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Wood remains from Andean Argentina: The use of Prosopis sp. L. in hut construction PDF

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Preview Wood remains from Andean Argentina: The use of Prosopis sp. L. in hut construction

Ethnobiology /Summer Spring 2003 WOOD REMAINS FROM ANDEAN ARGENTINA: THE USE OF HUT CONSTRUCTION SE IN Prosopis L. AYLEN NORA CAPPARELLI/ ZAGORODNX^ BARBARA and BALE ^Departamento Museo Cieiitifico de Arqiieologia, de Ciencias Naturales de La Paseo del Bosque s/n, (1900), La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina barcap@zvai/.com.ar 'Laboratorio de Andlisis Cerdmico, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Un Nacional de La Paseo Bosque La Plata, del s/n(1900), Plata, Buenos Argentina Aires, norazam@waiLcomMK [email protected],ar — A ABSTRACT. wooden desiccated fragmented post, part of the structure of a hut, from the archaeological site of Carrizal de Azampay, Department of Helen, Province of Catamarca, Argentina, was identified and interpreted. The material was broken manually and for the analysis. Transverse, radial, tangential sections were examined with a stereoscopic and incident light microscope and SEM. The DC E remains were identified as either Prosopis flexuosa or chilensis (Mol.) L. common Stuntz, both of which are species in the study area. This paper confirms and the prehistoric use of this genus in construction analyzes the function of the changes post as a part of the hut structure. In addition, recent in the utilization both and of cultivated native tree species are discussed. Key Andean wood, words: region, Argentina, archaeological Prosopis. — RESUMEN. de EI presente trabajo se basa en la identificacion e interpretaci6n un de poste de madera, fragmentado y desecado, perteneciente a la estructura Azampay una vivienda, procedente del arqueologico Carrizal de localizado sitio ma- en actual Departamento de Belen, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina, El el examinaron fue fracturado manualmente en laboratorio. Se las secciones terial mismo con Micros- transversal, longitudinal tangencial y longitudinal radial del copio Estereoscopico, de Luz hicidente y Electronico de Barrido. Los fragmentos DC fueron como o bien Prosopis chilensis (Mol.) L. identificados Prosopis flexuosa Stuntz, especies comunes en area de estudio. El trabajo confirma el uso pre- el historico de Prosopis como recurso maderero y analiza la funcion del poste dentro de estructura de vivienda. Asimismo se discuten, a partir de observaciones la la modernos de cambio en modo de uso de este recurso a procesos etnograficas, el partir de incorporacion de especies cultivadas. la RESUME.—Ce un fragment desseche rapport analyse interprete et archeologique de Carrizal venant de structure d'une hutte et trouvd sur le site la Argentine Les mor- de Catamarca, de Azampay, departement de Belen, province hnW rppinv Ha nni Ptp bribes a la main nour Tanalvse. Les sections transversales. exammees Nous avan^ons deux balayage ^l^ctronique a reoscopique, a lumi&re incidente, et du ou bien Prosopis hypotheses pour ridentificahon de I'esp^ce de bois: s'agit il P Ces deux espdces d'arbres du Stuntz. DC. ou bien chilensis (Mol.) L. flexuosa communes CAPPARELLI 144 Vol. No. et al. 23, 1 genre changements rutilisation d'especes d'arbres cultiv^es et indigenes. INTRODUCTION wood The interpretation of remains from archaeological important for sites is understanding and plant-human past plant uses evolutionary processes (see Smart and Hoffman 1988), as well as for understanding mechanisms of prehistoric wood deforestation (Willcox In Argentina, studies of archaeological are 1974). Heyne rare; however, they are increasing (see for example Garibotti 1998; 1992; Rodriguez Roig and Barcena 2000; 1997). The main work and goal of this the identification interpretation of a frag- is mented wooden from de Azam- desiccated post the archaeological of Carrizal site pay (27''19' south latitude and 67°02' west longitude) and the discussion of the woody changes from some resulting the introduction of exotic species in the area. — Azampay Regional Setting. The site of Carrizal de located a few kilometers is modern from the village of Azampay, in the Department of Belen, Province of m Catamarca, Argentina, at an elevation of 2000 The region semiarid and