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THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OFZOOLOGY 2001 49(1): 149-166 © National UniversityofSingapore ADAM WHITE: THE CRUSTACEAN YEARS Paul F. Clark DepartmentofZoology, TheNaturalHistoryMuseum, CromwellRoad, LondonSW75BD, England. Email:[email protected]. Bronwen Presswell MolecularGenetics, UniversityofGlasgow, PontecorvoBuilding, 56DumbartonRoad, GlasgowG116NU, ScotlandandDepartmentofZoology, TheNaturalHistoryMuseum. • ABSTRACT.- AdamWhite was appointedtotheZoology BranchoftheNatural History Divisioninthe BritishMuseumatBloomsburyinDecember1835.Duringhis28yearsserviceasanassistant,hisscientific output was prodigious. This study concentrates on his contribution to Crustaceaand includes abrieflife history,alistofcrustaceanspeciesattributedtoWhitewithappropriateremarksandafulllistofhiscrustacean publications. KEYWORDS. - AdamWhite, Crustacea, Bibliography, listofvalid indications. INTRODUCTION removingtheregistrationnumbersaffixedtothespecimens, therebycreatingtotalconfusioninthecollections.Samouelle AdamWhite wasborninEdinburghon29thApril 1817and waseventuallydismissedin1841(Steam, 1981;Ingle,1991). was educated at the High School of the city (McLachlan, 1879).Attheageof18,White, alreadyanardentnaturalist, Subsequently,White was placedinchargeofthe arthropod wenttoLondonwithaletterofintroductiontoJohnEdward collection and, as aconsequence, he publishedextensively Gray at the British Museum. White was appointed as an onInsectaandCrustacea.Ashisexperienceoftheadvantages Assistant in the Zoological Branch of Natural History enjoyed by a national museum increased, White wrote DivisionoftheBritishMuseuminDecember1835(Dunning, tirelessly to Scottish newspapers, under the pseudonym 1879; Gilbert, 1977). Arachnophilus, campaigning for the establishment of a National Museum in Scotland. The name was meant to White was remembered fondly by several authors, Cowtan signify patient perseverance, and he lived up to it, the (1872),forexamplecommentingonhis"firstappearanceat campaigncontinuingforanumberofyears. Hefeltstrongly theMuseuminashortjacket,which,togetherwithhisruddy abouteducationforallintheelitistsocietyoftheday,aview and youthful appearance, gained for him the epithet ofthe thatbecamecentralinthedebateleadingtotheestablishment boyWhite".McLachlan(1879)assertsthat"noonewasmore ofScotland's national museum (Waterston, 1997). willing to gooutofhis way to oblige" andto proffer"wise counselandreadyassistance".Dunning(1879)furtherrecalls AttheBritishMuseum,White'srelationshipwithJ.E. Gray White's"broadScotchaccentwithwhichhiswordsofsound (appointed Keeper of Zoology in 1840) was not entirely advice were delivered". Photographs ofWhite in later life satisfactory.Inaletter(White, 1862;lettertoSmith,Natural have beenpublishedinIngle (1991) and Waterston (1997). HistoryMuseum[NHM]Archives)toFrederickSmith(then AssistantKeeper)Whitespeaksof"...poorDrGray'senmity Ing1e (1991) notes that White initially worked on the bird to me -very marked since 1850...". Later, in aletterto his collections, but later was instructed to assist Mr George good friend Carruthers (White, 1870; letter to Carruthers, Samouelle in the Insect Room two days aweekand curate NHM Archives), White exhibited genuine sorrow for the the arthropod collection. Samouelle trod an unsteady path breakdown of his relationship with Gray. "I wish I could as Assistant. He took to drink, neglected his duties, was from the heart forgive him for the many injuries he has constantly absent from work and was insulting to his occasioned to me, by his calumniating tongue" (White's supervisors.Heevenspitedco-workerWhitebydeliberately underlining). Received 31 Aug 2000 Accepted 3Apr 2001 149 Clark & Presswell: Adam White: the crustacean years WhiteremainedonlyanAssistantintheZoologyDepartment popularHistoryofBritishCrustacea.He(White,1855b)algO after28yearsinservicedespitehisprodigiousoutput,(White edited with notes a volume on "A collection ofdocuments 1862;lettertoSmith,NHMArchives).Thedeathofhisfirst onSpitzbergen & Greenland, comprisingatranslationfrom wifeprecipitatedamentalbreakdown andhe wasforced to F. Martens'voyagetoSpitzbergen:AtranslationfromIsaac retireprematurely(Carruthers, 1873;lettertoHooker,NHM de la Peyere's histoire du Groenland", for the Hakluyt Archives). Society.Inadditiontohisfascinationwithanimallife,White was also a keen botanist and apparently contributed many EmbitteredbyhistreatmentatthehandsofGray,andbyhis specimenstotheBritishMuseumHerbarium(Anon, 1879). "miserablepensionof£115" (White, 1862;letterto Smith, NHM Archives), White fell into emotional and pecuniary This present study comments upon White's publications decline and spent some time in the Sunnyside Lunatic relating to his descriptions ofnew Crustacea species in the Asylum, Montrose, Scotland (Carruthers, 1873, letter to Proceedings ofthe Zoological Society ofLondon and their Hooker, NHM Archives). However, his urge to write duplicationintheAnnalsandMagazine ofNaturalHistory, continued even while in confinement, and he edited and includingZoology, Botany,andGeology-whichjournalwas largelycontributedto ajournal, thecontentsofwhich were published first and took priority? Further difficulties were supplied by patients (McLachlan, 1879). His sense of encountered with the precise dates of White's papers ignominywasfurthercompoundedwhentheTrusteesofthe publishedintheJournalofProceedingsoftheEntomological BritishMuseum apparently refused himaccess. White was SocietyofLondon.Amatteralsoconfusedbyduplicationin