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*> * mmmmmmmmm^^mm^mm^m^m 2007-2008 Student Development Guide ^ANDERSON "university knowledge for thejourney Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/andersonuniversi2007unse ANDERSON fs| UNIVERSITY STUDENT DEVELOPMENT GUIDE 2007-2008 Published byAnderson University 316 Boulevard, Anderson, SC 29621 Telephone: 864-231-2000 Student Development Office: 864-231-2075 Fax: 864-231-2004 Web Site: www.andersonuniversity.edu FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome toAnderson University! Those participating in the life of the University under this academic catalog will write the history of the 97th year of operations of our beloved institution. Acting out of a deep desire to build a rare learning environment, our founders were people of commitment and vision. And so it is that todayAnderson is a rare place indeed - where the entire campus community is devoted to the high ideals of Christian higher education in an intellectually stimulating environment. Here, we view life as ajourney . . . gifted to each of us by God and filled with choice and possibility every step of the way. As you pursue your particular goals and dreams this year, encourage you to I consider that the greatest danger to becoming the person you were meant to be is to fall into the trap of complacency. Anderson University itself is a very good place and our greatest challenge is to energize one another to make certain that as good as we are, we are continuously cultivating the desire, ability, and expectation to improve on what we do. Students, we have a deep desire that attending Anderson University will be just the start of a lifetime marked by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, exploration, and service. Have a great year atAU! Cordially, Evans P. Whitaker, Ph.D. WELCOME FROM SGA Dear Fellow Students, Welcome to Anderson University! am so excited about the memories that will I be made this year. I look forward to meeting new people and establishing life- long relationships. Whether this is your first year or you are a returning student, hope that you will all help to create an amazing experience at this University. I Most importantly, pray that God will be a constant presence throughout your I years atAnderson. The purpose of Student Government Association (SGA) is to serve the student body. This may mean improving the gym hours, planning activities to connect (involve) students, or supplying your essential needs. For SGA to be successful this year, we rely on you to notify us of problems you face or events you would like to attend. pray that you have enjoyed your summer in preparation for this year. am I I excited to be at Anderson one more year and look forward to organizing events and launching changes that will make your year more enjoyable. look forward to serving you. I Kristen l\/'in4till' Kristen Windall Student Body President 2007-08 4- ThishandbookdoesnotconstituteacontractbetweenastudentandAndersonUniversity eitherexpressed or implied; andAnderson University reserves the rightatanytimeto change, delete, oradd to anyofthe content at its sole discretion (2007-2008). INTRODUCTION Anderson University provides a comprehensive program of Student Development. All activities and programs are designed to help students to have positive and rewarding personal growth experiences while atAnderson University. The areas within the Office of Student Development include Career Services, Counseling, Health Services, Intramurals, Orientation, Residence Life, StudentActivities, and Student Government. Wealsoworkin partnershipwith Campus Ministries, Athletics, aswell as the academic community. As a whole, the Office of Student Development is concerned with programs that facilitateandenhancestudentlearningoutsidetheclassroom. Workingtogether,Anderson University's faculty and staff are committed to learning outside the classroom and are committed to challenging and supporting students as theystrive to develop intellectually, physically, socially, morally, and spiritually. MISSION STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Anderson University is an academic community, affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention, providing a challenging education grounded in the liberal arts, enhanced by professional and graduate programs and a co-curricular focus on the development of character, servantleadership, andculturalengagement. Thisisadiversecommunitythatis Christ-centered, people-focused, student-oriented, quality-driven, and future-directed. VISION STATEMENT Tobeapremierteachinguniversitywhereliberalartsandprofessionalstudiesthrivewithin adistinctivelyChristian communityoffaculty, staffandstudentsdedicated to learningand service. VALUES Anderson University takes pride in being able to function as a community rather than a conglomerate. Accordingly, we have adopted a set of community values that support our aspiration to fulfill the University's mission and achieve its vision, both of which are considerable aims. Values serve as guiding principles that shape our daily actions. These are dimensions ofourcommunitywe believe arevery important and should be known and understood byeveryonewithin our institution. Value:A Commitment toa Christian Community Anderson University is a Christ-centered community that presents Jesus as the Christ and as the ultimatemodelforpersonal behavior. The unifying principle