Usisy and Stragate Spocches and Weiknge ‘Amilear Cabral swith an Patrons by Be Dnavidecn ane Binagraphic by Melvin de Aniends Hess aa pss aseBin, spite te Ue ote are fection ral ey sith ass: 9 edarnielogy as, akan) situs mover or rv wary ceases” Alef tin pre ode oat revalahra legvs ovced dy cheng aos compaig Lae Foe of Pertugur coal ea — of Angel, ise Pek, Ges Hen Mivarstzua ord Sen Thine Call huesked tne Pats Aeros iesewnet niu ina e Celis Yes PAI, 2°, er ne war ase is dase ba eels ene Protea atte. Anas Dari eaypvad even sm cpechare rag Gm ne yur fou th dos res a th "or natey damon total osha he idaue cele Aton eevee —— UNITY AND STRUGGLE. Amilcar Cabral UNITY AND STRUGGLE Speeches and Writings Texts selected by the PAIGC ‘Translated by Michael Wolfers MONTHLY REVI NEW YORK ANE Copgright © 19:9 oy the PATE Al ighs reserved, Libracy of Congress Catatoging in Publieation Dara Capen. Aiea. iy and sole “Thee texte monn 1 yome twnthds ofthe Leech dion le eek et 3 pubied By trac Maspar in 1975.” Lelio ber. ign wavensets ~ Guinea. ss CCllgsted work, 2 Chinen Biesan~ Palites and fgrsmninent Colic! works. 3. Caps Vere Teka: Foltice and goverment Callesiod works. 4. Nana! lieratin movements Cape Verte Islnd: ~ Collected nek, § Patide Alrcuru de Iidependéncia da Guin e Cater Verde ~ Castel works, Ty Pll Aono se Ideneadéncia da Guune ¢ Cate Verde. Tide Draetscass SEO ReSTOZ 21 ISBN 0 S5255810,4 ISHN U-85345.528°7 Monthly Review Press 2 West In Steet, New Vouk, VY. 19081 49 Ned Lion Steet, Tandon WCIR APF Manofactsed in te United States ef Amen InaeTes4 821 Contents Auiesitons intdonton ast Haridsoe Begin oes Mice Aad PART 1 The Wenpon of Theory 2 Aral Counts of Ge hiya erage (ec Paty ae the sage use ed Ue es > ab shes of or eee Sings ofthe gee ey he pope fu the poune “oapende ae iba Se ¥, Mittens he ay 1 For ine rnporomen ot sur pstca wk 15 Homage 10 Kove Nish 1 Presnins ar objets tou terion a rel 0 soca sactre 15 aimal Reeton ma sere PART 2 Kevalutionury Practice 1 Message o Gnican nd Cons Yea el seems sa 17 Sevag te Pore wiles Ceibe and Cpe Yale 16 Message tothe saan, aos ane NUYDe he Pateguss ‘ele ry 19 emorandor frm he Aisi Bary for the ncependenco of Gains and Cape Sele HAIGC ths Pogues 20 Avupo gor to he riagasie Govern 21 rostrata tet ston 22 The bl Ces ed he Comaren of Cassaea 22 The eg est of aad sme aio eran 24 The sn of PANG seagate iy Baga 1972 25 Be wweae a ecory mune ofthe sikation PF rage 2% Coxioatly seve al sveaghon ly cl We ad Pars 27 Canaan iapony agnosia ees ut ut be 26 Kom nll or Una auth Ad Le enn aga ass BP Serhan sooty ad coiling ua wostos ube ugg 26 30 esny lhe tonometer oy any 1 faninve sac ewlodae a ted or Kah ae 1 Any Party rinse in pesos He 33 The ups of CONCP asi 14 The peel a€ Guinea Cape Yea bore the UN oa 235 Cromionsfahe Poop Naina Avelyn Gige y 1 Now Years meat aan Introduction CLSTP (Uinta de tinanageo se Siu, Teme «Prine Chri te Movement ort Iehersn on Toa and CONCH (Confrein das Orrninases Nasiomalsias Sales agen Comfeene he Nations Ciariations Ulllp Porogoene Colonies ‘CUE (Canin Cai Feiy FRELINO (Frome de ahaa Mocambiquc Mccabe Literate Fost MPLA (Mevimento Boglar He Linea de Anson) pao: ‘Movement for tr Iabeaion oF Ansa ‘AU Ovenisttio o Aca Unity PAIGE oe PAL Pain Aang ta indgondinca dy Gine © Ce Yanle) Mtn Pury fr tb Indepeadonos