asl. is mean the climate subtropical. The annual temperature 18°C, with a range be- is mm, tween about 9° and 25°C. The average annual precipitation about 300 with is summer mainly rainfall occurring in Phytogeographically, the area belongs to the Monte Chaqueno main Province, Domain, Neotropical Region (Morlans 1985). TTie communities shrub steppes are: 1) of Larrea cuneifolia Am & kendantzii Hieron. ex Griseb. and Senna (Hieron.) H. Irwin Barneby, rigida S. among others, on alluvial terraces and coUuvial piedmonts found up to an ap- m proximate 2200 open elevation of asl; 2) isolated stretches of forests of Prosopis flexuosa, Prosopis chilensis and Bulnesia retama (G. ex H) Griseb. along riverbanks m and and wetter areas; grasslands above 2200 3) asl. From no Unfortunately, there paleoclimatic record available for this area. is Mercer had that three glacial advances occurred c which spanned The 5000 the years. last 5 id 4200 B.R, the second, between 2700 and 2000 and the third one, the B.P. ze Age, over the last three centuries. important to note that such neo- It is fluctuation has been confirmed elsewhere Andes and northern in the in the hemisphere (Schubert from same climatic fluctuati( graphic variation (such community and nt to climate changes, or variations in the intensity Monte the climate event. Therefore, difficult to hypothesize about it is fluctuation from these data. However, the authors agree with DAxitoni warm has proposed Gruta Mendoza, 3 for the del Indio, Province of a and dry Spring/Summer JOURNAL 2003 OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 145 Azampa de Carrizal Speedy Surveying Brunton Compass 1999 Wynvcit and Dohut F. i,. — FIGURE Geographical and plan de Azampay showing 1. location of the site at Carrizal the location of the post remains. During Monte would this period the Phytogeographic Province have reached its maximum size. Then^ between the years 3000 and 2000 B.P, the climate became cold and Monte wet, causing the spatial reduction of the to present distribution. its The human climate after 2000 B.R became similar to that of the present day, and activities began to have an impact on the landscape. — The and Ongoing being Site Archaeological Context, archaeological research is tlte km Azampay carried out at two closely related sites 3 apart, Carrizal de and Loma de los Antiguos. Carrizal de Azampay, in particular, has three habitation areas piedmont Quebrada vertically distributed along the south-facing of the El Carrizal. Ancient are associated with each of these artificial cultivation terraces areas. It is thought that this settlement pattern supported extended families of farmers of the Belen culture during the Regional Developing Period (A.D. 1000- and Zagorodny Sempe Zagorodny and 1500) (Balesta 1999:271; 1999:250; Balesta 2000). communal Habitation Area has two rectangular rooms (Rl and R2) and a 1 stone for grinding (R3) (Figure Radiocarbon dating of charcoal from Rl has 1). ± B.R— range from A.D. yielded a date of 310 60 '^C years Icr calibrated date 1487 to 1657. Based on the recovered archaeological remains, however, especially the ceramics, it is thought that A.D. 1487 is the date that best fits this site. - CAPPARELLI No. 146 et al. Vol. 23, 1 R2 directed by Dr. M. C. Sempe in 1981. The non-fragmented portion of the post was — cm cm room cm and sunk 35 long in 20 above the occupation floor of the 15 all vertically into the occupation floor. The occupation floor was encountered at a modem cm depth ranging between 70 and 90 under the surface. The post was in a standing position directly on the bedrock of the supported by two large hill, m m was from room, granite stones. located 4.20 the southern wall of the 2.85 It m m from the northern, 2.4 from the western and 2.0 from the eastern. Since many fragments of the post were found longitudinally spread along a tw^o-meter line away from base to the southwest (see Figure at the same depth of the its 1) — — down occupation seems that the post during or a few years after floor, fell it occupation, and that gradually decayed over the past 500 years. This post, it m estimated to have been at least 2.35 long, is thought by Zagorodny and Balesta have supported (2000) to the roof. — Azampay Although and surrounding Use Construction in Traditional Resources. of nowadays commonly used areas the exotic genus Populus