL identification linked to quality traits This feature, as well as their variable degree of repeatability is the first step in order to develop specific molecular mar- and problems in transferring across populations, limits their kers which will offer the opportunity of optimize apricot utilization to map construction. These difficulties can be breeding programs for fruit quality by introducing an early overcome by converting RAPDs to sequence-characterized marker assisted selection (MAS) strategy (see Genetic lin- amplified regions or SCARs (Paran and Michelmore 1993). kage analysis and Marker-assisted selection sections). On the other hand, amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technology is a powerful DNA fin- MOLECULAR BREEDING STRATEGIES AND gerprinting technology based on the selective amplification GENOME SEQUENCING of a subset of genomic restriction fragments using PCR developed later than RAPD (Vos et al. 1995). These mar- Molecular characterization kers have been mainly used in apricot for molecular characterization of varieties (Hagen et al. 2002; Hurtado et Characterization of genetic variability in apricot species has al. 2002b; Geuna et al. 2003) and genetic linkage mapping been traditionally based on morphological traits. However, (Hurtado et al. 2002a; Vilanova et al. 2003; Zhebentyayeva such traits are not always available for analysis, and do not et al. 2008a; Olukolu et al. 2009). AFLP has a number of provide sufficient information to trace the expansion of advantages over the RAPD: more loci analyzed and better apricot from the centers of origin; to expose the major gene- reproducibility of banding (Powell et al. 1996) although tic events in the evolution of cultivars or to identify and presents the inconvenient of the difficulty to the use in rou- characterize genotypes during the breeding process. Mole- tine (Sorhkeh et al. 2007). cular marker technology offers several advantages over the Presently, simple sequence repeat (SSR or microsatel- sole use of morphological markers, it have proved to be a lite) markers, also based on the PCR technique but with powerful tool for solving the above problems, and have specific primers, are the best suited markers for the assess- become an essential tool for the molecular studies (Wünsch ment of genetic variability within crop species because of and Hormaza 2002; Martínez-Gómez et al. 2003b). their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant inhe- Isoenzymes were the first molecular markers to be uti- ritance (Fig. 4) (Gupta et al. 1996). SSRs are extremely lized in apricot (Byrne and Littleton 1989; Battistini and abundant and dispersed relatively evenly throughout the Sansavini 1991; Major et al. 1999). Nevertheless, the uti- genome (Tautz 1989). DNA flanking SSRs is often well lization of these markers is limited due to the small number conserved in related species, which allows the cross-species of loci that can be analyzed with staining methods and the amplification with the same primer pairs in related species low variation observed. In this sense, the availability of (Huang et al. 1998; Martínez-Gómez et al. 2003c, 2003d). DNA markers provides a new opportunity to evaluate plant This situation gave the first application of SSR in apricot diversity (Gupta et al. 1996; Powell et al. 1996). Restriction using primers developed in other Prunus species such as fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers are based peach (Hormaza 2002; Romero et al. 2003; Zhebentyayeva on the differential hybridization of DNA fragments from et al. 2003). More recently, primer sets using apricot se- restriction-enzyme digestion (Tanksley et al. 1989). RFLP quence information have been developed (Lopes et al. markers are codominant and can detect a virtually unlimited 2002; Hagen et al. 2004; Messina et al. 2004; Maghuly et al. number of markers. These markers have been used in the 2005; Vilanova et al. 2006b). These markers have been molecular characterization of apricot genotypes (De Vicente mainly used in apricot for molecular characterization of et al. 1998) and also in the development of the first genetic apricot varieties (Sánchez-Pérez et al. 2005, 2006; Pedryc linkage map in apricot (Hurtado et al. 2002a). et al. 2009), identification of accidental pollination in apri- More recently, the utilization of PCR-based markers has cot progenies (Fig 4) and genetic mapping (Vilanova et al. increased the opportunities for molecular characterization 2003, 2006b; Soriano et al. 2008; Zebentyayeva et al. 2008; and mapping of populations. Random amplified polymor- Olukolu et al. 2009). phic DNA (RAPD) markers are based on the PCR amplifi- cation of random locations in the genome (Welsh and Genetic linkage analysis McClelland 1990). RAPDs are characterized by using arbit- rary primers. A single oligonucleotide is utilized for the Genetic linkage analysis was initially performed in apricot amplification of genomic DNA. RAPD techniques have using the combination of different molecular makers in- been successfully used in apricot for identifying cultivars cluding RFLPs, RAPDs, AFLPs and SSRs (Hurtado et al. (Gogorcena and Parfit 1994; Baránek et al. 2006) and