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The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Impartial Narrative of the Most Important Engagements Which Took Place Between His Majesty's Forces and the Rebels, During the Irish Rebellion, 1798., by John Jones This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: An Impartial Narrative of the Most Important Engagements Which Took Place Between His Majesty's Forces and the Rebels, During the Irish Rebellion, Including very interesting information not before made public. Carefully collected from authentic letters. Author: John Jones Release Date: April 8, 2009 [EBook #28529] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AN IMPARTIAL NARRATIVE *** Produced by Robert Cicconetti, C. St. Charleskindt and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net Transcriber's Note Inconsistencies and variations in spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, punctuation and grammar have been preserved in this ebook to match the text of the original document published in 1799. Information about typographical corrections and dotted underlines can be found in a second Transcriber's Note at the end of this text. AN IMPARTIAL N A R R A T I V E OF THE MOST IMPORTANT E N G A G E M E N T S WHICH TOOK PLACE BETWEEN HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES AND THE R E B E L S, DURING The Irish Rebellion, 1798. INCLUDING VERY INTERESTING INFORMATION NOT BEFORE MADE PUBLIC. CAREFULLY COLLECTED FROM AUTHENTIC LETTERS. D U B L I N : Printed and Sold by John Jones, 91, BRIDE-STREET. 1799. (Price 1s. 1d.) PREFACE. The Editor with the most profound respect, submits to the Public the following narrative.—It forms a small portion of a more extended work, calculated to contain the particulars of every remarkable occurrence, connected with the Rebellion, which happened in the course of the last year;—a year which will constitute an epoch in the history of Ireland, and the events of which ought to be universally known. The moment of action is not the most favourable to accuracy of detail:—Notwithstanding the purest intentions and the most scrupulous regard to truth, much will remain, for candour to extenuate and information to supply. Impressed with this sentiment, and feeling the importance of the subject, the Editor has waited till the season of tranquility, and now presents to the public eye, the produce of his exertions. He wished to postpone the Publication in order to complete it, but he yields to the entreaties of his Friends, and finds it necessary to make some sacrifice to the eagerness of public curiosity: The remaining part is in preparation for the Press, and as he continues to be supplied by those who were witnesses at the transactions, and consequently most capable of communicating correct intelligence, he hopes soon to accomplish his design. The Reader will perceive from the following specimen, that the accounts of the Battles are not arranged in chronological order; neither do they boast of any great pretensions to literary merit; but they will be found to have a recommendation more valuable than either—authenticity. The Editor was less solicitous about the style of the work, than the truth of it, and where, upon investigation, the matter conveyed to him proved correct, he has given it in the language of his correspondent. If History be, as it has been elegantly described, "Philosophy teaching by Example,"—what example more necessary to be held out to public view, and transmitted to posterity, than that which shews the dreadful effects of a Revolution attempted by force? Where the visionary politician enjoys for so short a time his sanguinary triumph—suspected even by those whom he calls his friends, he is superseded by such as are more ferocious than himself, while the fury of Fanaticism equally destroys his prospects in the mad effort to exterminate one religion and substitute another. The perusal of such transactions must suggest useful reflections. The surviving Loyalist will rejoice in the triumph of law and the restoration of order. The surviving Rebel will repent of his folly, and enjoy the comforts which Law and Order distribute. Such are the motives and such the object which influence the Editor of this little Work. From those who may approve of it, and whose situation and leisure furnish the opportunity, he requests further assistance. Particulars of Engagements, not included in this part, will be thankfully received, and due attention paid to them in the subsequent Publication. CONTENTS. Page. Description of Clonard, 3 Battle of Timahoe, 9 Junction of the Wexford and Kildare Rebels, 12 Battle of Clonard, ib. iii iv v vi vii Mrs. Tyrrell's sufferings while prisoner with the Rebels, 20 Character of Col. Perry and Priest Kearns who were executed 30 LETTERS. I. Battle of Carlow, 34 II. Battle of Ross, 38 III. Battle at Castlecomber, &c. 41 IV. Battle of Kilcomney, 49 V. Second Account of the Battle at Kilcomney, 52 VI. Battle of Saintfield, 57 VII. Battle of Kilbeggan, 60 OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS. Battle of Naas 63 Battle of Kilcullen, 65 Battle of Hacketstown, 67 LETTERS. VIII. Battle of Arklow, 70 IX. Account of the depredations of the Rebels at Gorey—their sacrilegious treatment of the Church, in which they immolated two Protestants, 73 X. Situation of the Rebels on Vinegar-Hill, 78 Description of Vinegar-Hill—the Battle, 76 The Rebels are defeated, 77 XI. Accurate detail of the effects of the Rebellion in the County Wexford. 