sp. L. {alamo, poplar) is — — for house construction specifically for roof trusses and beams the native spe- cies most frequently used are similar to those recorded at the nearby village of R by and and El Shincal Capparelli Raffino (1997): Prosopis chilensis flexuosa {el O'Don. drbol), Ziiccagnia punctata Cav. (pupo), Porlieria microplnjlla (Baill.) Desc. et. and Lourt. {chucupi), Lithraea molleoides (Veil.) Engl, {molle cordoba) Acacia visco Lor. Ap Gris. was expected that the post analyzed here would belong to one {vised). It of these taxa. Today, traditional houses are constructed in one of two ways. Adobe or stone may walls be built and the roof then supported by them. The roof is first, is which beams, generally single pitch, constructed in successive layers as follows: 1) made and could be from tree or cactus trunks, 2) twigs or canes, grass, 4) a 3) mud made beaten surface from and water. The second type of house involves wooden by means and beams Figure erecting a structure built of posts (see first, made 2a). This structure supports the roof. Finally, the walls of adobe, stones or and d twigs Figure are built (see 2b, respectively). c, AND MATERIALS METHODS The intact portion of the post and the dispersed fragments were recovered manually and were De- stored for twenty years at the Archaeological Scientific Museum partment La was of the of Plata. evident that even before excavation It the post had begun to decay, as seen by intrusive roots in vessels and evidence humid La of fungal attack. After being stored for twenty years in the city of Plata, had become when The the post highly fragmented and crumbling cut. labile, weight of the sample was 177 of which 120 g correspond to fragments larger g, X X cm cm x cm X cm than 1 1 3 (one 4.5 wide 3.5 thick 7 long; twelve about 1X1X3 X X X X 3 2 4 cm; twelve about 4 cm; about cm) (see 1.5 1.5 thirty number Figure 3a), while the other 57 g correspond to a great of minute frag- ments. Three and planes (transverse, radial, tangential) of the best preserved frag- Spring/Summer 2003 JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 147 FIGURE Hualfin 2. be observed twig merits were obtained by manual The fragments were examined fracture. initially under a stereoscopic microscope (Iroscope Mod. M2-14T No. 962329), and for more One detail a reflected light microscope (Union ME-3206) was used. fragment was SEM SEM prepared JSM specimen was for examination in a TIOO. This Joel mounted Wood on metal stubs with synthetic cement, and then coated with gold. 35X features were photographed ranging from 5000 magnifications to X, ac- at cording amount and to the of structural detail required. Quantitative qualitative 'lAWA features were described using the List of Microscope Features for Hard- wood Identification'' (lAWA 1989). The quantitative values represent an average of 25 measures, except vessels/mm^ and rays/mm^ that represent an average of maximum mean and 5 microscope 4 X. In cases the followed of fields at all is minimum between values parentheses. The number of annual rines of the most AppL methodology proposed by external following the ring, modem wood was compared with Finally, ardhaeological Voucher Scientific I Museum from treatment CAPPARELLI No. Vol. 148 et 23, 1 al. — FIGURE 3. General aspect of the best preserved fragments recovered; transverse a) b) fragment where annual section of the largest rings are evident; transverse section dia- c) gram showing the 13 annual rings counted. RESULTS — Identification. Prosopis sp. (Section Algarobia, Serie Chilenses). Due to geograph- ical distribution of tree species of this genus, it is thought that the post could DC made have been from either Prosopis flexuosa or (MoL) P. chilensis Stuntz. (Herbarium lens of the Department Scientific Museum cular Plants of the — Wood anatomic Reference Literature. descriptions of these species were published by Cozzo and Castro (1951) (1994). — Due Wood Description. to the fragmentation and poor preserv^ation of the material was impossible to decide whether or not had had some it it processing before use, such as the sharpening of one of the ends for burying or the removal of its The was bark. diameter of the original trunk estimated have been to equal or to number larger than 19 cm. The of annual rings of the largest fragment was 13 wood (Figure 3b and The color of the was brown. c). Growth Transverse section (Figure 4a). ring boimdaries Wood semi- distinct. ring-porous. Vessels mostly solitary (64%) and in radial multiples two of (20%), Spring/Summer JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 2003 149 commonly more frequent wood. in early Vessels in radial multiples of three or 8% four scarce (4% and and more respectively) frequent wood. in late Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 87 (29-194 and density 35 vessels/mm^ (32-44 jx), )jl vessels/mm^). Thin- to thick-walled polygonal outline fibers (lumina/ double wall = thickness Diameter lumina Mean 2.4 of fiber 8.2 (4.2-12.7 fiber jx fjL). : fi). 