also 2002a). The use of RFLPs provided a virtually unlimited 108 Biotechnology for apricot breeding. Ruiz et al. Table 3 Markers associated to main monogenic, oligogenic and polygenic traits in apricot. Trait Symbol Marker1 LG2 Reference Chill requirements CR AFLP 1 Olukolu et al. 2009 Chill requirements CR AFLP 5 Olukolu et al. 2009 Chill requirements CR AFLP 7 Olukolu et al. 2009 PPV resistance Ppv AFLP 1 Hurtado et al. 2002b PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Hurtado et al. 2002b PPV resistance Ppv AFLP 1 Salava et al. 2001 PPV resistance Ppv AFLP 1 Vilanova et al. 2003 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Vilanova et al. 2003 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Lambert et al. 2007 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 3 Lambert et al. 2007 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 5 Lambert et al. 2007 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Sicard et al. 2007 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Dondini et al. 2010 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Lalli et al. 2008 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Soriano al. 2008 PPV resistance Ppv SSR 1 Zhebentyayeva et al. 2008a Self-incompatibility SI RAPD 6 Badenes et al. 2000 1 RAPD: Random amplified polymorphic DNA, SSR: Simple sequence repeat, RFLP: Restriction fragment length polymorphism, AFLP: Amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism, EST: Expressed sequence tags, STS: Sequence tagged site, SCAR: Sequence characterized amplified region. 2 LG: Linkage group. source of high quality markers, located all over the genome tance. PPV resistance has been mapped as a phenotypic although the difficulty to the routine application made that marker in apricot by Hurtado et al. (2002a) and Villanova et for the development of new apricot linkage maps resear- al. (2003). Hurtado et al. (2002a) used a F progeny ob- 1 chers have used more easy application markers. In this tained from a cross between ‘Goldrich’ and ‘Valenciano’. sense, the most recent utilization of PCR-based markers has Villanova et al. (2003), used a F progeny derived from a 2 increased the opportunities for mapping and tagging a wide self-pollination of ‘Lito’, an F individual originated from a 1 range of traits. New genetic linkage maps in apricot has cross between ‘Stark Early Orange’ and ‘Thyrinthos’. These been developed using a reduced type of markers. AFLPs two authors, who belong to the same group, mapped the have been other wide used markers allowing the detection resistance to linkage group 1 of ‘Goldrich’ and ‘Stark Early of a higher level of polymorphism in apricot than RFLPs or Orange’ respectively, but the locations they obtained were RAPDs (Vilanova et al. 2003; Zhebentyayeva et al. 2008a). not homologous. More recently, Decroocq et al. (2005) Finally, SSR markers are currently becoming the markers of used F progeny derived from a cross between Prunus 1 choice for genetic mapping in apricot (Vilanova et al. 2003; persica cv. ‘Summergrand’ and P. davidiana, and performed Lambert et al. 2004; Vilanova et al. 2006; Dondini et al. QTL analysis for PPV resistance, with several methods. 2007; Lambert et al. 2007; Soriano et al. 2008; Zhebentya- These authors identified 6 minor genomic regions of P. yeva et al. 2008a). davidiana involved in PPV resistance. Two of these (PPV1- A saturated linkage map of for Prunus was obtained 1 and PPV1-2) mapped to linkage group 1, as in apricot, but parallel to the development of genetic linkage maps in apri- the main QTL was detected on linkage group 6. More re- cot using an almond (cv. ‘Texas’, syn. ‘Mission’) × peach cently, Lambert et al. (2007) identified four genomic (cv. ‘Earlygold’) F2 progeny (TxE map), the Prunus refer- regions involved in PPV resistance, accounting for different ence map (Arús et al. 1994). All markers studied mapped in effects. One of these mapped to the upper region of linkage the eight linkage groups found, with an initial distance of group 1 of ‘Stark Early Orange’, and accounted for 56% of 491 cM. The TxE map has been progressively improved the phenotypic variation. Two putative QTLs were detected with the addition of more markers of good quality (Aran- on linkage groups 3 of ‘Polonais’ and 5 of both ‘Polonais’ zana et al. 2003). The current version includes 562 markers and ‘Stark Early Orange’. The last QTL was only detected which cover a total distance of 534 cM with high density in the early stage of the infection. Finally, last studies also (average density 0.92 cM/marker and largest gap of 7 cM) indicated the presence of a gene strongly associated to the (Dirlewanger et al. 2004). A recent strategy for the location major quantitative trait loci (QTL) described in linkage of new markers in an established genetic linkage map is the group 1 and related to PPV infection (Vilanova et al. 2006; “selective” or “bin” mapping approach have been deve- Lalli et al. 2008; Soriano et al. 2008; Zhebentyayeva et al. loped in the Prunus reference linkage map. This technique 2008a; Dondini et al. 2010) (Table 3; Fig. 5). allows mapping with the use of a subset of plants of a popu- More recently, Olukolu