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Index to volume 181 Author index* Ankum WM (see Mol et al). 1999;181:945-51 Ansbacher R. Selective estrogen receptor modulators. 1999-;181:1036 Ablin A (see Cushing et al). 1999;181:353-8 (Letter) Aboulghar MA, Mansour RT, Serour GI, Amin Y, Ra Anthony J (see Natarajan et al). 1999:181:1203-10 MA, Kamal A. Management of long-standing ut Anumba DOC, Ford GA, Boys RJ, Robson SC. Stimulated nitric ity: a prospective study. 1999;181:371-5 oxide release and nitric oxide sensitivity in forearm arterial vascu Abramovici D, Goldwasser S, Mabie BC, Mercer BM, Goldwasser R lature during normotensive and preeclamptic pregnancy Sibai BM. A randomized comparison of oral n prostol versus 1999-181:1479-85 Foley catheter and oxytocin for inductio Anwar MA, Docherty C, Poston L, Nathanielsz PW. A comparative 1999:181:1108-12 of vascular responsiveness of myometrial and omental small Abramovici H (see Lissak et al). 1999;181:126 tance arteries in late-gestation sheep. 1999;181:663-8 Achiron R (see Evans et al). 1999;181:893-7 Aquilina J, Barnett A, Thompson O, Harrington K. Second-trimester Adair CD (see Lewis et al). 1999;181:1495-9 maternal serum inhibin A concentration as an early marker for Addison WA (see Barber et al). 1999;181:87-90 preeclampsia. 1999;181:131-6 Agosta R (see Buonocore et al). 1999;181:1500-5 Araneda H (see Athayde et al). 1999;181:989-94 Agrez M, Gu X, Giles W. Matrix metalloproteir Archer DF. Leading the shift to 20 pg. 1999;181:S37-8 (Guest edito of patients at risk for premature delivery. 1999;18 rial) Alexander C, Villena-Heinsen CE, Schaefer A, Toth L, Schmidt W Archer DF, Maheux R, DelConte A, O’Brien FB, North American Kirsch C-M. Monoclonal antibody MAb-170 for immunoscinti Levonorgestrel Study Group. Efficacy and safety of a low-dose graphic detection of ovarian tumors. 1999;181:5 monophasic combination oral contraceptive containing 100 ug Alexander D (see McNellis and Alexander levonorgestrel and 20 ug ethiny! estradiol (Alesse). 1999;181 (Education) $39-44 Al-Hendy A. Enriching research culture in reside Archer DF, Mammen EF, Grubb GS. The effects of a low-dose (Letter monophasic preparation of levonorgestrel and ethiny! estradiol on Allan LD. Atrioventricular septal defect in the f coagulation and other hemostatic factors. 1999;181:S63-6 Ailanson A (see Marteaue t al). 1999;181:165-9 Archer DF (see Utian et al). 1999;181:71-9 Allen M (see Quintero et al). 1999;181:744-9 Archibold E (see Emory et al). 1999;181:S2-11 (Symposium) Allen RH. Brachial plexus palsy: an in utero in Areias JC (see Montenegroe t al). 1999;181:1042-3 (Letter) 2 (Letter) Arky L (see Rodise t al). 1999;181:1128-32 Allen SR (see Lamar et al). 1999;181:1154 Arndt PA (see Garratty et al). 1999;181:103-4 Allred EN (see Leviton et al). 1999;181:1007 Arnott N (see Khan et al). 1999;181:112-5 Althabe F (see Conde-Agudelo et al). 1999:181 \JOG re Arroyo J (see Quinteroe t al). 1999:181:744-9 views) Asrat T (see Tewari et al). 1999;181:757-8 Alvarez-Sanchez F (see Nash et al). 1999;181:1400-¢ Asrat T (see Towers et al). 1999;181:1197-202 Amaye-Obu FA, Drutz HP. Surgical management of recurrent stress Asrat T (see Towerse t al). 1999;181:1243-9 urinary incontinence: a 12-year experience. 1999;1§ 296-309 Athayde N, Romero R, Maymon E, Gomez R, Pacora P, Araneda H Amin Y (see Aboulghar et al). 1999;181:371-5 Yoon BH. A role for the novel cytokine RANTES in pregnancy Ananth CV (see Canterino et al). 