E XS PU AB NS DC EDSRIBE PR OE RTSXCL CU OSI VEVE R A G E Questions?Call1-800-Tribune Friday,March16,2018 Breakingnewsatchicagotribune.com Mueller’s gaze lands on Study: $2B Trump Organization shift to rich Lawyer says company cooperating amid report of subpoena with Berrios ByChrisMegerian Special counsel Robert Trump had mounted a SVENHOPPE/AP andJosephTanfani Muellerreportedlyissueda failed attempt to build a McMaster exit WashingtonBureau subpoena to the Trump hotel and condominium Organization in recent complex in Moscow — an said to be ahead WASHINGTON — The weeks seeking an array of effort his lawyer said was Assessment flaws Russia investigation has documents,includingsome abandoned in January PresidentDonaldTrump hurt homeowners landedsquarelyinthesleek relatedtoRussia. 2016, seven months after isexpectedtoremove black Manhattan sky- It wasn’t immediately Trump entered the presi- H.R.McMasterfromhis of lesser means scraper where President clearifthesubpoenarepre- dential race — and he postasnationalsecurity Donald Trump made his sentsabroaderinquiryinto staged the 2013 Miss Uni- adviserandislookingat ByJasonGrotto markasafreewheelingreal the president’s business versepageantthere. potentialreplacements, ProPublicaIllinois estatedevelopermorethan dealings before or during insiderssay.Nation& threedecadesago. his White House bid. TurntoProbe,Page11 World,Page9 In the first effort to measure the cost of Cook County’s error-ridden as- sessmentsystemunderAs- sessor Joseph Berrios, a newstudyestimatesthatat least$2.2billioninproper- ty taxes was shifted from undervalued Chicago homes onto overvalued PHILVELASQUEZ/TRIBUNE2017 ones between 2011 and AssessorJosephBerrios’ 2015. officedismissedthenew Becausethecounty’sas- U.ofC.studyaspolitical. sessmentsystemisskewed in favor of high-priced differed from the amount homes, the errors amount that would be expected if to a staggering transfer of theassessorvaluedproper- wealththatbenefitedChi- tyfairly. cago’smostaffluenthome- UnderBerrios,thestudy owners at the expense of found,flawedassessments people who own lower- caused as much as $1 bil- pricedhomes. liontobeshavedoffthetax The study, released billsofChicago’smostex- ThursdaybytheMunicipal pensiveresidentialproper- FinanceCenterattheUni- ties — those in the top 10 versityofChicago’sHarris percentofvalue,orsingle- SchoolofPublicPolicy,was family homes and condos conducted by professor worthmorethan$1million ChristopherBerry,acritic onaverage. oftheassessor’sofficewho Because the amount of testifiedataCountyBoard property taxes collected hearinginJulyaboutflaws each year is fixed, that inthecounty’sassessment means hundreds of thou- system. sands of other taxpayers The analysis involved made up the difference, calculating a citywide fair with the lowest-valued taxrateusingthetaxbills homes shouldering a dis- of homes that sold, then seeing how those tax bills TurntoTaxes,Page7 COOKCOUNTYASSESSORRACE Leading candidates a study in contrasts Cure for property consultant Andrea Raila was restored to the ballot tax system could Wednesday by an Illinois hang on outcome appeals court, adding to the mix a candidate who ByHalDardick hasworkedbothinsideand ChicagoTribune outside the property tax appealssystem. The hottest Cook Thecontestcoulddeter- County contest on Tues- mine whether and how a day’sballotisforthetypi- brokenpropertytaxassess- cally low-profile office of mentsystemthatfavorsthe assessor—aracewherethe wealthy at the expense of contrastsbetweenthetwo thepoorgetsfixed.Italso leading candidates are could decide whether the stark, and the stakes for progressive movement, or taxpayersandthepolitical a female candidate in a establishmentarehigh. time of #MeToo zeitgeist, JoeBerrios,who’sseek- can topple one of the key ing a third term, is an cogs in the once-vaunted old-school Chicago De- Chicago Democratic mocratwhowasraisedina machine. publichousingprojectand Typically, a guy like rose through the ranks of Berrioswouldbeashoo-in patronage politics to be- to win a low-turnout, off- come chairman of the presidential year primary JOHNJ.KIM/CHICAGOTRIBUNE countyDemocraticParty. election. He’s backed by FritzKaegiisa“nobody powerful party bosses like LOYOLA’S MARCH MOMENT that nobody sent,” the House Speaker Michael product of a progressive Madigan, Secretary of HydeParkupbringingwho State Jesse White and LoyolaguardsMarquesTownes,left,andDonteIngramcelebrateafterIngrammadethe setasidealucrativeinvest- county Recorder of Deeds No.3Tennessee ment job to make his first Karen Yarbrough. Even in game-winning3-pointeragainstMiamiwith0.3secondsleftattheAmericanAirlinesCenter vs.No.11Loyola runforpublicoffice. an era of diminished pa- inDallas.Thursdayafternoon’sbuzzer-beaterhadtheteamtrendingonTwitterandlooking 5:10p.m. And in a last-minute aheadtoamatchupwithTennesseeandachancetomaketheSweet16.ChicagoSports Saturday,TNT turn,longtimepropertytax TurntoAssessor,Page7 Lofty plan for aerial tram Crews search for bodies in encountering some friction bridge collapse A950-tonpedestrian bridgeinMiamifell ByBlairKamin theRiverwalk. thatthetramridewouldbe ontoahighway,fatally andRyanOri Inrecentweeks,thepro- aneyesoreandthatitwould crushingatleast4peo- ChicagoTribune posal has been quietly crowd the narrow River- pleunderslabsofcon- shopped to civic organiza- walk.Itcouldalsocompete creteandsteel.Nation Withthecharacterofthe tions by its chief backers, with tour boats run by the &World,Page9 ChicagoRiverwalkandmil- Chicago hotelier Laurence ChicagoArchitectureFoun- lions of dollars in tourist GellerandLouRaizin,pres- dation and companies like revenueatstake,abehind- ident of Broadway in Chi- Chicago’s First Lady the-scenes battle has bro- cago. They say it will give CruisesandWendella. Feds to probe ken out over an ambitious Chicago an iconic tourist “Aerial cable cars would United policy plan to construct an aerial attractiononaparwiththe damage the new Chicago tramthatwouldlinktwoof London Eye wheel along Riverwalkandthebeautiful DAVISBRODYBOND after dog’s death downtown’s most popular theRiverThames. Aproposedaerialtramcalled“TheChicagoSkyline”would attractions, Navy Pier and But opponents contend TurntoTram,Page8 connecttheChicagoRiverwalkwithNavyPier. Business Tom Skilling’s forecast 46 31 ChicagoWeatherCenter:Complete $2.50cityandsuburbs,$3.00elsewhere High Low forecastonbackpageofA+Esection 170thyearNo.75©ChicagoTribune 2 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 BRIANCASSELLA/CHICAGOTRIBUNE2017 TherearereasonsMichaelJ.Madiganisthelongest-servingstateHousespeakerintheU.S.:votesandcontrol. John Kass One Illinois politician I respect: Boss Madigan CHICAGOTRIBUNEBOOKS Withthepoliticalprimariesonly WardDemocraticorganizationpur- buildingsownedbyclientsofBurke’s “TheWeightLifted:HowtheCubsEndedtheLongest daysaway,andthestateofIllinoisin chasedtree-trimmingequipmentand lawfirm.YetChicago’sBoardofEth- DroughtinSportsHistory.”AchronicleoftheCubs thebalance,doyouwanttoknow afewtruckssomeyearsago.Madigan ics,ledbyChairmanWilliamConlon, magical2016seasonwrittenbyPaulSullivan.Itstarts aboutthedarkheartandruthless isaplanner.Hedoesn’twanthisward clearedBurketheotherday,saying withtheearlyexpectationsinspringtraining,documents brainthatrunsitspolitics? politicssubjecttochangingmayoral basicallythatBurkereallydidn’t keyseriesandpersonalitiesandchallengesthroughthe You’llfindevidenceofitinafew whims. knowwhatBurkewasdoing. regularseason,thenbuildsthroughtheplayoffs,series emptyparkingspotsbehindthe Andthisiselectiontime.Voters Burkedidn’tknowwhathewas byseries.Gotowww.amazon.comtopurchase. BalzekasMuseumofLithuanian wanttheirtreestrimmed.Itisn’tsexy doing?Conlon,areyoumad? CultureontheSouthwestSideof politics,ortribalpassiononTwitter. That’salaughtheChicagoWay. “ChicagoFlashback”Since2011,theTribunehasbeen Chicago. Butitdoesgetvotes. ButMadigandoesn’tslipuplikethat. miningitsvastarchiveofphotosandstoriesforits Justdriveeaston63rdStreetuntil That’swhatMichaelJ.Madigan, Madigan,now75,willneverretire. weeklyfeatureChicagoFlashback,whichdealswith thenorthwestcorneratPulaski,and longest-servingstateHousespeaker AndBurke,aboutthesameage,who thepeopleandeventsthathaveshapedthecity’s you’llseethatgiganticAmerican inAmerica,chairmanoftheIllinois alsorunsafinewardorganization, historyandculturefromthepaper’sfoundingin1847 Indian,some50feettall,armraisedin DemocraticPartyandcommitteeman won’teither.Retirementisn’tanop- tothepresentday.NowtheeditorsoftheTribunehave salute,dominatingtheintersection. ofthe13thWardRegularDemocratic tion.Forthemit’seitherdeathor carefullycollectedthebestChicagoFlashbackfeatures WhenIwasalittleboy,thegiant Organization,isallabout. federalsubpoena. intoasinglecoffee-tablevolume.Availableat Indianwasownedbyacigarstore. Votes. Iftheyretire,they’lljustbetwoold chicagotribune.com/flashbackbook. Thesedays,theIndianisafrontman “Hedoesn’tplayatpolitics,”said Irishguyswithmoney.Theylovethe foraneyeclinicnow.Hewearsglas- alongtimefriend.“He’sabouthard work,thetitlesandtheaction. AllChicagoTribuneprintbooksareavailableonlineat ses,andasignonhischestsays:“Eye workanddetailyearafteryearand Theothereveningatapolitical chicagotribune.com/printbooks CanSeeNow.” takingcareofhisvoters.Thetree paneldiscussionfortheLincoln TakealeftattheIndian,driveafew trimmersaretheperfectexample Forum—withTribunecolleagues CHICAGOTRIBUNEE-BOOKS blocksnorthandyou’llfindyourself ofwhatMikeMadiganisallabout: KristenMcQuearyandEricZorn— “AsktheExpert:TipsonHealth,Parenting,Nutrition outsidethesupermarketmyfamily detail.” Iwasaskedtonametheonepersonin andMorefromSpecialistsandMedicalExperts.” ownedfordecades,whereIchopped Pleasedon’tcryandmeltandthink IllinoispoliticsImostrespect. Collectingmorethan60articleswrittenbyBonnieMiller chickensandbaggedgroceries. I’mgoingsoftonBossMadigan.And MichaelJ.Madigan,Itoldthem. RubinfortheTribunebetween2011and2014,“Askthe Buttakearight,drivesouth,with don’tgethysterical.AfterGov.Bruce Ooooh,thecrowdlaughedasifit Expert”isago-tosourceforquestionsabouthealthand theIndianatyourback,andyou’ll Raunerreadsthis,he’sapttoaccuse wereajoke.Afewtweeteditout,for family.Eacharticleintheseriesfeaturesaninterview findtheBalzekasMuseum.Andon meofbeingMikeMadigan’ssecret theshockvalue. withaspecialist,includingagerontologist,aclinical thesecondflooraretwosmall,simple swarthyson. Butit’snojoke. socialworker,andaneuroscientist,amongmanyothers. andunadornedofficesbelongingto Idon’tliketheideaofaboss,and Mostpoliticiansworryabouttheir theguywhorunsIllinoisanddraws MadiganisallwrongforIllinoisand image.Madiganworriesaboutvotes “SoSocial:TipsonImprovingYourSocialMedia alltheward,legislativeandcongres- hasbeenforyears,andI’vewritten andcontrol.Hewakesupearlierthan PresenceforBusinessandPersonalUse.”“SoSocial” sionalmapsthatcontrolwhowins abouthimthatway,foryears,asthe they,heworksharder,he’ssmarter, isacollectionofTribunearticleswrittenbysocialmedia andwholosesinthisstate. KhanofMadiganistan,astheNight moredisciplinedandhekeepshis expertsAmyGuthandScottKleinberg.Itexploresthe BossMadigan. King,asadictator. mouthshut.UnlikesomeRepublicans benefitsanddangersofsocialmediafromprofessional Intheparkinglotintheback,I Hispressoperationissnotty,and youknow,heneverliestohisfriends. andpersonalstandpoints.Foranyoneinterestedin spottedayoungguy,neatlydressed. Democraticstatereps—afterbrag- That’swhyhe’sheldpowerforso growingtheirsocialmediafollowing,understandingWeb IaskedifheworkedforMike. gingabouthowindependentthey’ll long.Idon’tlovehim.ButIrespect marketing,orkeepingaccountssecure,itisamust-read. Yes,hesaid,andaskedifhecould beifelected—alldroptotheirknees hiswillandcraft. help. athisapproach. “Hehasthebestwardorganization “BalancingAct:Morethan50EssaysonJuggling Where’rethetreetrimmers?The Hecontrolsitall.Andhemakesa inthecity,”saidanotherfriend.“He Life,LoveandWorkinaNot-AlwaysObligingWorld.” trucks?They’realwaysintheparking privatefortunereducingproperty paysattentiontowhathisprecinct HeidiStevens’“BalancingAct”isacolorfullookatcon- lot.Wherearethey? taxesthroughhislawbusinesswhile captainsdo,whathisvoterswant. temporaryparenting,andthejoysandchallengesthat “Notnow,”saidtheyoungguy.“You alsocontrollingwhobecomesCook Theirdoggetsoutofthepound.Their accompanybeingaprofessional,parent,partnerand knowwhat’sgoingon.Thetrimmers Countyassessor,andthisisasteam- jurysummonsistakencareof.It’sall individual.Thee-bookcompilesselectionsfromStevens’ areouttheretrimmin’trees.” ingpileofconflictofinterest. detailandhardwork.” weeklycolumnandotheressays,inwhichsheempa- I’majournalist,Isaid.Thekid’s Buthe’snottheonlyone.Republi- Andhegetsthetreestrimmedat thizeswithparentsduringthosemomentsoffeeling eyeswidened,andhesteppedbackas canpoliticosdoittoo.And14thWard electiontime. adriftwithoutaguide,offeringadvicethroughjournalis- ifIhadtheBlackPlague. Ald.EdBurke,aDemocraticward- ticdiligence,andencouragesreaderstoworrylessand “NowIknowwhoyouare,”hesaid, lord,andMadiganfriend,alsomakes Listento“TheChicagoWay”podcast enjoymore. smilegone.