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Annual reports of the town officers of Jaffrey, N.H., for the year ending . PDF

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Preview Annual reports of the town officers of Jaffrey, N.H., for the year ending .

VA ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OF JAFFREY FINANCIAL REPORTS TOWN MEETINGS TOWN OFFICIALS ELECTIONS REPORTS Service to our community can best be measured CIUff6ugh the impact one leaves behind that lasts through the yearfit Jaffrey is truly indebted to the selfless contributions of I^HlMrho have left us this year. Selectman 1938 - 1943 Selectman 1969 - 1974 Water Commis 1974 - 19 aJi2££t iLu !is£ia Town BooJckeeper 1953 - 1958 Town Treasurer 1953 - 1958 Town Clerk 1956 - 1958 1961 - 1976 Water Commissioner 1964 - 1967 L ANNUAL REPORT of TOWN THE OF JAFFREY NEW HAMPSHIRE For The Year 1993 . mDKX 1993 Audit Management Letter 57 Balance Sheet 58 1994 Budget 21 Budget Summary 25 Capital Reserve Funds 49 Directory of Town Officials 3 Inventory of Taxable Property 135 Recapitulation 33 Report of the Alice Poole Fund 50 Report of the Animal Control Officer Ill Report of the Board of Adjustment 120 Report of the Building Inspector/Health Officer 113 Report of the Conservation Commission 121 Report of the Contoocook Rivers Advisory Commission. 122 . Report of the Fire Department 117 Report of the Historic District Commission 123 Report of the Librarian 106 Report of the Library Treasurer 107 Report of the Library Trustees 104 Report of the Meeting House Committee 125 Report of the Monadnock Advisory Commission 127 Report of the Overseer of Public Welfare 116 Report of the Planning Board 119 Report of the Police Department 108 Report of the Public Works Department 112 Report of the Recreation Department 114 Report of the Selectmen 34 Report of the Tax Collector 38 Report of the Town Clerk 37 Report of the Town Manager 36 Report of the Treasurer 40 Report of the Trustees of Trust Funds 42 Report of the VFW Memorial Ambulance Service, Inc 118 1993 Special Town Meeting Minutes 19 1993 Statement of Bonded Debt 51 1993 Summary of Inventory of Valuation 56 1993 Tax Rate Percentage 55 1993 Town Meeting Minutes 7 1993 Vital Statistics 128 1994 Warrant 28 DIRECTORY OF TOHN OFFICIALS RT.RrTRn niyi?TrTAT^<; Moderator Marc P. Tieger Term Expires 1994 Town Clerk Maria A. Chamberlain Term Expires 1996 Town Treasurer Sandra M. Stewart Term Expires 1993 Board of Selectmen Peter B. Davis, Chairman Term Expires 1994 Jeanne L LaBrie Term Expires 1995 . David R. Belletete Term Expires 1996 Supervisors of the Checklist Sylvia J. Hamilton Term Expires 1994 Kathleen Robinson Term Expires 1996 Betty Balentine Term Expires 1998 Fire Department John White, Chief Engineer Term Expires 1994 Kevin Chamberlain, Assistant Engineer Representatives to the General Court Joseph Manning Term Expires 1994 H. Charles Royce Term Expires 1994 Trustees of Trust Funds William C. Arthur Term Expires 1996 Gary Arceci Term Expires 1994 Robert K. Massey Term Expires 1995 Library Trustees Elizabeth B. Shea, Chair Term Expires 1995 John J. Stone, Treasurer Term Expires 1995 Marilyn Lambert, Secretary Term Expires 1994 Charles H. Griswold Term Expires 1994 Frederick S Richardson Term Expires 1996 . APPOINTKD ni?FTrTAT^<; Board of Adjustment Christopher Struthers, Chairman Term Expires 1996 Elizabeth Littlefield, Vice Chair Term Expires 1996 R. Peter Sawyer Term Expires 1995 Keith Luscombe Term Expires 1995 Philip A. Tremblay Term Expires 1994 Katherine Olson, Alternate Jody L. Hartwell, Secretary Budget Committee Robert Bussiere, Chairman Term Expires 1995 Sandra M, Stewart Term Expires 1996 Francis R. Chamberlain Term Expires 1995 Franklin W. Sterling, Jr. Term Expires 1996 Edward Shea Term Expires 1994 -3- . . Budget Committee Continued. . Gary Arceci Term Expires 1994 Jeanne L. LaBrie Selectmen's Representative Building Inspector Bruce D. Feltus Floyd N. Roberts Deputy Conservation Commission Bill R. Elliott, Chairman Term Expires 1995 Bill Jack Term Expires 1994 Dick Lynch Term Expires 1994 Charlie