Hello There! Alexandr Dubovikov Sr. Voice Architect at QSC AG, one of the major German voice and data providers Co-Founder at QXIP a recognized and innovative Research & Development company specialized in open source and commercial passive packet capture and realtime monitoring solutions Our flagships include HEP, HOMER, HEPIC, SENTINL, PASTASH and many more tiny tools QXIP and HOMER are 100% open source and powered by actual HUMANS Alexandr, Lorenzo, Celeste, Eugen, Federico, Giacomo, Michele, Sergey, Dario, Gaetano, Joseph HOMER #SEVEN HOMER #SEVEN Project Goals HOMER 7 is a the new major release of our VoIP and RTC Troubleshooting platform and our first step in a new direction reflecting modern architecture requirements. Release Highlights: ● New Capture Servers & Agents ○ Independent, ready to run, portable (thanks Negbie for your massive contribs!) ● Easy to extend with new searchable protocols ○ Indexing IP Protocols, RTC Events, CDRs, JSON Objects and more! ● Full Scale Indexing and Timeseries storage ○ Data and Timeseries are now split to maximize utilization patterns ● Integration with non-HEP platforms ○ Data can be received using UDP/TCP, HTTP, Protobuf, Queues ● Stable and Documented Backend API ○ Completely redesigned API developed in NodeJS (no more PHP/Apache) ● New UI and Improved user experience ○ Completely redesigned Angular UI with modular and extensible elements HOMER #SEVEN Major Changes ➔ Capture Servers HEPlify-Server developed in GO for high-performance and net protocols HEPop developed in NodeJS for high-flexibility and event streams ➔ Web Services HOMER-UI new framework inherited from the HEPIC platform HOMER-API developed in NodeJS, easy to extend and self-serving ➔ Database Postgres or MySQL leveraging native JSON/JSONB indexing and search InfluxDB or Prometheus leveraging native Aggregation and Alerting features HOMER #SEVEN New Components HEPlify-server is a stand-alone HOMER Capture Server developed in Go, optimized for speed and simplicity. Distributed as a single binary ready to capture TLS and UDP HEP encapsulated packets from any HEP agent. HEPlify is captagents little brother, optimized for speed and simplicity. It's a single binary which you can run on Linux, ARM, MIPS, Windows to capture IPv4 or IPv6 packets and send SIP, correlated RTCP, RTCP-XR, DNS, Logs into HOMER, handling fragmented and duplicate packets out of the box. HEPop is a stand-alone HOMER Capture Server developed in NodeJS, optimized for streams, flexibility and fast prototyping. Distributed via npm, it ships ready to capture TLS and UDP HEP encapsulated packets and events from Janus, Mediasoup, Kamailio, OpenSIPS and other RTC Gateways HOMER #SEVEN Native JSON & Timeseries NATIVE JSON: NATIVE TIMESERIES: The next-generation Capture Servers are designed to The next-generation Capture Servers are designed to leverage the native JSON Indexing and Search convert specific events into tagged timeseries natively functionality provided by Postgres, Mysql, MongoDB and shipped to InfluxDB, Prometheus or Elasticsearch already offers experimental insert support for RethinkDB, The new User-Interface can directly fetch data from the Elasticsearch and other backends, ready with solid Bulk connected timeseries backends of choice, providing basic processors to maximize resource usage & performance visualization including any data generated by 3rd parties NATIVE CORRELATION: NATIVE ALERTING: The latest database schema design in HOMER Seven Native integrations allow users to unleash the full power of allows developers and integrators to easily define and the Alerting and Reporting capabilities provided by either map new searchable data types with native support for Kapacitor for InfluxDB, Alertmanager for Prometheus multiple correlation rules defining “virtual join” vectors and our SENTINL for Elasticsearch and more in the future between HEP Types, Events, Reports and Logs. HOMER #SEVEN Before: Homer 5.x APACHE PHP HOMER UI Row DB HEP INSERT HOMER siptrace sipcapture API Captagent Table Creation Rotation Script HOMER #SEVEN After: Homer 7.x HOMER siptrace UI Table by HEP Type JSON Insert CrTeaabtlieo n INSERT INTO … (gid, create_date, protocol_header, data_header, raw) VALUES … HOMER Switch by Queue by Bulk DB API HEP PROTO INSERT Type Type Queue Tags by Timeseries Metric > PUSH Type < PULL Captagent API Clients & Rotation HOMER #SEVEN