“I’vegotnothing.” afinelivinginthelawreducingprop- featuringJohnKassandJeffCarlinat Awell-trainedlad,andI’msure ertytaxes. http://wgnradio.com/category/ AllChicagoTribunee-booksareavailableinsidethe BossMadiganwaslikehimyearsago, Burkeslippeduprecently,stallinga wgn-plus/thechicagoway. PrintersRowapp.DownloadtheappintheiTunesor observant,courteous,butcautious. proposedCityCouncilorderthat GooglePlaystores. ThestorygoesthatMadigan’s13th couldhaveraisedpropertytaxesfor [email protected] ACCURACY AND ETHICS MargaretHolt,standardseditor TheTribune’seditorialcodeofprinciplesgoverns professionalbehaviorandjournalismstandards.Every- oneinournewsroommustagreetoliveuptothiscodeof conduct.Readitatchicagotribune.com/accuracy. 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ChicagoTribune(USPS104-000)ispublisheddaily(7days)atTribune Tower,435N.MichiganAve.,Chicago,IL60611-4041;ChicagoTribune Company,LLC,Publisher;periodicalspostagepaidatChicago,IL,and additionalmailingoffices.Postmaster:SendchangestotheChicago Tribune,MailSubscriptionDivision,777W.ChicagoAve.,Chicago,IL60654. Copyright2018ChicagoTribuneCompany,LLC.Allrightsreservedasto entirecontent. INSIDE Almanac Business 6 Lottery Business 6 Bridge A+E 8 Obituaries Business 6 Comics A+E 8-9 Sudoku A+E 9 Crossword A+E 9 Television A+E 7 Horoscopes A+E 8 Weather A+E 10 3 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 CHICAGO INC. ByKimJanssen,TracySwartzandPhilThompson Comey to speak at Humanities Fest FormerFBIDirector administration led by James Comey will specialcounselRobert speak in Chicago in Mueller. ARMANDOL.SANCHEZ/ AprilataChicagoHu- The talk will take CHICAGOTRIBUNE manitiesFestivalevent placeat7p.m.April20 BrielleBiermann,left,andMichael to promote his forth- in the Harris Theater KopechatGuaranteedRateField comingbook,thefesti- forMusicandDancein beforeaWhiteSoxgamein2017. val announced Thurs- MillenniumPark. dayafternoon. Tickets for “CHF Sox prospect’s Comey’s memoir “A Comey PresentsJamesComey: KRISTENNORMAN/CHICAGOTRIBUNE Higher Loyalty” is Higher Loyalty” go on relationship status DannieSmith,left,laughswithteammateChaseAdamsduring hotly anticipated because the saletofestivalmembersMarch Thursday’scelebrationofOrrAcademy’sstatebasketballcrown. career law enforcement official 22 and to the general public varies via Twitter was fired by President Donald March 28; 312-605-8444 and Fresh off doc, Orr hoops Trumplastyear,amovewidely www.chicagohumanities.org. IndramabefittingrealityTV,it believed to be linked to the appears White Sox top pitching investigation into the Trump —SteveJohnson takes another victory lap prospectMichaelKopech’srela- tionshipstatuschangesminuteby minute. Citing multiple unnamed Five-foot-8guardChase Ad- theWestSide(itwillbescreened sources, Us Weekly reported ams placed an equipment case attheschoolMarch23). Kopechand“Don’tBeTardy”star behindthepodiuminOrrAcad- Someofthecentralfiguresin Brielle Biermann ended their emy’sauditorium,thenstoodon that film lost friends to gun relationshipTuesdayafternearly top of it next to 6-5 teammate violence or were victims them- two years of dating because of DannieSmith.“Feelsgoodtobe selves,andit’ssomethingSmith theirconflictingschedules. Dannie’s height for a change,” canrelatetotoday. Biermann’s mom, “The Real Adamssaidtolaughsfromstu- “Justlastyearwhenwecame HousewivesofAtlanta”starKim dents,facultyandalumni. home from winning state I lost Zolciak, denied the report AllseasonAdamshadachip my uncle. During the season I WednesdayonTwitter.Biermann onhisshoulderroughlythesize lostmytwotwinfriendstogun alsoseemedsurprisedtohearthe of that case, and he used it to violence,”Smithsaid. news. When an Instagram com- elevatehimselfonthecourt,too, Adamswentthroughhisown MYUNGJ.CHUN/LOSANGELESTIMES mentermentionedthesplit,Bier- aftertwoyearsofstrugglesafter demons after his brother died. LosAngelesCountySupervisorMarkRidley-Thomas,MellodyHob- mannwroteWednesday:“What? his brother, Drake, died of a His play at Marian Catholic son,FrancisFordCoppola,StevenSpielbergandGeorgeLucasinLA. (Where)didureadthat?” healthissue.Smithlostanuncle suffered and recruiters stopped Lucas Museum breaks ground in LA But on Thursday morning, andtwofriendstogunviolence calling. But things picked up Biermanntweeted:“Itistrue.We over the past year but similarly afterhetransferredtoOrrforhis havealotgoingonrightnowwe heroseabovehisgrief. seniorseason.“BeinghereatOrr, A photo-op that Chicago sunnyLosAngelesbeforegrab- decided it would be for the best. Last week, Orr coasted to a therearepeopleherethathave Mayor Rahm Emanuel would bingasilvershovelandthrowing What’s meant to be will always secondstraight2Astatebasket- lostclosepeople,likeDannielost have loved to claim for himself somedirtforthecameras. be.”Thenshedeletedthetweet. ballchampionshipwitha76-49 his best friend, Ed. Me and instead went to Los Angeles Whetheryoufeel,asEmanuel Eleven minutes later she winoverWinnebago.OnThurs- Dannie got really, really, really MayorEricGarcettithisweek. does, that Lucas’ decision to tweeted: “Still together.” She de- day, the Spartans celebrated close throughout the season. BillionairefilmmakerGeorge buildinLAoverhisfirstchoice, letedthattweettoo. withfellowstudentsattheWest Lou definitely helped me Lucas and his multimillionaire Chicago,wasamissedopportu- Biermann, 21, lives in Atlanta, GarfieldParkschool. throughitalot,”Adamssaid. businesswoman wife, Mellody nity for Chicago or, as the where she shoots “Don’t Be “Weputthenaysayerstosleep Now Adams has caught the Hobson,brokegroundontheir Friends of the Parks organiza- Tardy,”aBravonetworkshowthat becausetheysaidwecannever eyesofschoolssuchasIllinois- LucasMuseumofNarrativeArt tion does, that Lucas was at- followsherfamily.Kopech,21,has dothis,”coachLouAdamssaid Chicago; Smith leans toward infrontofthemediaandcelebri- temptingtorunroughshodover beeninSoxspringtrainingcamp aftertherally. Kent State. Asked about the tiesincludingStevenSpielberg. local concerns and the law by inArizona.BiermannandKopech During the ceremony, the schoolsthatlostinterest,Adams “Ithinkit’simportanttohave building on the lakefront, begandatinglongdistanceinMay audiencewasshownclipsfrom said—withasmile—“(they)are amuseumthat,asIwasjoking Wednesday’s ceremony was an 2016.ThepairattendedSoxFestin “Shots in the Dark,” the Fox definitely going to feel it when and saying, supports all the opportunity to wonder what ChicagoinJanuary. Sports documentary that fol- Igotocollege.” orphan arts that nobody else mighthavebeen. lowed prior Orr teams and the wantstosee,butthateverybody —TracySwartz gritty realities players faced on —PhilThompson loves,” Lucas told the crowd in —KimJanssen ContactChicagoInc.:KimJanssen([email protected],Twitter@kimjnews);TracySwartz([email protected],Twitter@tracyswartz);PhilThompson([email protected],Twitter@_phil_thompson) ALL-NEW2018SHOWWITHLIVEORCHESTRA 4,000 shows I’vereviewedabout . NonecancomparetowhatIsawtonight.” —RichardConnema,renownedBroadwaycritic No.1 show “Absolutelythe intheworld. Noothercompanyoranystylecanmatchthis!” —KennWells,formerleaddanceroftheEnglishNationalBallet “Demonstratingthe highest realm in arts.” —ChiCao,principaldancerwiththeBirminghamRoyalBallet “Absolutelythegreatestofthegreat! It must be experienced.” —ChristineWalevska,“goddessofthecello”,watchedShenYun5times “Thisisthehighestandbestofwhathumanscanproduce.” N EW SHO —OlevaBrown-Klahn,singerandmusician WADDED! Rosemont Theatre “AWE-INSPIRING!” — —BroadwayWorld Mar 25 Sun 6:00pm MAR 21–25 APR 5–8 APR 12–15 Tickets ShenYun.com/Chicago (74697) Rosemont Aurora Chicago 888-99-SHOWS RosemontTheatre ParamountTheatre HarrisTheater Prices:$80-$200 4 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 CHICAGOLAND $8.5B O’Hare plan advances after late deal with American MarySchmich TrumPoem: ByJohnByrne boardastheAviationCommittee willworkwithAmericantotry their votes to hold up the deal ChicagoTribune vote loomed and American to figure out a way to do so until they get more ironclad understooditwasn’tgoingtobe sooner. assurances. Stormy time MayorRahmEmanuel’splan abletostoptheO’Haredealfrom “We can’t tell you, and we Far South Side Ald. Carrie to spend $8.5 billion upgrading advancing. aren’t clear what that will look Austin, 34th, called for city O’Hare International Airport “Ithinkthebasicwaytolook likeorwhatthatplanis,because aviationofficialstogivefrequent aboard this sailed through its first City at this, there’s a vote today in wedidjustagreetothislatelast updatesonwhichcompaniesare Council test Thursday, soon af- committee, everybody realized night,” Brown said. “And so, getting contracts at the airport terAmericanAirlinesagreedtoa what was going to happen, the what we will be doing in the project and how many minor- ship of state late-nightdealtodropitsoppo- writing was there,” Emanuel coming weeks is working with, itiestheyhavehired. sition. said on “The Steve Cochran actually,alltheairlinecarriersto And South Side Ald. David The council Aviation Com- Show.” “And my view is, I’ve kindofseewhatthatplanlooks Moore,17th,saidthatgiventhe It’sstormydaysandstormynights mittee adopted an ordinance always had this when I repre- like, and working specifically sizeofthedeal,thecityshould Hereontheshipofstate allowing for new lease and use sented President (Barack) withAmericantoseeifwecan look to codify minority partici- I’mrockedandtossedase’erItry agreements for the gates at Obama,President(Bill)Clinton, figure out a way to build those pationnumberswithintheordi- Tomakethiscountrygreat. O’Haretopayfortheeight-year mywholethingincontractswith gateswhileAT&Tisworkingto nance or specific contracts, project, though some details organized labor, my door is relocatethatfacility.” rather than simply including Stormy!StormyDaniels! remained elusive hours after alwaysopenifyou’regoingtotry Theleaseordinancestillmust minority and women-owned She’stheblondewithbig,um,hair sourcessaidCityHallagreedto tofigureouthowtogettoa‘Yes.’ get backing from the full City business goals, which contrac- ShesaysIcheatedonmywife speed up construction of three “If your position is ‘No way,’ Council, and a separate bond torsoftendon’tmeet. Shetalksofanaffair. new gates American would use that’snotreallycooperative.And deal of up to $4 billion also is Brown said the city could in the future. The vote was when people realized that we awaiting aldermanic approval. potentially codify the reporting Sheclaimstherewasacover-up unanimous despite concern weregoingtowintoday,Ithink But Thursday’s vote is a clear toaldermenofminoritypartici- Sheblabsof“nondisclosure” fromAfrican-AmericanandLat- there was a lot of focus and indication the huge project — pation in specific airport con- I’lltellyouwhatshereallywants— ino aldermen about minority thingsthatwerenotpossible,all which Emanuel wants to point structioncontractsbutsaidfed- Moremoneyandexposure. hiringontheproject,suggesting ofasuddenpeoplerealized‘OK,’ to as a massive job creator and eral aviation contracting rules the full project is on track for and I’m happy American’s part infrastructure improvement likelyconstrainwhatthecitycan I’llfightthatstormwithallmyforce eventualapproval. of the winning team and that whenherunsforre-electionin do in terms of guaranteeing Mylegalteamissuper ThekumbayamomentatCity meansthey’regoingtobepartof 2019—isonitsway. minorityjobnumbers. Justwatch’emsquashherinterview HallcameafterAmericanspent theO’HareandChicagowinning Thefullcostistobecovered LatinoCaucusChairmanAld. WithAndersonHaysCooper. weeks behind the scenes pro- team.” by airline ticket fees, with no Gilbert Villegas, 36th, said he testing the agreement. The air- Reflectingthelast-minutena- taxpayer money slated to be andBlackCaucusChairmanAld. ButStormy’snottheonlystorm! line said the city had secretly tureoftheagreement,cityChief used,accordingtoEmanuel. Roderick Sawyer, 6th, would I’mlashedbywickedwind! agreedtoprovidefivemoregates Financial Officer Carole Brown There will be ongoing pres- craft an ordinance to create a ThankGodI’vegotmyconstant to its rival, United Airlines. toldaldermenThursdaythatthe surefromAfrican-Americanand City Council commission mate— American sought its own gate specifics of the expedited gate Latinoaldermentotrytomake charged with monitoring the MyiPhone,mybestfriend. deal. construction are still being sure minority businesses and minority participation in the Emanuel publicly framed workedout.Shesaidthecityhad residentsgetbigenoughshares O’Hare project and directing She’salwaysthere,shelistens American’soppositioninrecent