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Independent E H Winter 2004 T Message from The Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth Appointed Deputy the Vice-Chancellor Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Agriculture, Food Technology and Natural Resources of Mauritius All contracts are based on trust, none We are delighted to announce that since I officially joined more so than the 30 September 2003 Pravind Kumar active politics contract a student Jugnauth (LLB ’84), pictured right, has within the ranks signs with a assumed the above responsibilities in the of the university.The Government of Mauritius. Mouvement Socialiste student is not just When contacted by us with a request for Militant (MSM) signing a cheque more information on his professional and in 1990.In but, more career path, the Honourable Minister 1996, I was importantly, is consigning years of his or sent us the following: elected her life to a group of strangers whose councillor of the only obvious characteristic is their "After completing my law studies and town of articulacy – and is not articulacy the obtaining an LLB (Hons) from Vacoas/Phoenix characteristic of the confidence trickster? Buckingham University, I became and I served in Barrister-at-Law following my pupillage at that capacity until September 2000.In To address that concern, the British Lincoln’s Inn, London. the meantime, in October 1999, I was government now forces the state-funded On my return to Mauritius, I practiced as designed Deputy Leader of the MSM. universities to be inspected by a Quality barrister and as legal adviser for a I was elected a member of the National Assurance Agency, a body that number of official institutions. Assembly for Constituency No.11 (Rose scrutinises each university’s claims and Belle/Vieux Grand Port) at the general competencies.Universities await such cont.on page 3... inspections with dread, because the QAA is not afraid to condemn.In late BUCKINGHAMINTHENEWS BUCKINGHAMINTHENEWS BUCKINGHAM 2003, for example, the QAA lambasted IN CBuasminberisdsg eS cUhnoiovel frosrit yn oatn edn tshuer iLnogn tdhoeny EWS 'wInojmusatnic'se ltihfea't -p Suutss aan lEowdw parridcse worno tae TDhr eJ aDnaei lyR iEdxlepyr egsasveo nh ethre v i1e0w Os catboobuetr, THE taught their students properly. N in the Lawsupplement of The Times King Henry VIII. NE E on the 2 September concerning W H Buckingham, as Britain’s only NT reforms to eradicate a sex bias in ‘Norman Barryhad two articles S independent university, is not required to I law's dealings with perpetrators of B M published in October - 'Pensions:A U swueb wmaitn tto t hQeAmA: wines pheacvteio nnos,t hbinugt otof choiduerse HA domestic violence. Worldwide but avoidable Crisis' CK and, spending as we do, over twice as NG ‘It's a fee fight’– - In The Guardian published in Ideas on Libertyand ING much per student as does the average KI 'The Origins of Liberty and the H C on the 23 September Dr Kealey A British university, we have much of which BU attacked Tory policy regarding 'top up Market:The Work of Marjorie Grice M to boast.We were inspected in fees'. Hutchinson' in Economic Affairs. IN November 2003 and the QAA has now T S H written to say that their report will W E express "broad confidence in" (i.e., top E 'Situation of Women in Britain' an 'A Twist in the Tale'- the publication N marks for) Buckingham. EN article written bySuzanna (Alina) of John Drew's new book, Dickens EW H Tomassi was published in September the Journalist,on 5 November was S T Having got this approval, we must now N in the Polish journal Women in preceded by an article he wrote I B put Buckingham back in the league M Business. concerning Dickens's boyhood U tables – but that is not why we entered A C H experiences in a blacking factory that K QAA.We entered to confirm that we can G ‘'Sales Manager to beef up Hanco IN be submitted to the closest professional KIN Team' - Alumnus Rob Grouse's was published in The Guardianon the GH scrutiny and emerge with top marks.And C 1 November. A U appointment as new National Sales M for that I thank our staff, our QAA team B (Professor Len Evans and Mrs.Anne Manager for Hanco ATM Systems 'Charles Dickens jingle'- John IN was featured in Coin Slot T Miller) and, most importantly, the S H W International on the 3 October. Drew's discovery of a Charles E students who – bless them – never fail to E Dickens jingle in the True Sun(a N indicate where we might improve. N E E ‘'Henry VIII:Not such a bad bloke newspaper of the time) was reported W H S Dr Terence Kealey T after all' - in this article publishedin in The Guardianon the 1 November. N Vice-Chancellor IMAHGNIKCUB SWENEHTNIMAHGNIKCUB SWENEHTNIMAHGNIKCUB 1 Editor’s News First of all may I site is being done by our own IT Services contact details input prior to the launch wish you a very Department and shortly we will be date (February/March), then please do let happy New rewriting the content for the pages. me know. We can offer this to all alumni Year! I hope for whom we have email addresses, but if that 2004 will A major change to the website will be the any of you who are not receiving emails be a very good year for you. I would also ‘Mentoring’pages, where alumni offer to from us on a regular basis would like your like to welcome back Suzanna Tomassi be mentors, contacts for mentees (other information posted, please do let either (MSc Service Management ‘02) who has alumni and graduating students) who me or Suzanna know. recently returned to work in the PR/Alumni would like information about a various field Office as the Database Co-ordinator – of employment or specific job, around the Finally – and to give you plenty of time – taking over from Lynne who left last world. Many of our alumni have already please do write Friday, 18 June in your summer. kindly agreed to take part in the mentoring diaries and, if at all possible, we would scheme and if any of you have not yet absolutely love to see you at the Alumni In the Alumni Office we feel that we have heard of it and would like to take part, Summer Party in London.Brief details galloped through last year, and will please don’t hesitate to contact either me and booking arrangements can be found continue running into the next! With the or Suzanna Tomassi on on the back