78 Battle at Oulard, 80 Attack at Enniscorthy, 80 Battle at the Three Rocks, 81 Atrocities of the Rebels and the sufferings of the Loyalists in Wexford, &c. 83 Names of Clergymen and principal Gentlemen put death, 86 APPENDIX. Copy of an Affidavid made before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, relative to the attack on Prosperous 87 Account of the murder of Capt. Swayne—Burning of the Barracks, and the cries of the Soldiers consumed therein— Murder of Messrs. Stamer and Brewer, &c. 88 W E X F O R D C R U E L T I E S ! A GENUINE WORK. J. JONES informs the Reader that in a few Days he will publish the Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged, on a small Type, and good Paper, intended to bind up with the present Narrative, (Price only Sixpence Halfpenny) A N A R R A T I V E OF THE Sufferings and Providential Escape OF C H A R L E S J A C K S ON, LATE RESIDENT IN WEXFORD: Written by himself. Giving an account of his confinement and ill treatment received from the Rebels; the political and religious interrogations of Dick Monk; the situation of Lord Kingsborough; description of the Rebel Camp; General Roache's proclamation from Vinegar-hill; description of Messrs. Harvey, Keugh and Grogan; the unheard-of cruel manner of piking the Loyalists; the re-taking of Wexford by his Majesty's troops; the liberation of the prisoners, succeeded by a truly affecting scene—The general orders from Carrick-Byrne Camp;—Proposal of the Rebels to General Lake, and his answer, with the singular account of Mr. Colclough's behaviour at the place of execution; also Mr. Grandy's Information before four magistrates at Duncannon- Fort. This present Edition sells for half the price of another published in Dublin. Printing executed on the shortest Notice—Emblematic Ribbands impressed with Gold and Silver. A N A R R A T I V E, 3 OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENTS, IN THE I R I S H R E B E L L I ON, 1798. CLONARD is situate about Twenty five miles from Dublin on the Western road leading to Mullingar. Tho' constituted a post town, it is a very small village, consisting of an Inn and a few thatched houses; but from its situation being on the confines of two counties, Kildare and Meath, and having a bridge across the river Boyne, which opens a communication from Dublin to Westmeath, and from thence to Athlone and the Province of Connaught, it must be considered as a very important pass in all times of commotion and war. On the Dublin side of the town is situated the mansion house of the Tyrrell family, and at present belongs to John Tyrrell Esq. It is an old fashioned house, fronting the road from which it is separated by a high wall and a court yard; having an extensive garden upon its right, and a sheet of water upon the left.—Mr. John Tyrrell, being a Magistrate of both Counties, Kildare and Meath, and having exerted himself early to suppress the disturbances which were occasioned by the Defenders, naturally became an object of their resentment, and having been repeatedly menaced with an attack, he fortified his house by building up the original hall door, opening another, which might flank the approach to the house, and barricading all the lower windows, so as to render them musquet proof. Upon the institution of the Yeomenry, Mr. John Tyrrell was honoured with a Commission to raise a Corps of Cavalry, which was immediately embodied, under the Title of the Clonard Cavalry, and Thomas Tyrrell, and Thomas Barlow, Esqs. were appointed Lieutenants. This Corps soon distinguished itself by its unwearied exertions to preserve the peace of the neighbourhood; but in the course of the Spring of 1798, Mr. John Tyrrell the Captain, receiving positive information of a conspiracy to take away his life, thought it prudent to retire with his family into England. The command of the Corps consequently devolved upon Mr. Thomas Tyrrell, the first Lieutenant, who had also at this critical period been appointed High Sheriff of the County of Kildare.—Upon the tenth of May 1798, he received an official letter, ordering the Clonard Cavalry upon permanent duty; in this emergency Mr. Thomas Tyrrell, finding his own house at Kilreiny about one mile and a half from Clonard inconvenient, and in truth indefensible from its situation, removed with his family to his Kinsman's house at Clonard, before described, where he mounted a guard of one Serjeant and 18 men who were to be relieved every week. Orders were about the same time issued to Captain O Ferrall of the Ballina Cavalry, to mount a permanent guard at Johnstown, near the Nineteen Mile house, which were accordingly complied with: but upon the 16th of May, reports of a general rising having been circulated, and being corroborated by encreasing outrages in the neighbourhood, Captain O Ferrall was permitted to fall back from Johnstown to Clonard in the night time for protection; repairing to Johnstown at four o'Clock in the morning, and retiring to Clonard in the evening. In this way matters went on for some time, when the country becoming still more disturbed and apprehensions of an attack upon Clonard becoming more serious, Lieutenant Thomas Tyrrell repaired to Dublin, with an escort of his Corps, leaving the command at Clonard with Lieutenant Barlow. The object of this visit to Dublin, was to represent to Government the situation of that part of the country, the daily apprehensions of an attack, and the necessity of a reinforcement. Lord Castlereagh, to whom these representations were made, answered, that under the existing circumstances no force could be sent to Clonard, but Mr. Thomas Tyrrell was authorized to raise some Supplementaries, for whom he would be supplied with arms and ammunition. Pending this application in Dublin, viz. upon the 29th of May the Rebels assembled to the number of 800 in the village of Carbery, five miles from Clonard, where they burned the Protestant Charter School and several houses; they then proceeded through Johnstown, burning and destroying the house of every protestant near the road. Towards evening they halted at a place called Gurteen, where they destroyed the house of Mr. Francis Metcalf.