originally planned to build the of the 60,000 jobs city officials contractors to reach out to Sheobeysmeandshe’ssweet weeks as a normal negotiating threegatesstartinginlate2021, claimwillbecreatedthroughthe groups that could benefit from It’sthankstoherthatIcouldfire tactic.OnThursdaymorning,he whenacommunicationsfacility overhaul. But the council black theopportunitytoapplyforjobs. RexTillersonbytweet. appearedonWGN-AM720and in that part of the airport had and Latino caucuses have not saidtheairlinedecidedtogeton been moved. Instead, the city tried to band together to use [email protected] Yo,Rex,youcalledmemoron NowI’vemadeyouwalktheplank! Yourdinghyonmyshipofstate Wastinyanditsank. Aye,stormydaysandstormynights Thegossiploudasthunder ThoseliesthatIlovePutin? ThatIusemyclouttoplunder? THERE’SNOCOLLUSION,ZERO PROOF! DON’THEEDTHOSELIB’RL SAPS! (YOUKNOWTHATYOUCAN TRUSTME WHENITWEETITALLIN CAPS.) Thisshipofstategetslonely,sigh MyonlyHope’sresigning Mywifeprefersherseparatelife Thepressisalwayswhining. Thewaveskeepcrashingonmy prow Moremendiveoffthedeck NowGaryCohn’sjumpedoverboard MyCabinetisawreck. Somanyhaveabandonedship ButstillIstayafloat DespitetheevilFakeNewsfolks Whotrytosinkmyboat. Yes,Cap’nTrump’scourageous! I’vegotgritandI’vegotguts ANTONIOPEREZ/CHICAGOTRIBUNE AndIamheretotellyou EsperanzaPereziscomfortedafterhearingthathersonMiguelPerez,aveteranfacingdeportation,wasdeniedU.S.citizenshiponThursday. Howtosaveusallfromnuts: U.S. denies veteran’s bid for citizenship Weneedtoarmourteachers Andwealsoneedtopray Thethingwemustnoteverdo IsblocktheNRA. Government cites him citizenship based exampleofournation and served half of a 15-year onalackofgoodmoral failing him once prisonsentence. green card holder’s Andoutalongtheborders character—onceagain more.” WhilePerezwasconvictedof Wheretheworldisfullofstrangers felony drug conviction the drug conviction,” U.S. Rep. Bobby deliveringlessthan100gramsof BigCap’nTrumpwillshieldus saidBergin,addingthat Rush, D-Ill., also con- cocaine, prosecutors have said Fromtheevil,foreigndangers ByManyaBrachear he would appeal the demned the decision he was arrested for delivering Pashman ruling. “So I went and to deny Perez citi- much more and received a re- Iputatariffonoursteel ChicagoTribune talked to Miguel and zenship,callingit“un- ducedsentenceafterapleadeal. Onsolarpanelstoo! gavehimthebadnews. American.” Prosecutors also pointed out Ifoughtoffthosefree-traders In a significant setback, an He was disappointed, Perez “Miguel Perez Jr. that Perez was given a general Whowerecryingboohoohoo. Afghan War veteran and green obviously. But he said, bravely served our dischargefromthemilitaryafter card holder who later served ‘I’mnotgivingup.We’regoingto countryinAmerica’slongestwar adruginfraction. Iliedforfun!BecauseIcould! timeinprisononafelonydrug keepfighting.’” and today he was denied the Perez said he discovered the TocuteMonsieurTrudeau. convictionhasbeendeniedciti- The ruling is not the end of privilege of citizenship after citizenship oversight when he Isaidwehadadeficit zenship, immigration officials Perez’s battle to remain in the selflesslyfightingforourshared was summoned to immigration Hesaid,“Thatisn’tso!” saidThursday. U.S., though it represents a Americanvalues.Thisisimmor- courtbeforehisSeptember2016 Miguel Perez Jr., 39, had significant defeat. Last month, al,”Rushsaidinastatement. release from Hill Correctional Itdoesn’treallymatter petitioned immigration officials Duckworth, an Illinois Democ- Perezenlistedinthemilitary CenterinGalesburg,Ill. IfI’mwrongorifI’mright to be granted retroactive citi- rat, used a little-known legisla- before 9/11 and served until Instead of heading home to Whatmattersissurvival zenship dating to when he tive maneuver by introducing a 2004,Duckworthsaidthisweek Chicagofromprison,Perezwas Who’sthelastmaninthefight. joined the military in 2001. He privateimmigrationreliefbillfor inalettertothetopofficialfor placed in the custody of Immi- interviewed with two immigra- Perez, who served two tours in theChicagodistrictofU.S.Citi- gration and Customs Enforce- Aye,Cap’nTrumpissailing tionofficialsThursdaymorning. Afghanistanbuthasnoaccessto zenship and Immigration Serv- ment and transferred to a Wis- Whereyou’venevergonebefore ButdespitethehopesofPerez veteran benefits and has been ices. Perez was deployed to consin detention center for im- Andsometimesitmayfeelabit and his backers, including U.S. ordered to return to his native Afghanistanandservedwiththe migrantsawaitingdeportation. Likesailingintowar. Sen.TammyDuckworth,hisbid Mexico.Privatebills,whichare 2ndBattalion3rdSpecialForces While in ICE custody, Perez wasdenied. intended to help specific indi- Group,whereheparticipatedin thisyearwentonahungerstrike AndsoIguidemyshakyship “Tobeeligiblefornaturaliza- viduals,havebeenintroducedby numerous classified missions, that has since ended. He was Intounchartedseas tion,youmustdemonstratethat dozensofmembersofCongress Duckworthsaid. transferredtoadetentioncenter I’mgonnameetwithRocketMan! youareapersonofgoodmoral thispastyear.Theirsuccessrate After his military service, in Kankakee after the center in Iwantsomecredit,please! character,” the letter from U.S. isgenerallylow. Perez sought treatment at the Kenosha placed him in solitary Citizenship and Immigration “Mr.Perezhasbeendetained VeteransAffairshospitalinMay- confinement. IsaidI’dnevermeetthatdude Servicessaid.“Becauseyouhave for months, separated from his wood,wheredoctorsdiagnosed In an interview from the Isaidhewastheworst! beenconvictedofanaggravated familyandleftwithoutaccessto him with post-traumatic stress center in Kankakee, Perez said ButIwilldomostanything felonyonorafterNov.29,1990, thecareheneeds,deservesand disorder. He was to return for hewoulddefendtheU.S.againin IfIcandoitfirst. you are unable to demonstrate has earned,” Duckworth said moreteststodetermineifhealso aheartbeat.“Iwentthroughthe goodmoralcharacter;therefore Thursday. “If the military and hadatraumaticbraininjury. system because I knew the Thesestormsmaylastforever you are permanently ineligible our government hadn’t failed In the meantime, he recon- systemwasgoingtocomeback ButIsay,“Fullspeedahead!” fornaturalization.” Mr. Perez multiple times, he’d nected with a childhood friend and look out for me. It’s the I’mgoingwhereIwanttogo ChrisBergin,theattorneyfor never have been in this predic- who provided free drugs and people who get into difficult Despitemypeople’sdread. Perez, was called back to the amenttobeginwith.Heearned alcohol.OnNov.26,2008,while positions.That’snottheConsti- immigration offices hours after theopportunitytoremaininthis withthatfriend,Perezhandeda tutionorthecountry’sfault.” [email protected] the interview and handed the country when he vowed to laptop case containing cocaine Twitter@MarySchmich decisioninasealedenvelope. defend it in our military, but to an undercover officer. Perez [email protected] “It said they were denying today’s decision is yet another pleadedguiltytothedrugcharge Twitter@TribSeeker 5 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 See your sleep specialist at Darvin Newlook,sameconvenientlocationSalegoingonnowthroughMonday Grand Opening SAVE +$55 + 55 PLUS 55% comeintoregisterto OR A 2018 WINa INSTANT MONTHS $500 OFF Jeep Wrangler Discount** No Interest† JKUnlimited Onqualifyingpurchaseof$499 Onqualifyingpurchaseof$1999 GAS Comparetoprice ormore.Somerestrictionsapply. ormore.Seebelowpagefordetails. Sahara 4x4†† SeeSalespersonfordetails. CARD THANKYOUTOOURGRANDOPENINGPARTNERS SPONSOREDBY AmericanDrew Best England Homelegance Klaussner Palliser Archbold Craftmaster Flexsteel Hooker Legacy SamuelLawrence Ashley CrownMark Franklin Intercon Legends SmithBrothers Aspenhome Dalyn Futura International Liberty SouthernMotion Bassett Daniel’sAmish Hammary FurnitureDirect Magnussen SunnyDesigns Bernhardt E.C.I. Homestretch Kincaid OrientalWeavers Universal Seefrontdeskfordetailsandentryblanks. Seefrontdeskfordetailsandentryblanks. DrawingwillbeheldatDarvinMonday,March26,2018at6pm DrawingwillbeheldatDarvinMondayMarch26 2018at6pm K I N G M a t t r e s s N E E U Q for the price of a QUEEN FOR A FULL Elite King Sets starting as low as 699 $ Up to 75% Off ELITECOLLECTION LUXURYFIRM&PLUSHPILLOWTOPS LUXURY&PRIMECOLLECTIONS FREE SAME DAY DELIVERY Set Premium Removal Up Bedframe & Recycle Onqualifyingpurchase. 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Martin Jr. said he had no 17-year-oldJustusHowell,wasnot choice, citing a state law that liablefordamagesintheshooting. requires an exoneree be sen- Officer Eric Hill shot the teen tenced to “a term of impris- twice in the back during a brief onment”toqualifyforacertifi- foot chase in April 2015 in the cateofinnocence. 2300 block of Gilead Avenue in “MaybetheAppellateCourt Zion. will reverse me, and it would Jurors deliberated over three probablybethefirsttimethat days after attorneys rested their I’dbeOKbeingreversedbythe casesTuesdayafternoon. AppellateCourt,”Martin,pre- “My son did not get justice in siding judge of the Criminal this life,” said the teen’s mother, Division, said at a hearing in LaToya Howell, 36, after the the Leighton Criminal Court verdict. Building. HilltestifiedinaChicagofed- The five denied certificates eral courtroom that the teenager were among 15 whose Watts- turned during the pursuit and related drug convictions were pointed a gun at him. His attor- tossed out by Martin in No- neysarguedthatHillfelthewasin vemberduringwhatisbelieved NANCYSTONE/CHICAGOTRIBUNE imminentdanger. to be the county’s first mass Ald.EdwardBurke’slawfirmrepresentsclientsseekingtoreducetheirpropertytaxesonappeal. “We’re happy that Officer Hill exoneration. has been exonerated,” defense Ethics board: Burke didn’t Nine of the men who had attorneyThomasDiCiannisaid. eachservedtimeinprisonhad Forensic evidence and testi- already been granted the cer- mony about surveillance video tificateslastmonth. presentedattrialbyattorneysfor violate city conflict rules The final individual, Shaun the plaintiff indicated the teen James, who was initially sen- wasnearlydoubledoverwhenhe tencedtoprobationbutended was shot. Attorneys for Howell’s up serving time in prison for family argued this was inconsis- violating that probation, was Aldermanfoundnotto his motion to refer the order to creasingassessments,theowners tentwithHill’soriginalstoryafter grantedacertificateThursday the Finance Committee that he ofthesevenbuildings,including theshooting. haveknownmovecould byMartin. controls as chairman, Conlon thetworepresentedbyKlafter& Theyalsoaccusedtheofficerof Anotherman,LeonardGip- affectfirm’staxclients added. Burke,wouldpaymoreinprop- “doctoring” the scene of the son, who had three separate The order, which sought to ertytaxes. shootingandorchestratingacov- convictions tossed out during ByHalDardick have the council require Mayor Citycodestatesthat“nooffi- er-uptohidehismistake. the mass exoneration in No- ChicagoTribune RahmEmanuel’sadministration cial or employee shall make or Thechasewassparkedbyacall vember, had been granted a to take steps to increase the participateinthemakingofany topolicereportingafightbetween certificate last month for the Ald. Edward Burke has been propertytaxassessmentonseven governmental decision with re- two men and gunshots, author- lone conviction for which he cleared by an ethics panel that commercial properties, was in- specttoanymatterinwhichhe itieshavesaid. served time in prison. On lookedintowhetherheviolated troducedataJanuarymeetingby has any financial interest,” Howell tried to steal a semi- Thursday,MartingrantedGip- city conflict-of-interest rules Ald. Ricardo Munoz, 22nd. earned money from during the automatic handgun from a man son certificates for the two when he sidelined an effort to Munozpassedaroundcopiesof past year or expects to earn whom he arranged to meet and other Watts-related convic- increasethepropertytaxespaid his proposal at the meeting but moneyfrominthecomingyear. buy the weapon from for $600, tions after determining his by the owners of two buildings did not specifically give one to Munoz’sproposalwasspurred authoritiessaid. bootcampsentencesqualified hislawfirmrepresents. Burke,hesaid. by“TheTaxDivide”aninvestiga- Video shows the two men himforthecertificates. Board of Ethics Chairman AstheTribunefirstreported, tion published by the Chicago fighting, and the gun discharged A certificate of innocence William Conlon issued a state- Munozaskedtosendtheorderto Tribune and ProPublica Illinois duringthescuffle.Hillresponded further clears exonerees’ ment Wednesday that said the the Housing Committee, whose thatfoundthatmanylargecom- to the call along with a college names and allows them to alderman“submittedcompelling chairmanhadagreedtogiveita