page, but we plan to arrange very good news from the QAA report, a [email protected]. an even bigger party than last year and to well attended summer party, a lunch at the run it on the same theme of networking, House of Lords and far more contact with There will also be careers and business so that plenty of our students will come alumni both in the UK and overseas the pages and the discussion page will be along as well. University has a strong sense of purpose revamped to make it more accessible and and cohesion at the moment. much easier to use.We will also set up a I look forward to seeing you there. page for countries so that news of events, Anne Added to this we have, during the past and contacts for, our various alumni three months been putting a tremendous around the world will be far easier to find. Email: amount of effort into the upgrade of the [email protected] AlumNet website. The restructure of the If any of you would like to have your Tel:+ 44 (0) 1280 820338 Emil’s News Dear Friends, Though deserted by his own body, he lived your details and up to the inherently humane Buckingham start exploring the Today you are reading an issue of The motto, "Aliis Volis Propriis"! His memory will vast networking Independent, which is one of a kind. It is stay alive with us, and his example will be opportunities not the stunning abundance of good news, re-enlivened again and again by the deeds offered there. reflecting on the ever-growing success of of other Buckingham alumni dedicated to our alumni globally, that makes this issue a Moreover, as part of our upgraded AlumNet good causes – apart from the "Eiger very special one.Nor is it the unbelievable website, many of you have agreed to Challenge", in this issue we are also amount of positive feedback from you, on become mentors to Buckingham students reporting on the "Muscular Dystrophy the variety of ambitious reforms your Campaign" and "Save The Children – and fellow alumni. The mentorship is just University has undertaken. India". the tip of the iceberg of potential this University has charged us with.But while The uniqueness of this Independentstems Another feature of this Independentis that it Buckingham has taught us the vital first from the fact that although we have sad portrays political leaders, business tycoons lessons in flying on our own wings, the time news to report in our obituary of Stephen and cultural trendsetters from Africa, Asia has come now for us to learn to fly together Hands (BSc AFM ’88), the overall message and Europe.If you examine the years of closely. conveyed is one of inspiration and hope. their graduation, you will discover that our We need your help, in helping you, to help Stephen was stricken down by Motor University has been consistently delivering each other. Neurone Disease, leaving him with control to the world graduates capable of Do not neglect this chance. only of his mind."Coping" is somewhat challenging and re-shaping the political, Life is too short for crawling – let us fly neutral in describing Stephen’s attitude to economical and cultural status quo in their together through it! fate.He retaliated it with mockery! respective fields. Yours, Inspired by his bravery, Stephen’s family We are now on the eve of the launch of the Emil R.Vassilev and friends took on a successful climb of fundamentally re-designed AlumNet web (MBA ’02;LLM ’03) the notorious Eiger peak.They did it to raise site.With the unquestionable support of the [email protected] money for those, like Stephen, whose spirit University’s management and the invaluable Tel:+44 (0) 1280 820230 flew high above the mundane and could not help of its IT Services, the Alumni Office will be shackled by their paralysed bodies. be soon asking you to visit AlumNet, update 2 cont.from page 1... Following are excerpts from a letter the Nigerian National Assembly. elections of September 2000.Thereafter, I sent to the University from the Office At the end of my four-year mandate I was appointed Minister of Agriculture, of the Honourable Minister of Food Technology and Natural Resources. opted not to seek re-election to the Information and National Orientation of In April 2003, I was designated Leader of Nigeria legislature.Following his own re-election the MSM. to a second four-year term, his I was appointed Deputy Prime Minister "I want to Excellency, President Olusegun Obasanjo and Minister of Finance on 30 September thank you very in July 2003, appointed me a Minister in 2003. much for the the Federal Cabinet of Nigeria and On the external front, I have been very sustained assigned me to the Ministry of Information active as spokesman of the ACP group of efforts of your and National Orientation, where I now sugar-exporting countries in explaining to editorial team, serve.The transition from the legislature the European Commission and the WTO which has to the executive arm of the government the importance of preferential regimes for enabled us to has been very exciting and challenging. vulnerable and resource-lacking countries receive regular like Mauritius.These initiatives have led to the postponement of the application date editions of The Thank you for encouraging other alumni of the "Everything But Arms Initiative" Independent, our Alumni newsletter. to keep us informed on how they are from January 2001 to July 2006;the It is always a delight to read about new faring in their various callings in life.This renewal for five years, until 2006, of the developments in the University and about has enabled us to learn more on alumni EU Sugar Regime;and lately, at the WTO, how other alumni are faring in their and to network even better." the concept of trade preferences and chosen careers in life.You may recall that Chukwuemeka Chikelu (LLB ’91) differential treatment to developing I last wrote to inform you about my own Minister of Information and National countries and island developing states career when I was elected a member of Orientation has been recognised." Alumni News Many of you will remember our article in the office had an American flag and a Canadian flag Keep On Running Autumn 2001 issue of The Independenton the hanging on the wall and so he bought a Union Jason Colchin-Carter (BSc Business "Eiger Challenge", organized by Isabel Keen Jack and hung it between the two! On