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Preview Aerospace America 2012: Vol 50 Index

2012 INDEX Eurozone crisis hits aircraft sales, July-Aug,., p. 4. On-orbit servicing: The new focus, April, p. 34. Subjects F-35 faces cost-sensitive export market, July-Aug., Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April, p. 20. p. 40. Acquisitions reshape aerospace and defense industry, Getting there together, May, p. 3. AIRCRAFT DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY July-Aug,., p. 26. F-35 shows ups and downs of international partner- Pilot training for fifth-generation fighters, Jan., p. 4 Russian helicopters on the ascent, Sept., p. 4. ships, May, p. 4. Indigenous fighters make an unexpected return Military rotorcraft: Strongest aero market, Sept., Jetliner demand: The changing landscape, May, Jan., p. 20. p. 18 p. 22. Strategic bombers—relevant again, March, p. 20 Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20. Human space exploration: A global quest, May, UAV sector faces sweeping changes, April, p. 20 The enduring jetliner duopoly, Oct., p. 20. p. 32. Jetliner demand: The changing landscape, May Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move Hypersonic transport: 30 years and holding?, May, p. 22 closer, Nov., p. 4. p. 40. Hypersonic transport: 30 years and holding?, May Export hurdles aid foreign UAV competitors, Nov., A long road for UAS integration in Europe, June, p. 4. p. 40 p. 16. Asia in space: Trials and tribulations, June, p. 8. National hypersonic centers: Fast track to truly fast Viewpoint: Troublesome trends in U.S. air transport- Reduced budgets change the game, and U-2 rises, flight, June, p. 40 ation, Nov.,p . 20. June, p. 20. Uncovering the secrets of ‘mystery ice,’ July-Aug Eurozone crisis hits aircraft sales, July-Aug., p. 4. p. 36 F-35 faces cost-sensitive export market, July-Aug., Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imaginable, Sept ENVIRONMENT p. 20 p. 26. The greening of satellite propulsion, Feb., p. 26. Russian space program recovers, July-Aug., p. 42. Fighting friction, smoothing flow, Oct., p. 24 ICAO: The best hope for settling carbon warfare, Russian helicopters on the ascent, Sept., p. 4. Viewpoint: Troublesome trends in U.S. air transport April, p. 4. Safety is much more than no accident, Sept., p. 12. ation, Nov., p Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27. Military rotorcraft: Strongest aero market, Sept., A tale of no tail, Nov Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imaginable, Sept. p. 18. 2012: Aeroacoustics, Dec., p. 12 p. 26. Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20. 2012: Aerodynamic decelerator sys Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept., Declassifying the space race, Part 1: Surveillance 2012: Aerodynamic measurement p. 38 systems, Sept., p. 32. 1144 2012: Atmospheric and space environments, Dec. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. ) OoO — ~ =) Air transportation, Dec., p. 2 p. 16. Declassifying the space race, Part Il: Monitoring the In Aircraft design, Dec., p. 28 Soviet space program, Oct., p. 32. Applied INSTRUMENTATION AND TECHNOLOGY Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move >SO NGGFrleionNguehnrNtda lNt ets eats vtiiantgi,o n Dec OSPirclbioiettn ictnerg a isntpiwanicgne sc froatrfa tcfk ilflete haM-rngo eonnsee'rlsaf t-cimooynnst treofrli,ig ehstFe,er bs.,F, e bJ.pa,.n .2,p4 .. p 3.2 .4 . AE xqpcpl.ou ores1tse6 tr.i ,h ounrN odvlo.ef,s lpea.ai dd4e .rf sohriepi,g n NoUvA.V, pc.o m7.p etitors, Nov., Design for demise: Protection from falling spacecraft, Feb., p. 36. Real estate in frequency space, March, p. 30. LIFE SCIENCES STORRM watch: Improving space navigation, April Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April, AVIONICS AND ELECTRONICS p. 24. p. 40. MA VS achine Getting from gate to gate, April, p. 28 2012: Life sciences and systems, Dec., p. 58. On-orbit servicing: The new focus, April, p. 34. NOVA: Bright new star for CubeSat testing, June p. 24. MANAGEMENT Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27 Getting from gate to gate, April, p. 28. Mars Science Laboratory: Going for a touchdown Russian space program recovers, July-Aug., p. 42. July-Aug,., p. 30 Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept., closer, Nov., p. 4. p. 38 2012: Management, Dec., p. 37. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. 2012: Systems engineering, Dec., p. 66. Curiosity on the red planet: Mars is ours!, Oct., p. 26. Declassifying the space race, Part Il: Monitoring the Soviet space program, Oct., p. 32 MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE 2012: Aerodynamic decelerator systems, Dec., p. 26 Design for demise: Protection from falling spacecraft, 2012: Aerodynamic measurement technology, Dec., Feb., p. 36. 2 ICnotmelpluigte nt syst 5) oO 14 Fluid dynamics, Dec., p. 18 Hypp.e r4s0.o nic transport: 30 years and holding?, May, 2: Mesh NP Directed energy systems, Dec., p. 70 Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27. =aot Gossamer systems, Dec., p. 72. Fighting friction, smoothing flow, Oct., p. 24. Plasmadynamics and lasers, Dec., p. 23. High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, Oct., p. 38. NNHo© N o NNK N : NSeNns or systems, Dec., p. 43. 2012: Adaptive structures, Dec., p. 4. 2012: Design engineering, Dec., p. 70. 2012: Gossamer systems, Dec., p. 72. INTERNATIONAL 2012: Microgravity and space processes, Dec., p. 59. Exploration in an uncertain decade, Jan., p. 16 2012: Nondeterministic approaches, Dec., p. 7. ECONOMICS Indigenous fighters make an unexpected return, Jan., 2012: Space tethers, Dec., p. 67. High-speed rail will impact airliner market p. 20. 2012: Structural dynamics, Dec., p. 8. p.4 ISS: Dawn of a new era, Jan., p. 32. 2012: Structures, Dec., p. 9. Strategic bombers—relevant again, March, p. 2 High-speed rail will impact airliner markets, Feb., 2012: Survivability, Dec., p. 10. U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilitie p. 4. March, p. 4 China’s long-range view, Feb., p. 8 --35 shows ups and downs of international partner U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilities, MILITARY SYSTEMS ships, May, p. 4 March, p. 4 Indigenous fighters make an unexpected return, Jetliner demand: The changing iandscape, M Moving beyond Earth: NASA's steps through 2020, Jan., p. 20. p. 22 March, p. 16 U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilities, Deconstructing the defense budget, June, p. 30 Real estate in frequency space, March, p. 30. March, p. 4. Reduced budgets change the game, and U-2 rises The lure of Eastern promise, April, p. 13. UAV sector faces sweeping changes, April, p. 20. June, p. 20 UAV sector faces sweeping changes, April, p. 20. F-35 shows ups and downs ofi nternational partner- 78 2012 INDEX Eurozone crisis hits aircraft sales, July-Aug,., p. 4. On-orbit servicing: The new focus, April, p. 34. Subjects F-35 faces cost-sensitive export market, July-Aug., Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April, p. 20. p. 40. Acquisitions reshape aerospace and defense industry, Getting there together, May, p. 3. AIRCRAFT DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY July-Aug,., p. 26. F-35 shows ups and downs of international partner- Pilot training for fifth-generation fighters, Jan., p. 4 Russian helicopters on the ascent, Sept., p. 4. ships, May, p. 4. Indigenous fighters make an unexpected return Military rotorcraft: Strongest aero market, Sept., Jetliner demand: The changing landscape, May, Jan., p. 20. p. 18 p. 22. Strategic bombers—relevant again, March, p. 20 Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20. Human space exploration: A global quest, May, UAV sector faces sweeping changes, April, p. 20 The enduring jetliner duopoly, Oct., p. 20. p. 32. Jetliner demand: The changing landscape, May Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move Hypersonic transport: 30 years and holding?, May, p. 22 closer, Nov., p. 4. p. 40. Hypersonic transport: 30 years and holding?, May Export hurdles aid foreign UAV competitors, Nov., A long road for UAS integration in Europe, June, p. 4. p. 40 p. 16. Asia in space: Trials and tribulations, June, p. 8. National hypersonic centers: Fast track to truly fast Viewpoint: Troublesome trends in U.S. air transport- Reduced budgets change the game, and U-2 rises, flight, June, p. 40 ation, Nov.,p . 