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Academy of Management Journal 2004, Vol. 47, No. 6, 964-970 Academy of Management Journal Volume 47 AUTHOR INDEX Agarawal, Rajshree, Raj Echambadi, April M. Franco, Chen, Chao C. See Saparito, Patrick A. and MB Sarkar. Knowledge transfer through inheri- Chen, Wei-Ru. See Miller, Kent D. tance: Spin-out generation development, and survival. Christmann, Petra. Multinational companies and the 47(4): 501-522. natural environment: Determinants of global environ- Amis, John, Trevor Slack, and C. R. Hinings. The pace, mental policy standardization. 47(5): 747-760. sequence, and linearity of radical change. 47(1): 15-39. Chuang, Aichia. See Liao, Hui. Anand, N., and Mary R. Watson. Tournament rituals in Chung, Myung-Ho. See Oh, Hongseok. the evolution of fields: The case of the Grammy Clelland, Iain. See Bansal, Pratima. Awards. 47(1): 59-80. Conlon, Donald E, Linn Van Dyne, Morgan Milner, and Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku, and Haiyang Li. Strategic de- Kok Yee Ng. The effects of physical and social context cision comprehensiveness and new product develop- on evaluations of captive, intensive service relation- ment outcomes in new technology ventures. 47(4): ships. 47(3): 433-445. 583-597 Cross, Rob, and Jonathon N. Cummings. Tie and net- Bae, Jonghoon, and Martin Gargiulo. Partner substitut- work correlates of individual performance in knowl- ability, alliance network structure, and firm profitability edge-intensive work. 47(6): 928-937. in the telecommunications industry. 47(6): 843-859. Cullen, John B., K. Praveen Parboteeah, and Martin Bailey, Wendy J. See Spicer, Andrew. Hoegl. Cross-national differences in managers’ willing- Balogun, Julia, and Gerry Johnson. Organizational re- ness to justify ethically suspect behaviors: A test of structuring and middle manager sensemaking. 47(4): institutional anomie theory. 47(3): 411-421. 523-549. Cummings, Jonathon N. See Cross, Rob. Bansal, Pratima, and Iain Clelland. Talking trash: Le- Davidson, Wallace N., Ul, Pornsit Jiraporn, Young gitimacy, impression management, and unsystematic Sang Kim, and Carol Nemec. Earnings management risk in the context of the natural environment. 47(1): following duality-creating successions: Ethnostatistics, 93-103. impression management, and agency theory. 47(2): Barnett, Tim. See Richard, Orlando C. 267-275. Bax, Erik, H. See Glebbeek, Arie C. De Brabander, Bert. See Boone, Christophe. Beamish, Paul W. See Lu, Jane W. De Pater, Irene E. See van Vianen, Annelies E. M. Benson, George S., David Finegold, and Susan Albers Dietz, Joerg, S. Douglas Pugh, and Jack W. Wiley. Ser- Mohrman. You paid for the skiils, now keep them: vice climate effects on customer attitudes: An exami- Tuition reimbursement and voluntary turnover. 47(3): nation of boundary conditions. 47(1): 81-92. 315-331. Doucet, Lorna. Service provider hostility and service Birkinshaw, Julian. See Gibson, Cristina B. quality. 47(5): 761-771. Boone, Christophe, Woody van Olffen, Arjen van Wit- Douma, Bambi. See Schweitzer, Maurice E. teloostuijn, and Bert De Brabander. The genesis of top management team diversity: Selective turnover Dunfee, Thomas W. See Spicer, Andrew among top management teams in Dutch newspaper Dwyer, Sean. See Richard, Orlando C. publishing, 1970-94, 47(5): 633-656. Echambadi, Raj. See Agarawal, Rajshree. Boswell, Wendy R., and Julie B. Olson-Buchanan. Ex- Ellis, Aleksander P. J. See Moon, Henry. periencing mistreatment at work: The role of grievance Ferris, Gerald R. See Perrewé, Pamela L. filing, nature of mistreatment, and employee with- Finegold, David. See Benson, George S. drawal. 47(1): 129-139. Fischer, Harald M., and Timothy G. Pollock. Effects of Brass, Daniel J., Joseph Galaskiewicz, Henrich R. social capital and power on surviving transformational Greve, and Wenpin Tsai. Taking stock of networks and change: The case of initial public offerings. 47(4): 463- organizations: A multilevel perspective. 47(6): 795-817. 481. Burton, James P. See Lee, Thomas W. Foo, Maw Der. See Tan, Hwee Hoon. Campion, Michael A. See Maertz, Car! P., Jr. Franco, April M. See Agarawal, Rajshree. Cannella, Albert A., Jr. See McFadyen, M. Ann. Galaskiewicz, Joseph. See Brass, Daniel J. Chadwick, Ken See Richard, Orlando C. Gargiulo, Martin. See Bae, Jonghoon. Charns, Martin, P. See Young, Gary J. Gibbons, Deborah E. Network structure and innovation Chatman, Jennifer A., and Charles A. O’Reilly. Asym- ambiguity effects on diffusion in dynamic organiza- metric reactions to work group sex diversity among tional fields. 