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after SIMoN, E. 1937. LES ARACHNIDES DE FRANCE translated from French to English PDF

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Preview after SIMoN, E. 1937. LES ARACHNIDES DE FRANCE translated from French to English

Acta arachnol., 46 (2): 139-145, December 30, 1997 解 説 Les Arachnides de France (SIMON, 1937) に掲載されたハエ トリグモ属の検索(英 訳) 池 田 博 明1)・ カル タン 和美2) ポーランドのPR6SZY粛SKIの 精力的な仕事に もオーストラリアのハエトリグモの図解検索を より,ハ エトリグモの分類学的研究は各国で盛 作成する際に,人 為分類と批判の強い上顎の後 んになった.特 に1990年 に彼が発行したハエ ト 牙堤歯による分類を便宜的に採用した(DAVIES   リグモのカタログは意義が大きかった.そ の後, &ZABKA,1989). 合衆国のW.MADDISONに よりこのカタログの こういつた便宜的な措置は系統分類の理想か ハイパーテキスト・バージョンがインターネッ らはほど遠いものであるが,実 際に未知のハエ ト上にもコンバートされ,改 訂されて,現 在の トリグモを目前にしたときにその種名を調べる ところ1995年 版が研究者に利用されている 目的からすると利用価値は十分にある.未 知種 (PR6szYfぐsKI,1990;1995). の正体を知るのに既知の属の理解が必要である しかし,ハ エトリグモの分類体系が完成した ことは言うまでもない. わけではない.1970年 代にはPR6szY歯sKIに よ つまり,ハ エトリグモの属の記載は現在でも る生殖器の構造を中心とした現代的な観点で属 整理されておらず,種 の見当をつけるのにはど の整理が行われることが期待されていたが(松 うしても古典をひもとかねばならないのであ 本1975),彼 はその仕事をタイプ標本の再記載 る.SIMONやTHORELLの 記載はフランス語やラ と新種の記載に集中し,属 の検討は後回しにな テン語であり,B6sENBERGやSTRANDの 記載は った.新 属を立てたときも属の記載をせず,他 ドイツ語である.私 たち日本人にとっては言語 の属との違いは明瞭であったからと言いわけし のハンディキャップが大きい.し かし,こ れら た時もあった.そ の結果,日 本産のジャバラハ を読解しないことには分類を先へ進めることが エトリグモ属1観 血5の ように属徴が明確でな 出来ないのであった. いグループも出来てしまった(BOHDANOwlCz& そこで,と りあえずSIMONの 『フランスのク PR6szY歯SKI,1987).も っとも,タ イプ標本を再 モ』(1937)中 のハエトリグモの属の検索を翻訳 検討した彼の仕事のお蔭で同種のものに異なる してみることにした.日 本語に訳してもほとん 学名がついていた例(同 種異名)は だいぶ整理 ど利用価値がないため,註 だけを日本語で記述 された.し かし,属 徴が不明瞭であるという事 し,本文は英訳した.SIMONは ハエトリグモ科に 態 は以前続 いてお り,最 近 の研 究 で は 限らず,属 グループを設定していて,そ の検索 PR6SZY歯SKI自 身も属徴は地域を限定したとり も重要であった. あえずのものと断っている(BERRY et al.,   1996).PRoszYNsKIの 後継者と目されるZABKA 1) Kanade 1099, Oimachi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa, 258-0018 Japan 〒258-0018神 奈川県足柄上郡大井町金手1099 2)Laboratory of Wild lifeB iology,School of Agriculture&Life Sciences,Universityo f Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,ll3-0032 Japan 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科野生動物学教室 〒113-0032東 京都文京区弥生1-H 140 解 説 引用文献 いる(松 本,1975;Kaston,1981).も っとも, BERRY, J. W., J. A. BEATTY and J. PROSZYNSKI, 属以上の分類標徴としては不適切だったとして 1996. Salticidae on the Pacific Islands. I. も,近 縁種間ではこの歯の形態は比較的安定し Distribution of twelve genera, with descrip- ており,池 田は種や属の分類には有用であると tions of eighteen new species. J. Arachnol., 考えている. 24: 214-253.  SIMoNはin免rior  marginをretromarginの 意 BOHDANOWICZ, A. & J. PROSZYNSKI, 1987. 味で使用している.上 顎の前面(pro一)を外側の Systematic studies on East Palaearctic 面,後 面(retro一)を 内側の面と認識しているの Salticidae (Araneae), IV. Salticidae of である.外 側はsuperiorと 表現している.SIMoN Japan. Ann. zoo!., Warszawa, 41: 43-151. のこの用法はラテン語の場合でも同様であっ DAVIES,T. & M.ZABKA, 1989. Illustrated keys た. to the genera of jumping spiders (Araneae:  3)SIMONが 属グループの分類で重視してい Salticidae) in Australia. Mem. Queensland る標徴は頭部と胸部の割合と形態,中 窩の大き Mus., 27: 189-266. さ,眼 の配置,胸 板の形態,歩脚の基節や腿節の 松本誠治,1975.ハ エ トリグモの分類.そ の歴 長さなどである.   史 ・体系に関する2・3の 知見.1(Kisidaia,  4)SIMONが 属の分類で重視している標徴は   (39):27-31. 属グループの分類でも重視された形態の他に, PROSZYNSKI, J. 1990. Catalogue of Salticidae. 頭胸部の形態,眼 域の形態,脚 の各節の相対的 366pp. WSRP, Siedlce. な長さ,刺 毛の状態,径 節突起の形態などであ PROszYNsKI, J. 1995. Catalogue of Salticidae. る.使 える外部形態はほとんどなんでも使った (Hypertext version converted to html by W. といってよいであろう. MADDISON).  5)こ れ らの検索のうち,眼 域 に関 して group of dorsal eyes(背 面眼域)とgroup  of 訳   註 median eyes(中 央眼域)と いう表現がある.前  1)英 訳したテキストはSIMoN, E.1937. LES 者は頭胸部を背面から見た時の全体の眼域,つ ARACHNIDES  DE FRANCE,  VI.ll46-1272. まりALE-ALE(前 側眼)とPLE-PLE(後 側眼) フランスのハエトリグモに関する部分である. で作られる方形を,後 者は中央部の眼域,お そ  2)SIMONは ハエトリグモ科を上顎の後牙堤 らくPME-PME(後 中眼.最 も小さい)とPLE- 歯を用いて,多 歯,単 歯,裂 歯に3分 した.こ の PLEで 作 られる方形を指しているものと思わ 歯の形態は種内変異があること.雌 雄で異なる れる.second  row of eyes(第 二眼列)はPME- 場合があることを理由にハエ トリグモの分類を PMEの ことである. 