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INDEX (A = Abstract; B = Book Review; E = Editorial; GE = Guest Editorial; N = Notes and Comments; O = Original Article; R = Reviewer; S = Software Review) A Cc Abramson, P.R., (O)294 CARTWRIGHT, R., (B)650 ACKERMAN, R.J., (B)474 Cary, G.L., (R)156 “Adaptive Function of Depression: Psychotherapeutic CHESSICK, R.D., (R)160 Implications,” (O)401 Child psychotherapy, parallel process in the supervision Adolescence, self-destructiveness in, (O)330, 347 of, (O)102 Adolescents, transference-countertransference issues with, Children, variations in countertransference reactions in (O)64 psychotherapy with, (O)111 African and Western healing practices in South Africa, CLAMAN, L., (R)158 integrating, (O)455 Clinical workbook for psychotherapists, (N)484 Alcoholism, dynamics and treatment of, (B)649 CLOUD, MLY., (O)294 ALEXANDRIS, A., (B)476 Cocaine Second Edition, (B)477 AMADA, G., (R)473, 643 Coercion in clinical practice, the role of, (B)644 Another Door to Learning: True Stories of Learning Disabled Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Children and Adults and the Keys to Their Success, Disorder, (B)155 (B)635 COHEN,J. , (R)307 Anxiety disorders, object relations theory and pharmaco- Confidentiality with suicide, homicide, and child abuse, psychotherapy of, (O)380 (O)363 AppREY, M., (O)141 CONTE, H.R., (O)75, 494 Art Therapy and Dramatherapy: Masks of the Soul, (B)315 “Countertransference Issues in Staff Caregivers Who Art therapy, group interactive, (B)481; introduction to, Work to Rehabilitate Catastrophic-Injury Survivors,” (B)651 (O)208 Asian Americans: Personality Patterns, Identity, and Mental “Countertransference Issues When the Therapist Is III or Health, (B)647 Disabled,” (O)221 Countertransference, novel use of, (O)120; reactions in B psychotherapy with children, (O)111 BARRATT, B.B., (B)309 Countertransference: Theory, Technique, Teaching, (B)476 Couples therapists look at the dynamics, (B)170 BARRON, J.W., (B)478 BARTEL, R.L., (B)477 Crisis Intervention Strategies, (B)165 BEAN, B., (B)473 “Critical Incidents in Psychotherapy,” (O)75 BECK, R.L., (R)171, 475 Crossy, R., (O)610 Behavioural psychotherapy, therapeutic relationship in, Culture and Human Sexuality: A Reader, (B)646 (B)643 D BEMPORAD, J.,(O)111 BENITEZ-BLOCH, R., (R)157 Death Anxiety Handbook: Research, Instrumentation, and BENNETT, S., (B)473 Application, (B)648 BENNUN, I., (B)643 DEERING, C.G., (O)102 BERESIN, E.V., (O)5 Delinquency, therapeutic approaches to, (O)328 BERGER,J. , (O)251 Dependent Personality, The, (B)163 BERNSTEIN, D., (B)159 Depression, adaptive function of, (O)401; understanding, BETCHER, R.W., (B)302 (B)639 Betrayal in Psychotherapy and Its Antidotes, (B)310 “Depression and Denial in Psychotherapy of Persons with BLACKMON, W.D., (O)624 Disabilities,” (O)181 BLATT, S.J., (B)156 “Developmental Formulation and Psychotherapy of BLEIBERG, E., (O)30 Borderline Adolescents,” (O)5 BLOCH, G.R., (R)157 “Developmental Metatheory of Psychopathology, A,” BLUMBERG, M.LL., (R)635 (O)581 Bocakrt, G.C., (R)313 DEWALD, P.A., (O)221, 505 