47(6): 938-— 951. men and women. 47(2): 193-208. Gibson, Cristina B. See Kirkman, Bradley L. Academy of Management Journal 2004, Vol. 47, No. 6, 964-970 Academy of Management Journal Volume 47 AUTHOR INDEX Agarawal, Rajshree, Raj Echambadi, April M. Franco, Chen, Chao C. See Saparito, Patrick A. and MB Sarkar. Knowledge transfer through inheri- Chen, Wei-Ru. See Miller, Kent D. tance: Spin-out generation development, and survival. Christmann, Petra. Multinational companies and the 47(4): 501-522. natural environment: Determinants of global environ- Amis, John, Trevor Slack, and C. R. Hinings. The pace, mental policy standardization. 47(5): 747-760. sequence, and linearity of radical change. 47(1): 15-39. Chuang, Aichia. See Liao, Hui. Anand, N., and Mary R. Watson. Tournament rituals in Chung, Myung-Ho. See Oh, Hongseok. the evolution of fields: The case of the Grammy Clelland, Iain. See Bansal, Pratima. Awards. 47(1): 59-80. Conlon, Donald E, Linn Van Dyne, Morgan Milner, and Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku, and Haiyang Li. Strategic de- Kok Yee Ng. The effects of physical and social context cision comprehensiveness and new product develop- on evaluations of captive, intensive service relation- ment outcomes in new technology ventures. 47(4): ships. 47(3): 433-445. 583-597 Cross, Rob, and Jonathon N. Cummings. Tie and net- Bae, Jonghoon, and Martin Gargiulo. Partner substitut- work correlates of individual performance in knowl- ability, alliance network structure, and firm profitability edge-intensive work. 47(6): 928-937. in the telecommunications industry. 47(6): 843-859. Cullen, John B., K. Praveen Parboteeah, and Martin Bailey, Wendy J. See Spicer, Andrew. Hoegl. Cross-national differences in managers’ willing- Balogun, Julia, and Gerry Johnson. Organizational re- ness to justify ethically suspect behaviors: A test of structuring and middle manager sensemaking. 47(4): institutional anomie theory. 47(3): 411-421. 523-549. Cummings, Jonathon N. See Cross, Rob. Bansal, Pratima, and Iain Clelland. Talking trash: Le- Davidson, Wallace N., Ul, Pornsit Jiraporn, Young gitimacy, impression management, and unsystematic Sang Kim, and Carol Nemec. Earnings management risk in the context of the natural environment. 47(1): following duality-creating successions: Ethnostatistics, 93-103. impression management, and agency theory. 47(2): Barnett, Tim. See Richard, Orlando C. 267-275. Bax, Erik, H. See Glebbeek, Arie C. De Brabander, Bert. See Boone, Christophe. Beamish, Paul W. See Lu, Jane W. De Pater, Irene E. See van Vianen, Annelies E. M. Benson, George S., David Finegold, and Susan Albers Dietz, Joerg, S. Douglas Pugh, and Jack W. Wiley. Ser- Mohrman. You paid for the skiils, now keep them: vice climate effects on customer attitudes: An exami- Tuition reimbursement and voluntary turnover. 47(3): nation of boundary conditions. 47(1): 81-92. 315-331. Doucet, Lorna. Service provider hostility and service Birkinshaw, Julian. See Gibson, Cristina B. quality. 47(5): 761-771. Boone, Christophe, Woody van Olffen, Arjen van Wit- Douma, Bambi. See Schweitzer, Maurice E. teloostuijn, and Bert De Brabander. The genesis of top management team diversity: Selective turnover Dunfee, Thomas W. See Spicer, Andrew among top management teams in Dutch newspaper Dwyer, Sean. See Richard, Orlando C. publishing, 1970-94, 47(5): 633-656. Echambadi, Raj. See Agarawal, Rajshree. Boswell, Wendy R., and Julie B. Olson-Buchanan. Ex- Ellis, Aleksander P. J. See Moon, Henry. periencing mistreatment at work: The role of grievance Ferris, Gerald R. See Perrewé, Pamela L. filing, nature of mistreatment, and employee with- Finegold, David. See Benson, George S. drawal. 47(1): 129-139. Fischer, Harald M., and Timothy G. Pollock. Effects of Brass, Daniel J., Joseph Galaskiewicz, Henrich R. social capital and power on surviving transformational Greve, and Wenpin Tsai. Taking stock of networks and change: The case of initial public offerings. 47(4): 463- organizations: A multilevel perspective. 47(6): 795-817. 481. Burton, James P. See Lee, Thomas W. Foo, Maw Der. See Tan, Hwee Hoon. Campion, Michael A. See Maertz, Car! P., Jr. Franco, April M. See Agarawal, Rajshree. Cannella, Albert A., Jr. See McFadyen, M. Ann. Galaskiewicz, Joseph. See Brass, Daniel J. Chadwick, Ken See Richard, Orlando C. Gargiulo, Martin. See Bae, Jonghoon. Charns, Martin, P. See Young, Gary J. Gibbons, Deborah E. Network structure and innovation Chatman, Jennifer A., and Charles A. O’Reilly. Asym- ambiguity effects on diffusion in dynamic organiza- metric reactions to work group sex diversity among tional fields. 