—When intelligence of these transactions reached Clonard, Lieutenant Barlow marched out with a party of the guard, and being joined by Captain O Ferrall they went in pursuit of the Rebels, but did not over take them, until they had halted at Gurteen, where they had taken a very advantageous position upon each side of a narrow road, behind strong quickset hedges, so that Cavalry could not approach them with any prospect of success. Lieutenant Barlow halted his men, and then advancing some paces towards the enemy, took off his helmet, and challenged them to come forward. They however declined leaving their entrenchments, and night approaching, the Yeomenry with great reluctance returned to their Guard house. On the 30th of May Lieutenant Thomas Tyrrell arrived safe from Dublin, with his escort, carabines for the Troop, musquets for the Supplementaries and a quantity of ammunition. The next day he enrolled nineteen well affected protestants to act as Supplementaries and dismounted. By this time the Rebels had collected a very considerable force and every night committed some outrage and depredation. They encamped upon an Island in the bog of Timahoe, and also at Mucklin and Dreihid; they plundered almost every house in the neighbourhood of their respective places, drove away all the fat cattle and horse they could meet, and intercepted the supplies for the Dublin market. BATTLE OF TIMAHOE. Government being apprized of these proceedings, dispatched General Champagne to Clonard, where he arrived upon the 6th of June; and after consulting with Lieutenant Tyrrell, was escorted by him to Edendery, where the General expected a detatchment of the Limerick Militia; but being disappointed in this respect, an express was sent to Philipstown to hasten the reinforcement, which arrived at Edendery upon the evening of the 7th; and on the next day, General Champagne, having arranged his plan of operations, marched from Edendery, with the following forces: A detatchment of the Limerick Militia, under Lieutenant Colonel Gough; the Coolestown Yeomen Cavalry, under Captain Wakely and Lieutenant Cartland; the Canal Legion, under Lieutenant Adam Williams; the Clonard Cavalry, Lieutenant T. Tyrrell; and the Ballina Cavalry, Captain O Ferrall. These several corps were distributed, so as that the Cavalry should surround the bog of Timahoe, while the Infantry attacked the Camp upon the Island: This judicious plan was completely executed,—the contest was obstinate for some time, owing to the small number of the Infantry, who led on the attack; but their firmness and discipline supplying the want of numbers, the Limerick, headed by the gallant Colonel Gough, and ably supported by Lieutenant Williams marched into the entrenchments, drove the Rebels from their camp, who were attacked in their flight by the Cavalry and many of them put to death. The Camp was entirely destroyed; and a great quantity of prisoners and considerable booty were carried off by the victors! On the 29th of June, Lieutenant Tyrrell having received information that a large body of Rebels had stationed themselves upon a hill near his dwelling-house at Kilreiny, and had committed various robberies in the course of the preceding night, he went to Kinnegad to solicit a reinforcement and sent an express to Edendery for a force to co-operate with him. The Kinnegad Yeomen Cavalry, under Lieutenant Houghton, and a small party of the Northumberland Fencibles immediately marched with Lieutenant Tyrrell to Clonard, and from thence being joined by his own Corps, he proceeded to Fox's hill, where the Rebels were posted to the amount of 600.—The attack was began by the Clonard Supplementaries, who displayed great steadiness upon this occasion; the Kinnegad Corps and the Northumberlands supported 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 the attack with great zeal, and the Edenderry force consisting of a detatchment of the Limerick, Lieutenant Colonel Gough, the Coolestown Cavalry, Captain Wakely and the Canal Legion, Lieutenant Williams, having fallen upon the Rebels from the opposite side, they were routed with considerable slaughter. Their commander, one Casey, his brother and another Leader were killed in this action, and their bodies brought to Edenderry, where they were exposed for several days. JUNCTION OF THE WEXFORD AND KILDARE REBELS. It might have been hoped, that these successes would have established tranquility in this neighbourhood, and probably such effects would have followed the military exertions, were it not for the irruption of a large column of Wexford Rebels into Kildare, under the command of Colonel Perry who being immediately joined by Colonel Aylmer, commanding the Rebel Camp at Prosperous, was prevailed upon to abandon his intention of penetrating into the North, and to adopt a plan suggested by Aylmer, of attacking Clonard, pushing on from thence by Kilbeggan to the Shannon and surprising Athlone. In pursuance of this plan, the Rebel Forces amounting to 4000 men made a movement towards Clonard. BATTLE OF CLONARD. Lieutenant Tyrrell was totally unapprised of the intention, or motions of the enemy:—his guard were extremely vigilant during each night, but not apprehending any danger in the day time they frequently dispersed through the village for the purpose of recreation and refreshment. This happened to be the case with many of his men upon Wednesday morning the 11th of July, on which day, about eleven o'Clock Mr. Richard Allen galloped into the Court, and brought intelligence that he was pursued by a piquet guard of the Rebels, whom he narrowly escaped as they were well mounted; and he was confident a considerable force was approaching. The alarm was instantly given—every exertion was made to collect the scattered men, and parties were stationed in the most advantageous positions. As the enemy were expected from the Dublin side, six of the Corps (including Mr. Allen and Thomas Tyrrell junr. the Lieutenant's son, and only fifteen years of age) took possession of an old Turret at the extremity of the garden; and which commanded the road. Such was the rapidity with which the Rebels advanced, that the firing actually commenced from this quarter upon their Cavalry before the entire guard could be collected, and the gate leading into the Court yard was under such necessity closed to the exclusion of several, so that when Lieutenant Tyrrell came to ascertain his strength, he found he had only Twenty-seven men, including his own three sons, the eldest of whom was only seventeen years old! Such a critical situation required the coolness of a man innured to military danger, and all the exertion, firmness and skill of a veteran soldier. But although Lieutenant Tyrrell never had served in the Army, his own good sense supplied the want of experience, and his native courage furnished resources adequate to the magnitude of the occasion. He found his men