1999;181:1049 and parturition. 1999;181:989-94 Andersen RN (see Egerman et al). 1999;181:921 Atilano LC, Lee-Parritz A, Lieberman E, Cohen AP, Barbieri RI Andres RL, Saade G, Gilstrap LC, Wilkins I, Witlin A, Zlatnik I Alternative methods of diagnosing gestational diabetes mellitus Hankins GV. Association between umbilical blood yarameters 1999-181:1158-61 ind neonatal morbidity and death in neonates with pathologic fetal Atte C (see Rey et al). 1999:181:202-6 acidemia. 1999;181:867-71 Averette HE (see Mirhashemi et al). 1999;181:1310-6 Andrews WW (see Richter et al). 1999;181:940-4 Avila C (see Dayal et al). 1999;181:1231-6 Angel JL, Kalter CS, Morales WJ, Rasmussen C, Caron | Avni M (see Luke et al). 1999;181:1172-9 Aggressive perinatal care for high-order multiple gestations: does Ayoub MA (see Evans et al). 1999;181:893-7 good perinatal outcome justify aggressive assisted reproductive \zziz R (see Moran et al). 1999;181:596-600 techniques? 1999;181:253-9 Angioli R (see Mirhashemi et al). 1999;181:1310-€ B July, 1-234, $1-S36; August, 235-512; September, 513- Babinszki A, Kerenyi T, Torok O, Grazi V, Lapinski RH, Berkowitz October, 773-1044; November, part 1, 1045-1278; part 2 RL. Perinatal outcome in grand and great-grand multiparity: ef- $37-S66; December, 1279-1650. fects of parity on obstetric risk factors. 1999;181:669-75 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology December 1999 1597 1598 Author index nne K, Hunter Dayaetl a l). 1999;18 231-6 maternal urine Daly SF, Tolosa JE, DiVito MM, Chalmers R, Garg N nadotropin versus serun Bhullar A, Wapner RJ. Predict preterm delivery with trans er detection of Down syndrome iltrasonography of the cervix in patients with high-risk Baldassa ee Belte t al). 1999:181:359-66 pregnancies: does cerclage vent prematurity? 1999;181:809-15 Ballard Pl 3ankse t al). 1999:181:709 Berkowitz RL (see Babinszki et al). 1999;181:669-74 Ballard RA anks et al). 1999;181:709 Berkowitz RL (see Evans et al). 1999;181:893 Bam RH (see Boomgaard e ). 1999:181:964 Berman ML (see Tewarie t al). 1999;181:91-8 Ban Z 10 J Jr, Nagy B. Unusual case ) evere thrombotic Bernstein IM, Catalano P. Determinants of abdominal circumference episodes during ‘t he peripartum period. 1999-;181:1' 040-1 (Letter 1999-181:1038 (Letter) Banks BA, Cnaan A, Morgan MA, Parer JT, Merrill JD, Ballard PI Bertina RM (see De Groot et al). 1999;181:975-80 Ballard RA, North American Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Bhullar A (see Berghella et al). 1999;181:809-15 Study Group. Multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids and Bianchi DW (see Sekizawa et al). 1999;181:1237-42 of premature neonates. 1999;181:709-17 Bisits A (see McLean et al). 1999;181:207-15 Baranyai J (see Farquhar et al). 1999;181:525-9 Bitterman P (see FitzGerald et al). 1999;181:1339-46 Barber MD, Cundiff GW, Weidner AC, Coates KW, Bump R¢ Bizzaro N. May-Hegglin anomaly and uncomplicated vaginal deliv Addison WA. Accuracy of clinical assessment of paravaginal de ery: a report of 41 cases. 1999;181:226-7 (Letter) fects in women with anterior vaginal wall prolapse. 1999;181:87 Blackwell SC (see Hallak et al). 1999;181:1122-7 YU Bland DR, Earle BB, Vitolins MZ, Burke G. Use of the Pelvic Organ Barber WH (see Rinehart et al). 