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AMO Reaccreditation Application PDF

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AMO® Reaccreditation Application AMO companies must reaccredit every three years to confirm continuing compliance with the AMO requirements, to report any changes within the company, and to ensure the integrity of the AMO program. IREM ID Firm name (if modifications to your firm name are necessary, use the change form in the addendum) Name of Executive CPM® (as currently accredited by IREM. If you intend to change your Executive CPM, use the change form in the addendum) Company operations Servicing the client Check each box below to confirm that your firm meets all these standards. Confirm that your firm meets all these standards by checking each box below. ☐ Was established and conducts its business activities in compliance ☐ Has a written management agreement, as mutually agreed upon with all applicable laws and regulations. between the firm and its clients, that establishes the business relationships. ☐ Has established and enforces written policies and procedures for ☐ Develops and implements leasing policies and procedures for properties firm operations. managed in accordance with regulatory, contractual, and firm guidelines. ☐ Maintains firm, property, and client records in accordance with ☐ Fully discloses to the clients acceptance of any rebates, fees, regulatory, contractual, and company guidelines. commissions, discounts, or other benefits, monetary or otherwise. ☐ Has established, maintains, and updates as needed an accounting Within the last three years: system that complies with accepted accounting procedures, firm operations, and client obligations. Has the firm or parent company filed for Chapter 11 or other financial reorganization for the benefit of creditors (If yes, attach a detailed explanation) ☐ Was established with and adheres to internal financial controls for ☐Yes ☐ No the handling of firm and client funds and does not commingle funds of multiple clients or client funds with firm funds. Has the firm, its principals, officers, or management personnel been involved in either civil or criminal legal proceedings as a defendant in which there were allegations of fraud, misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds or property? (If yes, attach a detailed explanation) ☐Yes ☐ No Has the firm, its principals, officers, or management personnel been subject to disciplinary action by the Institute of Real Estate Management, a local board of the National Association of Realtors, or any 0ther professional organization? (If yes, attach a detailed explanation) ☐Yes ☐ No Functions performed (18 of 28 are required) Firm operations ☐1. Develops and executes an emergency preparedness response plan. ☐4. Prepares and monitors an annual budget. ☐ 2. Provides for professional development, training, and/or ☐ 5. Develops, maintains, updates, and communicates a strategic plan. credentialing of employees. ☐3. Establishes written job descriptions that accurately define ☐6. Participates and supports employee involvement in industry employee responsibilities. organizations and/or community groups. Servicing clients and managing properties ☐ 7. Develops and maintains a client customer service plan. ☐18. Establishes rental rates. ☐8. Develops and maintains a written leasing plan. ☐ 19. Provides adequate staffing. ☐9. Prepares a management plan. ☐ 20. Develops, maintains, and enforces general safety guidelines and awareness to protect tenant/resident safety. ☐10. Establishes and enforces written operating policies and ☐ 21. Establishes a customer service plan for tenants/residents. procedures. ☐11. Recommends and assists in implementing capital improvements. ☐ 22. Develops and adheres to written policies and procedures on tenants/resident selection in accordance with regulatory, contractual, and firm guidelines. ☐12. Establishes and follows procedures for reporting loss claims and ☐ 23. Monitors tenants/residents to ensure compliance with lease potential loss claims. terms, including rent collections. ☐13. Establishes and executes, if needed, an emergency preparedness ☐ 24. Prepares annual operating budgets. and response plan. ☐14. Establishes security policies and procedures. ☐ 25. Assesses, develops, and implements plans for preventative and routine maintenance. ☐15. Maintains emergency and life safety equipment. ☐ 26. Requires contractors providing goods or services to meet minimum insurance requirements. ☐16. Establishes and maintains an environmental and health safety ☐ 27. Receives, deposits, and accounts for all incoming funds accurately management program. and protects the client’s funds against all foreseeable contingencies, depositing such funds in an escrow, trust, or agency account with an insured financial institution. ☐17. Develops and implements a written marketing plan. ☐ 28. Disburses and accounts for outgoing funds and payable accurately. Executive CPM currently listed (Check one) ☐ The above-named CPM continues to be the Executive CPM for the firm. ☐ There