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A single species of mangrove monitor (Varanus) occupies Ambon, Seram, Buru and Saparua, Moluccas, Indonesia PDF

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Preview A single species of mangrove monitor (Varanus) occupies Ambon, Seram, Buru and Saparua, Moluccas, Indonesia

Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 14 April 2015 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | 3 . Official journal website: Amphibian & Reptile Conservation amphibian-reptile-conservation.org 9(1) [General Section]: 14-23 (e95). A single species of mangrove monitor (Varanus) occupies Ambon, Seram, Buru and Saparua, Moluccas, Indonesia 1 Valter Weijola and 2 4Samuel S. Sweet ZoologicalMuseum, University ofTurku, 20520 Turku, FINLAND2DepartmentofEcology, Evolution andMarineBiology, UniversityofCalifornia, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA — Abstract. According to current literature the islands of the central Moluccan region harbor at least three species of monitor lizards. This suggests similar patterns of species richness to the northern Moluccas and could imply significant taxonomic and ecological complexity throughout the m Moluccan region. Field investigations in habitats from sea level up to 300 elevation failed to locate more than one widespread species, by definition referable to Varanus indicus (type locality Ambon). Reassessments of records for other species of mangrove monitors show that these can either be attributed to taxonomic mis-identifications or to colonial-era specimens lacking reliable collection data. We test Principal Components Analysis of scalation characters as a diagnostic tool for some of the island populations and species within the Varanus indicus group. Key words. Monitor, Euprepiosaurus, Varanus indicus, Varanus cerambonensis, Varanus rainerguentheri, Moluccas, habitat use Citation: Weijola V, Sweet SS. 2015. A single species of mangrove monitor Varanus) occupies Ambon, Seram, Buru and Saparua, Moluccas, Indo- ( nesia. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 9(1) [General Section]: 14-23 (e95). Copyright: © 2015 Weijola and Sweet. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms ofthe Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommer- cialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use for non-commercial and education purposes only, in any medium, provided the original author and the official and authorized publication sources are recognized and properly credited. The official and authorized publication credit sources, which will be duly enforced, are as follows: officialjournal title Amphibian & Reptile Conservation', officialjournal website <amphibian- reptile-conservation.org> Received: 16 Feburary 2014; Accepted: 20 April 2015; Published: 25 April 2015 Introduction from Ambon, Seram, and Buru, which they named V. ce- rambonensis (Fig. 1 A-D), distinguishable from V. indi- The island of Ambon has had a history of commercial cus through the presence of a yellow temporal stripe, a and strategic importance and has been connected to the banded dorsum, and a bi-colored tongue. In 2012 Somma European economy for five centuries. As a consequence, and Koch reported that a third species, V. rainerguentheri many early faunal collections came from there, and it is (Fig. 1 E-F), also occurs on Buru in sympatry with V. the type locality for a considerable number ofIndonesian cerambonensis (and possibly V. indicus). Varanus Salva- species, some of which have proved to be native to the tor has also been reported to occur on Seram on the basis island whereas others were merely shipped from Am- of a single voucher specimen (Koch et al. 2007). These bon (e.g., Daan and Hillenius 1966; Hoek Ostende et al. records are discussed here and Principal Components 1997). Despite this long European presence, little first- Analysis (PCA) is tested as a tool to detect differences hand information has been published