mercial properties are underas- intern who was riding with him recoup tens of thousands of evidence” that he did not know hearing,butBurkecalledforitto sessed, punishing small busi- thatday. dollarsfromthestatefortheir the proposed City Council “or- instead go to Finance. When nesses and shifting more of the InclosingstatementsTuesday, wrongfulimprisonment. der” he stalled could have af- there are conflicting calls for taxburdenontohomeowners. attorneysusedsurveillancevideo Attorney Joshua Tepfer, fected firms represented by his committee assignment, matters In a coda to his statement, of the shooting to craft different who has represented all 15 law firm, Klafter & Burke, in aresenttotheRulesCommittee, Conlon said “the board finds it storiesofwhathappened.Jurors men,hasarguedthatthestate propertytaxappealscases. where they often wither on the surprising and inefficient that had access to both the original statute’s definition of “impris- “Hehadneverreceivedacopy vine. theCityCouncildoesnothavea video and an enhanced version onment” should be broadly of the order and never prior to The seven properties cited in rule requiring that written or- duringdeliberations. interpreted to include proba- the meeting informed of the theorderweresoldformorethan ders,resolutionsandthelikebe NotessentfromthejurytoU.S. tion,countyjailandbootcamp order or what the order con- twice as much as Cook County circulatedtoallmembersofthe District Judge Thomas Durkin aswellasprison. tained,”Conlonsaid.Theethics Assessor Joseph Berrios valued councilinadvanceoftheirintro- duringdeliberationsindicatedju- Martin said Thursday he board also posted its opinion them,Munozcontends. ductionandconsideration. rorshadbeenatanimpasseover tookthatstanceintoconsider- online. Two of the properties are “To allow documents obvi- oneofthechargesinthelawsuit, ation but ultimately had no Although Conlon did not owned by companies that ouslypreparedinadvancenotto although the notes did not indi- choicebuttoexcludethemen nameBurkespecifically,inkeep- Burke’s law firm has saved mil- becirculatedtoalderpersonsand cate which charge had stalled who served probation instead ing with ethics board rules, the lionsofdollarsinpropertytaxes theadministrationundercutsthe jurors,beforeThursday’sruling. oftimeincustody. factsherecitedwereidenticalto byappealingtolowertheassess- integrity of the process and Clyde McLemore, founder of “I believe that the correct thoseinacomplaintaboutBurke mentsthatareusedtodetermine diminishes public confidence in Lake County Black Lives Matter, interpretationofthestatuteis referredtotheboard. tax bills. The lower the assess- the operation of city govern- attendedsomeoftheproceedings that you do have to serve a Burke,whoisnowawarethat ment,thelesspaidintaxes. ment.” priortoThursdayandsaidhewas period of imprisonment to the order could affect his firm’s If Munoz’s proposal passed, “reallydevastated”tolearnofthe qualify for a certificate of clients,haspledgedtowithdraw and the city succeeded in in- [email protected] jury’sdecision. innocence,”hesaid.“Ireaditas “Thisisafineexampleofwhat liberallyasIpossiblycan.” iswrongwiththejusticesystemin Tepfer said he intends to America,”hesaid,addingthathe appeal Martin’s denials, Slain Cmdr. Bauer was shot 6 times, viewedvideoduringthetrialthat though Clarissa Glenn, whose wasshownframebyframeand,“It Watts-related drug conviction showedhedidn’thaveaguninhis wastossedoutin2016,hasan including in head, autopsy shows hand.” appeal pending after Martin McLemore added that he felt denied her a certificate of someofthejurorsdidn’tseemlike innocencebecauseofherpro- ByJeremyGorner Bauer’spossessionwasdamaged police radio, according to an theywerebuyingthepoliceoffi- bationsentence. ChicagoTribune by the gunfire, according to the investigative report enclosed in cer’stestimony. The Chicago Tribune has records. theautopsyrecords. “Hewassonervoushespilled writtenseveralfront-pagesto- Slain Chicago police Cmdr. Dr.TimothyFagen,theassist- AFireDepartmentparamedic an entire cup of water on the riesdetailingthescandalover Paul Bauer was shot six times, ant medical examiner who per- fromAmbulance42heard“offi- stand,” he said, adding that he Watts’ nearly decadelong run including twice in the head, formedtheautopsy,determined cer down, send an ambulance” could have understood a hung of corruption at a South Side according to autopsy records thatBauerdiedofmultiplegun- over the police radio, according jury after two days of deliber- public housing development. released Thursday by the Cook shotwounds. toaFireDepartmentreportalso ations but not a dismissal of the Wattshasrepeatedlybeenac- County medical examiner’s of- Authorities have said tactical madepublicThursday. lawsuit. cusedofforcingresidentsand fice. police officers approached Leg- When the paramedic arrived, “Ifonepoliceofficergetsaway drug dealers alike to pay a ThefirstparamedictoBauer’s ghetteatStateStreetandLower Bauer was lying prone on the with it, then there will be more “protection” tax and putting sideshortlyafterhewasshotlast Wacker Drive about 1:45 p.m. below-street stairwell landing, andmore,”hesaid. bogus cases on those who month outside the Thompson Feb. 13 to ask him about a thereportsaid.Hisweaponwas According to McLemore, the refusedtodoso. Center in the Loop found no shooting that happened in the still holstered, and his police trialwashardonthefamily,with Watts and an officer under pulse,therecordsshow. area several days earlier, but he radioandhandcuffswerefound Howell’s mother having to leave his command were sent to Shomari Legghette, a four- tookoffrunning. nexttohisbody. the room when the video of the federalprisonin2013forsteal- time felon, was arrested at the Bauer,downtownforameet- Paramedics spotted at least shootingwasshown. ingmoneyfromadrugcourier sceneandindictedon56felony ing with aldermen after attend- one bullet wound to the back On Thursday, the plaintiffs’ who had been working as an counts of first-degree murder, ing training for mass shootings of Bauer’s head, according to attorney, Andrew M. Stroth, said FBIinformant. armed violence, and weapons earlierintheday,heardtheradio the Fire Department report. A theHowellfamilywas“devastated After the mass exoneration and drug offenses. Prosecutors callofafleeingsuspect.Moments paramedic then turned Bauer bythedecision.” of the 15 men in November, intendtoseekalifesentencefor later, he saw Legghette running overandcutopenhisjacketand Chicago police officials said Legghette,44,ifheisconvicted nearby and gave chase on foot, shirt to look for any other Nick Swedberg is a freelance re- thatonesergeantandsixoffi- inBauer’skilling.Hehaspleaded authoritiessaid. wounds,thereportsaid.Hewas porter for the News-Sun. News- cers who worked with Watts notguilty. BauerchaseddownLegghette givenCPR. Sun reporter Frank Abderholden wereremovedfromstreetdu- Bauer, 53, a 31-year depart- at the top of a stairwell outside Several police officers helped contributed. ties and placed on paid desk ment veteran who led the Near theThompsonCenterandtried moveBauerontoastretcherand dutywhiletheirconductyears North patrol district, was shot to detain him, authorities said, upthestairwell,thereportsaid. agowasinvestigated. twice in the head, twice on the butthetwostruggled.Legghette Bauer was then rushed to the Nearly two dozen people rightsideofhischest,onceonthe stumbled down the stairs, and ambulance.Hewaspronounced have had their Watts-related leftsideofhisneckandoncein Bauereitherfellorfollowedhim deadatNorthwesternMemorial convictions thrown out in re- his right forearm, the autopsy downthestairstoalanding. Hospitalat2:12p.m. cent years. Reviews of poten- reportshowed. The struggle continued there Officersfoundaloaded9mm tially hundreds more are He suffered scrapes to the before Legghette drew a hand- handgunwithanextendedclipin underway by the state’s attor- right side of his forehead, right gunandfiredsevenshots,fatally Legghette’s coat pocket, as well ney’soffice’sConvictionInteg- knee and left leg, as well as wounding Bauer, authorities asheroin,marijuanaandcocaine, rityUnit. contusionstohisrightwristand said. authoritieshavesaid. right knee, according to the At 1:54 p.m., a “10-1” emer- [email protected] report. gencycallofanofficerinneedof [email protected] HOWELLFAMILY Twitter@crepeau One of two cellphones in assistance went out over the Twitter@JeremyGorner JustusHowell 7 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 Study: Rich got $2B tax windfall Taxes,fromPage1 the county’s residential assess- mentsystem. proportionate amount of the tax Berrios’ office, which denied shift. formonthsthataproblemexisted, “Everyone—eventheassessor now is vowing to fix the issues — now agrees that the system is with residential assessments be- regressive,” Berry said. “But I forereassessingChicago’sroughly wantedtoknowhowmuchmon- 730,000homesthisyear. eyisatstake.Theansweriseasily The Tribune’s investigation, in the billions. These dollars are which continued in partnership being taken from some of our with ProPublica Illinois, also re- citizenswhocanleastafforditand vealed severely regressive and used to pay the taxes of the inaccurate assessments of com- wealthy.It’sunconscionable.” mercialandindustrialproperties, Theassessor’sofficedismissed but Preckwinkle has said the theU.ofC.studyasapoliticalploy county currently has no plans to aimedatinfluencingtheMarch20 studyoraddressthatproblem. primary election. Officials also “We’refocusedonresidential— accusedBerryofhavinganaxto onethingatatime,”shesaidata grind because the office did not newsconferencelastmonth. adoptanewresidentialvaluation “TheTaxDivide”seriesfound ANTONIOPEREZ/CHICAGOTRIBUNE model he helped design in 2010 that residential assessments pro- TheUniversityofChicago’sChristopherBerrycalledthetaxshifttopoorerhomeowners“unconscionable.” withagrantfromtheMacArthur ducedunderBerrioswerehighly Foundation. regressive,meaningtheassessor’s one method involved calculating includedintheanalysis.Thestudy eling technique that assesses the “Clearly,ProfessorBerryisup- office tended to undervalue the tax shift for each neighbor- focuses on Chicago because it is valueofhomesindifferentprice setthathismodelwasexposedto higher-pricedhomesandoverval- hoodbeforearrivingatacitywide the largest taxing district. Other ranges to improve accuracy.” have flaws and deficiencies,” the uelessexpensiveproperties. number. districtshavedifferenttaxrates. Berrywasquotedintherelease. assessor’s office said in a state- Most assessors conduct stat- Eachmethodproducedasimi- Berry,theacademicdirectorof ButtheTribuneeventuallyde- ment. “We are saddened by Pro- istical analyses to ensure that lar answer: a total tax shift in theCenterforMunicipalFinance terminedtheassessor’sofficene- fessorBerry’slackofprofessional- tendency falls within acceptable excess of $2.2 billion over the andfacultydirectoroftheU.ofC.’s ver fully implemented the new ism in releasing this report four limits,butBerrios’officesaiditdid studyperiod. Master of Science Program in model,whichBerrysaidcameasa days before the election and not notfollowthatpractice. “I start with homes that sold, ComputationalAnalysisandPub- surprise. giving us the opportunity to re- To estimate the cost of the since we have good information lic Policy, appeared in “The Tax When questioned by Tribune viewit.” problem on Chicago taxpayers, abouttheirmarketvalueandtheir Divide” series because of his reporters,officialsofferedaseries Berrios,whodoublesaschair- Berry compiled data on single- taxes,” Berry said. “Then I make involvementwithagrant-funded of changing responses but ulti- man of the Cook County Demo- familyhomesandcondosthatsold someprettystandardassumptions effort to develop a computer mately said that the model was cratic Party, is fighting for re- in arm’s-length transactions — toextrapolatethenumbertothe modelthatwouldreduceregres- flawedandthatBerryandothers election against two opponents: sales that involve unrelated, whole city in a representative sivity in the county’s residential involved had a vested interest in Fritz Kaegi, a money manager nondistressedparties. way.” assessments. thecountyusingit. fromOakPark,andAndreaRaila, About2.5percentofallhomes Experts said the approach he Berry also co-taught a gradu- Robert Weissbourd, president apropertytaxconsultantwhowas in Chicago were sold in such usedisfairandreasonable. ate-level class with a Tribune of the economic development putbackontheballotWednesday transactionsduringthestudype- “Berry is definitely on solid reporter in 2016 that examined consultingfirmRWVentures,led after being disqualified weeks riod, and the analysis assumes ground,” said Richard Almy, a thecounty’srobustappealsproc- the team that retained Berry’s