47(6): 938-— 951. men and women. 47(2): 193-208. Gibson, Cristina B. See Kirkman, Bradley L. 2004 Author Index Gibson, Cristina B., and Julian Birkinshaw. The ante- Li, Haiyang. See Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku. cedents, consequences, and mediating role of organi- Liao, Hui, and Aichia Chuang. A multilevel investiga- zational ambidexterity. 47(2): 209-226. tion of factors influencing employee service perfor- Gimeno, Javier. Competition within and between net- mance and customer outcomes. 47(1): 41-58. works: The contingent effect of competitive embedded- Lim, Beng-Chong. See Klein, Katherine J. ness on alliance formation. 47(6): 820-842. Lu, Jane W., and Paul W. Beamish. International diver- Glebbeek, Arie C., and Erik H. Bax. Is high employee sification and firm performance: The S-curve hypoth- turnover really harmful? An empirical test using com- esis. 47(4): 598-609. pany records. 47(2): 277— 286. Madhavan, Ravindranath, Devi R. Gnyawali, and Gnyawali, Devi R. See Madhavan, Ravindranath. Jinyu He. Two’s company, three’s a crowd? Triads in Greve, Henrich R. See Brass, Daniel J. cooperative-competitive networks. 47(6): 918-927. Hardy, Cynthia. See Maguire, Steve. Maertz, Carl P., Jr., and Michael A. Campion. Profiles He, Jinyu. See Madhavan, Ravindranath. in quitting: Integrating process and content turnover Heeren, Timothy C. See Young, Gary J. theory. 47(4): 566-582. Hinings, C. R. See Amis, John. Maguire, Steve, Cynthia Hardy, and Thomas B. Law- Hoegl, Martin. See Cullen, John B. rence. Institutional entrepreneurship in emerging Hollenbeck, John R. See Moon, Henry. fields: HIV/AIDS treatment advocacy in Canada. 47(5): Holtom, Brooks C. See Lee, Thomas W. 657-679. Hult, G. Tomas M., David J. Ketchen, Jr., and Stanley F. Mahmood, Ishtiag Pasha. See Soh, Pek-Hooi. Slater. Information processing, knowledge develop- Mayer, David M. See Klcin, Katherine J. ment, and strategic supply chain performance. 47(2): McFadyen, M. Ann, and Albert A. Cannella, Jr. Social 241-253. capital and knowledge creation: Diminishing returns Humphrey, Stephen E. See Moon, Henry. of the number and strength of exchange relationships. Ilgen, Daniel R. See Moon, Henry. 47(5): 735-746. Janssen, Onne, and Nico W. Van Yperen. Employees’ McNatt, D. Brian, and Timothy A. Judge. Boundary goal orientations, the quality of leader-member ex- conditions of the Galatea effect: A field experiment and change, and the outcomes of job performance and job constructive replication. 47(4): 550-565. satisfaction. 47(3): 368-384. Miller, Kent D., and Wei-Ru Chen. Variable organiza- Jiraporn, Pornsit. See Davidson, Wallace N., III. tional risk preferences: Tests of the March-Shapira Johns, Gary. See Raja, Usman. model. 47(1): 105-115. Johnson, Erin C. See van Vianen, Annelies E. M Milner, Morgan. See Conlon, Donald E. Johnson, Gerry. See Balogun, Julia. Mitchell, Terence R. See Lee, Thomas W. Judge, Timothy A. See McNatt, D. Brian. Mitchell, Will. See Soh, Pek-Hooi. Kacmar, Charles J. See Perrewé, Pamela L. Mohrman, Susan Albers. See Benson, George S. Kalnins, Arturs. Divisional multimarket contact within Moon, Henry, John R. Hollenbeck, Stephen E. Hum- and between multiunit organizations. 47(1): 117-128. phrey, Daniel R. Ilgen, Bradley West, Aleksander Ketchen, David J., Jr. See Hult, G. Tomas M P. J. Ellis, and Christopher O. L. H. Porter. Asymmet- Kim, Young Sang. See Davidson Wallace N., II. ric adaptability: Dynamic team structures as one-way Kirkman, Bradley L., Benson Rosen, Paul E. Tesluk, streets. 47(5): 681-695. and Cristina B. Gibson. The impact of team empow- Nemec, Carol. See Davidson, Wallace N., III. erment on virtual team performance: The moderating Ng, Kok Yee. See Conlon, Donald E. role of face-to-face interaction. 47(2): 175-192. Ntalianis, Filotheos. See Raja, Usman. Klein, Katherine J., Beng-Chong Lim, Jessica L. Saltz, Oh, Hongseok, Myung-Ho Chung, and Giuseppe Labi- and David M. Mayer. How do they get there? An anca. Group social capital and group effectiveness: examination of the antecedents of centrality in team The role of informal socializing ties. 47(6): 860-875. networks. 