on the biology of between island populations of species in the V. indicus the local Varanus species. The first recorded observations group (Fig. 2). and possible specimen collection of monitors on Ambon With a surface area of 17,400 km2 Seram is the sec- were made in 1792 by Claude Riche, one of the natural- ond-largest island in the Moluccas (after Halmahera) ists of the d’Entrecasteaux Expedition, and reported by (Monk et al. 1997). It is estimated to have emerged as a MYA F.M. Daudin in the description of Tupinambis indicus a land mass around 5-6 along the Outer Banda Arc decade later (Daudin 1802). For the next two hundred and rotated westward (Hall 2002), thus always having years this was the only species reported from the cen- been isolated from New Guinea (Audley-Charles 1993; tral Moluccas (to which we refer to the islands of Seram, Fortuin and de Smet 1991). For animal groups with good Buru, Ambon, and the other islands in the Lease group). dispersal abilities, such as Lepidopterans, this appears to This changed when Philipp et al. (1999) revised the have had little impact on current diversity and commu- identity of V. indicus and described a second species nity composition when compared to the slightly larger Correspondence. Email: 3vweijola@gmailcom (Corresponding author); [email protected] Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 15 April 2015 Volume 9 Number e95 1 | | | Weijola and Sweet Fig. 1. Mangrove monitors and their habitats: V. cerambonensis on Ambon (A), Seram (B), and Burn (C, D). Varanus rainerguen- theri on Halmahera (E) and Obi (F). Coastal vegetation onAmbon (G) and Nipa swamp (H). Photographs by Valter Weijola. Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 16 April 2015 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | / Single species of mangrove monitor in central Moluccas island ofHalmahera (de Jong 1998). For monitors specif- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature ically, the lack ofa land connection with New Guinea ap- (ICZN) (Weijola, In press). As this nomenclatural issue pears to have restricted the number ofsuccessful coloniz- is yet to be resolved we follow the current name uses and ers to just one (this study) whereas the composite island diagnoses here but note that future changes are possible. of Halmahera has a larger set of species (Weijola 2010). There are strong patterns in the distribution of the members of the subgenus Euprepiosaurus the Indoaus- Methods , tralian radiation ofgracile terrestrial and arboreal species containing mangrove and blue-tailed monitors and the Fieldwork was conducted during March and December slender tree monitors of the V. prasinns group. Members 2009 near the following settlements: Ambon - Liang of the latter clade are largely restricted to landmasses on (VW); Hitu (VW, SS); Soya di Atas (VW, SS); upper the Sahul shelf. The blue-tailed monitors in the V. indi- Ambon Bay (VW, SS); Waitami (VW, SS); Latuhalat cus group ( V. caerulivirens, V. doreanus, V.finschi, V.jo- (VW, SS); Seram (VW) - Besi; Burn (VW) - Namlea, biensis and V. yuwonoi show a similar pattern, with the Wamlana, Samleko; and Saparua (VW, SS) - Kulur. Spe- , ) exceptions of also inhabiting Halmahera (and adjacent cies identification in the field followed the diagnostic New islands) as well as the island of Britain (Ziegler et characters provided by Philipp et al. (1999). Accordingly al. 2007). The only lineage with a demonstrated ability Varanus cerambonensis can be identified by its distinct for significant oversea dispersal is that mainly inhabit- yellow temporal band and yellow markings (dots and ing coastal areas, traditionally known as a variable and or ocelli) arrayed in a pattern oftransverse bands on the widespread mangrove monitor, V. indicus. This lineage, dorsum. These characters can effectively be used in the with one representative in the central Moluccas, has late- field even at a distance with a pair ofbinoculars. ly been split