Studies’93)will be pushing himself to the limit, (BSc Economics ’90), a very close friend of September 11th 2002 the Home Secretary was all in the name of charity, when he runs the Stephen’s. handed a Union Jack that was found in the London Marathon on 18 April 2004 for the wreckage of the building.Perhaps it was the one We are very sad to be printing the following Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. Stephen bought. obituary: Jason chose the charity because of their hard In 1996 Stephen was diagnosed with Motor Stephen Hands (BSc AFM ’88) work for their cause and it is a charity close to Neurone Disease, a devastating illness that 9 August 1965 – 15 June 2003 his heart.In preparation for the marathon Jason deprives the sufferer of the use of all muscles but is already running for 6-8 hours a week with his keeps the mind fully alert. Apart from not being trainer and hopes to be able to complete the able to move, he could not talk or swallow 26.2-mile course in 4 1/2 hours. If all goes properly for the last three years. He coped according to plan he is hoping to raise £10,000 amazingly well with being imprisoned within his in the next 5 months for the charity. body.He was generally cheerful and never lost his sense of humour. Whilst he was frightened The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is the only of dying in a distressing way and he sympathised national charity focusing on all muscular with motor neurone sufferers who campaigned dystrophies and allied disorders. It has for euthanasia, he never wanted this for himself pioneered the search for treatments and cures for over 40 years and provides practical, and treated the illness as an "adventure" and medical and emotional support to people would test himself regularly to see how far along affected by the condition. the path he had gone. His positive attitude, bravery, and irrepressible sense of humour were Muscular dystrophy is the gradual and an inspiration to all those around him and made relentless wasting and weakening of muscles.It life for his carers much easier.He will be greatly affects babies, young people and adults of any missed. race and background. The condition is often Amongst other Buckingham alumni who inherited but can occur out of the blue, even attended Stephen’s funeral were Isabel Keen, where there is no history of muscular dystrophy Mark Gleave (BA PEL ’87), Michael Barlow in the family. There are over 60 types of (LLB ’88), Gary Forrest (BSc AFM ’89) and muscular dystrophy; they differ in severity to Stephen was born in Geneva and moved to Tim Bowen (BSc AFM ’87). cause anything from mild disability in adulthood Haywards Heath 18 months later. The family to death within the first year of a child’s life. moved to Brazil when Stephen started Lancing Donations are welcome to Over 30,000 people in the UK are affected by College and he jetted between school and home 'Eiger Challenge muscular dystrophy. There is currently no for Motor Neurone Disease' every holiday. After attending the University of treatment or cure. for research into the disease. Buckingham he worked in the City as a Bond c/o Eiger Challenge, Trader, and in 1991 he spent some time working Yokehurst Place, South Chailey, Anyone interested in making a donation please in the World Trade Center.He noticed that his East Sussex, BN8 4PY contact Jason by email on [email protected] 3 Alumni at Work Marc Giebels van Bekestein Andorran to have been a student at the Marcuard Family Office, an independent (BA European Studies ’88) University.For those of you who might not be organization with offices in Zurich.I am a familiar with Andorra, it is a small Principality in Managing Partner and have opened offices in the Pyrenees with 65,000 inhabitants of whom London and Bermuda and am also a Director of only 25,000 are Andorran nationals.This may the Board of Marcuard Holding Ltd in Bermuda. be why, to date, I am the only Andorran to have We offer wealth management services to, at set foot in Buckingham. present, a group of 30 international families with substantial assets. After graduating from the University in European Studies, I worked from 1989 until The main differentiating aspects of our 1995 in Andorra as an Account Executive in the organization are briefly that our clients are able Private Banking Department of Banc Agricol i to select the financial institution(s) where they Comercial d’Andorra where my particular focus wish to custody their assets.We have invested was on the Bank’s top clients.I also spent a considerable resources into developing reports year in Germany working in "Beratung" for Die that consolidate periodically all the assets of our First in our series of alumni profiles, under the Volksbank.From 1995 to 1997, I was a clients.Also, thanks to our very developed, heading "Alumni at Work", isMarc Giebels van Financial Consultant in Private Banking at innovative and proprietary technology, our Bekestein,pictured above, who gave us the Merrill Lynch where I developed new business money manager selection process is focused following account of his career, spanning over relationships with private clients and some on offering and monitoring the very best fund(s) 15 years since he graduated from the small institutions covering all Spanish-speaking and manager(s) for any particular asset class University: markets with particular focus on Iberia.In June and style.And finally the financial advice we 1997 I joined the Private Wealth Management offer is truly independent.Open architecture "For the last fifteen years since graduating from Division of Goldman Sachs as an Executive and the fact that we do not depend on rebates, the University of Buckingham, I have Director.Again, I was responsible for developing trailers, etc (these are used to negotiate lower endeavoured on several occasions to make it to the Spanish-speaking business throughout fees with money managers), allows us to be one of the Alumni Reunions.Unfortunately, I Europe. totally impartial and act in the best interest of never quite managed to make it.In November our clients.Again should anybody be interested 2002, I finally managed to attend, although this A few years ago, I decided, partly due to my in finding out more please look up was probably the most inappropriate day to great appreciation