has been a change in the Executive CPM not previously reported to IREM. (Please use the change form in the addendum if you intend to change your Executive CPM The Executive CPM must have authority and/or responsibility for: (Check The Executive CPM must have authority and/or responsibility for at least to confirm) four of the six areas below (Check all that apply) ☐ Delivery of the firm’s real estate management services ☐Hiring and firing real estate managers. ☐ Establishing the firm’s goals and objectives. ☐ Developing the firm’s real estate management policies and ☐Determining the services offered by the firm. procedures. ☐ Negotiating management agreements with clients. ☐ Binding management agreements with clients. ☐Training and supervising real estate managers. AMO Ethics (check to confirm) ☐ It is understood that the Executive CPM is held responsible for not only his or her own ethical conduct but also for the conduct of the individuals employed by the firm in the real estate management field and for informing employees about the AMO Code of Professional Ethics. Signatures ☐ I certify that every person at the firm engaged in real estate management read, understood, and agreed to abide by the AMO Code of Professional Ethics which may be updated or changed by the Governing Council. ☐ I further affirm that I am responsible for the real estate management business of the firm; have full knowledge of the firm’s policies, its methods of doing business, and its personnel; and attest that all information on this application and all other documents submitted with this application are true and correct at the time of its completion. Executive CPM signature Date ☐ If the Executive CPM does not have the authority to legally bind the applicant firm, an officer or agent having such authority must sign this application in addition to the CPM. The undersigned affirms that he or she has read this application and that the information on this application is correct. Signed by Title Date Checklist for AMO reaccreditation ☐Page 1-3 of the application ☐Certificate of insurance ☐Reaccreditation fee of $100* * Not applicable if already paid with AMO dues renewal. If applicable: ☐Request for AMO name change ☐Request for AMO ownership change ☐Request for AMO Executive CPM change ☐Other supporting documents as may be required Email your completed application to [email protected]. Also contact us at (312) 329-6012 or [email protected] with any questions. Fidelity bond (employee dishonesty) covering all management Other requirements employees, officers, and owners of firm in an amount equal to a) at least The firm’s crime insurance policy must either (1) be through the AMO 10% of the firm’s gross monthly collections*, with a minimum required Crime Insurance Program, or (2) incompliance with AMO insurance value of $10,000, or b) a maximum required value of $500,000. The guidelines as attested to by insurance carrier. deductible may not exceed $5,000 or 5% of the bond, whichever is greater. Check one: ☐ This firm has a fidelity bond in the amount of $ __________ ☐ Option 1: The firm’s crime insurance policy is through the AMO Crime Insurance Program and the attached certificate of insurance attests to this. ☐ The deductible is $ _________________________________ ☐ Option 2: The firm’s crime insurance policy complies with the AMO insurance guidelines as attested to by the firm’s insurance agent If the fidelity bond is less than the maximum required value of $500,000, below. this section must be completed: The firm’s monthly gross collection are: For option 2: This must be completed by firm’s insurance agent. $ __________________________________________________ I hereby attest that these criteria are met: *Total monthly gross rent collections (not management fees) for the ☐ The insurance firm is rated by A.M. Best or Standard and Poors at least company including branch offices. If company manages homeowners or B+. condominium associations, provide assessments and collections on behalf ☐ The policy utilized is written on a loss sustained form or discovery form of the association. which allows for discovery a minimum of 60 days and a maximum of 12 months after termination of the policy. Depositor’s forgery and alterations insurance in the minimum amount of ☐ The policy does not include endorsements requiring prosecution and $25,000. The deductible may not exceed $5,000 or 5% of the amount, conviction proceedings against perpetrator. whichever is greater. ☐ Deductibles do not exceed $5,000 or 5%. ☐ This firm has depositor’s forgery and alterations insurance in the amount of $ _________________________________ Insurance company ☐The deductible is $ ________________________________ ☐ A certificate of insurance is provided that attests to these coverages (see Insurance agent name (print) sample below) Insurance agent signature Insurance agent phone Insurance agent email Date Addendum Firm name change request Name of the firm at the time of AMO Accreditation: New name: Attach the following documents:  Amendment to articles of incorporation or other documentation