ofAnderson University is a Christian vision of life in which community participants are encouraged to develop a Christian world view and live up to the high calling of the Great Commandments which tells usto love Godwith our hearts, with ourminds, and with oursouls, and to loveothers completely. We seek to build an academic community where men and women can be lovinglyand gracefullyintroduced toan understandingofGod, Hiscreation and grace, and humanity's place ofgreat privilege and responsibility in God'sworld. Value:ACommitment toLiberalArts Anderson University is dedicated to provide a challenging commitment to LiberalArts and is a comprehensive institution that provides a challenging education. We offer a variety of majors and concentrations in both the liberal arts and the professional disciplines. All programs provide the student with rigorous and engaging learning experiences that emphasize the knowledge, intellectual skills, and conceptual frameworks central to the discipline. A central, cohering value of the Anderson University academic experience is thateachfield ofstudyincludesa richcoreofliberalartscoursesin thefoundationalfields ofhuman knowledgeandachievement. Thesecoursescomprisethe requisiteknowledgeto facilitate the developmentofskillsin critical thinking, interpersonal relationships, ethical reflection, and an appreciation of the fine arts as integral to an educated citizenry. Value: Commitment to the Individual Anderson Universityisapeople-focusedcommunitywhereindividualsarevaluedandwhere all participants seek to honor one another through words, behavior, and a commitment to each person's success. Here, people are encouraged to value individuals and the creative possibilities that lie within each of us. Together, we dedicate ourselves to the values and successofAnderson University. Value: Commitment toStudents AndersonUniversityisastudent-orientedcommunitywhereourcoreprocessisteachingand learning aimed at the development of graduates of disciplined intelligence, competence, character, and faith. We acknowledge that significant responsibility for their education. Thus, Anderson University provides opportunities for academic, spiritual, social, and physical growth through the academic program aswell asco-curricular programs including Campus Ministries, Student Government and StudentActivities, Residence Life, Athletics, CommunityService, and Health Services. Value: Commitment to a DiverseStudent Body Anderson University is committed to recruiting studentswho are supportiveofthe mission oftheUniversityasaChristianinstitutionandwhocan benefitfromtheacademicprograms and student services offered. Our goal is to recruit a student body broadly representative of the cultural and ethnic diversity of our region and characterizes the society in which graduates will live and work. The University seeks to offer programs appropriate for resident students, commuting students, traditional university age students, and adult students, as well as graduate students. Moreover, Anderson University has a primary goal to provide a safe and supportive environment that fosters the development of the whole person and nurtures respect for the worth of the individual, the sanctity of life, and for all God's creation. Value: Commitment to Continuous QualityImprovement Anderson University is a quality-driven community where a commitment to continuous quality improvement enhances all aspects of the University, as well as improves the effectiveness of individuals in carrying out our responsibilities. Being a quality-driven institution requires us to be a "learning organization" wherein we constantly learn from ourown organizationalexperience, westayabreastofand learn from bestpractices in the largerhighereducationcommunity, andwecontinuouslystrivetostrengthen andaddvalue to ourinstitution, so it can function at its best and serve its stakeholders to the fullest of its potential. Value: Commitment to theFuture Anderson University is a future-directed community. We seek to be an agile institution that continuously identifies, evaluates, and if appropriate, seizes upon windows of organizational opportunities in a timely mannerto the extent our resourceswill allow. As stewards of our institution, we seek to maximize all our resources to fulfill our common mission and vision. Value: Commitment toServant Leadership Anderson University seeks to equip men and women to have the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to impact their communities and the world through their professional contributions and spiritual gifts. Our goal is to develop servant leaderswho live out their daily lives at home and at work with a deep and profound commitment to the tenets of Jesus Christ. Most importantly, servant leaders are first and foremost servants. They are affirmative builders of a better society. They understand the value of effective listening and areskilled communicators. Servantleaders haveempathyforothersandareaccepting ofdiverse people. Servant leaders have power through avoluntarycommitment to others. Theyareabletovieweventsandsituationsfromabroad perspectiveyetalsospend timein the trenches and understand the practical and realistic. They help others grow to become wiserand more independent and ultimately to become servant leaders themselves. -6- LIST FOR RESOURCES Absences: Class Individual Instructor Academic Honors Vice President forAcademicAffairs Assignment ofAcademicAdvisor