of Gulné on tape Vee LODE {Poti totrocional xs Dstevs do Bt Intoratve Fros for he Ieaae ste See Corea for Pega by Ws Sulcn seg, ened go Aes ale 1934. ‘cn Afisosof Ponce Resta atc te oles end ite meric oeuide bee hares lois, noon war he idle The Tes ty ua tH eat areteeeS o eran he impugn nf elt ey mere poposng uc The oe we, Bey reer ine uc of Pog he. et sone of Boropyese Ara Fay Ute aren es "Ylibae Alncane ad tr can ss n-irugle emer ho ty jones had miviatothevorghea cvdecmes fh works maention tio monde elroy aeased ors gre ed. es ee Ra belet ounclicns to hao ache the fore yer decor po Tm Portland dint the Ponaguens fp. hey mee ser 10 bane natcaly suoged she halts a Aowa ewer uk ane fe Uictoceuce oft Consyan ar neve sla er ane aime Fn fr ut an ch sara ce gis Bos rime. Thy 9 ‘en rane alt yowerh moranete a reoladonay elle 9d ‘Sirgeu thr couse of Avec aor. Anda sey wee ean fo ae ‘ocln tenvgaca weave 0 es rp elonin enc” ad Stepan ad iy slene. “Hrs in pasties pogo Youle ang tee sr all Aes pon ang iy sf pe co OF Tera penows, poseasne met teeny acy Aig fo meet tecblog or males ane oo wader fms fanz ferme angen fo mos epee of 3 Ue eutaleines? lon cp" esbne? TRonsbe for sen fo ttn’ dei axewers Bt fost as the amjorarce ote Aline seed 0 vey ea bee ‘plainer guntorscen atte mere peas beso ami nd pe ek ehargy ae oat che sontens fr tok 2462 ‘Szome tee nee the sbele neanagene ol be Fabris tv the oumepces of yrange oe Phot ond prove Aad oti ob meee an urercome eboney at {Hn gris ab eoalope hegly penton! ce henna Jie hn ere forged ith nse roy iting mon mei ‘Sh orl id tn Ree rath ho ae he ip eis 6 82h ‘ru atic teritony tsuneo eae seitlari cin of sci 8 ober ens Song ra fe ‘Shae ote Bettasor def nine mals wigo bey otc iuncatlecason Jona teinarighig moons wl wk aud axe ties a mos doce ‘qustiour Who mec fhe mn slo he enced Ie posal of ‘Reval bach lose dor ye nf eng neers? Wh Fayed usin, ered te the ah les ue he a Pho rggesaoush pers Ed of meu ash a pyaar? {When recy seas baka er orl! Whoee weer lt ‘Stunt ens uaprenle dota aed, amy weakly fr paren ad snp frais” Hoe nce sete Se se" “Thowearthe questi mu douh. taster mos co a 14a cle soceng oye of this Ks, happl. ese ueton exo Lrgels werd by i ened ye ae sen lta Bs LO ‘Sout The dogs die enapign: fe and oli and. pate ‘Shnilberi kaddesopnent nthe Aran epi Th nase in Angle, Cape Vaise GuDseBISAC, Mozabiaue. Sto Tome ~ eolerd amiherefouolndag ovata taker ho pemsod aes {fester pres aad he the ence fate and fen derive lento egplanaln a ing 0 Ge sean ‘Rd Aub ee sre, and even he hei ene, Area Eatra the shor fie rng i ne Punk. Madea by Bs orn rupee Pave io 197%, hak ees aero and ig se for Jameson. Asner venir he wie xn oe mun, CebeabSan Us reogan cer not eng aren ne eat gue ef bet me: We fied at efor hit prom ec eta CHONG Is Seale, Atos ths sence are hs toes cht i hes Treosidhe way re hia capac a me ough wo ise dtc focus gly sade nce. slows hice enti ocsonand every tite IWee 9a dials or pecaun of Ue gl ed een esatatimadnio Sar ey ee eo wl Temetand ho mas bran ww waslags bear ently emi Atv tabs pens pms: us suse aca fs Seoted ad Shick namy taetinicne Cael yar aly Weed and flowed Heese ‘rete rgessey rove that He cot and dd task rh eet ‘Thespian ee sna io as 9 a7 Here Troy r tntshe, mm see yosemite’ inh that anced wnt shower sod he coe Aad