Koch Term Expires 1994 William P. Smith Term Expires 1996 Birgit Johansen Term Expires 1995 Peter B. Davis Selectmen's Representative Health Officer Bruce D. Feltus Joseph F. Forcier Deputy Historic District Commission Robert B. Stephenson, Chairman Term Expires 1995 Margaret A. Johnson, Vice Chairman Term Expires 1994 Catherine Seiberling, Secretary Term Expires 1996 George H. Cox, Alternate Term Expires 1996 Sally Roberts Term Expires 1995 Owen R. Houghton Term Expires 1996 Jeanne L LaBrie Selectmen's Representative . Christopher V. Bean Planning Board Representative Two Alternate seats are vacant Library Personnel Cynthia E. Hamilton Director Kathy Berkley Children's Librarian Marilyn J. Simons Assistant Librarian Jennifer G. Sawyer Assistant Librarian Marjorie Zerbel Assistant Librarian Doris A. Therrien Green Thumb Employee Bertrand Fournier Maintenance Overseer of Public Welfare Franklin W. Sterling, Jr. Barbara E Horn Resigned April 1993 . Planning Board Christopher V. Bean, Chairman Term Expires 1996 Diane Schott Term Expires 1996 William Jack Term Expires 1995 Robert Camire Term Expires 1996 H. Charles Royce, Jr. Term Expires 1994 John Ojala Term Expires 1994 David R. Belletete Selectmen's Representative Danny Griffin, Alternate Jody L. Hartwell, Secretary Police Department Gary Phillips Chief Robert Pelio Lieutenant Richard Cairpenter Detective Sergeant -4- Police Department Continued Steven Reynolds Sergeant David Ellis, Jr. Officer Jeff Proulx Officer Aaron Thompson Officer Scott Stevens Officer Paul Rella Officer Charles Boutot Officer Michael Prince Officer Theresa Talmadge Desk Officer Lori Coffin Desk Officer Bruce Feltus Animal Control Officer Bertha Borque School Crossing Guard Lois Hartwell School Crossing Guard David O'Neil School Crossing Guard Part-Time Police Karen Ellis Officer Dana Hennessy Officer Raymond Bernier Officer William Oswalt Officer Douglas Hartman Officer Public Works Floyd N. Roberts Director Arlene Belletete Administrative Secretary Joseph F. Forcier General Foreman Bruce J. Hautanen Equipment Operator Richard W. Maki Equipment Operator David E Kemp Mechanic . Herbert Burger Truck Driver I James W. Price Truck Driver II Ernest A. Cushman Truck Driver I Stephen W. Bystrak, III Highway Laborer Jay C. Taylor Highway Laborer Janet L. Chalke Parks/Commons/Cemeteries Foreman Norman R. Chalke Parks/Commons/Cemeteries Laborer Arthur Blanchette Solid Waste Facility Manager Gerald Charlonne Solid Waste Facility Operator Robert Nettel Solid Waste Facility Laborer Robert B Gordon Water Works Operator I . Nelson A. Hartwell Water Works Operator II Lewis L. Gregory Waste Water Operator II Jean-Pierre F. Roberts Waste Water Operator I Recreation Committee Daniel Shattuck, Chairman Term Expires 1994 Hal Parker, Vice Chairman Term Expires 1996 Lloyd Soderberg Term Expires 1995 Mike Hotaling Term Expires 1996 Vacancy Term Expires 1994 David R. Belletete Selectmen's Representative Dawn L. Oswalt School Board Representative Recreation Department Caroll J. Carbonneau Director Tina M. Aldrich Program Director Janet A. Sullivan Secretary William C. Kenney Park Maintenance -5- Town Office Personnel Jonathan B. Sistare Town Manager Linda M. Lockett Administrative Assistant Jody L. Hartwell Secretary Dawn L. Oswalt Tax Collector Pam S Bernier Accountant . Karen Finley Property Records Clerk -6- STATE OP NEW HAMPSHIRE TOWN OF JAFFREY 1993 ANNUAL TOMN MEETING MINDTES To: The inhabitants of the Town of Jaffrey, in the County of Che- shire, in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs: You are hereby notified to meet at the Ernest J. Pratt Auditorium in said Jaffrey on Tuesday, the 9th of March next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon (polls close at 7:00p.m.) to vote for the Town Officers and to act on other questions required by law to be decided by offi- cial ballot. Pursuant to RSA 39:2a and the vote of the Town at adjourned session of Town Meeting on March 13th, 1979, the business meeting will be recessed until ten o'clock in the forenoon, Saturday March 13th, 1993, at which time the Town