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For any C > 0, we set up the constrained minimization problem min z~tA~z~: z~:z~tW~z~=C Use Langrange multipliers to convert this to the unconstrained minimization problem (cid:16) (cid:17) minz~tA~z~(cid:0)(cid:21) z~tW~ z~(cid:0)C : z Setting the derivatives equal to zero yields A~z~= (cid:21)W~ z~; so a necessary condition for minimizing the function is that (cid:21) and z~ be generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the problem A~z~ = (cid:21)W~ z~. Now from this necessary condition we can see that when the function is minimized z~tA~z~ = (cid:21)z~tW~ z~ = (cid:21)C; 22 2 3 A1 A2 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) AN 6 7 t 6 7 V = 6 B1 B2 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) BN 7 (17) 4 5 C1 C2 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) CN = (~c1;~c2;:::;~cN); (18) average color distance: t ~xavg = V ~x (19) t ~yavg = V ~y (20) 2 t davg = (~xavg (cid:0)~yavg) (~xavg (cid:0)~yavg) (21) t t t = (V ~z) (V ~z) (22) t t = ~z VV ~z (23) and histogram distance: aij = similarity between color i and color j (24) 2 t dhist = ~z A~z: (25) To prove the bound, (cid:12)rst change the N (cid:2) N problem to an (N (cid:0) 1) (cid:2) (N (cid:0) 1) problem, P removing the constraint that zi = 0. De(cid:12)ne z~as the truncated version of ~z, 2 3 z1 6 7 6 7 6 z2 7 z~= 66 . 77; (26) 6 .. 7 4 5 zN(cid:0)1 and de(cid:12)ne AN(cid:0)1;~a(cid:3)N;~atN(cid:3), and~1 appropriately so that you can expand ~ztA~z as: 2 32 3 h i ~ztA~z = z~t zN 4 AN(cid:0)1 ~a(cid:3)N 54 z~ 5 (27) t ~aN(cid:3) aNN zN 2 32 3 h i AN(cid:0)1 ~a(cid:3)N z~ = z~t (cid:0)z~t~1 4 54 5 (28) ~atN(cid:3) aNN (cid:0)~1tz~ = z~tAN(cid:0)1z~(cid:0)z~t~a(cid:3)N~1tz~(cid:0)z~t~1~atN(cid:3)z~+z~t~1aNN~1tz~ (29) h i = z~t AN(cid:0)1(cid:0)~a(cid:3)N~1t(cid:0)~1~atN(cid:3)+aNN~1~1t z~: (30) Now we can de(cid:12)ne the (N (cid:0)1)(cid:2)(N (cid:0)1) matrix A~ such that ~ztA~z = z~tA~z~, with h i A~= AN(cid:0)1(cid:0)~a(cid:3)N~1t(cid:0)~1~atN(cid:3)+aNN~1~1t ; (31) 21 database indexing tools work together. The result of this joint e(cid:11)ort is an operational prototype that is both e(cid:11)ective and e(cid:14)cient: the features and the similarity functions exhibit very good normalized recall, and the response time is much better than straightforward alternatives and is expected to scale-up well for even larger databases, thanks to state-of-the-art multikey indexing. For our application, we have identi(cid:12)ed two stumbling blocks that real feature and distance functions often present: (a) the distance function involves cross talk among features and therefore is not Euclidean, and (b) the dimensionality of the feature space is high. We proposed solutions to each of these by using transformations that introduce false hits, but no false dismissals. This allowsus to use fast multidimensionalindexing methods, by paying a small post-processing cost to eliminate the false hits. From a practical point of view, our experiments on real databases showed the following: (cid:15) for the Karhunen Loeve (KL) transform, a good cut-o(cid:11) value m for practical cases may be very low { in our case it was 2. That is, the (cid:12)rst 2 features of the KL transform are enough for indexing purposes. (cid:15) byusingthe \QuadraticDistanceBounding" theorem,wereplaced adistancefunctionwhich wasquadraticinthe featuredimension withaconstanttime(cid:12)lteringfunction, followedby se- lectiveapplicationoftheoriginaldistancefunction. Forlargecolorhistograms,thistechnique drops the CPU time, making the process I/O bound again. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Jim Hafner and Harpreet Sawhney for their help with the proof of the QDB theorem. Appendix | Proof of Color Distance Theorem De(cid:12)ne image histogram vectors: X ~x = (x1;:::;xN); 0 (cid:20) xi (cid:20) 1; xi = 1 (13) i X ~y = (y1;:::;yN); 0(cid:20) yi (cid:20) 1; yi = 1 (14) i X ~z = ~x(cid:0)~y; (cid:0)1 (cid:20) zi (cid:20)1; zi = 0; (15) i color values (for example, A=Red, B=Green, C=Blue): 2 3 Ai 6 7 6 7 ~ci = 6 Bi 7 (16) 4 5 Ci 20 The second experiment determines how our method scales with database size. In this exper- iment we took a random subset of the \Large" database. Again we inserted the truncated features (cid:3) into an m-dimensional R -tree and the KL transformed version of the features into another m- (cid:3) dimensional R -tree. 1041 range queries were made with tolerance (cid:15)=200. Figure 4 plots the I/O operations for the naive approach and the KL approach for several values of m. 2000 1800 1600 ’m=2’ d ’m=4’ e ’m=6’ av 1400 s O I/ 1200 f o r 1000 e b m nu 800 e g ra 600 e v A 400 200 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 Database size Figure 4: Average Saved Disk I/O's per query, vs. database size N Asshowninthegraph,byKLtransformingthedatawegainalinearadvantageinthenumber of I/O's per query. Also, as m increases the slope of our linear advantage decreases. This can be explained by the fact that as more features are used the index becomes larger and more expensive to traverse while there is a diminishing amount of information in the remaining features. 7 Conclusions Largeonlineimagecollectionsarebecomingmoreandmorecommon,andnovelmethodstomanage, organize, and retrieve images from these collections need to be developed. The goal of our QBIC project was to provide e(cid:11)ective and e(cid:14)cient query by image content on very large image database. The focus of this paper is the design and implementation of such a system, coupling a good set of features and similarity functions from machine vision, with fast indexing methods from the databasearea. Themajorcontributionistheintroductionoftechniquestomakemachinevisionand 19 (cid:3) dimensions and inserted them into an m-dimensional R -tree. We then performed range queries against the databases. For the small database the queries consisted of the database itself. For the large database the queries were 1041 random records in the database. Since the CPU time was negligible, compared to the I/O time we present number of disk accesses in our graphs. Figure 3 showsthe numberofdiskaccessesasafunctionofm,the numberofretainedfeatures. Thisnumber (cid:3) includes both the accesses for the R -tree pages plus the random accesses todo the post processing to eliminate false hits. The tolerance (cid:15) was set to 200, resulting in an average of 22 hits/query for the large database and 2 hits/query for the small database. The conclusions are: (cid:15) The optimal m is (cid:25)2. This is in good agreement with the heuristic presented (Eq. 12). In both databases, 75% of the energy is in the (cid:12)rst two components. For larger tolerances the optimal is not as well de(cid:12)ned, but generally there is a (cid:13)at region for m between 2 and 8. (cid:15) Transforming the data achieves signi(cid:12)cant savings over non-transformed truncation. In, fact performance is better even if we miss the optimal m, i.e. we are better o(cid:11) with a 12-m KL index than with any non-transformed index. Note also that the absolute performance is better on an optimally created database than naively created database 6 times smaller. 10000 ’Large’ ’Large_KL’ ’Small’ ’Small_KL’ y r e u q r pe 1000 s ’ O / I f o r e b m u n 100 e g a r e v A 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of dimensions Figure 3: Average Disk I/O's per query, vs. dimensions kept m; (cid:15)=200 18