5.1-364.1 Axial parenchyma abundant, confluent paratracheal IX). /mm 30 to 54 cells wide). Straight rays with a frequency of 6 rays /mm (5-6 rays common and ray width 42.3 (16.3-88.4 Ray height 24 cells (8-50 cells) and 265.8 )jl |jl). |jl (119-460.6 Aggregate rays present occasionally. Vessels extending vertically or jjl). Mean partially sinuous. vessel element length 140 (96.6-185.3 Simple fiber |x fx). Fusiform parenchyma pits. cells present as well as 2 or 3 cells per parenchyma chambered parenchyma One strand. Prismatic crystals in axial crystal per cells. chamber Radial section (Figure All ray procumbent. Simple perforation 4c). cells plates, oblique narrower and in vessels horizontal in larger vessels. Alternate intervessel and pits. Size of pits 5 (3-6 Vestured pits vessel wall (Figure 4d). |x |x). Figure 5a-d shows and views Finally, transverse, tangential radial of Prosopis flexuosa and a detail of the vessel inner wall for reference, and Figure 5e-h shows same the sections for Prosopis chilmsis. AND CONCLUSIONS DISCUSSION As pods and described by Pochettino several findings of seeds of (1985:206), from northwestern Argentina have demonstrated Prosopis archaeological of sites from that this genus has been an important food resource 4000 B.P. to the present, even where was main subsistence However, the in cases agriculture the activity. wood literature mentioning the importance of Prosopis as a construction resource made example compilation by Raffino 1990:172- in the past sparse the (see for is wooden The work use resource 174). present not only confirms past as a for its genus study structures, but also allows us to infer the past presence of this in the communities, area. According to the present-day distribution of plant Prosopis communities narrow could have been from riverbank of val- the collected either La from open surrounding the village of leys adjacent to the or the forests site km Cienaga, from de Azampay. 10 Carrizal Modem growth and age-size relationships of Pro- studies of tree rings, rates sopis flexuosa in central-west Argentina (Martijena et al. 1988; Perpifial et al. 1995; Villagra et 2002) allow us to calculate the values of different related variables, al. an and commercial value of individual such as diameter of the trunk, age, height, cm would example, The estimated age an individual of 19 diameter be, for tree. for 40 while height would be approximately 4.8 m. Unfortunately, micro- years, its growth genus. There- and rates of this regional climatic ecological features affect On data from other regions might not be valid. the other extrapolation of fore, show open hand, data coming from the nearby village of El Shincal that in forests P 5-7 m, while both and P can reach a height of chilcnsis Prosopis flexuosa diilensis away from and the frequent further of the closed-canopy riverbank forests (less CAPPARELLI No. 150 et Vol. 23, 1 al. ^ . *' _ -,^ _r_,TVj" ^..^ff? *_—-^e ir ii i^i:: ._jj .A^ T -^J -El* liwrnj* 9 ( ^J V*i 1 - ^— fS Ill I i * — FIGURE 4. Archaeological Prosopis sp. (SEM): a) transverse section (TS) showing the bor- wood wood der of an annual ring (arrow), early (te) and late semi-ring porosity, axial (ta), parenchyma and paratracheal confluent to bands, deposits in vessels; b) tangential longi- showing and tudinal section (TLS) uni- to multiseriate rays crystals (arrow); radial lon- c) showing procumbent gitudinal section (RLS) all cells in rays; d) detail of the vestured layer and of the inner vessel wall pits. Scale (white bars): a-c, 200 d, 5 \i; \i. site than the open forest) reaches a height of 9-10 m. The most useful len m, because main posts of this species is 2 to 3 at this height the trunk i two more branches into