accusedofthewillfuldestructionofabookanddishonesty. the Annals and Magazine ofNatural History, including He begs for support, writing "if any friends I have at the Zoology, Botany, andGeology. StrangelyneithertheNHM Museum were to write me that they deem me incapable of Library nor Crustacea Section possesses a compendium of such conduct it would cheer me" (White, 1870; letter to White'sreprintsthatmighthelpresolvetheseissues,butthe Carruthers, NHM Archives). Crustacean Section Library does have White's (1847a) personal, annotated copy ofhis Catalogue ofCrustacea in White remarried and had three more children (he had one the British Museum and this has been the source ofmuch daughterfrom his first marriage), but his financial worries information. continued. He begged for help from his friend Carruthers, and applied for a small gratuity from the Royal Society White was an industrious worker, but access to his (White, 1870; letter to Carruthers, NHM Archives; publicationsisrestrictedbecausetheyareapproximately 150 Carruthers 1873; letterto Hooker, NHM Archives). years old, rare and therefore difficult to obtain. This is a problemasWhitedescribedalargenumberofnewarthropod Sadly,despiteWhite'sconsiderablecontributiontothefields species. A measure of White's endeavours can be gained ofentomologyandcarcinologyhegrewdespondentinlater fromthecatalogueofscientificpaperscompiledbytheRoyal life, describing himself as "one who has been somewhat Society ofLondon (1872: 347-349, 763), but although 59 unsuccessful in the race of life" (White, 1874; letter to journal references relating to Arthropoda are listed, it is Carruthers, NHMArchives). WhitediedinJanuary 1879at incomplete and sometimes misleading. For example, Glasgow, aged 63 (Dunning, 1879). reference31 states"Shortdescriptionsofsomenewspecies ofCrustaceain the collectionofthe BritishMuseum. Proc. Zoo!' Soc.Lond., XV, 1847, pp. 84-86, 118-127". This WHITE'S PUBLICATIONS publication is in fact two separate papers, with almost identical titles (White, 1847d, 1847g). Further, citation 32 White published a truly prodigious number of works on is dated 1847, but Waterhouse (1893: 438) and Duncan natural history, including such diverse works as A popular (1937: 80) suggested it was published on the 29th March history ofMammalia (1850), A popular history ofBirds 1848. Moreover, none of White's catalogues, books or (1855),andHeadsandTails; orAnecdotes... ofQuadrupeds contributions to the identification of expedition collected and other beasts (1870). With R. M Stark he wrote The specimens, is cited. The latter are recorded in the Library instructive picture book (1857) and for the Society for Catalogue ofthe British Museum (Natural History) (1915: Promoting Christian Knowledge he arranged the plates for 2306-2307) and a total of 26 arthropod (Insecta and Tabular view ofMyriapoda, Arachnida, & Crustacea, and Crustacea)publicationsareindexed.Yetagainthelistisnot Tabular view ofthe orders andleadingfamilies ofinsects, complete and is inaccurate, especially for his crustacean fortheDiagramsofNaturalHistoryseries.TheTabularview works. ForexampletheCrustaceaofthe H.M.S. Samarang ofCrustacea arranged by White (1861c: pIs 2, 3) for the voyage,publishedjointlywithArthurAdams,isdated1848. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge appears to be However, according to Sherborn(1922: cxi), theCrustacea an obscure publication. The two pages of plates contain chapter was published in two parts dated 1848 and 1849. beautifullyengravedillustrationsofvariousCrustaceataxa The Library Catalogue (1915: 2307) cites White's byJ. W. Lowryandthelistofspeciesrepresentedhasbeen contribution to the "Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. tabulated (Tables 1, 2). White made two important Rattlesnake" as 1852,the date onthe title page, butduring contributions to British carcinology. In 1850, White this present study the copy in the British Library was cataloguedtheCrustaceaforaserieswhichattemptedtolist examinedand it was date stamped 27 DE 1851. The above specimens of British animals and (White, 1857), wrote A examples arejustafew ofthe problems encounteredwhile 150 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY2001 Table1.ListofCrustaceaengravedonplate2.AfterJ.W.Lowry,White, 1861c.*indicatesspeciesepithetspeltwithanuppercaseletter by White. Crustacea Ommatocarcinus macgillivraii* Scyllarus aequinoctialis Sub Class Malacostraca Grapsuspictus Legion Podophthalma Cryptosoma orientis SectionMacroura OrderDecapoda Leucosia longifrons Section Brachyura Platymera gaudichaudii* Palinurus homarus (Thorny Lobster) Utica gracilipes lbacus incisus Oncinopus neptunus* Belliapicta Calocaris macandreae* Arctopsis lanata (Gibb's Crab) Arcania novemspinosa Callianassa turneri* Doclea calcitrapa* Nursiaplicata Astacusgammarus (CommonLobster) Pericera cornuta (HornedCrab) Corytes cassivelaunus Rhynchocinetus typus Lambrus hoplonotus Dorippe quadridens Alphaeusbidens Crytopodia dorsalis Cymopoliajukesii* Stenopus hispidus Zebrida adamsii Crangon vulgare (Shrimp) Galene dorsalis Section Anomoura Penaeus caramote Polybius henslowii Atergatis integerrimus Dromia vulgaris Order Stomapoda Podophthalmus vigil Petalocerus bellianus* Neptunus sanguinolentus Porcellanaplatycheles Phyllosoma clavicorne (Glassy shrimp) Thelphusafluviatilis Remipes testudinarius Mysis longicornis (Opossum Shrimp) Pinnotherespisum (Peacrab) Cenobitadiogenes(DiogenesHermit-Crab) Squillerichthus typus Gecarcinus ruricola (LandCrab) Pagurus streblonyx(SoldierCrab) Squilla mantis Mictyris longicarpus Grinnothea gregaria Gela sinnus (Calling Crab) Aeglea laevis Table2.ListofCrustaceaengravedonplate3.AfterJ.W.Lowry,White, 1861c.