Wossknt nat ‘ant wa onde set vheu.e 19S lunches i realtones py «be PAIG™ Pacts rseons di Dadeeactioi da Guat ¢ Cato Venera 6 ed MiSatlom unl aon Logg bale be som Hol The PACE. bed ERE a nel torent ol gee wcining anon iaenes, Woe fe sscovciow sug Furope ving 960, benaato ase under Signed me, Abel Bue and and nq rey tole, Lr ier in fon in 1998 te renting seed Bape nd ute ison wore auras by rusia, eosorcmts ase sige, oer rene tno? tim the Outed Nats gave hm etn ed Nii cadense a nary enim okgetwhaake lant. be acl figtine ial side belagoo sl-idalence aris wortsox bea. ‘id epliad that had nk sultan hous bpp seat, Meg ong ask ee Le ul Taste a But ene had nding mal ape ol Carls atroath, bothape woud bo bibiosieras nines fea. nmr sare he Fen po Ue th ces you ane our oan # fore ‘Bau fo is seine or pay lars. Vuuren may Bo Sod: ‘tcl, Bur they wit onlese ies url Mey par ho ah fronronv witb ely sou hve in, Whe inverts faceted Segond appazanes to lee youre rm Phe sic Sac feed Shinins beter atadeisc ceo mersve Oly orteh a sil say aly eftheseals Ree al no, o39 TROY oF rally char br imeajted ity ie praatie voit Kine’ De Urabe Steeple Ths wate gn Bute aude etna pened ‘hohe ira hl reed oe whaler cule deen es ney For harmo Thee ae mane ure boot isa of hing Ihe eveyone hansen ake for arated a bul even, wh eee) frist ofan eral thay af maty oa eo Ue lags "Reece to trey inca plac. Ore might ever a tht eRe ‘rovanng hx mio Fetcvsin ily me odkeaton Wel stow Gives Bsa, fr esse baloney sid ale salting tayo ‘Seva sds teanee Ths-eat scene har thoee lu see witb Leow nusiné esas, ramet ectdttheavar Gann She canoe anc sd) arancin avert lipeilessatokeeptte pofthe wo stove hee orting nore oneanereh. ng ‘shod he stove, dei tow Ia atthe caret latch hen 2% he putea leaping hore tat ral monies, Wht Eh egi ayaout ana at see gps, Fou ree tn aoe) ‘ocr our Libr, tha re ma ane ape of Attar econ ‘es Aas ‘cual sis Bot Cae paso 2th ome He Se adh sl eyacrose dicate ng at tf “Vounot. Environ the tas Femace fila ha fs "het ows nah culeiod people. Aad he oosett whe the Boy Sancuso i he meno App Frisco ms diecion-merpns ole se erica The aan fallow bare py ie apecgch many level a run sicurances, Baristas. anor fey aor i pin tie gor fluence 3 hou I thse Sconce Hees wt hae im ‘Guinen esa aap endl wld Abena aeons debe word bude Aig. They nemo. y aires al ha bs te tos Fe palzaton Sseten bythe coreol the Natio Coun eae i Repble oh otiea Bray, hee ees sae ome nee ot The Eronea odin be wt Fut wae blige fy Press sper x 195 Balevae he Mssporo cen “Bou oan tos hdred par, Tar omc fr us ead its an Fond neta ned me pion und many Reealeesoaeatoncut, Aeeoo# and oral igs or esa nr ea AIG etc. ‘Ailhaungeltherafnal betas tugglecttePAIGC woo day tals momar fal ie erin They i Pe ou assay one) Ps. sod oral scion of the pel Polre nat on lauche ot Faaoncy 1963, ewe a ten sr a lone cee They Jstude domes ef emesis To ianen tin rge ro “ecadanyaofheoopts and ven sheet osm ores “eprint anders otvope nto Telnoco omni} cares “rl teminardesuos sore mauled of eoryday er 0d ep ‘hts deelopanaewituache PAIGE. Peta ators abe eat ‘Ere sth ihe cetary ase reolunary deanraey etches ot ‘felerator nf women, ante a daca ts a dessdyaied 9st ‘fre hon andy the wera usr of sus als, Tuli of pets ates stir ad ry Une ass ‘Bite wate prevented bere ely lo be sear cx