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Preview Annals of Plastic Surgery 1993: Vol 31 Table of Contents

Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 31 / July-December 1993 Editor in Chief Associate Editors William C. Trier, MD William D. Morain, MD Edgar Biemer, MD Seattle, Washington Munich, Germany Editorial Board Consultants Founding Editor Gregory M. Buncke, MD Bernice Z. Brown, MD Richard B. Stark, MD San Francisco, California Los Angeles, California Lawrence B. Colen, MD Ophthalmology Editor Emeritus Norfolk, Virginia Charles Krause, MD Lars M. Vistnes, MD Mark B. Constantian, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan Nashua, New Hampshire Otolaryngology/ Head and Neck G. Gregory Gallico Ill, MD Surgery Boston, Massachusetts Moise L. Levy, MD Takao Harashina, MD Houston, Texas Saitama, Japan Dermatology Ernest K. Manders, MD Editorial Assistant Hershey, Pennsylvania Stephanie Hampton Nancy McKee, MD Lebanon, New Hampshire Toronto, Ontario, Canada Publisher Wyndell H. Merritt, MD Little, Brown and Company Richmond, Virginia Boston, Massachusetts R. Barrett Noone, MD Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Publishing Staff Linda G. Phillips, MD Thomas A. Manning Galveston, Texas Publisher Jeffrey C. Posnick, DMD, MD David Dionne Washington, DC Executive Editor Alan E. Seyfer, MD Tracey Solon Portland, Oregon Managing Editor David J. Smith, Jr, MD Maureen A. Hurley Ann Arbor, Michigan Assistant Managing Editor Scott L. Spear, MD Fredda Purgalin Washington, DC Production Manager James M. Stuzin, MD Anne Orens Miami, Florida Sales and Marketing Manager DISCLAIMER Annals of Plastic Surgery. ISSN 0148-7043. Published monthly by Little, Brown and Company, 34 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-1493. Send address changes and subscription orders to Little, Brown and Company, Advertisements in Annals of Plastic Subscription Department, 34 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108-1493. Subscription rates per year: Personal subscription, U.S. and possessions, $149.00; foreign (includes Mexico), $227.00; Canada, $172.00. 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Number 1 / July 1993 Original Articles Incidence of Autoimmune Disease in Patients after Breast Mark A. Schusterman, MD Reconstruction with Silicone Gel Implants Versus Stephen S. Kroll, MD Autogenous Tissue: A Preliminary Report Gregory P. Reece, MD et al Ultrasound Analysis of 150 Patients with Silicone Gel Walter Peters, PhD, MD, FRCSC Breast Implants Robyn Pugash, MD, FRCPC Microsurgical Scalp and Skull Reconstruction Using a Koichi Ueda, MD Serratus Anterior Myo-Osseous Flap Takao Harashina, MD Takeo Inoue, MD et al Platysma Myocutaneous Flap for Intraoral and Surface Othon N. Papadopoulos, MD Reconstruction Irene E. Gamatsi, MD Experimental Effects of Intraorbital Tissue Expansion on Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD Orbitomaxillary Growth in Anophthalmos, with Invited Scott Holley, MD Discussion by Adrian K. M. Lo, MD A. Michael Sadove, MD The Perineal Artery Axial Flap Richard C. Hagerty, MD Ted R. Vaughn, MD Myron H. Lutz, MD Diagnostic Criteria of Vascular Lesions in the Face Igor A. Niechajev, MD Leo Clodius, MD The Fate of Dermal and Dermal-Fat Grafts D. R. Mackay, BDS, MBBCh, FRCS E. K. Manders, MD G. C. Saggers, BS et al A New Classification of Vascularized Flaps in Plastic Anatoli E. Belousov, MD and Reconstructive Surgery, with Invited Discussion by Sjamiula D. Kishemasov Robert M. Pearl, MD Aleksandr Y. Kochish Vasili D. Pinchuk Vascularized Megaflaps Anatoli E. Belousov, MD Sjamiula D. Kichemasov Aleksandr Y. Kochish Vasili D. Pinchuk Identification of Xanthine Oxidase Activity Following Edwin G. Wilkins, MD Reperfusion in Human Tissue Riley S. Rees, MD Del Smith, MD et al Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 Midfacial Fracture Repair in the Adult Rat Seth R. Thaller, MD, DMD, FACS James Hoyt, MD Henry Tesluk, MD Thomas R. Stevenson, MD, FACS Accelerated Maturation in Prefabricated Flaps by Transforming Growth Factor-f: An Experimental Study in the Rabbit Effects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fields