of the product, to set-up a www.marcuardfamilyoffice.com. attend a function as London was covered in wine company that would focus primarily on snow, there was a frightful wind and many importing to the UK the best of Hispanic wines. Since attending my first reunion, I have trains, power cables and so on were down. The business has now grown and we import maintained close contact with the University.I over 300 different types of wine from Spain, have since attended, accompanied by my wife, I turned up with my wife at Cross Keys in South America, Italy and Portugal.We also a number of reunions and am happy to have re- Chelsea and had the pleasure of meeting Anne recently established a joint venture with another established my relationship with Buckingham. Matsuoka and Emil Vassilev.We had wine importing company that specializes in Anne and Emil have been great supporters of exchanged e-mails with Anne, but had never French, South African, Australian and Italian my endeavours and I would recommend all had the pleasure of meeting her personally. wines.This has enabled us to cover alumni to keep in close contact with the Needless to say, hardly anybody turned up to geographically most wine producing regions University and offer support.I might, until now, the reunion because of the foul and treacherous worldwide.Most of our business is wholesale, be the only Andorran to have attended the weather.This gave us the opportunity of getting but we also welcome retail.Our website, for University, but we are equally only but a very to know each other and catching up with all the those of you who might be interested, is few to have had the privilege of studying there. progress the University had made over the last www.hispamerchants.com where you can find It is an opportunity of networking and decade. all of our details. developing new relationships, all of us from such diverse backgrounds and nationalities, but At this stage I found out that I was the only I left Goldman Sachs recently and joined all of us with something in common." Aida Mwaniki joined Citibank, it has actually been three have believed the relevance of all we were (BSc Financial Services ’01) and a half years.The time has been very taught while in Buckingham.(So to well spent and I have truly lived through Professor Pendrill, thanks for all those interesting times. tutorials on Financial Accounting;they have been very useful.) Other projects, I have Having joined straight out of University, I participated in, included the implementation think I am a true Citibanker (as we call of an Activity Based Costing model, Fixed ourselves).Starting off in Operations & Asset reconciliation, reviewing Internal Technology and then moving on to join the accounts and procedures;not to mention Management Associate Program, I have setting up Kenya’s Operations & Technology been exposed to all areas of the bank.In intranet website. the past two years, I have had several opportunities to travel to Johannesburg, It’s been great reading The Independent South Africa for training and to work on and seeing how well many of my friends various projects at the Citibank branch and colleagues have been doing.Those there. days in Buckingham were really great and who would have thought our respective I have recently returned from my fourth trip destinies would have led us to where we all where I worked on a departmental re- Although it feels like just yesterday when I are now. engineering project.Few of us would ever 4 Alumni at Work Ashish Antia (LLB ’98) Sarah Wilson (BSc Business Studies ’93) is Ishkandar Shah (BSc Information Systems I have been receiving and reading The about to direct her first British feature film, ’00; MSc Electronic Commerce ’01) Takes Independentfor a while now and I must say it is called LOVE Charge of the Largest Naval Shipyard in Malaysia very nice to hear of the success and happiness of people I knew while at Buckingham. Upon returning to Malaysia after graduating First, I would appreciate if you can convey my in 2001, I assumed the congratulations to Charlotte Walsh on her CEO position of an IT appointment as Dean of the Law School - she company called BFIT was a fine lecturer and I am sure will be a really Sdn Bhd (BFIT).BFIT is great asset as a Dean. an IT company involving It is also great to hear that Sheena McMurtrie is in various IT related works ranging from back - she is a lovely person and a dedicated corporate network teacher.Please do let her know that I still think system design to she was a fantastic personal advisor. After returning from Los Angeles, where she has implementation of As to Dr Susan Edwards...Well, there are no lived and worked for the past three years, Sarah Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Our words to describe her.She is an experience of set up her own Production Company, called Cat clients are mainly from the corporate sector, a lifetime and someone worthy of being a true Films and based in London. however, BFIT is also actively involved with mentor. Although a successful writer, who has sold two Government projects at present. screenplays, Sarah felt that the next natural step After having passed my final exams in June was to write and direct her own material.LOVE is Starting from January 2004, I have been 1997, I went to UCL and did an LLM in her first feature-length project and will be shot in appointed as the Executive Director of PSC- International Commercial Laws with the summer in London and Surrey.This is how Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd (PSC-ND).PSC-ND specialization in Aviation Law and Arab Laws. Sarah describes her project: is the largest naval shipyard in Malaysia with "LOVE is the story about those who find love, strength of more than 1200 employees. My In 1999 I moved to Dubai where I did an those who lose it and those who think they can responsibility includes maximizing PSC-ND’s internship with Emirates Airlines Legal live without it. I am extremely fortunate to have overall performance particularly with regards to Department. Thereafter I worked with one of the opportunity of working with some of the best the Company’s core business activities, which Dubai's largest local law firms and then moved filmmakers in this country on my first project. are the Naval Shipbuilding and Ship