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A new species of Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) from Colombia PDF

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Preview A new species of Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) from Colombia

Dugesiana, Año 25, No. 2, julio 2018-diciembre 2018 (segundo semestre de 2018), es una publicación semestral, editada por la Universidad de Guadalajara, a través del Centro de Estudios en Zoología, por el Centro Universita- rio de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias. Camino Ramón Padilla Sánchez # 2100, Nextipac, Zapopan, Jalisco, Tel. 37771150 ext. 33218,, [email protected]. Edi- tor responsable: José Luis Navarrete Heredia. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo 04-2009-062310115100- 203, ISSN: 2007-9133, otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última ac- tualización de este número: José Luis Navarrete Heredia, Editor y Ana Laura González-Hernández, Asistente Editorial. Fecha de la última modificación 25 de julio 2018, con un tiraje de un ejemplar. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura del editor de la publicación. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de los contenidos e imágenes de la publicación sin previa autorización de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Dugesiana 25(2): 73-75 ISSN 1405-4094 (edición impresa) Fecha de publicación: 25 de julio 2018 ISSN 2007-9133 (edición online) ©Universidad de Guadalajara http://zoobank.org/C82AAAA0-4243-455A-AD8B-3104C0ACE3C8 A new species of Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) from Colombia Una nueva especie de Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) de Colombia Eugenia Fernanda Contreras1*, Lilia Estela Neder1 and María del Carmen Coscarón2 1 Instituto de Biología de la Altura, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Av Bolivia 1661. 4600. San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina. 2 Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Paseo del Bosque S/N.1900. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, e-mail: [email protected]* RESUMEN Una especie nueva del género Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974: I. zipaquirensis sp. n. Contreras, Neder y Coscarón de Zipaquirá, Colombia es descripta e ilustrada. Esta especie es cercana a I. sahlbergi (Bergroth, 1886) y a I. simulans (Walker, 1873) por la presencia de una callosidad oval en el escutelo y por los ángulos anterolaterales del pronoto redondeados; pero puede distinguirse de estas por los siguientes caracteres: escutelo con una callosidad redondeada grande sobre la mitad anterior; conexivo delgado; paratergitos VIII del macho rectangulares con el ápice truncado, y ubicados oblicuamente a la longitud del pigóforo. Se ofrecen ilustraciones de la genitalia de la nueva especie. Palabras clave: Aneurinae, Colombia, taxonomía, Zipaquirá. ABSTRACT A new species of genus Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974: I. zipaquirensis Contreras, Neder and Coscarón sp. n. from Zipaquirá, Colombia, is described and illustrated. This new species is close to I. sahlbergi (Bergroth, 1886) and I. simulans (Walker, 1873) for the presence of a callus on the scutellum and the anterolateral angles of pronotum rounded, but can be distinguished by the following characters: scutellum with a large rounded callus on anterior half; connexiva narrow; male paratergites VIII rectangular with truncated apex, reaching half the length of pygophore. Figures of the genitalia of the new species are provided. Key words: Aneurinae, Colombia, taxonomy, Zipaquirá. The genus Iralunelus Ŝtys belongs to