*indicatesspeciesepithetspeltwithanuppercaseletter by White. Crustacea Ourozeuktes owenii* OrderLerneadae SubClass Malacostraca Serolis orbignyi* Legion Edriophthalma lone thoracicus Lernentomiaasellina OrderAmphipoda Anchorella rugosa DivisionEntomostraca Lerneonema spratta Talitrus saltator* SandHopper Legion Branchiopoda Lerneabranchialis Amphithoe edwardsi* Ord. Phyllopoda Erichthonius difformis Ord. Xyphosura Cerapus tubularis Apuscancriformis Corophium longicorne Nebalia bipes Limulusmoluccanus (King crab) Chelura terebrans Chirocephalus diaphanus (Fairy Shrimp) Vibilia peronii* Div: Cirripedia Hyperia latreillei* Ord. Cladocera Fam: Balanidae Phronima sedentaria* Lestrigonusfahraei* Daphniapulex Balanusperforatus Rhabdosomaacuminatum Polyphemuspediculus Balanus tintinnabulum Oxycephaluspiscator Chelonobia testudinaria Legion Lophyropoda Tetraclitapurpurascens OrderLaemodipoda Ord.Ostracoda Tubicinella trachealis Coronula balaenaris Cyamus ovalis Cypris tristriata Caprella acuminifera Fam: Verrucidae Ord. Copepoda OrderIsopoda Verruca stromia Cyclops quadricornis Arcturusbaffini* Cetochilus septentrionalis Fam. Lepadidae Praniza caeruleata Anceus rapax Legion Poecilopoda Alcippe lampas Idotea lalandii* Ord. Siphostoma Lepasanatifera Limnoria terebrans Alepas cornuta Porcelliogranulatus Argulusfoliaceus lbla cumingii* Sphaeroma serratum Lepeoptheirus stromii* Scalpellum vulgare Cymodocea armata Pandarus bicolor Scalpellum rostratum Amphoroidea typa Anthosomasmithii* Pollicipes mitella Glyptonotus antarcticus Nicothoe astaci* Lithotrya dorsalis 151 Clark & Presswell: Adam White: the crustacean years researching the crustacean publications ofAdam White. "Proceedings ofLearned Societies" (White, 1847c, 1847f, 1848a, 1848c, 1849a, 1849c, 1851b, 1861b respectively). White, through no fault of his own, has left a legacy of The major difference between the two publications is that nomenclatural confusion that has been difficult to resolve the plates were not reproduced in the Annals. The only andrelatestothedateofpublicationofthreejournals.White Proceedings paper ofWhite (1856) not to be reprinted in communicated papers that contained descriptions of new theAnnals was theZoological Societymeeting heldonthe species at the Entomological and Zoological Societies of 13th of May 1856. However the problem with this London, which were published in Journal ofProceedings duplication of papers is nomenclatural priority and the ofthe Entomological Society and the Proceedings ofthe distribution (availability) dates ofeachjournal. ZoologicalSociety.Acontemporaryserialoftheperiodwas the Annals and Magazine ofNatural History, including Only the works of White published in the Entomological Zoology,BotanyandGeologyanditcontainedregularreports and Zoological Society house journals are listed in the entitled "Proceedings of Learned Societies". As a catalogueofscientificpaperscompiledbytheRoyalSociety consequence, thisJournalduplicatedthemajorityofpapers (1872) and this seemed to suggest it is these journals that printedbythe Entomological and Zoological Societies and were the original descriptions and have nomenclatural the following explanatory comments may be helpful in priority. In order to confirm priority date, copies of the recommending dates ofpriority. Proceedings ofZoological Society and The Annals and MagazineofNaturalHistorywereexaminedinthelibraries ofthe Zoology Department and Mollusca Section, Natural THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY History Museum, Linnean Society, Zoological Society and the British Library. White published two crustacean papers in the Journal of Proceedings ofthe Entomological Society ofLondon. This The Proceedings serial was issuedin sheetsA-K (the letterJwas notused) sometimebetween 1841 and 1846,orlater. This series was None of the volumes examined suggested that the later reprinted by the Entomological Society in 1864 (see "Proceedings" was distributedin sheets/numbers andthere White, 1864a, b) because ofits rarity, but it had different is no evidence ofadditional wrappers within the bindings. paginationfrom the original. The original 1841-46volume The date stamps in the British Library copies of volumes presentsanumberofproblems.Establishingthepublication 1844, 1845, 1846 and 1848 are as follows:- dates ofthese sheets proved difficult because a fire at the Royal Entomological Society destroyed many records 1844 (part XII) =12th November 1845 (Neave, 1933: 89). However, Wheeler (1911) listed the 1845 (part XIII) =15thFebruary 1847 publicationdates ofall Proceedings betweenJanuary 1840 1846 (part XIV) = 2nd December 1847 and December 1846. Wheeler's work confirms the 1847 (part XV) = 7th July 1848 publicationdateofthetwoWhitepapersinJ. Proc. entSoc. Land.Hispaperpresentedatthemeetingofthe2ndofAugust, The Accessions Register of Linnean Library revealed a 1841 wasincludedinthesheetIIIe(erroneouslyprintedon different distribution story for the same volumes:- thefirst pageofthe sheetas IIC), which wasfirst available onthe 1stofFebruary 1842.White'ssecondpaper,givenon 1844 (part XII), sheets (no.) 131-142and 1845 (part XIII), the 7th April 1845, was published on the }'t July 1846. sheets (no.) 143-145 =16thOctober 1845 = However, these two White papers, were reprinted 1845 (part XIII), sheets (no.) 146-148 10th April 1847 contemporaneously in Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (see White, 1845(partXIII), sheets(no.) 149-154and 1846(partXIV), 1842b, 