Appendix 1 Medical brochure of BENZOLAC-CL Acne Gel Source language (Indonesian)version Target Language (English) version Benzolac-CL adalah sediaan obat yang Benzolac-CL gel contains benzoyl peroxide 5% and berbentuk gel, digunakan secara topical, clindamycin phosphate. 1.2%, for topical use. mengandung benzoyl peroxide 5% dan clindamycin phosphate 1,2%. Cara kerja obat: Mode of Action: Clindamycin phosphate tidak aktif secara in Clindamycin phosphate is inactive in vitro, rapid in vitro, tetapi in vivo akan cepat terhidrolisa vivo hydrolysis converts this com-pound to the anti menjadi clindamycin yang aktif. Clindamycin bacterially active clindamy- cin. Topical clindamycin topical bekerja dengan mengurangi is thought to reduce free fatty acid concentrations on konsentrasi asam lemak bebas pada kulit dan the skin and to suppress the growth of menekan pertumbuhan propionibacterium Propionibacterium acnes. Benzoyl peroxide has acnes. Benzoyl peroxide bekerja sebagai anti antibacterial action against Propionibacterium acnes in bakteri pada pengobatan acne the treatment of acne vulgaris. Benzoyl peroxide has vulgaris.Benzoyl peroxide bersifat keratolitik some keratolytic effect, which produces comedolysis, dan mempunyai efek pengelupasan kulit. as well as drying and desquamative actions that contribute to its efficacy. Indikasi Indications: Digunakan secara topical untuk mengatasi Benzolac-CL is indicated for the topical treatment of acne vulgaris papula pustule yang berat. inflammatory acne vulgaris. Tidak dibenarkan untuk digunakan pada acne ringan. Kontra Indikasi: Contra Indications: Pasien yang hipersensitif terhadap bahan aktif Benzolac-CL is contraindicated in those individuals yang terkandung dalam formula. who have shown hypersensitivity to any of its components Peringatan & Perhatian: Precautions: Hanya untuk pemakaian luar, jika terjadi For external use only, if a hypersensitivity reaction iritasi dan bertambah parah hentikan occurs, the drug should be discontinued. Checking with pengobatan dan konsultasikan pada dokter health care professional at anytime that skin irritation hingga didapatkan terapi yang tepat. Setelah becomes severe. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous reaksi hilang, pengobatan dapat dilanjutkan membranes. Safety and effectiveness of this product in lagi dengan pengurangan frekuensi pediatric patients below the age of 12 have not been pemakaian. Jangan gunakan dengan mata dan established. membrane mukosa lainnya. Keamanan dan kemanjuran untuk anak kurang dari 12 tahun belum dibuktikan. Efek samping: Adverse Reactions: Alergi kontak dermatitis, kekeringan, reaksi Allergic contact dermatitis, dryness, itching, redness, hipersensitif seperti gatal, redness, swelling. swelling. Interaksi Obat: Drug Interactions: Produk topical yang mengandung alcohol Concomitant topical acne therapy should be used with seperti after shave lotion, astringent, kosmetik caution because a possible cumulative irritancy effect atu sabun yang mempunyai sifat meringankan, occurs, especially with the use of peeling, shaving cream atau lotion. Produk-produk desquamating, or abrasive agents. jerawat, produk yang mengandung peeling agent seperti resorcinol, salicylic acid, sulfur. Cara pemakaian: Dosage & administration: Oleskan tipis dan merata 1-2 kali sehari pada Apply thinly and spread evenly once or twice daily to tempat berjerawat setelah wajah dibersihkan, affected areas after skin is gently washed, rinsed with jangan digunakan dengan cara mentotolkan. warm water and pat dry Cara penyimpanan: Storage: Simpan di lemari pendingin pada suhu 2°- Store under refrigerator between 2°-8°C. Do not 8°C. Jangan dibekukan. Setelah dibuka, freeze. After opening the seal, store under room simpan pada suhu tidak lebih dari 25°C. temperature up to 25°C. Discard any unused product Jangan gunakan produk lebih dari 2 bulan after 2 months. setelah dibuka. Kemasan: Packaging: 22 Dus, tube plastic isi bersih 10g Tube of 10 g net. Here, the analysis on the medical brochure of Benzolac-CL, Acne gel Parts of brochure Indonesian English Conclusion (source) text (target) text Indikasi Tidak dibenarkan untuk Not available The indication does not (Indiciation) digunakan pada acne convey the infor-mation ringan completely. Peringatan & Setelah reaksi hilang, Not available The precautions does not Perhatian pengobatan dapat convey the