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Annual Report 2019 Annual Report 2019 Table of contents Our mandate ....................................................................................................................................................3 Strategic priorities ............................................................................................................................................3 At a glance .......................................................................................................................................................4 Message from the Treasurer ...........................................................................................................................5 Message from the CEO ....................................................................................................................................6 Strategic initiatives ...........................................................................................................................................8 Task forces ..................................................................................................................................................9 Professional competence ..........................................................................................................................10 Equity ..........................................................................................................................................................12 Access to justice ........................................................................................................................................14 Financial statements .......................................................................................................................................16 Board membership .........................................................................................................................................18 Statistics ........................................................................................................................................................22 Membership ...............................................................................................................................................23 Licensing ....................................................................................................................................................31 Regulation ..................................................................................................................................................33 2 Annual Report 2019 Our mandate The Law Society of Ontario (the Law Society) governs the legal professions in the public interest by ensuring that the people of Ontario are served by lawyers and paralegals who meet high standards of learning, competence and professional conduct. In fulfilling its regulatory mandate, the Law Society observes principles that encompass a duty to protect the public interest, to maintain and advance the cause of justice and the rule of law, to facilitate access to justice for the people of Ontario, and to act in a timely, open and efficient manner. Strategic priorities In 2015, the Law Society developed a four-year strategic plan with five key priorities: 1 Lead as a professional regulator 2 Prioritize life-long competence for lawyers and paralegals 3 Enhance access to justice across Ontario 4 Engage stakeholders and the public with responsive communications 5 Increase organizational effectiveness The Law Society has pursued these priorities by undertaking a number of key initiatives. You can read about our most recent accomplishments — what we have done and why it is important — in the strategic initiatives section of this report. The work set out in the 2015-2019 strategic plan is now complete. With the election of a new board of directors (known also as Convocation) in April 2019, the Law Society has begun the process of forming a new strategic approach for the next four years. We look forward to reporting on the activities related to that plan in upcoming annual reports. 3 Annual Report 2019 At a glance Membership: 2,423 lawyers licensed 55,360 1,057 paralegals licensed lawyers 9,470 paralegals 37,900 lawyers 4,379 practising law complaints referred 3,700 to Professional Regulation Division paralegals providing legal services 48% 144 of complaints in Professional discipline Regulation were about notices service issues issued 4 Annual Report 2019 Message from the Treasurer course of the year, we set the direction for the evolution of library services through the Legal Information and At the time of writing Resource Network (LIRN). This new approach to While I reflect on the Law Society’s work throughout 2019, governance brings enhanced librarianship expertise and my time as Treasurer, I would like to recognize that to the oversight of legal information and library related at the time of this writing we are continuing to respond services for practitioners across the province. to the far-reaching social and economic impacts of the Throughout 2019, we continued to rely on justice sector pandemic, across the globe and society, and throughout stakeholders for input and collaboration as we position the practice of law, the justice sector and the public the Law Society to lead the professions strategically we serve. As a profession, we have responded to this into the coming years. This includes the important work extraordinary event with collegiality, collaboration, of our task forces and working groups, focused on innovation and some ingenuity. addressing strategic issues facing the professions such Likewise, we are in the midst of important discussions as technology, mental health, proportionate regulation about anti-Black racism, highlighting the need to reduce and family law. barriers created by racism and by unintentional and In 2019, the Law Society continued to work to help ensure indirect discrimination. Also of importance is the Law accessible legal aid services are available to low-income Society’s commitment to implementation of the Truth and Ontarians. With a long history in the provision of legal Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and working aid service to Ontarians, the Law Society, with input from toward reconciliation with First Nation, Inuit and Métis stakeholders, advocated for improvements to the Legal Peoples. Aid Services Act. This context is significant as we reflect on our work in Much progress has been made in relation to the 2019 and as we look ahead to the future. Together, Family Legal Services Review over the last year. We we must remain focused on our goal to increase fair are proceeding in a careful and thoughtful way as we representation of racialized licensees and members of continue to consider the parameters for change and to equity-seeking communities and as we integrate insights consult with subject matter experts, stakeholders and the from the pandemic into the practice of law to improve public, regarding a potential family legal services provider access to justice for the people of Ontario. There is basis licence. for optimism as we listen and reflect on learnings that may be applied in future. It has been an honour and privilege to lead the Law Society as Treasurer over the last two years, supported by Attaining common goals a dedicated group of benchers and an equally dedicated Over the past year, the Law Society made significant and professional operational staff led by our CEO Diana and meaningful progress as we entered the final and Miles. I am confident that with that support and the culminating stage of implementation of