the Aneurinae York, United States of America (AMNH). Measurements subfamily and is distributed in the Neotropical, Neartic and are given in millimeters and morphological characters were Paleartic regions. Initially it was proposed as a subgenus analyzed using optical instruments EZ4 Leica and camera of Aneurus by Ŝtys (1974) base on the presence of a Sony DSC-P200. split abdominal segment VII. Kormilev and Froeschner (1987) promoted it to full generic rank, and included 20 RESULTS species of which 18 are distributed in the Neotropical TAXONOMY Region: Iralunelus aibonitensis (Kormilev, 1968b), I. Aradidae Brullé, 1836 bergi (Kormilev, 1980), I. bispinosus (Kormilev, 1960a), I. Aneurinae Douglas and Scott, 1865 bolivianus (Kormilev, 1960b), I. carioca (Kormilev, 1968a), Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974 I. costariquensis (Kormilev, 1982), I. flavomaculatus Iralunelus zipaquirensis sp. nov. (Distant, 1893), I. fritzi (Kormilev, 1960b), I. leptocerus Figures 1 A-C (Hussey, 1957), I. longicornis (Kormilev, 1982), I. http://zoobank.org/6EF591BF-17BB-436D-907B- marginalis (Walker, 1873), I. monrosi (Kormilev, 1980), I. EB4EB88698B4 plaumanni (Kormilev, 1965), I. sahlbergi (Bergroth, 1886), Diagnosis. I. zipaquirensis presents the following I. simulans (Walker, 1873), I. subdipterus (Burmeister, characters: scutellum with a large, rounded callus on the 1835), I. tenuis (Champion, 1898), I. wygodzinskyi (Picchi, anterior half (Fig. 1A); connexiva narrow (Fig. 1A); male 1977), one in the Nearctic Region Iralunelus politus (Say, paratergites VIII rectangular with truncate apex, half the 1832) and one in the Palearctic Region: I. gallicus (Ŝtys, length of pygophore (Fig. 1C). Parameres shaped, dentate 1974). Subsequently, the records by Coscarón and Contreras at middle, with long setae in the distal portion. (2012, 2015) extended the distribution of I. politus into the Description. Holotype male (Fig. 1A) Small. Total Neotropics. The present work describes a new species of length 4.70 mm, body oval, surface rugose; head, pronotum, Iralunelus from Colombia. scutellum and basal portion of hemelytra dark brown; labium, coxa, connexiva and abdominals sterna reddish MATERIALS AND METHODS brown. The description is based on three males and two females Head. Almost as long as wide across eyes (1: 1.05). provided by the American Museum of Natural History, New © 2018 Universidad de Guadalajara, Dugesiana 25(2): 73-75 73 Contreras, E.F. et al. Clypeus conical, exceeding the antennal segment I; genae 0,19-0,19, II: ♀ 0,24; ♂ 0,23-0,26-0.27 III: ♀0,29; ♂ 0,25- poorly developed and barely visible dorsally. Antennae 0,25-0,26; IV: ♀ 0,62; ♂ 0,51-0,56-0,57. Pronotum length: about twice the width of the head (1: 1.98), antenniferous ♀ 0,71; ♂ 0,64-0,67-0,69., width: ♀1,51; ♂ 1,46-1,49-1,51. lobes subrectangular anterolaterallty rounded; antennal Scutelum length: ♀ 0,60; ♂ 0,62-0,69-0,70., width: ♀ 1,17; segment I suboval, II basally narrowed, III cylindrical of ♂ 1,01-1,06-1,08. Abdomen length: ♀ 3,10; ♂ 2,55-2,86- the same length as II, IV fusiform, distal portion of the 3,12, width: ♀ 2,07; ♂1,89-1,98-2,03. Pygophore length: III and IV beset with hairs. Relative length of segments 0,39-0,43-0,44., width: 0,40-0,43-0,44. I:II:III:IV= 1:1.53:1.53:3.11, eyes moderately large, Material examined: Holotype. ♂, Colombia, protruding; postocular tubercles (pt) short, not reaching the Cundinamarca, Road Zipaquirá to Pacho, 3400 m, 5° outer margin of the eyes; vertex transversely striate with 03´ 51,55´´ N, 74° 02´ 22,66´´ W, 22-VII, 1967, P & two ovate callosities; labium reaching the posterior margin B. Wygodzinsky, (AMNH). Allotype. ♀, Colombia, of eyes. Cundinamarca, Road Zipaquirá to Pacho, 3400 m, 5° Pronotum. Length less than half of maximum width 03´ 51,55´´ N, 74° 02´ 22,66´´ W, 22-VII, 1967, P & B. (1: 2.14); anterior margin concave at middle, anterolateral Wygodzinsky (AMNH). angles rounded, not extending beyond the collar, neither Paratypes. 