1999;181:915-20 Prolapse staging system of the International Continence Society, Barbera A, Galan HL, Ferrazzi E, Rigano S, J6zwik M, Battaglia FC American Urogynecologic Society, and Society of Gynecologic Pardi G. Relationship of umbilical vein blood flow to growth para Surgeons in perimenopausal women. 1999;181:1324-8 meters in the human fetus. 1999;181:174-9 Blennow M (see Kruger et al). 1999;181:1072-8 Barbieri RL (see Atilano et al). 1999;181:1158-6 Bloch M, Carr A, Vasak E, Cunningham P, Smith D. The use of Barisani D (see Quadri et al). 1999;181:12-8 human immunodeficiency virus postexposure prophylaxis after Barnett A (see Aquilina et al). 1999;181:131-6 successful artificial insemination. 1999;181:760-1 Barrilleaux PS (see Lewis et al). 1999;181:1495-9 Block WA Jr, Draper ML, Rose JC, Schwartz J. Maturationo f cortisol Baschat AA, Gembruch U, Reiss I, Gortner L, Harman CR, Weiner responses to adrenocorticotropic hormone in twin fetal sheep in CP. Neonatal nucleated red blood cell counts in growth-restricted vivo. 1999:181:498-502 fetuses: relationship to arterial and venous Doppler studies Bloemenkamp KWM (see De Groot et al). 1999;181:975-80 1999-181:190-5 Boardman LA, Peipert JF, Hogan JW Cooper AS Positive cone Battafarano S (see Falcinelli et al). 1999;181:675-80 biopsy specimen margins in women infected with the human im Battaglia FC (see Barbera et al). 1999;181:174-9 munodeficiency virus. 1999;181:1395-9 Battaglia FC (see Galan et al). 1999:181:1149-53 Bocking AD (see Jeffray et al). 1999;181:1546-51 Battaglia FC (see Ronzoni et al). 1999;181:477-83 Boehm FH (see Bruner et al). 1999;181:1188-91 Baumgarten A (see Bahado-Singhe t al). 1999;181:929-33 Boehm FH (see Kang and Boehm). 1999;181:1042 (Letter reply) Baumgartner BJ (see Baumgartner et al). 1999;181:848-52 Bohmer JT, Schemmer G, Harrison FNH Jr, Kreft W, Elliot M Baumgartner TL, Baumgartner BJ, Hudon L, Moise KJ Jr Cervical wet mount as a negative predictor for gonococci-and Ultrasonographically guided direct gene transfer in utero: success Chlamydia trachomatis—induced cervicitis in a gravid population ful induction of §-galactosidase in a rabbit model. 1999;181:848 1999-181:283-7 “9 Bond T (see Foster et al). 1999;181:S32-6 (Symposium) Bayorh M (see Emory et al). 1999;181:S2-11 (Symposium) Bonin A( see Rey et al). 1999;181:202-6 Beazley DD (see Mercer et al). 1999;181:816-21 Boomgaard JJ, Dekker KS, van Rensburg E, van den Berg C, Becquart D (see van Dam et al). 1999;181:536-41 Niemand I, Bam RH, Cronjé HS. Vaginitis, cervicitis, and cervical Behets F (see Sutton et al). 1999;181:656-62 length in pregnancy. 1999;181:964 Bekaert A (see Dhont et al). 1999;181:688-95 Boots L (see Wenstrom et al). 1999;181:887 -9? Bekir J (see Engmann et al). 1999;181:576-82 Boots LR (see Moran et al). 1999:181:596-600 Belfort MA, Saade GR, Yared M, Grunewald C, Herd JA, Varner MA, Boots RJ (see Lust et al). 1999;181:419-23 Nisell H. Change in estimated cerebral perfusion pressure after Borgida AF (see Feldman et al). 1999;181 treatment with nimodipine or magnesium sulfate in patients with Borgida AF (see Rodis et al). 1999;181:1128 preeclampsia. 1999;181:402-7 Bornick P (see Morales et al). 1999;181:310-4 Belizan JM (see Conde-Agudeloe t al). 1999;181:1026-35 (AJOG re Bornick PW (see Quinteroe t al). 1999;181:744-9 views Borrell A, Fortuny A. Ductus venosus blood flow evaluation: its im Belloni C (see Quadri et al). 1999;181:12-8 portance in the screening of chromosomal abnormalities Belt AR, Baldassare JJ, Molnar M, Romero R, Hertelendy F. The nu 1999:181:1043 (Letter reply) clear transcription factor NF-KB mediates interleukin- | B—induced Bossuyt PMM (see Mol et al). 