or limbs. Posts are usually cut so that a short lei the branched end remains, to better support the beam. In addition, Proso^ wood hard and durable (even under water) due high to tannin content its ( known modem These advantages are well and 1994:13). to local people, known were also to inhabitants in the past. where was from Judging the location recovered, the post seems it t A been one of the supports of a longitudinal beam. second post may hav charcoal unfortunately Sempe not recovered during excavation (see Figure not known which 1). It is beams. might have been or however, 7-m It difficult, to find a Spring /Summer JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 2003 151 \W 1 .>^:- ;c .% .•'^- ^t'.V i ) « s » * *. \\ ft ^'.' - i * . * . fl-b 4 k f.. -^ L DC Stiintz ncuRE fkxwsa Prosovis i-d) RLS. TLS showing crystals (arrow); c) 5; b) TLS; RLS; h) detail of the vestui TS; e) f) g) I; and 200 d and 5 e-g, jx. \\, |jl; CAPPARELLI No. al Vol. 152 et 23, 1 two trunk for sparming the entire length of the room, but beam. The served as a central cm was which in the post set (15 indicate would downward was by otherwise the post held in place vertical pressure; it room have down. not clear what happened to the roof of this after its fallen It is abandonment. might have been blown by the strong winds characteristic of off It — wind Ocean the area mainly the Zonda, a originating in the Pacific that dis- (When Zonda charges humidity on the west side of the Andes. the goes all its down Andes and comes northwest Argentina, becomes the east side of the to it dry and warm, and blows along the valleys in north-south direction at any time maximum mean The of the year, but especially in spring. velocity registered for km/h Zonda 1951- the 28 [Servdcio Meteorologico Nacional 1969, data collected is no 1960]). The post appears to have been fractured at the floor level. There is was evidence intentionally broken, so thought that insect or rodent attack is it it example, by Ctenomys in combination with water erosion on the ancient (for sp.)/ surface, could have caused the fracture. why Another question that arises from this work people of this site used is and Prosopis for posts not other species, such as Bulnesia retama, Lithraea moUeoides or Acacia visco. Possible answers are that while both B. retama and Lithraea are as hard as Prosopis, the former is a very short tree and the latter is likely to have grown much away from and far this A. visco softer than the others less site. is than moist rot-resistant Prosopis in conditions. There have been changes in the long-term pattern of the management of con- struction resources associated with the introduction of exotic species in Argentina Many during the period A.D. 1800-1900. of them seem to be substitutions rather than changes in construction methods. For example, the exotic dlamo {PopuJus sp.) much replaced native trees for roof beams. Populus has softer and less durable wood than and today generally employed making matches pack- Prosopis, for or is ing boxes (FAO 1980). In Argentina the second most important cultivated it is and between tree, Pinus sp, Eucalyptus sp. (Politzer 1987). Despite the fact that in Catamarca Populus is widely used as a field and border tree along irrigation ca- planting processing in sawmills minimal (IFONA thought nals, its for is 1985). It is that the modern uses of Populus could have been expanded because easy to is it grow from grafting twigs and can be planted in small plots. Technological factors also favor cultivation; is straight, long and easy to work compared with the its it hard Europe, throughout wood Prosopis, In prehistory, Populus needs of satisfied wood with (FAO farmers regions scarce resources in 1980). Similar cases of sub- have been obser\^ed by Johanessen and Hastorf Mantaro stitution (1990) in the Valley. In this case cultivated Eucalyptus sp. replaced cultivated indigenous trees fuel for The decrease in Prosopis use could be also related to a diminution in the availability of this tj^e of wood. Although there seems to be a decline in the use raw modem of native forests for material for sawmills (Politzer use of 1987), wood and Prosopis for fuel, charcoal, posts well documented Catamarca is for QFONA The 1985). use of Prosovis could reduce the nativp fnrpcfc ^ r^rnWpm

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