earlier. they are representative of other, former executive director of the ess, finding that it added to the services and said both assertions The U. of C. study comes a similar residential properties in International Association of As- system’sproblemswithregressiv- arefalse.Theassessor’scriticism monthaftertheCivicConsulting thesameneighborhood. sessing Officers, an organization ity. distractsfromtheoffice’songoing Alliance,anonprofitorganization Berry then calculated a “fair” thatsetstandardsusedbyassess- Theprojecttoimproveresiden- failure to fix the assessment sys- that provides pro bono technical tax rate by adding up the total ment officials around the world. tialvaluationsdatedtotheeraof tem,headded. expertise to local government, property taxes billed on the sold “Thesetypesofanalysesareusu- formerAssessorJamesHoulihan “Our models are beside the confirmedthecounty’sresidential homesanddividingthatnumber ally done to evaluate proposed and was inherited by Berrios point,” Weissbourd said. “It is propertytaxassessmentsarerid- bythetotalsalespriceofthesame changestoassessmentsystems.” whenhetookofficeinlate2010. clear that the systematic dled with errors that cause “a homes.Applyingthisratetoallof Experts also said the U. of C. Berrysaidtechnicallimitations overassessment can and must wealth transfer from owners of the sold homes produced an analysis may understate the preventedofficialsfromusingthe urgently be fixed, and that the lower-value homes to those of estimated “fair” tax bill for each amount of the property tax bur- most accurate models the team publicneedsfulltransparencyand higher-value homes.” That study one. denshoulderedbylow-andmid- created.Buteventuallytheasses- independent monitoring to en- didnotputadollarfigureonthe Tocalculatethetaxshift,Berry dle-incomehomeownersbecause sor’s office settled on a compro- sure the fix is implemented this wealthtransfer. summedthedifferencesbetween the analysis does not take into misethatbalancedimprovements time.” Cook County Board President the estimated fair bills and the accountinaccuraciesincommer- to the system with the office’s Toni Preckwinkle commissioned actualbillsthatownersofunder- cial and industrial property as- capabilities. This report is a collaboration the CCA study in July following valuedhomesreceived.Thatshift sessments. In July 2015, Berrios’ office between the Chicago Tribune and publication of the Chicago Trib- wasthenextrapolatedouttocover Thetotaltaxshiftfromflawed issuedanewsreleasesayingithad ProPublica Illinois, an independ- une’s series “The Tax Divide,” theentirecity,usingfourdifferent assessments also would be far implemented“anewstate-of-the- ent,nonprofitjournalismorganiza- which found deep inequities in statistical methods. For example, larger if the entire county were art residential assessment mod- tion. Contrasts stark, stakes high in Cook assessor race Assessor,fromPage1 ments and politics at the dinner BerriosbecamethefirstHispanic years so local governments don’t table,andhismotherisaonetime elected to the Illinois House. Six havetotakeoutshort-termloans; tronage,thosefolksstillcommand Peace Corps volunteer who took years later he was elected as a increasing property tax exemp- troopswhocanturnoutthevote. part in Martin Luther King Jr.’s commissioner of the Board of tionsforhomeowners,witheven Berrios also controls campaign Poor People’s Campaign and Review—apositionhehelduntil bigger breaks for qualifying sen- accounts that started the year worked for a public relations 2010, when he was first elected iors; and collecting tens of mil- withnearly$2.4millionandhave agency hired by the late Mayor assessor. lionsof dollars from peoplewho collected more than $300,000 HaroldWashington. Along the way he started a weregettingexemptionstowhich sincethen. AlthoughKaegiusedhiseduca- lobbyingfirmandclimbedinthe theywerenotentitled. But Kaegi’s central campaign Kaegi Raila tion—abachelor’sineconomics county party through alliances “Inanyothercity,Iwouldhave themeofunfairnessintheassess- andpoliticalscience,afellowship with many politicians who later been on the front page, a hero,” ment system got a big boost in thepowertoimpose. studying emerging businesses in gotthemselvesintroublewiththe Berriossaid. June,whentheChicagoTribune The appeals cases, both to his Russia,aStanfordMBA—torise law. Among them were former Berrios also noted that his and ProPublica Illinois began office and the county Board of to a high-level job as a senior 31st Ward Ald. Thomas Keane, officehasshrunk—with278jobs publishing“TheTaxDivide.”The Review on which Berrios served portfolio manager at the Colum- stateSen.EdwardNedzaand10th today, which is about 30 percent investigation found that assess- for 22 years, only make the bia Acorn mutual fund, he had a Ward Ald. Edward Vrdolyak. In fewerpositionsthanwhenhetook ments under Berrios tended to problems with assessments toeinthepoliticalwatersallalong. 2007, Berrios was chosen party over. make property taxes lower than worse,theTribuneconcludedand Hedidcanvassingworkforutility chairmanbycommitteemen. AndBerrios,thesonofPuerto they should have been on more theindependentstudyconfirmed. regulation and volunteered in “Ilovebeinginpolitics,”Berrios Ricanimmigrantfactoryworkers, expensivehomesandhigherthan And successful property tax ap- campaignsincludingBarackOba- said.“IstartedwhenIwas17years dismisses Kaegi as a “multimil- warrantedonlessexpensiveones, peals benefit Berrios’ political ma’s U.S. Senate run and first old, working precincts, and I lionaire” who’s trying to start a withminoritycommunitiesbeing allies:Madigan,who’salsochair- presidentialcampaign.Kaegialso worked my way up through the political career in a high-level hitparticularlyhard. manofthestateDemocraticParty, hascontributedtoseveralDemo- system. I’ve been able to achieve post.“Hewantstobuytheoffice, Those findings were recently and 14th Ward Ald. Edward craticcongressionalcampaigns,a things that people have always andI’mnotgoingtolethimbuy corroborated by an independent Burke,whoplaysakeyroleinthe few local Democratic organiza- saidIwouldn’tbeabletodo.And theoffice,”Berriossaid. study commissioned by County county Democratic Party. Both tions,PlannedParenthoodandthe I’m very proud of what I have Berrios’ Democratic organiza- Board President Toni Preckwin- owntaxappealslawfirms. AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion. done.” tion, however, has endorsed bil- kleandBerrios. Earlyinhistenure,Berrioswas About six years ago he was a lionaire J.B. Pritzker in the pri- Theproblemswiththeassess- called out by the courts for fellowinLeadershipGreaterChi- Railabio maryforgovernor—inlargepart ment system also have led some violatingso-calledShakmanrules cago, which was something of a becausePritzkerhasthewealthto Democraticleaderstobreakranks thatbarpoliticalconsiderationsin traininggroundformanyafuture Raila,57,isaChicagonative,the fundanaggressivecampaign. with Berrios. Several congress- most hiring and promotion deci- politician.Oneofhis“classmates” daughter of a radiologist and On the campaign trail, Kaegi men, including U.S. Reps. Bobby sions, a reprimand that cost wasGilbertVillegas,whoin2015 mental health therapist. During has pointed out that the bulk of Rush and Robin Kelly, aldermen county taxpayers $529,000. defeated a Berrios-backed candi- the 1980s she worked as an Berrios’ campaign contributions and county officials have en- Berrios’officeisstillundercourt date to become 31st Ward alder- appeals case analyst for then- over the years have come from dorsedKaegi—andahandfulof oversight in that arena and has man.Kaegisaidthatwin,inpart, Boardof(Tax)AppealsCommis- attorneys who file tax appeals. ward committeemen left the as- been slow to adopt reforms, ac- madehimthinkhemighthavea sioner Pat Quinn. She later LikeRaila,Kaegihaspledgednot sessor’sraceofftheirpalmcards cording to court-appointed roletoplay,andatanyrate,hewas worked as a taxpayer advocate toacceptcontributionsfromany- that indicate whom they are watchdogs. getting tired of being on the whenQuinnservedascomptrol- oneinvolvedintheappealsindus- backing,Democraticsourcessaid. There’s also an issue of per- “sidelines.” lerunderMayorWashington. try. Kaegi also jokingly said he Kaegialsoisbackedbyindepend- ceived weakness in Berrios’ 31st So,inconsultationwithahand- For many years, she’s been a won’t hire his grade-school chil- ent Democrats trying to catch a Wardpowerbase.Inthepastfour ful of people that included his property tax consultant, helping dren to work in the office and partyreformwavespurredonby years,hisdaughter,MariaAntonia wife, Rebecca, and Dan Seals, an homeowners and small busi- pledgestohireworkersbasedon U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 “Toni”Berrios,lostaraceforstate oldKenwoodAcademyclassmate nesses appeal their assessments. qualifications, not whom they presidentialbid. representative to a progressive and former congressional candi- She filed to run for assessor in know. Inthewakeoftheindependent newcomer, and Ald. Ray Suarez date, Kaegi decided to run for 2010, when Berrios was first “People say, ‘The values he study, Berrios has pledged to fix lost a re-election contest to a assessor.Givenhisbackgroundin elected, but withdrew amid a standsforarenotmyvaluesasa thesystem,contendingtheidenti- candidate backed by a Berrios “valuing assets,” Kaegi figured challenge to her petition signa- Democrat,’” Kaegi said. “Pay-to- fiedproblemsare40yearsold.But politicalrival.Theassessorchalks thatwasaplacehecouldmakea tures. play,transferringwealthfromthe criticspointoutthatwhenhefirst upthosedefeatstochangesonthe difference.InarecentCityClubof In 2011, the Tribune reported poor to the rich, delivering the ranin2010hepromisedto“fairly city’sNorthwestSide. Chicago speech, he pledged to that she was receiving a home- vast majority of benefits to your assesspropertiesatmarketvalue” Kaegi,asuccessfulmutualfund make the office “fair, ethical and owner’s exemption on a second campaign donors and the clients and in 2015 never fully imple- asset manager now living in Oak transparent” — all of which he Chicago condominium to which of them, preventing the emer- mentedanewassessmentmodel Park, has the cash to get his contendsitlacksunderBerrios. shewasnotentitled,whichsaved gence of other young, talented designedtoaddressknownflaws messageout.Todatehe’spumped her more than $8,000 in tax candidates in your role as party inthesystem.Kaegisayshe’llstart morethan$1.5millionofhisown Berrios’story payments over a decade. At the chairman. … People are fed up fixing the system on “Day One,” money into his campaign and timeshesaidshedidnotknowshe withallofthat.” andRailaalsosaysshe’lltakesteps raised another $400,000, using Berrios, by contrast, started was getting two homestead ex- Railaistryingtofashionherself tomakethesystemfairer. thecashnotonlytorunTVadsbut workingforthe31stWardDemo- emptions. asthecandidatenotbeholdento Also fueling Kaegi’s campaign alsotowagealegalbattletotryto craticorganizationwhileatLane Nowshefashionsherselfasthe any established powers, whether are Berrios’ ethics disputes. The keepRailaofftheballot.Railahad Tech,afterhisfamilymovedfrom person in the race who best they be old-school Democrats or assessorhasbeencalledoutbythe $35,000tostarttheyearandputin Cabrini-GreentoHumboldtPark. understandsthesystem.“Iamthe members of the party’s prog- countyBoardofEthicsforhiring $100,000 of her own money last He earned an accounting degree onlyonewhohasfoughthardfor ressive wing. And she frequently relativesandacceptingcampaign monthamidthecostlycourtbattle fromwhatwasthenUniversityof homeowners for 30 years,” Raila notesshe’s the only womanrun- contributions exceeding county thatrestoredhertotheballot. IllinoisatChicagoCircle.Hewent said.