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A redescription of Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov. and description of I. corymbus, a new species of ca v e dwelling spider (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) from the State of Goiás, Braz il PDF

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Preview A redescription of Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov. and description of I. corymbus, a new species of ca v e dwelling spider (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) from the State of Goiás, Braz il

ARTÍCULO: A redescription of Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov. and description of I. corymbus, a new species of ca v e dwelling spider (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) from the State of Goiás, Braz il. Daniele Polotow, Antonio D. Brescovit & Flávia Pellegatti-Franco Abstract: ARTÍCULO: Ctenus coxalis F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902 is transferred to Isoctenus Bertkau and redescribed. I. corymbus, a new cave dwelling species, is described based A Redescription of Isoctenus coxalis on specimens collected in the Lapa do Angélica, São Domingos, Goiás, Brazil. (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov. In addition, notes on the natural history of I. corymbus are presented, based in and description of I. corymbus, a new field and laboratory observations. species of cave dwelling spider (Ara- Key words: Spiders, Neotropical, taxonomy. neae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) from the Taxonomy: Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov. State of Goiás, Brazil. Isoctenus corymbus, sp. nov. Daniele Polotow Laboratório de Artrópodes, Instituto Resumen: La especie Ctenus coxalis F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902 es transferida a Butantan, Av. Vital Brazil, 1500, Isoctenus Bertkau y redescripta. Se describe una nueva especie cavernícola, 05503-900, São Paulo, São Paulo, I. corymbus, de la Lapa do Angélica, São Domingos, Goiás, Brasil. Son pre Brazil. & Departamento de Zoologia, sentadas algunas notas sobre la historia natural de I. corymbus, observadas Instituto de Biociências, Universidade en campo y en laboratorio. de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Palabras clave: arañas, neotrópico, taxonomía. Taxonomía: Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov. Antonio D. Brescovit Isoctenus corymbus, sp. nov. Laboratório de Artrópodes, Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503-900, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Introduction Flávia Pellegatti-Franco The genus Isoctenus (Bertkau, 1880) comprises median to large Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto ground dwelling spiders, with nocturnal habits. According to the latest de Biociências, Universidade de São spider catalog (Platnick, 2005), this genus includes seven species. Of these, Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. five were described from Brazil, and the remaining two, from French Revista Ibérica de Aracnología Guiana and Venezuela. These wandering appear to be common dwellers in ISSN: 1576 - 9518. Neotropical habitats. They have been recorded from a great range of phy- Dep. Legal: Z-2656-2000. togeographical regions in Brazil, e.g., the Atlantic Forest and the “Cer- Vol. 11, 30-VI-2005 rado”. The later, is an area covered by savanna-like vegetation (Fernandes, Sección: Artículos y Notas. Pp: 37−42. 