Repair to assist a friend in managing Al Jallaf Although we are shooting on a very tight budget projects. Advocates & Legal Consultants - a firm and schedule, the production values will be PSC-Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd is located on a specializing in UAE and Aviation work. exceptional.David Bennett, my cinematographer, sea front across the resort island of Pulau In 2002 I received a great offer from the Blue won a BAFTA for his work onHuman Traffic." Pangkor, Perak.Built at a cost of RM650 million Dart Group - India's largest express industry With the lack of funding for new British (£110 million) in 1984, PSC-ND sprawls over provider and owner of a fleet of 3 aircraft to work filmmakers, Sarah took the imaginative approach an area of more than 26 hectares, and raised part of the budget by selling tickets to with them as a consultant, assist with their approximately 260 km from Kuala Lumpur and the Preview Night, which is being held at BAFTA international contracts and even purchase some 200 km from Penang.The best of its kind in the autumn (some tickets still available). "It is aircrafts for their fleet. in South-East Asia, it has comprehensive and virtually impossible to get funding for projects in I am a volunteer with Save the Children India to this country unless you have a long track record" modern facilities integrated to meet the total says Sarah and continues "You cannot get maintenance requirements of the Royal raise funds and create awareness of poverty, funding without successful films behind you but Malaysian Navy fleet, from hull repairing to illiteracy, slavery and trafficking of women and you cannot make a successful film without the complete overhaul and from radar refitting to children in the sub continent and while assisting funding. It is a Catch 22 situation, which drives weapon systems refurbishment. Services are them with legal work from time to time I set up so much new talent out of the industry. However, also extended to foreign vessels of the my own consultancy and practice International my philosophy has always been where there's a American, Australian, New Zealand and French Commercial Law from my laptop at home. will there's a way! LOVE is a great story that Navy. everyone can relate to. It will make you laugh, I do hope that at some point in the future the Backed by the Malaysian Government's multi- make you cry and possibly scream in frustration!" Students Union in the University would consider billion dollar contract, PSC-ND will undoubtedly play an important role in fulfilling Malaysia’s us, SAVE THE CHILDREN, as worthy recipients For more information, contact Sarah at vision of reaching developed nation status by for their fund raising activities. [email protected] the year 2020. Quote of the Season We wish you all a very happy, prosperous and fulfilling 2004.We pray that the Allah Almighty shower upon you and your loved ones His choicest blessings. With kindest regards we assure you of our fullest and sincerest cooperation and hope that the New Year shall bring us together more closely and make our personal, professional and business ties stronger. Barrister S.Najaf H.Shah (LLB ’87) Chairman Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan 5 Engagements, Marriages.. Engagements In the Spring/Summer issue we also The dinner was organised in Geneva broke the news of the engagement and Circus and the entertainment included a forthcoming marriage of Georgina show with lions.500 guests, many of Tonkinson (LLB ’97) andJames whom were alumni, attended the wedding Stephens (LLB ’97;LLM ’98).They party, which lasted until 6 am.Celimène married on 16 August 2003 and here is and Patrice were particularly happy to Georgina’s recollection: receive congratulations from the Accounting and Finance, and the "James Stephens and I got married at St Economics Departments of the Andrew's Parish church in Guernsey, University. Channel Islands, and the reception was held in a marquee in the grounds of my Jorge Pinto Correia (MSc Service parents house. Management ’00) andDebarpita Bardhan (MSc Service Management ’01),both from the Management Department of the Business School, got married in a church ceremony on the 2nd of August 2003, in the beautiful Douro region of Portugal. This was their third wedding ceremony (the first two being a Hindu wedding ceremony in Buckingham Ashish Antia (LLB ’98) had a pre engagement ceremony in 2003 and will be getting married on 22 January 2004. Her letter to us read "On a personal note, three days before my 25th birthday, I was introduced as a joke to Dr Rustom Mody - an orthopaedic surgeon, who does wonderful work with the poor and destitute.The funny thing is that we really and their Registry wedding in Aylesbury got along and had the last laugh in 2001). actually." Approximately 110 guests from England, Germany and Portugal attended.Several Marriages people from the Business School were also present, at the beautiful ceremony at In the previous issue of The Independent the Church of Nossa Senhora da we informed you thatFrancois de la Assuncao in Vilas Boas. Typical of a Croix-Vaubois (BSc Business Studies Portuguese wedding, the church ’89)married Polly Hollandon 30th August ceremony was followed by a feast or Rob Knight (BSc European Business 2003, in Somerset, UK. festa, with lots of traditional Portuguese Management ’97)was James's best man This time we are delighted to publish one of food, live Portuguese folk music and of and the other alumni who attended were the pictures from their wedding ceremony. course lots of wine. my sister, Nicola R.Harrison (nee Polly and Franco are also the proud Tonkinson) (BA English Literature ’94) parents of Daisy, born on 8 April 2003. and her husband- Matthew C.Harrison (BSc Economics ’93).Nicola and Matthew also met at Buckingham and married (it runs in the family)!! Their daughter, Lucy Harrison, was one of my flower girls." Celimène Lachenal (BSc Econ ’03) and Patrice Dunant (BSc Econ ’00)were married on 22 November 2003. The Ceremony was held at the Cathédrale de Saint-Pierre in Geneva. 