confirming name change  Certificate of insurance in the firm’s new name confirming that all insurance requirements are being met Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions. Specific questions require an explanation based on response. Has there been any change in the services offered to clients or the types of properties managed by the firm? (If yes, attach an explanation.) ☐ Yes ☐ No Does the firm continue to have all insurance coverages required for membership in the AMO program? (If no, attach an explanation.) ☐ Yes ☐ No Was the change made in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws? (If no, attach an explanation.) ☐ Yes ☐ No Did the change result in the formation of a new corporate entity? (If yes, please attach an explanation and provide documentation—e.g., articles of incorporation.) ☐Yes ☐No Has there been any change of a substantial nature in the procedures the firm uses to manage the property? (If yes, attach an explanation.) ☐ Yes ☐ No Name of Executive CPM® Signature Date Firm ownership change AMO firm name Percentage of ownership that has changed Reason for ownership change (check all that apply):  A devise  An interfamily sale  An employee participation in a buyout. For each employee involved in the buyout, provide the individual’s name, position in the company, percentage of ownership, and tenure with the firm.  The purchase of the AMO firm by another firm. Provide a history of the acquiring firm, how long it has been in business. Include documentation attesting to h ow long the acquiring firm has been in business (e.g., articles of incorporation.) Documents that must be attached:  A detailed explanation of the cause or causes of the ownership change.  Any other explanations or documentation as may be required based on answers given above or below Yes No  ☐ Has there been any change of a substantial nature in the procedures the firm uses to manage property? (If yes, attach an explanation.)  ☐ Has there been any change in the services offered to clients or the types of properties managed by the firm? (If yes, attach an explanation.)  ☐ Does the firm continue to have all insurance coverages required for membership in the AMO program? (If no, attach an explanation.)  ☐ Was the change made in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws? (If no, attach an explanation.) Ownership and Officers: Name Position % of ownership % of new Tenure with firm Is this individual ownership a CPM? ☐Y ☐ N ☐Y ☐ N ☐Y ☐ N ☐Y ☐ N ☐Y ☐ N Total must equal Total must equal 100% 100% Name of Executive CPM® Signature Date Executive CPM® change request A firm may request an Executive CPM change at any time. If the firm is not prepared to provide a replacement at the time of submitting this request, you will have six months from the departure of the current Executive CPM on file. The new Executive CPM must have been in their position for least 180 days. Failure to comply can result in the deactivation of your AMO accreditation. AMO firm name Executive CPM currently listed  This CPM departed the firm (mm/yyyy) _____________  This CPM remains with the firm but had a change in position (mm/yyyy) ____________ Name of new designated Executive CPM Position/title of new designated CPM Individual above has been with the firm since (mm/yyyy) ________________ Document that must be attached:  A company organization chart that identifies the position held by the new Executive CPM. The new Executive CPM must have authority and/or The new Executive CPM must have authority and/or responsibility for (check to confirm): responsibility for at least four of the six areas below. (check all  Delivery of the firm’s real estate management services. that apply):  Developing the firm’s real estate management policies and □ Hiring and firing real estate managers. procedures.  Establishing the firm’s goals and objectives. Determining the services offered by the firm. □ Negotiating management agreements with clients. □ Binding management agreements with clients. □ Training and supervising real estate managers. □ Executive CPM required education: The new Executive CPM has one year from the date of departure of the previous Executive CPM to fulfill AMO education requirements 1 and 2. Education requirement 1: Successful completion of one of the three options: Date(s) completed  BDM603: Leading a Successful Property Management Company - taken via self-paced online & classroom  BDM601: Growth Strategies for Real Estate Management Companies - offered prior to 2017  HRS603: Today’s Leadership Challenges - offered prior to 2017  701: Managing the Management Company - offered prior to 1997 Education requirement 2: Successful completion of one of the following: Date completed  ETH800: Ethics for the Real Estate Manager If this course was completed while earning the CPM, it does not have to be re-taken  ETH001: Real Estate Management Ethics Online

REACCREDITATION APPLICATION. IREM® Headquarters. Phone. (800) 837-0706. 430 North Michigan Avenue. (312) 329-6000. Chicago, IL 60611-
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