will act on all subjects described in the following Warrant Articles except those requiring action by Official Ballot: Art. 1. To choose the following Town Officers: (By Official Ballot) Selectmen - Three Year Term - David Belletete Trustee of the Trust Funds - Three Year Term - William C. Arthur Library Trustees - Three Year Term - Frederick S Richardson . Town Clerk - Three Year Term - Maria A. Chamberlain Chief Engineer - One Year Term - John A. White Treasurer - Three Year Term - Sandra M. Stewart Recessed until March 13th, 1993, at 10:00 a.m. The hour of 10:00a.m. having arrived, the Town Moderator, Marc P. Tieger, reconvened the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Jaffrey. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by two Boy Scouts from Mountain Troop. An invocation was then given by Father Richard Kelley. Selectman Peter Davis was recognized by the moderator to speak. Selectman Davis spoke briefly about Jaffrey' s need to comply with the EPA Clean Water Act; and in short said that some laws will most likely be changing and that the town is working to comply with the law and that there is a good possibility that the town could get a one to three year extension for compliance. Selectman Davis then went on to present our out going Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Bill Elliott, with a plaque which read ..."William G. Elliott in recognition of your dedication and service as Selectman for the Town of Jaffrey 1990 - 1993" Mr. Elliot accepted the plaque as the residents of the town gave him a standing ovation. The moderator then continued the meeting by reading the results of Article 1. -7- The moderator, Marc P. Tieger, then read the certification of the posted warrant He then moved to pass on reading the warrant as a . whole. It was passed by voice vote. Art. 2. To raise and appropriate the sum of Four Million Ten Thou- sand One Hundred Seventy Two Dollars ($4,010,172) (exclusive of special warrant articles) for the purpose of defraying the cost of the Town's operating expenses for the year 1993 as presented and recommended by the Budget Committee. Robert Bussiere, Chairman of the Budget Committee, moved the figure to read Four Million Thirty Thousand One Hundred Seventy Two Dollars ($4,030,172). The reason for the amendment was that the extra twenty thousand was to help the Department of Public Works in their budget for snow removal being that the Blizzard of '93 was fore warned by the weather service a few days before this town meeting; and this weather event was starting to unfold as this meeting was in session. This motion seconded and discussion then began. The article was passed by voice vote, as moved by Robert Bussiere. Art. 3- That all reports submitted by Town Officers be accepted as read. (By Selectmen) The article was addressed by Selectman William Elliott. The article was passed by voice vote. Art. 4. To authorize the Board of Selectmen at their discretion, to dispose of property acquired by Tax Sale or Tax Lien by either con- veying said property back to its original owner (s) for consideration equal to all associated unpaid property taxes, interest and expenses or to sell said property at public auction after being advertised in a local weekly newspaper for three successive weeks. (By Selectmen) The article was addressed by Selectman Peter Davis. The article was passed by voice vote. Art. 5- To see if the Town will vote to change the Annual Town Meeting starting time from 10:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. (By Petition) The moderator stepped down for this article and his assistant, Philip Cournoyer, moderated for this article. The article was addressed by Robert Austin. The article was passed by voice vote. Maureen Desmarais was then recognized by the moderator. She asked that the meeting be postponed because the snow outside was starting to make travel conditions a little bit dangerous. This issue was discussed at length and was finally moved to vote; with the request defeated by a voice vote. -8-

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