infor-mation (Precautions) dilanjutkan lagi dengan completely pengurangan frekuensi pemakaian Cara pemakaian Jangan digunakan dengan Not available The dosage & (Dosage & cara mentotolkan. administration do not Administration) convey the informa-tion completely. Interaksi Obat Produk tropical yang Concomitant topical The drug interactions do not (Drug Interactions) mengandung alcohol acne therapy should convey the information seperti after shave lotion, be used with caution completely astringent, kosmetik atau because possible sabun yang mempunyai cumulative irritancy sifat meringankan, effects occur, shaving cream atau especially with the lotion. Produk-produk use of peeling, jerawat, produk yang desquamating, or mengandung peeling abrasive agents. agent seperti resorcinol, salicylic acid, sulfur. Efek samping Alergi kontak dermatitis, Allergic contact The content and the (adverse reactions) kekeringan, reaksi dermatitis, dryness, language do not convey the hipersensitif seperti gatal, itching, redness, spirit of original style and redness, swelling swelling the language do not smooth and natural. The translator does not replace the words, “redness and swelling.” 23 Appendix 2 Medical brochure of OB Herbal Source language (Indonesian)version Target Language (English) version OB Herbal diformulasikan dari ekstrak OB Herbal is formulated from healing herbal tanaman obat yang berkhasiat meredakan extract which is used to relieve cough due to batuk karena alergi atau batuk yang allergy or cold. Natural ingredients consisted in disebabkan karena masuk angin. Kandungan OB Herbal have passed laboratory test in PT. bahan-bahan alami dalam OB Herbal telah Deltomed Laboratories. Natural formula of OB diteliti di laboratorium PT.Deltomed Herbal is effective to relieve cough. OB Herbal laboratories, mengandung bahan-bahan yang is produced with modern extraction technology berkhasiat dan tepat untuk mengatas masalah system which is qualified with GMP (Good batuk serta diproduksi dengan system Manufacturing Practice) standard. Made from teknologi ekstrasi modern, dengan peralatan good quality herbal ingredients and processed ekstrasi yang memenuhi standar GMP (Good with international standardize modern Manufacturing Practice), sehingga produk technology, thus OB Herbal is the first herbal yang dihasilkan mempunyai standar kualitas cough medicine in Indonesia to gain the OHT obat herbal yang baik. OB Herbal adalah obat (Obat Herbal Terstandar) certificate. Through batuk herbal pertama di Indonesia yang preclinical testing, OB Herbal is proven safe to mendapatkan sertifikat OHT (Obat Herbal consume. Terstandar), yang menyatakan bahwa OB Herbal telah melalui uji praklinis sehingga terbukti aman. Komposisi: Composition: - Citrus Aurantifoli Fructus: berkhasiat - Citrus Aurantifoli Fructus: Effective to dilute mengencerkan dahak sputum - Licorice: dapat membantu meredakan - Licorice: Alleviate infection (respiratory peradangan (inflamasi saluran nafas) inflammation) and may relieve breathing. sehingga dapat melegakan nafas. - Zingiberis Rhizoma: warm the throat - Zingiberis Rhizoma: memberikan rasa - Thymi Herba: Effective to alleviate bronchitis hangat di tenggorokan - Menthae Folia: Relieve breathing - Thymi Herba: berkhasiat meredakan - Kaempferiae Rhizoma: Effective to dilute bronchitis sputum - Menthae Folia: Melegakan nafas - Myristicae Semen: Effective to alleviate - Kaempferiae Rhizoma: berkhasiat cough mengencerkan dahak - Myristicae Semen: berkhasiat meredakan batuk Indikasi: Indication/benefit: Meredakan batuk karena alergi debu, To relieve cough due to dust allergy, weather perubahan cuaca atau batuk karena masuk changes, or cold. OB Herbal is effective to angin, OB Herbal bekerja mengencerkan dilute sputum and can remove sputum which dahak atau membantu mengeluarkan dahak causes relieving breath. sehingga dapat melegakan nafas. Aturan minum/dosis: Directions for use/ dose: Dewasa: 3x1 sendok makan (15 ml) Adult: 3 x 1 tablespoon (15 ml) Anak (5-10 thn): 3x1/2 sendok makan (7.5 ml) Children (5-10 years): 3 x ½ tablespoon (7.5 ml) 24 Here, the analysis on the medical brochure of OB Herbal Parts of brochure Indonesian (source) English (source) Conclusion text text Indikasi (Indications) Meredakan batuk To relieve cough The language does karena alergi debu, due to dust not smooth and perubahan cuaca atau allergy, weather natural. The word, batuk karena masuk changes, or cold “cold” does not angin imply the meaning of “masuk angin”. 