1998; Durigan, 2004); however, Isoctenus spiders are also found in caves (Eickstedt, 1975). Edita: During September 2000, an expedition to the Parque Estadual de Grupo Ibérico de Aracnología (GIA) Terra Ronca, São Domingos County, Goiás, resulted in the collection of Grupo de trabajo en Aracnología de la Sociedad Entomológica several spider specimens including a new species of Isoctenus from the Aragonesa (SEA) Lapa do Angélica. This new species has a peculiar male ventral apophysis Avda. Radio Juventud, 37 on coxa IV (Fig. 5), which is observed in a group of Cteninae species, 50012 Zaragoza (ESPAÑA) presently included in the genus Ctenus, e. g., C. coxalis F.O.P. Cambridge, Tef. 976 324415 Fax. 976 535697 1902. Males of this group of species show the diagnostic characters of the C-elect.: [email protected] genus Isoctenus: an embolus with a sinuous basal apophysis, median apophysis with two prominent projections and bifid RTA with a large dor- Director: C. Ribera sal branch. Females have an epigynum with a swollen median plate and C-elect.: [email protected] prominent ovoid lobes, spermathecae medially constricted and with a Indice, resúmenes, abstracts vols. prominent ventral wall (Figs. 1-9). In a phylogenetic analysis presented by publicados: Simó & Brescovit (2001: 79), Ctenus coxalis formed a monophyletic group http://entomologia.rediris.es/sea/ together with C. longipes and C. taeniatus. These authors suggested that publicaciones/ria/index.htm those species could be members of Isoctenus. According to the phyloge- Página web GIA: netic approach presented by Silva (2003: 9, 26), C. coxalis arises within the http://entomologia.rediris.es/gia Isoctenus clade. Although this species is currently listed as Ctenus (Plat- Página web SEA: nick, 2005), Silva (2003: 26) cited it as Isoctenus. However, she did not http://entomologia.rediris.es/sea formally transfer it to this genus. 38 Daniele Polotow, Antonio D. Brescovit & Flávia Pellegatti-Franco In this paper, Ctenus coxalis F.O.P. Cambridge is 5.00 wide. Clypeus height 0.26. Eyes: diameters AME formally transferred to Isoctenus and both male and 0.24, ALE 0.26, PME 0.34, PLE 0.32; interdistances female are redescribed. In addition, a new species, Isoc- AME-AME 0.12, AME-ALE 0.24, PME-PME 0.12, tenus corymbus, is described from Lapa do Angélica, PME-PLE 0.36, ALE-PLE 0.24, AME-PME 0.20. Che- Parque Estadual de Terra Ronca, São Domingos, Goiás, licerae with 3 promarginal teeth and 5 retromarginal Brazil and some observations of its natural history are teeth. Leg measurements: I: femur 6.90/ patella 2.30/ also presented. tibiae 7.80/ metatarsus 6.50/ tarsus 3.20/ total 26.70; II: 6.40/ 2.60/ 6.70/ 6.40/ 2.80/ 24.90; III: 5.80/ 2.40/ 5.60/ Material and methods 5.50/ 2.30/ 21.60; IV: 7.40/ 2.50/ 6.60/ 9.10/ 3.00/ 28,60. Leg formula: 4123. Leg spination: tibia I-II v2-2- The material examined belongs to the following 2-2-2, p1-0-0, r1-0-0, III v2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1, IV v2-2-2- institutions (curators in parentheses): IBSP, Instituto 2-2, p1-1, r1-1; metatarsus I-II v2-2-2, p1-1-2, r1-1-2; Butantan, São Paulo (A.D. Brescovit); MZSP, Museu de III-IV v2-2-2, p1-1-2, r1-1-2. Coxae IV with ventral, Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (R. rounded and projected apophyses (Fig. 5). Metatarsi and Pinto da Rocha). All the measurements are in millime- tarsi I-IV with thin and short ventral scopulae. Male ters. Descriptions and terminology follow Höfer et al. palp with short tibia. RTA bifid with long dorsal branch (1994). The nomenclature of the structures of the epygi- with several folds on the internal border and short and num follows Sierwald (1989). The epigynum was de- striated ventral branch (Figs. 1-2). Ventral apophysis tached from the abdomen and submerged in clove oil for short and rounded. Cymbium with two basal retrolateral examination of internal structures. Abbreviations: RTA: projections, the more dorsal is large and rounded and the retrolateral tibial apophysis; AME: anterior median more ventral is small and conic (Figs. 1-2). Embolus eyes; ALE: anterior lateral eyes; PME: posterior median curved and laminar, with bifid apex and sinuous basal eyes; PLE: posterior lateral eyes. projection (Fig. 1). Median apophysis curved, with two prominent projections, the posterior larger (Fig. 1). Taxonomy FEMALE (IBSP 20320). Coloration pattern as in male. Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) Total length 16.50; carapace 8.10 long, 5.90 wide. comb. nov. (Figs 1-5) Clypeus height 0.25. Eyes: diameters AME 0.32, ALE 0.30, PME 0.37, PLE 0.38; interdistances AME-AME Ctenus velox Keyserling, 1891: 147, pl. 4, fig. 100, preoccu- 0.20, AME-ALE 0.36, PME-PME 0.20, PME-PLE 0.50, pied by Blackwall,1865 (male holotype from Alto da Serra, ALE-PLE 0.23, AME-PME 0.22. Chelicerae with 3 Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1.VII.1890, Göldi leg., promarginal teeth and 4 retromarginal teeth. Leg meas- deposited in BMNH 2919, examined). urements: I: femur 7.10/ patella 3.60/ tibiae 7.60/ meta- Ctenus coxalis F.O.P.-Cambridge 1902: 413 (replacement tarsus 6.20/ tarsus 2.80/ total 27.30; II: 7.30/ 3.70/ 7.00/ name); Simó & Brescovit, 2001: 69, 79; Silva, 2003: 9; Plat- 5.80/ 2.80/ 26.60; III: 6.50/ 3.00/ 5.50/ 5.65/ 2.00/ nick, 2005. Ctenus velocitarcis Roewer, 1951: 446 (superfluous replace- 22,65; IV: 8.00/ 3.20/ 8.20/ 8.60/ 3.50/ 31.50. Leg for- ment name). mula as in male. Leg spination: tibia I v2-2-2-2-2, p0, Isoctenus coxalis: Silva, 2003: 26 (informal new combina- r0, II v2-2-2-2-2, p0-1-0, r0, III-IV v2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1; tion). metatarsus I-II v2-2-2, p0, r0; III v2-2-2, p1-1-2, r1-1-2; IV v1-2-2-2-2, p1-1-2, r1-1-2. No apophysis on coxa IV. NOTE. The male specimen identified as Ctenus. velox by Metatarsi and tarsi I-IV with thick and short ventral Mello-Leitão (1936: figs 28-29) was examined. This scopulae. Epigynal plate quadrangular, invaginated male was found in the collection of the Museu Nacional anteriorly between the ovoid lobes. Median field slightly do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ 42294) and it is an unde- elevated. Lateral spur short and apically positioned on scribed species from Brazil. the lateral field (Fig. 3). Internally with short and curved copulatory ducts. Spermathecae with a median strangu- DIAGNOSIS. The males of Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. lation, forming a large base and little head, and with a Cambridge, 1902) resembles I. corymbus sp. n. by the prominent ventral wall. Fertilization ducts short, origi- presence of a ventral apophysis in coxa IV (Fig. 5), but nating from the base of the spermathecae (Fig. 4). differ by the smaller palpal tibia, accentuated ventral apophysis of the basal retrolateral projection on base of VARIATION: Ten males: total length 11.70-16.00; cara- cymbium and longer posterior projection on the median pace 6.00-8.50; femur 6.50-9.30; promarginal teeth 2-4; apophysis of the palpal bulb (Fig. 1-2). Externally, the retromarginal teeth 3-5. Ten females: total length 15.30- females can be distinguished by the elevated and sepa- 25.60; carapace 7.30-11.50; femur I 6.40-11.50; pro- rated ovoid lobes and short lateral spurs on the epi- marginal teeth 3; retromarginal teeth 4-5. gynum (Fig. 3-4). MATERIAL EXAMINED. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: São DESCRIPTION. Tomé das Letras, 1 male, 15.V.2000, F.S.B. Lacerda MALE (IBSP 21043). Chelicerae dark brown. Labium, leg. (IBSP 27746); Ibitipoca, Parque Estadual do Ibiti- endites, carapace, sternum and legs reddish. Abdomen poca, 4 males, 1 female, VI.1998, A. de Oliveira & light brown. Total length 11.80. Carapace 6.30 long, B.M. Souza leg. (IBSP 21473; 21479; 21489; 21494); Isoctenus coxalis comb. nov. and I. corymbus, sp. n. from Brazil. 