J. New YorkEntomol. Soc. 101(4):531-535, 1993 A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF COLEOPTEROID OZOPHORINE FROM MEXICO (HEMIPTERA: LYGAEIDAE) James A. Slater1 ‘Department ofEcology and Evolutionary Biology, University ofConnecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269 Abstract.—A new genus and species, Brailovskyocoris curculionoides, is described from the mountains ofOaxaca, Mexico. It is placed in the lygaeid tribe Ozophorini ofthe subfamily Rhyparochrominae. Comments are made on the extreme coleoptery shown and habitats and examples ofsuch conditionsdiscussed. Figures are included ofthe entire insect and details of the abdomen and genital capsule. Through the kindnessofDr. Roy Danielsson ofLund University I have been able to examine a series ofremarkable coleopteroid lygaeids from the mountains ofOa- xaca, Mexico. Slater(1985)describedasIcaracorismontanusacompletelyflightlesscoleopteroid lygaeid taken at 12,000 ft in the mountains ofColombia. I placed the genus in the tribe Ozophorini with some hestiation because ofthe loss ofseveral diagnostic fea- turesduetomodifications(presumably)in thedevelopmentofthecoleopteroidbody form. DIAGNOSIS ThespeciesdescribedbelowshowsasgreatadegreeofcoleopteryasdoesIcaracoris, but retains a complete trichobothrial component (Fig. 2) together with many mod- ifications also seen in Icaracoris. This strengthens the placement ofboth genera in the tribe Ozophorini. While, as noted by Slater (1985), it is true that the Ozophorini is defined (in the absence ofnymphs) chiefly by the loss ofthe abdominal inner laterotergites, there are several features that indicate placement ofthese taxa in that tribe. The presence ofallventralspiraclesprecludesallNeotropicaltribesbuttheAntillocorini,Lethaeini and Plinthisini. The latter have an intersegmental membrane in the abdomen. The Antillocorini have inner laterotergites. The Lethaeini have linear abdominal tricho- bothria and a reduced posterior abdominal scent gland. Most rhyparochromine taxa that possess a Y-suture in the nymph also have the anterior scent gland scar in the adult much larger than the scars between terga 4-5 and 5-6. This is true ofIcaracoris, but it isoflittle value in determiningthe position of the present genus as the scent gland scars (and presumably the nymphal scent glands)areveryreduced,duetotheextremedesclerotizationoftheabdominaltergum. In addition to the lack ofinner laterotergites, the ventral position ofthe spiracles, the trichobothria in the plesiomorphic position and the spines on the forefemur set upon distinct tubercles all support the placement of the genus in the Ozophorini. Thiscombination ofcharacters is a common situation in the Ozophorini, but is not, to my knowledge, present in other tribes of Neotropical Lygaeidae with ventral spiracles. 532 JOURNAL OFTHE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Vol. 101(4) Since Ozophorini are abundant, diverseand apparentlyofvery longoccurrence in the Neotropics it is not surprising that highly modified montane taxa occur. Indeed a number of other genera of Ozophorini possess a flightless morph, although the bodymodificationsarelessextremethan in Icaracorisandthegenusdescribedbelow. For example, species ofBalboa Distant, Ozophora Uhler. Bergidea Breddin,Micry- menus Bergroth and A/lotrophora Slater & Brailovsky all contain species that have modified forewings (sometimes coleopteroid) and are flightless. Brailovskyocoris. new genus Type species: Brailovskyocoris curculionoides, new species. Body short, elliptical, strongly convex. Head markedly declivent; eyessessile; ver- tex tumidly convex. No ocelli. Bucculae strongly produced downward at anterior end. Pronotum not separated into anterior and posterior lobes; calli large, swollen particularly mesallyto form a mediantrough between them; lateral pronotal margins sharply carinate. Prothorax less thickened dorso-ventrally than mesothorax, meta- thoraxand abdomen. Scutellum lackinga median carina; basal halfdepressed, distal halfelevated evenly to apex. Hemelytron consisting ofa strongly convex, coarsely punctatae beetle-like structure. Each hemelytron meetingevenlyat midline formost oflength. Clavus and corium completely fused, but claval suture presumably rep- resented by an elevated pale calloused stripe. No membrane present. Hemelytra extending posteriorly to 7th abdominal tergum. Hind wings absent. Metathoracic scentgland auriclecursingslightly and evenlycaudad. Evaporativearea small, trun- cate at outer margin, extending dorso-laterad only over inner halfofmetapleuron, presentonposteriorrim ofmesopleuron. Forefemorawith 2 largespinesarisingfrom tubercles ventrally on distal VY Abdominal terga 2 through 5 largely desclerotized sclerotization on terga 3. 4 and 5 reduced to transverselyquadrateorelliptical mesal plates (Fig. 3). Dorsal abdominal scent gland scars present between terga 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6, but minute (Fig. 3). No inner laterotergites present. All spiracles ventral and located belowsternal shelf(Fig. 2). Trichobothriawith a pairofposteriortricho- bothria located one above the other and posterior to spiracle on sterna 5, 6 and 7 (Fig. 2). Male genital capsule with a rounded posterior projection (Figs. 4. 