6 ..and Births Alice Verghese (BA Politics,Economics Antonia Thompson-Carey (LLB ’92)and After graduating from Buckingham, and Law ’90)and her husband, Philip her husband Andrecelebrated the birth of Ashish Jhunjhunwala (BSc Financial Risbjørn,were delighted to inform us of their first child - a boy they named Xavier Services ’98)acquired an MSc in the birth of their daughter - Jasmine Alexander Carey,in Hong Kong, on 19 Management Science and Operational Aurélia Risbjørn,who came to this world April 2003. Research (MSOR) from Warwick on 26 October 2002.In Alice’s words: Business School, University of Warwick in "Jasmine was eager to see the world and 1999. came six weeks earlier than scheduled.To fulfil her eagerness, she has taken 16 Guido von Rohr (BSc Business Studies ’94) andChristina Lowenstein (BA He married Nidhion 18 February 2001 Politics and History ’99)were thrilled to and was delighted to inform us of the birth flights and travelled in Europe, Asia and bits by the birth of their first son. of his daughter Radhika,who was born America during her first 12 months of life. on 21 November 2003. The photo was taken in Corsica when Jasmine was approximately 6 months of In the last issue of The Independentwe age." were happy to endorse the initiative of Karel (Charlie) (BSc Econ AFM ’99) and Yaseen Gokal (BSc AFM ’83)was Nathalie Slajs (MA Heritage Tourism delighted to inform us of the birth of his Management ’99)to set up a first son on 8 April 2003. Buckingham Married Couples Club. Antonius,10lbs, was born on 7 August 2003, in Queen Charlotte Hospital, London.In Guido’s words:"Mum and baby are coping well, while Father is trying to recover…" In Yaseen’s words "We named him Taha. Life is good and there are no complaints." This time we are delighted to announce the birth of Karel and Nathalie’s first child. Susanne Heipcke (DPhil Business ’99) Their lovely daughter – Emilie,(pictured and her husband Yvessent us this lovely above) was born on 26 November 2003. message:"Our daughter Piawas born in … and Grandsons August 2003.She is a beautiful girl and grows so quickly that soon she will be This bundle of joy is named Amirul, son Chak-Lam (Gilbert) TANG (LLB ’84) able to play with her brother Theo(21/2 of Jazlinaand Azly Anwar (LLB ’96, became a proud granddad.The birth of his first grandson, in the summer of 2003, was years old).Celebrating Christmas with two BSc Econ ’98).Amirul was born on 5 celebrated with a big party attended, among children was a lot of fun." October 2003, in Kuala Lumpur. the others, by Leland Chu (LLB ’84), who enthusiastically reported the news. 7 Alumni News Alumni on Mentoring "I am pleased to inform you that after my I am very happy that the University is so I am also a part-time lecturer in the training I have recently passed the involved with the Alumni and trying to get Faculty of Sharia' and Law of the professional qualifying examination set everyone together and united.I know this Maldives College for Higher Education.I by the Israeli Bar" writes Sameh Saadi takes a lot of effort, as we are now all in lecture on General Principles of Law – (LLB ’97;LLM ’01)."I was one of 59% of different corners of the world. Criminal law, Contract law and Tort law – the candidates who made it. The for the diploma foundation course. On my return to the Maldives, I came ceremony of qualification and oath took back to work for the Ministry of Foreign I have been awarded recently a place on 11 December 2003. Affairs of the Maldives. I first worked in scholarship by the Government of Furthermore, I wish to add that I will be the Legal Department for six months Maldives to pursue an LLM in more than pleased to give any advice to before being transferred to the International Law, which I intend to do in candidates who wish to take part in the International Organisations and the near future.I am a firm believer that Buckingham experience. Mine certainly Conferences Department. I am now the the 'mentoring' service would be of was unforgettable, and I have many fond Desk Officer dealing with all the immense help to new graduates who are memories of the students and staff all correspondence for all the organisations seeking employment and guidance on together, not to mention that it stood me except the UN. being employed. in good stead for what was to come Shazra Abdul Sattar (LLB ’03) I took the oath of a lawyer in April 2003. afterwards and will come in the future. Buckingham Goes "Wies’n" Now a firmly established tradition, the Buckingham we are looking forward to Dr Mary Welstead,Senior Lecturer in Law, annual meeting of the "Freunde", the seeing many more "non-Germans". sent us the following update after she and German Alumni Association, was held at Debarpita Bardhan-Correia (MSc To put my more or less official hat on:the one of the best known events in the world: Service Management ’01) presented the alumni are very keen to hear the newest The Oktoberfest (or Munich Beer Festival). University to educational fairs in India: stories, gossip and news from Buckingham Our alumni have been supportive, I was chosen to attend as the official and I was impressed by their willingness to generous and hospitable throughout our University Representative and I tried my support the University. visit and we are very appreciative of all best not to let us down (beer-wise).The they have done to assist us. German alumni, especially Ingo Sanam Singh (LLB ’99;LLM ’00)came to Westermann (LLM ’95)and Birgit Otto help in Delhi while Ashish Jhunjhunwala (BSc Business Studies ’93) organised a (BSc Financial Services ’98)helped in full program with a City tour, a historic Kolcata.They both entertained us to streetcar ride, a visit to THEtent dinner, during which we discussed various (Käferzelt), a brunch in THErestaurant Buckingham matters. (Seehaus) and a guided tour through the Mukta Mahajani (LLB ’98)came to see newly opened museum of contemporary us at the fair in Mumbai.She hopes to art in Munich (Pinakothek der Moderne). pursue postgraduate law in the USA. Supported by perfect weather the weekend Mallika Basu's (BSc Business Studies was a complete success and I hope it will ’99)mother and sister came to visit the fair attract even more people to come and too.Mallika is married and living in As nothing is just pure fun, I also gave two London. presentations to pupils at my old school in Sheebani Sethi (LLB ’97)came to the Munich (around 180 pupils in total) about British Council reception with her father studying in the UK and at our lovely Anand