on Gold John W. Canady, MD Eyelid Loads Jon Meine, BS Sue Ann Thompson, PhD W. T. C. Yuh, MD, MSEE Case Reports Control of Hemorrhage During Renal Failure with W. L. Garner, MD Triglycyl-Lysine-Vasopressin J. L. Rodriguez, MD P. D. Thomson, PhD et al Emergency Free Flap Reconstruction of a Facial Gunshot Michael Olding, MD Wound Francis V. Winski, MD Edward Aulisi, MD Osteoid Osteoma of the Hamate: Report of a Case and Laurence T. Glickman, MD, MSc, Review of the Literature FRCS(C) Steven J. McCabe, MD, FRCS(C) James F. Murray, MD, FRCS(C) Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans Appearing During Y. Har-Shai, MD Pregnancy J. Govrin-Yehudain, MD Y. Ulimann, MD et al Guest Editorial But Is It Significant? Ralph R. Cook, MD, FACE Letter Re: Free Muscle Transfer for Reconstruction after Viadimir K. Shirshov Melanoma Resection of the Leg Book Review Number 2 / August 1993 Original Articles High-Energy War Wounds: Flap Reconstruction Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 103 A Mechanical Leech for Transverse Rectus Abdominis Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr, MD Musculocutaneous Flaps Lubos Drazan, MD R. Thomas Noel, MD Enhancing Fibula Free Flap Skin Island Reliability and James P. Anthony, MD Versatility for Mandibular Reconstruction Edmond F. Ritter, MD David M. Young, MD Mark |. Singer, MD Use of Split Anterior Tibial Muscle Flap in Treating Lun-Jou Lo, MD Avulsion Injury of Leg Associated with Tibia Exposure Yu-Ray Chen, MD Chau-Jin Weng, MD M. Samuel Noordhoff, MD, FACS Reverse First Dorsal Metatarsal Artery Flap for Akiteru Hayashi, MD Reconstruction of the Distal Foot Yu Maruyama, MD Microvascular Augmentation of the Blood Supply of the David G. Pennington, FRCS(Ed), FRACS Contralateral Side of the Free Transverse Rectus Warwick J. S. Nettle, FRACS Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flap, with Invited Peter Lam, MB, BS(Hons) Discussion by Lawrence Colen, MD Mandible Fragment Fixation During Reconstruction: The Gregory P. Reece, MD Splint-and-Plate Technique Jack W. Martin, DDS James C. Lemon, DDS Rhonda F. Jacob, DDS Tissue Expansion in the Pediatric Patient Thomais G. Iconomou, MD Bryan J. Michelow, MD Ronald M. Zuker, MD, FRCS(C), FACS Crotalidae Envenomation in Children Robert A. Weber, MD Raleigh R. White IV, MD, FACS Closure of Mediastinal Wounds with Deepithelialized Arie Fleischer, MD Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flaps Microsurgery of Cryptorchidism I: Lengthening the Short Murad Yu Yunusov, MD Vas Deferens Abdurashid A. Kajumchodzaev Microsurgery of Cryptorchidism II: Managing Arterial Murad Yu Yunusov, MD Caliber Discrepancy Simultaneous Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Insertion and Harold M. Reed, MD Corporoplasty for Septal Chordee Attributed to Peyronie’s Disease Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 Ear-piercing Technique by Using an Eyelet-type Teflon Takeo Inoue, MD Piercer (Eyelet-Piercer) Takuya Kurihara, MD Takao Harashina, MD Contraction Rates of Meshed, Nonexpanded Split- Theodore D. Fifer, MD Thickness Skin Grafts Versus Split-Thickness Sheet David Pieper, PhD Grafts David Hawtof, MD, FACS Comparison of Skin Necrosis in Rats by Using a New Todd K. Farnworth, MD Microneedle Electrocautery, Standard-Size Needle Stephen P. Beals, MD Electrocautery, and the Shaw Hemostatic Scalpel Kim H. Manwaring, MD Richard W. Trepeta, MD Case Reports The Combined Tensor Fasciae Latae/Rectus Femoris Fabio Santanelli, MD Musculocutaneous Flap: A Possibility for Major Soft Orjan Berlin, MD, PhD Tissue Reconstruction in the Groin, Hip, Gluteal, Ingemar Fogdestam, MD, PhD Perineal, and Lower Abdominal Regions A Combined Anterolateral Thigh Flap, Anteromedial Isao Koshima, MD Thigh Flap, and Vascularized Iliac Bone Graft for a Masaru Hosoda, DDS Full-Thickness Defect of the Mental Region Takahiko Moriguchi, MD et al The Gluteus Maximus Superior Split Muscle Flap for David Kupfer, MD Complex Posterior Pelvic Wounds Leland Chick, MD A New Osteotomy for Genioplasty—Stepped Osteotomy: Kaneshige Satoh, MD Preliminary Report Takuya Onizuka, MD