混乱させる元凶のひとつとなったと評価されて Key to Group of Genera of Salticidae after SIMoN, E. 1937. LES ARACHNIDES DE FRANCE translated from French to English by IKEDA, H. & CARTAN, K. 1997 Salticidae pluridentati (salticids with several teeth ) This section includes the species whose chelicerae are armed, on the inferior margin, with several isolated and serial teeth. 解 説 141 Table of Groups 1. Sternum long, coxae of II legs well separated from those of III legs. Posterior border of cephaloth- orax and pedicel exposed, well visible from above . ....................................(3.) Myrmarachneae. -Sternem small . All coxae contiguous on both sides. Posterior border of cephalothorax and pedicel hidden from above, because of the convexity of the abdomen .......................................2. 2. Group of dorsal eyes much wider than long and shorter than thoracic part. Abdomen round in front, exposing a large part of the thoracic region . ................................................(1.) Cyrbeae. -Group of dorsal eyes wider behind than in front and longer than thoracic region . Thoracic region mostly hidden by the anterior border of the right-truncated abdomen . ........................(2.) Balleae. Salticidae unidentati (salticids with one tooth) This section includes the species whose chelicerae are armed, on the inferior margin, with one single tooth, occasionally missing. Table of Groups 1. Posterior margin of cephalothorax and pedicel, seen from above, completly exposed. Coxae of II legs well separated from those of I legs. Trochanter of IV legs as long as or longer than coxa.......2 -Posterior margin of cephalothorax and pedicel hidden , when seen from above, by the convexity of the abdomen; All coxae contiguous on both sides. Trochnater of IV legs shorter than coxa. .........3. 2. Inferior margin of chelicerae divided, anterior tibiae slender and cylindrical. (4.) Leptorchesteae. -Inferior s margin of chelicerae unidented . I legs robust; femur claviform, tibia oval. (5.) Synageleae. 3. Inferior margin of chelicerae divided or armed with single very small and slender tooth......... •4. -Inferior margin of chelicerae armed with single conical big tooth ....................................6 . 4. III legs much longer than IV legs . .........................................................(14.) Aelurilleae. -IV legs much longer than III legs . ..............................................................................5. 5. Single short stria on thoracic part behind the eyes. Legs armed with numerous big spines. (10.) Sitticeae. -Thoracic part without stria . Legs armed with few slender spines. .........( 9.) Chalcoscirteae. 6. Patella+tibia of III legs longer or as long as those of IV legs...........................................7. -Patella+tibia of III legs shorter than those of IV legs . ................................................10. 7. Group of median eyes, seen from above, much wider behind than in front, nevertheless much narrower behind than the cephalothorax. Second row of eyes situated well in front of the middle. (15.) Thyene. -Sides of group of median eyes pararell , or slightly narrower behind than in front. ...............8. 8. Labial piece also wider than long. Sternum not diminished and widely truncated anteriorly. (7.) Saitidaeae. -Labial piece longer than wide . Sternum more or less diminished anteriorly. .....................9. 9. Sides of group of dorsal eyes almost parallel. Posterior eyes rudimental, separated from small eyes of second row by more than their diameter. .........................................................(16.) Hylleae. 142 解 説 -Group of dorsal eyes slightly narrower behind than in front . Posterior eyes big, separated from small eyes of the second row by hardly their diameter. .......................................