20. June, p. 20. Uncovering the secrets of ‘mystery ice,’ July-Aug Eurozone crisis hits aircraft sales, July-Aug., p. 4. p. 36 F-35 faces cost-sensitive export market, July-Aug., Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imaginable, Sept ENVIRONMENT p. 20 p. 26. The greening of satellite propulsion, Feb., p. 26. Russian space program recovers, July-Aug., p. 42. Fighting friction, smoothing flow, Oct., p. 24 ICAO: The best hope for settling carbon warfare, Russian helicopters on the ascent, Sept., p. 4. Viewpoint: Troublesome trends in U.S. air transport April, p. 4. Safety is much more than no accident, Sept., p. 12. ation, Nov., p Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27. Military rotorcraft: Strongest aero market, Sept., A tale of no tail, Nov Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imaginable, Sept. p. 18. 2012: Aeroacoustics, Dec., p. 12 p. 26. Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20. 2012: Aerodynamic decelerator sys Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept., Declassifying the space race, Part 1: Surveillance 2012: Aerodynamic measurement p. 38 systems, Sept., p. 32. 1144 2012: Atmospheric and space environments, Dec. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. ) OoO — ~ =) Air transportation, Dec., p. 2 p. 16. Declassifying the space race, Part Il: Monitoring the In Aircraft design, Dec., p. 28 Soviet space program, Oct., p. 32. Applied INSTRUMENTATION AND TECHNOLOGY Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move >SO NGGFrleionNguehnrNtda lNt ets eats vtiiantgi,o n Dec OSPirclbioiettn ictnerg a isntpiwanicgne sc froatrfa tcfk ilflete haM-rngo eonnsee'rlsaf t-cimooynnst treofrli,ig ehstFe,er bs.,F, e bJ.pa,.n .2,p4 .. p 3.2 .4 . AE xqpcpl.ou ores1tse6 tr.i ,h ounrN odvlo.ef,s lpea.ai dd4e .rf sohriepi,g n NoUvA.V, pc.o m7.p etitors, Nov., Design for demise: Protection from falling spacecraft, Feb., p. 36. Real estate in frequency space, March, p. 30. LIFE SCIENCES STORRM watch: Improving space navigation, April Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April, AVIONICS AND ELECTRONICS p. 24. p. 40. MA VS achine Getting from gate to gate, April, p. 28 2012: Life sciences and systems, Dec., p. 58. On-orbit servicing: The new focus, April, p. 34. NOVA: Bright new star for CubeSat testing, June p. 24. MANAGEMENT Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27 Getting from gate to gate, April, p. 28. Mars Science Laboratory: Going for a touchdown Russian space program recovers, July-Aug., p. 42. July-Aug,., p. 30 Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept., closer, Nov., p. 4. p. 38 2012: Management, Dec., p. 37. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. 2012: Systems engineering, Dec., p. 66. Curiosity on the red planet: Mars is ours!, Oct., p. 26. Declassifying the space race, Part Il: Monitoring the Soviet space program, Oct., p. 32 MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE 2012: Aerodynamic decelerator systems, Dec., p. 26 Design for demise: Protection from falling spacecraft, 2012: Aerodynamic measurement technology, Dec., Feb., p. 36. 2 ICnotmelpluigte nt syst 5) oO 14 Fluid dynamics, Dec., p. 18 Hypp.e r4s0.o nic transport: 30 years and holding?, May, 2: Mesh NP Directed energy systems, Dec., p. 70 Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27. =aot Gossamer systems, Dec., p. 72. Fighting friction, smoothing flow, Oct., p. 24. Plasmadynamics and lasers, Dec., p. 23. High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, Oct., p. 38. NNHo© N o NNK N : NSeNns or systems, Dec., p. 43. 