1846b).AccordingtotheAccessionsRegisterofthe sheets (no.) 155-158 = 18th August 1846 Linnean Society Library the publication dates ofthese can 1846 (part XIV), sheets (no.) 160-166 = 21stMarch 1847 = alsobeestablishedasthefirstofFebruary 1842andthefirst 1847(partXV),sheets(no.) 167-176 14thSeptember1847 = ofJuly 1846respectively. Theauthorsofthispresentstudy 1847 (part XV), sheets (no.) 177-179 29th May 1848 recommendthatthe White papers publishedin theJournal oftheProceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietytakepriority ThepublicationdatesoftheProceedingswereconfusedand because these were the original submissions and were haveobviouslybeenaprobleminthepast,butareimportant. reprinted by Annals and Magazine ofNatural History, This matter was resolved when Sclater (Anon, 1893: 435) including Zoology, Botany and Geology. laidbeforethe Zoological Society meeting ofMay 2, 1893 alistoftheProceedingsdates. Thislistwascompiledfrom the printers' (Taylor & Frances) receipts for the sheets of THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY theProceedingsfrom 1831-1859byWaterhouse(1893)who was the Librarian to the Zoological Society from 1872 to White published seven papers in the Proceedings ofthe 1913. Waterhouse was not originally credited with the ZoologicalSocietyofLondon(White, 1847b, 1847d,1847g, authorship of the delivery dates and his work was later 1848b,1848d,1849b,1851a, 1861a).Thesewereduplicated reprinted at the request ofSherborn in Duncan (1937: 78 in The Annals andMagazine ofNaturalHistory, including 83). The sheets were referred to as numbers in the list Zoology, Botany, and Geology under a section entitled assembledbyWaterhouse. Whatis notclarified is whether 152 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OFZOOLOGY 2001 thesesheetswereindividuallydistributedtothemembersof were traced via the British Library newspaper section but the Zoological Society as they became available from the gave no further help, Spectator Saturday 14th August; printers or if the Society distributed the volumes in parts. Morning Post Tuesday 24th August; the Daily News and Further, two papers by White (1847g, 1848a) run into the MorningHeraldThursday26thAugust.However,theHMS following sheet. However, the dates of delivery from the Fly copy in the British Library was date stamped with the printers to the Zoological Society have produced a stable numbers47.7.28.25establishingthedistributiondate asthe nomenclature with regard to papers published in the 28thJuly 1847. Proceedings and this been generally accepted. TheAnnals VALID GENERA & SPECIES ATTRIBUTED TO WHITE In comparison, the distribution dates of the Annals and Magazine ofNatural History, including Zoology, Botany, White is the authority for 31 genera of which nine were andGeologyappeartobewithoutcontention.Thedatestamp jointlyestablishedwithArthurAdams,threewereattributed in the British Library volumes are as follows:- toWhitebyKinahan(1859)andtwoofthegeneraestablished by White are invalid. = No. 130, July 1847 15thJuly 1847 No. 131, August 1847 = 12th November 1847 Two hundred and eighty-nine crustacean species were No. 132, September 1847 = 22nd September 1847 considered by White to be new to science, but for various No. 133, October 1847 = 15th October 1847 reasons this figure should be revised. One hundred and No. 134, November 1847 =12th November 1847 seventy-one species thought to be new by White (mainly No. 135, December 1847 = 27th December 1847 1847a) are nomina nuda because they are without a valid indication. Sixty-fivenewspeciesweredescribedsolelyby Richard Taylor was one of the leading printers/publishers White, 42 jointly with Arthur Adams, five species duringthisperiodandhisfirmprintedmostofthescientific descriptions wereattributedto White byMiers (1874), one journals in London. He was also a Fellow of the Linnean replacement name (White, 1847a: 30, Thelphusa dehaanii) Society. From studying the Linnean Society Library and two new species were attributed to White by Kinahan AccessionbookfortheperiodofWhite'spublications,Ann. (1859). White is also the authority for 31 genera. Mag. nat. Hist. appears to have be made available at the beginningofthemonthasstatedonthetitleheadingofeach Ofthe nomina nuda, White (l847a) was preparing figures part. This was made possible because one of the Journal withtheintentionofdescribingnewcrustaceanspeciesand editors (RichardTaylor) ensured that acopy ofthe Journal publishingtheminthezoologicalaccountoftheHMSErebus was promptly delivered to the library. & Terrorvoyage,butthisstudywasnevercompleted.Instead Miers (1874) completed an account ofthe Crustacea from No. 130, July 1847 = 1stJuly 1847 the Voyage and published some of White's figures, = No. 131, August 1847 2nd August 1847 amounting to four plates. Miers (1874: 1) wrote an No. 132, September 1847 = 1st September 1847 introduction to the paper stating "The greater number of = No. 133, October 1847 2nd October 1847 Crustacea here figured have been described by Mr. Adam No. 134, November 1847 = 1st November 1847 White.Theplateshavingbeenprintedoffmanyyearssince, = No. 135, December 1847 1stDecember 1847 and the stones destroyed, it has not been possible to alter their lettering, and bring it into correspondence with the Priority ofProceedings and Annals nomenclature adopted in the text; but whenever I have adoptedforanyspeciesadifferentgenericorspecificname From Waterhouse (1893) and the Linnean Society Library from that used by Mr. White, and printed on the plate, a Accessions Register, White's papers published by the referencehasbeenmadetothelatterinthesynonymaofthe