Borderline adolescents, developmental formulation and Diagnosis and Treatment of the Personality Disorders : psychotherapy of, (O)5 (B)471 Borderline Patients, the Psychosomatic Focus, and the DISTLER, B., (B)159 Therapeutic Process, (B)303 DivAC-JOVANOVIC, M., (O)562 Borderline personality disorder, cognitive-behavioral treat- DraPER, R., (B)i66 ment of, (B)155 Dreams, using, to solve your problems, (B)650 BORNSTEIN, R., (B)163 “Dungeons and Dragons: The Use of a Fantasy Game in BOYER, L.B., (B)468 the Psychotherapeutic Treatment of a Young Adult,” “Brief History of Psychotherapy and Physical Disability, (O)624 A,” (O)240 Dynamic Assessment in Couple Therapy, (B)312 BROTHERS, B.J., (B)170 Dynamics and Treatment of Alcoholism—Essential Papers, BROWNLEE,J. , (O)262 (B)649 BUCKLEY, P., (O)519 Eating disorders, the, medical issues and, (B)168; Burnout, professional, (B)169 psychodynamic technique in the treatment of, (B) 167 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY, Vol. 48, No. 4, Fall 1994 659 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY E HAMILTON, N.G., (B)162; (O)380 HARRIS, R.F., (R)316 ELBIRLIK, K., (O)141 HAVENS, R.S., (B)314 ELKIND, S.N., (B)158 “Health Care Reform: The Entitlement to Psychothera- ELLIs, E.M., (R)474 peutic Services,” (E)1 Erik H. Erikson (1902-1994), (N)653 HICOK, D.A.. (O)240 Experiential Guidelines: Practical Guidelines, (B)171 HIEBERT, W.J., (B)312 F Hoss, T., (B)171 HoGan, C.C., (B)167 Family Therapy: Fundamentals of Theory and Practice, HOOGDUIN, K., (B)643 (B)638 “How Much Is Too Much? Dependency in a Psychothera- Family therapy, individual and, integrating, (B)157; peutic Relationship,” (O)294 teaching, (B)166 HUFFINGTON, C., (B)166 Fantasy game, use of, in treatment of young adult, (O)624 Hungry Hearts) On Men, Intimacy, Self-Esteem and FEINSTEIN, C., (GE)328 Addiction, (B)317 FELDMAN, L.B., (B)157 Hypnotherapy for Health, Harmony, and Peak Performance: Female Identity Conflict in Clinical Practice, (B)159 Expanding the Goals of Psychotherpy, (B)314 Fifteen-Minute Hour: Applied Psychotherapy for the Primary Care Physician, The, (B)311 I Forced into Treatment: The Role of Coercion in Clinical Practice, (B)644 Impasses in therapeutic relationships, (B)158 Forgotten Memories, (B)637 In a Time of Fallen Heroes: The Re-creation of Masculinity, FOSSHAGE, J.L., (B)307 (B)302 FRAYN, D.H., (R)650 Incest, adult survivors of, psychotherapy with, (B)472; FREEBURY, D.R., (R)163 treatment of adult survivors of, (B)165 FREEDMAN, N., (B)159 “Indirect Communication as a Therapeutic Technique: A FREUD, S., (R)162, 637 Novel Use of Countertransference,” (O)120 “Freud’s Early Clinical Work,” (O)94 “Individual and Group Therapies as Constructive Continu- From Inner Sources: New Directions in Object Relations, ous Experiences,” (O)141 (B)162 Infertility, men, women and, (B)482 Inpatient unit, psychotherapy on, (B)469 G “Integrating African and Western Healing Practices in South Africa,” (O)455 GABBARD, G.O., (B)640 Integraging Individual and Family Therapy, (B)157 GABEL, S., (O)111 Integrating the Shattered Self: Psychotherapy with Adult