39 Figures 1-5. Isoctenus coxalis (F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902) comb. nov.: (1) male, right palp, ventral view; ap: anterior projection of median apophysis; bpe: basal projection of embolus; c: conductor; e: embolus; ma: median apophysis; pp: posterior projection of median apophysis. (2) male, right palp, retrolateral view; dbr: dorsal branch of RTA; dpc: dorsal projection of cymbium; va: ventral apophysis; vbr: ventral branch of RTA; vpc: ventral projection of cymbium. (3) female, epigynum, ventral view; lf: lat- eral field; ls: lateral spur; mf: median field; ol: ovoid lobes. (4) female, epigynum, dorsal view; cd: copulatory ducts; fd: fertiliza- tion ducts; iw: internal wall of lateral field; s: spermathecae; vw: ventral wall of spermathecae. (5) male, IV leg, prolateral view; c: coxae; f: femur; t: trochanter; va: ventral apophysis of coxae IV. Scale lines: 0.25 mm. 40 Daniele Polotow, Antonio D. Brescovit & Flávia Pellegatti-Franco Espírito Santo: Linhares, Reserva Florestal da Vale do 4.50/ 43.75. Leg formula: 4123. Leg spination: tibia I Rio Doce, 1 male, 19-25.VIII.1997, A.D. Brescovit leg. v2-2-2-2-2, p0-1-1-0, r0-1-1-0, II v2-2-2-2-2, p0-1-1-0, (IBSP 12656); Rio de Janeiro: Barra Mansa, Campus r1-1-1, III v2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1, IV v2-2-2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1- do SOBEU, 3 males, 3 females, 8.I.1997, E.F. Ramos 1; metatarsus I-II v2-2-2, p1-1-1, r1-1-1, III v2-2-2, p1- leg. (IBSP 12039; 13306; 13308; 21043; 21044); São 1-1, r1-1-1, IV v2-2-2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1. Coxae IV with Paulo: Americanópolis, 1 male, 21.VI.2002, C.R.L. ventral, rounded and projected apophyses (Fig. 5). Cavalcante leg. (IBSP 36783); Bragança Paulista, 2 Metatarsi and tarsi I-IV with thin ventral scopulae with males, 29.IV.2003, V.F. José leg. (IBSP 37871); Igaratá, short hairs. Male palp with long tibia. RTA with long 1 female, 26.V.1998, B. Belcsak leg. (IBSP 20320); dorsal branch with several folds on the internal apical Tietê, 1 male, 30.VII.2002, Prefeitura de Tietê leg. border and bifid apex, and short and conical ventral (IBSP 36344); Itú, 1 male, 1 immature, 27.VI.2002, no branch. Ventral apophysis short and with conical apex. collector (IBSP 36771); Piracicaba, 1 female, Cymbium with two basal retrolateral projections, the 27.VI.2001, Prefeitura de Piracicaba leg. (IBSP 29198); more dorsal is large and rounded and the more ventral is Jundiaí,1 female, 9.VI.1997, no collector (IBSP 7624); small and conic (Fig. 7). Embolus curved and laminar, Araras, 1 female, 1996, C. Christianini leg. (IBSP with bifid apex and sinuous and sclerotized basal projec- 8554); São Paulo, 1 female, 8.XII.1969, O. Podreschi tion. Median apophysis curved, with prominent anterior leg. (IBSP 8265); 1 female, 5.V.2003, P.C.A. Paes leg. and posterior projections (Figs. 6-7). (IBSP 37853); 1 female, 06.V.1968, V.A.C. Filho leg. (IBSP 2119); 1 male, 01.IV.1980, R. Somoffi leg. (IBSP FEMALE (IBSP 36325). Coloration pattern as in male. 19815). Total length 20.80. Carapace 10.20 long, 7.90 wide. Clypeus height 0.46. Eyes: diameters AME 0.38; ALE DISTRIBUTION. Southeastern Brazil, states of Espírito 0.42; PME 0.44; PLE 0.42; interdistances AME-AME Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. 0.21, AME-ALE 0.46, PME-PME 0.26, PME-PLE 0.58, ALE-PLE 0.26, AME-PME 0.34. Chelicerae as in male. Isoctenus corymbus sp. nov. Leg measurements: I: femur 9.80/ patella 4.90/ tibiae Figs. 6-9 11.20/ metatarsus 9.30/ tarsus 3.80/ total 39.00; II: 9.60/ 4.70/ 10.10/ 8.50/ 3.40/ 36.30; III: 9.00/ 3.60/ 8.10/ TYPES. Male hototype and female paratype from Lapa 8.40/ 2.90/ 32.00; IV: 10.50/ 4.20/ 11.10/ 13.60/ 4.00/ do Angélica, Parque Estadual de Terra Ronca, São 43.40. Leg formula as in male. Leg spination: tibia I-II Domingos, Goiás, Brazil, September 2004, F. Pellegatti- v2-2-2-2-2, p0, r0, tíbia III-IV v2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1; meta- Franco leg., deposited in IBSP 47613 and 36325, re- tarsus I-II v2-2-2, p0, r0, metatarsus III v2-2-2, p1-1-1, spectively; 1 male paratype, IX.2000, F. Pellegatti- r1-1-1, metatarsus IV v2-2-2-2-2, p1-1-1, r1-1-1. Coxa Franco leg. (MZSP); 1 female