“I’mtheonlytaxpayeradvo- ning for an office men have limits from property tax appeals to work for the city, running cateandexpertonthatballot.” controlledfordecades. lawyerswhoseekdecisionsfrom Who’sKaegi? parking meter collections before “Joe Berrios and Kaegi are hisofficethatbenefittheirbottom moving over to what was then Therhetoric insiders,” Raila said. “They have lines. Berrios went to court to The campaign pitch from known as the Board of (Tax) the machine and the so-called overturn the ethics panel deci- Kaegi,46,isrootedinhisupbring- AppealsandisnowtheBoardof Berrios has served nearly two progressives with them. I have sions, maintaining the County ing. His father is a retired Uni- Review. terms and points to accomplish- alwaysbeenanoutsider.” Board was trying to place con- versityofChicagohistoryprofes- In1982,withthesponsorshipof mentssuchasgettingthetaxbills straintsonhimthatitdidn’thave sorwholikedtotalkaboutinvest- Democratic machine politicians, outontimeforthefirsttimein34 [email protected] 8 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 Cop alleges sex discrimination Kids found safe day after mom’s slaying 1st woman to lead HelicopterUnit. the opportunity for addi- Georgasusedthetragedyof In fact, as of May 2016, tional training that he’d theaccidentaldrowningas marine unit says only eight of 175 positions approved for her male an “opportunistic” excuse ByMadeline boss harassed her available in Special Func- counterparts, according to togetridofher.Meanwhile, Buckley, tions were held by female thesuit. a male sergeant who was ElyssaCherney, ByJasonMeisner officers — and only one of The situation came to a on-duty at the time of the SteveSchmadeke ChicagoTribune those was assigned to the head over Memorial Day drowning faced no disci- andTedGregory marine unit, according to weekendin2016whenthe pline,accordingtothesuit. ChicagoTribune AChicagopolicelieuten- thelawsuit. marine unit was called to Georgas has since been antwhorosetobecomethe The“abominable”record searchforamissingboater redeployed to Detached Nearly two days of first woman to ever com- alsoincludednowomenon inLakeMichiganwhoulti- Services and currently heartbreak and anxiety mand the department’s a SWAT team of nearly mately drowned, the suit headssecurityfortheMet- ended with a measure of MarineandHelicopterUnit seven dozen members, the alleged. Schloss was off- ropolitan Pier and Expos- reliefThursdayafternoon, filedafederalsexdiscrimi- suitalleged. duty on the day of the ition Authority, which op- when two toddlers who ILLINOISSTATEPOLICE nationlawsuitThursdayal- Schloss, who was ap- drowningbutshowedupat erates Navy Pier and Mc- wentmissinginthesouth PolicecalledLynnWash- legingshewasharassedbya pointedasmarineunitcom- the scene anyway to help Cormick Place, records suburbsaftertheirmother ingtonapersonofinterest sexist boss and ultimately mander by then-Superin- coordinate the search, ac- show. was fatally shot in inLakishaRoby’skilling. demoted because he didn’t tendent Garry McCarthy, cordingtothesuit. The lawsuit named the Markham were found wanttoseeawomaninher allegedthatherimmediate OntheTuesdayafterthe city of Chicago as the lone safe. tion against Washington post. supervisor, Deputy Chief holiday weekend, Georgas defendant.Aspokesmanfor Jordyn Washington, 2, in Cook County, records Lt. Allison Schloss al- Steve Georgas, “resented ordered her into his office the city’s Law Department and her 3-year-old show.SanderssaidWash- leged in the 19-page com- and bridled” at her being and removed her from her declined to comment brother, Lynn Roby, were ington had been prohib- plaintthatatthetimeofher namedtotheposition. command, the suit alleged. Thursday. Georgas could at the home of their fa- ited from contact with appointment in May 2014, “He did not place her After Schloss filed a com- notbereached. ther’s mother in Harvey Jordan and Lynn by an shewasamongonlyahand- there,andhedidnotwanta plaintwiththelegaldepart- Schloss also filed a sex about3:40p.m.Thursday, orderofprotectionissued ful of women assigned to woman in that post,” the mentaweeklater,shewas discrimination and retalia- when a police detective Nov.30. thePoliceDepartment’sso- suitalleged. transferred “involuntarily” tion complaint before the “circled back” after visit- Robyallegedhethreat- calledSpecialFunctionsDi- Overthenexttwoyears, to the Major Accident In- EqualEmploymentOppor- ingthehomeonWednes- enedtobeatheranddrove vision, which includes the Georgas harassed Schloss vestigationUnit,whereshe tunityCommission,accord- day, Markham police off with their son last bomb squad, SWAT team byassigningherbusywork, remains as the unit com- ingtothesuit. ChiefMackSanderssaid. March. “He has a history andmountedpatrolinaddi- overriding her personnel mander. “They weren’t there of abuse with myself and tion to the Marine and decisions and denying her Schloss alleged that [email protected] when we went to the other women,” Roby home yesterday,” he add- wroteinherpetition.“Ido ed. feel like I’m at (risk) of Authoritiessaythechil- being hurt or worse by dren’sfather,LynnWash- him.” ington, 40, is a person of She wrote in another interestintheshootingof court filing that he had the children’s mother, attacked her when she Lakisha Roby, 27. Wash- went to pick up her chil- ington remained at large drenfromhishome. Thursdayeveningand“is Washington owns a considered armed and companycalledOTC—a dangerous, based on his phrasealsotattooedonhis criminal history and our neck,recordsshow—that investigation,” Sanders stands for One of the said. Coldest, according to Embroiled in a con- court records. The com- tentious divorce with pany“includesadogken- Roby, Washington was nel business, a clothing barred by a court order line,andanentertainment from having contact with company,” according to a herorthechildren. courtfilingbyhisattorney. Roby,27,waskilledina Roby had lost custody domestic-relatedshooting ofachild,bornonJune25, ataBPgasstationat167th 2010,whomshehadwith Street and Pulaski Road aGlenwoodman.Ajudge about 1:35 a.m. Wednes- awarded him custody af- day, Sanders said. On ter Roby allegedly moved Thursday afternoon, the out of state and failed to CookCountymedicalex- use her parenting time aminerreportedthatRoby with the child, records was killed by a “gunshot show. wound of the back” and Both Roby and Wash- determinedherdeathwas ingtonhadattendedapar- ahomicide. enting education class Roby“wasonewhowas called Focus on Children DAVISBRODYBONDILLUSTRATION hopeful,”hermother,Wil- last fall as part of the OpponentscontendthatpylonsforaproposedaerialtramwouldcrowdtheChicagoRiverwalk’snarrowspace. fredaRoby,saidThursday divorce proceeding, re- afternoon.“Shehadahard cordsshow. Debate grows over plan for aerial tram path in life but she was Washington has been turningthingsaroundand charged in a handful of gettingthingstogether.” domesticbatterycasesgo- Tram,fromPage1 we can understand what “pods” operating every Friends of the Chicago Lakisha Roby had ingbacktothe1990s,and resonates and what half-hour day and night River, which recently re- talked about returning to mostrecentlywascharged architectural perspectives doesn’t,” Raizin said. “All alongthesouthbankofthe viewed the latest gondola school, her mother said. inamisdemeanordomes- of Chicago’s downtown,” we’re doing now is listen- river. It would run from proposal,hassentaletterto “Thiswasthelastthingwe ticbatterycaseinOctober, BobAgraIII,vicepresident ing. There is no formal Wacker Drive and Lake Emanuelopposingtheidea. expected,” Wilfreda Roby Cook County court re- of Chicago’s First Lady project to present to any- StreetonthewesttoNavy Thegrouplaidoutitscon- said. cordsshow.Thatcasewas Cruises,saidinastatement one.” Pier on the east. There cernsThursdayinanemail “I hurt for my grand- continuedinJanuary. Thursday. Cable cars “car- Boat tours are big busi- would be stops along the totheTribune,contending kids, but his (Washing- In2016,hewascharged rying3,000peopleanhour ness, giving tourists way, with a station at Co- that: ton’s) family are not bad inawarrantwithdomes- abovetheRiverwalkwould a chance to see Chicago’s lumbus Drive being the ■The tram would divert people,”Robysaid,“andI tic battery and theft, but have a terrible impact on world-famous buildings — closesttoMillenniumPark. crowdsandhurtbusinesses know they’re hurting as the warrant was later thecity,”hesaid. theWrigleyBuilding,Trib- Adigitalpresentationob- along the river, including well.” quashed,accordingtothe The proposal lacks offi- une Tower, Willis Tower tained by the Tribune says those that have signed Lakisha Roby was re- records. cial backing at this stage, and others — from the that the project would be leaseswiththecityandare turning from a club out- JasmineCarter,25,said nearlytwoyearsafteritwas uniquevantagepointofthe “100% funded by private helpingChicagotopayoffa side of Markham when shehadbeenclosefriends unveiledattheCityClubof river. investment.” It also would federal loan that enabled she got into an argument withRobysincetheymet Chicago.Butinanapparent Tax records from 2016 betheworld’sfirstenviron- the Riverwalk’s construc- with Washington at the at Bloom High School in effort to line up political show the Chicago Archi- mentallyfriendlytramsys- tion. gasstation,Sanderssaid.A ChicagoHeights. support, its sponsors have tecture Foundation had tem, the document says, ■Thetram’spylonswould manwithRobyinthecar “She was like an angel beenshowingittoinfluen- more than $15.6 million in becauseitwouldencourage blockviewsoftheriver,the drovenorthonPulaskitoa in physical form,” Carter tialgroupslikeChooseChi- revenue from tours. The touriststoexploreChicago Riverwalk and the build- gasstationinRobbinsand said.“Shedidn’thaveany cago,thecity’sofficialtour- figureincludesothertypes without cars, taxis, ride- ingsalongtheriver. soughthelp.Themanwas enemies. That’s why it ism sales and marketing of tours, such as by train sharing vehicles or buses, ■The pylons also would cooperating with police, camebysurprisethatshe organization. andbus,aswellastheboat thus “leaving behind a blockpedestriansalongthe thechiefsaid.Hisrelation was shot and that some- Raizin, who is Choose tours. much smaller carbon foot- Riverwalk“andreducethe toRobywasnotknown. one had so much anger Chicago’s treasurer and a When the tram project print.” numberofvisitorsitcould Hours later, Washing- towardher.” contributortoMayorRahm wasunveiledtwoyearsago, But opponents, who in- accommodate. In addition tonpickedupthechildren Carter said she never Emanuel’s campaign fund, backerssaiditcouldattract clude the nonprofit group tothesepylons,evenlarger about2p.m.fromafamily metWashingtonandthat insisted that the meetings 1.4millionvisitorsayearto Friends of the Chicago turningstationsandboard- friend, who had been Robydidn’tdivulgeallthe aremoreofalisteningtour Chicago and that it would RiverandChicagoarchitect ing stations will be re- watching them and was detailsaboutherrelation- than an attempt to amass cost about $250 million to Carol Ross Barney, the quired.” notawareoftheshooting, ship.Butherfriendsknew support for the tram net- build. Riverwalk’s co-designer, “Weasacityandaregion Sanderssaid. thecouplehadbeensepa- work,whichiscalled“The The plans called for the take a much dimmer view spenttoomanyyearslook- Policelearnedthechil- rated for a few years and ChicagoSkyline.” attractiontoaccommodate ofthetram’senvironmental ing down on the Chicago dren could be in danger Washington did not play “It’sallaboutlistening,so 3,000 people an hour in andeconomicimpact. River literally and figura- later Wednesday after- an active role in the chil- tively and we don’t want noon while investigating dren’slives. thattohappenagain,”said the homicide, Sanders Carter said she last thegroup’sexecutivedirec- said. talked to Roby last week tor,MargaretFrisbie,refer- “Oncewerealizedkids while making plans for a ring to the city’s habit of were involved, it was a visit. Roby seemed to be usingtheriverasanopen- race against time,” Sand- doingwell. airsewer. erssaid. Carter said she was Barney agreed with the He said investigators scared knowing he could group’scritique. believe the children may be on the run with the “It just seems like phys- havebeenshuttledamong children. “I really didn’t ically there’s not enough several baby sitters and wanttogotosleepyester- space(forthepylons),”she ended up with members day. I was up praying at said.Alludingtothehordes ofWashington’sfamily. midnight.” ofvisitorswhoflocktothe Illinois State Police is- Roby most recently Riverwalk’s bars and sued an Amber Alert for workedfortheU.S.Postal restaurants in the warm thetwochildrenabout10 Service and enjoyed months, she added: “Right p.m.Wednesdayfromthe spending her free time now,it’shardenoughtoget first block of East 156th withherchildren. on the Riverwalk if you Street in Harvey. By “Shedidn’tpartymuch wanttodrink.” Thursday afternoon, the or go out unless it was “It doesn’t make me South Suburban Major withthem,”Cartersaid. think of Chicago,” Barney Crimes Task Force had The alert describes said. It’s “just sort of Dis- been activated, Sanders Washingtonasblackwith neyland.” said,allowingpoliceagen- brown hair and brown Emanuel’sofficeisaware ciesthroughouttheregion eyes.Heisabout5-foot-9 of the aerial tram concept, to join in the search for andabout180pounds.He but has not received a Washington and his two hastattoosonhisneck,left formal plan, mayoral children. arm,rightarmandchest. spokesman Grant Klinz- “Basically, we are able Anyone with information man said. Ald. Brendan to cover more ground,” on his whereabouts is Reilly, 42nd, whose ward Sanders said of the task askedtocall911. includestheRiverwalk,did force. Washington “may notreturnaphonecalland