GANS, J.S., (O)120 Incest Survivors, (B)472 GARDNER, R., (O)401 Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents, GARFIELD, D.A.S., (R)470 (B)313 GARFINKEL, P.E., (B)168 Introduction to Art Therapy: Faith in the Product, (B)651 GERBER, L., (O)280 Introduction to Psychodynamic Technique, (B)470 GILBERT, P., (O)401 GILLESPIE, J.P., (B)312 J GILLILAND, B.E., (B)165 GIOVACCHINI, P., (B)303, 468 JAMES, R.K., (B)165 GIOVACCHINI, P.L., (R)651 JENNINGS, S., (B)315 Girls Dreaming: Using Your Dreams to Solve Your Problems, (B)650 K GLICKAUF-HUGHES, C., (R)477 GOISMAN, R.M., (R)644 KANTOR, M., (B)471 GOLDBERG, C., (R)171, 649 KAPLAN, A.S., (B)168 GOLDSTEIN, W.N., (R)305 KARASU, T.B., (O)75; (O)581 GOWER, M., (B)166 KATES,J. , (O)543 GREEN, S.A., (B)469 KEESE, N., (O)294 GGRRIOFTFSITNE,I N,W .A.J.,S .,( B()R6)3381 0 KEESE, R., (O)294 Group Interactive Art Therapy, (B)481 KEITH, C., (R)635 KERNBERG, P.F., (O)52 GROUP FOR THE ADVANCEMENTO F PSYCHIATRY, (B)644 KINZIE, J.D., (R)317 “Group Psychotherapy for Women Exploited by Health KLEIN, D., (B)639 GroCuapre tPhreorvapiideesr,s ,”i nd(iOvi)d2u6a2l and, as constructive continu- KLERMAN, G.L., (B)313 ous experiences, (O)141 KOEGLER, R.R., (R)481 GRZESIAK, R.C., (O)240 GUNTHER, M.S., (O)208 H L’ABATE, L., (R)313 LACHMANN, F.M., (B)307 HALL, J.A., (R)647 LAMBERG, L., (B)650 HALL, M_J., (O)610 LANGER, K.G., (GE)180; (O)181, 231 HAMBURG, P., (R)169 LANGS, R., (B)305 HAMILTON, C.A., (O)380 LANGSLEY, D.G., (R)640 660 Index LAZARUS, A., (O)600 “Object Relations Theory and Pharmacopsychotherapy of Learning disabled children and adults, true stories of, Anxiety Disorders,” (O)380 (B)635 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, treatment of, (B)642 “Legacy for Our Children: Violence or Harmony?” (E)325 LEIBENLUFT, E., (B)469 P LEIGH, H., (R)159, 641 Less Time to Do More: Psychotherapy on the Short-Term PADDISON, P.L., (B)165 Inpatient Unit, (B)469 PADRONE, F.J., (O)195 LEVIN, J.D., (B)649 PaM, A., (O)432 LEWIS, B., (O)85; (R)164 “Parallel Process in the Supervision of Child Psycho- LEWIS, J.M., (R)170 therapy,” (O)102 LEWIS, L., (O)231 Parent-infant psychotherapy, short-term, (B)633 Peace, War, and Mental Health: Couples Therapists Look at LICHTENBERJG.D,. , (B)307 LIEBERMAN, J.A., III, (B)311 the Dynamics, (B)170 PEEBLES-KLEIGER, M.J., (R)315 “Limit Setting: Theory, Techniques, and Risks,” (O)432 LINEHAN, M.M., (B)155 Personality disorders, diagnosis and treatment, (B)471 LIPPER, S., (R)652 Personality Disorders: Model for Conceptual Approach LUNDY, M.S., (R)639 and Classification. Part II: Proposed “‘Classification,” (O)562 Pharmacopsychotherapy of anxiety disorders, object M relations theory and, (O)380 PINSKER, H., (O)530 MAREK, T., (B)169 PIPER, A., (O)392 MASLACH, C., (B)169 PLUTCHIK, R., (O)75 Master Clinicians on Treating the Regressed Patient, (B)468 “Political Attitudes and Religiosity Levels of Israeli Me Nobody Knows: A Guide for Teenage Survivors, The, Psychotherapy Practitioners and Students,” (O)441 (B)473 POLLACK, W.S., (B)302 Medical Issues and the Eating Disorders, (B)168 PRICE,J. , (O)401 MEISSNER, W.W., (R)303 