Guest Editorial “The Blood-Red Blossom of War’”’ Graham Lister, MD Number 3 / September 1993 Original Articles The Presentation of Personalities in Plastic Surgery Anthony Napoleon, PhD, ABMP The Black American Nose, with Invited Discussion by Ferdinand A. Ofodile, MD, FACS W. Earle Matory, Jr, MD Farhat J. Bokhari, MD Charlotte Ellis Management of Lawn Mower Injuries to the Foot and Julia Corcoran, MD Ankle William A. Zamboni, MD Elvin G. Zook, MD Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 225 Osseointegrated Titanium Implants for the Attachment of Harold McComb, FRACS Facial Prostheses Biointegrated Hydroxylapatite-coated Implant Fixation of Mark H. Moore, FRACS Facial Prostheses Peter B. Hawker, BDS Localization of Nonpalpable Masses in Patients with Julie S. Mitnick, MD Breast Implants Madeline F. Vazquez, MD Stephen R. Colen, MD et al Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Patients with Julie S. Mitnick, MD Augmentation Prostheses and a Palpable Mass Madeline F. Vazquez, MD Kathy Plesser, MD et al Toe-to-Hand Transfers in the Rehabilitation of Frostbite Alexei Borovikov, MD Injury Toe-to-Hand Transfers in Children Igor V. Shvedovchenko, MD A Comparison of the Early Antithrombotic Effects Baimeng Zhang, MD Between Low Molecular Weight Heparin and Heparin in Peter Dougan, PhD Small Arteries Following a Severe Trauma: An Jan B. Wieslander, MD Experimental Study Case Reports Transverse Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flaps Chris D. Tzarnas, MD for Lightweights: Is a Pinch Enough? Extensive Malignant Melanoma of the Uvea in Jeffrey C. Posnick, DMD, MD, FRCS(C), Childhood: Resection and Immediate Reconstruction FACS with Microsurgical and Craniofacial Techniques Philip Chen, MD Ronald Zuker, MD, FRCSC et al Double-opposed Z Plasty for Upper Eyelid Entropion Gabriel Tamir, MD Correction, with Invited Discussion by Lars M. Vistnes, Jacques C. Van der Meulen, MD MD Manoocher Robinpour, MD Daniel J. Hauben, MD Phallic Construction in Female-to-Male Transsexuals J. Joris Hage, MD, PhD Using a Lateral Upper Arm Sensate Free Flap and a Floris H. de Graaf, MD Bladder Mucosa Graft Joop van den Hoek, MD Joris J. A. M. Bloem, MD, PhD Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 Short Subjects The Use of Sandpaper in Chemical Peeling Combined with Dermabrasion of the Face Attempted Improvement in Mammography by Inducing a Alicia D. Gruber Phase Transition in Silicone Gel Steve Matthews, PhD Ronald P. Gruber, MD Editorial Liberté, Egalité, Personnalité Book Reviews Number 4 / October 1993 Original Articles Nasal Reconstruction with Auricular Microvascular Julian J. Pribaz, MD Transplant Nancy Falco, MD Microvascular Reconstruction of Nose and Ear Defects Yoshio Tanaka, MD Using Composite Auricular Free Flaps Sadao Tajima, MD Khonosuke Tsujiguchi, MD et al Risks and Benefits of Using Marlex Mesh in Chest Wall Stephen S. Kroll, MD Reconstruction Garrett Walsh, MD Bernadette Ryan, MD Raymund C. King, MD The Predictive Value of the Laser Doppler Flowmeter for R. Hovius, MD, PhD Postoperative Microvascular Monitoring . N. A. van Adrichem, MD, PhD Mulder, MD Tensor Fascia Lata V—Y Retroposition Myocutaneous Aamir Siddiqui, MD Flap: Clinical Experience Thomas Wiedrich, MD Victor L. Lewis, Jr, MD The Amplified Sliding Flap G. V. Campus, MD M. Lissia, MD E. Pancrazi, MD Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 322 Long-term Follow-up of Hand Function after Digit L. V. Lebedev, DMS Replantation M. S. Bogomolov, MD V. N. Vavylov, DMS et al Flap Transfer for Complications of Major Limb Rawaz O. Datiashvili, DMS Replantation Valery G. Chichkin Application of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor May Linda G. Phillips, MD Reverse Diabetic Wound Healing Impairment Kay M. Abdullah, MD Peter D. Geldner, MD et al Duration of Contact Time Alters Cutaneous Pressure Deborah van Vliet, BSc, MSc Threshold Measurements Christine B. Novak, PT, MSc Susan E. Mackinnon, MD, FRCS(C), FACS A Cultured Skin Substitute Composed of Fibroblasts and Yoshimitsu Kuroyanagi, DrEng, DrSci, Keratinocytes with a Collagen Matrix: Preliminary DrMed Results of Clinical