25 Appendix 3 Medical brochure of MYCORAL Source language (Indonesian)version Target language(English)version Komposisi Composition Tiap tube MYCORAL® Krim mengandung: Each tube of MYCORAL® cream Ketoconazole…….2% contains:Ketoconazole……………2% Deskripsi Description MYCORAL®Krim mengandung ketoconazole MYCORAL® Cream contains ketoconazole 2% yang merupakan antijamur sintetik 2%, a broad spectrum synthetic antifungal berspektrum luas dan digunakan secara topikal. agent and use topically. Farmakologi Pharmacology Farmakodinamik Pharmacodinamics Ketoconazole adalah anti jamur golongan Ketoconazole is an antifungal of the imidazole yang mempunyai aktifitas anti jamur imidazole group which has high and broad yang tinggi dan berspektrum luas. Imidazole spectrum antifungal activity. Imidazoles bekerja dengan mengganggu biosintesis impair the biosynthesis of ergosterol which is ergosterol, yang merupakan komponen penting vital component of fungal cell membranes, dari membran sel jamur, mengakibatkan resulting in increased cellular permeability, peningkatan permeabilitas seluler dan akibatnya and consequently inhibit the fungal growth. menghambat pertumbuhan jamur. Pada At the concentrations achieved with konsentrasi yang dicapai dengan dosis terapi, therapeutic dose, ketoconazoleis fungistatic ketoconazole bersifat fungistatik dan paling and is most effective when fungal cells are efektif saat sel jamur sedang tumbuh secara actively growing. Ketoconazole inhibits the aktif. Ketoconazole menghambat pertumbuhan growth of the following common dermatofit dan ragi berikut ini: Trichophyton dermatophytes and yeasts: Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton tonsurans, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton tonsurans, Microsporum canis, Microsporum audouini, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum audouini, Microsporum Epidermophyon floccosum, Candida albicans, gypseum, Epidermophyon floccosum, Candida tropicalis, Malassezia ovale Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, (pityrosporum ovale), and Malassezia furfur Malassezia ovale (pityrosporum ovale), and (Pityrosporum orbiculare). Ketoconazole krim Malassezia furfur (Pityrosporum orbiculare). dapat juga mengatasi gatal yang biasanya Ketoconazole cream overcome pruritus which terpada pada infeksi dermatofit dan ragi. is commonly seen in dermatophyte and yeasts Perbaikan simtomatik terjadi sebelum terlihat infections. The symptomatic improvement is adanya tanda awal penyembuhan. observed before the first sign of healing occur Farmakokinetik Pharmacokinetics Ketoconazole tidak diabsorpsi secara sistematik Ketoconazol is not absorbed systema-tically setelah pemberian topical. after topical administration. Indikasi Indications MYCORAL® krim diindikasikan untuk terapi MYCORAL® cream is indicated for topical topical infeksi jamur pada kulit: treatment of fungal infections on the skin: - Tinea korporis, tinea kruris, tinea manus, tinea tinea corporis, tinea cruris, and tinea pedis pedis yang disebabkan oleh Trichophyton caused by trichophyton rubrum, trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, mentagrophytes, microsporum canis dan Microsporum canis dan Epidermophyton epidermophyton floccosum. floccosum. -Tinea (pityriasis) versicolor caused by - Tinea (pitiriasis) versikolor yang disebabkan Malassezia furfur. oleh Malassezia furfur. -Cutaneous candidiasis caused by Candida - Kandidiasis kulit yang disebabkan oleh spp (including topical application in vulvitis). Candida spp (termasuk penggunaan luar pada vulvitis). Dosis dan Cara Pemberian Dosage and Mode of administration MYCORAL® Krim dioleskan pada daerah yang Apply MYCORAL® cream of the effected terinfeksi 1-2 kali sehari, tergantung beratnya area 1-2 times a day, depending on the infeksi. Terapi sebaiknya dilanjutkan sampai severity of the infections. Treatment should beberapa hari setelah hilangnya gejala. Lama be continued for a few more days eventhough 26 pengobatan: has already disappeared. Duration of - Tinea korporis: 3-4 minggu treatment: - Tinea kruris: 2-4 minggu - Tinea corporis: 3-4 weeks - Tinea pedis: 4-6 minggu - Tinea cruris: 2-4 weeks - Tinea versikolor : 2-3 minggu - Tinea pedis: 4-6 weeks - Kandidias kulit : 2-3 minggu - Tinea versicolor: 2-3 weeks Jika tidak ada perbaikan