Principles and Practices of Relapse Prevention, (B)316 MELOY, J.M., (R)472 “Principles of Supportive Psychotheapy,’’(O)505 Memories, forgotten, (B)637 Private Self, The, (B)480 Men, Women, and Infertility, (B) 482 Professional Burnout, (B)169 Metatheory, developmental, of psychopathology, (O)581 “Proposal for Psychiatric Collaboration in Managed Care, MILLER, D., (B)635 A,” (O)600 MILLER, IJ., (R)165 Psychiatric collaboration in managed care, a proposal for, MINDE, A, (B)315 (O)600 MINTZ, I.L., (B)167 Psychoanalysis and the Postmodern Impulse, (B)309 MIRACLE, A.W., (B)646 Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice: The DSM-IV MIRIN, S.M., (B)477 Edition, (B)640 Mismeasure of Women, The, (B)160 Psychodynamic psychotherapy technique, introduction MODELL, A.H., (B)480 to, (B)470 MOLES, K., (O)141 Psychodynamic Technique in the Treatment of the Eating Moon, B.L., (B)651 Disorders, (B)167 Moreau, D., (B)313 “Psychological Interventions for the Suicidal Adoles- MUFSON, L., (B)313 cent,” (O)52 Multiple personality disorder, cost of treatment of, ‘Psychologists’ Beliefs concerning Confidentiality with (O)392 Suicide, Homicide, and Child Abuse,” (O)363 Psychopathology, developmental metatheory of, (O)581 N “Psychotherapeutic Issues with Family Members of Persons with Physical Disabilities,” (O)195 Narcissism in adolescence, normal and pathological, “Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Male Homosexuality, (O)30 The,” (O)251 Narc:ssistic personality pathology, violence in patients Psychotherapy with children, variations in countertransfer- with, (0)610 ence reactions in, (O)111 Negative ideal, the, therapeutic approaches to delin- “Psychotherapy with Southeast Asian Refugees: Implica- quency, (O)328 tions for Treatment of Western Patients,” (O)280 NEIMEYER, R.A., (B)648 “Psychotherapy and Physical Disability,” (GE)179 Neuroscience, psychotherapy, and philosophy of mind, “Psychotherapy, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind,” (O)85 (O)85 “Normal and Pathological Narcissism in Adolescence,” (O)30 NOSHPITZ, J.D., (O)330, 347 R NOWINSKI,J .,( B)318 Regressive patient, master clinicians on treating the, (B)468 O REID, W.H., (R)470 Religiosity levels, of Israeli psychotherapists and students, O'BRIEN, J.D., (R)646 (O)441 Object relations, new directions in, (B)162 Resolving Impasses in Therapeutic Relationships, (B)158 661 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY “Review of Research in Supportive Psychotherapy: An Survivors, teenage, a guide for, (B)469 Update,” (0)494 SvRAKIC, D., (O)562 ROCKLAND, L., (GE)493; (O)543 “Symbolization in Psychotherapy with Patients Who Are RODRIQUEZ, M.D., (O)363 Disabled,” (O)231 “Role of Theory in Teaching Supportive Psychotherapy, The,” (O)530 oY ROTH, N., (B)472 RUBINSTEIN, G., (O)441 TASMAN, A., (B)469 TAVvRIS, C., (B)160 Teaching Family Therapy, (B)166 SACKS, L.H., (O)380 THELEN, M.H., (O)363 SARLES, R.M., (O)64 “Therapeutic Approaches to Delinquency: The Negative “Save Our Children,” (E)175 Ideal,” (GE)328 ScHaapP, C., (B)643 Therapeutic Relationship in Behavioural Psychotherapy, SCHAUFELI, W.B., (B)169 