2012: Adaptive structures, Dec., p. 4. 2012: Design engineering, Dec., p. 70. 2012: Gossamer systems, Dec., p. 72. INTERNATIONAL 2012: Microgravity and space processes, Dec., p. 59. Exploration in an uncertain decade, Jan., p. 16 2012: Nondeterministic approaches, Dec., p. 7. ECONOMICS Indigenous fighters make an unexpected return, Jan., 2012: Space tethers, Dec., p. 67. High-speed rail will impact airliner market p. 20. 2012: Structural dynamics, Dec., p. 8. p.4 ISS: Dawn of a new era, Jan., p. 32. 2012: Structures, Dec., p. 9. Strategic bombers—relevant again, March, p. 2 High-speed rail will impact airliner markets, Feb., 2012: Survivability, Dec., p. 10. U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilitie p. 4. March, p. 4 China’s long-range view, Feb., p. 8 --35 shows ups and downs of international partner U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilities, MILITARY SYSTEMS ships, May, p. 4 March, p. 4 Indigenous fighters make an unexpected return, Jetliner demand: The changing iandscape, M Moving beyond Earth: NASA's steps through 2020, Jan., p. 20. p. 22 March, p. 16 U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilities, Deconstructing the defense budget, June, p. 30 Real estate in frequency space, March, p. 30. March, p. 4. Reduced budgets change the game, and U-2 rises The lure of Eastern promise, April, p. 13. UAV sector faces sweeping changes, April, p. 20. June, p. 20 UAV sector faces sweeping changes, April, p. 20. F-35 shows ups and downs ofi nternational partner- 78 ships, May, p. 4. Getting there is just part of the story, Nov., p. 3. Moving beyond Earth: NASA‘s steps through 2020, Reduced budgets change the game, and U-2 rises, A question of leadership, Nov., p. 7. March, p. 16. June, p. 20. Heading home with little to show, Nov., p. 10. SLS: Development begins, March, p. 40 F-35 faces cost-sensitive export market, July-Aug., The very best of old and new, Dec., p. 3. Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April, p. 20. 2012: Legal aspects, Dec., p. 36. p. 40. Acquisitions reshape aerospace and defense industry, 2012: Society and aerospace technology, Dec., Snaring a piece of the sky, May, p. 18. July-Aug., p. 26. p. 38. Human space exploration: A global quest, May, Military rotorcraft: Strongest aero market, Sept., p. 32. p. 18. Asia in space: Trials and tribulations, june, p. 8. Declassifying the space race, Part 1: Surveillance PROPULSION AND POWER NOVA: Bright new star for CubeSat testing, June, systems, Sept., p. 32. The power option, Feb., p. 3. p. 24. Declassifying the space race, Part Il: Monitoring the The greening of satellite propulsion, Feb., p. 26. Mars Science Laboratory: Going for a touchdown, Soviet space program, Oct., p. 32. The ephemeral ‘advanced propulsion,’ March, July-Aug., p. 30. Transatiantic defense and aerospace mergers move p. 24 Uncovering the secrets of ‘mystery ice,’ July-Aug., closer, Nov., p. 4. Hypersonic transport: 30 years and holding?, May, p. 36. Export hurdles aid foreign UAV competitors, Nov., p. 40. Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20. p. 16 A tale of no tail, Nov., p. 34. Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept., Cosmic comeback for military space?, Nov., p. 28. 2012: Air-breathing propulsion systems integration, p. 38 2012: Directed energy systems, Dec., p. 70. Dec., p. 46. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. 2012: Hybrid rockets, Dec., p. 51. SLS: Development begins, March, p. 40. Gemini: Blazing the trail to the Moon, Oct., p. 16. 2012: Hypersonic technologies and aerospace plane, National hypersonic centers: Fast track to truly fast Curiosity on the red planet: Mars is ours!, Oct., Dec., p. 73. flight, June, p. 40. p. 26 2012: Missile systems, Dec., p. 60. Uncovering the secrets of ‘mystery ice,’ July-Aug., 2012: Astrodynamics, Dec., p. 17. 2012: Survivability, Dec., p. 10. p. 36. 2012: Atmospheric and space environments, Dec., 2012: Weapon system effectiveness, Dec., p. 69. Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imaginable, Sept., p. 16. p. 26. 2012: Atmospheric flight mechanics, Dec., p. 13. Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept. 2012: Balloon systems, Dec., p. 29. MISSILES p. 38. 2012: Plasmadynamics and lasers, Dec., p. 23. U.K. and France fuse strategic missile capabilities, Curiosity on the red planet: Mars is ours!, Oct., 2012: Space architecture, Dec., p. 61 March, p. 4. p. 26. 2012: Space colonization, Dec., p. 63. Deconstructing the defense budget, June, p. 30. High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, Oct., 2012: Space exploration, Dec., p. 74 Declassifying the space race, Part 1: Surveillance p. 38. 2012: Space operations and support, Dec., p. 64. systems, Sept., p. 32. Viewpoint: Troublesome trends in U.S. air transport- 2012: Space resources, Dec., p. 65. 2012: Guidance, navigation, and control, Dec., p. 19. ation, Nov., p. 20. 2012: Space systems, Dec., p. 66 2012: Hybrid rockets, Dec., p. 51. 2012: Air-breathing propulsion systems integration, 2012: Missile systems, Dec., p. 60. Dec., p. 46. 2012: Thermophysics, Dec., p. 24. 2012: Weapon system effectiveness, Dec., p. 69. 2012: Electric propulsion, Dec., p. 47. 2012: Directed energy systems, Dec., p. 70. SPACE TRANSPORTATION POLICY 22001122:: EEnneerrggeyt ioc ptciommipzoende natirsc,r aftD eca.n,d p.e q48u.i pment WEhxaptlo'rsa tnieoxnt ifno ra nU .Su.n cheurtmaainn sdpeaccaedfel,i ghJta?n.,, Jpa.n .1,6 .p . 24. The not so super committee, Jan., p. 3. systems, Dec., p. 71 China's long-range view, Feb., p. 8. Deadlocked Congress delays decisions, Jan., p. 8. 2012: Gas turbine engines, Dec., p. 49. Moving beyond Earth: NASA's steps through 2020, Exploration in an uncertain decade, Jan., p. 16. 2012: High-speed air-breathing propulsion, Dec., March, p. 16. What's next for U.S. human spaceflight?, Jan., p. 24. p. 50. SLS: Development begins, March, p. 40. The power option, Feb., p. 3. 2012: Hybrid rockets, Dec., p. 51. Asia in space: Trials and tribulations, June, p. 8. ‘New’ defense strategy takes center stage, Feb., 2012: Hypersonics technology and aerospace planes National hypersonic centers: Fast track to truly fast p. 12. Dec., p. 73. flight, June, p. 40. The budget-go-round, March, p. 3. 2012: Liquid propulsion, Dec., p. 52. The year of the Dragon, July-Aug., p. 3 An end to (some of) the waiting, March, p. 8. 2012: Nuclear and future flight propulsion, Dec. Russian space program recovers, July-Aug., p. 42 Moving beyond Earth: NASA's steps through 2020, p. 53 Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20 March, p. 16. 2012: Propellants and combustion, Dec., p. 54. Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept., SLS: Development begins, March, p. 40. 2012: Solid rockets, Dec., p. 55. p. 38 Opening the skies to UAVs, April, p. 3. 2012: Terrestrial energy systems, Dec., p. 56. Gemini: Blazing the trail to the Moon, Oct., p. 16 ICAO: The best hope for settling carbon warfare, High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, Oct., p. 38 April, p. 4. ROBOTICS A question of leadership, Nov., p. 7. Space, defense face funding uncertainties, April, p. 10. 2012: Hypersonic technologies and aerospace Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April, ISS: Dawn of a new era, Jan., p. 32. planes, Dec., p. 73. p. 40. Science spacecraft learn self-control, Feb., p. 24. 2012: Nuclear and future flight propulsion, Dec Getting there together, May, p. 3. On-orbit servicing: The new focus, April, p. 34. p. 53 Agreeing to agree on nothing, May, p. 10. Snaring a piece of the sky, May, p. 18. 2012: Space transportation, Dec., p. 68 Develop cislunar space next, June, p. 3. A long road for UAS integration in Europe, June, p. 4. Along road for UAS integration in Europe, June, Mars Science Laboratory: Going for a touchdown, p.4 July-Aug., p. 30. SPACECRAFT Struggles in a season of avoidance, June, p. 12. Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imaginable, Sept. Exploration in an uncertain decade, Jan., p. 16 Reduced budgets change the game, and U-2 rises, p. 26. What's next for U.S. human spaceflight?, Jan., p. 24 June, p. 20. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4 China's long-range view, Feb., p. 8. Deconstructing the defense budget, June, p. 30 2012: Space automation and robotics, Dec., p. 62. Science spacecraft learn self-control, Feb., p. 24 Moving ahead despite constraints, July-Aug., p. 8. 2012: Space resources, Dec., p. 65. The greening of satellite propulsion, Feb., p. 26 Russian space program recovers, July-Aug., p. 42. Orbiting twins tackle Moon’s mysteries, Feb., p. 32 EU ETS: The wrong approach, Sept., p. 3. Design for demise: Protection from falling spacecraft, Curiosity triumphs amidst business as usual, Sept., SPACE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE Feb., p. 36. p. 8. Exploration in an uncertain decade, Jan., p. 16. Moving beyond Earth: NASA's steps through 2020 Safety is much more than no accident, Sept., p. 12. What's next for U.S. human spaceflight?, Jan., p. 24. March, p. 16 Funding the final frontier, Oct., p. 3. ISS: Dawn of a new era, Jan., p. 32. The ephemeral ‘advanced propulsion,’ March, Uncertainties mount as election looms, Oct., p. 8. China's long-range view, Feb., p. 8. p. 24. Gemini: Blazing the trail to the Moon, Oct., p. 16. Science spacecraft learn self-control, Feb., p. 24. Real estate in frequency space, March, p. 30. High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, Oct., p. 38. Orbiting twins tackle Moon’s mysteries, Feb., p. 32. SLS: Development begins, March, p. 40. 2012 INDEX STORRM watch: Improving space navigation, April INTERVIEWS BANKE, J., Getting from gate to gate, April, p. 28. p. 24. BRITT, D., and LISSE, C., Funding the final frontier, On-orbit servicing: The new focus, April, p. 34 With Domingo Urena-Raso, Jan., p. 12. Oct., p. 3. Earth observations lead to healthier lives, April With John Gedmark, Feb., p. 16. BUSHNELL, D., Aeronautics: Frontiers of the imagin- p. 40 With Mark T. Maybury, March, p. 12. able, Sept., p. 26. Snaring a piece of the sky, May, p. 18. With Patrick Ky, April, p. 16. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., Pilot training for fifth- NOVA: Bright new star for CubeSat testing, June With Martin C. Faga, May, p. 14. generation fighters, Jan., p. 4. p. 24. With William H. Gerstenmaier, June, p. 16. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., With Domingo Urena-Raso, The yeaofr th e Dragon, July-Aug., p. 3 With Norman R. Augustine, July-Aug., p. 12. Jan., p. 12. The Dragon roars, July-Aug., p. 16. With Isaac Valero-Ladron, Sept., p. 16. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., High-speed rail will impact Mars Science Laboratory: Going for a touchdown With Detlef Miller-Wiesner, Oct., p. 12 airliner markets, Feb., p. 4. July-Aug., p. 30 With Douglas Barrie, Nov., p. 13. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., U.K. and France fuse Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., p. 20 strategic missile capabilities, March, p. 4. Will GENIE guide Xombie to a landing?, Sept., p. 22 Authors BUsTeTttElRinWgO RcTarHb-oHnA YwEarSf,a re,P. , AIpCrAilO,: pT. h4e. best hope for Declassifying the space race, Part 1: Surveillance systems, Sept., p. 32 BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., With Patrick Ky, April, p. 16. Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the sky?, Sept A p. 38. ABOULAFIA, R., Indigenous fighters make an BUdToTwEnRsW OoRf TiHn-teHrAnYatEiSo,na l P.,p aFr-t3n5e rsshhiopwss, uMpasy ,a npd. 4. ESA to break new ground with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. unexpected return, Jan., p. 20. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., A long road for UAS inte- Gemini: Blazing the trail to the Moon, Oct., p. 16 ABOULAFIA, R., Strategic bombers—relevant again, gration in Europe, June, p. 4. Curiosity on the red planet: Mars is ours!, Oct March, p. 20. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., Eurozone crisis hits aircraft p. 26 ABOULAFIA, R., Jetliner demand: The changing land- sales, July-Aug., p. 4. Declassifying the space race, Part Il: Monitoring the scape, May, p. 22. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., Russian helicopters on Soviet space program, Oct., p. 32 ABOULAFIA, R., F-35 faces cost-sensitive export the ascent, Sept., p. 4. High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, Oct market, July-Aug., p. 20. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., With Isaac Valero-Ladron, p. 38 ABOULAFIA, R., Military rotorcraft: Strongest aero Sept., p. 16. A question of leadership, Nov., p. 7 market, Sept., p. 18. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., ESA to break new ground Cosmic comebacfko r military space?, Nov., p. 28 ABOULAFIA, R., The enduring jetliner duopoly, Oct., with ExoMars, Oct., p. 4. 2012: Gossamer systems, Dec., p. 72 p. 20. BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., With Detlef Miller-Wiesner, 2012: Space tethers, Dec., p. 67 Oct., p. 12. 2012: Spacet ransportation, Dec., p. 68 BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., Transatlantic defense and aerospace mergers move closer, Nov., p. 4. News FromI ntelligent Light Intelligent Light Wins HPC Innovation Excellence Award from IDC Intelligent Light has been recognized by International Data Corporation for its work with bike wheel manufacturer Zipp Speed Weaponry. Intelligent Light applied state of the art CFD tools and practices with commercially available technology to achieve insights into the aerodynamic performance of Zipp’s bike wheels. The result, Firecrest, the fastest wheel ever built, was introduced in 2010. Within two years Zipp doubled their product category revenue in a segment they already dominated and added over 120 new manufacturing jobs in Indiana to meet the new demand. FieldView Image: From Sara J. McNamara, NASA Johnson Space Flight Center, images presented at Overset Grid Symposium 2012, Aerodynamic Forces and Moments of the Morpheus Lander Using OVERFLOW, D. Vicker, G. Schauerhamer, S. McNamara, K. Boyle, Oct 2012. FieldView 13 The Revolution Has Begun For more: www.smartcfd.com intelligent Light BUTTERWORTH-HAYES, P., With Douglas Barrie, Nov., D FINNEGAN, P., UAV secto: faces sweeping changes, p. 13. April, p. 20. DAVID, L., ISS: Dawn of a new era, Jan., p. 32. FINNEGAN, P., Acquisitions reshape aerospace and DAVID, L., Design for demise: Protection from falling defense industry, July-Aug., p. 26. C spacecraft, Feb., p. 36. FINNEGAN, P., Export hurdles aid foreign UAV CACERES, M., Soyuz and Long March set the pace, DAVID, L., Human space exploration: A global quest, competitors, Nov., p. 16. May, p. 26. May, p. 32. CACERES, M., Balance of space launches shifts, Sept., DAVID, L., Mars Science Laboratory: Going for a p. 20. touchdown, July-Aug., p. 30. G CAMHI, E., The not so super committee, Jan., p. 3. DAVID, L., Curiosity on the red planet: Mars is ours!, GOLDSTEIN, E., The greening of satellite propulsion, CAMHI, E., The power option, Feb., p. 3. Oct., p. 26. Feb., p. 26. CAMHI, E., The budget-go-round, March, p. 3. DONOHUE, G., See SHERRY, L., Nov., p. 20. GOLDSTEIN, E., Wings of gold: One-hundred years of CAMHI, E., Getting there together, May, p. 3. DORR, R., Deadlocked Congress delays decisions, Jan., U.S. Navy air power, Sept., p. 22. CAMHI, E., The year of the Dragon, July-Aug,., p. 3. p. 8. GREY, J., The ephemeral ‘advanced propulsion,’ March CAMHI, E., Getting there is just part of the story, DORR, R., ‘New’ defense strategy takes center stage, p. 24. Nov., p. 3. Feb., p. 12. GREY, J., Space solar power: Panacea, or pie in the CAMHI, E., The very best of old and new, Dec., p. 3 DORR, R., An end to (some of) the waiting, March, p. 8. sky?, Sept., p. 38. CANAN, J., With Mark T. Maybury, March, p. 12. DORR, R., Space, defense face funding uncertainties, April, p. 