the Law Society’s guidance of its many stakeholders and partners, the Law 2015 to 2019 strategic priorities. Highlights this year Society will continue to include enhancing professional competence and working be a competent and with our stakeholders and partners to address strategic effective public interest issues and to advance access to justice for all people in regulator. Ontario. Malcolm M. Mercer Professional competence is integral to the professions and part of the Law Society’s mandate to regulate in Treasurer the public interest. Over 2019, the Law Society has focused efforts to help lawyers and paralegals with practice supports, educational activities, information and resources aimed at enhancing competence. An important element of competence includes the provision of legal information and library services for licensees. In collaboration with stakeholders over the 5 Annual Report 2019 Message from the CEO Perhaps the accomplishment that best demonstrates Envisioning the future of the Law Society our vision for the future is the establishment of our Heading into my third year as CEO, I continue to be corporate values. With participation from across the honoured to be part of an organization that is organization, we identified a set of shared values to public-focused and future-oriented, yet founded in shape our work together and with others. This project a long, proud history. This perspective — looking to was the culmination of a series of improvements the future by building on the success of the past, ran that our operational teams have embraced to through many of our activities in 2019. communicate more effectively, set clear performance plans and reinforce our commitment to the Law The past year saw the successful completion of the Society’s mandate. We are a multi-faceted regulatory Law Society’s strategic priorities for 2015 to 2019. and business corporation with a positive reputation Under the direction of our board, we implemented domestically and internationally as a result of our a significant number of objectives in all of our core regulatory leadership, subject-matter expertise and policy areas. Following the first simultaneous lawyer skills. Our people are proud of our public interest and paralegal bencher elections in April 2019, our regulatory focus because they know that what new board will be assessing and building on these we do matters. We will strive to continue to serve accomplishments, setting priorities for the ongoing that public through the lens of our newly adopted work of the organization. values, pictured on the adjacent page: Excellence, Responsiveness, Compassion, United in Purpose Significant achievements in 2019, operationally, also and Legacy. involved examining our approaches and positioning the organization to operate more effectively with I look forward a focus on the future. We revised the approach to to continuing our budgeting process to more accurately forecast to build on annual outcomes and expenditures, and to focus our many on approved projects and programs supported by accomplishments formalized policy and business plans. This new in 2020. I thank approach to the setting of priorities and longer- my team for their term planning led to a decrease in annual fees for dedication and Ontario’s lawyers and paralegals for 2020. great work, and Treasurer Mercer Building on work begun in 2018, the senior for his thoughtful management executive team and I continued and supportive to emphasize and enhance cross-functional leadership collaboration through increased internal throughout the communications and coordinated goal setting for all past year. divisions. This has led to improved organizational results and more timely and effective engagement, Diana Miles both internally and externally with our stakeholders. Chief Executive Officer Moving toward a more agile application of our human and infrastructure resources is a key objective for our operations as we move forward, and will assist us to be nimble and cost efficient. 6 Annual Report 2019 Law Society of Ontario corporate values 7 Strategic Initiatives 2019 SSTTRRAATTEEGGIICC IINNIITTIIAATTIIVVEESS Task Forces Why it’s important: The Law Society’s board of directors establishes task forces to research and review current or potential issues or needs and report back with findings and recommendations for the board to consider. What we did: • The Technology Task Force, established in 2018, continues to examine both current and emerging legal technologies to determine how they engage regulatory standards and professional conduct rules, as well as their prospects for assisting the public. The task force seeks to recommend regulatory approaches and tools for legal technologies that will aid in enhancing access to justice and protecting the public, and strives to better facilitate and encourage technological innovation within the professions. The task force presented its first update report in November 2019. It will continue to report periodically to ensure that the public and the professions are engaged with the issues and ideas it is considering. • The Program Review Task Force was established to determine if certain Law Society programs continue to be relevant and needed, and if their objectives or goals continue to be valid. In particular, the task force is assessing the efficiency with which programs are delivering their outcomes. The task force will report regularly on its progress. • The Proportionate Regulation Task Force was established to examine the regulatory obligations, processes and procedures that affect members in their interactions with the Law Society. The task force may propose possible changes in order to ensure a balance between effective public protection and regulatory burden. The task force will make regular reports on its work. 9 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Professional Competence Why it’s important: Professional competence is an integral part of the Law Society’s mandate to regulate in the public interest — and it is essential that we continually enhance opportunities and develop new ones to support our members in strengthening their skills and knowledge base in order to best serve Ontarians. What we did: • The Coach and Advisor Network (CAN) matched 559 coaches and advisors with members who requested support, and held six new learning and community events in 2019. These included a panel discussion on coaching and workshops focused on resilience habits, cultural competence and goal setting. An extension of CAN, called the Management Coaching 2020 program, launched a call for recruitment in late 2019. This program provides coaching by seasoned law firm leaders to managers of firms with two to 20 legal professionals. The new program generated substantial interest, and is being piloted with 10 engagements in 2020. • The Legal Information and Resource Network (LIRN) was approved by the Law Society, the Federation of Law Associations of Ontario and the Toronto Lawyers Association. With a new skills-based board of directors, LIRN is well positioned to effectively guide the provision of legal information and library services for Law Society members. • The Practice Management Helpline (PMH) improved telephone access by introducing an option to connect directly from the member inquiry line and a triaged voicemail system. These changes reduce the wait times for calls made during busy periods, allow confidential voicemail messages to be left with PMH after hours and permit members to identify calls as urgent, if appropriate. This allows PMH staff to respond to calls in priority sequence and serve practitioners more effectively. 10

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