belayinglow,justwaiting Freelancer Howard Lud- anemailseekingcomment. and contemplating his wigcontributed. versionofevents,”headd- [email protected] ed. [email protected] Twitter@BlairKamin Roby and at least two [email protected] [email protected] other women had ob- [email protected] Twitter@Ryan_Ori [email protected] tained orders of protec- 9 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 NATION &WORLD Pedestrian span collapses in Miami At least 4 killed, Thursday. But an archived version featured a news 9 hurt in crush of release touting the project debris, officials say with FIGG Bridge Engi- neers,aTallahasseefirm. ByAdrianaGomez MCM said on Twitter Licon that it was “a family busi- AssociatedPress ness and we are all devas- tatedanddoingeverything MIAMI — A pedestrian we can to assist. We will bridge under construction conductafullinvestigation collapsed onto a busy Mi- to determine exactly what ami highway Thursday, wentwrongandwillcoop- crushing vehicles beneath erate with investigators on itsmassiveslabsofconcrete sceneineveryway.” andsteelandkillingatleast FIGGsaidinastatement, four people, authorities “In our 40-year history, said. nothing like this has ever Search crews worked happenedbefore.” into the night, using dogs, Court documents show search cameras and sensi- that MCM was accused of tive listening devices in a substandardworkinalaw- frantic search to find sur- suit filed this month. The vivorsamongthedebris. suit said a worker at Fort “Everybody is working Lauderdale International hard to make sure we res- Airport, where the com- cue anyone who can be pany is working on an rescued,” Gov. Rick Scott expansion, was injured said. when a makeshift MCM- But Miami-Dade police builtbridgecollapsedunder director Juan Perez said hisweight. hopesweredwindlingwith AreviewofOccupational the passing of time. “We GIORGIOVIERA/EPA Safety Health Administra- know that there's going to EmergencyworkersscrambletofindsurvivorsandsecurethecollapsedpedestrianbridgeThursdayinMiami. tion records shows that beanegativeoutcomeatthe MCMhasbeenfinedfor11 endoftheday,”Perezsaid. trollablesadness.” to reduce risks to workers peciallybecausethebridge Kendall Regional Medi- safetyviolationsinthepast Four people were found Scott said an investiga- and pedestrians and min- spanned a heavily traveled calCenterreceivedseveral fiveyears.Thefinestotaling dead amid the chaotic tionwilluncover“whythis imizetrafficdisruption,the thoroughfare. injuredpeople.Twowerein more than $50,000 arose scene, and nine victims happened and what hap- university said. Renderings Sweetwater police De- “extremely critical” condi- from complaints about un- were taken “early on” to pened,” and he vowed to showed a tall, off-center tectiveJuanLlerawasina tionandotherswerestable safe trenches, cement dust hospitals, Fire Chief Dave hold accountable those re- towerwithcablesattached nearby meeting when the withinjuriessuchasbroken and other problems at its Downeysaid. sponsible. to the walkway to support bridgecollapsed.“Ihearda bones, bruises and abra- Floridaworksites. At least eight vehicles Jacob Miller, a senior at it. When the bridge col- ‘boom’ like a bomb had sions, said Dr. Mark FIUisthesecondlargest werecrushed. FIU,wasvisitingafriendin lapsed,themaintowerhad exploded,”hesaid.“AtfirstI McKenney, the hospital’s universityinthestate,with The 950-ton bridge had a dorm when he heard not been installed, and it thought it was a terrorist directorofgeneralsurgery. 55,000 students, most of beenassembledbytheside sirens and horns. He went wasunclearwhatthebuild- attack.” Themaincompaniesbe- whom live off-campus. A of the highway and moved to a balcony and could see erswereusingastemporary He said he saw three hindthe$14.2millioncon- studentwaskilledinAugust intoplaceSaturdaytogreat rubblecomingdown.“Isaw supports. construction workers who structionprojecthavefaced whilecrossingtheroadthat fanfare.Thespanstretched there were multiple cars RobertBea,aprofessorof hadbeeninjured.Onehada questions about past work, thebridgewassupposedto almost 200 feet to connect crushedunderthebridge.It engineering and construc- headinjuryandwaspassing and one was fined in 2012 span. Florida International Uni- wasjustterrible,”hesaid. tion management at the inandoutofconsciousness, whena90-tonsectionofa PresidentDonaldTrump versity with the city of National Transportation University of California at anotherhadaleginjuryleg bridgecollapsedinVirginia. tweetedthathewasmoni- Sweetwater. Safety Board chairman Berkeley said it was too and the third was lying on Munilla Construction toring the “heartbreaking “This bridge was about Robert Sumwalt III said a early to know what hap- the street unconscious. He Management,orMCM,the bridge collapse,” calling it goodness,notsadness,”said team of specialists was pened, but the decision to startedperformingCPRon Miami-based construction “sotragic.” FIUPresidentMarkRosen- headingtoMiami. use what the bridge build- him.“Wewereabletokeep managementfirmthatwon berg. “Now we're feeling Anacceleratedconstruc- ers called an “innovative himalivetosendhimtothe thebridgecontract,tookits Washington Post contrib- immense sadness, uncon- tion method was supposed installation” was risky, es- hospital,”Llerasaid. website down for a time uted. Trump to oust McMaster, insiders say President said to be buoyedbywhatheviewsas WhiteHouseinrecentdays starting quarterback at the triumphant decisions last has verged on mania, as University of Connecticut weighing shake-up week to impose tariffs on Trump increasingly keeps and then worked as a pro- to his inner circle steelandaluminumandto hisowncounselandsenior duction assistant at Fox agree to meet with North aidesstruggletodetermine News, declined to com- ByAshleyParkerand Korean leader Kim Jong thegradationsbetweenru- ment. JoshDawsey Un.Thepresidentisenjoy- mor and truth. At times, Trump recently told TheWashingtonPost ingtheprocessofassessing they say, they are anxious White House chief of staff his team and making and nervous, wondering John Kelly that he wants WASHINGTON—Presi- changes, tightening his what each new headline McMasteroutandaskedfor dent Donald Trump has inner circle to those he maymeanforthemperson- helpweighingreplacement decided to remove H.R. considers survivors and ally. options, according to two McMaster as his national whorespecthisunconven- Manyaideswereparticu- people familiar with their security adviser and is dis- tional style, one senior larlyunsettledbythefiring conversations. The presi- cussing potential replace- WhiteHouseofficialsaid. of the president’s longtime dent has complained that ments, according to five Just days ago, Trump personalaide,JohnMcEn- McMaster is too rigid and people with knowledge of used Twitter to fire Rex tee, who was marched out thathisbriefingsgoontoo the plans, preparing to de- Tillerson, the secretary of of the White House on longandseemirrelevant. liveryetanotherjolttothe statewhomhedisliked,and Tuesday after his security Several candidates have seniorranksofhisadminis- moved to install his close clearancewasrevoked. emerged as possible Mc- tration. ally, CIA Director Mike “Everybody fears the Master replacements, in- Trump is now comfort- Pompeo, in the job. On perp walk,” one senior cludingJohnBolton,afor- able with ousting McMas- Wednesday,henamedcon- WhiteHouseofficialsaid. merU.S.ambassadortothe ter, with whom he never servative TV analyst Larry McEnteelosthisjobbe- United Nations, and Keith personally gelled, but is Kudlow to replace his top cause an investigation Kellogg,thechiefofstaffof willingtotaketimeexecut- economic adviser, Gary found he was a frequent theNationalSecurityCoun- ing the move because he Cohn, who quit over trade gamblerwhosehabitposed cil. wants to ensure that the disagreements. asecurityrisk,accordingto McMasterisnottheonly three-star Army general is AndonThursday,Trump twopeoplefamiliarwithhis senior official on thin ice MARKWILSON/GETTY not humiliated and that signaledthatmoreperson- departure. with the president. Veter- PresidentDonaldTrumpreportedlybelievesH.R.McMas- there is a strong successor nelmoveswerelikely. A background investiga- ansAffairsSecretaryDavid ter,above,istoorigidandthathisbriefingsgoontoolong. linedup,thesepeoplesaid. “There will always be tion found that McEntee Shulkin has attracted Theturbulenceispartof change,” the president told bet tens of thousands of Trump’sireforhisspending tor Scott Pruitt, who has with Lesley Stahl of CBS’s a broader potential shake- reporters.“AndIthinkyou dollars at a time, making decisions as well as for been under fire for his “60 Minutes” with frustra- up under consideration by wanttoseechange.Iwant him unsuitable for a sensi- generaldisorderinthesen- first-classtravelattaxpayer tionandcomplainedabout Trump that is likely to toalsoseedifferentideas.” tive position close to the iorleadershipofhisagency. expense; and Interior Sec- the secretary’s apparent include senior officials at This portrait of the president, according to a Othersconsideredatrisk retary Ryan Zinke, whose lackofpreparation,officials the White House, where Trump administration in person with knowledge of for being fired or repri- agency spent $139,000 to said.OtherTrumpadvisers staffersaregrippedbyfear turmoil is based on inter- thesituation.Therewasno manded include Housing renovatehisofficedoors. mocked DeVos’ shaky ap- and uncertainty as they views with 19 presidential indicationhisgamblingwas and Urban Development Meanwhile, Education pearance with Savannah await the next move from advisersandadministration illegal, but there was con- SecretaryBenCarson,who Secretary Betsy DeVos Guthrie on NBC’s “Today” animpulsivepresidentwho officials, many of whom cern that the 27-year-old has generated bad head- drew attention this week show. enjoysstokingconflict. spoke on the condition of couldbevulnerabletoout- linesfororderinga$31,000 whenshestumbledthrough For all of the evident anonymity to offer candid side influence, the person dining room set for his apairofhigh-profiletelevi- PhilipRucker,CarolD.Leon- disorder, Trump feels em- perspectives. said. office; Environmental Pro- sion interviews. Kelly nig and Greg Jaffe contrib- boldened, advisers said — The mood inside the McEntee, who was a tectionAgencyAdministra- watched DeVos’ sit-down uted. Trump: ‘I know’ U.S. has Canada trade deficit Office of U.S. Trade TrumpwroteonTwitter country — when the value ‘You’rewrong.’” onThursday:“Wedohavea ofservicesisincludedinthe Trump claimed the fig- Representative says TradeDeficitwithCanada, calculation. ures don’t include timber there isn’t one as we do with almost all Trumpspokeabouttrade andenergy. countries (some of them duringafundraisingspeech CanadianForeignAffairs ByCatherineLucey massive). P.M. Justin inSt.LouisonWednesday, spokesman Adam Austin AssociatedPress Trudeau of Canada, a very accordingtoaudioobtained said in an emailed state- goodguy,doesn’tlikesaying by The Washington Post. ment that the countries WASHINGTON—Presi- that Canada has a Surplus The paper reports that “haveabalancedandmutu- dentDonaldTrumpcontin- vs.theU.S.(negotiating),but Trump said he freestyled ally beneficial trading rela- ues to insist the United they do...they almost all withthefactswhentalking tionship.” He added: “Ac- States has a trade deficit do...andthat’showIknow!” tradewithTrudeau. cording to their own stat- with Canada, following re- Trump,whoroutinelyin- TrumpsaidTrudeautold istics, the U.S. runs a trade ports that he claimed at a flatestradedeficits,haspre- him there was no trade surpluswithCanada.” fundraiser that he talked viouslycomplainedabouta deficit. Trump said he TheOfficeoftheUnited JUSTINTANG/AP trade with the country’s trade deficit with Canada replied, “‘Wrong, Justin, StatesTradeRepresentative CanadianPrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau,left,meetswith prime minister without even though the U.S. runs youdo.’Ididn’tevenknow.I says the U.S. has a trade workersatEssarSteelAlgomainSaultSte.Marie,Ontario. knowingallthefacts. anoverallsurpluswiththat had no idea. I just said, surpluswithCanada. 