1999;181:945-51 expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in human myometrial cells Bourne TH (see Timmerman et al). 1999;181:57-65 1999-181:359-66 Bouvet AA (see Utian et al). 1999;181:71-9 Bemis-Heys R (see Ross et al). 1999;181:835-42 Bowers D, Raybon RB, Wheeless CR Jr. Hyaluronic acid—car- Benito C (see Guzman et al). 1999;181:793-7 boxymethylcellulose film and perianastomotic adhesions in previ- Bennet L (see Westgate et al). 1999;181:765-6 ously irradiated rats. 1999;181:1335-8 Bennett WA (see Rinehart et al). 1999;181:915-20 Boyett RL (see Utian et al). 1999;181:71-9 Bentolila E (see Polcaroe t al). 1999;181:80-6 Boys RJ (see Anumba et al). 1999;181:1479-85 Volume 181, Number 6 Author index 1599 Am | Obstet Gynecol Bracci R (see Buonocore et al). 1999:181:1500-5 anino NL (see Miller et al). 1999:181:952 Brace RA (see Sohl and Brace). 1999;181:1552-9 anterino JC, VanHorn LG, Harrigan JT, Ananth CV, Vintzileos AM Bracero LA, Morgan S, Byrne DW. Comparisor Domestic abuse in pregnancy: a comparison of a self-completed puterized interpretation of nonstress test 1 domestic abuse questionnaire with a directed interview. 1999-181 controlled trial. 1999;181:1254-8 1049-5] Brain PH (see Ravasia et al). 1999;181:877-81 ippuccini F (see Tewari et al). 1999;181:91-8 Brambati B (see Evans et al). 1999;181:893 ariuis S (see Hogg et al). 1999:181:1096-101 Branch DW (see Lee et al). 1999;181:642-8 aritis see Mercer et al). 1999:181:1216-21 Brennecke SP (see Parkington et al). 1999;181:1445-5 ‘aron L (see Angel et al). 1999;181:253-9 Brinton L (see Olsen et al). 1999;181:630-4 arr A (see Bloche t al). 1999;181:760-1 Brizzi P, Tonolo G, Esposito F, Puddu L, Dessole S, Maioli M, Milia arr DB, Clark AL, Kernek K, Spinnato JA. Maintenance of oral S. Lipoprotein metabolism during normal pregnancy nifedipine for preterm labor: a randomized clinical trial 1999;181:430-4 999: 181:822-7 Bronsteen R (see Schwartz et al). 1999;181:912-4 arr TL (see Mercer et al). 1999;181:816-21 Brost BC, Scardo JA, Newman RB, Van Dorsten JP. Effect of fetal aruso A, Ferrazzani S, Paradisi G. Insulin resistance and preeclamp presentation on the amniotic fluid index. 1999;181:1222-4 sia: 1s there a relationship? 1999;181:768-9 (Letter) Brost BC (see Roop and Brost). 1999;181:752-3 asele HL, Laifer SA, Woelkers DA, Venkataramanan R. Changes in Brown CE, Stettler RW, Twickler D, Cunningham FG. Puerperal sep the pharmacokinetics of the low-molecular-weight heparin enoxa tic pelvic thrombophlebitis: incidence and response to heparin parin sodium during pregnancy. 1999;181:1113-7 therapy. 1999;181:143-8 astleberry RP (see Cushing et al). 1999;181:353-8 Brubaker L (see FitzGerald et al). 1999;181:1339-46 astro L (see Panting-Kemp et al). 1999;181:1079-82 Brubaker L (see Kenton et al). 1999;181:1360-4 Castro MA, Fassett MJ, Reynolds TB, Shaw KJ, Goodwin TM Brunbauer M (see Leitich et al). 1999;181:1465 Reversible peripartum liver failure: a new perspective on the diag- Bruner JP, Boehm FH, Tulipan N. The Tulipan-Brur nosis, treatment, and cause of acute fatty liver of pregnancy, based ine entry during fetal surgery. 1999;181:i1 188-91 on 28 consecutive cases. 1999;181:389-95 Buchanan TA (see Sacks et al). 1999;181:904-11 atalano P (see Bernstein and Catalano). 1999;181:1038 (Letter) Buchsbaum GM (see Stevenson et al). 