Cara sc esta yok in easel and pain enptign Tho cm sd Fn on stead pare th foe ven epoken epg te Irs tsi atoal aoe tomas the PAIGE art fennel; sacl feces wh {rca niece eyely il. Uns ty bot fa peng nftcitor ithe dd nae ge a: mtr Cabal a ements coed ana ron, on for then vere tortie gman avoad and br es ofl 9 oat funicatlaeaby shea hat ede oot a oct Fea the rae uo ith he ap culusins cathe eg ned Pe frost oF er Relend So ha far toss ry hear be a # ‘Chia wold Kays een toni mearme aralecal puoi al ‘thoy of efi sti or erie ee a ssc 6 ale Tansee Restme rurocet Riheprsie i tbateors ven er ‘ange aadeersiy erator fais heron peer Ba fe ‘framers om he met fe ee ete Wht va otsalesensal anos ey wide Gusto pier thr apoane soe Each Re oon si fas Cats Tefen ot ecics squarely avo spate ality ef une and ie, (sh ipecng us en ins prs aa whol, snd dt un de fromitbelesomsdhacanhe well ioproarns Suerte prt. Arts fRutheeny roo weg orratines sir seule ae he Sch {mld a, descent sare emenpe wh on ep ate Tom bar thoe eft coomn extendere atin bo isu mad tpine 2AUGC ata) focus [wedges Pesuppostions eich ouoaal esate elas soca vaste prhapt Ee chsviesontichensblsted Catrina onal nkern ce Mare. Uedifon (is 14) nd fxtre s109 gm ase tera ad (Cone feat 151 wc oflersunctber asi, opeue this tine on he ‘nal leaders ef Rberadan soma Fe he ential obey oF he epeiog par f kes mate a ors ieee inradustion te resale Carat apn attest ng eure eras ‘San iene stor as hich bu sazbuntia Guosude, ital the Cape Vedcavchipleyo mics los fait was eaehers Sanit ‘Clittnu othe ick of Sunage, anda fchdental kr tee Tiney ot Caen Hig tie Cail rad on, ym coal arog ‘ernest sunt bts te cart oust fhe soul essed iS one te gee oc tole oka Bote am avon she The ey ook teoyeas eon ta Ponogsee sored 1 rho nd foclgs wes provides estaaonse ls Shsery of U-boat evoatan aad yosteenald¥shopecatin Gao Wiss. Wn le Spur of tee utes flr hed om 2 Innate rel even gue kegel hi mrss genpes al ‘Biles, poh, wy na ten pap Fo woe Sn Landen nena er Egon vation dave tay oftany wets Sriog 1960, 20d a tne hen Pe ‘Scone a cd le comes fetes Poruesecaenn, het ‘rasta scuside woo thoy had coe oe tbe bea Tomatoes safautt Hote ous matt ata loons, ay techifargubeats bells yas weld eveloputne deal side inde, share seal ata als olen cnn Bal Ateula, Menambige ant in’ Coma, Catealeeataed. 80 to ohn x pun papel he ever glia Use peble is Pennle Pang wes wore Wn ene Le ne fine iw aga ate bis om people, and Finite, Reserve meer slated Feannunarons ape eordngs ar ead sauane gee by tim san rly o ese gente (rsng Noetater 190), Ser themed sages au Clseel le as eu oven earl bu from neat ene ele drei ecacin now spoken i ibe ormle of Cine Bora (o tgs (Gentine angen pres dan rom Sher bal angen such Sepa ant Rtas aly Portugues Wont ae veer rt ere een rem in toa outr faa, Thais why eel ara (cur ering hey il Pea asia fortac eye awl oe Aieioment Hebeeperbapsoan any ater Arsanoes fam ay scuns, Teco nny ee joe wht Ie ttl pan ae develope Tbseaou ausesten ant etn the paten. cumin of noe he ‘leaner ofthe anguren Ex saps 9 cag etme eat iol! npestiono” te rea tlt sch ae es abd poe Rh "Kg are Far fro sigs or fal stomeus af domrsiine anh A puerta wrsers aaa an tan ea ae lier gms any Hera, sro ture wa a haben from bene, mil bot m nd Enowing une tao 2 pvt ood uoroee adres ato aproloaed Urtte