as zealous as himself, determined to maintain their post and to discharge their duty to their King and Country, or fall in such a glorious cause. After sending a supply of ammunition to the advanced post at the Turret, and stationing other out-posts, he retired into the house with the main body, from which he selected the best marksmen, and placing them at particular windows gave directions that they should not fire without having their object covered, he had the rest of the men secured behind the walls and incessantly employed in loading musquets and carabines for the marksmen at the windows. The firing as we have observed commenced from the Turret at the extremity of the garden. About 300 of the Rebel Cavalry lead on by one Farrell formed their advanced guard, and approached the Turret in a smart trot, without appearing to apprehend any danger. The first shot was fired by young Mr. Tyrrell, which mortally wounded Farrell, and being followed by a general discharge from the rest among the body of the Cavalry, threw them into great confusion, in which state they fled out of the reach of the firing. The Infantry however coming up, many of them contrived to pass the Turret under cover of the wall, and numbers were posted behind a thick hedge on the opposite side of the road, from which they kept up a smart fire against the Turret, but without doing any material mischief. The Infantry who had passed the Turret being joined by a party who came by a cross road (for it seems their plan was to surround the house by advancing in different directions) they stationed a guard upon the Bridge to prevent any reinforcement arriving in that direction. About ten or a dozen of this guard were in a very few minutes shot by the marksmen from the windows, upon which the rest fled; not one of the Rebels ventured afterwards to appear upon the Bridge, so that the communication with the Western road was in a great measure preserved, the importance of which to the little garrison in Clonard will appear in the event of the day. The enemy being thus defeated in their first onset in both points of attack, became exasperated to an extravagant pitch of fury, and determined upon the most savage revenge. A large party contrived to penetrate into the garden, by the rere, and some of them immediately rushed into the Turret. The Yeomen stationed there were upon an upper floor—they had the precaution to drag up the ladder by which they ascended;—the Rebels endeavoured to climb upon each other, so as to reach the upper story, but they were killed as fast as they appeared; others then ran their pikes through the cieling, and fired shots but without effect—the conflict was obstinate—twenty seven of the Rebels lay dead on the ground floor, when at length, a quantity of straw was brought and set on fire. The building was soon in flames; two of the yeomen, Mr. Michael Cusack and Mr. George Tyrrell, endeavouring to force their way through the smoke were immediately put to death; the rest of the party viz. Mr. Allen, young Mr. T. Tyrrell, and two others escaped by leaping from a window twenty foot high into an hay-yard, from whence under cover of a wall which divided it from the garden they escaped into the house. Having succeeded so well by the effect of conflagration, the enemy set fire to the Toll house and some other cabbins on the left near the Bridge, for the purpose of embarassing and confusing the garrison; during this operation, they were seen throwing their dead into the flames, for the purpose, it was thought of evading discovery. The Battle had now lasted near six hours: about five in the evening the approach of succour was descried from the house—the hopes of all were elevated and they fought with renovated vigour. One of the guard who had been excluded by the sudden shutting of the gates in the morning, finding he could be of no other use, repaired to Kinnegad, represented the situation of his friends at Clonard, upon which fourteen of the Kinnegad Infantry, under Lieutenant Houghton, and eleven Northumberland Fencibles, under the command of a Serjeant, immediately collected and with great gallantry marched for Clonard. The communication by the Bridge having been kept open in the manner before related, Lieutenant Tyrrell sallied from the house, and soon effected a junction with this reinforcement. A few vollies completely cleared the roads, and having then placed the Northumberland and Kinnegad men in such situations as most effectually to gall the enemy in their retreat from the garden, the Lieutenant undertook in person, the hazardous enterprise of dislodging them from thence. At this time, it is supposed there were 400 Rebels in the garden; numbers of them were posted upon a mount planted with old fir trees, which afforded considerable protection, and many lay concealed behind a privet hedge, from whence they could distinctly see every person who entered the garden, tho' they could not be seen themselves—Lieutenant Tyrrell at the head of a few picked men, rushed into the garden; and was received by a general discharge from both parties of the enemy: no time was lost in attacking the party behind the hedge, who being defeated, retired to the mount;—here the action again became warm, the Rebels appeared determined to maintain the advantage of their situation, and the Yeomen, tho' fatigued with the labour of the day, could not think of retiring. Six of them were badly wounded, among whom was Mr. Richard Allen, who had so gallantly defended the Turrett—a ball passed thro' his left arm, and entered his side; his comrades still persevered with the most undaunted courage, and supporting a steady and well directed fire against the mount, the enemy were at length dispersed, and in their flight were met by the Northumberland and Kinnegad Corps who made great havoc among them. The victory was now complete—as glorious an achievement, we will venture to say, as occurred during the whole rebellion, and for which the gallant officers and men can never be too much applauded, whether 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 we consider it as an unexampled display of genuine loyalty and true courage, or estimate its value from its immence