up into several closely related species that Observations on habitat use were obtained by quietly all appear to exhibit allopatric distributions: V. cerambo- traversing all major habitat types from coastal (man- nensis (Burn, Ambon, Lease Islands, Seram); V. indicus groves, natural coastal scrub, coconut plantations, park- (Australia, New Guinea, and satellite islands, as well as lands) to lowland rainforests and hill forests up to 300 m many Pacific islands); V. melinus (Mangole and possi- elevation. Searches were made on foot or by canoe. bly Taliabu); V.juxtindicus (Rennert); V. rainerguentheri For each observation date, time, location, habitat, and (northern Moluccas); V. lirungensis (Talaud); and V. obor vegetation type, altitude, and activity were recorded. Ac- (Sanana) (Fig. 3). Additional populations of uncertain tive animals could often be heard running through dry status occur in the Ara, Kei, and Tanimbar island groups. litter in the undergrowth before fleeing up a tree where In 2008 to 2009 fieldwork was conducted to study the their identity could be confirmed. Basking animals often niche partitioning among monitor species on several Mo- remained still unless approached within flight distance luccan islands (Weijola 2010; Weijola and Sweet 2010). (normally 10-30 m). On Ambon, Seram, Saparua, and Burn the species com- The examination of museum vouchers allowed for a munities were initially presumed to be composed of V. larger set of characters including scale counts to be as- indicus utilizing coastal habitats and V. cerambonensis sessed. According to Philipp et al. (1999) V. cerambo- occupying habitats farther inland as suggested by Philipp nensis has on average smaller scales and higher scale et al. (1999) and mirroring the ecological roles of V. rain- counts than does V. indicus e.g., scales around midbody : erguentheri and V. caerulivirens on Halmahera (Weijo- (131-150 vs. 106-144), or transverse rows of dorsal la 2010) or V. indicus and V. jobiensis on New Guinea scales (126-163 vs. 105-137). (Philipp 1999). This hypothesis was rejected during field- work as it became evident that only one ofthe species, V. cerambonensis (,sensu Philipp et al. 1999), functioned as a habitat generalist and occurred throughout each island, and that V. indicus (,sensu Philipp et al. 1999) was absent from these islands altogether. The absence of V. indicus {sensu Philipp et al. 1999) is problematic inasmuch as Ambon is the type locality ZMA for this species. The only two specimens, 11146c ZFMK ZMA and 70650 (formerly 11146d), indicating a sympatry between V. indicus and V. cerambonensis on Ambon (and in the central Moluccas) turned out to have belonged to a colonial-era collector stationed on Ambon, but there is no evidence to suggest that they were actually Fig. 2. Principal Components Analysis of scalation characters collected there. The identity of V. indicus has been re- for several island populations of V. cerambonensis, V. indicus, viewed in detail by Weijola and a Case to synonymize V. and V. rainerguentheri. The two Xs represent ZFMK 70650 and cerambonensis with V. indicus has been submitted to the ZMA 11146c. Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 17 April 2015 Volume 9 Number e95 1 | | | n n n Weijola and Sweet Museum specimens at Naturalis (RMNH) and the tween V. rainerguentheri and V. indicus. PCI and PC2 ac- Zoological Museum Amsterdam (ZMA) were identified counted for almost 90% ofthe total variance. The factor (VW) and scale counts for a Principal Components Anal- loadings for PCI were all positive with highest values on ysis were extracted from Brandenburg (1983). Counts factors XY (0.78) and S (0.42). On PC2 all loadings were XY employed were: midbody scale rows (S), dorsal scale positive except for and R, with highest values on T m rows from dorsal margin of tympanic recess to anterior (0.71) and (0.61). PC3 gave more overlap between the margin of hind limbs (XY), transverse rows of ventral population