1999;181:35-8 atalano PM, Joffe GM, Levine RJ. Insulin resistance and preeclamp Budorick NE (see Sohl et al). 1999:181:898-903 sia: is there a relationship? 1999-;181:769 (Letter reply) Buhimschi CS, Gokdeniz R, Saade GR, Buhimschi IA, Garfield RE athcart S (see Foster et al). 1999;181:S32-6 (Symposium) The effect of chronic nitric oxide synthase inhibition on blood 1ughey AB, Shipp TD, Repke JT, Zelop CM, Cohen A, Lieberman pressure and heart rate in unrestrained pregnant rats as recorded by E. Rate of uterine rupture during a trial of labor in women with one radiotelemetry. 1999;181:159-64 or two prior cesarean deliveries. 1999;181:872-6 Buhimschi I (see Olson et al). 1999;181:638-4 aughey AB (see Zelop et al). 1999;181:882-6 Buhimschi IA (see Buhimschi et al). 1999;181:159-64 etin I (see Ronzoni et al). 1999;181:477-83 Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Stevens CE, Sinei S, Reilly M, Grieco V, hadha-Boreham HK (see Utian et al). 1999;181:71-9 Eschenbach DA, Holmes KK, Bwayo J, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss *hallis JRG (see Jeffray et al). 1999;181:1546-51 J. Effects of human immunodeficiency virus | infection on micro- ‘halmers R (see Berghella et al). 1999;181:809-15 bial origins of pelvic inflammatory disease and on efficacy of am- hang E (see Panting-Kemp et al). 1999;181:1079-82 bulatory oral therapy. 1999;181:1374-81 ‘hang S-Y (see Kung and Chang). 1999;181:1438-44 Bump RC (see Barber et al). 1999;181:87-90 ‘hap H (see Kaczan-Bourgois et al). 1999;181:1273 (Letter) 3ump RC (see Visco et al). 1999;181:1392-4 ‘happle H (see Finnerty et al). 1999;181:296-303 Buonocore G, Perrone S, Gioia D, Gatti MG, Massafra C, Agosta R, ‘hase E (see Peipert et al). 1999;181:435-9 Bracci R. Nucleated red blood cell count at birth as an index of hasedunn-Roark J (see Vermillion et al). 1999;181:320-7 perinatal brain damage. 1999;181:1500-5 hasen ST, Madden A, Chervenak FA. Cesarean delivery of twins and Burke G (see Bland et al). 1999;181:1324-8 neonatal respiratory disorders. 1999;181:1052-6 Burkett G (see Diro et al). 1999;181:247-52 hauhan SP, Sanderson M, Hendrix NW, Magann EF, Devoe LD Burkett G (see Gilles et al). 1999;181:226 (Letter Perinatal outcome and amniotic fluid index in the antepartum and Burkman RT (see Dardano and Burkman). 1999;18] intrapartum periods: a meta-analysis. 1999;181:1473-8 ion) ‘hauhan SP (see Scardo et al). 1999;181:862-6 Burry KA (see Utian et al). 1999;181:71-9 ‘hauhan SP (see Vermillion et al). 1999;181:858-61 Burton GJ, Jauniaux E, Watson AL. Maternal arterial connections to ‘hen FC-K, von Dehn D, Biischer U, Dudenhausen JW, Niggemann the placental intervillous space during the first trimester of human B. Atopy, the use of condoms, and a history of cesarean delivery pregnancy: the Boyd Collection revisited. 1999;181:718-24 potential predisposing factors for latex sensitization in pregnant Biischer U (see Chen et al). 1999;181:1461-4 women. 1999;181:1461-4 Buytaert P (see van Dam et al). 1999;181:536-41 Chen W (see Sacks et al). 1999;181:904-11 Bwayo J (see Bukusi et al). 1999;181:1374-81 Cherry M (see Yaron et al). 1999;181:968-74 Byrne DW (see Braceroe t al). 1999;181:1254-8 Chervenak FA (see Chasen et al). 1999;181:1052-6 Chescheir NC (see Marx et al). 1999;181:1125-30 Chien PFW (see Khan et al). 1999;181:112-5 Chien PFW (see Khan et al). 1999;181:503-7 (Education) Campa JS (see Lakasing et al). 1999;181:180-9 Chisholm CA (see Finnerty et al). 1999;181:296-303 Campbell DF (see Monga et al). 