5). Despite a similar forewing modification Brailovsky’ocoris and Icaracoris are not closely related. The latter has mutic forefemora, a much larger anterior abdominal scentgland scarbetween terga 3-4 than between terga4-5 and 5-6; adeeplyconcave posterior pronotal margin, a short almost circular metathoracic scent gland auricle, longconspicuous hairs on the dorsal body surface, a tylusthat attains orexceeds the end ofthe first antennal segment, an evenly convex pronotum with lateral margins produced and “flange-like.” There is no obvious ozophorine that appears to be the sister group ofthis highly modified species. As noted by Slater(1985) such extreme coleoptery is usually accompanied by loss of, or extreme reduction of. the hind wing and often by a partially desclerotized abdominal tergum. Such lygaeids appear to occur primarily, if not exclusively, in two habitats. First, at high elevati—ons in mountains (Icaracoris; Brailovskyocoris, undescribedspeciesofAntillocorini Neotropics;MicrolugenocorisScudder;Scolop- oslethuscoleoptratusSlater; undescribed speciesofLethaeini—Ethiopian. Second, in 1993 NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF COLEOPTEROID OZOPHORINE 533 Fig. 1. Brailovskyocoriscurculionoides, new species, dorsal view. 534 JOURNAL OFTHE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Vol. 101(4) Figs. 2-5. Brailovskyocoris curculionoides new species. 2. Abdomen, lateral view. 3. Ab- domen, dorsal view. 4. Genital capsule, dorsal view. 5. Genital capsule, lateral view. xerichabitatsoflongtimeecologicalstability(ColeocorisGross; CarabocorisGross— Australia; Saxicoris Slater, Psammium Breddin—south western Africa; Sytnpeplus Bergroth—India). (However, in other familiesofHemipteracoleopteryoccurs under very different conditions). This remarkable genus is named for my good friend and colleague Dr. Harry Brailovsky ofthe University ofMexico in recognition ofhis major contributions to our knowledge ofMexican and Neotropical Hemiptera. Brailovskyocoris curculionoides, new species (Fig. 1) Head, pronotal calli, scutellum, a large spot near middle ofeach hemelytron, a smaller spot on eitherside ofmidline nearapex ofeach hemelytron, all femora, fore and middletibiae, proximal anddistalendsofhind tibiae, fourth antennal segments, labium and entire pleural and sternal surfaces black to dark chocolate brown. Re- mainderofdorsal surface a strongly contrasting mottled yellowish to reddish brown with irregularcalloused white maculae on hemelytraadjacentto scutellum, posterior to and slightly mesad ofblack hemelytral patches and as an elevated stripe outlining fused claval suture. Tarsi and shaft ofhind tibiae and antennal segments 1, 2 and 3 yellow. Entire body surface deeply and coarsely punctate. Surface subshining, no : 1993 NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OFCOLEOPTEROIDOZOPHORINE 535 pruinosity present. Appearing glabrous, but with minute hairs arising from many punctures. Eyes small, set slightly away from antero-lateral margins ofpronotum. Tylus at- taining middle offirst antennal segment. Length head 0.60, width 0.66, interocular space 0.40. Inner portion ofpronotal calli and dark spots on hemelytra swollen to give a “lumpy” appearance to convex body surface. Anterior pronotal collar poorly differentiated,lackingadeepimpressedposteriorline;lateralpronotalmarginsevenly rounded, posterior margin straight. Length pronotum 0.50, width 0.92. Length scu- tellum 0.42, width 0.52. Hemelytral surface most stronglyconvexat middle, sloping downwardbothanteriorlyandposteriorly;lateralmarginscarinate,evenlyandbroad- ly rounded, strongly tapered to posteriorend. Length wing pad 1.68. Length “claval commissure” 1.26. Labiumextendingbetweenmetacoxae.Approximatelengthlabial segments I 0.36, II 0.36, III 0.24, IV 0.20. Antennae terete, fourth segment broadly fusiform. Length antennal segments I 0.30, II 0.38, III 0.32, IV 0.42. Total body length 2.64. Holotype: Male. MEXICO: Oaxaca: 57 km. S. ValleNacional. 2600m. 13.XI.1989. (R. Baranowski). In Lund University Museum. Paratypes: MEXICO: Oaxaca 2 males, 2 females. 58 km. S. ValleNacional. 2,700 m. 10.XI.1989. (R. Baranowski). 1 female sameexcept 7. IX.1986. 1 female. 61 km. S. Valle Nacional. 2,900 m. 10. XI.1989. (R. Baranowski). In Lund University and J. A. Slater collections. These remarkable beetle-like lygaeids are apparently adapted for living at high altitudes. Ascan be seen above the type serieswas taken at 3 separate localities(and in two different years) at 9,000 ft or above. The beetle resemblance is enhanced by the convexity and “bumpiness” ofthe fore wings and the reduction in depth ofthe prothorax. Itseemsunlikelythatgiventheextrememodificationsinboth sexesthata macrop- terous morph exists. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my deepest thanks to Dr. Roy Danielsson (Lund University) for the loan ofmaterial and to Dr. R. Baranowski ofthe same institution for the collection ofmany rare ground living Lygaeidae. My appreciation is extended to Mr. Steven Thurston (formerly U. ofConnecticut) for the execution of the dorsal view drawing and to Ms. Mary Jane Sping (U. ofConnecticut) for providing the other illustrations. I am indebted to the U. ofConnecticut Research Foundation for financial assistance. LITERATURE CITED Slater, J. A. 1985. A remarkable new coleopteroid lygaeid from Colombia (Hemiptera: Het- eroptera). Inti. J. Ent. 27:229-234. Received 17 September 1992; accepted 18 December 1992.