clusters. Eigenvalues and factor loadings for scales from gular fold to anterior margin of hind limbs PC1-PC3 are presented in Table 1. (T), transverse rows ofdorsal scales from posterior mar- gin of tympanic recess to gular fold (X), scales around Habitat use neck at anterior margin of gular fold (m), scales from rictus to rictus across dorsum of head (P), scales around All field observations, involving a total of 81 sightings tail base (Q), scales around the tail 1/3 from the base (R), (Ambon, 31, Burn, 21, Seram, 9, and Saparua, 20) were and number ofventral scales from the tip of snout to gu- identified as V. cerambonensis. Monitors were most nu- lar fold (N). merous on Ambon, Burn, and Saparua whereas fewer A Principal Components Analysis was performed in observations were made on Seram. majority of obser- PAST (Hammer et al. 2001) using all the above-men- vations ( = 70) was made in coastal areas where moni- tioned scale characters for specimens from Ambon, Se- tor population densities appear to peak. Encounter rates ram, Burn, Halmahera, Temate, Bacan, New Guinea, were high both in littoral forest ( = 38) in sandy and Waigeo, and Biak (Appendix 1). karst (n = 9) areas, as well as in mangroves (n = 14) and Nipa swamps (n = 9). The preferred areas usually had a bushy undergrowth used for hiding and larger trees for Results basking and hiding in tree cavities. Seven observations were made in coconut or mixed-crop plantations in low- Morphology land areas. Far fewer monitors were observed in lowland rainfor- The Principal Components Analysis of scalation char- ests (n = 1), swamp/sago forest (n = 1), and hill forests ( acters (Fig. 2) worked well to differentiate the included = 2), with the highest altitude observation at around 300 m island populations with partial overlap found only be- near a small stream at Soya di Atas on Ambon. There Talaud Varanus cerambonensis • Varanus rainerguentheri Varanus indicus • Morotai Varanus melinus • Varanus obor • Varanus Urungensis Halmahera • Taxonomically undetermined Waigeo X Study sites Sulawesi Bacan Biak Mangole Obi Y Taliabu fsanana *7 \ Seram -K x-x ----- / r-: A yw 'X iXgapartia New Guinea Burn Ambon Banda ^ei i ir Aru 6D 0 / Tanimbar 134s Timor Fig. 3. Distribution map ofmangrove monitors in the Moluccas and western New Guinea, the blue tailed monitors not included. Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 18 April 2015 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | Single species of mangrove monitor in central Moluccas Table 1. Loading values, proportion ofvariance, and eigenval- encountered near Muslim than Christian settlements, ues for PCA. The two highest loading factors on the three first presumably reflecting dietary restrictions and the scarcity components highlighted. of hunting dogs. Factor Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 In more species rich-communities such as that of P 0.111204 0.099216 -0.054745 Halmahera, mangrove monitors (on Halmahera V. rain- erguentheri are rarely observed at higher altitudes where Q 0.19027 0.24899 0.3686 ) common instead V. caerulivirens is (Weijola 2010). Vara- XY 0.77924 -0.57179 -0.10626 nus indicus on New Guinea may similarly be restricted m 0.36133 0.60913 -0.23433 in upland areas by competition from V. jobiensis and V. S 0.41622 0.45941 0.036529 doreanns. On some single species islands the mangrove T 0.27334 0.71204 0.1145 monitors appear to persist higher up and can occasionally m N 0.16643 0.10618 0.15529 be found up to at least 700-900 elevation (as demon- R 0.0088444 -0.052658 0.8697 strated by their presence at Lake Rana on Bum). On New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, the senior author has col- Proportion of variance 81.245 8.594 4.1006 lected mangrove monitors as high up as the Lelet Plateau m at 900 elevation (Weijola, unpub. data). Eigenvalue 711.843 75.2985 35.9281 is however an almost fully melanistic specimen (ZMA Biogeography 15416g) at the Naturalis Museum