importance to that part of the country and the kingdom at large. It was the first check which the United Army of Wexford and Kildare experienced and proved the fore-runner of those multiplied defeats which terminated in its total dispersion. MRS. TYRRELL'S SUFFERINGS WHILE PRISONER WITH THE REBELS. After the Battle it might have been expected that the little garrison would have given themselves up to an excess of joy; but the breast of their Commander was filled with anxious solicitude——the partner of his heart—his wife, the mother of those three gallant youths, who mixed in the hottest scenes of the day, was absent the whole time, and no tidings of her had reached the garrison. The men sympathised with the husband and the children, and success was thought incomplete, until she was restored to their embraces. Probably the reader may participate somewhat of a similar feeling, and desire some gratification from a brief narrative of the circumstances attending the Lady while in possession of the Rebels. On the morning of the 11th of July, about the hour that the guard dispersed, as we have before mentioned, Mrs. Tyrrell went in her carriage from Clonard to her own house at Kilreiny upon some domestic concerns —she soon heard the Rebels were approaching, and speedily drove back with the hope of reaching Clonard before them. In this however she was disappointed; the noise of musquetry convinced her of the impractibility of this attempt. The servant was ordered to turn about and drive to Kilreiny, from whence she intended to send an express to Edenderry—she had not however proceeded many yards, when the carriage was overtaken by two men on horseback, armed with drawn swords who with oaths and menaces ordered the servant to stop—They turned the carriage back towards Clonard until they overtook about 200 men armed with pikes, a few musquets and some swords. They searched the carriage for arms, but did not find any. Mrs. Tyrrell describes the men as a ragged, wretched looking banditti: three of them, armed with musquets mounted the boot of the carriage; three more got behind it—and in this manner attended by a great crowd, the carriage was drove two miles round to the high road leading from Dublin to Clonard: here they kept her a prisoner, notwithstanding her frequent entreaties to be enlarged; she at one time apprehended the pike-men would cut her to pieces, as they quarrelled among themselves, some disposed to treat her with civility—others the reverse—After some time she prevailed upon them to permit her to retire into a cabin, the inhabitants of which knew her, and two men armed with musquets were placed as centries. She there remained, until the Rebels were defeated at Clonard, when the whole body upon their retreat assembled at the cabin; one of the rebel officers came in and desired Mrs. Tyrrell to get into her carriage; she asked for what purpose. He replied, that she must go with them; she entreated him to permit her to remain where she was, and that her carriage and horses were at his service; he for some time denied her request: but falling on her knees to supplicate him, he told her she might stay:—He then withdrew, but immediately a great common fellow came in, seized her by the arm, dragged her to the door, and desired some men to lift her upon a horse, which had been provided for her, as some wounded men were to be put into the carriage. Mrs. Tyrrell's alarm now became excessive—she looked round for the person, who had consented to let her remain in the cabin, and getting her arms round him reminded him of his promise. He acknowledged his engagement, but confessed he had not power to perform it—that she must go with them, but would be accomodated with her own carriage. Three or four men then thrust her into the carriage, which moved on, attended by an immense body of people, and a great number of officers. When they had proceeded about a mile, the carriage was stopped and entered by Col. Perry, who said, he was fatigued. Mrs. Tyrrell endeavoured to prevail upon him to let her go—but in vain—she told him, she would use all her influence for his advantage, if ever she had an oportunity—He answered, that the Yeomen had taken a general officer, at Clonard, and that she must remain a Prisoner till his fate was known.—After some time, the carriage was stopped again, and a fellow came in, who told Col. Perry, he had a right to it, as he had taken it, and tho' quite a common fellow, Perry had not power to prevent him. Mrs. Tyrrell then applied to this man for protection; he answered, that she could not obtain her liberty. She was now reduced to all the anguish of despair, when a gleam of hope suddenly darted across her mind, upon seeing a man riding beside the carriage whose countenance was perfectly familiar—This was one Kearns, a popish priest, who had been for some time a curate in the neighbourhood of Clonard, and had always been received in Mr. Tyrrell's house, with the respect due to his clerical function, and the hospitality of an Irish gentleman. Upon meeting a man, who had feasted for weeks together at her table, and a clergyman too! she thought herself secure and implored his protection: —He coldly answered—"O, yes, Madam"—But with all the base and black ingratitude of a sullen and unfeeling heart, insensible to past kindness, he drew back his horse, and with the jesuitical prevarication, natural to such a character, determined not to interfere, while he neglected to console her with an implied offer of assistance.——Thus deserted, she again abandoned herself to despair, and began to prepare herself for that death, which she now looked upon as inevitable.——A man, who sat upon the boot of the carriage, was suddenly struck with the fervency of her devotion, and turning round, said, He had as much authority as any other man there, and that the lady should do as she pleased. Elevated a little from her despondency by this expression, Mrs. Tyrrell gave him her gold watch, promising him any further reward he would demand, if he would procure her liberty.