(17.) Plexippeae. 10. Cephalothorax very large, cephalic part longer than thoracic part. Group of dorsal eyes much larger behind than in front. ........................................................................... (13.) Rheneae. -Cephalothorax normal , cephalic part shorter than thoracic part. ....................................11. 11. Small eyes of second row much closer to anterior lateral than posterior lateral. Group of dorsal eyes generally slightly larger behind than in front. .....................................(12.) Dendryphanteae. -Small eyes of second row situated in the middle , approximately at equal distance from lateral anterior and lateral posterior eyes .....................................................................................12. 12. Sternum much attenuated anteriorly and coxae of I legs closer to each other. (11.) Marpissaeae. -Sternum not attenuated anteriorly and much truncated between anterior coxae ...................13. 13. Posterior legs armed with numerous strong spines. Thoracic stria very small, hardly visible. (8.) Evophrydeae. -Posterior legs armed with few much spaced small spines . Thoracic stria fairly long. (6.) Chrysilleae. Salticidae fissidentati (salticids with divided tooth) This section includes the salticids whose chericerae are armed on the inferior margin with a single compressed keel-shaped tooth (fig. 2027). It is represented in our fauna by only two species, probably introduced from hot regions, because they have not been seen, or at least only very rarely, outdoors. 18. Group Hasarieae. Table of Genera of Salticidae 1. Group Cyrbeae (1.) Genus Cyrba. 2. Group Balleae (2.) Genus Ballus. 3. Group Myrmarachneae (3.) Genus Myrmarachne. 4. Group Leptorchesteae 4.) Genus Leptorchestes. 5. Group Synageleae (5.) Genus Synageles. 6. Group Chrysillae -Group of dorsal eyes narrower behind than in front . Metatarsi of IV legs armed with apical spines and medial spines. ............................................................................................. (6.) Telamonia. -Group of dorsal eyes slightly larger behind than in front . Metatarsi of IV legs armed with only two small apical spines. ....................................................................................(7.) Heliophanus. 7. Group Saitideae (8.) Genus Saitis. 8. Group Evophrydae (9.) Genus Evophrys. 9. Group Chalcoscirteae. -Chelicerae armed on inferior margin with one small tooth . Labial piece as wide as long. Abdomen without scutum. ................................................................................................ (10.) Neon -Chelicerae without spines on inferior margin . Labial piece slightly longer than wide. Abdomen of 解 説 143 male equipped with smooth dorsal scutum. ..................................................11.) Chalcoscirtus. 10. Group Sitticeae 1. Tarsi equipped with very long clusters, especially the posterior ones, clusters of first legs prolonged in a big scopula under the joint, almost reaching the base. Tarsus claw slender, almost straight but hooked at tip, armed with serial long and slender teeth, occupying only apical half of IV legs. ......2. -Ungual cluster of tarsi distinctly limited to the region of claw (3) . Claws slender, almost straight but hooked at tip, wholly without spines. Tibial apophysis generally straight and pointing forward. • • • c bulb flat in side view, not prolonged under the tibia. ................................................... 