collected at Lake Rana on Bum (at 770 m elevation) which shows that the spe- Whereas many of the larger islands in the northern Mo- cies also occupy higher altitudes. luccas (e.g., Halmahera, Obi, Bacan, and Morotai), and island arcs moving along the northern coast of New Activity and foraging Guinea, have several monitor species with evident eco- logical specialization (Weijola 2010), the other Moluc- Fifty-six ofthe monitors were first observed while active- can islands, including Ambon, Seram, Bum, Tanimbar, ly moving or foraging on the ground whereas the other and Kei, have only single members of ecological gen- 25 were first seen while basking on tree trunks/branches eralists of the V. indicus group present (this study; Wei- (n = 21) or on the ground (/? = 4). Monitors usually be- jola, unpub. data). These are joined by members of the came active and emerged to bask at around 0815-0845 V. salvator group in the Sula islands and on Obi (Weijola and returned to their retreats late in the afternoon, the 2010; Weijola and Sweet 2010), but the presence of V. latest observation of an active individual was made on salvator on Seram (Koch et al. 2007) has not gained sup- Ambon at 1600. The only specific foraging events ob- port from recent fieldwork (Edgar and Lilley 1993; this served during this study were several specimens on Bum study) and they were unknown to several experienced actively digging out sea turtle nests in search ofeggs, one hunters contacted by VW. This is usually a conspicuous individual on Seram digging for sago gmbs in a rotten animal wherever it occurs; for example, the new records Metroxylon trunk, and another individual (also on Se- for Taliabu and Sanana were established on the first and (VW ram) digging through a pile of garbage at the edge of a second days of fieldwork and SS), on the first day mangrove swamp. on Mangole (VW) and on the second day on Obi (VW). Varanus rainerguentheri Discussion Somma and Koch’s (2012) distribution record of V. rain- Natural history erguentheri, and their claim of its co-existence with V. Bum cerambonensis, on is based on a preserved speci- Observations of habitat use of V. cerambonensis cor- men (Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt [SMF 56469]) respond well with that reported from field studies of and a photo taken in the field (Somma and Koch 2012, mangrove monitors (V. indicns senso lato) in other re- Fig. 6). Both were identified as V. rainerguentheri from gions (Iyai and Pattiselanno 2006; Philipp 1999; Smith the occurrence of rows of dorsal ocelli. However, there and Griffiths 2009; Weijola 2010). Densities appear to are eleven vouchered Varanus from Burn at the Natu- peak in coastal and saltwater influenced areas with suit- ralis Museum (ZMA 15416a-j, RMNH 7223), which are able vegetation cover and decrease with increasing alti- similar in color pattern to those presented as V. rainer- tude where animals also become more restricted to areas guentheri by Somma and Koch, and which were exam- near bodies of freshwater. Dietary studies show Varanus ined and identified as V. cerambonensis by Philipp et al. cerambonensis to be an opportunistic predator with the (1999) (forming the record of V. cerambonensis for that single largest component being crustaceans which makes island). All above-mentioned specimens conform in col- up almost halfofthe diet (Philipp et al. 2007). As is usual or pattern to those observed in the field during this study. throughout the Moluccas monitors were more frequently As is indicated by Weijola (2010) there are typically no Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 19 April 201 5 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | | Weijola and Sweet distinct bands of dorsal ocelli on adult V. rainerguentheri the generous and hospitable local people we are particu- but these are instead characteristic of the V. cerambonen- larly grateful to Pak Aiuti of Seram and Pak Assis of Sa- sis populations on Ambon and