47(6): 952-963. Olson-Buchanan, Julie B. See Boswell, Wendy R. Kristof-Brown, Amy L. See van Vianen, Annelies E. M. Ordonez, Lisa. See Schweitzer, Maurice E. Kwek, Min Hui. See Tan, Hwee Hoon O'Reilly, Charles A. See Chatman, Jennifer A. Labianca, Giuseppe. See Oh, Hongseok. Parboteeah, K. Praveen. See Cullen, John B. Langfred, Claus W. Too much of a good thing? Negative Perrewé, Pamela L., Kelly L. Zellars, Gerald R. Ferris, effects of high trust and individual autonomy in self- Ana Maria Rossi, Charles J. Kacmar, and David A. managing teams. 47(3): 385-399. Ralston. Neutralizing job stressors: Political skill as an Latham, Brandon W. See Seijts, Gerard H. antidote to the dysfunctional consequences of role con- Latham, Gary P. See Seijts, Gerard H. flict. 47(1): 141-152. Lawrence, Thomas B. See Maguire, Steve. Pollock, Timothy G. See Fischer, Harald M. Lee, Chi-Hyon. See Venkatraman, N. Porter, Christopher O. L. H. See Moon, Henry. Lee, Thomas W., Terence R. Mitchell, Chris J. Sablyn- Pugh, S. Douglas. See Dietz, Joerg. ski, James P. Burton, and Brooks C. Holtom. The Raja, Usman, Gary Johns, and Filotheos Ntalianis. The effects of job embeddedness on organizational citizen- impact of personality on psychological contracts. ship, job performance, volitional absences, and volun- 47(3): 350-367. tary turnover. 47(5): 711-722. Rajagopalan, Nandini. See Zhang, Yan. 966 Academy of Management Journal December Ralston, David A. See Perrewé, Pamela L. Spicer, Andrew, Thomas W. Dunfee, and Wendy J. Randolph, W. Alan. See Seibert, Scott E. Bailey. Does national context matter in ethical deci- Richard, Orlando C., Tim Barnett, Sean Dwyer, and sion making? An empirical test of integrative social Ken Chadwick. Cultural diversity in management, contracts theory. 47(4): 610-620. firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepre- Tan, Hwee Hoon, Maw Der Foo, and Min Hui Kwek. neurial orientation dimensions. 47(2): 255-266. The effects of customer personality traits on the dis- Rosen, Benson. See Kirkman, Bradley L. play of positive emotions. 47(2): 287-296 Rossi, Ana Maria. See Perrewé, Pamela L. Tasa, Kevin. See Seijts, Gerard H. Sablynski, Chris J. See Lee, Thomas W. Tesluk, Paul E. See Kirkman, Bradley L. Saltz, Jessica L. See Klein, Katherine J. Tsai, Wenpin. See Brass, Daniel J. Saparito, Patrick A., Chao C. Chen, and Harry J. Sapi- Usai, Alessandro. See Soda, Giuseppe. Van Dyne, Linn. See Conlon, Donald E. enza. The role of relational trust in bank-small firm van Olffen, Woody. See Boone, Christophe. relationships. 47(3): 400— 410. van Vianen, Annelies E. M., Irene E. De Pater, Amy L. Sapienza, Harry J. See Saparito, Patrick A. Kristof-Brown, and Erin C. Johnson. Fitting in: Sur- Sarkar, MB. See Agarawal, Rajshree. face- and deep-level cultural differences and expatri- Schweitzer, Maurice E., Lisa Ordénez, and Bambi ates’ adjustment. 47(5): 697-709. Douma. Goal setting as a motivator of unethical behav- van Witteloostuijn, Arjen. See Boone, Christophe. ior. 47(3): 422-432. Van Yperen, Nico W. See Janssen, Onne. Seibert, Scott E., Seth R. Silver, and W. Alan Ran- Venkatraman, N., and Chi-Hyon Lee. Preferential link- dolph. Taking empowerment to the next level: A mul- age and network evolution: A conceptual model and tiple-level model of empowerment, performance, and empirical test in the U.S. video game sector. 47(6): satisfaction. 47(3): 332-349. 876-892. Seijts, Gerard H., Gary P. Latham, Kevin Tasa, and Watson, Mary R. See Anand, N. Brandon W. Latham. Goal setting and goal orientation: West, Bradley. See Moon, Henry. An integration of two different yet related literatures. Wiley, Jack W. See Dietz, Joerg. 47(2): 227-239. Young, Gary J., Martin P. Charns, and Timothy C. Silver, Seth R. See Seibert, Scott E. Heeren. Product-line management in professional or- Slack, Trevor. See Amis, John. ganizations: An empirical test of competing theoretical Slater, Stanley F. See Hult, G. Tomas M. perspectives. 47(5): 723-734. Soda, Giuseppe, Alessandro Usai, and Akbar Zaheer. Zaheer, Akbar. See Soda, Giuseppe. Network memory: The influence of past and current Zellars, Kelly L. See Perrewé, Pamela L. networks on performance. 47(6): 893-906. Zhang, Yan, and Nandini Rajagopalan. When the Soh, Pek-Hooi, Ishtiaq Pasha Mahmood, and Will known devil is better than an unknown god: An em- Mitchell. Dynamic inducements in R&D investment: pirical study of the antecedents and consequences of Market signals and network locations. 47(6): 907-917. relay CEO succession. 47(4): 483-500. Academy of Management Journal Volume 47 TITLE INDEX The antecedents, consequences, and mediating role of Competition within and between networks: The centin- organizational ambidexterity. Cristina B. Gibson and gent effect of competitive embeddedness on alliance Julian Birkinshaw. 