——At this time a person in the garb of an officer, and whose countance beamed with the rays of humanity, rode up to the carriage—she immedeiately addressed him in the most supplicating terms—imploring him to take pity upon a poor defenceless woman, who had not, and who could not injure him—He interrogated her as to who she was and how she came there.— She told him—He protested, that he did not before know of any such thing and requested to know, what she wished to do——She replied that she only required to be let on her feet, that she might proceed home. He immediately ordered the cavalcade to stop—handed her out of the carriage in the most kind and humane manner—conducted her thro' an immense crowd of armed men, and apologized for not accompanying her to Clonard, by saying, "she knew, he could not do it with safety."—Mrs. Tyrrell made him the acknowledgements of a grateful heart, and begged to be entrusted with his name, that if ever it should be in her power, she might return the kindness she had then experienced and repay the obligations she had received.—He said, he was afraid, she could not do him any service, and with apparent reluctance, told her, he was Captain Byrne!—He then returned to his party, and Mrs. Tyrrell having met some of the people in whose cabin she was a prisoner, they accompanied her to Clonard, where she was consoled for all her sufferings by finding her husband and children alive. The gentleman (for such his conduct evinced him to be) who called himself, Captain Byrne, proved to be Mr. Byrne of Ballymanus, in the county of Wicklow, who afterwards surrendered himself to Government, and Lieutenant Tyrrell being in Dublin at the time, repaired to the Castle, had an interview with Mr. Byrne, expressed his acknowledgements to him in the warmest terms, and represented the conduct of Mr. Byrne to the administration in such a manner, as shewed the Lieutenant's sense of the obligation, while it promoted the lenient disposition which was afterwards manifested to Mr. Byrne. Thus have we given an authentic detail of the battle of Clonard and the circumstances attending it, which in fact have been but little known, no official account having ever been published concerning it. One subject of regret however remains for the victors in the loss of Mr. Richard Allen, who died of his wounds in a few days after at Mullingar, regretted by all who knew him, as a young gentleman of unsullied integrity and undaunted courage—attached to his King by the purest principles of loyalty, and to his family by the warmest affection—He was a zealous yeoman and a steady friend. All that seems necessary to add, is to say a few words respecting the fate of this Rebel Army and its leaders. FATE OF THE REBELS. After proceeding some distance from Clonard, along the Dublin road, they turned to the right and took up their quarters for the night in the village of Carbery—where they possessed themselves of Lord Harberton's house, and indulged in drinking wine and spirits to excess—they were most of them intoxicated, in which state had they been attacked, they must have been totally destroyed.—But the force at Clonard was too small, had suffered too severely and expended too much ammunition to attempt a pursuit—On the morning of the 12th of July, the Rebels moved from Carbery to Johnstown, and from thence by the nineteen-mile-house into the county of Meath—They were pursued by Lieutenant 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Col. Gough, with a small party of the Limerick Militia, and the Edenderry yeomen—An express had been sent to Col. Gordon, commanding at Trim, to march out with a force from thence, and co-operate with the Edenderry detachment—Col. Gordon accordingly left Trim with 200 men and two pieces of cannon, but from some fatality, yet unexplained, did not join in the attack, which Lieutenant Col. Gough, after waiting some time and reconnoitering the enemy posted upon a hill, commenced against them, with only sixty infantry and twenty cavalry. The event of that engagement is well known, the Rebels were compleatly defeated, leaving immense booty of cattle, &c. behind them. They were next pursued by General Myers, with detachments of the Dublin Yeomenry and Buckinhamshire Militia, and tho' the General was not fortunate enough to overtake them, yet he drove them towards Slane, where they were attacked by General Meyrick, and in several subsequent days were met by different military bodies who successively routed them, so that at length this formidable body was completely dispersed. CHARACTER OF COL. PERRY, AND PRIEST KEARNS WHO WERE EXECUTED. Every man who surrvived thought only of providing for his own safety—Col. Perry and Father Kearns made their escape into the King's County, and were attempting to cross a bog near Clonbollogue, where they were apprehended by Mr. Ridgeway and Mr. Robinson of the Edenderry Yeomen, who brought them to that town, where they were tried and executed by martial law. Perry was extremely communicative, and while in custody both before and after trial gratified the enquiries of every person who spoke to him, and made such a favourable impression, that many regretted his fate—He acknowledged, that 150 of the rebels were killed and 60 wounded at Clonard—which tho' accomplished by 27 men will not appear extraordinary, when it is known that these 27 men fired upwards of 1300 ball cartridge. Kearns was exactly the reverse of his companion—he was silent and sulky, and seldom spoke, save to upbraid Perry for his candid acknowledgements—The history of this Priest is somewhat extraordinary— He had actually been hanged in Paris, during the reign of Robespierre, but being a large heavy man, the lamp-iron from which he was suspended, gave way, till his toes reached the ground—in this state, he was cut down by a physician, who had known him, brought him to his house and recovered him. He afterwards made his escape into Ireland;—was constituted a Curate of a chapel near Clonard, and having suffered so much by democratic rage and insurrectionary fury, he was looked upon as an acquisition in the neighbourhood, then much disturbed by the defenders—He inveighed against these nightly marawders with such appearance of sincerity and zeal, that he was frequently consulted by the Magistrates, and sometimes accompanied them in their patroles—Some suspicion of