on be acy was Oh Sloe Esl basco anda nod pein ee rt oa an Chor aud wt pesca the or agnmcsone Parag I [empath eelare why the eves coe reget oe of wre ‘Solan heres pasa uch concrn ese even ong oot acutanoe tea ahogcterdifteae A tony of fore aime =r inti inde scdiuoas wde whch dev ometsed tase, aad ‘cin uncune uf: you 1968-cov ie uassusl aout woke sepa Fike Portis ects aml wre seo gests fo Re boat ira pe any wri egg raed tt eed ‘Buc pacie, Cure tse ur sy eres bee Weer. Clb dab to chose of 1960 oe sie eho four yee sae ent 2-33 ‘Guteied tne she hosing nf poral eho ar aed hose al wi pce. Concoted fa [9G8 eed wen 1962 into a toakist allot Painone Oraie or sticty cil use, ey mask gaher withthe hey of ral teraue utp of ert, ‘shh Cabra ans eadagcompanta i leeds be elaborate Enmcbuty ond wen sul sou gen it apt ambushes CGrectes deine thr stun atl prot nt Cab conte it Soca hey bear bor be tre fd sue wth te PAI, Novenbe 1063 the towk cera hevey aim whee rc ‘alg or by reaing seal Uo Ube ho wld aot oad) Te a heaps a hm, en antl erie, spin nope carers of SinHt Cea thes orm nee mat nsausve ats oie ‘Solution of teva hati spee os ube spice hae ee es rm ay au ‘Kaien wil aepecally presse these drotes 1965. Ata cing ho te PAIG aul ean be ms af fe aed kant ‘Sheu petal mgznvaon in ecued ata ha et ho ove beyond ipalphis nd when gh orgunizaon was stil inate anal as ona praearame hr dave pci sa ungote ebe Shi. Ride ce resching the, act sgt nV beara: heer tirana, atl er fhe BTCC pb foie wf tie sorta besond Teme ests il peer De fret tecture. Mie RL 2¢ akon Ruths Jn eats at fal ses the ciracievat ona ac have te ones ae “Mecnanivhe esogtucd seoer te wri de seth etn ESR Ein ew lun ney ive” Gu ll Ga eas engl ee, ‘he worowrcesin 149, hl mermsy eben gem rvrlazed onthe capesencofhs pay ontbeessns ithe ot, she me hae made, ths stecess i bad won, ny ho ‘eurers: Osoatonal he was ag eo ul al i oo a spete ramen anal ad preston fer vane io ie Haran [Bre of RR and he Sean lure of 1970, see pened AL ‘es utes, ag sn rs UN speek pede is 34h ced eae itu Lou ehcaoutaaens of de BARGE in Giger Dire and Cape eno ara on he mcnorary sue 13 owls oud developet edit Uitte anny remus anh oe aa tee pee hac 2 Sy Bic ¢sdecdon swing wo be soapeeonive a east in ofering, the ‘Apna a wee as sw a axpt ft ples that Taco Guc of unse apts use Rows is rn we ia wl Pisce Wat Atos hiss. supped by Slo invasion, ond eek noe nme prs dvcc acy nughbe swahonedsnsset ios tecioe oie seg su el ALC hal ar Te elactaneatc Aten net On Re gonna he ens ok ‘ols norte ew (an) one ply cuits intone ete ted revlon rg ever ‘end hi tue say ascopone of selon for teem sabe A clo rarer nleace as eee Cirle, a fever sar sti enmoroiace, for Cabral exe de pacer eeu Form which a progres a eid, Pane didnot como fom be ba ofa gona primar eng: aorta neon ren hs ‘sete applonia os pciial anata and roman Reon ths ‘whee Mot wit adn min Hell. Magen my Tad Tang it Tom mo ig gnc deed rds, supe ee reer Sloe: bree Stal th the hab of aestce Boog roo {Mote polled tewsion, Conor lees mar waa. bit Ss au 9monser a hen nl sap yom aug ee ad evergioredormvietscintiti: gonlyatd hese res Al vue years fobs igh yo PAIGE ns repeals eres Sue Borges Beka abe aor smendeed:t ini anid tne ome are anes 17 20 rea ich nr ata eeaetl postion Do ene var shuld be wes a ‘ema oll waror ‘A had a