47(2): 209-226. formation. Javier Gimeno. 47(6): 820-842. Asymmetric adaptability: Dynamic team structures as Cross-national differences in managers’ willingness to one-way streets. Henry Moon, John R. Hollenbeck, justify ethically suspect behaviors: A test of institu- Stephen E. Humphrey, Daniel R. Ilgen, Bradley West, tional anomie theory. John B. Cullen, K. Praveen Par- Aleksander P. J. Ellis, and Christopher O. L. H. Porter. boteeah, and Martin Hoegl. 47(3): 411-421. 47(5): 681-695. Cultural diversity in management, firm performance, Asymmetric reactions to work group sex diversity and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orienta- among men and women. Jennifer A. Chatman and tion dimensions. Orlando C. Richard, Tim Barnett, Charles A. O’Reilly. 47(2): 193-208. Sean Dwyer, and Ken Chadwick. 47(2): 255-266. Boundary conditions of the Galatea effect: A field ex- Divisional multimarket contact within and between periment and constructive replication. D. Brian Mc- multiunit organizations. Arturs Kalnins. 47(1): 117- Natt and Timothy A. Judge. 47(4): 550-565. 128. 2004 Title Index 967 Does national context matter in ethical decision mak- The impact of personality on psychological contracts. ing? An empirical test of integrative social contracts Usman Raja, Gary Johns, and Filotheos Ntalianis. theory. Andrew Spicer, Thomas W. Dunfee, and 47(3): 350-367. Wendy J. Bailey. 47(4): 610— 620. The impact of team empowerment on virtual team per- Dynamic inducements in R&D investment: Market sig- formance: The moderating role of face-to-face inter- nals and network locations. Pek-Hooi Soh, Ishtiag action. Bradley L. Kirkman, Benson Rosen, Paul E. Pasha Mahmood, and Will Mitchell. 47(6): 907-917. Tesluk, and Cristina B. Gibson. 47(2): 175-192. Earnings management following duality-creating suc- Information processing, knowledge development, and cessions: Ethnostatistics, impression management, strategic supply chain performance. G. Tomas M. and agency theory. Wallace N. Davidson III, Pornsit Hult, David J. Ketchen, Jr., and Stanley F. Slater. 47(2): Jiraporn, Young Sang Kim, and Carol Nemec. 47(2): 241-253. 267-275. Institutional entrepreneurship in emerging fields: HIV/ The effects of customer personality traits on the dis- AIDS treatment advocacy in Canada. Steve Maguire, play of positive emotions. Hwee Hoon Tan, Maw Der Cynthia Hardy, and Thomas E. Lawrence. 47(5): 657— Foo, and Min Hui Kwek. 47(2): 287—296. 679. Effects of social capital and power on surviving trans- International diversification and firm performance: formational change: The case of initial public offer- The S-curve hypothesis. Jane W. Lu and Paul W. ings. Harald M. Fischer and Timothy G. Pollock. 47(4): Beamish. 47(4): 598-609. 463-481. Is high employee turnover really harmful? An empiri- The effects of job embeddedness on organizational cal test using company records. Arie C. Glebbeek and Erik H. Bax. 47(2): 277-286. citizenship, job performance, volitional absences, Knowledge transfer through inheritance: Spin-out gen- and voluntary turnover. Thomas W. Lee, Terence R. eration, development, and survival. Rajshree Agar- Mitchell, Chris J. Sablynski, James P. Burton, and awal, Raj Echambadi, April M. Franco, and MB Sarkar. Brooks C. Holtom. 47(5): 711-722. 47(4): 501-522. The effects of physical and social context on evalua- A multilevel investigation of factors influencing em- tions of captive, intensive service relationships. ployee service performance and customer outcomes. Donald E. Conlon, Linn Van Dyne, Morgan Milner, and Hui Liao and Aichia Chuang. 47(1): 41-58. Kok Yee Ng. 47(3): 433-445. Multinational companies and the natural environ- Employees’ goal orientations, the quality of leader- ment: Determinants of global environmental policy member exchange, and the outcomes of job perfor- standardization. Petra Christmann. 47(5): 747-760. Network memory: The influence of past and current W. Van Yperen. 47(3): 368-384. networks on performance. Giuseppi Soda, Alessandro Experiencing mistreatment at work: The rele of griev- Usai, and Akbar Zaheer. 47(6): 893-906. ance filing, nature of mistreatment, and employee Network structure and innovation ambiguity effects on withdrawal. Wendy R. Boswell and Julie B. Olson- diffusion in dynamic organizational fields. Deborah Buchanan. 47(1): 129-139. E. Gibbons. 