Proceedings ofthe Zoological Society are considered here species" totakeprioritybecausetheywereavailablebeforetheAnnals andMagazineofNaturalHistory, includingZoology, Botany, Further, White (1847a) indicated that a number ofspecies and Geology. descriptions appeared inAnn. Mag. nat. Hist. 1846but the authors of this present study did not find this paper and HMS FLY therefore the names appear to be nomina nuda. July 1847saw threepaperspublishedbyWhite(1847c,d,e) Additionalproblemswereencounteredwhenestablishingthe but establishing the distribution date of the HMS Fly correct authorship of some White proposed species. With narrative was difficult. The copy in the Natural History DoubledayherecordedalistofannuloseanimalsfromNew Museum General Library has the month July hand written Zealand but only the name of White appears after the bySherborn,inpencil,onthetitlepage.AlsointheGeneral descriptions ofthe crustacean species. Crustacea from the LibraryisabookcontainingthecorrespondenceofJukeand voyage of HMS Samarang were described jointly with withinisalettertoafrienddatedthe28thAugust1847which Arthur Adams. Inanumberofinstances Adams andWhite givesalistofnewspapersthathavereviewedthebook.These incorrectly attributed the authority of the species to 153 Clark & Presswell: Adam White: the crustacean years themselveswhenapreviousdescriptionbyonlyWhitetook Alpheus alope White (in Miers, 1874)-White, 1847a: 75 priority. InoneinstancetheearliercombinationofWhite& [n.n.]; Miers, 1874: 5, Tab. 4, fig. 6. REMARKS: The name Adams (inWhite, 1847d: 84)was lateralteredto Adams & AlpheusalopeasestablishedbyWhite, 1847a:75isanomen White (Adams & White, 1848: 30). nudum. Although Whitehadpreparedanillustrationofthis alpheid, it was Miers, (1874, Tab. 4, fig. 6) who finally publishedthedrawingandwroteabriefdescriptionof(1874: GENERA AND SPECIES 5) the species making the name valid and available. The authority for this species is attributed to White by Miers The following is a list of crustacean genera and species (1874: 1). attributed to Adam White. The list does not include any synonymies accept those authors directly associated with Alpheus amphitrite-White, 1847a: 74 [nn.]. White and includes Adams & White (1848), Gosse (1851), Kinahan (1859) and Miers (1874). This list is ordered Alpheus doris-seeAlpheus strenuus alphabetically by genus with validindications in boldtype andremarkshavebeenincludedwithsomespeciestoclarify Alpheus doto White (in Miers, 1874)-White, 1847a: 75 = outstanding issues. Abbreviations used in the text, n.n. [n.n.]; Miers 1874: 5, Tab. 4, fig. 5. REMARKS: The name nomen nudum. AlpheusdotoasestablishedbyWhite, 1847a:75isanomen nudum. AlthoughWhite hadpreparedanillustrationofthis Acanthoniscus White (in Kinahan, 1859)-White, 1847a: alpheid, it was Miers, (1874, Tab. 4, fig. 5) that finally 99 [n.n.]; Kinahan, 1859: 132. publishedthe drawing and described (1874: 5) the species making the name validandavailable. The authority for the AcanthoniscusspinigerWhite(inKinahan, 1859)-White, species is attributed to White by Miers (1874: 1). 1847a:99[n.n.];Gosse, 1851:65 [n.n];Kinahan, 1859: 132. Alpheusforceps-White, 1847a: 75 [n.n.]. Acanthonyxelongatus-White, 1847a: 11 [n.n.]. Alpheusgalathea White (in Miers, 1874)-White, 1847a: Actaea carcharias White, 1848-White, 1847a: 15 [n.n.], 75 [n.n.];Miers, 1874:5,Tab.4,fig. 4.REMARKS: Thename 1848b: 224, 1848c: 284. Alpheus galathea as established by White, 1847a: 75 is a nomennudum.AlthoughWhitehadpreparedanillustration Actaea nodulosa White, 1848-White, 1847a: 15 [n.n.], of this alpheid, it was Miers, (1874, Tab. 4, fig. 4), who 1848b: 224, 1848c: 284; Adams & White, 1849: 39, tab. finallypublishedthedrawing.Thereisnowrittendescription VIII, fig. 4. butthefiguredoesconstituteanindicationmakingthename validandavailable.Theauthorityforthisspeciesisattributed Aega edwardsii-White, 1847a: 107 [n.n.]. to White by Miers (1874: 1). Aega hirta-White, 1847a: 107 [n.n.]. REMARKS: White, Alpheus neptunus-seeAthanasus edwardsii 1847a: 107erroneouslystatesthatthis speciesisfigured (t. 6)intheZoologyoftheErebusandTerror(seeRichardson Alpheus rhode-White, 1847a: 74 [n.n.]. and Gray, 1844-1875). AlpheusstrenuusMiers, 1874-Miers, 1874:5,Tab.4,fig. Aegle cythera-White, 1847a: 125 [n.n.]. 2.AlpheusdorisWhite, 1847a:75 [n.n.]. REMARKS:Alpheus doris isaWhite, 1847a: 75 nomennudum. AlthoughWhite Albunea microps-White, 1847a: 129 [n.n.]. 1847a: 75 suggests by inserting t.f after the species name that he is going to figure this species in the Zoology ofthe Alima aphrodite White, 1847-White, 1847a: 83 [n.n.], ErebusandTerror(seeRichardson& Gray, 1844-1875),it 1847g: 124, 1848a: 226. REMARKS: White, 1847a: 83 was Miers (1874, Tab. 4, fig. 2) that eventually published erroneouslystatesthatthisspeciesisfiguredintheZoology thefigurecaptionedAlpheusdoris. MiersrevisedthisWhite ofthe Erebus andTerror (seeRichardsonand Gray, 1844 species, acknowledged that the description of Alpheus 1875). strenuusbyDana[1853], 1852:545,pI. 34,f. 2wasthefirst available valid name and it took priority. Alope White, 1847-White, 1847a: 75 [n.n.], 1847g: 123, 1848a: 225. Alpheus thetis White (in Miers, 1874)-White, 1847a: 75 [n.n.]; Miers, 1874: 5, Tab. 4, fig. 7. REMARKS: The name AlopepalpalisWhite, 1847-White,1847a:75 [nn.], 1847g: AlpheusthetisasestablishedbyWhite, 1847a:75isanomen 124, 1848a: 226; Miers, 1874: 4, Tab. 4, fig. 1. REMARKS: nudum.AlthoughWhitehadpreparedanillustrationofthis Although White 1847a: 75 suggests by inserting t.f after alpheid,itwasMiers,1874:5,whofinallypublishedit(1874, thespeciesnamethatheisgoingtofigurethisspeciesinthe Tab. 4, fig. 7) and described the species, making the name ZoologyoftheErebusandTerror(seeRichardson& Gray, validandavailable.Theauthorityforthisspeciesisattributed 1844-1875),itwasMiers(1874,Tab.4,fig. 1)thateventually to White by Miers (1874: 1). publishedthe figure. 