et al. (2009) performed a cross lation from which a map is already available. The advantage between two cultivars with high (‘Perfection’) and low of this strategy is that allows mapping with less time and (‘A1740’) chilling requirements to develop a molecular cost and is adequate for simplifying the construction of high study for QTL linkage analysis. A high density map was density maps. The use of this set of 6 individuals promises constructed in this study using around 500 SSR and AFLP to be a very useful resource for peach genetic linkage stu- markers spanning 537 cM with marker interval of 0.87 cM. dies in the future. The reference map has been divided in 67 In this map, several QTLs linked to chilling requirements “bins” or regions (from 8 to 25 cM) to locate the future were found in linkage groups (LGs) 1, 5 and 7. Additionally, markers (Howad et al. 2005). For example, these authors a two new genetic linkage maps have been developed inside have incorporated 151 SSRs to the Prunus reference map the European project ISAFRUIT in two apricot populations using only 6 individuals from the TxE (‘Texas’ × ‘Early- ‘Goldrich’ × ‘Moniquí’ and ‘Lito’ × ‘BO81604311’of about gold’) Prunus reference population of 65 individuals. The 120 seedlings each. Both populations have been charac- similar order of molecular markers observed in different terized over two consecutive years for several physical and Prunus maps when compared to the Prunus reference map chemical characters including blooming and maturity dates, (Aranzana et al. 2003), suggests a high level of synteny flesh weight, firmness, color, dry matter, kernel weight, within the Prunus genus (Dirlewanger et al. 2004; Arús et flesh adhesion, and acid and sugar contents. Genetic linkage al. 2006) and should also facilitate the successful transfer of maps of each population were constructed using SSR mar- sets of markers and coding sequence to apricot. kers and QTL analysis are being performed for all the One of the traits more studied in apricot in the genetic investigated traits related to fruit quality (Audergon et al. linkage analysis using molecular markers is the PPV resis- 2009) (see Marker-assisted selection section) (Table 3; 109 Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 1), 101-117 ©2011 Global Science Books Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the major genes and QTLs mapped in different apricot populations indicated in Table 3 and located on the framework of the Prunus reference map (Aranzana et al. 2003; Dirlewanger et al. 2004). Gene abbreviations correspond to: CR, Chill requirements; PPV, Plum pox virus (Sharka) resistance; Ps, Male sterility; S, Self-incompatibility. Fig. 6 Distribution of amplified products in a megaplex PCR reaction after the automated capillary electrophoresis. The observed peaks [blue (6- FAM dye), black (NED), red (PET) and green (VIC)] correspond to the different SSR markers included in the megaplex (adapted from Campoy et al. 2010b). Fig. 5). Genome databases and sequencing Recently, Campoy et al. (2010b) set up a new more ef- ficient strategy developing microsatellite multiplex and More recent markers being used in the development of mar- megaplex PCR systems for high throughput characteriza- kers associated to agronomic traits in apricot are those tion of breeding progenies and linkage maps spanning the based on obtained from either cDNA sequences (expressed Prunus genome (Fig. 6). This work illustrated the pos- sequences tags, ESTs) or databases (cloned gene analogs, sibility of analyzing 20 SSR markers, within initial set of CGAs) and those based on single point mutations (Single 120 markers with a range of 92-249 bp, in only one reaction. Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs). In addition, complete Seeing that the 120 markers set had not been tested in our genome sequencing is to date a long term objective. All population prior to selecting the markers, the optimization these new strategies are framed within the joint approach of of the process can be further increased if the exact size of different Prunus species given the great similarity and syn- the amplified product of the markers in the progeny is teny within the Prunus genomes (Arús et al. 2004; Dirle- known in advance. Thus, the choice and grouping of pri- wanger et al. 2004). mers in the megaplex could be more accurate. Moreover, The EST analysis have provided a first picture of the the higher the range of the amplified sequences the more numerous apricot genes potentially involved in fruit and markers could be included in a single megaplex. The opti- tree development also providing an extensive reservoir for mization and use of the megaplex can open new dimensions gene cloning and genetic mapping. A recent collection of in the multifunctional use of microsatellites for breeders ESTs from different Prunus (mainly peach but also almond and geneticists, multiplying the efficiency and significantly and apricot) based on cDNA libraries has been released to reducing the cost of the analysis. public databases, and more than 83,751 putative unigenes have been detected (http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/gdr/), the 110