47(6): 938-951. Fitting in: Surface- and deep-level cultural differences Neutralizing job stressors: Political skill as an antidote and expatriates’ adjustment. Annelies E. M. van Vi- to the dysfunctional consequences of role conflict. anen, Irene E. De Pater, Amy L. Kristof-Brown, and Pamela L. Perrewé, Kelly L. Zellars, Gerald R. Ferris, Erin C. Johnson. 47(5): 697-709. Ana Maria Rossi, Charles J. Kacmar, and David A. The genesis of top management team diversity: Selec- Ralston. 47(1): 141-152. tive turnover among top management teams in Dutch Organizational restructuring and middle manager sen- newspaper publishing, 1970-94. Christophe Boone, semaking. Julia Balogun and Gerry Johnson. 47(4): Woody van Olffen, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, and Bert 523-549. De Brabander. 47(5): 633-656. The pace, sequence, and linearity of radical change. Goal setting and goal orientation: An integration of John Amis, Trevor Slack, and C. R. Hinings. 47(1): two different yet related literatures. Gerard H. Seijts, 15-39. Gary P. Latham, Kevin Tasa, and Brandon W. Latham. Partner substitutability, alliance network structure, 47(2): 227-239. and firm profitability in the telecommunications in- Goal setting as a motivator of unethical behavior. Mau- dustry. Jonghoon Bae and Martin Gargiulo. 47(6): 843- rice E. Schweitzer, Lisa Ordéfiez, and Bambi Douma. 859. 47(3): 422-432. Preferential linkage and network evolution: A concep- Group social capital and group effectiveness: The role tual model and empirical test in the U.S. video game of informal socializing ties. Hongseok Oh, Myung-Ho sector. N. Venkatraman and Chi-Yon Lee. 47(6): 876— Chung, and Giuseppe Labianca. 47(6): 860-875. 892. How do they get there? An examination of the anteced- Product-line management in professional organiza- ents of centrality in team networks. Katherine J. tions: An empirical test of competing theoretical per- Klein, Beng-Chong Lim, Jessica L. Saltz, and David M. spectives. Gary J. Young, Martin P. Charns, and Tim- Mayer. 47(6): 952-963. othy C. Heeren. 47(5): 723-734. 968 Academy of Management Journal December Profiles in quitting: Integrating process and content Talking trash: Legitimacy, impression management turnover theory. Carl P. Maertz, Jr., and Michael A. and unsystematic risk in the context of the natural Campion. 47(4): 566-582. environment. Pratima Bansal and Iain Clelland. 47(1): The role of relational trust in bank-smalfilrm relation- 93-103. ships. Patrick A. Saparito, Chao C. Chen, and Harry J. Tie and network correlates of individual performance Sapienza. 47(3): 400-410. in knowledge-intensive work. Rob Cross and Jonathon Service climate effects on customer attitudes: An ex- N. Cummings. 47(6): 928-937. amination of boundary conditions. Joerg Dietz, S. Too much of a good thing? Negative effects ofh igh trust Douglas Pugh, and Jack W. Wiley. 47(1): 81-92. and individual autonomy in self-managing teams. Service provider hostility and service quality. Lorna Claus W. Langfred. 47(3): 385-399. Doucet. 47(5): 761-771. Tournament rituals in the evolution of fields: The case Social capital and knowledge creation: Diminishing of the Grammy Awards. N. Anand and Mary R. returns of the number and strength of exchange re- Watson. 47(1): 59—80. lationships. M. Ann McFadyen and Albert A. Can- Two’s company, three’s a crowd? Triads in coopera- nella, Jr. 47(5): 735-746. tive-competitive networks. Ravindranath Madhavan, Strategic decision comprehensiveness and new prod- Devi R. Gnyawali, and Jinyu He. 47(6): 918-927. uct development outcomes in new technology ven- Variable organizational risk preferences: Tests of the tures. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima and Haiyang Li. 47(4): March-Shapira model. Kent D. Miller and Wei-Ru 583-597. Chen. 47(1): 105-115. Taking empowerment to the next level: A multiple- When the known devil is better than an unknown god: level model of empowerment, performance, and sat- An empirical study of the antecedents and conse- isfaction. Scott E. Seibert, Seth R. Silver, and W. Alan quences of relay CEO succession. Yan Zhang and Randolph. 47(3): 332-349. Nandini Rajagopalan. 47(4): 483-500. Taking stock of networks and organizations: A multi- You paid for the skills, now keep them: Tuition reim- level perspective. Daniel J. Brass, Joseph Ga- bursement and voluntary turnover. George S. Benson, laskiewicz, Henrich R. Greve, and Wenpin Tsai. 47(6): David Finegold, and Susan Albers Mohrman. 47(3): 795-817. 