154 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY2001 Alpheus triton-White, 1847a: 74 [n.n.]. VIII, fig. 3. Amphitrite argentata-White, 1847a: 126 [n.n.]. AthanasusedwardsiiMiers, 1874-Miers, 1874:4,Tab.4, fig. 3.Alpheusneptunus-White, 1847a:74[n.n.].REMARKS: Amphitrite ceto-White, 1847a: 127 [n.n.]. Alpheus neptunus is a nomen nudum. White (1847a: 74) suggested by inserting t. f after the species name that he Amphitritephorcys-White, 1847a: 127 [n.n.]. wasgoingtofigurethisspeciesintheZoologyoftheErebus andTerror(seeRichardson& Gray, 1844-1875).However, Anilocra trichiura-White, 1847a: 108 [n.n.]. Miers, (1874,Tab.4,fig. 3)eventuallypublishedthefigure prepared by White and captioned Alpheus neptunus. But Anisonotus-White, 1847a:97 [n.n.]. REMARKS: Thisgenus Miers (1874: 4) revised this White species, acknowledged is not valid because the species assigned to the taxon, that the description ofAthanasus edwardsii by Audouin, Anisonotusfalklandicus by White, 1847a: 97, is a nomen 1826: 91, pI. 10, f. 1was the first available valid name, it nudum. took priority and he assigned this species to Alpheus. Anisonotusfalklandicus-White, 1847a: 97 [n.n.]. Callianassa? abdominalis-White, 1847a: 70 [n.n.]. Apseudes? tropicus-White, 1847a: 96 [n.n.]. Callianassa? carinaedorsis-White, 1847a: 70 [n.n.]. Arcania belcheri-White, 1847a: 128 [n.n.]. CallianassaturneranaWhite, 1861-White, 1861a:42,pI. VI; 1861b: 479. Arcania laevimana-White, 1847a: 50[n.n.]. Cancer (Galene) dorsalis-see Galene dorsalis Arctopsis tesselata-White, 1847a: 5 [n.n.]. Caphyra pectenicola-White, 1847a: 54 [n.n.]. Arica-White, 1847a:31 [n.n.]. REMARKS: Thisgenusisnot valid because the species assigned to the taxon, Arica CaprellacercopoidesWhite, 1852-White,1852:ccvii,fig. septemdentata by White, 1847a: 31, is anomen nudum. 1. Arica septemdentata-White, 1847a: 31 [n.n.]. REMARKS: Carpilius cinctimanus White, 1847-White, 1847a: 14 White(1847a: 31)statedthatAseptemdentatawasdescribed [n.n.], 1847e: 336, pI. 2, fig. 3; Adams &White, 1849: 37, in "Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846" but in his personal tab.VII,fig.4.REMARKS:White, 1847a: 14erroneouslystates annotated copy this statement is crossed out because the that the original indication ofthe species was publishedin paper does not exist. White, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846. Armadillidium isurum-White, 1847a: 101 [n.n.]. CarpiliussignatusAdams&White, 1849-Adams&White, 1849: 37, tab. X, fig. 1. Armadillo thoracicus-White, 1847a: 100 [n.n.]. Cenobita compta-White, 1847a: 62 [n.n.]. Asellus australis-White, 1847a: 97 [n.n.]. Cenobita laeviuscula-White, 1847a: 62 [n.n]. Astacus zealandicus-see Paranephrops zealandicus. Ceratocarcinus Adams & White(inWhite, 1847)-White, Atelecyclus spinosulus-see Peltarion spinosulum. 1847a: 125 [n.n.], 1847b: 57, 1847c: 61; Adams & White, 1849: 33. Atergatis asperimanus White, 1848-White, 1847a: 14 [n.n.], 1848b: 224, 1848c: 285. Ceratocarcinus longimanus White, 1847-White, 1847a: 125 [n.n.], 1847b: 57, 1847c: 62; Adams & White, 1849: AtergatisinsularisAdams& White,1849-Adams& White, 34, tab. VI, fig. 6. 1849: 38, tab. VIII, fig. 2. Charybdisdura Adams &White, 1849-White, 1847a: 28 Atergatis lateralis White, 1848-White, 1847a: 15 [n.n.], [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 48. 1848b: 225, 1848c: 285; Adams & White, 1849: 39, tab. VIII, fig. 1. Chlorodius congener-White, 1847a: 125 [n.n.]. Atergatis sinuatifrons White, 1848-White, 1847a: 14 ChlorodiusfragiferWhite, 1848-White, 1847a: 18 [n.n.], [n.n.], 1848b: 224, 1848c: 284; Adams & White, 1849: 38. 1848b:226, 1848c: 286;Adams&White, 1849:40,tab.XI, fig. 2. AtergatissubdivisusWhite, 1848-White,1847a: 14[n.n.], 1848b: 224, 1848c: 284; Adams & White, 1849: 38, tab. ChlorodiushirtipesWhite, 1848-White, 1847a: 18 [n.n.], 155 Clark & Presswell: Adam White: the crustacean years 1848b:226, 1848c:286;Adams&White, 1849:40,tab.XI, Doclea calcitrapa White, 1847-White, 1847a: 4 [n.n.], fig. 4. 1847b: 56, 1847c: 61, 1861c, pI.2; Adams & White, 1848: 7, t. I, f. 2. Chlorodius pilumnoides White, 1848-White, 1847a: 18 [n.n.], 1848b: 226, 1848c: 286; Adams & White, 1849: 41, Dorippe armata-White, 1847a: 54 [n.n.]. tab. IX, fig. 3. Dromia pustulata-White, 1847a: 129 [n.n.]. ChorinusacanthonotusAdams&White(inWhite, 1847) White, 1847a: 123 [n.n.], 1847g: 119, 1848a: 222; Adams Dromia verrucosipes-White, 1847a: 55 [n.n.]. & White, 1848: 11, Tab. I, Fig. 1. EchidnocerusWhite, 1842-White, 1842a:36, 1842b:453, Chorinus verrucosipes Adams & White, 1848-Adams & 1847a: 56 & 1864a: 30. Echinocerus (Lithodes), White, White, 1848: 13, Tab. 11, Fig. 3. 1848d:48, 1849a:226.Lithodes(Echinocerus), 1855a:307, 1856: 133.REMARKS: Whiteusedtwodifferentspellingsfor Cirolanarossii-White, 1847a: 106[n.n.]. REMARKS:White, the generic name and although initially attributed generic 1847a: 106erroneouslystatesthatthis speciesisfigured (t. status byhim, he laterassignedEchinocerus to a subgenus 5, f. 9) in the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror (see ofLithodes. Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875). Echidnocerus (Lithodes) cibarius-see Lithodes Cosmonotus Adams & White (in White, 1848)-White, (Echinocerus) cibarius 1847a: 129[n.n.], 1848b:227, 1848c:287;Adams&White, 1849: 60. Echinocerus (Lithodes) cibarius-see Lithodes (Echinocerus) cibarius CosmonotusgrayiiWhite, 1848-White, 1847a: 129[n.n.], 1848b:227,fig. unnumbered; 1848c:287,fig. unnumbered; Ephippiphora White, 1847-White, 1847a: 130 [n.n.], Adams & White, 1849: 60, Tab. XIII, Fig. 3. 1847g: 124, 1848a: 226. Cryptopodia dorsalis White & Adams (in White, 1847) Ephippiphora kroyeri White, 1847-White, 1847a: 130 White, 1847a: 125 [n.n.], 1847d: 84, 1847f: 205, 1861c,pI. [n.n.], 1847g: 124, 1848a:227.REMARKS: White 1847a: 130 2;Adams& White, 1848:30,tab.6,fig. 5.REMARKS:Adams erroneouslystatesthatthis speciesisfiguredintheZoology & White 1848: 30 erroneously cite the illustration ofthis ofthe Erebus and Terror (see Richardson & Gray, 1844 species as Tab. 5, Fig. 6insteadoftab. 6,fig. 5andaltered 1875). the authorship ofthis species to Adams & White. Eriphia? verrucosa-White, 1847a: 22 [n.n.]. Cryptosoma orientis Adams & White, 1849-Adams & White, 1849: 62, Tab. XIII, Fig. 4. Etisus phoebe-White, 1847a: 126 [n.n.]. Cyclograpsus marmoratus-White, 1847a: 41 [n.n.]. Etisus occidentalis-White, 1847a: 20 [n.n.]. Cymopoliajukesii White, 1847-White, 1847a: 54 [n.n.], Galathea affinis-White, 1847a: 66 [n.n.]. 1847e: 338, pI. 2, fig. 1, 1861c, pI. 2; Miers, 1874: 3, Tab. 3, fig. 4, 4a-c. Galathea elegans-White, 1847a: 66 [n.n.]. Cymothoa aegoides-White, 1847a: 110 [n.n.]. REMARKS: GalatheasubrugosaWhite(inMiers, 1874)-White, 1847a: White, 1847a: 110erroneouslystatesthatthisspeciesiscited 66 [n.n.]; Miers, 1874:3,Tab. 3, fig. 2. REMARKS: Although intheZoologyoftheErebusandTerror(seeRichardson& White 1847a: 66 appeared to suggest that he was going to Gray, 1847-1875). figurethisspeciesinZoologyoftheErebusandTerror, (see Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875), it was Miers (1874, Tab. Cymothoa approximans-White, 1847a: 110 [n.n.]. 3,fig. 2.)thatpublishedtheprepareddrawing, describedG. subrugosa and assigned (1874: 3) the species to Munida. Cymothoa contracta-White, 1847a: 110 [n.n.]. REMARKS: Miers (1874: 1) attributed the species to White. White, 1847a: 110 erroneously states that this species is figured (t. 6, f.) in the Zoology ofthe Erebus and Terror Galene dorsalis (White, 1849)-Cancer(Galene) dorsalis (see Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875). White, 1849b: 144, pI. 6; 1849c: 381.Galene dorsalis White, 1861c, pI. 2. Cymothoa novae-zealandiae-White, 1847a: 110 [n.n.]. REMARKS: White (1847a: 110) erroneously states that this Galene?panopeoides-White, 1847a: 18 [n.n.]. species is figured (t. 6) in the Zoology ofthe Erebus and Terror (see Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875). Gammarus zete-White, 1847a: 89 [n.n.]. 156 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2001 Gebia hirtifrons White, 1847-White, 1847a: 71 [n.n.]; Hymenosoma by White (l846c: 178) but later he (l847a: 1847g: 122; 1848a: 225; Miers, 1874: 4, Tab. 3, fig. 5, 5a. 33) established it as a genus. REMARKS: AlthoughWhite 1847a: 71 suggestedthathe was goingtofigurethisspeciesintheZoologyoftheErebusand Harrovia Adams & White, 1849-White, 1847a: 51 [n.n.]; Terror (see Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875), it was Miers Adams & White, 1849: 55. REMARKS: Theestablishmentof (1874:4,Tab.3,fig. 5,5a)thatpublishedthepreparedfigure. HarroviabyWhite(l847a: 51)wasbasedonthespeciesH. albo-lineata White, 1846, and White (l847a: 51) cites the Gelasimus bellatrix-White, 1847a: 128 [n.n.]. indicationasWhite,Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846.Thispaper does not exist in the literature, consequently the genus Gelasimus bellatorWhite, 1847-White, 1847a: 36 [n.n.], (White, 1847a)andspecies(White, 1846)arenominanuda. 1847d: 84, 1847f: 205; Adams & White, 1849:49. ThefirstavailableindicationofHarroviaisAdams& White, 1849: 55. GelasimuscrassipesWhite, 1847-White,1847a:36[n.n.], 1847d: 84, 1847f: 205; Adams & White, 1849: 49. Harrovia albo-lineata Adams & White, 1849-White, 1847a: 51 [n.n.]. Gelasimus cultrimanus White, 1847-White, 1847a: 35 Adams& White, 1849:56,Tab.XII,Fig.5.REMARKS:White [n.n.], 1847d: 84, 1847f: 205; Adams & White, 1849: 49. 1847a: 51 erroneouslyrefers the description ofthis species to Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846. The first available Gelasimus forcipatus Adams & White, 1849-White, description ofthis species is Adams & White, 1849: 56. 1847a: 36 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 50. Hippolyte lygdamis-White, 1847a: 76 [n.n.]. Gelasimus porcellanus White, 1847-White, 1847a: 36 [n.n.], 1847d: 85, 1847f: 206; Adams & White, 1849: 50 Hippolyte metis-White, 1847a: 76 [n.n.]. Gelasimus robustus-White, 1847a: 36 [n.n.]. Huenia dehaanii White, 1848-White, 1847a: 10 [n.n.], 1848b: 223, 1848c: 283. Gelasimus tenuimanus-White, 1847a: 35 [n.n.]. Huenia frontalis White, 1848-White, 1847a: 10 [n.n.], Gonatonotus Adams & White (in White, 1847)-White, 1848b: 223, 1848c: 283; Adams & White, 1848: 20, Tab. 1847a: 125 [n.n.], 1847b: 57, 1847c: 62; Adams & White, IV, Fig. 3. REMARKS: Adams & White, 1848: 20 [July] 1848: 32. attribute the authority incorrectly to themselves, but the description by White, 1848b: 223 [March] takes priority. GonatonotuspentagonusWhite, 1847-White, 1847a: 125 [n.n.], 1847b:58, 1847c:62;Adams& White, 1849:33,tab. Huenia proteus de Haan var. teniupes Adams & White, VI, fig. 7. 1848-Adams & White, 1848: 22, tab. 4, fig. 5. GonodactyluscultriferWhite, 1851-White, 1851a:96,pI. Hyas bufonius-White, 1847a: 6 [n.n.]. XVI, fig. 1,2, 1851b: 422. HyastenusWhite, 1847-White,1847a:6[n.n.], 1847b:56, Gonodactylus graphurus-White, 1847a: 85 [n.n.]