especially Bum (ZMA parua. We thank Daniel Bennett, Fred Kraus, and Harold 15416, Weijola field observations). For these reasons we de Lisle for constructive comments on the manuscript, regard Somma and Koch’s records of V. rainerguentheri and Mikael von Numers for technical advice. Bum from to be mis-identifications of V. cerambonensis. Literature Cited Principal Components Analysis Audley-Charles MG. 1993. Geological evidence bear- PCA The results ofthe illustrates its potential to recover ing upon the Pliocene emergence of Seram, an island geographic clusters among the sampled islands. As the colonizable by land plants and animals. Pp. 13-18 In: increasing number of island endemics and cryptic spe- Editors, Edwards ID, McDonald AA, Proctor J. Natu- cies has made identifications more problematic, and the ral History of Seram: Maluku, Indonesia. Intercept use of single color pattern characteristics can be mislead- Ltd, Hampshire, England. 240 p. ing, we acknowledge its usefulness as an additional di- Brandenburg T. 1983. Monitors in the Indo-Australian agnostic tool. archipelago. Unpublished thesis, Leiden University, Although considered conspecific the distance between Netherlands. 123 p. the Ambon/Seram and Bum populations detected by the Bohme W, Ziegler T. 1997. 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Intercept Ltd, ily on colonial-era museum voucher specimens and re- Hampshire, England. 240 p. cent animals obtained from the pet-trade (Bohme and Fortuin AR, de Smet MEM. 1991. Rates and magnitudes Ziegler 1997; Philipp et al. 1999; Somma and Koch oflate Cenozoic vertical movements in the Indonesian 2012; Ziegler et al. 2007a, b). This has obscured the fact Banda Arc and the distinction of eustatic effects. Spe- that some of the newly described island endemics such cial Publications of the International Association of as V. melinus, V. cerambonensis, and V. rainerguentheri, Sedimentology 12: 79-89. are not previously unknown animals co-occurring with a Hall R. 2002. Cenozoic geological and plate tectonic widespread V. indicus, but are instead local forms previ- evolution of SE Asia and the SW Pacific: Computer- ously assigned to a variable V. indicus that have now been based reconstructions, model and animations. Journal recognized as separate taxa. This has inflated the number ofAsian Earth Sciences 20: 353-431. of species thought to be present, with several islands al- Hammer 0, Harper DAT, Ryan PD. 2001. PAST: Paleon- legedly harboring multispecies communities. Although tological statistics software package for education and we cannot rule out the possible existence of additional data analysis. Palcieontologia Electronica 4(1): 1-9. secretive species we conclude that there currently is no Available: http://palaeo-electronica.org/2001_l/past/ evidence for more than one species ofmangrove monitor issuel_01.htm [Accessed: 23 April 2015]. in the central Moluccas. Hoek Ostende LW van den, Dekker RWRJ, Keijl GO. TO avoid future confusion in the taxonomic and bio- 1997. Type-specimens of birds in the National Mu- geographic interpretations of this group we call for more seum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1. Non-Passer- critical scrutiny of unique colonial-era museum speci- ines. NNM Technical Bulletin 1, 30: 1-248; xii. ISSN: mens with single-word localities and no further support- 1387-0211. Available: http://www.repository.natu- ing information. ralis.nl/document/44313 [Accessed: 21 April 2015]. Iyai DA, Pattiselanno F. 2006. Diversity and ecology of Varanus indicus in Pepaya Island at Teluk Cendera- — Acknowledgments. Travel support was provided by wasih National Park, West Irian Jaya. Biodiversitas 7: the National Geographic Society, Svenska studiefonden, 181-186. Nordenskiold-Samfundet, and Svensk-Osterbottniska Jong, de R. 1998. Halmahera and Seram: Different histo- samfundet. The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation pro- ries, but similar butterfly faunas. Pp 315-325 In: Edi- vided Weijola with a graduate-student scholarship. Ofall tors, Hall R, Holloway JD. Biogeography and Geo- Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 20 April 201 5 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | | Single species of mangrove monitor in central Moluccas logical Evolution of SE Asia. Backhuis Publishers, Somma M, Koch A. 2012. New morphological and dis- The Netherlands. 