state of Washingion House of Represomtatves January 7, 2013 ‘Sharon Poster, Board Chair quar Control Board 3000 Pacifie Avene Mailstop 42076 Olympia, WA 04 Ms. Faster: AAs the Chairmen ofthe three legislative committees tasked with the aversigh! o the Liquor Control Round and the vollestion and distribution of sta revenue, we are writing to express our belie that it is vital for the staff and leadership of the Liquor Control Bowed (.C3) to work in a more coordinaled fashion with the Legislature on ianplementing Initiative 502, Tt there be no ‘doubc that we are comnmitted in enacting the will of te citizens of Washington as expressed in their support of 1-502, However, there ore many unresolved questions regarding the Zederd government and marjjuina’s coutinved listing as 2 Schedule 1 cuntalled substance, trxalion policy, impacts on Tocal governments, LCB appropriations for inyplementation and other public poliey considerations such as the mle ofthe 1.CB itself “While members of the Executive and Legislative branches of our siste government ar in active discussions with various represcutaives of the federal government, there bass heen no deeixion fiom the LS. Department of Justice on whether iL will exempt Washington state officials and ‘employees from prosecution fir enacting a regulatory regime aversecing the production, processing and distribution of marijuana for recreational «se. 11 ia inappropriate, in cr view For The L.CB te assume this agrecrent exists Of specific concem W us isthe aggressive timeline being pursued by the Liquor Control Beard in jgguing licenses to prodttoers wf mmrjuana, At hroad love) his is an umpretedented step in United States history and coukd Jead to significant state resources being wasted on am effort thal ‘could ultimatsly he sbuc down due to the institution of legal procosdings hy the Federal tgoveraniont, We believe that there are ultemate paths towards inyplementing hath the ftir and pint of compliance with I-52, informed by the behavioe of the eral government towards ‘odieal murljuana, thst provide firmer legal protcetion forthe Stat, its cmpleyees and its Finally, we are aware of the (CB's comments atthe November Stale Government Committoe included the disclosure thal Use LCB is considering diverting $5.5 rellion doiars trom other purposes la fund thesc new operations. incliing marijuana producer licensing und the hiring of HO now perscninc] and consultants, We strongly urge the Liquer Coatroi Boer not fo engye in any such diversion of existing funds for macijuena Ticensing without farther discussion. Giver. the paucity of hands availabe, the question of mavijuans resnaining » Schedule T Counoltal ‘Suivvange wider federal kaw aid a lack clu reasonable Jevel of assamnce thal fatoce seven ‘teas wil stfy such expenditures, we befieve delaying suz diversion of lids to be the sack prindom, nurse of aetion, In Hight of those beoad ranging marters, we requen thas the | iquor Consol Board meet ith Us immedianly to dincuss wayo 0 chanye their approach Lowards inyilementation af this “anpatalleled {Tar to ensure that precious ste resources ate not wasted and has ave our vakunble Sule employees not bo cxpowed to aay erimal Buby. We look Torward to ect with you: Sincerely, Lie 2 Rep. Chuistophir Hurt Chair, Govesrment Accoustibilily and Oversight Comunities CWeudte Cody Rep, Reuven Calle Chie, Hance Commitioe a Rep, Ross Hunter Chai, Apptopsiarions Committee CC Governor Gregoire Governor Hlect luslea