2. Cephalothorax fairy flat and long, reminding that of Menemerus. Anterior eyes, seen from front, make a row strongly recurved at top, lateral eyes separated from median eyes by at least their diameter. Superior margin of chelicerae, seen from below, almost transverse, curved and convexe, and is armed on the angle with a single small tooth. Coxae and trochanters of IV legs relatively long. Legs look as if detached from soma. ............................................................................................. Yllenus. -Cephalothorax thick , reminding that of Aelurillus and especially of Mogrus, its thoracic part relatively short, very inclined. Anterior eyes seen from front make a row less recurved, lateral eyes separated from median eyes by at most their diameter, often less. Superior margin of chelicerae hardly dilated, armed nearby the angle with 2 or 3 small teeth contiguous and uneven like those of Sitticus. Posterior legs normal...................................................13.) Pseudomogrus, n.g. 3. Group of dorsal eyes, seen from above, wider behind than in front. Cephalothorax short, a little rhombohedral, thoracic part not or hardly longer than cephalic part, strongly diminished and inclined in a steep slope. IV legs much longer than III legs. Sternum small, acuminating forward (like those of Yllenus)....................................................................................................(14.) Attulus. -Sides of group of dorsal eyes nearly parallel . Cephalothorax longer, thoracic part at least 1 /4 longer than cephalic part. III legs and IV legs less uneven. ....................................(12.) Sitticus. 11. Group Marpisseae 1. Tibiae and metatarsi anterior without spines. Chelicerae of male very long and procurved. Tegument covered, at least partly, with large scales. ..................................................15.) Salticus. -Tibiae and metatarsi armed underneath with strong biserial spines . Chelicerae vertical in both sexes ............................................................................................................................2. 2. Posterior metatarsi without apical spines. Soma very narrow. Pubescence simple, not dense. (18.) Hyctia -Posterior metatarsi with apical spines . ................................................... 3. Sternum slightly diminished anteriorly and truncated between the distant amterior coxae. (17.) Menemerus. -Sternum strongly diminished anteriorly and anterior coxae sub-contiguous ........................4 . 4. Anterior eyes very uneven and sub-contiguous. Group of dorsal eyes hardly 1/5 wider than long. (19.) Mithion. -Anterior eyes relatively smaller , lateral eyes more separated from median eyes. Group of dorsal eyes nearly 1/3 wider than long. ..................................................(16.)Marpissa. 12. Group Dendryphanteae 1. Cephalothorax large and convex. Group of eyes, seen from above, obviously wider behind than 144解 説 in front, with small eyes of second row situated much nearer the anterior lateral than the posterior one; slopes of cephalic region have, below the eyes, strong hair curved upward and then standing upright. Large part of pubescence squamous; femur without sensory hairs with spindle-shaped base underneath. (20.) Dendryphantes -Cephalothorax narrower , seen from above nearly parallel or a little oval. Group of eyes, seen from above, not or hardly larger behind than in front, with small eyes of second row at almost equal distance to anterior lateral and posterior lateral (some exceptions in male). Pubescence for a large part simple except on white parts. Cephalic slope without raised hairs; femur having underneath sensory hairs with swollen base disposed in an oblique line. ..................................................2. 