10 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,March16,2018 7 years in, Syrians despair over scarred land Civil war, outside capitalwiththeaidofRus- powers have carved sianairpower. InnorthernSyria,Turkey up their country isbattlingaSyrianKurdish militia that it views as an ByZeinaKaram extension of the Kurdish andPhilipIssa insurgency within its own AssociatedPress borders. At least 10,000 civilians BEIRUT — For Syrians streamed out of eastern markingsevenyearsofwar, Ghoutatogovernment-held their country has never territory Thursday, follow- looked as helpless or frag- inganightofmassivebom- mented. bardment.Thousandsmore President Bashar Assad fledtheKurdish-heldAfrin hasdecimatedtherebellion, enclave in northern Syria, thanks to massive military after Turkish forces tight- aid from Russia and Iran, enedtheirsiege. but foreign powers have The U.S., which is allied carvedoutzonesofinfluen- with both Turkey and the ceacrossthecountry.Hun- Kurds,hassoughttodefuse dreds of thousands of Syr- thetensions,tonoavail. iansaretrappedinbesieged Hundreds of American areas,andheavyfightingis special operations forces underwayinthesuburbsof are deployed across north- Damascusandinthenorth, ern and eastern Syria, whereal-Qaida-linkedmili- where they are patrolling tantsareclashingwithrival alongside a Kurdish-led insurgents and Turkish force to prevent IS from troopsarebattlingaSyrian regrouping. But their foot- Kurdishmilitia. print is nowhere near the Theviolencehasacceler- LOUAIBESHARA/GETTY-AFP sizeofIran’s.Thousandsof ated even as the United ThousandsofSyriansevacuatedfromeasternGhoutapassThursdaythoughacorridoropenedbygovernmentforces Iran-backed fighters from States,Russia,IranandTur- Lebanon, Iraq and Af- key worked diplomatic But if you can think about as Afghanistan, Syrian Daraa. The defeat of Islamic ghanistanhavesetupbases trackstobrokerlocaltruces an ordinary Syrian who troops, Russian pilots, al- A demonstration calling State over the past year acrossthecountry,partofa and freeze the lines of wants to go from Daraa to Qaida-linked jihadis, U.S.- for reforms in Damascus’ raised hopes of a broader corridorofarmsandinflu- conflict over the last year. Idlib, can you think about allied Kurdish forces and OldCityonMarch15isnow resolution of the conflict. ence stretching from Thoseeffortsnowappearto howmanycountriesorna- Turkishtankcrews. widely seen as the start of Instead, the fall of a com- Tehran to the Mediterra- have been aimed at map- tionalities he’s going to be Nearlyhalfamillionpeo- the uprising. Three days mon enemy has reignited nean Sea — and Israel’s pingoutareasofinfluence. passingtoreachthere?” plehavebeenkilledinSyria later,securityforcesopened olderrivalries. doorstep. “I don’t even see Syria Ashortlistwouldinclude since Arab Spring protests fire on a protest in Daraa, Syria has redeployed its Syrians say their own anymore,” said Zaina Er- the remnants of Syria’s eruptedin2011,aftersecu- killing four people. The elite forces to the eastern country has become an haim, a Syrian journalist Western-backed opposi- rityforcesarrestedagroup protests spread across the Ghouta suburbs of Damas- afterthought. wholeftthecountryin2016 tion, Lebanon’s Hezbollah of teenagers who scrawled country. cus, where they hope to “Syria has been swal- and now lives in London. andotherIran-backedShi- anti-Assadgraffitionawall Around5millionSyrians eliminatethelastrebelbas- lowed up,” said novelist “It’scalledSyriaonthemap. itefightersfromasfaraway in the southern city of havefledthecountry. tion on the edge of the DimaWannous. U.S., France, Germany join Video shows deputy did not U.K., decry Russian ‘assault’ enter school during rampage ByJillLawlessand ByTerrySpencer VladimirIsachenkov AssociatedPress AssociatedPress FORT LAUDERDALE, LONDON—TheUnited Fla.—Securityvideoshows States, France and Ger- a Florida sheriff’s deputy many joined Britain on go toward the high school Thursday in condemning building while a gunman Russiaforthenerve-agent massacred17studentsand poisoning of a former spy, staff members, but he callingitan“assaultonU.K. stayed outside with his sovereignty,” as the Krem- handgundrawn. lin vowed to expel British The Broward County diplomatssooninresponse Sheriff’sOfficereleasedthe toLondon’smovesagainst video Thursday showing Moscow. DeputyScotPeterson’sac- Britain says blame for tions during the Feb. 14 the poisoning of Sergei DANIELLEAL-OLIVAS/GETTY-AFP shooting.Itshowshimand BROWARDCOUNTYSHERIFF'SOFFICE Skripalandhisdaughterin U.K.’sTheresaMaywillexpel23Russiandiplomatsand a staff member rushing ThisscreengrabshowsdeputyScotPeterson,right,out- theEnglishcityofSalisbury hastakenotheractionoverthepoisoningofanex-spy. toward the building in a sideMarjoryStonemanDouglasHighinParkland,Fla. restswiththeRussianstate. cart. He pulls his weapon Prime Minister Theresa presidentialelection. teria.” and takes up a position gation.Videoofwhathap- bleeding. He is upstairs May responded by expel- The four-nation state- British Defense Secre- outsidethebuilding. pened inside the school now.” ling 23 Russian diplomats, mentisthefruitofBritish taryGavinWilliamsonsaid During much of the wasnotreleased. A teacher from room severing high-level con- efforts to enlist interna- Russiashould“goawayand shooting,thecamera’sview NikolasCruz,19,faces34 1216alsocalledforhelpand tacts with Moscow and tionalsupportasittriesto shutup.” ofPetersonisblockedbya murder and attempted toldthe911operatorthata vowing to take both open holdRussiaaccountablefor Maj. Gen. Igor lightpolebutpartsofhim murder charges in the at- studenthadbeenhitinthe and covert actions against theMarch4attackthatleft Konashenkov,aspokesman occasionallyappear.Hene- tackandajudgeentereda chest, and wasn’t breath- Russian dirty money and the former Russian agent for the Russian Defense vergoesinside. plea of not guilty on his ing. “He’s twitching. “hostilestateactivity.” andhisdaughterincritical Ministry, shot back that Sheriff Scott Israel behalf Wednesday as stu- There’sbloodallover,”she Russian Foreign Min- condition and a British Williamson’scommentsre- blastedPetersoneightdays dents across the nation said. ister Sergey Lavrov said policeofficerseriouslyill. flecteda“highdegreeofhis after the shooting, saying walked out of school to The radio recordings Moscowwould“certainly” Russia denies being the intellectual impotence,” Peterson, 54, should have protestgunviolence. showed that the Coral expel some British di- source of the nerve agent adding: “The boorish lan- “went in, addressed the His attorney, Assistant Springs officers were the plomatssooninretaliation. that poisoned the Skripals guage is apparently the killer,killedthekiller.” Public Defender Melisa first to enter the building Inararejointstatement, andhasdemandedBritain onlythingleftintheBritish The deputy retired McNeill, reiterated that after confirming that May and U.S. President sharesamplescollectedby militaryarsenal.” rather than accept a sus- Cruzwouldpleadguiltyif Broward County Sheriff’s Donald Trump, French investigators. Britain says British Foreign Secre- pension.Heisbeinginves- prosecutors waived the Office deputies had not PresidentEmmanuelMac- thepoisonusedwasNovi- tary Boris Johnson said tigated by internal affairs. death penalty, which they gone in. As they cleared ron and German Chancel- chok,aclassofnerveagent RussiatargetedSkripal—a Peterson has denied refusedtodo. eachofthebuilding’sthree lor Angela Merkel said developed by the Soviet former Russian intelli- wrongdoing. While Cruz sat in the floors, the officers de- “thereisnoplausiblealter- Union toward the end of gence officer convicted of In a statement issued courtroom,moredetailsof scribedseeingshellcasings nativeexplanation”toRus- theColdWar. spying for Britain — to throughhislawyershortly the shooting emerged as on the floor and bullet sian responsibility for the DeputyForeignMinister make it clear that those afterhisretirement,hesaid the Coral Springs Police holesinthewindows.They poisoning. “This use of a SergeiRyabkovsaidRussia whodefytheRussianstate hethoughttheshotswere Department released re- warned that the suspect military-gradenerveagent, had halted all chemical deserveto“chokeontheir being fired from outside cordings of 911 calls and may have changed clothes of a type developed by weapons research after own30piecesofsilver.” the school. The video re- policeradiotraffic. aftertheyreportedfinding Russia,constitutesthefirst joining the Chemical “Thereasonthey’vecho- leased Thursday did not In the recordings, stu- a camouflaged jacket, ski offensive use of a nerve Weapons Convention that sen this nerve agent is to havesound. dentsanddispatcherswere maskandbackpackonthe agent in Europe since the cameintoforcein1997and showthatit’sRussia,andto But in radio transmis- uncertainabouttheshoot- firstfloor. Second World War,” the completed the destruction showpeopleintheiragen- sions released last week it er’s location and how to On the third floor, offi- leaders said, calling it “an ofitsstockpileslastyear. cies who might think of appearsthe32-yearveteran hidefromhim.Somewere cers said they found an assault on U.K. sover- The poisoning has defecting or of supporting deputy knew almost im- frightened the gunman AR-15withamagazinestill eignty” and “a breach of sparked a war of words another way of life, of mediately they were com- wouldreturntotheirloca- attached. internationallaw.” from senior politicians in believing in an alternative ing from inside the fresh- tion when asked if they The officers found Trump, who has often London and Moscow, in- set of values, that Russia manbuilding. couldperformCPRonthe woundedvictimsandbod- been reluctant to criticize creasing tensions between willtakerevenge,”Johnson The sheriff’s office said wounded. ies, and they prioritized RussianPresidentVladimir thetwocountries. toldtheBBC. inastatement,“Thevideo “Please, please, please, evacuating the wounded Putin, said it “certainly Lavrov said Britain’s Britishmeasuresagainst speaksforitself.” therearepeoplehere.They before allowing other stu- looks like the Russians “boorish and unfounded” Russia included scrapping A Florida judge earlier are bleeding. They are all dentsandteacherstoleave. werebehindit.” accusations against Russia aninvitationforLavrovto thisweekagreedwithnews goingtodie,”ateenagegirl On the third floor, they Trump spoke to report- were intended to distract visitandwithdrawingU.K. outlets that the video callingfromclassroom1216 shatteredwindowsinsome ers at the White House public attention from the ministers and royals from shouldbereleased. said through tears and lockedclassroomsbecause afterhisadministrationan- troubled path toward thesoccerWorldCupthis Police and school offi- heavybreathing.“There’sa terrified students would nouncednewsanctionson Brexit. He accused Britain summer in Russia — al- cials had resisted the re- lotofpeoplearoundusthat notopendoors. Russianentitiesforalleged of fanning “anti-Russian though England will still lease, saying it was evi- areinjured,peoplethatare Cruzwasarrestedafew meddling in the 2016 U.S. rhetoricborderingonhys- compete. dence in an active investi- injured, people that are blocksaway. FDA begins push to cut addictive nicotine in cigarettes ByMatthewPerrone cally cutting nicotine from FDA estimates the U.S. ment with cigarettes from oftenemphasizingthelong, AssociatedPress cigarettes,byasmuchas80 smoking rate could fall as makingthedeadlyprogres- complicated nature of cre- percent. lowas1.4percentby2060, sion from experimentation atingnewregulations. WASHINGTON — Fed- Currently, there are no downfromthe15percentof to addiction,” said Mitch “Altria has already been eralhealthofficialstookthe limits on nicotine, which adultswhosmokenow.The Zeller,theheadoftheFDA’s preparing for any reason- firststepThursdaytoslash occursnaturallyintobacco agency also calculates that tobaccocenter. ablepotentialstandard,and levels of addictive nicotine plants.Underlaw,theFDA about5millionmorepeople Theagencyisfirstseek- we plan to participate in in cigarettes, an unprece- can regulate nicotine al- would quit cigarettes ing comment on a number every step of this process,” dented move designed to thoughitcannotremoveit within one year of imple- of issues, including poten- saidAltria,parentcompany helpsmokersquitandpre- completely. mentinglimits. tial unintended conse- of Philip Morris USA, in a vent future generations The FDA’s powers to The greatest impact, quences. statement. fromgettinghooked. policethetobaccoindustry though, would come from FDA’s regulatory efforts Tobaccoindustryanalyst The Food and Drug Ad- are unique worldwide and preventing young people have been hampered for BonnieHerzogestimatesit JOEKLAMAR/GETTY-AFP ministration floated the theattempttorestrictnico- from ever becoming ad- yearsbylegalchallengesby will be 4 to 5 years before TheFDAproposesreducing proposal last summer, but tinewouldrepresentafirst dicted,theysaid. BigTobaccocompanies. the FDA puts in place any theamountofnicotinein provided new details in a in global efforts to reduce Limiting nicotine “could Cigarette makers gener- changes, due to “the sheer cigarettesbyasmuchas80 government filing on the smoking-relateddeaths. help keep future genera- allyhavevowedtotakepart complexities and risks in- percent. potential impact of drasti- Under one scenario, the tions of kids who experi- inthenicotinediscussions, volved.”