. 1847c: 61; Adams & White, 1848: 11. GonodactylusgueriniiWhite, 1861-White, 1861a:43, pI. Hyastenus sebae White, 1847-White, 1847a: 6 [n.n.], VII, 1861b: 480. 1847b: 57, 1847c: 61; Adams & White, 1848: 11. Gonodactylus trispinosus-White, 1847a: 85 [n.n.]. Idotea compacta-White, 1847a: 95 [n.n.]. REMARKS: White (1847a: 85) erroneously states that this speciesisfigured (t.5,f.2) intheZoologyoftheErebusand Idotea elongata-White, 1847a:95 [n.n.]. REMARKS: White Terror (see Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875). (l847a: 95)erroneouslystatesthatthisspeciesisfigured (t. 5, f. 7) in the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror (see Grapsusfluvicola-White, 1847a: 39 [n.n.]. Richardson & Gray, 1844-1875). Grapsus latifrons White, 1847-White, 1847a: 40 [n.n.]; Idotea lobata-White, 1847a: 95 [n.n.]. 1847e: 337, pI. 2, fig. 2. Inachuslorina Adams& White, 1848-White, 1847a: 123 GrapsusstrigilatusWhite, 1842-White, 1842c:78;White [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1848: 3, Tab. 11, f. 2. & Doubleday, 1843: 265. Iphiculus Adams& White, 1849-White, 1847a:51 [n.n.]; Halicarcinus White, 1847-Hymenosoma (Halicarcinus) Adams & White, 1849: 57. White, 1846c: 178;White, 1847a: 33. REMARKS: Originally this taxon was afforded subgeneric status within Iphiculus spongiosus Adams & White, 1849-White, 157 Clark & Presswell: Adam White: the crustacean years 1847a: 51 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 57. [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 45. IphisnovemspinosaAdams& White, 1849-White, 1847a: LissocarcinuspolybioidesAdams& White, 1849-Portunus 51 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 56, Tab. XIII, Fig. 1. polybioides White, 1847a: 25 [n.n.].-Lissocarcinus polybioidesWhite, 1847a: 126[n.n.];Adams&White, 1849: Ixa megaspis Adams & White, 1849-White, 1847a: 129 46, Tab. XI, fig. 5. REMARKS: OriginallyWhite (l847a: 25) [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 55, Tab. XII, Fig. 1. assigned this species to Portunus butlaterin his catalogue (l847a: 126) he assigned this species to a new genus Jaera gigantea-White, 1847a: 97 [n.n.]. Lissocarcinus. Howeverthe new combinationonly became availablewhentheZoologyoftheSamarangwaspublished. Lambrus crenatus-White, 1847a: 12 [n.n.]. Lithodes (Echinocerus) cibarius (White, 1842) LambrusharpaxAdams& White, 1848-Adams& White, EchidnoceruscibariusWhite, 1842a:36, 1842b:453, 1847a: 1848: 25, Tab. VI, Fig. 3. 56 & 1864a: 30.-Echinocerus (Lithodes) cibarius White, 1848d: 48, 1849a: 226.-Lithodes (Echinocerus) cibarius, Lambrus hoplonotus Adams & White, 1849-Adams & White, 1855a: 307; 1856: 133. White, 1849: 35, tab. VII, fig. 3; White, 1861c, pI. 2. Lithodes (Petalocerus) White, 1855-White, 1855a: 307; Lambrus lamellifrons Adams & White, 1848-Adams & 1856: 133. White, 1848: 26, Tab. V, Fig. 1. Lithodes (Petalocerus) bellianus White, 1855-White, LambruslamelligerWhite, 1847-White, 1847a: 12[n.n.], 1855a: 307, 1856: 134, PI. XLII, figs 1-7. 1847b: 58, 1847c: 63. Lupocyclus Adams & White, 1849-White, 1847a: 127 Lambrus lupoides-White, 1847a: 12 [n.n.]. [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 46. Lambruspisoides Adams & White, 1848-White, 1847a: Lupocyclus rotundatus Adams & White, 1849-White, 12 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1848: 28, Tab. V, Fig. 4. 1847a: 127 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 47, tab. XII, fig. 4. Lambrus rapax-White, 1847a: 124 [n.n.]. Lygia dubia-White, 1847a: 98 [n.n.]. Lambrus segnis-White, 1847a: 124 [n.n.]. Macrophthalmusdefinitus Adams&White, 1849-White, Lambrus turriger White, 1847-White, 1847a: 12 [n.n.], 1847a: 37 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 51. 1847b: 58, 1847c: 63; Adams & White, 1848: 26, tab. V, fig. 2. Macrophthalmus serratus Adams & White, 1849-White, 1847a: 37 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849: 51. Leucosia cumingii-White, 1847a: 48 [n.n.]. MenaethiusporcellusWhite, 1848-Menaethiusporcellus Leucosiahaematosticta Adams &White, 1849-Leucosia White, 1847a: 10 [n.n.].-Menoethius porcellus White, haematosticta White, 1847a: 128 [n.n.].-Leucosia 1848b: 224; 1848c: 284.-Menaethiusporcellus Adams & hoematosticta Adams & White, 1849: 54.-Leucosia White, 1848: 19.REMARKS: Adams& White, 1848: 19[July] haematosticta Adams & White, 1849, Tab. XII, fig. 2. attribute the authority incorrectly to themselves, but the REMARKS: The spelling ofthe species epithet is a problem descriptionbyWhite, 1848b: 224 [March] takespriority.In because in the original description reference (Adams & the original description the spelling ofthe genus name is a White, 1849:54)ismadetobloodredspotsonthefore-legs tyopographical error. andabloodredbandonthehindslegs.Thereforethespecies nameshouldperhapsbeLeucosiahaematostictaasreferred Menaethius tuberculatus Adams & White, 1848-White, to in White's (l847a: 128) catalogue and the caption of 1847a: 10 [n.n.]; Adams & White, 1849, Tab.XII. Adams & White, 1848: 19. Leucosia hestia-White, 1847a: 128 [n.n.]. Menaethius subserratus Adams & White, 1848-White, 1847a: 10 [n.n.]; Leucosia marmorea-White, 1847a: 48 [n.n.]. Adams & White, 1848: 18, Tab. IV, Fig. 1, 2. Leucosia obscura-White, 1847a: 48 [n.n.]. Menippe? cumingii-White, 1847a: 19 [n.n.]. Leucosiaphyllocheira-White, 1847a: 48 [n.n.]. Menippe signata-White, 1847a: 19 [n.n.]. Lissocarcinus Adams & White, 1849-White, 1847a: 126 MicippabicarinataAdams& White, 1848-White, 1847a: 158

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