treachery on his part was at length entertained, from the uniform discovery of the operations agreed upon by the Magistrates, in consequence of which, he was excluded from their councils, and a positive information being sworn against him for instigating a murder which was afterwards actually committed, he fled into Wexford, where he became a member of an assassinating committee, in which capacity he continued to be extremely active, until he accompanied Col. Perry upon the expedition into Kildare, which he is known to have encouraged, and which finally led him to that fate, which was the just reward of an hypocritical and malignant heart, filled with gloomy and ferocious passions—He seemed rather to be an instrument of Hell, than a minister of Heaven, for his mind was perpetually brooding over sanguinary schemes and plans of rapine, while he assumed the sacred vestments of a servant of Christ! The following Authentic Letters may be relied on, having been written by Persons of undoubted Veracity, who were fully assured of the Facts therein recited. LETTER I. Carlow June 31st, 1798. My Dr. Friend, YOUR affectionate letter I did not receive till eight days after date: I have felt much uneasiness at not having it in my power to answer it sooner; you may think it strange that in the space of ten days I could not procure time for that purpose, but were you acquainted with my situation you would be convinced that it is a fact. If I live to see you, I trust fully to convince you of the same. Providentially for me I was absent from Carlow the time of the attack on that Town, I say providentially, for my warm spirit and forward disposition might have led me into danger. The account which I received from people of veracity, who were on the spot is as follows. On the 24th of May, the day preceding the attack, Haydon, a Yeoman, but an officer of the Rebels, repaired to the Country, and spent the day in mustering his Forces. A letter relative to the business, directed to Mr. J. D. of Arles, was by mistake put into the hands of a Loyal Yeoman of the same christian and sirname, and residing in the same place: The bearer was conveyed to Maryborough and executed, and the letter sent to Col. M— who commanded in Carlow, by means of which the Military had timely notice of the intentions of the Rebels. There being no Barrack for Infantry in the Town, the men were billeted upon the Inhabitants; the genteeler sort paying for their lodging, they were in general quartered in the Cabins. The intention of the Rebels was to murder the Soldiers in their lodgings, surprise and take the Horse Barracks, and then make themselves masters of the Town, which in all probability they would have done, had not God brought their designs to light in the manner above mentioned; for on receipt of the above information the Infantry were ordered into the Barracks, and kept under arms till the Insurgents had entered the Town. About twelve o'Clock the Rebels came forward in great force, and too confident of a victory not yet gained, gave three cheers crying "the Town is our own!" but how dreadfully were they disappointed? for in that moment, the military rushing forward, cut them down in all quarters; and having posted themselves in an advantageous manner cut off almost all possibility of a retreat. Many of these deluded creatures fled into the houses for shelter, but there justice pursued them—for the Soldiers set them on fire immediately. About eighty houses were burned, but the numbers consumed therein could not be ascertained. It is supposed not less than six hundred fell that morning; and what is surprising, only two I believe were found among the bodies with any simptoms of life! Thus did God frustrate the designs of the wicked, and display his justice and mercy in a singular manner— His justice, in suffering the ungodly to fall into the pit which they had digged for their innocent, unoffending neighbours; and his mercy, in preserving those whom he employed as the Executioners of his vengeance on his Enemies. Not a Soldier or Yeoman was so much as slightly wounded! One Soldier indeed who had not left his billet, they hung with a sheet; but being soon extricated he recovered immediately. Sir. E. C. Bart. Haydon, Kelly, Kane, Borro, two Murphys, one of them a Serjeant in the Yeomenry, and several others were executed a few days after. Haydon it is said, finding it going against his friends, slipt into his Father's house, dressed himself in his Regimentals, and came out and fought against those whom he had a few hours before led to the slaughter. Thus by the interference of him who declares a hair of our head cannot fall without his permission, was an innocent people saved from the murderous designs of a Sanguinary Foe. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 I Remain yours Affectionately F. R. LETTER II. Ross, July 20th, 1798. My Dr. Friend, The following account relative to the affair at Ross is remarkably brief: particulars would fill a Volume, and as there are many things said concerning it which cannot be depended on, I think it best to confine myself to a few plain facts which are not disputed by any. On the 4th of June in the evening, the Rebels to the amount of near 20000, took possession of Corbit Hill, one mile distant from Ross. The military force in the town was remarkably small, the fears of the Inhabitants were raised to an alarming height, but the coming in of the County Dublin Militia quieted them much. Between three and four o'Clock on the morning of the fifth, the engagement commenced, Early in the action the Rebels were for some time victorious, having driven before them all the black cattle they could collect through the country; this threw the military into confusion, and obliged many of them to retreat in great confusion over the Bridge; some pieces of Cannon also fell into the hands of the Enemy. The Rebels then set fire to the houses in the suburbs, about two hundred and fifty of which were consumed; but this turned to their own disadvantage, for the wind blowing towards them they were inveloped in smoke, which together with the immoderate quantity of spirituous liquors they drank on Corbet-Hill, rendered them incapable of their business. The Dublin and Donegal Militia who kept the guards at the Market-house and Fair-gate never left their post, by means of which the Rebels could not penetrate into the centre of the town; had they ran, Ross, and in all probability the provincial towns in Munster would have fallen. The Soldiers who retreated (except some who fled to Waterford) soon rallied again, and entering the town in a furious manner, obliged the enemy to run. The Battle lasted for near twelve hours—3000 Rebels it is said lay dead in and near the town; many also must have died of their wounds: 'tis thought that between fifty and sixty of the Military fell: 'twas too many, but we could hardly expect such a victory on more reasonable terms. B. B. Harvey was commander in chief of the Rebels; but for his bad generalship on that day was deposed, and the command was afterwards given to Roach. 