The, (B)643 SCHAVE, B., (B)637 Therapeutic relationships, resolving impasses in, (B)158 SCHEIDLINGER, S.,(N)654 Therapists Who Have Sex with Their Patients: Treatment SCHINDLER, L., (B)643 and Recovery, (B)475 Schizophrenic patient, the, supportive psychotherapy of, TRAD, P.V., (E)1, 178, 327, 491; (B)633 (O)530 “Transference-Countertransference Issues with Adoles- SCHULTE, H.M., (O)610 cents: Personal Reflections,” (O)64 SCHULTZ-Ross, R.A., (R)476 “Treatment for Multiple Personality Disorder: At What SCHWARZ, J., (B)635 Cost?,”’ (O)392 Science, Systems, and Psychoanalysis, (B)305 Treatment of Adult Survivors of Incest, (B)165 SEELYE, E.E., (R)478 Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, (B)642 SEGAL, A.V., (B)156 Self Analysis—Critical Inquiries, Personal Vistons, (B)478 U Self and Motivational Systems: Toward a Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique, (B)307 Usa, L., (B)647 Selfi nE motional Distress, The, (B)156 Understanding Depression, (B)639 Self, private, (B)480 USHER, S.F., (B)470 “Self Psychology, Object Relations Theory, and Support- ive Psychotherapy,” (O)519 V “Self-Destructiveness in Adolescence: Psychotherapeutic “Variations in Countertransference Reactions in Psycho- Issues,” (O)347 therapy with Children,” (O)111 “Self-Destructiveness in Adolescence,” (O)330 VASLAMATZIS, G., (B)476 Sex with their patients, therapists who have, (B)472 “Violence in Patients with Narcissistic Personality Pathol- Sexuality, human, culture and, (B)464 ogy: Observations of a Clinical Series,” (O)610 SHAINESS, N., (R)638 “Violence or Harmony?, Legacy for Our Children,” Short-term inpatient unit, psychotherapy on, (B)469 (E)328 Short-Term Parent-Infant Psychotherapy, (B) VOGEL, L.Z., (O)94 Silent Sons, (B)474 “Voice of Reason, The,” (E)489 SLOMAN, L., (O)401 SLOVENKO, R., (R)648 W SOLIS, J., (R)166 SPRENGELMEYER, P., (O)363 WALKER, J., (R)481 STAHMANN, R.F., (B)312 WALLER, D., (B)481 STEKETEE, G.S., (B)642 WALTERS, C., (B)314 STERN, E.M., (B)310 WALTZER, H., (R)318 STRAKER, G., (O)455 WATKINS, C.E., (O)417 STREAN, H.S., (B)475 WEINER, M.F., (R)469 STROCHAK, R.D., (R)480 WEIsS, F., (R)168 STuarT, M.R., (B)311 WEISS, R.D., (B)477 STYBEL, L.J., (R)166 WEISS, R.H., (B)649 SuGGs, D.N., (B)646 WEIsS, R., (R)483 Suicidal adolescent, psychological interventions for the, WEISSMAN, M.M., (B)313 (O)52 WENDER, P., (B)639 Supervision of child psychotherapy, the, parallel process WEsT, M.L., (R)310 in, (O)102 Western healing practices, African and, in South Africa, “Supervision of Psychotherapy Supervisor Trainees, (O)455 The,” (O)417 WILSON, C.P., (B)167 Supervisor trainees, supervision of, (O)417 WILSON, P.H., (B)316 “Supportive Psychotherapy: An Introduction,” (GE)492 WOLSTEIN, B., (R)309 “Supportive Psychotherapy of the Schizophrenic Pa- Women Who Hurt Themselves, (B)635 tient,” (O)543 Supportive psychotherapy, principles of, (O)505; review Z of research in, (O)494; role of theory in teaching, (O)530; self psychology object relations theory and, ZARR, M.L., (R)312, 320 (O)519 ZOLDBROD, A.P., (B)482 662

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