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The Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries Written by leading scholars, each volume in the Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries series presents the life and work of an individual philosopher in a scholarly yet accessible manner. Entries cover key ideas and thoughts, as well as the main themes of the philosopher's work. A comprehensive biographical sketch is also included. The dictionaries are ideal for both research and course use. A Descartes Dictionary John (Nottingham A Hegel Dictionary Michael Inwood A Heidegger Dictionary Michael Inwood A Hobbes Dictionary A. P. Martinich A Kant Dictionary Howard Caygill A Locke Dictionary John W. Yolton A Rousseau Dictionary N.J. H. Dent A Wittgenstein Dictionary Hansjohann Glock The Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries A Heidegger Dictionary Michael Inwood BLACKWELL Copyright © Michael Inwood 1999 The right of Michael Inwood to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 First published 1999 2468 10 9753 1 Blackwell Publishers Ltd 108 Cowley Road Oxford 0X4 IJF UK Blackwell Publishers Inc. 350 Main Street Maiden, Massachusetts 02148 USA All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for die purposes of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without die prior permission of die publisher. Except in die United States of America, this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or odierwise circulated widiout die publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover odier dian diat in which it is published and without a similar condition including diis condition being imposed on die subsequent purchaser. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for diis book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Inwood, M. J., 1944- A Heidegger dictionary / Michael Inwood. p. cm. - (The Blackwell philosopher dictionaries) Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISBN 0-631-19094-5 (hardcover : alk. paper). - ISBN 0-631-19095-3 (pbk. alk. paper) 1. Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976-Dictionaries. I. Tide. B3279.H48Z44 1999 II. Series _ „ 193-dc21 99-17512 CIP Typeset in 10 on 12 pt Baskerville by SetSystems Ltd, Saffron Waiden, Essex Printed in Great Britain by MPG Books, Victoria Square, Bodmin, Cornwall This book is printed on acid-free paper. Contents Acknowledgements vi System of abbreviations vii Notes on the use of this book xvi Heidegger and his language 1 DICTIONARY ENTRIES 13 Further reading 251 General index 253 Index of foreign words and expressions 269 Acknowledgements I wish to acknowledge some debts. William Inwood (1918-1993) per- suaded me to study ancient Greek, long before I recognized its import- ance for the understanding of German philosophy. My colleagues at Trinity College granted me sabbatical leave to complete the book and have given me much help and encouragement. In dedicating this book to my wife, Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, I express my gratitude for her constant support and advice. Trinity College, Oxford May, 1999 System of abbreviations In references to Heidegger's texts, a slash separates the pagination of the German work from the pagination of the published English translation. In many translations, especially of BT and the volumes of the Gesamtaus- gabe, the German pagination is recorded. Where this is the case, I have given only the German pagination in my references. My translations often differ from those in the published translation. Volumes of Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe, the 'complete edition' pub- lished by Klostermann in Frankfurt from 1975 on, I usually cite by roman numerals, as follows: I Yol.LFruhe Schrifien, ed. F.-W. von Herrmann (1978), contain- ing writings from 1912-16. XV Vol. 15:Seminare, ed. C. Ochwadt (1986), containing seminars from 1951 -73/partially translated in M. Heidegger and E. Fink, Heraclitus Seminar, tr. CH. Seibert (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1993) XVII Vol.17 '-.Einfuhrung in die phanomenologische Forschung, ed. F.-W. von Herrmann (1994), lectures of 1923-4 XIX Vol.19-.Platon: Sophistes, ed. I.Schùssler (1992), lectures of 1924-5/Plato's 'Sophist', tr. R. Rojcewicz and A. Schuwer (Bloo- mington: Indiana University Press, 1997) XX lo.20.Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs, ed. P. Jaeger (1979: 2nd ed. 1988), lectures of 1925/Hutory of the Concept of Time: Prolegomena, tr. T. Kisiel (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985) XXI Vol.21 .Logik. Die Frage nach der Wahrheit, ed. W. Biemel (1976), lectures of 1925-6/Logic: The Question of Truth, tr. T. Sheehan and R. Lilly (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forth- coming) XXII Io.22:Die Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie, ed. F.