Dean ofthe College Athletics Athletic Director Automobile Registration Campus Safety Office Career Concerns Career Services Office, AcademicAdvisor CheckCashing Business Office UniversityVehicles Campus Safety Office Course Selection AcademicAdvisor Drop a Course Anderson Central for Forms, thenAdvisor and FacultyMember Residence Hall Repairs Residence LifeArea Coordinatoror Residence Life Office Holidays, Class Schedules, University Calendarof Events Academic Dean's Office Residence Hall Room Requests Residence Life Office ID Cards Campus Safety Office Illness Health Center/Campus Safety Office Intramurals Intramural Director Lost and Found Campus Safety Office Newspaper (Echoes) Echoes Office Parking Decals Campus Safety Office Personal Problems Counselor, Area Coordinatoror RA Academic Probation/Suspension Vice PresidentforAcademicAffairs Room Change or Room Keys Residence Life Office Roommate Problem RA, Area Coordinatoror Residence Life Office Stamps Post Office Student Activities StudentActivities Office Student Bank Business Office StudentWork FinancialAid Office Summer School and Evening Classes Registrar's Office/EveningAdmissions Thefts Campus Safety Office TrafficTickets: Inquiry Campus Safety Office Payment Anderson Central Transcriptof Record orCredits Anderson Central Transferring toAnother University Advisor Visitor Registration Residence Life Office Withdrawing from University Academic Services Office . ACADEMIC SERVICES CENTER TheAcademic Services Center functions as an enhancementtoyouracademic courses and is intended to facilitate students' development of skills essential to academic success. The servicesoftheCenterareavailableatno additionalcostto allAnderson Universitystudents. TheAcademic ServicesCenterdirectsthetutoring programforthe University. TheTutorial Program provides assistance to students who may need help in understanding a subject or in completing a particular assignment. Tutoring is provided by both faculty and students and is available in most subjects. Special assistance is available through the Writing Laboratory and theMathematicsLaboratory, whicharestaffed byspecialistsincompositionandin mathematics. Tutoringisavailableduringtheafternoonsand eveningsfourdaysaweek. Academic Services also provides assistance to students with disabilities. Students with disabilitiesare askedto seethe DirectorofAcademic Servicestoexplorewhataccommodations may be available. COUNSELING Counseling is a process of assessing both academic and personal growth, discovering potential, dealing with adjustment problems, and developing plans that will create a more satisfying lifestyle. Avariety of counseling services are available to all students. There is no chargeformostservices, and thehighestethicalstandardsaremaintained. PersonalCounseling Individual, confidentialpersonalcounselingisavailabletostudents. Thistypeofcounseling is useful forthose who are having significant problemswith adjusting to lifechanges such as academics, interpersonal relationships, religious questions, stress, time management, addictions, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. It may also be appropriate forthose who are having significant distress over interpersonal relationships or personal emotions and feelings. Counseling services are for short-term problems. Those individuals who require long-termassistancewillbe referred tooff-campusprofessionals. The following agencies also provide counseling services. Anderson University in no way endorses or affirms competency or effectiveness of the services provided by these agencies: AlcoholicsAnonymousandAl-Anon (Anderson) (864)225-5044 NarcoticsAnonymous (Greenville) (864)282-0109 MENTAL HEALTH POLICY I. Purpose: Toensureaccesstoappropriate, qualitymentalhealth servicesofallstudentsat Anderson University. II. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the staff atAnderson University Health Service Centertoensurethatstudentswithmentalneedsareaccessedintoaqualitymentalhealth service. III. Scope: ThewelfareofthestudentsatAnderson Universityistheresponsibilityofeveryone employed byAnderson University. IV. Policy: Staff of the Anderson University Health Service Center will evaluate and refer studentsneeding mental health services, utilizingthefollowingguidelines: A. Anystudentexpressingamild, moderateorsevereneed relatedtomentalhealthissues will be referred totheuniversitycounselor. B. DuringOffice Hours: 1. Astudent with mild (no death wish) depression or other non-acute mental health needwillbeevaluatedbythecounselor. Ifthecounselorisnotavailable, thenurse willevaluatestudent and referto Health Centercounselor, when available. 2. Astudentwithmoderate(deathwishorthought)orsevere(suicideplanorattempt) depressionorotheracutementalhealth needwillbereferredtoAnMed Behavioral Health. a. Ifobserved bynon Health Centerpersonnel, callCampusSafetyat EXT2060 b. Contact Universitycounselorornurseifcounseloris notavailable. c. Ifthethreatisimminent, call 911 d. Ifnotanimminentthreat, contactAnmed Behavioral Health at261-1819 e. Transportstudentorstaywith studentuntiltransportation isavailable. DO NOTLEAVESTUDENTALONE! f. Ifstudentisadmitted, assistwith admission ifnecessary. g. Ifstudentisnotadmitted orafterdischarge, assistwith arrangingfollow-upas needed. h. NotifytheVice PresidentorAssociateVice PresidentforStudent Development. Theywill makethedecision to notify parents. -8-

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