Trials, with Invited Discussion by Makoto Kenmochi, MD Shuichi Ishihara, MD Charles B. Cuono, MD, PhD et al The Rat Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap: A True Raymond M. Dunn, MD Myocutaneous Flap Model Wallis Huff, MD John Mancoll, MD Epidermal Cell Viability in Rat Skin Preserved at 4°C Kazunori Matsuka, MD Yuiro Hata, MD Kenji Yano, MD et al Case Reports A Combination Surgical Method for Preaxial Polydactyly Tadao Kojima, MD of the Foot, with Invited Discussion by Joseph Upton, MD Hiroshi Tomonari, MD Yuichi Hirase, MD Necrotizing Periorbital Cellulitis Otto J. Placik, MD Jay M. Pensler, MD Julie J. Kim, MD et al Scrotal Construction by Expansion of Labia Majora in Mustafa Sengezer, MD Biological Female Transsexuals Richard C. Sadove, MD Hand Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma with No C. Bibi, MD Bone Involvement P. Benmeir, MD E. Maor, MD A. Sagi, MD Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 Letters Re: Use of Tissue Expanders in Reconstruction after Darinka M. Boskovic, MD Excision of Multiple Large Silicone Granulomas Re: Applications of the Posterior Thigh Flap Richard A. Mladick, MD, FACS Reply Christian E. Paletta, MD Re: Nipple—Areola Reconstruction with Intradermal Nabil |. Elsahy, MD Tattoo and Double-opposing Pennant Flaps Re: Reconstruction of a Medial Canthus Defect with a Bhupendra C. Patel, MD Myocutaneous Flap Erfan El Gazayerly, MD Richard L. Anderson, MD Reply Umberto M. Reali, MD Cristina Chiarugi, MD Lorenzo Borgognoni, MD Re: Myonecrosis as a Sequela of Calf Implants Brian H. Novack, MD The Transverse Gracilis Musculocutaneous Flap N. John Yousif, MD Editorial The Medium is the Mesmerism William D. Morain, MD Number 5 / November 1993 Original Articles The Expanded “BAT” Flap for Treatment of Male Richard D. Anderson, MD, FACS Pattern Baldness Restoring the Breast to Match the Normal Side, with Philip M. Godfrey, MD, DMD Invited Discussion by Philip H. Beegle, Jr, MD Norman V. Godfrey, MD Mauro C. Romita, MD Reconstruction of Radiation-induced Chest Wall Lesions Louis Samuels, MD Mark S. Granick, MD Sai Ramasastry, MD et al Acrylic Splints for Dental Alignment in Complex Facial Steven R. Cohen, MD Injuries Dann K. Leonard, MD Bernard L. Markowitz, MD Paul N. Manson, MD Contents of Volume 31, July-December 1993 413 Long-term Results after Surgical Reduction Cheiloplasty Niels Ellitsgaard, MD in Patients with Melkersson—Rosenthal Syndrome and Anders P. Andersson, MD Cheilitis Granulomatosa Nils Worsaae, DDS Sandor Medgyesi, MD Effect of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 on Zygomatic Arch Seth R. Thaller, MD, DMD, FACS Bone Regeneration: A Preliminary Histological and James Hoyt, MD Histometric Study Henry Tesiuk, MD Ralph Holmes, MD The Effects of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 on Critical- Seth R. Thaller, MD, DMD, FACS Size Calvarial Defects in Sprague-Dawley Rats Andrew Dart, DVM Henry Tesiuk, MD Invited Discussion: The Complexity of Insulin-like Michael Centrella, PhD Growth Factors in Bone Growth and Remodeling Henry M. Spinelli, MD John A. Persing, MD Thomas L. McCarthy, PhD Microvascular Reconstruction of the Esophagus with G. N. Gorbunov Pedicled Small Intestine V. L. Marinichev O. N. Voikov V. 1. Stolyarov Microvascular Free Transfer in Reconstruction of the V. N. Vavylov, MD Pharynx and Cervical Esophagus V. S. Ushakov, MD K. K. Tokarevitch et A Method of Optimizing Skin Graft Healing and David T. Netscher, MD Outcome of Wounds of the Penile Shaft and Scrotum Marcello Marchi, MD Paul Wigoda, BA Dermis-Fat Graft after Parotidectomy to Prevent Frey’s Teruichi Harada, MD Syndrome and the Concave Deformity Takeo Inoue, MD Takao Harashina, MD et al Case Reports Massive Orbital Teratoma in the Newborn Henry M. Spinelli, MD Gregory R. Criscuolo, MD Michael Tripps, MD Patrick J. Buckley, MD, PhD Secondary Reconstruction of Abdominal Wall Defects W. M. Cocke, Jr, MD, FACS Associated with Exstrophy of the Bladder Correction of Prominent Zygomata by Tripod Osteotomy Kaneshige Satoh, MD of the Malar Bone Kiyotaka Watanabe, MD

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