1 ♀ and 3 ♂, same data (AMNH). exceeding the neck; lateral margins of anterior lobe Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type converging anteriorly, subsequently divergingand with locality (Zipaquirá). deep lateral cleft; fore disk with four callosities; hind disk Distribución. Cundinamarca, Colombia. granulate anteriorly, and with an elongated depression in the Natural history. Unknown, except that the habitat in posterior half, followed by transverse striations posteriorly; which this species was collected is located at an altitude of posterior margin slightly curved in the middle. 3400 m. Scutellum. Semicircular, shorter than basal width (1: Comentary. The most similar species to I. zipaquirensis 1.61); fore disc depressed with a large spot (ss) that exceeds are I. sahlbergi (Bergroth, 1886) and I. simulans (Walker, half lenght of scutellum; hind disc with semicircular 1873) for the presence of a callus on the scutellum and striations. the rounded anterolateral angles of pronotum. However, I. Abdomen. Ovate, longer than wide across segment sahlbergi differs by the poorly marked pronotal callosities IV (1: 0.69); connexiva narrow (c) with smooth lateral and dark body coloration. In Iralunelus sahlbergi and I. margins; postero-exterior angles not protruding; tergum VII simulans the pygophore is longer than wide and the apex of with two triangular paratergites (pa VII); spiracles II and paratergites VIII are rounded. VII located laterally and visible from above; those of III -VI more ventrally, far from outer margin of connexivum; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS VIII terminal. Hemelytra distally surpassing half of tergum We thank Mario Linares for taking the pictures. We want VII, corium longer than half lenght of scutellum (1: 0.6); to express our gratitude to Randall Schuh and Ruth Salas membrane finelly wrinkled. (AMNH) for the loan of the specimens studied. This work Legs. Femora and tibiae striated and pilose. was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Genital structures. (Fig. 1C): pygophore piriform and as Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). long as wide (1: 1); paratergites VIII (pa VIII) rectangular with truncate apex, half the lenght of pygophore. Parameres LITERATURE CITED blade shaped, dentate at middle, apically with long setae Bergroth, E. 1886. Zur Kenntniss der Aradiden. (sp). Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Female. (Fig. 1B): paratergites of segment VIII Gesellschaft in Wien, 36: 53–60. subtriangular, not surpassing the segment. Brullé, A. 1836. Histoire naturelle des insects, traitant Measurements. Holotype male. Total length: 4.70 mm. de leur organization et de leurs moeurs en general, Head length: 0.62 mm., width: 0.65 mm. Antennal segments et comprenant leur classification et la description des length I: 0.17, II: 0.26, III: 0.26, IV: 0.53. Pronotum espèces. Pillot, Paris. length: 0.69 mm., width: 1.48 mm. Scutellum length: 0.65 Burmeister H.C.C. 1835–1839. Handbuch der Entomologie. mm., width: 1.05 mm. Abdomen length: 2.69 mm., width 2 vol. T. Enslin, Berlin. 1.86 mm. Pygophore length: 0.40 mm., width: 0.40 mm. Champion, G.C. 1898. Insecta. Rhynchota. (Hemiptera - Allotype female. Total length: 5.18 mm. Head length: 0.67 Heteroptera). (vol. 2, pp.33-192). In: Godwin F. and O. mm., width: 0.73 mm. Antennal segments length I: 0.21, II: Salvin (Eds.). Biologia Centrali- Americana. Taylor and 0.26, III: 0.28, IV: 0.60. Pronotum length: 0.74 mm., width: Francis, London. 