315-331. Academy of Management Journal Volume 47 SUBJECT INDEX BUSINESS POLICY & STRATEGY, 15-39, 255-266, Corporate level, 209-226 463-481, 501-522, 523-549, 633-656, 735-746, Diversification, 633-656 820-842 International strategy, 598-609, 747-760, 820-842 Control and reward systems, 193-208, 209-226, New venture strategy, 501-522, 583-597 422-432, 463-481 Strategic alliances, 820-842, 843-859, 876-892, Corporate governance and strategy, 15-39, 267-275, 907-917, 918-927 463-481, 633-656 Strategic management process (including strategic Boards of directors, 15-39, 267-275, 633-656 change) 15-39, 463-481, 583-597 Stakeholders and strategy, 15-39, 463-481 Corporate culture, 15-39, 209-226, 241-253 Stockholders, 463-481 Political and behavioral influences, 15-39, 463-481 Top management teams, 15-39, 255-266, 463-481, Resource allocations, 241-253, 907-917 633-656 Risk management, 93-103, 105-115 Economics and strategy, 501-522, 820-842 Strategic decision making, 15-39, 105-115, 400-410, Agency theory, 267-275, 463-481 583-597 Resource-based view of the firm, 241-253, 400-410, 501-522, 598-609, 735-746 Strategic implementation process, 15-39, 523-549 Transactions costs 400-410, 598-609, 820-842 Business-level strategy and structure 15-39, Executive succession and leadership, 267-275, 209-226, 241-253, 400-410, 523-549, 209-226 463-481, 483-500 Corporate level strategy and structure 209-226 Strategy content, 15-39, 400-410, 501-522, 820-842 International strategy and structure, 598-609 Business level, 15-39, 209-226, 241-253, 400-410 Managing new ventures, 463—481, 583-597 Competitive, 117-128, 241-253, 820-842, 907-917, Managing strategic alliances (e.g., joint ventures), 918-927 907-917, 918-927 Core competencies and competitive advantage, Mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, restructuring, 209-226, 241-253, 400-410, 735-746 523-549 2004 Subject Index CAR19E3-20E8, 3R15-3S31, ,697- 709 Interorganizational mobility, 501-522 Career changes and transitions, 566-582 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, CONFLICT MANAGEMENT, 129-139, 385-399 141-152, 463-481, 523-549 Change processes, 15-39, 463-481, 523-549 ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 255-266, 463-481, 501-522 Political dynamics, 141-152, 463-48 Role of change agents, 15-39, 523-549 GENDER AND DIVERSITY IN ORGANIZATIONS, 193-208, 255-266, 633-656, 952-963 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, 81-92, 129-139, Age, 633-656, 952-963 141-152, 227-239, 350-367, 368-384, 385-399, Ethnicity/race, 255-266, 952-963 523-549, 566-582, 633-656, 697-709, 711-722, Gender, 193-208, 255-266, 952-963 761-771, 952-963 Cli41m-58a, 81t-92e, 3,32-3 49 HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, 723-734 Group charact19e3-r208i, s633t-6i56,c 6s81,-69 5 Comp19o3-20s8, i255-t266,i 633o-65n6, 6,81- 695 INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 411-421, Size, 175-192 598-609, 610-620, 697-709, 747-760, 860-875 Structure, 681-695, 893-906 Group processes, 193-208, 255-266, 385-399, MANAGERIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL 633-656, 681-695, 860-875, 952-963 COGNITION, 255-266, 523-549 Autonomous/self-managing teams/empowerment, Individual and group level, 523-549, 566-582, 175-192, 332-349, 385--399, 681-695 633-656, 928-937 Decision making in groups, 255-266, 385-399, Organizational learning, 241-253, 928-937 633-656 Schema theory, 523-549 External perspectives on group processes, 860-875 Social identity theory, 255-266, 566-582 Information processing, 41—58, 241-253, 583-597, 928-937 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORY, Intergroup relations, 193-208, 893-906 59-80, 463-481, 820-842 Leadership, 209-226, 550-565 Organizational components, 15-39, 501-522, 681-695 Social networks, 255-266, 735-746, 860-875 ( culture, 59—80, 81-92, 193-208, 209-226 893-906, 928-937, 952-963 Environment, 433—445, 681-695 Individual characteristics, 141-152, 227—239, 255-266, In formation, 907-917, 928-937 681-695 Organization design and structure, 15-39, 209-226, Affect, attitudes, beliefs, values, 129-139, 141-152, 241-253, 433-445, 681-695, 723-734, 928-937 175-192, 193-208, 400-410, 411-421, 433-445, Technology, 501-522, 907-917 566-582, 633-656, 697-709, 761-771 Organizational processes, 15-39, 141-152, 193-208, Absenteeism, turnover, and withdrawal behaviors, 463-481, 633-656, 681-695 129-139, 277-286, 315-331, 566-582, 633-656, Conflict15-/39,c 4h63a-48n1,g 6e81,-69 5 711-722 Evaluation of organizational effectiveness, 209-226, Creativity, 368-384 433-445 