1999;181:424-9 Cho K (see Matsuda et al). 1999;181:725-30 Campbell WA (see Rodis et al). 1999;181:1128-32 Cholhan HJ (see Stevenson et al). 1999;181:35-8 1600 Author index December 1999 Am | Obstet Gynecol Chou H-H (see Wanegt al 999-181:518-24 adolescents: a report of the Pediatric Oncology Group and the Christensen HD (see Coleman et al). 1999;181:1166-71 Children’s Cancer Group. 1999;181:353-8 hu DC (see Wenstrom et al). 1999;181:887-92 hurch JM (see Weber et al). 1999:181:530-5 D hwalisz K (see Okawa et al). 1999;181:649-55 hwalisz K (see Olsone t al). 1999;181:638-41 da Fonseca AF (see Rodrigues et al). 1999;181:367-70 hwalisz K ee Syal et al). 1999:181:415-8 Daly SF (see Berghella et al). 1999;181:809-15 lark AL (see Carr et al). 1999;181:822 Dammann O (see Leviton et al). 1999;181:1007-17 ver SP (see Wenstrome t al). 1999:181:789-92 Danilenko-Dixon DR, Van Winter JT, Nelson RL, Ogburn PL Jr Bankse t al). 1999:181:709-17 Universal versus selective gestational diabetes screening: applica see Barber et al). 1999;181:87-90 tion of 1997 American Diabetes Association recommendations aughey et al). 1999:181:872-6 1999: 181:798-802 et Zelop et al). 1999-181-882-6 Daoud Y (see Schwartz et al). 1999;181:912-4 Atilano et al). 1999:181:1158-61 Dardano KL, Burkman RT. The intrauterine contraceptive device: an Robinson et al). 1999:181:1180-4 often-forgotten and maligned method of contraception ohen CR (see Bukusi et al). 1999;181:1374-81 1999;181:1-5 (Clin. opinion) ohen L (see Cushing et al). 1999;181:353-® Darney PD. Norplant implants and condom use. 1999;181:1270 ole L (see Bahado-Singh et al). 1999;181:929 (Letter reply) oleman FH. Christensen HD. Gonzalez Cl Rayburn WI Das AF (see Mercer et al). 1999:181:1216-21 Behavioral changes in developing mice after prenatal exposure to Davies A (see Miskry et al). 1999;181:1580-1 (Letter) paroxetine (Paxil). 1999:181:1166-71 Davies J (see McLean et al). 1999;181:207-15 oleman HA (see Parkington et al). 1999;181:1445-51 Davies JK, Paoletti LC, McDuffie RS, Madoff LC, Lee S, Eskens J, oleman M (see Keelan et al). 1999:181:1530-6 Gibbs RS. A randomized trial of conjugated group B streptococcal ollins J (see Siddiqui et al). 1999;181:1092-5 type la vaccine in a rabbit model of ascending infection ollins WP (see Timmerman et al). 1999;181:57-65 1999; 181:803-8 ynde-Agudelo A Althabe F, Belizan JM Kafury Goeta AC Dawood MY, Lau M, Khan-Dawood FS. Localization and expression Cigarette smoking during pregnancy and risk of preeclampsia: a of oxytocin receptor and its messenger ribonucleic acid in peri-im- systematic review. 1999:181:1026-35 (AJOG reviews) plantation phase human endometrium during control and oney P, DelConte A. The effects on ovarian activity of a monophasic clomiphene-treactycelde s. 1999;181:50-6 oral contraceptive with 100 ug levonorgestrel and 20 yg ethinyl Dayal AK, Manning FA, Berck DJ, Mussalli GM, Avila C, Harman sstradiol. 1999;181:S53-8 CR, Meniicoglou S. Fetal death after normal biophysical profile onway DL, Lé er O. Effects of new criteria for type 2 diabetes on score: an eighteen-year experience. 1999;181:1231-6 rate of postpartum glucose intolerance in women with gesta Day-Salvatore DL (see Vintzileos et al). 1999;181:1045-8 diabetes. 1999:181:610-4 deBlieck E (see Howard et al). 1999;181:1506-11 see Lamar et al). 1999;181:1154 DeCloedt J (see van Dam et al). 1999;181:536-41 Boardman et al). 1999:181:1395-9 Decoster A (see Foulon et al). 