klinis setelah 4 minggu - Cutaneous candidiasis: 2-3 weeks terapi, diagnosis sebaiknya ditegakkan kembali. If there is no clinical improvement after 4 weeks of treatment, patient’s diagnosis should be reestablished. Kontraindikasi Contraindications MYCORAL® Krim diindikasikan pada pasien MYCORAL® cream is contraindicated for yang hipersensitif terhadap ketoconazole dan patients with hypersensitivity to ketoconazole komponen obat ini. and any of the components of the drug. Peringatan dan perhatian Warning and Precautions -Bila terjadi reaksi yang menunjukkan -Should a reaction suggesting sensitivity or hipersensitif atau iritasi, penggunaan chemical irritation occur, use of MYCORAL® Krim harus dihentikan. MYCORAL® cream should be discontinued. -MYCORAL® Krim ini tidak boleh digunakan di -Do not use MYCORAL® cream around the sekitar mata. eyes. -Keamanan dan efektifitas MYCORAL® Krim -Safety and effectiveness MYCORAL® pada anak-anak belum diketahui secara pasti. cream in children have not been established. -Hati-hati bila MYCORAL® Krim diberikan -Caution should be exercised when pada ibu hamil dan menyusui MYCORAL® cream is administered to -Sensitivitas silang dengan imidazole lainnya pregnant or nursing women. dapat terjadi dan dianjurkan hati-hati bila -Cross sensitivity with other imidazoles may MYCORAL® Krim diberikan pada pasien yang exist and caution is suggested when sensitive terhadap imiodazole. MYCORAL® cream is administered in patients with known sensitivities to imiodazoles. Efek samping Adverse effects Iritasi, gatal, rasa terbakar dan reaksi alergi Iritation, pruritus, burning sensation or other lainnya dapat terjadi selama terapi. allergic reaction may occur during treatment. Penyimpanan Store Condition Simpan MYCORAL® Krim pada suhu dibawah Store MYCORAL® cream at temperature 30°C. Hindari dari cahaya langsung. Dijauhkan below 30°C. Protect from light. Keep out of dari jangkauan anak-anak. the reach of children. Here, the analysis on the medical brochure of MYCORAL Cream Parts of Indonesian (source) English (source) Conclusion brochure text text Dosis dan cara - Tinea korporis - Tinea corporis The language does not pemberian 3-4 minggu 3-4 minggu smooth and natural. The (Dosage & Mode - Tinea kruris - Tinea cruris ordinary people do not of Administration 2-4 minggu 2-4 minggu understand what the - Tinea pedis - Tinea pedis meaning is. 4-6 minggu 4-6 minggu - Tinea versikolor - Tinea versicolor 2-3 Minggu 2-3 Minggu - Kandidias kulit - Cutaneous 2-3 minggu candidias 2-3 minggu 27 Appendix 4 Medical brochure of Minyak Gosok Cap TAWON Source language(Indonesian)version Target language(English)version Minyak gosok cap TAWON adalah obat COMPOSITION AND PRODUCT tradisional, diproduksi sejak tahun 1912. DESCRIPTION: Oleum Cocos: As a constituent Oleum Cajuputi: Counter irritant, carminative OleumCitronellae: As a parfume & mosquito repellent Oleum Terebinthinae : Counter irritant, carminative Zingiberis Rhizoma:As a flavoring agent, intestinal stimulant, carminative, Diaphoretic, and fungiside. Allium Sativum: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic and fungiside. Curcuma Rhizoma: Antiseptic, stimulate, granulation. Mentholum : As a corrigent, counter irritant, antipruritic, and carminative. Camphora: As a corrigent, antiseptic, and antipruritic. KHASIAT DAN KEGUNAANNYA: INDICATIONS: 1. Sakit urat dan tulang 1. Neurology and orthopaedics: Keseleo, pegal linu, obat leher kaku, sakit Sprain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, pinggang dan punggung, bengkak karena Rheumatism, Headache and pukulan. Muscularskeletal pain. 2. Penyakit bagian kepala 2. Dermatology: Sakit kepala, bisul-bisul pada kuping, sakit Burns, Knife wound, Lacerated wound, gigi, pipi bengkak, sariawan. Insect bites, Chronic ulcer, Eczemas & 3. Penyakit kulit Mycotic Dermatoses, Furunculosis and Bisul-bisul, lecet, kurap, kudis, panu, gatal- other skin infections. gatal digigit serangga, luka bakar, luka 3. Internal Diseases: khitan (sunat) Meteorism, cough and common cold, 4. Penyakit lain Spastic and painful disorders of the Sakit ulu hati, muntah-muntah, sakit perut, digestive Tractus and Hemorrhoids. mencret, batuk-batuk, sesak napas, ambien. CARA PEMAKAIAN DIRECTIONS OF USE: a. Untuk penyakit luar: For neurology and Orthopedics disorders. Gosoklah tempat yang sakit, beberapa kali Rub the oil repeatedly on the painful area to sehari, dengan minyak gosok cap TAWON, get warm, repeat it every day until recovery. sehingga terasa panas. Hal ini diulangi For hemorrhoids, burns, lacerated wound, beberapa kali dalam sehari. etc. b. Untuk luka-luka, lecet atau bisul: poleslah Rub in or attached oiled cotton to the injured atau tempellah kapas yang sudah dibasahi area dengan minyak gosok cap Tawon, pada luka- luka, lecet atau bisul. SIDE EFFECTS Allergic reactions are exceptional and when they do occur, have taken the form of mild cutaneous reactions. CONTRA INDICATIONS There are no absolute contraindication. Except allergic conditions. 