-K. Blust (1993), lectures of 1926 vu SYSTEM OF ABBREVIATIONS XXIV Vol.24:Z)i« Grundprobleme der Phànomenologie, ed. F.-W. von Herrmann (1975: 2nd ed. 1989), lectures of 19271 The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, tr. A. Hofstadter (Bloomington: Indi- ana University Press, 1982) XXV Vol. 25:Phanomenologische Interpretation von Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, ed. I. Gôrland (1977: 2nd ed. 1987), lectures of 1927-8/ Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason', tr. P. Emad and K. Maly (Bloomington: Indiana Univer- sity Press, 1997) XXVI Vol.26\Metaphysische Anfangsgriinde der Logik im Ausgang von Leib- niz, ed. K Held (1978: 2nd ed. 1990), lectures of 19281 The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic, tr. M. Heim (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984) XXVII Vol.27-.Einleitung in die Philosophie, ed. 0. Saame and I. Saame- Speidel (1996), lectures of 1928-9 XXVIII Vol. 28:Der deutsche Idealismus (Fichte, Schelling Hegel) und die philosophische Problemlage der Gegenwart, ed. C. Strube (1997), lectures of 1929 XXIX Vol.29/30:Di« Grundbegriffe derMetaphysik. Welt-Endlichkeit-Einsa- mkeit, ed. F.-W. von Herrmann (1983), lectures of 1929-30/ The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World-Finitude-solitude, tr. W. McNeill and N. Walker (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994) XXXI Vol. 31 : Van Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit. Einleitung in die Philo- sophie, ed. H. Tietjen (1982), lectures of 1930 XXXII Vol.S2:Hegels Phànomenologie des Geistes, ed. I. Gôrland (1980), lectures of 1930-/1 Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit', tr. P. Emad and K Maly (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988) XXXIII Vol.33:Amtotefe$: Metaphysik 0 1-3: Vom Wesen und Wirklichkeit der Kraft, ed. H. Huni (1981), lectures of 1931/Aristotle's Meta- physics 0 1-3: On the Essence and Actuality of Force, tr. W. Brogan and P. Warnek (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996) XXXrV Vol.34: Vom Wesen der Wahrheit. Zu Piatons Hòhlengleichnis und Theatet, ed. H. Môrchen (1988), lectures of 1931-2 XXXIX Vo\.S9:Hôlderlins Hymnen 'Germanien'und DerRhein', ed. S. Zie- gler (1980: 2nd ed. 1989), lectures of 1934-5 XLV Vol.45:Grundfragen der Philosophie. Ausgewâhlte 'Probleme' der 'Logik', ed. F.-W. von Herrmann (1984: 2nd ed. 1992), lectures ofl937-8/ Basic Questions ofP hilosophy: Selected 'Problems 'of 'Logic ', tr. R. Rojcewicz and A. Schuwer (Bloomington: Indiana Univer- sity Press, 1994) vui SYSTEM OF ABBREVIATIONS XLIX Vo\A9:Die Metaphysik des deutschen Idealismus (Schelling), ed. G. Seubold (1991), lectures of 1941 LI Vol.51 :Grundbegriffe, ed. P. Jaeger (1981:2nd ed. 1991), lectures of 1941/.BaSM; Concepts, tr. G. E. Aylesworth (Bloomington: Indi- ana University Press, 1993) LrV Vo\M:Parmenides, ed. M. S. Frings (1982), lectures of 1942-3/ Parmenides, tr. R. Rojcewicz and A. Schuwer (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992) LV Vol.55 :Heraklit. Der Anf ang der abendlàndischen Denkens. Logik. Heraklits Lehre vom Logos, ed. M. S. Frings (1979), lectures of 1943 and 1944 LVI Vol.56/57: Zur Bestimmung der Philosophie, ed. B. Heimbuchel (1987), lectures of 1919 LVIII \o\.58:Grundprobleme der Phànomenologie, ed. H.-H. Gander (1992), lectures of 1919-20 LTX Vol.59:Phànomenobgie der Anschauung und des Ausdrucks. Theorie derphilosophischen Begriffsbildung, ed. C. Strube (1993), lectures of 1920 LX Voi60:Phànomenologie des religiôsen Lebens, ed. M. Jung, T. Regehly and C. Strube (1995), lectures of 1918-9, 1920-1, 1921 LXI Vo 1.61 :Phànomenobgische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles. Einfûhrung in diephànomenologische Forschung, ed. W. and K. Brôcker (1985), lectures of 1921-2 LXIII Vol.63: Ontotogie (Hermeneutik der Faktizitàt), ed. K Brôcker (1988), lectures of 1923/Ontology (Hermeneutics of Facticity), tr. J. van Buren (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995) LXV Vo\.65:Beitràge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), ed. F.-W. von Herrmann (1989), manuscripts of 1936-8 Other works by, and translations of, Heidegger: Anax 'Der Spruch des Anaximander', in H, 296-343/The Anaximan- der Fragment' in M. Heidegger, Early Greek Thinking, tr. D.F.Krell and F.A. Capuzzi (New York: Harper & Row, 1984), 13-58 (A lecture of 1946) AWP 'Die Zeit des Weltbildes' in H, 69-104/The Age of the World Picture', in qct, 115-154 (A lecture of 1938) BT Sein und Zeit (15th ed. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1979)/Being and Time, tr. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson (Oxford: Blackwell, 1962) (Joan Stambaugh's new translation (Albany: State Univer- IX SYSTEM OF ABBREVIATIONS sity of New York Press, 1996) appeared too late for me to make use of it.) (First published in 1927) CT Der Be griff der Zeit/The Concept of Time, tr. W. McNeill (Blackwell, Oxford, 1992). (A bilingual edition of a lecture of 1924) D 'Das Ding', in VA, 157-179/The Thing', in pit, 165-186 (A lecture of 1950) DS Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus, in I, Friihe Schriften, 189-412 (Duns Scotus's Doctrines of Categories and Mean- ing. Heidegger's habilitation dissertation of 1915) EB M. Heidegger, Existence and Being (London: Vision Press, 1949) (Four essays by Heidegger with extensive commentary by W. Brock) ECP 'Vom Wesen und Begriff der Phusis. Aristoteles, Physik, B, 1', in W, 237-299. ('On the Essence and Concept of Phusis: Aristoue, Physics, B,l': Written in 1939, first published in 1958) EHP Erlâuterungen zu Hôlderlins Dichtung (Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1981) (Elucidations of Hôlderlins Poetry: a collection of essays, based on lectures from 1936 on) ep The End of Philosophy, tr. J. Stambaugh (Harper & Row: New York, 1973), containing Nil, 399-490, and OM from VA, 71-99 EPTT 'Das Ende der Philosophie und die Aufgabe des Denkens', in M. Heidegger, Zur Sache des Denkens (Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1969), 61-80/'the End of Philosophy and the Task of Think- ing', in Krell, 431-449 ER Vom Wesen des Grundes/The Essence of Reasons, tr. T. Malick (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1969) (A bilingual edition of an essay first published in 1929) ET 'Vom Wesen der Wahrheit' in W, 175-199/'On the Essence of Truth', in Krell, 115-138 (First published in 1943, on the basis of a lecture of 1930) G Gelassenheit (Pfullingen: Neske, 1992) /Discourse on Thinking, tr. J.M. Anderson and E.H. Freund (New York: Harper & Row, 1966) (G was first published in 1959, on the basis of a lecture of 1955 and a dialogue written in 1944-5) H Holzwege (5th ed. Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1972) (A collection of 'wood paths', paths for collecting wood from a forest, hence paths that lead nowhere or 'wrong tracks', first published in 1950) HB M. Heidegger and E. Blochmann, Briefwechsel: 1918-1969, ed. J.W. Storck (Marbach am Neckar: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1990) (Heidegger's correspondence with Elisabeth Blochmann) x SYSTEM OF ABBREVIATIONS HCE 'Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung', in H, 105-192/Hegel's Concept of Experience, tr. J. Glenn Gray (New York: Harper & Row, 1970) (Based on lectures of 1942-3) HEP 'Hôlderlin und das Wesen der Dichtung', in EHP, 3 3-48/ 'Hôlderlin and the Essence of Poetry', tr. D. Scott, in EB, 293-315 (A lecture of 1936) HJ M. Heidegger and K. Jaspers, Briefwechsel: 1920-1963, ed. W. Biemel and H. Saner (Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1990) (Heideg- ger's correspondence with Jaspers) ID Identitat und Differenz (Pfullingen: Neske, 1957) /Identity and Difference, tr. J. Stambaugh (New York: Harper & Row, 1969) (Based on seminars of 1956-7) IM Einfuhrung in die Metaphysik (5th ed. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1987) /An Introduction to Metaphysics, tr. R. Manheim (New York: Doubleday, 1961) (First published in 1953 on the basis of lectures of 1935) K Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik (5th ed. Frankfurt: Kloster- mann, 1991)/Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, tr. R. Taft (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990) (First published in 1929. The later editions contain other essays, including the debate with Cassirer) Krell M. Heidegger, Basic Writings, ed. D.F. Krell (2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1993) KTB 'Kants These iiber das Sein', in W, 439-473 (Kant's Thesis about Being': first published in 1962 on the basis of a lecture of 1961) LH 'Brief iiber den Humanismus', in W, 311-360/'Letter on Humanism', tr. F.A. Capuzzi, in Krell, 217-265 (First published in 1947) NI, Nil Nietzsche, vols.I and II (Pfullingen: Neske, 1961)/translated in ni-niv, and ep ni Nietzsche, vol.1: The Will to Power as Art, tr. D.F. Krell (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981) nii Nietzsche, vol.11: The Eternal Recurrence of the Same, tr. D.F. Krell (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984) niii Nietzsche, vol. Ill : The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, tr. J. Stambaugh, D.F. Krell, F.A. Capuzzi (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987) niv Nietsche, \o\.TV:Nihilism, tr. F.A. Capuzzi (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982) OM Ûberwindung der Metaphysik', in VA, 67-95/'Overcoming XI

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