419 p. tributional data of Varanus rainerguentheri Ziegler, Koch A, Aulya M, Schmitz A, Kuch U, Bohme W. Bohme and Schmitz, 2007 (Squamata: Varanidae), an 2007. Morphological studies on the systematics of endemic and little-knownmonitor lizard species ofthe South East Asian Water monitors Varanus salvator Moluccas, Indonesia. Salamandra 48(4): 207-212. ( complex): Nominotypic populations and taxonomic Weijola V. In press. Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 overview. In: Editors, Horn HG, Bohme W, Krebs U. (currently Varanus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata): Pro- Advances in Monitor Research 3. Mertensiella 16: posed conservation of usage of the specific name by 109-180. replacement of the neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Monk KA, de Fretes Y, Reksodiharjo-Lilley G. 1997. The Nomenclature. o Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. The Ecology Weijola VS-A. 2010. Geographical distribution and habi- ofIndonesia Series Volume 5. Periplus Editions, Sin- tat use of monitor lizards of the north Moluccas. Bl- gapore. 984 p. owak 4: 7-23. Philipp KM. 1999. Niche partitioning of Varanus dorea- Weijola VS-Ao, Sweet SS. 2010. A new melanistic spe- nus, V. indicus and V. jobiensis in Irian Jaya: Pre- cies ofmonitor lizard (Reptilia: Squamata: Varanidae) liminary results. In: Editors, Horn HG, Bohme W. from Sanana Island, Indonesia. Zootaxa 2434: 17-32. A Advances in Monitor Research II. Mertensiella 11: Ziegler T, Bohme W, Schmitz A. 2007a. new species 307-316. of the Varanus indicus group (Squamata, Varanidae) Philipp KM, Bohme W, Ziegler T. 1999. The identity from Halmahera Island, Moluccas: Morphological of Varanus indicus Redefinition and description of and molecular evidence. Mitteilungen des Museum : a sibling species coexisting at the type locality (Sau- fur Naturkunde Berlin. Zoologische Reihe 83 (Supple- ria: Varanidae: Varanus indicus group). Spixiana 22: ment): 109-119. A 273-287. Ziegler T, Schmitz A, Koch A, Bohme W. 2007b. re- Philipp KM, Ziegler T, Bohme W. 2007. Preliminary view of the subgenus Euprepiosaurus of Varanus investigations of the natural diet of six monitor liz- (Squamata: Varanidae): Morphological and molecular ard species of the Varanus Euprepiosaurus indicus phylogeny, distribution and zoogeography, with an ( ) group. In: Editors, Horn HG, Bohme W, Krebs U. identification key for the members of the V. indicus Advances in Monitor Research 3. Mertensiella 16: and the V. prasinus species groups. Zootaxa 1472: 336-345. 1-28. Smith JG, Griffiths AD. 2009. Determinants of home range and activity in two semi-aquatic lizards. Jour- nal ofZoology 279: 349-357. Valter Weijola has a B.S and M.S in biology from Abo Akademi University and is now a Ph.D. student at the University ofTurku. He is currently working on the biogeography and phylogenetics ofPacific moni- tors and has traveled extensively in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon islands in pursuit of his interests. Sam Sweet received a B.S. at Cornell University, and M.S. and Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. He is Professor ofEcology and Evolution at the University ofCalifornia Santa Barbara, and di- vides his time between recovery efforts for endangered herpetofauna in southwestern NorthAmerica, and investigations ofthe spatial ecologies ofIndoaustralian monitor lizards. Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 21 April 2015 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | Weijola and Sweet Appendix 1 Naturalis Museum specimens and scalation data included in the PCA. Catalog number Island Q XY m S T N R ZMA 10202 Alkmaar Island 44 78 134 82 131 90 75 60 RMNH 7297a Ambon 48 89 150 105 140 96 86 56 RMNH 7297b Ambon 47 81 146 100 140 95 83 52 RMNH 7297d Ambon 52 85 152 104 142 94 84 54 RMNH 7297e Ambon 48 80 139 104 138 93 81 51 RMNH 7297f Ambon 51 79 148 101 131 95 79 50 RMNH 7297g Ambon 50 87 153 105 146 100 85 53 RMNH 7196 Ambon 51 88 149 96 141 96 88 57 RMNH 3152 Ambon 51 89 154 110 143 100 90 56 RMNH 3150 Ambon 54 82 138 110 142 97 86 49 RMNH 3800 Bacan 42 80 134 88 128 91 85 57 RMNH 2103lg Biak 40 80 125 92 131 87 83 64 RMNH 2103lh Biak 39 79 124 94 128 86 77 61 RMNH 21033 Biak 42 76 122 92 135 86 81 62 RMNH 21026a Biak 37 78 127 94 128 83 82 60 RMNH 21026b Biak 37 80 121 88 126 86 84 61 RMNH 21024 Biak 38 74 115 88 122 84 77 58 RMNH 21021 Biak 42 79 123 90 122 85 79 64 RMNH 7223 Buru 46 79 147 95 145 95 78 55 ZMA 15416a Buru 46 84 192 104 151 104 84 58 ZMA 15416b Buru 46 83 187 95 141 104 86 58 ZMA 15416c Buru 49 93 178 94 138 103 85 60 ZMA 15416d Buru 48 88 187 90 150 100 90 68 ZMA 15416e Buru 48 83 179 99 142 100 85 58 ZMA 15416f Buru 46 85 183 98 143 101 83 54 ZMA 15416g Buru 44 82 164 96 143 96 81 52 ZMA 15416h Buru 47 83 174 93 142 103 86 60 ZMA 154161 Buru 52 82 179 94 135 105 81 49 ZMA 15416j Buru 44 75 159 91 142 95 81 53 ZMA 15414a Halmahera 38 77 163 90 128 91 91 56 ZMA 15414b Halmahera 43 82 155 89 139 93 85 61 ZMA 15414c Halmahera 42 80 147 92 132 91 87 60 RMNH 7197 Haruku 46 89 144 101 142 97 88 50 RMNH 21041 Insoemarr Island 41 74 120 86 121 79 74 53 RMNH 21045 Japen 39 66 107 85 106 76 67 45 RMNH 21052 Japen 38 69 105 79 120 81 69 45 RMNH 21053 New Guinea 39 75 113 71 107 74 76 56 RMNH 21054 New Guinea 38 63 105 75 108 73 73 50 RMNH 21055a New Guinea 41 70 111 83 109 77 74 56 RMNH 21047 New Guinea 40 73 115 79 113 85 77 57 RMNH 21042 New Guinea 43 70 115 83 113 79 76 52 RMNH 21046 New Guinea 39 76 110 81 110 77 77 58 RMNH 21036a New Guinea 40 70 116 78 110 80 78 54 RMNH 21036b New Guinea 41 73 116 81 110 80 74 58 RMNH 21036e New Guinea 41 75 114 80 112 78 76 60 ZMA 10201 New Guinea 42 81 131 88 125 92 78 69 Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 22 April 2015 Volume 9 Number e95 1 | | | Single species of mangrove monitor in central Moluccas Appendix (continued) 1 Naturalis Museum specimens and scalation data included in the PCA. Catalog number Island Q XY m S T N R ZMA 10208 New Guinea 43 72 125 73 114 90 73 65 RMNH 21037 New Guinea 42 75 128 80 128 92 76 58 RMNH 21038 New Guinea 41 68 118 80 118 87 72 60 RMNH 21034 New Guinea 44 82 128 85 123 85 77 66 RMNH 21046 New Guinea 44 70 129 84 120 87 72 53 RMNH 5359 New Guinea 41 80 115 80 113 88 72 67 RMNH 21018 New Guinea 41 77 115 78 112 84 71 62 RMNH 21050 New Guinea 41 75 118 87 116 79 72 62 RMNH 6726 New Guinea 43 73 121 82 122 80 85 59 RMNH 21040 New Guinea 40 76 128 81 122 87 78 59 RMNH 21020 New Guinea 40 78 123 84 125 83 74 65 ZMA 10194b New Guinea 48 85 143 89 136 91 83 68 ZMA 10194c New Guinea 42 77 124 81 122 95 77 68 ZMA 10200 New Guinea 42 66 121 73 115 74 75 46 RMNH 21035 New Guinea 42 73 119 78 111 81 73 52 RMNH 5260 New Guinea 36 60 116 74 110 82 73 51 RMNH 21048 New Guinea 45 74 113 80 115 84 67 56 RMNH 3151 Ravak 40 76 139 82 115 82 80 58 RMNH 3189 Seram 53 91 152 100 150 96 91 60 RMNH 3190a Temate 43 78 136 88 120 93 92 57 RMNH 3190b Temate 44 81 133 94 128 90 86 59 ZMA 15417 Temate 43 76 140 85 127 94 87 58 ZMA 11146c Unknown 43 72 140 80 123 87 76 59 ZMA 11146d Unknown 42 70 131 79 121 84 73 61 ZMA 10192a Waigeo 47 77 146 90 122 91 87 62 ZMA 10192b Waigeo 48 82 151 82 123 91 80 64 ZMA 10192c Waigeo 42 71 138 85 120 86 82 56 ZMA 10192d Waigeo 48 73 147 78 119 86 84 61 ZMA 10192f Waigeo 42 77 139 85 117 86 83 53 ZMA 10192g Waigeo 42 77 141 79 125 86 80 54 ZMA 10192h Waigeo 47 80 140 85 123 81 83 54 Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 23 April 201 5 Volume 9 Number 1 e95 | | |

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