1999;181:843-7 M. Excess of male fetuses in connection with twin preg Deepika K (see Mirhashemi et al). 1999;181:1310-6 esulting in very preterm birth. 1999;181:1580 (Letter DeGeest K (see Creasman et al). 1999;181:31-4 De Groot CJM, Bloemenkamp KWM, Duvekot EJ, Helmerhorst FM ee Schwarett zal ). 1999:181:-912-4 Bertina RM, Van Der Meer F, De Ronde H, Oei SG, Kanhai HHH ee Magrinae t al). 1999:181:376-8 Rosendaal FR. Preeclampsia and genetic risk factors for thrombo- CM, Ward K. Syncyt otrophe blastic fragments in first sis: a case-control study. 1999;181:975-80 trimester lecidual veins: evidence of placental perfusion by the Dekker GA, Sibai BM. Etiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia naternal circulation early in pregnancy. 1999;181:455-9 current concepts. 1999;181:1037 (Letter reply) isman WT, DeGeest K, DiSaia PJ, Zaino RJ. Significance of true Dekker KS (see Boomgaard et al). 1999;181:964-7 a Gynecologic Oncology Group study DeLancey JOIl Enriching research culture in residency 1999-18] 1999:181:1271 (Letter reply) reinin MD, Spitz IM. Use of various ultrasonographic criteria t& DelConte A (see Archer et al). 1999;181:S39-44 iluate the efficacy of mifepristone and misoprostol for medical DelConte A (see Coney and DelConte). 1999;181:S53-8 ibortion. 1999;181:1419-24 DelConte A (see Young and De!Conte). 1999;181:S59-62 Critchlow CW (see Schwartz et al). 1999:181:547-53 Delke I (see Sanchez-Ramos et al). 1999;181:484-90 CroghanI T (see Ogburne t al). 1999:181:736-43 Deprest JA (see Luks et al). 1999;181:995-6 Crombleholme WR (see Lain et al). 1999:181:1192-6 De Ronde H (see De Groot et al). 1999;181:975-80 Cronjé HS (see Boomgaard et al). 1999;181:964 Descartes M (see Wenstrom et al). 1999:181:789-92 Crouse DT (see Mercer et al). 1999;181:816-21 Dessole S (see Brizzi et al). 1999;181:430-4 Crowther D (see Weekse t al). 1999:181:25-30 De Sutter P (see Dhont et al). 1999;181:688-95 Cullen J (see Cushing et al). 1999;181:353-8 de Swiet M (see Natarajan et al). 1999;181:1203-10 CundiffG W (see Barber et al). 1999;181:87-90 de Swiet M (see Sullivan et al). 1999;181:508 (Letter) Cundiff GW (see Visco et al). 1999:181:1392-4 The Developmental Epidemiology Network Investigators (sec Cunningham FG (see Brown et al). 1999;181:143-8 Hansen et al). 1999:181:997-1006 Cunningham P( see Bloch et al). 1999;181:760-1 The Developmental Epidemiology Network Investigators (se« Cushing B, Giller R, Ablin A, Cohen L, Cullen J, Hawkins E, Heifetz Leviton et al). 1999;181:1007-17 SA, Krailo M, Lauer SJ, Marina N, Rao PV, Rescorla F, Vinocur Devoe LD (see Chauhan et al). 1999;181:1473-8 CD, Weetman RM, Castleberry RP. Surgical resection alone is ef Devoe LD (see Kenney et al). 1999;181:491-7 fective treatment for ovarian immature teratoma in children and De Voss K (see McLean et al). 1999;181:207-15 Volume 181, Number 6 Author index 1601 Am | Obstet Gynecol Dhont M, De Sutter P, Ruyssinck G, MartensG , Bekaert A. Perinatal sposito F (see Brizzi et al). 1999:181:430-4 outcome of pregnancies after assisted reproduct oI ise-control stape R (see Mirhashemi et al). 1999;181:1310-6 study. 1999:181:688-95 ucker B (see Thorp et al). 1999;181:266-73 Dickerson GA (see Larmon et al). 1999;181 urofetus Study Group (see Grandjean et al). 1999;181:446-54 Dickey SS (see Morales et al). 1999;181:310 va LJ, Reid WMN, MacLean AB, Morrison GD. Assessment of re Diet! 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