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Preview A revised taxanomic account of the fern genus Woodwardia (Blechnaceae) in Thailand

THAI FOR. BULL. (BOT.) 32: 1–5. 2004. A revised taxonomic account of the fern genus Woodwardia (Blechnaceae) in Thailand THAWEESAKDI BOONKERD*& ROSSARIN POLLAWATN* ABSTRACT. The genus Woodwardia Sm. is revised and is now represented in Thailand by two species, W. harlandii and W. japonica. These are described and illustrated. A key to the species is presented. INTRODUCTION The genus Woodwardia Sm. belongs to Blechnaceae subfam. Blechnoideae. So far 14 species have been recognised. These are predominantly distributed in the northern hemisphere, especially in eastern Asia (Kramer et al., 1990). Holttum (1960) in his Ferns of Malaya recorded only one species from tropical Southeast Asia, namely W. auriculata Blume from the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. He also noted that this species is closely allied to W. japonica (L. f.) Sm. Devol (1980) recorded five species, namely W. harlandii Hook., W. kempii Copel., W. japonica, W. orientalis Sw., and W. unigemmata (Makino) Nakai from Taiwan. Hô (1991) noted four species from Vietnam, viz. W. cochinchinensis Ching, W. harlandii, W. japonica and W. unigemmata. In mainland Asia, Chiu (1974) regarded W. cochinchinensis Ching as a separate species. However, he also noted that this species is similar to W. auriculata, W. magnifica Ching & P. S. Chiu and W. japonica. In his key the major difference between W. cochinchinensis and W. japonica is the number of pairs of pinnae (japonica: 10–15 pairs, cochinchinensis: 20–30 pairs). Raymond Cranfill (pers. comm.) treated W. cochinchinensis and W. magnifica as synonyms of W. japonica. He commented that “W. japonica is the most highly variable species of the genus, the variation is nevertheless not purely random. There are tendencies toward an increase in size, an elaboration of pinna segments and an increase in the number of such segments per pinna as one approaches the southern and eastern distributional limits of the species”. W. japonica and W. auriculata are morphologically similar, but can be distinguished by the combination of (1) the number of pairs of pinnae per frond (W. japonica: 9–21 pairs, W. auriculata: 17–23 pairs) and (2) the number of pairs of lobes per pinna (W. japonica: 10–23 (25) pairs, W. auriculata: 25–30 pairs). *Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand. 2 THAI FOREST BULLETIN (BOTANY) 32 WOODWARDIA IN THAILAND In Thailand, Tagawa & Iwatsuki (1988) recorded only one species, W. cochinchinensis Ching. They noted that Ching (1931) used large oblong turgid sori, the membranous brown indusia and the larger size of plants (see Tagawa & Iwatsuki, 1988) as diagnostic characters to distinguish W. cochinchinensis from W. japonica. Moreover, they added that only the indusia and size of Thai plants agreed with the characteristics of W. cochinchinensis. Thai material and material under W. cochinchinensis from existing herbarium specimens deposited at BCU, BM, BK, BKF, K, L, and P were re-examined. It was found that all Thai specimens have lateral pinnae in 7–20 pairs, with 12 pairs being the most common. From the information above it can be seen that Thai specimens have numbers of lateral pinnae which match the diagnostic characters of W. japonica (L. f.) Sm. as was pointed out by Chiu (1974) and R. Cranfill (unpublished data). Therefore all Thai specimens of W. cochinchensis are re-determined here as W. japonica. Some time ago during a field trip to Phu Luang, a newly recorded species, W. harlandii Hook. was found in hill evergreen forest. Its occurrence in north-eastern Thailand is in agreement with its previously known geographical distribution in Vietnam, Taiwan, South China and South Japan. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1.Rhizome creeping, stipe distant; frond dimorphic, fertile fronds with 3–5 pairs of lateral pinnae, pinnae shallowly lobed. Sori linear-oblong, along costa and costular areoles 1. W. harlandii 1.Rhizome stout, erect, stipe tufted; frond monomorphic, with 7–20 pairs of lateral pinnae, pinnae deeply lobed. Sori oblong, discrete, along costular areoles 2. W. japonica 1. Woodwardia harlandii Hook., Fil. Exot.: t. 7. 1867; P. S. Chiu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 2: 237–248. 1974; C. E. Devol, Fl. Taiwan 1: 156. 1980; P. H. Hô, Illustr. Fl. Vietnam 1: 259. 1991; K. Iwats., Ferns and Fern Allies of Japan 157, pl. 90. 