2. Tibiae of I legs armed underneath with short and robust biserial spines: 3 (rarely 2) internal spines situated in the apical half, 2 (rarely 1) external spines. Anterior femur equipped (at least in female) on the internal face with 3 or 4 small black spindle-shaped and hair-bearing tubercules. • • • • • • • • • (21.) Icius. -Anterior tibiae without external spines underneath , with only of 1, 2 or 3 very small subapical internal spines. Anterior femur, with more numerous and biserial sensory hairs on their internal face (in both sexes) (1-5 or 1-7) (encarpatus). ..................................................(22.) Pseudicius. 13. Group Rheneae 23. Genus Bianor. 14. Group Aelurilleae 1. Sides of group of dorsal eyes parallel or a little narrower behind than in front. .....................2. -Group of dorsal eyes larger behind than in front . ..................................................4. 2. III legs shorter than IV legs. Cephalothorax long, with thoracic part twice longer than cephalic part. ............................................................................................................(24.) Phlegra. -III legs longer than IV legs . Cephalothoraxshort. ..................................................3. 3. Sides of cephalic part parallel. Ocular group a little narrower behind than in front. Anterior eyes form of a row slightly recurved. III legs much longer than IV legs. ...................(25.) Habrocestum. -Cephalic part a little diminished in front but sides of ocular group parallel . Anterior eyes form a row strongly recurved. III legs and IV legs of subequal length. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (26.) Aelurillus. 4. Posterior metatarsi and tarsi joined are shorter than patellae and tibiae together; tibia of IV legs armed with one superior subbasal spine. ..................................................(27.)Mogrus. -Posterior metatarsi and tarsi joined shorter than patellae and tibiae together; tibia of IV legs without superior spine. ...................................................................................................5. 5. Group of dorsal eyes much smaller than thoracic part, and a little narrower behind than cephaloth- orax . .........................................................................................................(28.) Pellenes. -Group of dorsal eyes longer or at least not shorter than thoracic part , but also larger than cephalothorax.............................................................................................. (29.) Neaetha. 15. Group Thyeneae (30.) Genus Thyene. 16. Group Hylleae 1. Anterior metatarsi armed with inferior spines (2-2) but without lateral spines. (33.) Evarcha. -Anterior metatarsi armed with inferior spines and lateral spines .......................................2 . 2. Metatarsi of the two posterior pairs of legs armed with spines forming 3 verticalss c~ bulb conical at the base with long free ..................................................(31.) Philaeus. -Metatarsi of III legs armed with 2 verticals , those of IV legs with 3. cl' bulb simple and spindle- 解 説145 shaped. ...................................................................................................(32.) Carrhotus. 17. Group Plexippeae 34. Genus Plexippus. 18. Group Hasarieae -Anterior metatarsi without lateral spines , armed underneath with 2-2 spines. Bandage almost smooth. ......................................................................................................(35.) Hasarius. -Anterior metatarsi armed on both sides with 2 lateral spines , underneath with 2-2 spines, all almost similar to each other. Bandage with thick bristle. .............................................(36.) Panysinus.

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