paratype, III.2005, F. IV with no apophysis. Metatarsi and tarsi I-IV with Pellegatti-Franco leg. (MZSP). thick and short ventral scopulae. Epigynal plate quad- rangular, not invaginated anteriorly. Lateral spurs ETYMOLOGY. The specific name is a Latin noun that curved (fig. 8). Ovoid lobes conspicuous. Internally, means stalactite, and refers to the stalactites found in with short and curved copulatory ducts. Spermathecae Lapa do Angélica. with a prominent ventral wall, apically constricted, DIAGNOSIS. The males of Isoctenus corymbus can be forming a large and oval base and very small head. distinguished from that of I. coxalis by the larger palpal Fertilization ducts short, curved and originating at the tibia, by the truncated apex of the dorsal branch of the base of spermathecae (Figs 9). RTA and smaller posterior projection of the median apophysis (Figs 6-7). Externally, the female can be VARIATION: Two males: total length 15.90-16.20; cara- distinguished by the acuminate anterior area of the epi- pace 8.30-8.70; femur 11.20-10.40; Two females: total gynal plate and longer lateral spurs. Internally, can be length 20.80-21.00; carapace 9.80-10.60; femur I 9.80- recognized by the little and conical head of the sper- 9.90. mathecae (Figs 8-9). Other material examined. BRAZIL. Goiás: São Domingos, Parque Estadual de Terra Ronca, Lapa do DESCRIPTION. Angélica, 1 female, 2 immatures, 6-7.IX.2000, F. Pelle- MALE (holotype). Chelicerae dark brown. Labium, gatti-Franco leg. (IBSP 26048); 1 male, 4 females, endites, carapace, sternum and legs reddish. Abdomen III.2005, F. Pellegatti-Franco leg. (IBSP 51609-51611); light brown. Total length 16.20. Carapace 8.30 long, São Domingos, 1 male, 11.IX.1997, P. Gnaspini et al. 6.30 wide. Clypeus height 0.48. Eyes: diameters AME leg. (IBSP 23756); 1 female, 26.VII.2000, A. Chagas 0.37; ALE 0.30; PME 0.40; PLE 0.38; interdistances: leg. (IBSP 28001). AME-AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.22, PME-PME 0.16, PME-PLE 0.36, ALE-PLE 0.18, AME-PME 0.16. Che- DISTRIBUTION. Known only from the type locality. licerae with 3 promarginal teeth and 4 retromarginal teeth. Leg measurements: I: femur 11.20/ patella 4.30/ NATURAL HISTORY. All specimens were collected in tibiae 12.00/ metatarsus 11.10/ tarsus 5.00/ total 43.60; the Lapa do Angélica (13o 21’ S, 46o 23’ W) located in II: 8.90/ 3.60/ 9.50/ 9.00/ 3.30/ 34.3; III: 8.40/ 3.50/ the limits of the protected area of the Parque Estadual de 8.30/ 8.70/ 3.40/ 32.30; IV: 10.20/ 3.90/ 10.40/ 14.75/ Terra Ronca, São Domingos, Goiás, Brazil. The cave Isoctenus coxalis comb. nov. and I. corymbus, sp. n. from Brazil. 41 Figures 6-9. Isoctenus corymbus sp. n.: (6) male, right palp, ventral view. (7) male, right palp, retrolateral view. (8) female, epigynum, ventral view. (9) female, epigynum, dorsal view. Scale lines: 0.25 mm. 42 Daniele Polotow, Antonio D. Brescovit & Flávia Pellegatti-Franco has a large entrance and 13.800m of mapped passage- variation in the instar stages could be related to sex or ways, and is a sinkhole for the Angélica Stream. The could simply indicate that the number of preadult instars city of São Domingos is in a carbonate karst area char- is not constant, such as that observed for Teminius acterized by the presence of continuous limestone out- Keyserling (Miturgidae) by Platnick & Shadab (1989: crops belonging to the Bambuí Speleological Province 3). In the first approach, adult males of wandering spi- (Trajano 2001; Bichuette & Trajano 2003). This area is ders can be found next to sub-adult females, suggesting located within the Cerrado (savanna-like vegetation), a that these males are waiting for their last moult in order phytogeographical domain characterized by a tropical to secure copula when the females mature (Johnson, semi-humid climate (Nimer 1989). Specimens of I. 1995; Bonaldo et al. 2000). According to Foelix (1982: corymbus were