Sethi.She is running her own University but meeting all my former commercial law firm in Delhi.Her sister teachers and sitting in my old classroom Deviany (BSc Business Studies ’98)is (unchanged, by the way) made it a very married and living and working in USA. enjoyable task. Ashish Antia (LLB ’98)was most helpful in Mumbai.She is working with Save the What else can I say? Just that I want to Children to give refuge to young girls who thank the German alumni for their effort have been forced into the sex trade.Ashish organising this weekend and for their was very complimentary about her time at support and interest in the University.Let Buckingham, in particular her work with Dr us hope that this event will grow steadily.I Susan Edwards.She has offered to give a certainly intend to go there again. seminar on her work to the Centre for meet other alumni in 2004.As this event is Multi-Cultural Studies in Law and the open to everyone who studied at Philipp von Both (LLB ’01;MBA ’02) Family. 8 Alumni News All those who remember our good Moorari (Mulu) Gujadhur (LLB ’86) and parties at 36 Well Street come to of courseSheila Taylor (Students’Union Obituary Hamburg where I have started, together Administrator). Janet Hilton-Johnson (LLB ’88) with a partner from Singapore, a Restaurant & Bar called "IndoChine". After graduating from Buckingham It was with great sadness that we Rest assured, we are having good University, I moved ''a few miles down learnt of the untimely death of parties and events here. the road'' to Cranfield University to Janet Hilton-Johnson (LLB ’88) in Clemens Toepfer embark on the PhD adventure, which felt (BSc Business Studies ’95) more like a nightmare at times. November 2003. Janet kept close [email protected] Nevertheless, in June of 1998, I was links with the University and was in awarded a doctorate for my study of the touch with alumni and staff alike. I would like to greet all the staff of the leadership styles of female and male Her husband, Christopher Hilton- University, all the present students and managers.In Cranfield I met my my fellow alumni Portuguese husband Victor and our Johnson, serves as a member of members.I look daughter Joana was born in 1998 Council and we send him, and their forward to hearing from (vintage year for me!). Since my family, our deepest sympathy. any of my fellow alumni Buckingham days, I have lived in members.I have Portugal, learnt the beautiful, but difficult Iwould like to let the rest of the alumni missed Buckingham language, moved to my home country know that I am now a chartered and look forward to (Luxembourg) for 3 years and returned to accountant and will be moving to the visiting the University Portugal in 2002. USA in January. to assess how much it has changed A research project on women in local I am married to Mr Samuel Hayibor, with since my departure more than a decade politics kept me busy until recently and I no kids yet, but working on it.Could you ago. am on the lookout for new challenges, send my best regards to my good friend I am now resident in the USA, in a city now. Kang Young (Jonty) Lim (LLB ’96), called Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin.It is Dr Isabelle Cames who was our housemate in Hailsham hall one-hour drive from Chicago.For those (BSc Business Studies ’93) of residence? The last time I heard from Alumni here in US, please get in touch him, he was in Hong Kong.It would be and let us reflect on our Buckingham Rajiv B.Bathla (BSc Business Studies great if he gets in touch. experience. ’93)informed us that he is located now in I will end here and send my best regards Anthony Uzzi (BSc AFM ’92) Gurgoan (suburb of Delhi) and is working for the New Year to you all. as the head of Domestic Call Centre Adriana Hayibor (nee Quansah) (BSc I just received the Autumn 2003 Operations for American Express in Business Studies ’95) Independent.I am sure glad to read India.The Centre deals with Banking, as about the vast changes and progress well as Credit/Charge Cards, and is I am practising law in Kuala Lumpur and made at the University.Indeed a far cry covering six locations:Delhi, Mumbai, life is wonderful, but the one thing that I from my sleepy idyllic days! Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and am longing to do is go back to I would like to take this opportunity to Chennai. Buckingham.How I miss the life there! congratulate you and your editorial team Some people might wonder what can for the excellent job on the Independent. such a small place as Buckingham offer? It is indeed colourful and interesting Only those who have stayed there will reading.I receive it with excitement every Quote of the Season know how to treasure the precious time. memories and experience they have Sincerely, On behalf of our acquired. Tengku M Fauzi Hamid (LLB ’82) entire team of The fond memories of Buckingham will some seventy remain in my heart for the longest time. Isabelle Dubois (BSc Economics ’85) legal Azrina Tumar (LLB ’99) informs us of the recent re-unions she professionals at had had: Al-Twaijri and I have been in Germany for almost four Hairat Abdulrazaq (LLB ’86)came to Partners Law Firm years now, having spent time in Latin Luxembourg at the end of June 2003 for (TLF), we are America, the US and Singapore after a very short visit and we had an wishing all the leaving Buckingham in 1995. opportunity to discuss old and present alumni, staff and Since my return to Germany I took over times. students a very happy Holiday Season the full control of our family business, In October 2003, during my visit to and a prosperous New Year. which is primarily ship broking Rome, I met up with Romilda (Ilda) Wishing you and yours Health, (Chartering;Sales & Purchase and Ship Rizzo (Postgrad.Dipl.Public Finance Happiness, Prosperity, and Success. finance).Shipping is a business of ’82;DPhil ’89)and it was nice to discuss May the Spirit of the Season help bring connection, hence I am looking for other University matters again. Hope, Freedom, Tolerance, Healing and Buckingham alumni who are active in So the friendships, which started in Peace to everyone. shipping and with whom I might have a 1983, are still going strong. M.Al Noor (LLB ’98) chance to develop joint business. I am always in touch with Monique Lawyer & Director of Business