10. CANAN, J., With Martin C. Faga, May, p. 14. DORR, R., Agreeing to agree on nothing, May, p. 10. | CANAN, J., With William H. Gerstenmaier, June, p. 16. DORR, R., Struggles in a season of avoidance, June, IANNOTTA, B., Science spacecraft learn self-control, CANAN, J., Deconstructing the defense budget, p. 12. Feb., p. 24. June, p. 30. DORR, R., Moving ahead despite constraints, July-Aug., IANNOTTA, B., STORRM watch: Improving space CANAN, J., With Norman R. Augustine, July-Aug., p. 8. navigation, April, p. 24. p. 12. DORR, R., Curiosity triumphs amid:t business as IANNOTTA, B., NOVA: Bright new star for CubeSat CANAN, J., High stakes for human-rating spacecraft, usual, Sept., p. 8. testing, June, p. 24. Oct., p. 38. DORR, R., Uncertainties mount as election looms, Oct., IANNOTTA, B., Will GENIE guide Xombie to a landing?, COVAULT, C., Orbiting twins tackle Moon’s mysteries, p. 8. Sept., p. 22. Feb., p. 32. DORR, R., Heading home with little to show, Nov., IRVINE, T., Opening the skies to UAVs, April, p. 3. COVAULT, C., SLS: Development begins, March, p. 10. p. 40. J JONES, T., Exploration in an uncertain decade, Jan., Courses Open to Everyone at Every Level STAND-ALONE COURSES Upcoming Courses: 28 February-1 March 2013 Mathematical Introduction to Integrated Navigation Systems, with Applications Instructor: Robert M. Rogers AIAA is proud Early Bird Registration Deadline is 18 January 2013 AERO Institute to partner with Palmdale, California the following 28 February-1 March 2013 organizations Optimal State Estimation as they host our Instructor: Dan Simon short courses at Early Bird Registration Deadline is 18 January 2013 AERO Institute their facilities: Palmdale, California 4-5 March 2013 Modeling Flight Dynamics with Tensors &, AERO tnscitute Instructor: Peter Zipfel Early Bird Registration Deadline is 1 February 20139 National Institute of Aerospace Hampton, Virginia View all Home Study Courses at www.aiaa.org/StandAloneAA no Aerospace Institute @AIAA 2012 INDEX Ba UNITED STATES Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation POSTAL SERVICE » (All Periodicals Publications Except Requester Publications) Dication Title 2 Publication Number p. 16. JONES, T., Moving beyond Earth: NASA's steps through 2020, March, p. 16. JONES, T., Snaring a piece of the sky, May, p. 18 JONES, T., The dragon roars, July-Aug., p. 16 JONES. T., Finding NEOs: Stepping stones for human exploration, Sept., p. 14. JONES, T., Gemini: Blazing the trail to the Moon, Oct., p. 16. K KJELGAARD, C., Fabrication techniques grow greener, June, p. 27. Full Name JELGAARD, C., Fighting friction, smoothing flow Oct., p. 24 L LISSE, C., See BRITT, D., Oct., p. 3 > None M Complete Mailing Address MUSIELAK, D., National hypersonic centers: Fast track to truly fast flight, June, p. 40 Oo OBERG, J., Russian space program recovers, July-Aug. p.42 P PRIVACY NOTICE PESAVENTO, P., Declassifying the space race, Part 1 Surveillance systems, Sept., p. 32 PESAVENTO, P., Declassifying the space race, P Monitoring the Soviet space program, Oct., p R nt and Nature of Circulation Average No. Copies No. Copies of Single Each Issue During _ issue Published RAYMER, D., A tale ail, Nov., p Preceding 12 Months Nearest to Filing Date ROCKWELL, D., Man vs. machine: The f electronic attack, Feb., p. 20 ROCKWELL, D., Reduced budgets change and U-2 rises, June, p. 20 Ss SELINGER, M., Cosmic comeback for military space? Nov., p. 28 SHERRY, L., and DONOHUE, G., Viewpoint: Trouble some trends in U.S transport nr, N 2( SPUDIS, P., Devel WESTLAKE, M., Asia in June, p. 8 WESTLAKE, M., Safe Sept., p. 12 WESTLAKE, M WILLIAMSON, M., Real estate in frequency space > March, p. 30 WILLIAMSON, M., Hypersonic transport: 30 years and holding?, May, p. 40 WIGBELS, L., Earth observations lead to healthier lives April, p. 40 WILSON Jan WiLSON orbit servicing: The ne p. 34 WILSON, J., Uncovering the secrets of ‘mystery ic July-Aug., p. 36 > wr ong approacn

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