1.55 mm. Scutellum length: 0.63 mm., width: 1.12 mm. Coscarón, M.C. & E.F. Contreras. 2012. Catalog of Abdomen length: 3.10 mm., width 2.10 mm. Aradidae (Hemiptera:Heteoptera) for the Neotropical Paratypes. Total length: ♀ 5,1; ♂ 4,45-4,92-5,10. Head Region. Zootaxa, (3466): 1–103. length: ♀ 0,65; ♂ 0,51-0,64-0,66., width: ♀ 0,70; ♂ 0,54- Coscarón, M.C. and E.F. Contreras. 2015. Flat Bugs 0,66-0,67. Antennal segments length I: ♀ 0,19, ♂ 0,17- (Aradidae) (pp 423 – 458). In: Pannizi R.A. and J. 74 © 2018 Universidad de Guadalajara, Dugesiana 25(2): 73-75 A new species of Iralunelus Ŝtys, 1974 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) from Colombia Grazia (Eds.) True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Neotropics. of the United States National Museum, 125 (3657): Springer publishing, London. 1–12. Distant, W.L. 1893. Descriptions of New Genera and New Kormilev N.A. 1980. Sobre especies Argentinas del género Species of Neotropical Rhynchota. Transactions of the Aneurus, Curtis, 1825. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 36 (1): Royal Entomological Society of London, 41 (1): 83–96. 53–56. Douglas, J.W. and J. Scott. 1865. The British Hemiptera. Kormilev N.A. 1982. Records and Descriptions of Central Volume I, Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Ray Society, London. American Aradidae (Hemiptera). The Wasmann Journal Hussey, R.F. 1957. Two Changes in name of Hemiptera of Biology, 40 (1–2): 26–44. (Aneuridae and Miridae). Florida Entomology, 40 (2): Kormilev N.A. and R.C. Froeschner 1987. Flat Bugs of 80. the World. A Synonymic List (Heteroptera: Aradidae). Kormilev, N.A. 1960a. Notas sobre Aradidae Neotropicales Entomography, 5: 1–246. VIII (Hemiptera). Anales de la Sociedad Científica Picchi V.D. 1977. A Systematic Review of the Genus Argentina, 169(5–6): 83–94. Aneurus Curtis of North and Middle America and Kormilev, N.A. 1960b. Notes on Neotropical Aradidae XI the West Indies (Hemiptera: Aradidae). Quaestiones (Hemiptera). Journal of the New York Entomological Entomologicae, 13 (3): 155–308. Society, 68 (4): 208–220. Say T. 1832. Descriptions of new species of Heteropterous Kormilev, N.A. 1965. Notes on Neotropical Aradidae XV Hemiptera of North America. New Harmony, Indiana. (Hemiptera - Heteroptera). Opuscula Zoologica, (84): Ŝtys P. 1974. Morphological and taxonomic notes on the 1–7. Aneurinae, with description of Aneurus (Iralunelus Kormilev N.A. 1968a. Notes on Neotropical Aradidae subgen. n.) gallicus sp. n. from France, and a world list XVIII (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Papeis Avulsos de of species (Heteroptera, Aradidae). Acta Entomologica Zoologia, 22(6): 47–56. Bohemoslovaca, 71 (2): 86–104. Kormilev N.A. 1968b. North and Central American species Walker F. 1873. Corticolae. Catalogue of the Specimens of of Aneurus Curtis (Hemiptera: Aradidae). Proceedings Hemiptera Heteroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Part VII: 6-44. Recibido:7 de noviembre 2017 Aceptado: 1 de febrero 2018 Figure 1 (A-C). Iralunelus zipaquirensis sp. n. (A) Male holotype, spot on scutellum (ss), connexivum (c), dorsal view; (B) Female allotype, terminal segments VI-IX, paratergites of segment VII (pa-VII), paratergites of segment VIII (pa-VIII), dorsal view; (C) Male holotype, terminal segments VI-VIII, paratergites of segment VII (pa-VII), paratergites of segment VIII (pa-VIII), setae of paramere (sp), dorsal view. © 2018 Universidad de Guadalajara, Dugesiana 25(2): 73-75 75

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