1992. Figs. 1–2A–B. Rhizome creeping, covered with small scales; scales broadly lanceolate, entire; stipes distant in mature plants, covered with small narrowly lanceolate scales at base. Frond dimorphic. Stipe brown-black at base, stramineous in upper portion, scaly at base, grooved; sterile stipe 12–24 cm long, fertile stipe up to 45 cm. Sterile lamina up to 24 cm long, simple, lanceolate, or tri-palmately lobed, terminal lobe the longest, base rounded, margin serrate near apex and shallowly lobed below, coriaceous, light green to light brown when dry. Fertile lamina up to 40 cm long, simply pinnate, with an elongated terminal pinna, lateral pinnae 3–5 pairs similar to the terminal one, pinnae sessile, forming a winged rachis with the opposite lateral pair, oblong, 2.5–3 by 20–25 cm; veins anastomosing. Sori linear, along costal and costular areoles; indusia linear, narrow, thin, opening towards costa or costule. Thailand.— NORTH-EASTERN: Loei [Phu Luang, T. Boonkerd 579 (BCU!), 730 (BCU!) & 1644 (BCU!)]. Distribution.— South Japan, South China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Ecology.— Terrestrial, on dry hill slope in hill evergreen forest, semi-shade at 1,200 m altitude. 3 A REVISED TAXONOMIC ACCOUNT OF THE FERN GENUS WOODWARDIA (BLECHNACEAE) IN THAILAND Figure 1. Woodwardia harlandii Hook.: habit and fertile pinnae. From T. Boonkerd 579. 4 THAI FOREST BULLETIN (BOTANY) 32 2. Woodwardia japonica (L.f.) Sm., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Turin 6. 411. 1793; P. S. Chiu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 2: 237–248. 1974; C. E. Devol, Fl. Taiwan 1: 159. 1980; P. H. Hô, Illustr. Fl. Vietnam 1: 259. 1991; K. Iwats., Ferns & Fern Allies of Japan: 156, pl. 89. 1992.— Blechnum japonicum L.f., Suppl.: 447 (1781).— W. cochinchinensis Ching, Sinensia 3: 334. 1933; Tagawa & K. Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 301, pl. 24. 1988. Fig. 2C–D. Rhizome short, erect, covered with large red-brown scales at bases. Stipe 25–50 cm long, scaly at base; scale large, reddish-brown, lanceolate, entire. Frond large, monomorphic, 1-pinnate-pinnatifid; lamina oblong-lanceolate, 50–90 by 28–40 cm, truncate to rounded at base, acute to acuminate at apex; pinnae oblong-lanceolate, sessile, base truncate, lateral pinnae 7–20 pairs, lobed about ¾ way to costa, segments on either side of costa of equal length; median pinnae 14–20 by 2–6 cm. Sori oblong, in 2 rows along costules, 2–4 mm long, sunken; indusia discrete, membranous, brown, opening towards costa and costules. A B C D Figure 2. Woodwardia harlandii Hook.: A. habit; B. part of fertile pinnae; Woodwardia japonica (L.f.) Sm.; C. habit; D. part of fertile pinnae. Photographed by S. Suddee and S. Samransuk, Phu Luang, Loei. 5 A REVISED TAXONOMIC ACCOUNT OF THE FERN GENUS WOODWARDIA (BLECHNACEAE) IN THAILAND Thailand.— NORTHERN: Chiang Mai [Pang Bo, T. Smitinand 8719 (BKF!, L!); Doi Ang Khang, T. Boonkerd 1366 (BCU!); Doi Pui, T. Boonkerd 1358 (BCU!); Doi Suthep, W. Eiadthong 226 (BKF!)]; Chiang Rai [Khun Korn Forest Park, Khun Korn 1394 (BCU!); Phu Langka, T. Smitinand 1769 (BKF!); Doi Langka, K. Iwatsuki & N. Fukuoka T-3569 (BKF!); Doi Pa Na Tu, H. B. G. Garrett 745 (BKF!); Doi Luang, J. F. Maxwell 97-565 (BKF!); Doi Tung, K. Iwatsuki, N. Fukuoka, M. Hutoh & D. Chaiglom T-11093 (BKF!); R. Geesink, P. Hiepko & C. Phengklai 8288 (BKF!); T. Boonkerd 1543 (BCU!)]; NORTH-EASTERN: Loei [Phu Luang, T. Boonkerd 1646/1 (BCU!)]. Distribution.— Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Ecology.— Terrestrial, on dry hill slopes in hill evergreen forest, in semi-shade at 900–1,550 m altitude. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the TRF/BIOTEC Special Program for Biodiversity Research and Training grant BRT 140009 and the Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University which funded a herbarium field trip to northern and north- eastern Thailand. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the curators and staff of BCU, BK, BKF, BM, K, L and P for their kind permission to study pteridophyte specimens. Thanks also go to staff of the Plant of Thailand Research Unit, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science for their assistance in the field. We thank W. L. Chiou and Ho-Ming Chang for forwarding R. Cranfill’s unpublished data. REFERENCES Chiu, P. S. 1974. On the genus Woodwardia Sm. from the mainland of Asia. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 237–248. Devol, C. E. 1980. Blechnaceae. In: Hui-lin Li et al. (eds), Flora of Taiwan 1: 149–160. Iwatsuki, K. (ed.). 1992. Ferns and Fern Allies of Japan. Heiboncha Ltd., Publishers, Tokyo. Hô, Phạm-Hoàng 1991. An illustrated Flora of Vietnam. Mekong Printing. Holttum, R. E. 1960. A Revised Flora of Malaya II. Ferns of Malaya. Government Printing Office, Singapore. Kramer, K. U., Chambers, T. C. & Hennipman, E. 1990. Blechnaceae. In: K. Kubitzki et al. (eds), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plant: I Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms, pp. 60–68. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Tagawa, M. & Iwatsuki, K. 1988. Pteridophytes. In: Smitinand, T. & Larsen, K. et al. (eds), Flora of Thailand, 3: 297–302.

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