sue eee m Api 1974 te Pty cies of the ocimenn oak Hoesas Amides (MFA! othe te uestoaip on Sel nar Ducokoueston and Dement Senco Ue ast Se ofthe iam an they be wire hp aa, a eared ho putes of Meir fr te example otis PAIGE "he ened oss andre moe Pvt au le dele he ney fe Sik see uf Glice Bonin arandnoussatement of une 19% "The saps fo uaooah lige mion hermit powseuly 1 Ie revo anism and pe dee as ea a te ba of he MUA, ‘hw fers ss sarod it Aion te oro ou fulecs wa, 0 30 vz undenendthe vasa these whieh sie te apf Paral bo inrsy well evo that ese woo emcee ct Cabal omer rcei, hough sly 4 yestorors on "Tue qoiseees-evtey tadeslso ea Mon vas e tue bis Cou in banery 1TH the pods bb sbped a 5 “Stapuaone x very sions en Ha ae oe fone” Gn epee. bot clay orld hues me ns eel ceive, Thm mo ‘ort geace tat owed Ty stry th el Yet > ‘anne feu om the ine When ietng ceed eal 9 TE, Je Praga anced tagssudenos in September 1974, aad fe nes Fey nk soma fecal herkase rage ol sl PS Gstclonmen in to sesed sone bo of esl rc ote = {ed bam nie nfo, soa st overs en pe tele abt Poorenens of tw paioes aid ivacunes shuped ander Cobalt Tesdonhip ord fas "Whether Cue Bisa ox le stor rb ol Cape Verde, eae toler apgamme,webelsh spphadn few inne and We so ancy sulleges uf peace fad tecensucon. Fst, ronetic lorie Me hea bepon cot she mind thse calla efi inchs tt emo wn pains re San fers nar tenis fy plc. ey he und el ‘id ele outs moje res vor hi re PAGS ce ae ‘nde for Example. i ths Hela gora Mere hy Autos POI, Cea gece act. geeral bs rd ranges PAIGE Reveater Time cor cement Hind she ree of one Hs Hemet ct at ee popes it mya oem rus ey tent alvnce twee 0 Fn ino WONG ad sn. The Foheger dependents tt ee pects ne beeing ger “em dterm of spondenss Xe thy too be om te OCS ESS of ar-APicen oor sek mgs cononand of Tie adi ‘Sree ate ith fete a ee co mre neat Batons ps (Reem stig Witenes Fehrs i ns [hidiewes hcachewst by any exsunon ofthecascord henge weber frie renomtic ora wala on emt ni aca lomitsed rman scl i seta Solon coun of avin ‘vile oop seta aes! eve parcigaia amare terebe feet Nadseetelsd merney, <i meses Tse, ur omy He, wld ‘Sea lian peril ‘iy oupsign sand 967, rl teen oral crf esta sec pons Nie. Pre te once betwee aan, Wh, te pete ale rower user a a, ey i Bo rch Beni frais connor dace wil main in yea bale 9 ve ‘Rftcanslaicy. Bothovrg=sillhsse atonoecrmecdi ae sens Eheothesnner iene ace hire. to could be ogo Dg abet Sititeenscescll cheap lr inary Ages setae weit ood Frptpces on sed pei aly. Bro reat antehoe hud 0 Deinthcbar fn eager Soe weni m,n cousrsrinn 12710 oor itarec mg prec roca rsp sll toad ‘ras on at at nod na resi te poo Sev rama, Hala, esase, Mandaca od he eset lass ‘rican ici a euturalchaags ead binge fics roomie Sten in se ooute, sy noel oe Be abot tg to Inotionaeeoon een ounce Spec tas ov eae Leva ideal oe aoa Geiger Biers ad Cape Verde, Ait eas ine in 1972 the Hatrco geal of Artes Pee, tporing kr Ie alist way able tots he jranal aren whch yn pens ed {edad oun st inno hatmocd oss rn shone ‘Cabal gre ith Uberain hat he Sve, adhe dit lotghetee Neti ate hy ee el wg Ls srk Wha hehe gi delaped a lean sori os a8 Thies areca cot pd neton the pase his nk. Tes. ‘Sn aly suggnt the sboadour a Ue man hel Bu eae eo oF Withat weve tenaseeurbtatlcnorie Ale. andnutide Ate, Fetond ms tne. Fast aside