'Twas on this dreadful day that the Barn at Scollabogue, in which one hundred and seventy Protestants, Men, Women, and Children were confined, was burned: the Rebels in their retreat from Ross set it on fire, lest the Prisoners would escape. About twenty of these sufferers I was personally acquainted with, some of them were my intimate friends. This burning was not the act of one person as some report, Priest Shallow of the parish of Newbawn was present, and twenty five not included in the above number were shot in the most deliberate manner, their cloaths being worth preserving. I pass within two miles of the melancholy spot every month, and often converse with those who know every particular relative to it, both Loyalists and Rebels.—— Yours, F. R. LETTER III. Colliery, August 1st, 1798. My Dr. Friend, It would give me much satisfaction to have it in my power fully to comply with your request, by furnishing you with an accurate detail of the Engagements which took place between his Majesty's Troops and the Rebels, for the publication you mention. If the following particulars to which I was an eye witness can be of any service, you are at liberty to make what use you please of the same. On the Morning of the twenty third of June, the Rebels who had been driven from Vinegar Hill appeared opposite New-Bridge or Gore's-Bridge, a neat Village on the River Barrow, Co. Kilkenny. The Forces quartered there, consisting of one Troop of the 4th Dragoon Guards and a Company of the Wexford Militia prepared to stop their progress, and in order thereto took possession of the Bridge; but perceiving the Rebels planting their Cannon on the opposite side, and fording the River in considerable numbers (the water being low,) they were obliged to retreat; all the Cavalry escaped, but about twenty of the Infantry were made Prisoners, many of whom were put to death on that and the following day. Their intention (as one who had been prisoner with them informed me) was to form a junction with the Colliers, and after taking Castle Comber, to proceed to Kilkenny on Monday morning. From New-Bridge they proceeded through Kelly-Mount (plundering as they went along) to a hill five miles from Castle-Comber, in the range of mountains called the Ridge, where they stopped for the night. Finding it impossible to get to Ross according to my travelling plan, I was obliged to take up my quarters in the Colliery the week before. Here I remained in total ignorance of what was going forward in other parts of the Country, till the twenty third, the day above mentioned, when an Express arrived, informing us that the Rebels had crossed the Barrow, and were on their way here. In order to know the truth of the information I rode off accompanied by a friend towards the Ridge. After riding about three miles I got in view of their Camp, and by the assistance of a pocket Tellescope could discern their numbers to be about 8000. They had two stand of white Colours, and some Soldiers (I suppose those taken that morning) along with them. Here I met ten or twelve Loyalists with fire arms; two or three of their company were just murdered by the Rebel picquets, and some more wounded. Having procured a musket I advanced with four more till we came in sight of the dead bodies; but as the Rebel scouts were within musket shot we did not think it prudent to venture farther. Seeing a Man covered with blood a distance from me, I called to him; he crawled forward and fell at my feet,—he was a Loyalist, and had received a dreadful wound from a broad sword on the head, and a few slight wounds on other parts of the body. Imagining there was no probability of his recovery, I advised him to make the best use of the few remaining moments he had, but on examining his wounds, and having cause to believe they were not mortal, I bound them up in the best manner I could, and procuring a horse to carry him, my friend and I at the risk of our lives brought him four miles across the mountains to Castle- Comber, were he was dressed: He is now perfectly recovered; and the happiness which the remembrance of that transaction affords me, more than compensates for the danger and labour which attended it. From seven till ten o'Clock the roads were crowded with the Protestants flying from all parts of the adjacent country, into Castle-Comber. At one o'Clock a Troop of the 4th Dragoons, a Company of the Downshire Militia, and a few Yeomen arrived from Ballinakill; these with a Troop of the R. Irish Dragoons, two Companies of the Waterford Militia, and one Corps of Yeomen Cavalry, about two hundred and fifty in all, made up the whole of our Military force; a small number to oppose 8000 Furies! 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 but that the Battle is not to the strong, the event of that day proved. About four o'Clock, the Rebels arrived at Gurteen, three miles from Castle Comber, where they heard Mass; at five they had Mass again, (it being a holyday) at the Gizebo, a mile nearer. Between six and seven the engagement began at Cool-bawn, one mile and half from Town. Being with the advanced Guard I was present at the commencement. The Rebels advanced in the most daring manner, and in pretty good order, having placed their Musketeers in the front who kept up a...

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