Performance (job, role, and/or extra-role, citizenship), Innovation, 209-226, 501-522, 583-597, 907-917 41-58, 175-192, 227-239, 287-296, 332-349, Institutional theory, 15-39, 93-103, 117-128, 368-384, 681-695, 711-722, 723-734, 761-771, 411-421, 633-656, 657-679, 681-695, 747-760 928-937 Learning, 241-253, 501-522, 928-937 Personality/dispositions/traits, 41-58, 141-152, Organizational demography, 193-208, 255-266, 227-239, 287-296, 350-367, 368-384, 550-565, 633-656 952-963 Organizational learning, 241-253, 483-500, 501-522, Satisfaction, 129-139, 193—208, 332-349, 350-367, 598-609, 633-656, 735-746 368-384, 566-582, 723-73 Power/politics/control, 59-80, 141-152, 193-208, Self-concepts/self-esteem, 550-565, 566-582 463-481, 633-656 Stress, 141-152 Resource dependence theory, 93-103 Individual processes, 141-152, 193-208, 255-266, Stewardship theory, 463-481 385-399, 761-771 Population level, 501-522, 820-842, 938-951 Cognition, perception, 141-152, 227-239, 255-266, Embeddedness perspective, 463-481, 893-906, 287-296, 368-384, 385-399, 523-549, 550-565, 938-951 566-582, 697-709, 761-771, 928-937 Environmental forces (social, political, economic, Decision making, 227-239, 385-399, 411-421, natural), 59-80, 411—421, 463-481, 938-951 422-432, 566-582 Interorganizational fields/networks 59-80, 241-253, Impression management, 93-103, 141-152, 433-445 400-410, 463-481, 657-679, 735-746, 820-842, Motivation, commitment, 129-139, 193-208, 843-859, 860-875, 876-892, 893-906, 918-927, 227-239, 350-367, 400—410, 422—432, 550-565, 938-951 566-582 Academy of Management Journal December Equity theory, 129-139, 566-582 Recruitment, 287—296, 633-656 Expectancy theory, 41-58, 566-582 Selection/testing/promotion systems, 287-296, Goal setting theory, 227-239, 422-432, 566-582 633-656 Self-management, 227-239, 287-296, 385-399 Socialization/orientation, 633-656, 697-709 Social learning theory, 41-58, 141-152, 227- Training/development, 227-239, 287-296, 315-331 566-582, 681-695 Workforce demographics/diversity, 193-208, 255-266 Social information processing theory, 41-58, Union-management cooperation, 129-139 241-253, 385-399, 566-582, 583-597 International personnel and human resources Socialization, 697-709 management, 697--709 Issues of diversity, 193-208, 255-266, 633-656, Strategic personnel and human resources management, 952-963 41-58, 501-522 Age, 633-656, 952-963 Internal labor markets, 193-208 Culture, 255-266, 697-709 Strategic reward systems, 501-522 Ethnicity/race, 255-266, 952-963 Gender, 193-208, 255-266, 952-963 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Person-situation debate/person-environment fit, 41-58, Operations strategy, 241-253 141-152, 287-296, 350-367, 566-582, 633-656, 681-695, 697-709 RESEARCH METHODS, 523-549 Task design, 332-349, 681-695 Qualitative, 59-80, 209-226, 523-549 Work-nonwork relationships, 711-722, 860-875 Quantitative, 15-39, 59-80, 175-192, 193-208, 209-226, 241-253, 277-286, 332-349, 385-399, ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND 411-421, 501-522, 566-582, 598-609, 633-656, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 843-859, 860-875, 893-906, 907-917, 938-951, Group communication, 860-875 952-963 Communication and organizational culture, 193-208 Networks, 463-481, 928-937, 952-963 SOCIAL ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT, 463-481 Vertical/lateral/diagonal communications, 860-875, Corporate governance, 267-275, 463-481 928-937 Ecology and ecological issues, 93-103, 747-760 Interpersonal communication, 761—771, 860-875 Ethics and codes of conduct, 411-421, 422-432, Superior/subordinate communications, 550-565, 610-620 860-875, 928-937 International and comparative aspects, 411-421, Verbal and nonverbal communications, 761-771 610-620, 747-760 Stakeholder, crisis, and issue management, 433-445, PERSONNEL/HUMAN RESOUCES MANAGEMENT, 747-760 141-152, 193-208, 227-239, 277-286, 633-656 Personnel TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, Careers (planning, management, development), 501-522, 583-597, 876-892, 907-917 193-208 Employee rights and legislation, 129-139 OTHER Health and safety, 141-152 Business and government, 15-39, 610-620, 747-760 Human capital theory, 255-266, 277-286, 315-331, Franchising, 117-128 483-500, 501-522, 633-656, 681-695 Marketing, 241-253, 761-771 Performance assessment and management, 227-239, Mass media, 15-39, 893-906 287-296, 928-937 Service sector, 41-58, 81-92, 761-771

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