collected approximately 900m from the 176) males need fewer moults to reach maturity than cave entrance, in an aphotic zone. This species is proba- females, because of their smaller body size. The adult bly a troglophile (able to complete their life cycle both males of I. corymbus range from 15.90 to 16.20 milime- in the hypogean and epygean habitats (Bichuette & ters in total length, and the adult females presents from Trajano 2003)), and is easily kept under laboratory con- 20.80 to 21.00 milimeters. ditions, enduring temperatures of over 25oC. In captiv- ity, this species is a generalist feeder. After copulation, Acknowledgements the females usually eat the male, and they do not aban- don the egg sac for feeding. The embryonic develop- We wish to thank Eleonora Trajano, Cristina A. Rheims, ment was observed under laboratory conditions and Diana Silva and Miguel Simó for helpful suggestions of the lasted 36 days. The post-embryonic development is manuscript. This work was supported by CNPq, CAPES and slow, taking at least four years. The males in the captiv- FAPESP (99/05446-8). This study is part of the BIOTA/ ity became adults after the 17th instar and the females FAPESP - The Biodiversity Virtual Institute Program after the 18th instar. This time difference suggest that the (www.biotasp.org.br). References BERTKAU, P. 1880. Verzeichniss der von Prof. Ed. van Bene- KEYSERLING, E. 1891. Die Spinnen Amerikas. Brasilianische den auf seiner im Auftrage der Belgischen Regierung Spinnen. Nürnberg, 3: 1-278. unternommen wissenschaftlichen Reise nach Brasilien MELLO-LEITÃO, C. F. de. 1936. Contribution à l'étude des und La Plata im Jahren 1872-73 gensammelten Ctenides du Brésil. Festschrift Zum 60. Geburstage von Arachniden. Mémoires Couronnes de la Academie Professor Dr. Embrik Strand, Riga, 1: 1-31. Royale des Sciences, Lettres et Beaux-Arts de Belgi- NIMER, E. 1989. Climatologia do Brasil. 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Bremen, 32: 437-456. to the genus Ctenus, with supplementary notes. An- SIERWALD, P. 1989. Morphology and ontogeny of female nals and Magazine of Natural History, London, (7) 9: copulatory organs in American Pisauridae, with special 401-415. reference to homologous features (Arachnida: Ara- DURIGAN, G. 2004. O cerrado como formação vegetal e bases neae). Smithisonian Contribution to Zoology, Washing- para sua sustentabilidade. In: Flora e fauna: um dos- ton, 484: 1-24. siê ambiental. Botucatu, Editora UNESP, p. 173-177. SILVA, D.D. 2003. Higher-level relationships of the spider EICKSTEDT, V. R. von. 1975. Aranhas coletadas nas grutas family Ctenidae (Araneae: Ctenoidea). Bulletin of the calcárias de Iporanga, São Paulo, Brasil. Memórias do American Museum of Natural History, New York, Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, 39: 61-71. 274: 1-86. FERNANDES, A. 1998. Fitogeografia brasileira. Fortaleza, SIMÓ, M. & A.D. BRESCOVIT. 2001. Revision and cladistic Multigraf Editora, 340p. analysis of the netropical genus Phoneutria (Araneae, FOELIX, R.F. 1982. Biology of spiders. Harvard University Ctenidae), with notes on the related Cteninae. Bulletin Press, Cambridge, 306p. British of the Arachnological Society, Dorset, 12 (2), HÖFER, H., BRESCOVIT, A.D. & GASNIER, T. 1994. The wan- 67-82. dering spiders of the genus Ctenus (Ctenidae, Ara- TRAJANO, E. 2001. Habitat and population data of troglobitic neae) of Reserva Ducke, a rainforest reserve in central armored cave catfish, Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis, Amazonia. Andrias, Karlsruhe, 13: 81-98. 1987, from central Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). JOHNSON, S.R. 1995. Nests of Hibana gracilis are reused by Environmental Biology of Fishes, 62: 195-200. Phidippus clarus in weatlands of northeastern Kansas. Journal of Arachnology, Indianopolis, 23: 44-45.

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