28 Here, the analysis on the medical brochure of Minyak Gosok Cap Tawon Parts of brochure Indonesian (source) English (source) text Conclusion text Komposisi Oleum Cocos, Oleum Oleum Cocos: As a The content in (composition and cajuputi, Oleum constituent Oleum source language product description) Citronellae, Oleum cajuputi: Counter irritant, text does not Terebinthinae, Carminative. Oleum convey the zingiberis rhizome, Citronel- information in Allium sativum, Piperis Lae: As a perfume & target language Nigri radix, curcumae mosquito repellent. Oleum text. rhizome, Corrigent dll. Terebin- thinae: Counter The language is irritant, carminative. not smooth and Zingiberis rhizo- me: as a natural. There are flavoring agent, intestinal three ingredients stimulant, carminative, which do not find diaphoretic and fungiside. in target text. Allium sativum: The target Antiseptic, antispasmodic, language text does diaphoretic, and fungiside. not convey the Curcumae rhizome: spirit of the antiseptic, stimulate, original style. granulation. Mentholum: as a corrigent, counter irritant, antipruritic, and carminative. Camphora: as a corrigent, antiseptic, and antipruritic. Kontra indikasi Omitted There is no absolute contra The content in (contraindications) indication. Except allergic contraindications do conditions not convey the information completely Efek samping Omitted Allergic reactions are The content in (Side effects) exceptional and when they contraindications do do occur, have taken the not convey the form of mild cutaneous information reactions. completely Indikasi (indications) 1. Sakit urat dan tulang 1. Neurology and The content in Keseleo, pegal linu, Orthopaedics source language otot leher kaku, sakit Sprain, Neuralgia, text does not pinggang & punggung, Lumbago, Rheumatism, convey the bengkak karena Headache and information in pukulan. Muscularskeletal pain. target language 2. Penyakit bagian 2. Dermatology text. kepala Burns, knife wound, The language is Sakit kepala, bisul- Lucerated wound, insect not smooth and bisul pada kuping, bites, Chronic ulcer, natural. There are sakit gigi, pipi Eczemas & Mycotic three ingredients bengkak, sariawan. dermatoses, Furunculosis which do not find 3. Penyakit kulit and other skin infections. in target text. Bisul-bisul, lecet, 3. Internal diseases The target kurap, kudis, panu, Meteorism, cough & language text does gatal-gatal digigit common cold, spastic & not convey the serangga, luka bakar, painful disorders of the spirit of the luka khitan(sunat) digestive tractus and original style. 4. Penyakit lain hemorrhoids Sakit ulu hati, muntah- muntah sakit perut, mencret, batuk-batuk, sesak napas, ambeien 29 Appendix 5 This is the result of the analysis based on Translation Rubric as follows: Table 4.1 The result of the analysis COMPONENTS Benzolac-CL OB Herbal MYCORAL Minyak Tawon Content 17 20 20 13 One or two Flawless rendition Flawless rendition Some parts deviation of source of source content/ of source content/ showing source content Message message content deviation Naturalness 6 17 6 6 Little attempt of Written in Little attempt of Little attempt of using idiomatic generally using idiomatic using idiomatic expressions idiomatic expressions expressions expressions Vocabulary 17 17 10 6 Few errors of No evidence of Significant Showing vocabulary misunderstood problems with evidence of (technical term) vocabulary vocabulary misunderstood (technical terms) (technical terms) vocabulary throughout Sentence Structure 20 20 20 17 No evidence of No evidence of No evidence of Few errors of wrong use of wrong use of wrong use of sentence sentence structure sentence structure sentence structure structure (technical terms) (technical terms) (technical terms) Total 60 74 56 42 30 Appendix 6 31