Glibert (BSc European Studies ’88), Development 9 University News Obituaries Peter Conroy Alan Poole throughout the world and used them to our advantage, not least in bringing some Older staff at Buckingham will be sad to It is with great sadness that I must inform you valuable benefactions.He worked well with hear that Peter Conroy, who used to look that Alan Poole died on 19 November 2003. Joan Savage in running a very efficient after the Franciscan Building, died on 8 He was a presence in the early days of the Fund Raising Office.He was also a long- November 2003. University College, encouraging and serving member of Council and Chairman leading a student Dramatic Society, and Peter Conroy was in the army and then the of the Buildings and Development was awarded an Honorary MA in 1984. Thames Valley Police. Committee.Our present attractive campus His wife, Dorothy, worked here for many owes much to the decisions taken by He had a daughter and three sons (one years in the Post Room and previously in son predeceased him) and after his the Hunter Street library. Martin and his colleagues in those years. retirement he looked after the building for Tom Merrick – Estates Bursar Martin had a strong commitment to the the University. For many years Peter values of independence that Buckingham James Martin-Bates Conroy did the signage in the building in stands for.I went to his funeral – held in the the form of cartoon figures until James Martin Bates (1912 – 2003), always 12th century Church at Fingest - and when anonymous aluminium signs replaced known to his friends as Martin, played an we returned to his cottage, I went into his them. He got to know generations of important part in the story of the University study. Above his desk there was a students and staff. We will miss him of Buckingham.He came to us at the end photograph of Martin receiving his greatly and our sympathy goes to his of a long and distinguished career in Buckingham honorary doctorate. Clearly daughter and two sons. industry and following his retirement as the we meant a lot to him – and he meant a lot Prof.Andrew Durand Principal of the Henley Staff College of to us. Management. He had a host of contacts Prof.John Clarke University of Buckingham Web site Graduation Ceremony for the MSc Concerts & Lectures Revamped Transformation Management in Jordan The Concerts & Lectures Committee have Information Services launched a brand new On 6 December 2003 Dr Frances Robinson, been working hard to engage high calibre design for the University Web site on 15 Dean of the Business School, travelled to speakers for the public lectures that are held September 2003.Although the content and Amman, in Jordan, to present the degrees to each term. structure remain the same, the way the site the first group of students, who had Below is a list of the speakers we were able looks has been revamped to incorporate completed the part-time MSc in to attract last term, and we were very happy the new University brand mark and to Transformation Management, run jointly by to see that the audience numbers rose and reflect its colours.We have also added a lot the University and TEAM Jordan. that the number of students attending the more photographs to the site which lectures also increased. illustrate various aspects of life at the Barbara Stocking CBE, Director of Oxfam University and which show off our beautiful Great Britain - 'Dilemmas in Doing Good'; campus.In addition to this, we have made Rt Hon Oliver LetwinMP, Opposition Home improvements to the navigation of the site, Secretary - 'Law in a Multi-Cultural which means that you will be able to find Society'; Dr Matt Ridley, Chairman for the your way around more easily than before. International Centre of Life (the UK's first biotechnology village, Newcastle upon Tyne) As well as being more attractive than the - 'The Biological Basis of Being Good'; previous design, the new look is also more Professor Anthony O'Hear, Weston accessible to disabled Web site users. All Professor of Philosophy at the University of the new photos have text alternatives that Buckingham - 'Democracy or Openess: describe them to people who cannot see What is it we want in politics'; Rt Revd them.We have also ensured that all the text Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford - 'Just - including that which appears in navigation War'. bars - is scalable. This means that users If you are interested in seeing what lectures who have set their browsers to display text are planned for this term, please click on larger or smaller than the default will be http://www.buckingham.ac.uk/life/social/even able to see our site's text in the size they ts/lectures.html to find out more. want. If you are able to attend any of the lectures, it Upon her return Dr.Robinson said:"This was would be wonderful to see you. We hope that you like the new design.Feel the culmination of two years’hard work by the The University is also proud to present an free to browse around and if you would like 11 students who were awarded their exhibition of Modern Art by four Polish to let us know what you think please email degrees. Eight graduands were able to be artists,hosted by Ruprecht von Heusinger the Web Team present at the ceremony and the three (BSc Economics ’93). [email protected]. unable to attend because of work The exhibition will take place from 24 commitments were represented by members February to 29 February 2004 in Chandos Joan Holah of their families.This was an excellent way to Road Buildings, Buckingham. 10% of the Librarian & Director of Information Services www.buckingham.ac.uk celebrate all the hard work by the students proceeds from the sale of any painting will go and also all the support they had received towards a scholarship for a Polish student. from their families and colleagues. It also For further information please contact the gave me the opportunity to revisit a wonderful Alumni Office, or visit the University web site. country and the staff at TEAM Jordan. www.buckingham.ac.uk 10

Division of Goldman Sachs as an Executive. Director. Again, I was engineering project. Few of us would Dart Group - India's largest express industry provider and owner .. Service Management '01) presented the. University to
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